




而且毕业论文正文一般包括三大部分:绪论、本论和结论。 结论是论文全文的总结,总体的结论,是全篇论文中分析、论证的问题综合性概括,是论文的精华所在。一般的毕业论文字数一般不低于3000字,过万的字数也是正常的。




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书中的故事主要以不同的方式表现了印度次大陆的问题。然而,作者使用的文学传统从麻烦,西方和印度传统。小说主要是针对儿童的,尽管它包含了社会各阶层的信息和意义。拥有不同经历的读者也可以与之产生共鸣(Percec, 2016)。它可以被称为儿童经典的原因之一是它提供的故事与幻想,魔术是孩子们喜欢的。这本书包含了萨尔曼·拉什迪在个人生活中所面临的许多严重后果和现实生活。

有各种各样的例子,这些书是儿童的经典和幻想,是为孩子们准备的,但他们包含了不愉快事件的阴影,从作者的生活。例如,贝娅特丽克丝·波特在她的作品中所描绘的许多逃跑的动物,主要来自于她自己压抑的维多利亚时代父母所造成的幽闭恐怖的家庭环境(Lurie, 1999)。尽管如此,她的书仍被认为是儿童的经典之作。另一个例子可能是巴里的彼得·潘,他永远不能成熟,经常偷别人的孩子做他的玩伴。另一个例子是E.B. White,他创造了传奇人物“Stuart little”。在他的童年和成年期间,他被描述为像一只老鼠。因此,他带来了一只老鼠作为他的性格,在人类家庭出生。因此,一些伟大作家生活中的负面经历鼓励他们写出伟大的儿童经典(Lurie, 1999)。

The book by Salman Rushdie can be considered as the children’s classic because of various reasons. The story is focused on the father-son relationship and also provides various elements of a true classic, such as magic and realism, identity and politics and many other elements. In terms of genre, it can be said that Rushdie wrote the book that children can enjoy and adults can understand. The main backdrop of the book is to describe the relationship between the father and the son. According to the analysis of Percec (2016), Haroun and Rashid can be considered as the two sides of one person, which has resulted in creating the unusual dynamics between the father and the son. Rushdie has used this approach mainly to present an allegory to the various societal problems that exist in the current society.

The stories in the book mainly represent the problems of the Indian subcontinent in various ways. However, the author has used the literary traditions from bother, Western as well as Indian traditions. The novel is mainly intended for the children, despite of the fact that it contains information and meanings for various levels of the society. The readers with varied experiences can also relate with it (Percec, 2016). One of the reason that it can be called as children’s classic is that it offers the stories with fantasy, magic that is loved by children. The book contains the many serious consequences and realties of the life that Salman Rushdie has faced in his personal life.

There are various examples of the books that have been the children’s classic and fantasies that were prepared for the children, yet they contain the shadow of the unhappy events from the lives of the authors. For instance, many of the animals escapes portrayed by Beatrix Potter in her work, were mainly from the claustrophobic domestic environments because of her own repressive Victorian parents (Lurie, 1999). Still, her books are considered to be the children’s classic. Another example could be of the Barrie’s Peter Pan, who could never attain maturity and used to steal other people’s children to be his playmates. Another example is of E.B. White, who created the legendary character of “Stuart little”. During his childhood and even as the adult he was describes as being resembled to a mouse. Therefore, he brought a mouse as his character that was born in the human family. Therefore, some of the negative experiences of the life of great authors have encouraged them to write great children’s classics (Lurie, 1999).






在深入探究Vissarion的邪教细节之前,我们必须了解后苏联分裂宗教的重要性。据说,《最后的遗嘱》教会为生活中困难的问题提供了答案,并列出了维萨里翁希望他的追随者如何生活的一些特征。显然,一些人认为这种邪教有潜在的危险,主要是因为它要求女性“和男性一起行动”的方式。这个邪教信仰外星人;认同自我毁灭,相信世界末日。追随者和游客应该避免吸烟,喝酒和吃肉。从社会的角度来看,他的追随者相信他,而不质疑他的厌恶女性的偏见(Goldwag, 2009)。

这部纪录片围绕着主持人在Petropavlovka的经历,并解释了这个邪教追随者的社会行为。这位老师在接受主持人的独家采访时,回答了主持人的提问,语气含糊不清,但仍在暗示,这个小小的定居点确实是某种异教隔离。为了解释这种宗教是如何真正发挥作用的,这一部分旨在回答一些好奇的问题,自然产生的看完这个视频。顺便说一句,你可能会提到1973年的电影《柳条人》(The Wicker man),这部电影与维萨里翁的邪教作品有着不可思议的相似之处。

My targeted media is a short documentary entitled ‘Jesus of Siberia’. Based on true facts, the host explains how an atheist Soviet union crumbled to give rise to smaller religious cults, Vissarion (the Teacher) being a by-product of the same. There are multiple variations or cults seeping out from one main religion, such as Christianity. In the dense Taiga forests of Siberia, a 29 year old Russian patrol officer, Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop claimed that God has sent him to save the world. His sudden revelation led to the birth of his version of the last testament, which claims to provide answers to life’s most difficult questions. Whether Vissarion’s approach to religion is in vogue with the outside world is questionable.

Before diving into the details of Vissarion’s cult, one must understand that post Soviet Union division religion started gaining much significance. The church of the Last Testament allegedly provides answers to life’s difficult questions and tabulates some characteristics of how Vissarion wants his followers to lead their lives. Obviously, some regard this cult as potentially dangerous principally because of the ways in which it dictates women to ‘behave with men’. The cult believes in aliens; approve self-annihilation and keeps faith in End of the World. Followers and visitors are expected to refrain from tobacco, alcohol and meat. From an social perspective, his followers believe in Him without questioning his misogynistic bias (Goldwag, 2009).

This documentary revolves around the host’s experience in Petropavlovka and explains the social behaviour of the followers of this cult. The teacher, in an exclusive interview with the host, answers his queries with ambiguity still suggesting that this small settlement is indeed some sort of pagan isolation. To explain how this religion really works out, this section aims to answer some curious queries naturally arising after watching this video. Incidentally, one might refer to a 1973 film ‘The Wicker man’ that shares some uncanny resemblance with how Vissarion’s cult works.



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The geographical discontinuities are referred as the structural discontinuities that are seen due to the natural phenomenon. With the excavations undertaken at the hillsides of any plain areas, the slope of the soil seems to be at an imbalanced position which clearly states the imbalance with forming the foliation, fracture, cleavage, crack and fissures etc. the properties of the discontinuity such as the orientation roughness infilling and the persistence are important for the bringing stability of the slope of the jointed rocks. The discontinuity seems to be occurred due to the development of the immense pressure, and the mechanical characteristics are illustrated to be lying at the discontinuity set. It enables the creation of the anisotropic rock mass or the soil that enhances the gap between the developments of the mechanical characteristics.
The orientation of a major geographical discontinuity is depicted to be relative by considering the engineering structures with o controlling the possibility for determining the unstable conditions (Yamawaki et al., 2016). The structure clearly shows the orientation of the discontinuity which must be defined by the help of the dip and the dip direction. The strike seems to be created at the right angles to the top, and thereby, the relationship can be appropriately explained by the helping relationship between the strike and the dip direction.
The above two figures simply illustrate the explanation regarding the possibility of the slope failure if the plane failure is at the low dip than the slope angle. The dip angle discontinuity is illustrated to be increasing, and the illustration can be easily shown by sub-parallel to the slope angle, and the relative slope seems to be becoming stable in nature (Bui et al., 2011). The discontinuity is shown to be further increasing in dip angle, and it enables to undergo the toppling failure.
A jointed rock is shown to be consisting of higher permeability and the reduction in the shear stress along the planes of the discontinuity is clearly increased with depicting the negligible tensile strength.


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本文是讲巴宝莉在营销上的创新,博柏利集团(Burberry group PLC)是高端奢侈品的领先制造商之一。他们专门销售户外服装、配饰、香水、女装、男装和童装。巴宝莉标志性的格子图案是该公司采用的独特风格。它最初成立于1856年,1955年被Great Universal stores PLC收购(Phan, Thomas and Heine, 2011)。公司得以维持和发展。2006年,安吉拉·阿伦茨从罗斯·布拉沃手中接管了公司。她为公司带来了许多创新的营销策略。本篇加拿大代写被抓文章由美国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Burberry group PLC is one of the leading manufacturers of high-end luxury goods. They specialize in selling outwear, accessories, fragrance, clothing for women, men and children. The iconic checkered or tartan pattern of Burberry is a distinctive style adopted by the company. It was originally founded in 1856 and was bought by Great Universal stores PLC in 1955 (Phan, Thomas and Heine, 2011). Company has managed to sustain and thrive. In 2006, Angela Ahrendts took over the company from Rose Bravo. She brought in a number of innovative marketing strategies of the company. During Angela Ahrendts a “Multi Dimensional strategy” was adopted in order to make sales. According to a 2013 report, the net asset value of Burberry was estimated to be 4.34 Billion (Johansson, 2014). In 2014 Christopher Bailey took over the company and has been presiding over the company as CEO (Ward, and Dahl, 2014). The thorough marketing and brand strategy made by Burberry is explained in detail in the following.
Burberry traditionally extend product life cycle by continuity products. By using the core objective of “Functional Luxury”, the company tries to extend the product life cycle of the brand (Ahrendts, 2013). Being a premium luxury brand, it is recommended to increase personal selling and reduce ads. There can be a few teaser ads that the company can use to create awareness of the products (Restuccia et al., 2015). It is important for the company to ensure that they maintain the current standards of exclusivity for the brand. Even though Macro environmental factors suggest that there are a number of new threats and competitors that enter the global markets (Sung et al., 2015). They can affect the selling of the products. But Burberry is more towards selling of a persona (Stark, 2011). Hence, it is recommended that the company should retain its current product life cycle methods.
Traditionally, it has been thought that the product life cycle follows a bell shape curve. This need not be the case. There can be increase in sales by changing key marketing strategies. Burberry is about selling the brand image. The company should focus on adding intangible value, celebrity endorsement to increase brand image. This would result in overall growth of the products.
To conclude, Burberry is a global market player. It has done a lot of innovative strategies in the past. This has enabled the company to sustain in the modern era. Nevertheless, by changing some of the key aspects discussed in this essay, it is expected that the company will grow manifold in the future.


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本文主要讲现代汽车公司的利润分析,现代汽车的盈利能力从2011年到2015年一直在下降。毛利率和营业利润率都有所下降,这意味着这一年的利润率有所下降(Holton, 2012)。公司的开支增加了,利润却减少了。销售收入也略有下降。从2011年到2015年,公司的资本使用回报率和股本回报率也有所下降。这些比率表明组织从投入资本中获得回报的能力下降了。在此期间,权益减少了,非流动负债增加了。然而,双龙汽车公司的利润率却显示出了公司的负面表现。在此期间,公司的销售收入和盈利能力有所下降。本篇加拿大论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The profitability ratios the profitability of Hyundai Motors has decreased from the year 2011 to 2015. The gross profit margin and operating margin has decreased which means the profit margin has decreased over the year (Holton, 2012). The expenses of the company have increased, and the profits have decreased. The sales revenue has also been decreased slightly. The return on capital employed and return on equity of the company has also been decreased from the year 2011 to 2015. The ratios show the ability of the organization has decreased to generate returns from the invested capital. The equity has decreased, and noncurrent liabilities have increased over the period. However, the profitability ratio of Ssangyong Motor company shows the negative performance of the company. The sales revenue and profitability of the company has decreased during the period.
The current ratio of Hyundai Motors has increased in the initial, and it has decreased in the later period. However, the current ratio is above one which means the performance of the company is good and would be able to pay the obligations. It has decreased with the increase in current liabilities and increase in current assets (Gowthorpe, 2008). The acid test ratio has also been decreased which means the company will not be able to convert its resources into liquid cash. The current ratio and acid test ratio of Ssangyong Motor Company has decreased over the period, and the values are below one. Thus, it shows that the company will face difficulties to pay its obligations.
From the year 2011 to 2015, the net asset turnover of the Hyundai Motors Company has been declined. The sales revenue of the firm has decreased slightly, and the company is not efficiently utilizing resources (Robinson, 2009). The capital investment is not appropriately utilized by the company. The net asset turnover of Ssangyong Motor has increased from the year 2011 to 2015 which shows an increase in sales revenue.


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本文的主要内容是定价策略,除了上述所讨论的广泛的定价类别外,还可以采用不同的定价方法。以下讨论了撇脂定价:撇脂定价是指在初始阶段收取高价的定价方法。这样做是为了快速收回固定费用。一旦收回固定费用,价格就会降低,等于可变成本。这种定价策略是针对产品的非弹性需求而采用的。边际成本与平均成本交点以上的价格水平会导致超额利润(Faith & Edwin, 2014)。本篇美国会计学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Apart from the above discussed broad categories of pricing, different pricing methods may be employed. These have been discussed below:Skimming Pricing: this refers to the pricing method wherein high prices are charged at the initial stages. This is done in order to recover the fixed charges quickly. Once the fixed charges are recovered, the prices are reduced and made equal to variable cost. This kind of pricing strategy is employed in case of inelastic demand of the product. The price level above the intersection of marginal cost and average cost will result in abnormal profits (Faith & Edwin, 2014). However, as the prices are reduced to K, the profits will reduce. Ultimately, the markets prevailing in the market will be determined by the intersection of marginal revenue and marginal cost curves. These prices will prevail in the long run.
There are situations when firms produce more than one product and the same operations are performed. The pricing of the products is done such that the total cost is recovered but different pricing will be done. Different costing methods such as activity based costing and other tools are employed for this. However, in many cases, irrational approach is there in allocation of cost and thus arriving at the price. For example, the average cost is considered irrespective of the usage. The demand of the product in the market may also influence the pricing and improper allocation of cost. This aspect is the price discrimination. The price discrimination is also associated with the dual pricing wherein different pricing is considered in different markets. Thus consumers are charged differently in different markets for the same product. This is due to difference in elasticity of demand. The products that are highly elastic are priced lower while in case of high inelasticity, the prices are kept higher (Carbajal and Ely, 2016). There are three degrees of price discrimination. First degree is based on the assumption that the seller has understanding on the maximum that the consumer will be willing to pay. Thus the seller can maximize profit by keeping the prices to the highest level. In the second degree, the price varied as per the demand of the product. The discounts are given on bulk purchase. The third degree of price discrimination is related to sale of products at different prices to different customer segments.
These are certain pricing dilemmas that occur and in the long run can have substantial impact on the firms. However, keeping a rational approach will have benefits for the organization and lead to better price discovery and market development. Considering the three degrees of price discrimination, it is the benefit of market conditions that is taken by the producer. However deviating from the costing principles for keeping different prices can be quite negative for the firms (Teplická, 2015). This is to say that price discrimination driven by anomalies in costing will have adverse effect and may only be driven by market anomalies.


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With regards to the consumer decision making, there can be several perspectives on a number of key dimensions. Some consumer gives emphasis more on value than price while purchasing a food item from the market. This type of decision involves risk and uncertainty because of the unknown or negative results. The “cue utilization theory” is generally applied in this case, such as banners, advertisements, brands which will help the customer to judge the product or quality of the service.
Cognitive judgment is also applied in the case when consumer compares other products or services before coming to a rational decision. Cognitive-affective relationship is a complex phenomenon and plays a major role in decision making. Quality and attitude is a significant indicator as this will minimize the possible risk of low quality product or services. The decision making has become more complex due to the emergence of technology. This complexity further aggravates the consumers’ preferences in selecting the products or services.
Many factors and characteristics influence the consumers in decision making process. It may be psychological factors, cultures, group members, reference groups, family, cultural trends and so on. The literature review focuses on different perceptions related to the decision making of the consumers. There have not been many attempts on combining several perspectives into a theoretical model (Zeithaml, 1988). Several researchers’ (Weber et al., 1998) views have been reflected with respect to the decision making’s multiple modes used by the consumers.


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BOP or Bottom of the Pyramid approach constitutes the poorest, but the largest socio-economic group. To define it more particularly, it includes those organizations who through their deliberate efforts are trying to fulfil the needs of the society through the utilization of new and innovative techniques.This approach supports organizations such as Hindustan Unilever not only in its economic aspect but also in its social realm in accordance with the environment.
Its economic and social responsibility or approaches are worth mentioning. It is a company, known for its execution of social responsibility. Adhering to the CSR report, Hindustan Unilever, through its long-term financial solidity, executes its social responsibility. This has been projected in C.K. Prahalad’s famous book, The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid. It is considered as crucial to the achievement of the private concerns and the public goals.
Hindustan Unilever considers corporate responsibility as integral so as to make visual differences in the minds of each and every individual (Karnani, 2007, p.100) Adopting the bottom line model, Hindustan Unilever entrusts the large corporations to create stable and long-term benefits of the Company. The Company, Hindustan Unilever, strongly believes in the contribution of the stakeholders-community members, employees and the consumers in its operations.The Company carries out its social responsibility in the fields of corporate agenda, social, economic and environmental agenda. An example of the social agenda is the identification of the health, nutrition, and empowerment of the women. The instance of the environmental agenda is the water conservation, cutting off the greenhouse gases as an enhancement of the livelihood.
Project Shakti is a CSR initiative of Hindustan Unilever. This initiative is an address to the social goals of empowerment of women and creating an awareness of health and sanitation through its propagation (Prado et al. 2009). Through this project, Hindustan Unilever created employment opportunities for the underprivileged rural women in accordance with the micro-enterprise sustainability. This projects the corporate social responsibility of the Company, through the execution of which stability is created in the lives of the public domain. This constitutes the political approach. The companies cater to the needs of the individuals and society as a whole with this approach. They execute this task through its collaboration and adherence to the ethical and legal norms.

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本文主要讲述的是反射性分析案例,尽管有明显的好处,但有人指责跨国企业实行新帝国主义。一些公司的非政府组织指责像苹果这样的跨国公司追随新殖民主义(Tonkin, 2015)。新殖民主义被定义为西方发达国家的公司试图对消费者产生不正当影响的行为。这就造成了由于跨国公司的存在,本土公司的发展受到影响的情况。本篇加拿大代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In spite of the obvious benefits there have been accusations of global enterprises to practice neo imperialism. Some NGO groups of the companies accuse MNC like Apple to follow neo colonization (Tonkin, 2015). Neo colonization is defined as the practice where the companies from developed Western countries try to create undue influence on the consumers. This creates situations where the indigenous company progress is affected owing to the presence of MNC companies.
From the literature it has been found that Apple Company has a strong presence in global markets. Net asset value of the company is a reflection of the brand image and the tangible asset value of the company. Among the consumers there is a very good brand image. There are also diversified innovative technological products that cater to the evolving consumer needs (Supply Chain 2015). It has been found that within America their worker policy is found to be complaint with the legislation. There has been criticism in treating Chinese employees and Taiwanese employee who are involved in the logistics management. However there has not been conclusive evidence that points towards this trend by Apple. Some market analysts conclude that Apple brand image is an extension of Neo imperialism in History. Nevertheless this complaint has not hindered the sales figure of the company. There is immense popularity for the product.
Apple Company has numerous factors that has aided for its growth. Increase of disposable income of emerging countries has increased demand for the product. It has immense brand equity among the consumer base. There is no official confirmation of Apple stressing the employees and causing undue pressure for the employee. However there are some rumours that have been floating around regarding treating of employees badly in the emerging countries production. There are certain risk factors that the company needs to face. One of the major factors are that it is dependent on many companies and strategic alliances. It operates on trust. The suppliers, manufacturers, distributors need to be honest, transparent and accountable at all times. Reverse engineering process of Apple products is difficult because they have a numerous sources for production. From a political perspective Apple is dependent on a number of countries across the spectrum. It is reliant on on the US political polices with other nations in order to ensure smooth productivity. This is a considerable risk factor that the company needs to face. Apart from this it has been found that the company gives a lot of importance to follow environmentally sustainable process in order to reduce carbon footprint. To conclude the company is flourishing and is expected to grow in the future owing to its strategic leadership policies.


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本文的主要内容是了解社交媒体网站背景下的参与性文化,为了确定社交媒体网站所允许和鼓励的参与性文化的程度,了解参与性文化就变得非常重要。据研究和媒体学者亨利·詹金斯三世及其著作《即可传播媒体》提供了对参与性文化的理解。他提出了实践原则和媒介理论,认为媒介的使用者是创造性的、积极的参与者,而不仅仅是被动的消费者(Deodato, 2014)。本篇费城论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In order to determine the extent of the participatory culture allowed and encouraged by the social media websites, it becomes important to understand the culture of participatory nature. According to the research and media scholar namely Henry Jenkins III and his book namely Spreadable Media provides with the understanding on participatory culture. He has developed practice principles and media theory that suggests the users of media are creative and active participants instead of being solely as passive consumers (Deodato, 2014).
This researcher has indicated that the participatory culture is a creative social phenomena that is encountered across the social media websites. The participatory culture has been explained by Jenkins as a culture where there are low barriers to the civic engagement and artistic expression. Such culture provides with a strengthened support for the development and sharing of the creation articulated by an individual with the others (Fuchs, 2013). The culture of this nature provides with mentorship of informal nature wherein the majority of the knowledge held by the experienced individuals are transferred to the individuals that are novice. The participatory culture exists when the members hold the belief that the contributions made by them are essential and important.
Furthermore, it is asserted by the researchers that the members in participatory culture feel the certain level of social connection with the peers (Loader et al., 2014). It is established that not all the involved members make contributions, but they remain free to contribute upon their will and adequate value will be given to the contribution. The degree of social connection is recognized by the researcher since it has been identified that the users within the participatory culture showcase regard to the opinion of the other people on the contribution that has been developed by the person.
There are four key participatory culture forms that suggest affiliations, expressions, problem-solving of collaborative nature and circulations (Napoli, 2015). The book of Spreadable Media suggests the spreadable media concept to be an alternative of memes and viral media that are employed by the practitioners and media scholars (Jenkins et al., 2013). The spread ability idea of Jenkins are focused on the active agent role played by the common user of media in the sharing, distribution, creation and media content remixing (Nugroho, 2017). It is found that the stickiness concept is in contrast with the spread ability concept as it emphasis on the aggregation and holding the attention of the users across media channels. Hence, the concept discussed in the book encourages the media strategies to assess the manner in which their audience is responsible for the active disperse of the content that are not previously recorded since it can consist of both formal and informal network.


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本文的主要内容是旅游目的地繁荣的原因,近年来,人们花费了大量的时间、资源、专业知识和投资来理解商业成功的最终关键是“客户满意度”(Del Chiappa et al., 2014)。顾客满意,顾名思义,是一个人在使用已购买的产品或服务后对该产品/服务产生的一种感觉。对于其他行业,客户满意度对于旅游业来说是至关重要的(Cohen and Cohen, 2015)。本篇美国管理学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the recent years, a substantial amount of time, resources, expertise and investment have been spent to understand the ultimate key to business success which is “Customer Satisfaction” (Del Chiappa et al., 2014). Customer satisfaction, as the word suggests, is a feeling developed by an individual about a product/ service after the use of the product or service that has been purchased. As for the other industries, customer satisfaction is of paramount importance for the tourism industry (Cohen and Cohen, 2015).
Positive experiences garnered by tourists in terms of services, products and other resources at the visited destination can result in customer retention, developing a strong reputation and ensuring multiplication of footfall through positive recommendations. The 6 A’s Model can be applied to better comprehend the reasons for a flourishing tourist destination.
Access includes readily available transportation services, quality of roads and signs, availability of information about destination online as well on arrival.
Amenities include entertainment and other engaging activities, public security, restaurants and public conveniences.
Accommodation includes the availability of all categories of lodging.
Attractions include the main highlights of the destination, its landmarks, heritage, lifestyle, nightlife and food.
Assemblage includes infrastructure that is disabled friendly, value of local currency, price of local crafts and products specific to the destination.
Ancillary services include cleanliness of the destination, hospitality of the residents and the local culture.
Valencia seems to be fitting satisfactorily on most of the parameters explained in the 6 A’s model. It is one of the few known destinations in the world that is growing its popularity among masses as a city of natural beauty and cultural offerings (Cebrián and Sánchez, 2016). Valencia is the third largest city of Spain and the 15th largest city in the European Union. The city life of Valencia is upbeat and modern. One can enjoy a walk through the River Gardens, sit at a cafe or explore the mountains and the beaches which are very close to the city. Valencia has sunshine almost throughout the year and is known for its beautiful heritage monuments and churches, extravagant cuisine and beautiful beaches.
The Almoina Archaeological Centre (Valencia, Spain) has guarded the archaeological excavations performed since 1985 in Valencia. Several monumental heritage buildings, inscriptions, 1,000 plus coins and 500 beautiful ceramic pieces have been discovered since 1985 (Artigas et al., 2015). The monumental masterpieces including the Islamic Alcazar, the first city (the Republican) of the thermals, the leftovers of the Roman Empire and martyrdom and Episcopal area from the Vizigothic stages are among the major attractions of city. The foundation of Cathedral of Valencia dates back to October 9, 1238 upon consecration of the Cathedral of St. Mary from a Mosque (Artal-Tur and Kozak, 2015).


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The Client wants to hold US $100,000 for next 3 months. The above charts indicate the return over long time, day to basis, monthly and quarterly too. That trading history indicates that Client I should hold the stocks as holding for long time, the return would be higher. Short term trends are risky as the stocks fluctuate a lot in short time. Intermediate term for the stocks are less risky but average return over time but the long trends are high risky and more return as stocks will be stabilized for longer period.
The major concerns are for short term duration as the investment return will be less as there will be lot of fluctuations in share price. The resistance will be to invest for more than 3 months if the Client I can hold.
Yes, there are cycles apparent in the chart as shown above. These cycles are for less time though as the stocks started rising after some decline.
The stock if invested for long time, the stock is relatively very string in comparison to its competitors. Look at the example of its competitor like 1st Source Corporation (SRCE) whose stock for 3 months is shown below.
The above figure indicates that relatively its competitor stock prices are also in similar range for 3 months’ duration. These indicate that if the investment is hold minimum for 3 months, the return will be approximately good. Though, the relative strength for SBCF stocks is good than any competitors in the market.
The sentiment for this stock indicates that market cap is increasing and so the stock will be very high over time. Even for next 3 months, the stock has strength over the market competitors. This provides sentiment to invest in this stock for at least 3months. If Client follows this recommendation then will have high return if the investment duration is minimum for 3 months, if by chance the duration is reduced, the return will not be equal to the invested amount. In case the risks are predicted, the client can try for more than 3 months holding for the stocks to get relatively better return as predicted form the market for SBCF.





每个组织执行各自的任务所需的基本资源很少。这些是劳动力、货币、材料和新发明。然而,在所有这些资源中,主要资源始终是劳动力,因为该资源利用所有其他资源来获得产出。然而,人力资源是很难管理的,因为人的行为和良知是无法预测的,因为它们因人而异。这两个人都没有相似的行为特征,在能力方面也没有。这就是为什么有必要管理个人的表现。认为组织中的会计师只专注于会计、审计和税务相关工作是理所当然的,这是一种误解。它们还在管理个人或整个组织的绩效方面发挥着关键作用。许多组织接受这种新的绩效管理体系,因为他们已经看到,这只会通过改进管理、执行有纪律的操作和熟练的攻击线来服务于组织的改进(Aguinis, 2014)。这个系统需要员工一致的投入,才能更好的开发这个系统。在实施这一战略的过程中,获得相关员工的信任是非常必要的。员工对组织的这种信任将有助于实施更好的绩效管理策略。随着员工的发展,团队的工作可以得到发展,这有助于整个组织的发展。只有在组织和员工中正确实施绩效管理体系,才能实现这一目标。简而言之,可以这样说,绩效管理是管理组织管理的过程。然而,单个人很难处理整个组织的绩效管理,这就是为什么有必要使用有助于实现这一目标的会计软件。


Every organization needs few basic resources for performing their respective tasks. These are labour, currency, material, and contraption. However, within all of these resources, the primary resource will always be labour, because this resource utilizes all of the others to procure an output. Nevertheless, human resource is very difficult to manage as human behaviour and conscience are very unpredictable, as they differ from person to person. None of the two individual have similar behavioural traits, neither in capabilities. That is why it is necessary to manage the performances of an individual. It is a misconception to take this for granted that an accountant in an organization is only dedicated to accounting, audit, and tax related works. They also serve a key role in managing the performance of an individual or the entire organization. A large number of organizations accept this new system of Performance Management, since they have witnessed that this only serves for the betterment of the organization by improving management, carrying out a disciplined operation and skilled line of attack (Aguinis, 2014). This system requires a consistent input of the employees for a better development of the system. With the ongoing process of implementing this stratagem, it is very necessary to gain the confidence of the employees concerned. This trust of the employees to their organization will assist to implement a better performance management strategy. With the development of an employee, the work of a team can be developed, and this helps in the development of an entire organization. This can only be achieved with the proper implementation of performance management system in the organization and for the employees. Briefly, it can be stated that Performance Management is the process by which the management of an organization is managed. However, it is difficult for a single individual to handle the performance management of the entire organization, which is why it is necessary to use accounting software that aids in this purpose.







The research attempts to assess why social media marketing is believed to be effective as a marketing strategy. Specifically, the research attempts to understand if social media marketing can be effective in the context of attracting male consumers for the Clinique brand. The Clinique brand is a medium level luxury cosmetic brand. As per the defined objectives of the research, it was identified that social media marketing is indeed considered significant enough to attract consumers towards making a purchase. By means of secondary research literature, the role of social media marketing for increasing brand awareness, exposure, loyalty and more is presented. By means of primary research data, the ways that male consumers will interact with social media marketing and how the consumer perceive the Clinique brand are presented.

The research methodology that was used was a mixed research methodology. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected. The survey questionnaire method used was open and closed ended questions were asked. The survey method exposed how consumers perceive social media marketing techniques, and how they perceive the brand of Clinique in relation to its social marketing. Participants of both genders were selected, in order to ensure there is no bias in the research. It was found that in most situations both genders agreed, which led the researcher to consider that maybe there could be gender neutral marketing. However, based on research evaluation and also the participant answers, it could be said that gender neutral marketing can only exist for certain products.




现在考虑到钙钛矿的这种背景,以及它为市场提供的效率保证,它应该被认为是一种更商业化和更节能的产品,用于开发进一步的太阳能电池技术。然而,事实并非如此。在当代的研究分析中,经常有人指出钙钛矿可能存在的问题可能导致大规模的技术发展障碍。被引用的主要问题是钙钛矿细胞的稳定性(Snaith et al, 2014)。钙钛矿细胞可能不稳定,这可能影响其薄膜层的长期使用。此外,HTM的形式也存在一些问题。由于沉积真空过程的复杂性,薄膜层均匀性的发展也对稳定因素提出了挑战。这也将在文献综述中讨论。



Now given this background on Perovskite, and the efficiencies that it guarantees for the market, it should be considered such that it is a more commercially and energy wise efficient product for developing further solar cell technologies. However, this is not the case. In contemporary research analysis it has often been pointed out that there might be issues with Perovskite that might result in large scale technology development impediments. Mainly the issue that is being cited is that of the stability of the Perovskite cell (Snaith et al, 2014). Perovskite cell may not be stable and this could affect long term use of its thin film layers. In addition, there are also issues in the form of HTM. Stability factors are also challenged because of the intricate process of depositing vacuum for development of the thin film layer uniformity. This will also be addressed in the literature review.

Added to the above factors there are issues in the form of corrosion of Perovskite cells that erodes and corrodes them. Thermal stability is also an issue. As long as the issues of stability can be addressed for the Perovskite structure cells then mass production is a possibility.




策略的内容应采用一维策略。应该采用的策略是全面质量、JIT、授权和MRP II。此外,可以采用精益制造、多维度策略。这些策略可以在足够长的时间内适用于GM SBU,并且可以通过咨询、出版和解释其受欢迎程度的会议获得它们的可访问性。

首先,仅仅实施这些战略和做法不能最终发展SBU理解和制定自己战略的能力。如果外部顾问提供打包的解决方案,这一点尤其正确。随着形势的变化,雪佛兰博尔特SBU将继续依靠外部的帮助来适应新形势下的生产政策。其次,这些战略可能并不涵盖制造业的所有战略领域,如果没有实现这一目标,也没有全面的战略背景,所采用的战略可能会失败(sw脒ass, 1986)。过去采用的战略,如先进制造技术或MRPI,往往不能满足预期。

这些策略本质上被认为是一系列易于协同工作的行动。在SBU中植入细胞涉及的行动和决策包括在设备上投入更多资金和更新制造控制系统。为了充分发挥其优势,还需要对一些文化因素进行更新。拟议的战略不仅仅是对以前战略的重新布局(Gerdes 2012)。这些战略的实施在一定程度上依赖于从现有的生产政策中选择一致和综合的行动集的发展。


The one-dimensional strategies should be applied with respect to the strategies’ content. The strategies that should be adopted are the total quality, JIT, empowerment, and MRP II. In addition, lean manufacturing, multi-dimensional strategies can be employed. These strategies can be appropriate for the GM SBU for sufficiently long period of time and their accessibility can be obtained via consultancy, publication, and conferences explaining their popularity.

Firstly, the implementation of these strategies and practices alone cannot end up developing the ability of the SBU in understanding and creating its own strategy. This is particularly true in case that there is delivery of the external consultants with packaged solutions. With the change of conditions, the Chevy Bolt SBU will continue to have reliance on external help in adapting its policies related to manufacturing in new situations. Secondly, the strategies might not cover all areas of strategy within manufacturing and in case this realization does not take place and in the absence of overall strategic context, and the strategies adopted can fail (Swamidass, 1986). The strategies adopted in the past, such as advanced manufacturing technology or MRPI, often fail to meet the expectations.

These strategies essentially are regarded as the bundles of actions tending to be working well together. The implantation of cells within the SBU has been involving actions and decisions in investing more in equipments and updating the manufacturing control systems. For the obtainment of the full benefits, updating should also be done on some cultural factors. The proposed strategy is not merely a re-layout of the previous strategy (Gerdes 2012). The implementation of these strategies relies to an extent on the development of consistent and integrated set of actions chosen from the manufacturing policies that are existent.











What research methods do you intend to use?

Some researchers use only one research method for conducting the study based on the requirement of the research. For achieving best results, it is recommended to use the mixture of qualitative and quantitative research method. Qualitative and quantitative both methods will be used because mixture of both methods can help in getting in depth analysis. Interviews and surveys will be conducted from the target respondents. Both types of information will be generated in this manner and this information will give detailed analysis. Researcher will analyze the situation deeply with the help of both these methods. With the mixture of both research types, this study will give an in depth look helping the researcher to explore the insights.

What primary and/or secondary data sources do you intend to use?

Primary sources will be in the form of interview and survey responses. Respondents will give their insights about the topic and the researcher will have the chance to use these responses in the best possible manner. Secondary sources used in the study will be in the form of reports, journal articles, newspaper articles and books. All the secondary resources detailing about the topic will provide some useful insights for the topic. Journal articles and books will be first preference for the secondary data. Websites, on the other hand, will be given importance because some of the information is only available on the site of the company.

Please provide draft chapter headings for your report

The draft for headings is based on the rough estimation for the future heading. Headings can change once the study has been conducted based on the requirement of the research.




从那时起,会计道德标准就已经制定出来,至今仍在会计机构和独立公司中使用。不同的团体使用这些道德原则来塑造他们的商业实践和决策。在19世纪,私人公司开始使用会计伦理,这样他们就可以使他们的实践可靠。客户忠诚度方面的到来改变了这种情况。信任和忠诚的方面通过在会计原则中加入伦理原则帮助重塑会计原则(Neu和Green, 2006)。

在工业革命期间,大多数英国人的工作都遵循道德规范。帐户负责提供有关其内容的有效和详细的信息。为了使他们的工作更可靠,为了与批评作斗争,他们必须提供更多的证据。当时,英格兰和威尔士成立了专门负责会计实务的特许会计师事务所。世界各地的会计师开始担心这个问题,他们开始在实践中使用道德准则。为了提升自己的地位,他们必须忠诚,并与客户建立信任关系。双方之间必须保持保密的因素,这样才能建立信任(Tsamenyi和Uddin, 2009)。




专业行为:所有账务均需遵守相关及最新的会计法律法规。建议避免谨慎,以最好的方式行事(Duska, 2003)。

专业能力与关怀:这一原则是探讨个人专业知识最重要的原则。与客户保持良好关系需要技巧。会计专业人员将采用新的技能来维持标准。他们需要遵循最新的技术和专业服务(Devi, et al. 2011)。



保密:保护客户提供的信息的机密性是会计的基本职责。他们不应该向第三方透露任何信息,因为这会违反道德标准。法律或专业的披露将永远不会被允许,只有在客户同意传播信息的情况下才有可能。为了维护与客户之间的信任关系,应保护机密信息(Devi, et al. 2011)。


Ethical standards in accounting have been developed since then and still are used in accounting organizations and independent companies. Various groups have used these ethical principles for shaping their business practices and decision making. In 19th century private companies started using accounting ethics so they can make their practices reliable. Aspect of customer loyalty came and changed the situation. Aspect of trust and loyalty helped in reshaping the principles of accounting by adding ethical principles in them (Neu and Green, 2006).

During industrial revolution majority of accounts in Britain were following the ethical code of conduct at their jobs. Accounts were responsible for providing valid and detailed information about their contents. For making their work more reliable and for combating with criticism they had to provide more evidence. At that time Chartered accountants in England and Wales was established that looked after the practices of accountants. Around the world accountants started to worry about this issue and they started to use ethical guidelines in their practices. For upgrading their status they had to be loyal and develop a relation of trust with their clients. Element of confidentiality had to be maintained between both the parties so trust is developed (Tsamenyi and Uddin, 2009).

Basic principles

After discussions and debates by the IFAC and ACCA, 6 fundamental principles were established in accounting profession and these principles are as follows:

Objectivity: this principle discussed that professional accounts will not be biased towards anyone. They will not work under some influence or for personal interest. Their duty is to work in the best interest of the client by holding their professional and personal judgments about the client (Crouch, 2010).

Professional behavior: all accounts need to comply with the relevant and most recent accounting laws and regulations need to be fulfilled. It is suggested to avoid discretion and act in their best behavior (Duska, 2003).

Professional competence and care: this principle is most important principle discussing about the professional knowledge of individuals. Skills are required for maintaining good relations with the client. New skills will be adopted by accounting professional for maintaining the standards. They need to act in accordance with the latest techniques and professional services (Devi, et al. 2011).

Technical standards: accounts have the duty to maintain the quality of the work. They need to make sure that all work is performed by following the highest standards.

Integrity: accounts have the responsibility to be strait forward and honest during their professional relationships (Crouch, 2010).

Confidentiality: it is basic duty of the accountant to protect the confidentiality of the information provided by the client. They should not disclose any information to third party as it will violate ethical standards. Legal or professional disclosure will never be allowed, it is only possible in conditions where the client agrees to spread the information. Confidential information should be protected for maintaining a relationship of trust with the clients (Devi, et al. 2011).









The Greatest Happiness Rule as a rule is great, yet it has numerous defects like all other moral frameworks. Because of one’s powerlessness to accurately anticipate the future as per his activities (accepting the future is equipped for being adjusted with one’s activities); the outcomes one craves for might miss to achieve what was expected. In case, unanticipated factors lead to the greater part of one’s activities to go wrong, despite the fact that he had been trying to act as per Utilitarianism, he would be viewed as unethical as his acts just brought on agony. In case this happened to everybody in the whole world, then no one could be viewed as ethical. The Greatest Happiness theory additionally lets one to hurt other people, provided that the general populations get to be more content. One could simply lift assets from little remote nations and impel them to destitution on condition that more of individuals gain than lose. For example, as per Utilitarianism, subjugation, harassing, assault, prejudice, and murder could be supported if the common people incline towards it. Killers could defend their acts by just murdering ones who go against them. If their numbers turn out to be big, killing will get to be acceptable as ethical. Finally, the Greatest Happiness rule gets rid of the utilization of the regulations given by the govt. Only if the individuals’ acts expand wide-ranging utility, then it doesn’t make a difference what number of laws is not followed during the procedure. One might also move on high speed on streets and forget about the movement signals/signs for satisfaction, in spite of the maximum speed being defined, provided that very few of people care and other majorities just want to enjoy speed.

ESSAY 2: The theory of Deontology

The theory of Deontology by Kant states that “all things in natural world work as per regulations.” However, people contrast from different parts of nature in that people by themselves can as indicated by standards. Along these lines, Kant perceives the reasonability of individuals. According to him, Human beings are judicious in having an “origination of regulations,” or standards. Their wisdom empowers them to know the rightness of ethical rules, for example, “stay faithful to the obligations,” and to make out the contrast in the middle of good and bad (“Mill’s Theory”,Pg 390).

As per Kant, a good will is great not in light of what it does or impacts, rather it is great in itself. Since the estimation of a good will lies completely inside itself, it is still great even if it leads to something which is either a great or an awful impact on it. The positive attitude (good will) then “has its entire worth in itself,” and “its convenience or pointlessness can neither promote nor remove anything from this worth.”




不同的组织在设计产品、流程和服务时采用了不同的操作,甚至在相同的行业也是如此。即使在单个操作中,也有不同的方法来设计产品、服务和流程。大多数制造组织在大规模生产的基础上组织一个主要区域,在这个区域内,组织以更高的产量生产最畅销的服务或产品(Bortolotti, T.和Romano, P。,2012)。在制造单元的同一部分,也可能有一个区域,其中产品的品种更多,产量更小。无论是设计每一个产品设置,还是制作产品和服务的过程设计,都有可能是不同的。因此,影响是突出的,可以通过对不同体量不同功能的关注来解释。


对于一个运营活动来说,当理解性能目标的设定方式以及由此而来的为每个设计活动方面设定的目标时,体积和多样性会受到特别的影响(Silvestro et al, 1992)。下图描述了质量、依赖性、灵活性和价格如何受操作中数量变化位置的影响。


Distinct operations, even in same industries have been adopted by distinct organizations for designing their products, processes and services. Even across an individual operation, there are distinct approaches to design products, services and processes that can be illustrated. Most manufacturing organizations have a major area which is organized over a basis of mass-production wherein the organizations make their best-selling services or products at higher volume (Bortolotti, T. and Romano, P., 2012). There may also be an area, in the same part of the manufacturing unit wherein products are produced in larger variety and in much small volumes. Both design every product setting and the process design making the products and services have a likeliness of being different. Therefore, the influence is prominent and can be explained by focus over different volume various functions.

Volume-Variety Influence over objectives of performance

For an operation’s activity, the volume and variety are specifically influenced when understanding the way in which the objectives for performance are set and hence forth the objectives set for every design activity aspects are also crucial (Silvestro et al, 1992). The following figure depicted how quality, dependence, flexibility and price are impacted on the position of volume variety within an operation.






帕拉迪索提出了一种最合适的动力矿车。该方法以压电片作为能量采集器。这些鞋是用单晶带制成的。该带材由陶瓷复合材料制成。用聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)薄膜制备的多层层压板制备了这种状态。这种箔有助于无线射频识别的广播,因为载体以一种周期性的方式行走。除此之外,他们还对peizo electric shoes的能源利用进行了进一步的探索,设计出了舒适的鞋子。


有不同类型的能源收割机。悬臂式压电收获机是最突出的压电收获机之一。它是一种能在振动过程中产生较大变形的收获机。弗林和桑德确定了PZT(锆钛酸铅)材料的基本限制。他们还指出,在一些典型的PZT材料中,对机械应力的限制是一种非常有效和有效的约束。在100 kHz时,PZT-5H的机械应力限制工作循环为330W/ m3 cm。


The process of harvesting of electricity through the use of piezoelectric materials is a great source for the generation of electricity. In order to discuss piezo type of energy harvester, it is important to discuss the different kinds of vibrational devices, the single crystal piezoelectric materials and other mathematical modelling which may be related to the process of vibrational energy harvesting. One of the apparatus which may be used in order to do the same includes the transducers which are of low profile. In addition to this, piezoelectric materials are another important thing for the energy harvesting.

In order to do the process of piezoelectricity, the theoretical calculation by Priya is considered to be important. As per the calculation, the overall energy density which may be the piezo energy harvesters is 3-5 times more than the other kind of electrostatic and electromagnetic devices.

One of the most suitable power harvesters was suggested by Paradiso. In this method, piezoelectric shoes were used as the energy harvesters. These shoes were obtained by the use of the unimorph strip. This strip is made from the peizoceramic composite materials. The state has been made from the multilayered laminate obtained from PVDF foil. This kind of foil helps in the broadcasting of RFID as the bearer walks in a periodic manner. In addition to this, they further led to the exploration of the harnessing of energy obtained from peizo electric shoes and resulted in a comfortable shoes design.

Piezoelectric effect

There are different types of energy harvesters. One of the most prominent types of piezoelectric harvester is the Cantilever type harvester. It is one kind of harvester which can help to provide a large amount of deformation during the process of vibration. The fundamental limitations of PZT (lead zirconate titanate) material was established by Flynn and Sander. They also indicated that the limit on the mechanical stress is a very effective and impactful constrain in some of the typical PZT materials. It was also reported that the mechanical stress-limited work cycle in this process was 330W/ cubic cm at 100 kHz for PZT-5H.





伊恩·麦查格(Ian McHarg, 1969)在他的著作《设计与自然》(Design with Nature, McHarg, 1969)中展示并重新发现了隐藏在大自然中的瑰宝,以及人与自然是如何很好地结合在一起的。在书中发现,大自然有它自己的问题,人们会去解决它们。他举了一个例子,说明了潮汐是如何被拯救的,不是通过建造更强大的反海浪力量,而是通过轻柔地做出反应,建造沙丘和堤坝,让水保持平静和满足,而不是像敌人一样行动。Ingold(2000)谈到了人类感知周围环境的不同方式,并倾向于做出相应的反应。这创造了一个重叠的自然设计网络,当考虑到设计时就会出现。建筑空间的设计无非是人类第一次看到的画面,他努力证明它的执行和实施是合理的。Turner和Penn(2002)确定了所有人类是如何对他们所生活的世界和他们所走的道路有一个视觉模型的,以及对于建筑代理人来说,要真正证明更广泛地执行这个视觉是多么昂贵。Cottenie(2005)在他的研究中发现,50%的社区组成的空间变化是由于环境和空间组成,表明一半的设计师或社区倾向于使用环境为参照点来构建他们的社区,而另一半屈从于质量压力的人? s认为,调整生活的特定需求的种类和类型的栖息地。



The environmental relationship with human movement is absolutely natural and spontaneous. It is to be studied attentively in order to get the real message for reverting to the issues that it will pose in the future. Philosophy is ingrained in all kinds of environmental relationship as the very origin of environment comes from the philosophical discourses of the past and how philosophy constructs the importance and survival of environment for humans. Spatial composition of using all the natural space available is inherently connected to the environment. This is because within the environment, the use of spatial composition takes place and it emerges out of the unnoticed and disrespects pockets of location. These unnoticed locations are meticulously used in building and complementing the exact picture that the designer visualises in their mind.

Ian McHarg in his book ‘Design with Nature’ (McHarg, 1969) has shown and rediscovered the hidden gems of nature and how man and nature fit together very well. It was discovered in the book that nature has its own problems and people are going to solve them. He considers an example of how sea tides are to be saved by not constructing more powerful opposition to the sea waves, but by responding softly and building dunes and dikes that allows water to just be calm and content and not behave as an enemy. Ingold (2000) speaks about the different ways in which human perceive environments surrounding them and they tend to respond accordingly. This creates an overlapping web of natural designs which comes into existence when considered for design. The designs of constructed space are nothing else than the picture first viewed in man, and he making an effort to justify its execution and implementation. Turner and Penn (2002) identified how all humans have a visual model of the world they live in and the roads they walk on, and how expensive it becomes for agents of construction to really justify the broader execution of this vision. Cottenie (2005) in his research found that 50% of the variation in community composition of the space was due to the environmental and spatial composition, indicating that half of the designers or communities tend to use environment as the reference point for building their communities, while the other half succumbed to mass pressure of people’s thought, and adjust the livelihood with the specific requirements of the species and types of habitats.

The data collection was more interesting in terms of the different varieties of views that are gathered and proposed by authors and designers. The designers were more creative in their outlay of their own justification of the designs imagined, and authors have been finding ways of putting everything in proper place to get the message across to the audience. The data was easier to find, but harder to bifurcate and segregate according to the subject topic of spatial composition, the philosophy behind the design and the environmental relationship with the human movement and its surrounding.









这就是唤起错误归因的概念试图解释的。很多时候,男人对女人或女人对男人的感觉不是出于浪漫的原因。唤起的错误归因是心理学家常用的术语。随着时间的推移,这个概念已经被接受并得到了解释。每次一个人对异性感到兴奋,他们称之为浪漫,实际上可能是身体对外部环境的其他刺激的反应。大多数对恐惧的心理反应被人们误认为是浪漫的唤起。仅仅因为反应性的症状几乎是相同的,即呼吸短促和恐慌感以及高血压,人们混淆了两者(White & Kight, 1984)。


The human mind and body have been an area of fascination. The coordination between the two is that it gives immense scope for the people to research and study as to how the mind works, and how it would work differently in different situations when the human being is subjected to changes in the external environment and changes in the body. Thus, few experiments have been conducted so as to measure the capacity to find something attractive and to undergo changes when it comes to physical arousal. The given discussion has been based upon the different kind of reports. These reports have been prepared regarding the physical arousal that is seen in people. The perception of attractiveness of a man or a woman changes based upon the varying situations, that is before and after working out is different, and therefore has been taken up for studying. Few graphs and data have contributed to the given study.


The given discussion has been based on the study or research which is constantly trying to prove that there is a strong connection between the hormone adrenaline and the physical arousal or attraction which feels towards members of the opposite sex. It so happens that over the past three decades, experts have been trying to study the pattern which is followed by human beings when it comes to attractiveness to the opposite sex. Thus, a various data collection procedures and surveys have been involved, so that one can reach to some particular conclusion as to how far this statement stands true in all cases.

Misattribution of arousal

Before one goes on discusses how adrenaline affects the psychology of men and women towards each other, there is a basic concept which have to be understood, that has been a part of the study undertaken by people. Few surveys and data have been attached along with this discussion, which rates the attractiveness of a man or woman before physical exercise and after physical exercise and the mark on attractiveness that each had given varies from one to another.

This is what the concept of misattribution of arousal tries to explain. Many a times the arousal that a man feels towards a woman or a woman feels towards a man is not because of romantic reasons. Misattribution of arousal is a term which is used by psychologists. The concept has been taken up and it has been explained over the time. Every time a person feel aroused towards the opposite sex which they term to be romantic, could actually be the body’s way if responding to some other stimuli of the external environment. Mostly psychological responses to fear have been mistaken by people to be romantic arousals. Just because the symptoms of the responsiveness are almost the same which is occurring of short breaths and a feeling of panic along with high blood pressure, people confuse the two (White & Kight, 1984).




企业家精神通常被组织成一种逻辑和线性的方式,促使他们进行头脑风暴,以产生与产品相关的最佳创意,这些产品可以在商业计划的帮助下开发。企业家在创业理念方面,是在创业前寻找最佳资金来源的选择(Shane, 2000)。







The entrepreneurship is generally organized as a logical and linear way that urges them to brainstorm for producing the best idea related to products that can be developed with the help of a business plan. The entrepreneurs with respect to business idea are in search of the options with respect to the best sources of funds before the start of their business (Shane, 2000).

In the real world, there lie some constraints for the entrepreneur that often rearranges and influences the orderly approach. At the advent of the unforeseen circumstances, the entrepreneurs must learn the art to respond to opportunities as with distractions and delays, although at the same time pursues diligently to their original vision regarding the venture.

The product found by the inventor had to find a pathway to commercialize what is described in this paper. The product was founded while working in a laboratory. The product was related to the ceramic materials, which were then marketed and commercialized with business techniques and business prudence.


Overview of the context

The product to be launched had the conceiving in the laboratory because of its necessity. Some research was going on in the laboratory in the effort of producing thin ceramic material called ‘piezoceramic’. This is used commonly in different kinds of actuators and switches and buzzers. They, however, had to struggle with a problem that was recurring: when sinter was tied to the material of piezoceramic, the material was stuck on the plate often. In the furnace, the plate was resting that was named as setter plate. As it happened worse, the tapes of piezoceramics often curled or warped like a chip. The placement of another setter plate by the researchers in trying keeping it flat failed as it was getting stuck on the plate when they were trying sintering. The researchers were trying to find a way in depositing fine sand between setter plates and piezoceramic tapes during the process of sintering in trying keeping them from sticking inside the furnace. Their invention was a paper of a special kind to be placed between the thin material of piezoceramic and the setter plates. The paper that was discovered has been a fine refractory powder called zirconia. As the high temperature was created in the heated furnace, there was burning of the paper that left the zirconia powder in thin layer. It was acting like small ball bearings that were keeping the material away from the setter plates so that the material was not stuck to it. It turned out to be like the provision of adding benefits to reduce warping and cracks in the material of piezoceramic by allowing the material to be shrinking during the sintering without any constraints.






圣约翰浸信会教徒的见证是一幅描绘约翰和耶稣之间联系的画作。他们之间的联系已经有很好的记录,可以在福音书中读到。米开朗基罗的这幅画出自弗朗切斯科·格拉纳奇之手。曾任大都会艺术博物馆欧洲绘画系主任的埃弗里特·费希(Everett Fahy)表示,这幅作品属于文艺复兴时期的天才之作。所发现的证据表明这幅画是米开朗基罗于1506年创作的。

这幅画是用油、蛋彩画和金在木头上画的。这幅画包含了岩石景观中的许多人物,一些门徒和其他施洗约翰和耶稣(德鲁里,78)。专家们还断言,绘画比格拉纳奇的其他作品要好得多。从画的底图可以看出,帷幔下人物的体积和结构也得到了描述。阴影显示的区域是通过孵化显示的(Laing, 154)。这种孵化是圆屋顶与不同的画笔笔触从非常细到宽。这幅画大胆地勾勒出阴影,通过减少笔画来表现面部特征,通过书法处理来展示窗帘的褶皱,使这幅作品与众不同(Britton, 159)。


The essay aims to provide the comparison of two famous paintings. The first is the St. John the Baptist Bearing Witness and the second is Poussin: Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun. The former is made by the famous Italian renaissance painter Michelangelo. According to some experts of Renaissance art have stated that originally made by Michelangelo; this painting is attributed to Francesco Granacci. This painting displays John the Baptist, who is preaching his pupils. John the Baptist came before Jesus, and some of the followers of Jesus were earlier the disciples of John. The second painting is of Blind Orion made by a French artist Nicolas Poussin. In the painting Orion is searching for the rising sun and a figure on his back is showing him the way towards sun. He is searching for the sun to get healed from his blindness. The easy will explore different aspects of both the painting to provide their visual analysis and comparison.

Visual Analysis of Paintings

Saint John the Baptists bearing witnesses is the painting that revels the connection between John and Jesus. Their connections have been well documented and can be read in the gospels. The painting made by Michelangelo is attributed by Francesco Granacci. Everett Fahy, who was the former head of the European Paintings department of the Metropolitan, has stated that this work belongs to the genius of Renaissance. The evidences which have been found suggest that this painting was made by Michelangelo in the year 1506.

The painting is made with oil, tempera and gold on wood. The painting includes many figures, some of the disciples and other of John Baptist and Jesus in the rocky landscape (Drury, 78). The experts have also asserted that painting is much more superior then the other works of Granacci. The underdrawings of the paintings have shown that volume and structure of the figures under the draperies are also described. The areas where the shadows are shown are indicated through hatching (Laing, 154). This kind of hatching is dome with different brush strokes from very fine to broad brushes. The shadows being boldly hatched in the painting, indication of facial features through reduced strokes and demonstrating the folds of drapes through calligraphic handling makes this work extraordinary (Britton, 159).




二十国集团峰会机制是在2008年全球金融危机加剧时建立的,体现了二十国集团成员构建全球经济平台的决心。二十国集团成为国际经济合作的主要论坛。重新考虑同样的问题,很明显,这一过程创造了密切的关系,在困难时期形成了联合的潮流(Baldwin和Simon, 2009)。这表明,在经济全球化深入发展的时代,各国合作是应对挑战、实现共同发展的关键。发展中国家的增长对国际增长极为重要。


但是,全球再平衡的需要不能被认为是一个零和游戏,需求在彼此之间轮转(Ngone, 2008)。主要目标是提振增长,促进全球增长更加平衡。作为一个重要的例子,20国集团增长地图/框架下的首尔行动计划应该反映出全球发展与增长的双赢关系(Aslund, 2009)。



The summit mechanism of G20 was set up during the hike of global financial crisis in the year 2008 that demonstrated the determination of G20 members for building up the platform of global economy. Thus, the G20 turned out to be premier forum for the cooperation of international economy. Reconsidering the same, it is well evident that this process has created a close relation forging a joint tide during difficult times (Baldwin and Simon, 2009). This proves that in an era of deepened globalization across the economy, cooperation across nations is crucial for meeting challenges and achieving mutual development. Growth across developing nations is extremely important for international growth.

Led by the emerging markets triggered by fast growth, developing nations have started to make key contribution in the global growth. They can be seen as leading players for recovering global trade, with increased demand for import, matching up that of advanced economies (Yongding, 2004). The links of developing nations have started to grow and expanding, perceiving the notion that there is potential for contributing to global growth that is not restricted to the emerging poles of market growth. In the G20, currently the key focus is on reducing large imbalances at external level.

But the need to rebalance global cannot be considered as a game of zero sum, with the rotation of demand across one another (Ngone, 2008). The key objective is focused on lifting growth and bringing more balance in global growth. As a significant example, the Action Plan of Seoul, emerging out of G20 Growth MAP/ Framework should be reflecting the win- win interconnections of global development and growth (Åslund, 2009).

In the current era, international economic cooperation and global economy have ended up reaching a crucial juncture point. This juncture seeks questions like: Is there a possibility of strengthening the fundamental base for global growth and recovery while changing the scenario of crisis? Is there a possibility of seizing the past opportunity presented by breakthroughs of technology followed by a new industrial usher and revolution in a new era of global growth? This can be answered by the consideration of common action. This research will focus on understanding the effectiveness of IGOs in general, while further specifying the research to a case study that is of G20 mechanisms. The research question set for this report is:“How G20 helps in providing an effective process to maintain a cooperative link between emerging nations and developing nations?” As mentioned, for conducting this research, the methodology of case study will be used based on which key findings will be interpreted and analyzed, moving ahead to draft key conclusion.




全球化的到来导致了跨境贸易。世界上许多国家的商业活动存在于许多地区。在这种情况下,国际破产已成为一个新兴问题。各国努力遵守在促进贸易和确保国家金融安全之间取得平衡的法律。需要一个标准化的平台,在这个平台上,公司可以在这个场景中运行。贸易法委员会(联合国国际贸易委员会)就是这样一种努力,以便为这些公司制订一种均质模式。国际破产法只适用于模态法,个别国家制定了自己的法典,以保护本国和投资者的利益。由于《贸易法委员会法典》,个别国家通过了若干细微差别和差别法律。美国立法有一些法典,这些法典与贸易法委员会法典几乎相似,但也有一些不同之处。本分析将对国际破产的这些方面进行详细的探讨。本文将对美国的国际破产案例进行分析。为此,我们将探讨Elpida记忆的案例分析。Elpida Memory是一家在美国有业务的日本公司。2012年2月27日,该公司因快速扩张政策申请破产。这家公司没有在日本申请破产,而是决定在美国申请破产。这次破产的原因已经调查过了。分析了《美国破产法》中与破产有关的具体条款和本案的判决。并利用该案例对礼让因素进行了分析。在这种情况下,将严格分析美国对贸易法委员会提出的模态法的解释。



Advent of globalization has lead to cross border trading. Business operations of the many countries exist in many regions across the world. In such a scenario International insolvency has become an emerging issue. Countries try to adhere to the laws that are a balance between promoting trade and ensuring national financial safety. There is a need for standardized platform in which the companies operate in the scenario. UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission of International Trade) is one such endeavour in order to develop a homogenized pattern for the companies. International Insolvency laws are exclusively dealt in the modal law individual countries have developed their own code of laws in order to protect the interest of the country as well as the investors. There are several nuances and differential laws that have been adopted by the individual countries owing from this UNCITRAL code. American legislation has a number of codes and laws that are almost similar to the UNCITRAL code nevertheless there are some differences. These aspects in international insolvency will be probed in detail in this analysis. In this dissertation there will be analyses made about international insolvency cases in the United States of America. For this purpose a case study analysis of Elpida Memory will be probed. Elpida Memory is a Japanese company that had business operations in United States. It had filed for bankruptcy in On February 27, 2012 owing to its rapid expansion policy. Instead of filing for bankruptcy in Japan the company had decided to file for bankruptcy in United States. Reasons for this bankruptcy have been probed. The specific clause connected to insolvency in the United States bankruptcy code and verdict for the case has been analysed. Using this case comity factor will also is analysed. American Interpretation of the modal law proposed by UNCITRAL will be critically analysed in this scenario.

Initially there will be analysis of the overall code of UNCITRAL from which international insolvency in American Bankruptcy code and the laws pertaining to the particular case law will be analysed in this dissertation. Specific legislation used to render The verdict in this case will be analysed. Critical analysis of the Bankruptcy code and judgment rendered in this case will be examined.



美国作业抄袭:essay写作技巧 我们在美国留学的前,我们需要提交申请,只有申请通过后才能前往美国留学。那么,essay就是一个将自己展现给学校的一个机会,而essay该如何写呢?



















uc申请文书:Introduction写作步骤相关指导 对于论文写作来说,Introduction是很重要的。Introduction的作用在于点明中心,吸引读者阅读,对全文做一个详细的总结。可是很多同学对于Introduction还是会伤透脑筋,不知道如何下笔。













战略管理包括对公司进行分析,确定其竞争优势,整合资源,确保可交付成果得到满足。根据公司在市场中的表现,对管理政策进行变更(Rothaermel, 2015)。为此,有必要分析资源、能力、核心竞争力和可持续竞争优势的概念。竞争优势、资源、能力和核心竞争力之间存在着复杂的动态关系(Epstein and Buhovac, 2014)。这些已经通过三星与苹果的案例分析进行了详细的探讨。






为了创造一个有竞争力的可持续优势,公司应该有一个不可复制的战略。另一家公司不应该轻易开发它们。他们应该拥有良好的、服务或流程,以确保他们能够满足消费者的需求(McGrath, 2013)。公司应该通过确保满足所有要求的四个标准,来发展长期的可持续优势。

在三星公司,他们相信自己有垂直整合的能力,能够为消费者生产大量的产品。产品设计、品牌形象以及各种产品之间的整合是苹果公司的可持续竞争优势(Menzel, 2014)。苹果拥有相当大的封闭网络和品牌形象,被认为是一款精英级的高端产品。三星的产品多样化程度更高,而且数量也更多。

这两家公司都为自己的产品建立了强大的战略市场。这些公司所形成的竞争优势是其战略管理的副产品(Menzel, 2014)。


Strategic management involves conducting analysis of a company, identifying its competitive advantage, aligning resources and ensuring that the deliverables are met. Based on the performance of the company in the markets, changes are enacted into the management policy (Rothaermel, 2015). For this, there is a need to analyze the resources, capabilities, core competencies and a concept for sustainable competitive advantage. There is an intricate dynamics that exist between the competitive advantage, resource, capabilities and core competencies (Epstein and Buhovac, 2014). These have been explored in detail with the case study analysis of Samsung vs. Apple.

Purpose of this analysis is to identify the specific criteria that the manager uses to decide the organization’s competences and derive an action plan that makes the company gain competitive advantage.

Elements of sustainable competitive advantage

Four criteria for sustainable competitive advantages

Analysis sustainable competitive advantage of Samsung vs. Apple

Based on these four criteria, companies develop sustainable competitive advantage.

To create a competitive sustainable advantage, companies should have a strategy that cannot be duplicated. Another firm should not easily develop them. They should have the good, services or processes to ensure that they are able to cater towards the requirements of the consumers (McGrath, 2013) Companies should develop sustainable advantage for a long period of time by ensuring that all the four criteria required has been met.

In Samsung Corporation, they believe that they have the vertical integration and capability to produce large volumes of products for the consumers. Product design, brand image and integration between the various products are the sustainable competitive advantage of Apple (Menzel, 2014). Apple has a considerable closed network and brand image that is considered to be an elite premium product. Product diversification is more in Samsung and the sheer volume of numbers is higher for Samsung.

Both these companies have established a strong strategic market for their products. The competitive advantage that has been developed by these companies is a by-product of their strategic management (Menzel, 2014).



代写演讲稿:论文摘要写作5要素 摘要是论文写作的第一部分,也是最为简短的一部分,它高度概括了这篇文章的核心内容。因此,其作用是至关重要的。下面,我们一起来看看论文摘要写作5要素:

(1) 该选题的必要性和创新性如何;

(2) 该课题的科学问题和科学假说是什么;

(3) 核心研究内容有哪些;

(4) 预期研究结果和目的如何;

(5) 拟开展的工作将产生什么样的科学意义和应用前景。


















本案例研究的情境情境是因果餐厅。研究对象主要为20 – 25岁的大学生。学生们积极参与交流。在这个分析中,有关于资本主义的讨论,一个由Micheal Moore写的爱情故事。这是有趣的,因为人们在非正式场合讲话时充满激情。





The signpost for this work has been elucidated in detail in the following. Initially there will be discussion of the academic theory and its models. The actual variable considered and the scope of the theoretical models will be initially explained. These model involved in communication will be used as a formula to dissect into the documentary film and the audience reception. For the purpose of the case study analysis there will be analysis of a particular transcript of speech in a restaurant setting.

Case study of discourse

Situational context for this case study is the causal restaurant. The participants of the research were primarily college students aged from 20 to 25. The students were engaged in active communication. There was discussion about Capitalism a Love story by Micheal Moore in this analysis. This was of interest because of the passion with which the people spoke in a casual setting.

Based on the conversational analysis concept, this is casual conversation between peers. There was turn taking model developed gradually. Since it was more than two people involved in the conversation the conversation was not a binary communication between two people. It was based on the multi-party analysis. It was observed during this conversation that the people followed the non-verbal cues. It can be seen when Tom walks towards the table, everyone chimes in to welcome Tom and Brandy talks about her dull day. Gizelle immediately chimes in to discuss about the documentary based on capitalism. This is followed by Jessica then Smith. This shows the obvious turn taking model that followed in the conversation.

The topic of discussion was based on the capitalism. Critical discussions and views about capitalism were exchanged between the people. It was found that in this conversation that the people each took turns naturally to speak for or against the notions of capitalism. These notions of capitalism were found to be a heated debate between the people.

When having discussion with people who have opposing views basic empathy and sensitivity, it needs to be observed by the participants. The notions of sensitivity is maintaining the ethical code of conduct and maintaining respect while taking to the other all while maintaining the different stances taken by the people. Debate in academic context is the exchange of views and discussion about the different perspectives. One of the most important aspects was that the participants were aware of the different stances of the people. There were importance and due respect given to the opposing views in the group. There was importance given to sensitivity and empathy of each of the views.



美国硕士毕业论文挂了怎么办 不管本科还是硕士博士,其毕业论文对其整个学业都有至关重要的影响。毕业论文是所有论文中最重要的,其要比在期刊上发表的学术论文更加严格。那么,英国硕士毕业论文挂了怎么办呢?我们要在学术规范和写作之中应当注意哪些问题呢?






资料。在选择论文题目时,我们最好先检查、确认可以利用的图书资料。  同学们在选定一个题目后,应与老师讨论题目的弹性(feasibility)。如果写作时发现题目大了,或是做下去有困难,可以把题目缩小到什么程度,可以改变到什么程度,事先要心中有数。

一般而言,论文就其选题范围来说可以有三种:(1)科学批评,这是在对当前学术的反思和批判的基础上,提出自己的新思想;(2)哲学史研究;(3)做古典文本的注释性的翻译或新编一个批驳版(critical edition)。












马斯洛需求理论指出,人们需要有一个金字塔层次的需求,需要从底层到顶层得到满足。员工最初的需求是生理需求、安全需求、安全需求、尊重需求,最终达到自我实现的需求(Robbins, DeCenzo & Coulter, 2008)。需求金字塔可以分为不足需求和成长需求。缺乏性需求包括生理需求和安全需求。随之而来的是自尊和自我实现的成长需求。如果人们的不足需求得不到满足,他们就不会按照工作的需要去做。这一理论意味着管理者需要有一个安全的工作环境,在这个环境中,员工的服务可以得到适当的报酬(Jawahar & McLaughlin, 2001)。例如,裁员的威胁,工作的不安全感会导致员工生产力的损失。管理者需要确保员工的成长和不足需求得到适当的解决,以确保有必要的生产力。


员工的激励因素有外在激励因素和内在激励因素。外在激励是指员工的有形的基本需求。这些是马斯洛需求层次结构中提到的较低层次。这些外部因素被称为公司的卫生因素(Jawahar & McLaughlin, 2001)。员工的内在激励因素是成长类别。这些都是公司成长的动力因素。管理者应该理解并为员工提供成长的空间。这应该超过传统的工作场所需求范围。由于它作用于这两个变量,赫茨伯格理论也被称为双因素理论。



To address this paradigm, the theory of Maslow and Herzberg can be applied. A combination of these two theories can be used to address the needs of the employees.

Maslow theory of needs state that the people need to have a pyramid hierarchy of needs that need to be satisfied from the bottom layer to the top. The initial needs of the employees are physiological needs, safety needs, security needs, esteem needs and eventually reach the self-actualization needs (Robbins, DeCenzo & Coulter, 2008). The pyramid of needs can be divided into deficiency needs and growth needs. The deficiency needs are the physiological and the safety needs. This is followed by the growth needs of self-esteem and self-actualization. If the deficiency needs of the people are not satisfied, they will not perform according to the needs of the job. This theory implies that the managers need to have a safe working environment where the employees are paid properly for their services (Jawahar & McLaughlin, 2001). For example, the threat of layoff, job insecurities can lead to loss in productivity of the employee. Managers need to ensure that the growth and the deficiency needs of the people are properly address to ensure that there is the required productivity.

Apart from this theory, the Hertzberg theory can also be applied to ensure the employee motivation. Hertzberg theory states that there are two broad factors. It is the motivating factors and the demotivating factions. The demotivating factors are known as the hygiene factors. This was the pioneering theory that is used to explain the broader spectrum of employee motivation. It was also the first theory to point out that by satisfying the hygiene factors people would not be necessarily motivated.

The motivating factors of the employees are the extrinsic and the intrinsic motivates. The extrinsic motivators refer to the tangible basic needs of the employees. These are the lower levels mention in Maslow hierarchy of needs. These extrinsic factors are referred to as the hygiene factors of the company (Jawahar & McLaughlin, 2001). The intrinsic motivating factors for the employees are the growth categories. These are known as the motivating factors for growth of the company. The managers should understand and provide the scope of growth for the employees. This should be more than the traditional scope of workplace requirements. Since it operates on these two variables, Hertzberg theory is also known as the two factor theory.

The application of this theory on the application of this company has been probed in the subsequent section.

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人权是否可以被视为普遍的东西取决于普遍性的概念。普遍性一词总是与人权一词联系在一起。这显然意味着,在任何能够找到人类住区和栖息地的地方,人权也将同时得到行使(Cotesta & D’auria, 2012)。任何人都不能否认这一点。当人们谈论人权的时候,它意味着一些与人类和他们的权利有关的东西,人类占据了世界各地。世界上所有的人得到的任何东西在本质上都是普遍的。因此,由于人类是世界各地的共同生物,权利也应该是所有人的共同权利(Friedman, 2012)。

普遍性与相对主义概念是完全对立的,这有助于我们进一步探讨,以回答主要问题(Langwith, 2008)。因此,首先可以说,如果人权被说成是普遍的,那么它就不可能与任何文化或任何领土有关。此外,讨论还包括对文化帝国主义、文化新殖民主义和人权理论上不能受到文化限制的原因的简要描述。随后的讨论证明,在现实中,由于不人道的做法,人权正变得越来越不普遍和相对(麦考科代尔,2003)。

相对主义是一个与普遍性概念相对立的概念。有人说,相对主义不是真理本身或有效事实本身的观点,而是相对于其他一些真理或事实。这意味着相对主义只有在与其他事物相比较时才成立。在类似的背景下,文化相对主义也被提及(Donnelly, 1984)。

当一个人谈论文化相对主义时,他指的是人类内部和周围的一切。这将包括与文化相关的信仰或活动,以及追随文化的人(Morsink, 1999)。需要理解的是,如果人权是与文化相对主义有关的真实的东西,那么它就应该是某种保留在特定文化中的东西。这意味着有一些文化团体拥有这种权利,而其他人没有。由于这些都是人权,把它们限制在特定的群体或文化中是没有意义的。因此,我们可以很容易地排除文化相对主义与人权无关这一事实。人权是这样的基本权利,应该给予所有人,不管他们的文化和实践(Reidy & Sellers, 2005)。

由于文化相对主义是在人权的背景下讨论的,因此有必要阐明文化帝国主义、文化新殖民主义以及跨文化活动发生的不同方式(Stern & Straus, n.d.)。如果所有这些都发生了变化,那么全世界确定人权的方式也将发生变化。

文化帝国主义是帝国主义的文化方面。帝国主义是指权利不平等,把更多的权力交给“上等公民”,不平等对待的情况。因此,文化帝国主义意味着一个更强大的民族或更强大的国家的文化将被强加于一个不那么强大的社会或国家(Glendon, 2001)。在讨论文化帝国主义时,要牢记人权,这在性质上是对立的,因为人权是指给予世界上所有人的一套权利,而不论其文化、地位、种姓、种族或性别。但是,文化帝国主义认为,应该给社会中较强大的阶级或较强大的国家以利益和权利,而忽视较小的部分或较弱的部分。这也意味着更高或更强大的国家有权决定所提供的权利。这是对人权概念的存在以及对其定义的蔑视的最终失败(蒙泰罗,北达科他州)。


Whether Human Rights can be considered as something universal or not depends upon the concept of universality. The word universality has always been associated with the term human rights. It is clearly implied that wherever one can find human settlements and habitats, human rights would also be exerted simultaneously (Cotesta & D’Auria, 2012). This cannot be denied to anyone. When one is talking about the human rights, it means something related to humans and their rights, and human beings occupy the world all over. Anything when given to all the human beings all over the world is universal in nature. Thus, since human beings are the common creatures all over the world, the rights are also supposed to be common for all (Friedman, 2012).

Universality is completely opposite to the concept relativism, and this helps us in pursuing the discussion further to answer the main question (Langwith, 2008). Therefore, to begin with it can be said that if human rights are said to be universal, they in no way can be relative to any culture or to any territory. Further the discussion incorporates brief description of cultural imperialism, cultural neo-colonialism and the reason why human rights theoretically cannot be culturally restricted. Followed by the discussion it proves that in reality because of inhumane practices, human rights are becoming less universal and more relative (McCorquodale, 2003).

Relativism is a concept is opposite to the concept of universality. It is said that Relativism is not the truth itself or points of valid facts itself, but are relative when compared to some other truth or fact. This means that relativism would only stand true when compared to something else. In similar context, cultural relativism has been referred, too (Donnelly, 1984).

When one talks about cultural relativism, one is referring to everything in and around human beings. This would include the beliefs or activities which are in relation with a culture, and the people following it (Morsink, 1999). It needs to be understood that in case human rights was something that was true pertaining to cultural relativism, it would have been something that would have remained within a particular cultural. It means that there are cultural groups which have the rights and the others do not. Since these are human rights, limiting them to particular groups or cultures does not make sense. Thus, one can easily rule out the fact which cultural relativism is something that has nothing to do with human rights. Human rights are such fundamental rights which should be given to all human beings irrespective of their culture and practices (Reidy & Sellers, 2005).

Since cultural relativism has been discussed in context with the human rights, it becomes necessary that one shed light upon cultural imperialism, cultural neo-colonialism and the different ways in which inter-cultural activities are taking place (Stern & Straus, n.d.). And if at all this changes, the ways in which human rights are to be ascertained all over the world.

Cultural imperialism is the cultural aspect of imperialism. Imperialism refers to a condition where the rights are not equal, and more power is given to ‘superior citizens’ and there is unequal treatment. Therefore, cultural imperialism would mean that the culture of a more imposing nation or a more powerful state would be imposed on a society or a state which is not as powerful (Glendon, 2001). When cultural imperialism is discussed keeping in mind the human rights, they would be antagonistic in nature, because human rights refer to a set of rights which are given to all the people in the world, irrespective of culture, status, caste, race or gender. But cultural imperialism believes in giving benefits and rights to the more powerful class of the society or to the more powerful nation, ignoring the smaller section or the less powerful section. It would also mean that the higher or the more powerful states gets to decide upon the rights provided. This is the ultimate defeat of the existence of the concept of human rights, along with defying its definition (Monteiro, n.d.).


essay 評判:論文摘要的寫作方法

essay 評判:論文摘要的寫作方法 摘要在論文寫作中是一個重要的單元,通常分爲中文摘要和英文摘要兩部分。兩者常出現在論文題目之後、主體段落之前,但也有置於文後者,順序是中文摘要在前,英文摘要在後。

essay 評判:論文摘要的寫作方法

摘要是整篇文章的縮影,其內容應能反應整篇文章的精髓。有許多人蔘考到本文時,首先 接觸到的應爲摘要部份,計算機之搜尋最終之內容仍爲摘要之內容,故摘要所能傳達的信息 相當重要。





材料與方法:說明研究中所用之材料及品系資料,簡短地說明實驗設計的模式,必要 時敘述實驗的方法、所用條件及所加之限制等。

essay 評判:論文摘要的寫作方法







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EBP是医疗保健行业的一种新改进,在实际应用于世界之前,它已经经过了多年的测试。因此,EBP的概念可以成倍地改善患者的预后。基于证据的实践基于患者的偏好和价值观(Grove, Burns & Gray, 2014)。这给这种做法的政策带来了额外的好处,因此有助于提高病人对其健康的满意度。EBP涵盖了患者对其医疗服务满意度的所有方面,这使得该概念对患者友好。EBP旨在提高护理质量,同时确保患者的安全。因此,如果病人在接受医疗服务时感到安全和快乐,他将来也会更愿意选择同一家医院。

基于证据的实践,通过提高护理质量和病人安全工作,极大地改善了病人的预后。由于EBP是建立在深入研究的基础上,经过大量的试验才得以实施的,所以没有任何错误的范围,或者错误的范围非常小。一旦实施,EBP帮助护士更容易地提供护理,并以他们最好的想法(Buysse et al., 2012)。如果护士和临床医生能在EBP的帮助下管理好他们的负担,那么病人就会得到更好的照顾。病人的反馈也被分析和处理,进一步给出了组织需要关注的大纲。



EBP可以归结为两个核心问题,即引出研究的质疑和研究在临床领域的应用。阿奇·科克伦(Archie Cochrane)是流行病学家,著有《有效性与效率:对卫生服务的随机反思》(Efficiency and Efficiency: Random Reflections on Health Services)一书。这位作者很重要,因为EBP中的大多数技术都是基于他的作品。Cochrane曾提出,永远不可能有充足的资源,任何医疗服务提供者总会缺少这样或那样的资源(Hauck, Winsett & Kuric, 2013)。因此,医疗保健提供者应该准备以经过测试有效的方式提供服务。这些证据和测试在世界各地正在进行的各种研究中进行。随机对照试验(rct)为这种做法提供了最好的证据。

Sackett和Haynes, 1995,提供了科学证据证明基于EBP的临床实践对患者有更好的效果。这也是临床实践以各种研究成果为基础的原因。这些研究也成为实施EBP的原因(DiCenso, Guyatt & Ciliska, 2014)。在大量的地方实施后,患者和社会都认为临床医生对正在进行的研究是知情的,他们的建议是基于这些研究的。EBP在医疗行业是一个成功的案例,因为它在研究和实施研究中包含了患者的情况和背景。因此,EBP在医疗保健领域越来越受欢迎,并已在多个地方得到应用。随着病人对医生、护士和医院的反馈和满意度的提高,EBP成为这个竞争世界的一个主要吸引力。

Grimshaw和他的同事(2006)认为,医疗保健行业是如此庞大和充满活力,因此实施EBP需要多方面的想法。收集的数据,如患者的结果和反馈,临床医生的工作条件和方法,构成了EBP的理论实施(Stevens, 2013)。临床实施将包括护士和临床医生的培训与研究数据及其在提供医疗服务中的使用。实施策略还需要涵盖临床医生和组织的观点。因此,研究变得重要,因为临床实践可能有不同的意见。研究将而且应该包括确保所有临床医生都具备必要的知识和技能,以便顺利实施基于证据的实践。


EBP is the new improvement in the healthcare industry that has been tested for many years before being actually introduced to the world. Thus, this concept of EBP can improve the patient outcome multi fold. Evidence based practice is based on patient preferences and values (Grove, Burns & Gray, 2014). This gives the added advantage to the policies of this practice and hence helps a lot in the improvement of patient satisfaction with their health. EBP covers all aspects of patient satisfaction with their healthcare services which makes this concept a patient-friendly one. EBP aims to improve the quality of care and also takes care of the patient safety. Thus, if a patient feels safe and happy while getting his healthcare services, he will be more than willing to choose the same hospital for future as well.

Evidence based practice, by improving the quality of care and working on patient safety, hugely improves the patient outcome. As EBP is based on deep research and is implemented after a lot of trials, there is no scope or very less scope of any mistakes. Once implemented, EBP helps in making it easier for the nurses to provide care and also with the best of their mind (Buysse et al., 2012). If the nurses and clinicians get their burden managed with the help of EBP, better care will be given to patients at all times. Patient feedback is also analysed and worked upon which further gives an outline that the organization needs to focus.


Evidence Based Practice: Theoretical and Clinical Application

EBP can be brought down to two core points i.e. questioning that leads to research and the application of research in clinical area. Archie Cochrane was an epidemiologist who wrote Effectiveness and Efficiency: Random Reflections on Health Services. This author is important as most of the techniques in EBP are based on his writings. Cochrane had suggested that there can never be ample amount of resources, one thing or the other will always be lacking in any healthcare service provider (Hauck, Winsett & Kuric, 2013). Thus, the healthcare provider should be prepared to provide service in a way that have been tested to be effective. These evidences and tests were conducted in various ongoing researches all over the world. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) provide the best evidence for such practice.

Sackett and Haynes, 1995, provided scientific evidence that the clinical practices based on EBP has better outcomes from patients. This is also the reason why the clinical practice is based on the results of various research. Also, these researches became the reason for the implementation of EBP (DiCenso, Guyatt & Ciliska, 2014). After the implementation in a large number of places, the patients and society assume that the clinicians are well informed about the ongoing research and their advice are based on them. EBP is a success in healthcare industry as it includes the situation and background of the patient in its research and implementation of research. Thus, EBP is gaining popularity in the healthcare sector and has been applied in various places. With the improved feedback and satisfaction of patient with the doctor, nurse and the hospital, EBP becomes a major attraction in this world of competition.

Grimshaw and colleagues (2006) suggest that the healthcare industry is so vast and dynamic that multifaceted ideas are needed for the implementation of EBP. Collection of data, like the outcome and feedback of patients and the working conditions & methods of the clinicians comprise the theoretical implementation of the EBP (Stevens, 2013). Clinical implementation will cover the training of the nurses and clinicians with the research data and its use in providing healthcare services. The strategies for implementation also need to cover the perspectives of both the clinician as well as the organization. Thus, research becomes important as clinical practice may have difference of opinion. Research will and should also include the assurance that all clinicians have the necessary knowledge and skill that will allow smooth implementation of evidence based practices.




文化失調是我們在日常生活中可以觀察到的現象。即使在家裏,我們也不得不面對許多與文化不和諧相關的事件。我不得不面對文化不和諧的一個事件是,我計劃在大學時代和我的伴侶呆在一起(Waggoner et al., 1970)。我是今天這個年紀的人,像和女性同居這樣的事情被認爲是合理的。我所有的朋友都過着同樣的生活。我們相信這兩者之間沒有什麼錯。我們是成年人。因此,我們可以自由地過我們想要的生活。我相信和我的女性伴侶在一起會幫助我以更好的方式,因爲她瞭解我很長一段時間。而且,她會比任何人都更關心我(Lahire et al, 2008)。總之,她將是一個完美的人,以適應我和安慰我在一個新的環境。

因此,我決定和她住在一起,開始住在我的教育機構附近的一個房間。有一天,我的父母問我關於我的逗留計劃。然而,當我的父母知道這一點,他們變得暴躁。他們狠狠地罵了我一頓,好像我犯了罪似的。他們認爲這是我所犯的最大的罪。就在第二天,他們來到我的住處。那時,我的搭檔在外面。我的父母命令我回家,留下一切(Foster et al., 1977)。



我和父母就這個問題進行了激烈的討論,但他們不願意聽。他們不明白他們的文化與我們的不同。他們應該接受許多事情,他們不會看到在他們的年齡,但這是非常普遍的現在。我父親叫我不要回家,也不要和他說話。這件事之後我很傷心。我對我的關係非常認真(Tomlinson, 2000)。然而,我也不想失去我的父母。


Cultural dissonance is something that can be observed by us in our day to day life. Even in our homes, we have to face many incidents related to the cultural dissonance. One of the incidents where I had to face cultural dissonance was the time when I had planned to stay along with my partner in college times (Waggoner et al., 1970). I am a person of today’s age where things such as living with a female partner are considered valid. All of my friends live their life in the same manner. We believe that there is nothing wrong in the same. We are adults. Therefore, we were free to live our life in the way we wanted to. I believed that staying with my female partner would help me in the better manner as she knows me for a long time. Also, she would care for me more than anyone else (Lahire et al, 2008). In short, she will be the perfect person to accommodate me and comfort me in a new environment.

Therefore, I decided to live with her and begin to live in a room near my educational institution. One day, my parents asked me about my stay which I had planned. However, as soon as my parents knew this, they went irascible. They scolded me badly as if I committed a crime. They believed that this was the biggest sin which I have committed. The very next day, they came to my place. At that time, my partner was outside. My parents ordered me to come back to home and leave everything (Foster et al., 1977).


This was the cultural disownment which I had to face with my parents. I was also stuck at my point. This was the very first time when I had simply neglected what my parents said. They said that it is against our culture that a guy and a girl lives together before their marriage and under no conditions they can accept it.

I had a heavy discussion over the same with my parents, but they were not ready to listen to this. They did not understand that their culture has been different from ours. They should accept many things which they wouldn’t have seen in their age but it is very common now. My father asked me not to return home or talk to him. I was sad after this incident. I was very serious about my relationship (Tomlinson, 2000). However, I didn’t want to lose my parents as well.

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医生给病人开这种药,因为它有助于将这种疾病可能造成的危害降到最低。因为同样的原因,人们可以避免他们可能需要面对的问题,否则阿尔茨海默氏症。这可以暂时缓解老年痴呆症的症状。乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂是治疗阿尔茨海默病的处方药物,因为这种药物有助于防止被称为乙酰胆碱酯酶的酶在大脑中分解乙酰胆碱(McKhann et al . 939)。这是因为阿尔茨海默氏症患者会失去使用乙酰胆碱的神经细胞。神经细胞的丧失可能是有害的,并可能进一步导致疾病症状的恶化。当这种药给病人服用时,它有助于增加大脑中不同神经细胞之间的交流。




In the brain of the person who suffers from the Alzheimer’s disease, there are some lower level chemicals which are known as acetylcholine. This is the chemical which help in the sending of the messages between the nerve cells. Because of the disease, there may be the condition under which there is a loss of these nerve cells which uses acetylcholine. In medical terms, this drug prevents the breaking down of an enzyme called as acetyl cholinesterase from breaking down the acetylcholine in the human brain. This can lead to the increase in the communication in the nerve cells and help in easy passage of nerve cells in the brain leading to better communication among the different nerve cells.

The doctor prescribes this drug to the patients as it helps in the minimization of the harms which may be caused due to this disease. Because of the same, the people can avoid the problems which they may need to face otherwise with Alzheimer’s disease. This can help to alleviate the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease on temporary basis. The medicine acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor is prescribed for Alzheimer’s disease because this medicine helps in the prevention of the enzyme which is named as acetyl cholinesterase from breaking down the acetylcholine in the brain (McKhann et al 939). This is because in case of Alzheimer’s there is loss of those nerve cells which uses acetylcholine. The loss of the nerve cells can be harmful and can further lead to worsening of the symptoms of the disease. When this medicine is given to the patient it helps in the increase in the communication between different nerve cells in the brain.


Some of the major side effects of acetyl cholinesterase inhibitor may be either be mild or it may be serious. Some of the mild side effects include diarrhea, headache, insomnia, Nausea and Vomiting. On the other hand, there are certain serious side effects which include the pain in the abdomen, lack of appetite, yellowness in the skin, dizziness, slower rate of heartbeat, weight loss at a sudden or at a substantial rate and weakness. There are also some of the less visible symptoms which include the actions on the parasympathetic nervous system which can lead to the problem of bradycardia, hypotension, hyper secretion and the decrease in the intraocular pressure. It can also lead to the sludge syndrome and the prolonged contraction of the muscles.

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亚当·哈特有两种收入来源。第一份收入是他的工作收入,第二份收入是租金收入。已经登记的每月费用有好几个。根据所提供的估计数,亚当·哈特每月可以节省2 255美元。

由于亚当的收入目前是固定的,亚当可以通过减少一些开支来提高他的储蓄。除招待费和杂费外,他的大部分开支都是基本开支。亚当可以减少娱乐或杂项开支。他每月650美元的招待费与其他费用相比太高了。他的杂项费用有减少的余地。他每月在汽车上的花费可能还有减少的余地。Adam Hart可以通过减少这些开支,至少每月减少300美元的开支。





Adam Hart has two sources of income. First income is through his job and the other income is the rental income. There are many multiple monthly expenses which have been enlisted. Adam Hart is able to save $2,255 monthly based on the estimates provided.
Since the income of Adam is currently fixed, Adam can look to improve his savings by reducing some expenses. Most of his expenses are essential expenses except for entertainment and miscellaneous expenses. Adam can look to cut down its entertainment or miscellaneous expenses. His entertainment expense of $650 is too high as compared to other monthly expenses. His miscellaneous expense has scope of reduction. His monthly expense on cars might have scope of reduction. Adam Hart can look to reduce at least reduce the expenses by $300 per month by reducing these expenses.
Adam has high car expenses. Adam needs to look into that whether there is scope of reduction in the car expenses.


The net savings of Adam sits in the bank. Bank gives a minimal return and thus the money is sitting idle. Adam should look to increase grow his wealth through systematically investing in other assets. Since Adam is 31 years and has plenty of work life left he can look to invest in stocks for long term gains. Adam should invest part of his savings in equities. If Adam wants to risk averse then he can have a mix between debt and equity but that will reduce his returns. Thus instead of keeping all of his savings in the bank Adam should look to invest in other asset classes.

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在考虑传统的以教师为中心的模型时,教师是信息获取的重要来源(Siegle, 2014)。与此相反,翻转学习的模式是从以教学为基础,以学习者为中心的学习方式的转变。翻转课堂中投入大量的课堂时间,探索更深层次的理解主题,创造丰富的学习机会。因此,学生能够在参与的同时,积极参与到知识的建构中去,能够以一种建立个人意义的方式来评价自己的学习。





When considering the traditional teacher-centralized model, the teacher can be identified as a crucial source from whom information is obtained (Siegle, 2014). In contrast to the same, the model of flipped learning is a shift from instruction based approach that focuses on learner centric approach. There is dedication of in-class time within flipped classroom in order to explore topics with deeper understanding and to create rich opportunities of learning . Due to this, students are able to have an active involvement in the construction of knowledge as they have participation and are able to evaluate their learning in a way that there is establishment of personal meaning .


Educators in flipped learning continuously think about the utilization of flipped learning model for assisting the students in the development of conceptual understanding along with procedural fluency . They are able to determine the key requirement for teaching and the materials that need to be explored by the students themselves.
Educators have been seen using intentional content for maximizing time in the classroom in order to consider adopting methods that can help engage students better such as active, student-centered strategies of active learning which is highly dependent on the subject matter and the grade level.


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由于这些困难和危险的方法,从事垃圾处理行业的人会受到生理上的影响,这反过来又会影响环境。电子垃圾产生量非常大,由于这些活动,新西兰的动植物在长期将受到负面影响(Robinson, 2009)。



One of the fastest growing kinds of waste is E-waste when viewed from the perspective of New Zealand.
It is not only a growing concern, but also raises several environmental alarms such as ensuring that such waste is not accumulated.
The laws of environment for recovering and recycling from e-waste are quiet strict and intensive with regard to capital within developed nations such as New Zealand. Even after the existence of the convention of Basel system, the country has dispatched the electronic waste to developing nations under charity or recycling name.


Because of such difficult and dangerous methods, individuals who are engaged within the disposal profession are affected physiologically and this in turn is influencing the ambience. The e-waste quantity generation is very large and because of such activities, New Zealand’s flora and fauna in the long run will be influenced negatively (Robinson, 2009).
There is a clear need for further stringent practices and authorities that could ensure that the process of disposal of most appropriate nature is put into place for all the categories and types of E-waste.

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从法医学领域所面临的进步、可怕的资源需求和各种各样的挑战可以明显看出,我认为这是聪明、好奇的头脑最有前途的研究领域之一。通过旨在打破司法/犯罪现场法医检验与纯科学法医研究之间的差距的有系统的培训,专家可以最大限度地利用这一研究领域的潜力。美国司法部(US Department of Justice)已编写了一套详细的文件(PCAST 136),这标志着司法科学在证言和报告语言标准化方面迈出了一大步。美国司法部于2016年7月21日提出的最新指导方针考虑了有关DNA、头发等法医检验的最新科学数据。然而,这些都不是全面的,并允许大量的经验错误发生。


国际鉴定协会(IAI)不仅在法医科学的7个学科中颁发了该国最高的认证项目,还宣布了《法医鉴定杂志》(NAS 76)的诞生。美国法医学科学院(American Academy of Forensic Sciences)一直在不懈地努力提高法医学研究的标准,确保这些学位课程不仅以科学为基础,而且与犯罪现场和诉讼相关联(NAS 223)。此外,SWGFAST(摩擦脊分析、研究和技术科学工作组(NAS 137)的简称)正在发挥重要作用。


As is evident by the advancement, dire resource-requirements and spectrum of challenges facing the Forensic Sciences Community, I believe this is one of the most promising fields of study for bright, inquisitive minds. With methodical training that aims at breaching the gap between the forensic testing for legal justice/crime scenes, and purely scientific forensic studies, experts can tap into the potential of this realm of study, to the fullest.Taking a leap ahead to standardize the language of Forensic Sciences for Testimony and Reports, the US Department of Justice has compiled a detailed set of documents (PCAST 136). The latest guidelines proposed by the DOJ on 21 July, 2016 have taken into account the latest scientific data pertaining to forensic tests for DNA, hair and so on. Yet these are not holistic, and allow room for a wide range of empirical errors to occur.


In addition to meting out the country’s top certification programs in the 7 disciplines of Forensic Sciences, the International Association for Identification (IAI) has also heralded the Journal of Forensic Identification (NAS 76). The American Academy of Forensic Sciences has been relentlessly working towards elevating the standard of Forensic Science Studies, ensuring that the degree programs are not just science-based but coherent with crime scenes and litigation (NAS 223). Additionally, a sizeable role is being played by SWGFAST, short for Scientific Working Group on Friction Ridge Analysis, Study and Technology (NAS 137).

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Apart from this, there has been an influx of different races and formation of minority groups in the population. The density of the immigrants in the city has increased in the recent times. This is because of the promise a city continues to hold to increase the income levels of the people. However, this has also caused the ethnic member of the society to interact with only with the member of their races and construct a design around them. There is the development of city design around certain groups. This leads to unequal development of the community and there is fostering of fear of the other races within each racial community. This leads to further issues apart from the issue of income levels.


People from different races live in a city but continue to be living in different areas of the society. There is an implicit bias or fear of the people. But the newer urbane cities have been found to have different problems. The people are not segregated based on their race or ethnicity so much when compared to the economic status of the people.

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刻板印象通常来自于一个人与性别、种族等的联系,这种特征与一个人的联系并不取决于他的任何个人性质。可以说,刻板印象的形成不太可能从任何形式的人际关系和态度发展而来(Jackson & Pearson, 2005)。另一方面,一个人应该体现的特点很可能是在个人管理的态度和行为的基础上发展起来的。刻板印象和一个人的真实人格之间有显著的区别,因为刻板印象中现实的存在减少了。刻板印象也没有考虑到个人选择和偏好的可能性。


性别是为了展示自己的形象,因为性别确实会产生一些联想,这些联想很可能被视为规范。例如,有些想法和可能性,我已经联系起来,可以很容易地由男人做,而某些事情由男人。基于人们对男性和女性的看法而产生的看法之间有着很强的联系(Jackson & Pearson, 2005)。个人影响与性别形成的刻板印象之间有着密切的联系。


Stereotypes are normally derived from a person’s association with gender, race, etc. such kind of characteristics are associated with a person not on account of any of his personal nature. It can be said that the creation of the stereotypes is unlikely to be developed from any form of personal relationships and attitude (Jackson & Pearson, 2005). On the other hand, characteristics which a person is supposed to embody are likely to be developed on the basis of the personal management of the attitude and behavior. There is a significant difference between the stereotypes and the real personality of a person as there is reduced presence of reality in stereotypes. Stereotypes also do not take into account the possibility of individual choices and preferences.


Gender comes to show one’s own image as gender does create some association which are likely to be regarded as norm. For example, there are certain ideas and possibilities which I have associated that can be done easily by men while certain things by men. There has been strong connection in the manner in which perceptions have been generated on the basis of opinion regarding men and women (Jackson & Pearson, 2005). There has been strong connection between the person’s personal effects and stereotypes developed through gender.

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Jeffrey W. Stewart等人(2008)认为,针对特定行业进行研究的呼声再次高涨。他们建议加强边境联系,以增加美国和加拿大的旅游收入。他们还建议通过加强服务来提高国内的认识。因此,我们大力推广我们的葡萄酒和烹饪旅游综合开发方式。此外,安大略省旅游、文化和娱乐部(MTCR)表示,葡萄酒旅游和烹饪旅游已被确定为该省旅游业增长的推动因素,这两方面包括吸引更多游客以及延长目前游客的停留时间和消费。


Shenoy(2005)的报告指出,美食旅游包括五个维度或类别的活动,如地方美食、购买当地食品、当地饮料、在熟悉的连锁餐厅和特许经营餐厅用餐。烹饪旅游的增长被视为一种趋势的结果,人们花更少的时间做饭,但选择追求他们的兴趣,作为休闲体验的一部分,如观看节目,外出就餐等(Sharples, 2003)。Richards(2002)指出,旅游者寻求的是日常生活中无法获得的体验。


According to Jeffrey W. Stewart et al. (2008), there was a renewed call for industry specific research. They suggested enhancing linkages across the border to increase tourism revenue in USA and Canada. They have also suggested enhancing domestic awareness by enhancing services. Therefore, we strongly promote our integrated approach for development of wine and culinary tourism. Moreover, The Ministry of tourism, culture and recreation (MTCR), Ontario stated that wine tourism and culinary tourism have been identified as sectors that could be drivers for increased tourism in the province, both in attracting more visitors and extending the length of stay and spending of current visitors.


Shenoy (2005) reported that food tourism is composed of five dimensions or classes of activities like local cuisines, purchasing local food products, local beverages, dining at familiar chain restaurants and franchises. The growth of culinary tourism is seen as an outcome of a trend where people spend much less time cooking, but choose to pursue their interest in food as a part of a leisure experience such as watching shows, dining out and the like (Sharples, 2003). Richards (2002) stated that tourists seek experiences not available in daily life.


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员工个体的发展是领导存在的重要作用。这种个人的发展很可能被看作是员工赋权的发展。Men and stack(2013)的研究表明,变革型领导通过赋予员工权力,不仅直接而且间接地对员工对组织声誉的感知产生积极影响。因此,领导的角色就像是车轮上的关键齿轮,它形成了员工对组织的看法。在这里,领导模式的工作对于管理员工的反应和创建授权的环境变得至关重要。员工的授权过程使组织能够进步,并开发出更好的效率范围。


领导力影响个人发展的另一个领域与组织内的知识共享和沟通有关。领导者和管理团队的远见确保了员工有合适的环境来学习和分享新的想法和知识。这可以确保更大的创新空间和更多的员工参与创新(Huang et al., 2010)。人际信任产生于领导力影响的方式充分强调了企业知识共享与领导力之间的联系。


The development of individual employees is an important role for the presence of leadership. This kind of development of individuals is likely to be seen developing from the presence of empowerment of the employees. Studies conducted by Men and Stacks, 2013, show that transformational leadership positively influences employees’ perception of organizational reputation, not only directly but also indirectly, through empowering employees. Therefore, the role of leadership comes across as crucial cog in the wheel which forms the employees’ perception towards the organization. Here, the work of the leadership patterns becomes crucial to manage the responses of the employees and create an environment of empowerment. The empowering process of employees enables the organization to progress and develop better scope of efficiency.


Another area where leadership impacts development of individuals is related to knowledge sharing and communication within the organization. The outlook of the leaders and the management team ensures that the employees are provided suitable environment to learn and share new ideas and knowledge. This can ensure higher scope for innovation and greater presence of employee involvement in the creation of initiatives (Huang et al., 2010). The way in which the interpersonal trust is derived from impact of leadership amply underlines the connection between knowledge sharing in a firm and leadership.


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弹跳健身公司为公司在各大城市的员工提供创新的健身项目。公司希望确保工作场所的多样性,所有员工都得到平等对待。它想要确保员工工作以满足他们的内在潜力(Precision Group, 2012)。Bounce fitness公司的基础是一个简单的商业事实,即让员工参加健身项目将降低公司的成本。公司的目标是每年增加注册人数,并将收购成本降低4%。它想要确保员工、客户和公司的目标通过这个过程得以实现。


Bounce Fitness为消费者提供可定制的服务。他们专注于为消费者提供便捷的服务。所观察到的总的市场趋势是人们对健康日益关注。人们想要确保他们是健康的,这一比例已经从19%上升(Precision Group, 2012)。在各组织中,重新承诺确保雇员的健康。这里有很多健康套餐。自2000年以来,劳动大军中的女性人数大幅增加(Shields et al., 2015)。1600万个新的工作岗位将被增加到劳动力中,而没有足够的熟练工人来满足这些需求。因此,公司需要确保现有的熟练劳动力是健康的,以满足他们自己的需求。妇女工人人数的增加、该区域工人人数的增加和对更多熟练工人的需要以及人民对保健的重视程度的提高是所观察到的一般市场趋势。


Bounce Fitness Company is used to serve the corporation in the metropolitan areas by providing the staff with the innovative wellness programs. The company wants to ensure that there is diversity in the workplace and all the employees are treated equally. It wants to ensure that the employees are made to work to meet their innate potential (Precision Group, 2012 ). The Bounce fitness company is based on the simple business fact that it would cost a company reduction in cost by enrolling the employees in a fitness programs. The target and goals of the company are to increase the number of enrollments per year and reduce the costs of acquisition by four percent. It wants to ensure that the employees, customers and the objective of the company are reached by the process.


Bounce Fitness is providing customizable services for the consumers. They are focused on providing with ease and convenience in service for the consumers. The general market trends that are observed are the increasing concerns of the people over fitness. The people want to ensure that they are healthy and this ratio has increased from 19% (Precision Group, 2012). In the organizations, there is renewed commitment towards ensuring health of the employees. There are a number of wellness packages that have been included. The number of women in the workforce has increased considerably from 2000 (Shields et al., 2015). Sixteen million new jobs are going to added into the workforce and there are not enough skilled workers to meet these needs. Hence, the companies need to ensure that that current skilled workforce is healthy for them to meet their own requirements. Increase in women workers, increase in the number of workers and the need for more skilled workers in the region, and increase importance towards health by the people in general are the general market trends that are observed.

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A visit by the prime minister is seen as a glorification of war-time actions, raising a question about the PM’s right over his personal and political life. Is a visit by the PM to the shrine makes Japan less responsible in areas of war and its occurrence and does such a visit glorify wars? The answer to this lies in the ethical consideration of the act and the intent behind, because interpretations have no end and must align to the close intent of the visitor and his actions thereafter.


However, out of all of the shrines, only 1000 are said to be convicted war criminals after the World War 2 court verdicts. The visit by common citizens and government officials cannot be seen as an act that is embracing a war mongering attitude, but the prime reason to consider is to pay homage to the thousands of real fighters who fought for their nation (Breen, 2008). The visits cannot be seen as such that the visitors are war lovers and they glorify the act of war. However, it is a solidarity means by visiting and remembering the real fighters of the nation who died so that the future generation could have a better life. The controversy can also end if the shrines of the war criminals are separated from the real fighters of wars. This can do away with the controversy surrounding the visit and lessen the friction between protestors and the supporters.

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这位摄影记者对这张关于儿童和秃鹫的特殊照片进行了广泛而多样的批评。很多人认为卡特是一个掠夺者,而其他人则认为他是一个受害者。佛罗里达州的《圣彼得堡时报》(St. Petersburg Times)发表声明称,卡特调整了相机镜头,以便能够准确地捕捉到孩子所遭受的痛苦。这种行为可以被认为是食肉动物的行为,除了秃鹰已经出现在孩子附近(Kim & Kelly, 2013)。这就意味着摄影师专注于捕捉如此脆弱的对象本身就是不道德的,因为他应该试图赶走秃鹰,而不是与孩子一起拍摄(Kim & Kelly, 2013)。这被认为是由于儿童本身的状况严重恶化。在拍照时不需要任何额外的元素,比如秃鹰,或者可能被排除在外,而拍照仍然会描绘出孩子面临的资源匮乏。


对电影制作人丹·克劳斯(Dan Krauss)的另一种批评认为,在这张著名的照片中,他可以看到卡特内心的不安,并相信摄影记者也看到了。除此之外,他在饥饿的孩子身上看到了非洲的苦难,在猎食的秃鹰身上看到了自己的脸(Sey, 2015)。然而,与此同时,卡特的女儿梅根回应说,她认为她的父亲,也就是卡特,是一个受苦受难的孩子,她认为这个世界是贪婪的。


Wide and diverse forms of criticisms were experienced by this photojournalist in regards to this specific photo of child and vulture. Various people saw Carter as a predator while other viewed him as a sufferer. It was the statement of St. Petersburg Times of Florida that Carter adjusted the camera lens to be able to take the right frame of the child’s suffering. This action can be considered as an action of a predator apart from the vulture present already near the child (Kim & Kelly, 2013). This implied that the photographer’s focus on capturing such a vulnerable subject was immoral in itself as he should have attempted to chase away the vulture instead of photographing it together with child (Kim & Kelly, 2013). This is considered as the condition of child was highly deteriorated itself. Any additional element such as a vulture was not required while taking the picture or could have been excluded and photograph would have still depicted the scarcity of resources faced by the child.


Another criticism of a Filmmaker Dan Krauss suggests that in this famous picture, he could see the troubled psyche of Carter and had a belief that the photojournalist saw it too. Apart from this, he saw the suffering of Africa in the starving child and saw his own face within the preying vulture (Sey, 2015). However, at the same time, Megan, daughter of Carter responded with the belief that she viewed her father namely Carter as the child that was suffering and viewed the world as vulture.

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国际人力资源管理(IHRM)的定义是:为实现一个组织在国家和国际方面的目标而对人进行管理的活动的集合。跨国公司过去往往在人力资源管理规划职能上采取主动步骤。核心管理委员会必须确定在全球建立和运营业务的业务地点和人才队伍(Bratton 2017)。国际人力资源管理的目标是拥有全球身份和文化招聘。根据人力资源相关的活动,需要更多的员工参与,也会涉及更多的风险。人力资源管理的主动性完全取决于当地环境的调整能力、东道国企业实际工作价值的明确性、职业规划以及人力资源政策的相关知识。


人力资源团队越能适应语言和文化,人力资源计划就越能成功(Harzing and pinington 2015)。影响组织人力资源实践的因素有制度环境、组织因素、关系语境和母国因素。这些因素通常涉及东道国的人力资源经理,以确保人力资源实践将与当地的要求保持一致。标准做法是指跨国公司的经理在指导和激励员工的所有策略中实施的做法,如根据员工的表现给予奖励和惩罚(Ivancevich和Konopaske 2013)。这与其中所提到的是一致的。认为各子公司之间存在一定程度的整合,这是人力资源通过在适应与整合之间寻找平衡来应对制度二元性的方式。


The International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is defined as the collection of activities for managing the human to achieve the goals of an organization for national and international aspects. Multinational companies used to plan to take initiative steps on Human Resource Management planning functions. The core management committee has to identify the locations of the business and talented workforce for establishing and operating the business globally (Bratton 2017). The objectives of IHRM are to have a global identity and cultural hiring. According to the HR related activities, more involvement of the employees is required, and more risks are involved as well. The Human Resource Management initiatives totally depend on the ability of adjustment of a local environment, clarity of the practical work value of the Host Company, career planning and relevant knowledge about HR policies.


The more the HR team will adapt the language and the culture, the more the HR plan will be successful (Harzing and Pinnington 2015). The factors that influence human resource practices of the organization are institutional environment, organizational factors, relational context and home country factors. These factors commonly involve an HR manager from the host country to make sure that HR practices will be constant with the local requirements. The standard practices are those that the managers of an MNE implement in all the strategies to direct and motivate the employees such as giving rewards and punishment on the basis of the performance of the employees (Ivancevich and Konopaske 2013). This is consistent with what was mentioned in it. It is maintained that certain level of integration among the various subsidiaries and these are the ways for HR to respond to the institutional duality by finding a balance between adaptations and integration.

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此外,團隊建設練習和其他形式的組織發展已經通過培訓項目。它使組織能夠不斷地為發展整體的團隊精神和合作意識而工作。在多團隊的組織結構中,合作意識和組織溝通技能的工作改進是非常重要的(Ashkenas, 1995)。


In many organizations like , the creation and development of the training programs assume wide scope. This kind of wide scope also takes into account the presence of management of the key skills which influence the working and the success of the organizational structure. In the areas which are related to organizational structure, it has been seen that the working of the employees is likely to be improved through better communication skills. The constant peer-to-peer learning through formal and informal training systems, has allowed the improvement in the communication skills of the employees. It has improved their working style and the management of the overall skills which are required for the purpose managing teams. So, when such kind of systems of the organization allows the better handling of the team-driven approach it strengthens and improves the working of organizational structures .


Further, team building exercises and other forms of organizational development have been seen through training programs. It enables the organizations to continuously work for the development of the overall teamwork and sense of cooperation. In multi-team organizational structures, sense of cooperation and improvement in the working of the organizational communication skills is quite crucial (Ashkenas, 1995).

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在上述情况下,加权平均资本成本是通过使用总债务、股本和Wesfarmers的总价值的市场价值来计算的。市场价值在其计算中被优先考虑,因为它更接近于利益相关者的期望。他们发现依靠市场价值更方便,从而有助于提高公司在外部市场的资本价值(Hofmann, 2014)。


股权的市场价值是从外部市场上Wesfarmers股份的市场价格中获得的。债务价值也代表公司的负债。采用考虑无风险利率、贝塔系数和市场收益率的资本资产定价模型计算权益成本。优于股利增长模型。然而,股利增长模型考虑了增长因素,但对利益相关者来说并不十分可靠(Hull, 2014)。贝塔系数是根据公司在网上的股价计算出来的。在计算权益成本时,使用的是市场收益率,而不是市场收益率与无风险利率之间的利差。


Weighted average cost of capital is termed as the rate which the stakeholders of the company expect from the company in terms of their return on the investments. The outside stakeholders determine it for the calculation of their average returns rather than management.
In the above case, the weighted average cost of capital is calculated by using the market value of the total debt, equity and the overall value of the Wesfarmers. Market value is preferred in its calculation, as it is closer to the expectations of the stakeholders. They find it more convenient to rely on the market values, which thereby help in raising the capital value of the company in the external market (Hofmann, 2014).


Market value of equity is taken from the market price of the shares of the Wesfarmers in the external market. Debt value also represents the indebtedness of the company. Cost of equity is calculated by the capital asset pricing model, which considers the risk free rate, beta and market return. It is better than the dividend growth model. However, the dividend growth model considers the growth factor, but it is not very reliable for the stakeholders (Hull, 2014). Beta is calculated with the help of the share prices of the company available on the web. Return on market is used rather than the spread between the return on market and risk free rate for calculation of cost of equity.

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作业成本法:这种成本法是指生产过程在连续基础上不间断地进行的组织所采用的一种成本计算方法。成本表由组织的管理会计编制,计算单位成本(Upadhye, 2014)。本技术不适用于Mal有限公司,因其生产工艺或花卉栽培工艺因季节性因素不能全年进行。


Process costing: This costing technique is used when product is manufactured or complete in different stages or in different processes. In this case, in order to calculate product cost, cost incurred in each process is summed up and then divided by no of finished units produced at last process. This costing technique can also employed by Mal ltd in terms; cost incurred in all process of flower grown shall be summed up and then divided by no of flowers grown.


Operation costing: This costing technique is used by that organization in which production process takes place son continues basis which means without any halt. Cost sheet is prepared by management accountant of the organization so as to calculate cost per unit (Upadhye, 2014). This technique is not suitable for Mal ltd as their production process or flower grown process does not goes throughout the year because of seasonality factor.

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业务增长的基本战略应该是适当的广告、对潜在客户的透明度和有竞争力的定价。因为容易负担的产品会吸引更多的客户,带来较大的年营业额,所以要特别注意保持价格的高可承受性(Chang, 2016)。这将带来更大的结果,有助于建立公司的声誉。




The basic strategy for the growth of business should be proper advertising, transparency towards potential customers and competitive pricing. Since a product which is easily affordable will attract more customers and bring a large annual turnover, special attention should be paid towards keeping the price highly affordable (Chang, 2016). This will bring greater results and help establish reputation of the company.


The potential customers for this business plan are all the people irrespective of their age as cookies and breads are enjoyed by everyone. The aim of the business should be a wide and open approach as the easier it is to find the product, the more popular and reliable it becomes. Hence, the cookies and breads should be available readily at all the leading grocery stores and even in smaller shops. This results in end user trust and reliability. The consumer will always try to buy a product that is easily available.

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The world is changing and so is the way people look at entertainment. By people, one refers to both adults and kids. Earlier the adults had various ways of recreational activities, which were different from the time spent on the internet. The kids were asked to play outdoors. Outdoor games were important and so was physical activity. The kids indulged in outdoor activities. With the advent of computer and later, the internet, the way people looked at entertainment changed. The adults have taken to spending more time on the internet which includes watching motion pictures and serials, playing games and connecting with other people on the internet. At the same time, it is seen that the kids are introduced to gaming techniques available online.


It needs to be understood that with the changing patterns of recreational activities, the behavioral pattern of people is also changing. People on a general note are becoming irritable and violent. The question that arises at the given point of time is that is the online gaming habit responsible for creation of violence in kids and people who play regularly, or it’s just the social media which is responsible for the same.In order to answer the given question, it becomes important to understand the usage pattern of social media by people and how it has been changing the behavioral pattern of people. At the same time if online gaming has also lead to a change in behavioral pattern. Besides, if either of it is responsible for creating violence in children or in adults (Bock).

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Zamini, Zamini and Berzegary(2011)进行了一项研究,旨在了解组织文化与工作倦怠之间存在的关系。这项研究的参与者来自大不里士大学。Hofstede组织文化和Maslach职业倦怠量表调查问题被询问给参与者。t检验结果表明,工作倦怠与组织文化之间存在显著的相关关系。研究发现,人际关系和整体管理文化直接影响员工的绩效。


本研究旨在展示人际关系对组织文化的影响(Zamini et al., 2011)。其中一些因素直接损害了公司和生产力。在目前的情况下,惩罚或训斥员工等方法不利于公司的生产力。在这种情况下,公司的个人开始对员工不利。公司的员工希望他们工作的公司给予他们一定程度的尊重。因此,如果员工觉得在公司里不受尊重,公司的生产力就会降低。如果公司的员工没有得到应有的尊重,就会导致员工感到疲劳。



Research by Zamini, Zamini and Berzegary (2011) conducted a research to understand the relationship that exists between the organizational culture and the job burnout. The participants of the study were from the University of Tabriz. The Hofstede Organizational Culture and Maslach Burnout Inventory survey questions were asked to the participants. The T-Test result showcased that there was significant relationship that exists between job burnout and the organizational culture. It has been found that the interpersonal relationship and the overall management culture were found to directly impact on the performance of the employee.


This research was used to show the impact of the interpersonal relationship on the organizational culture (Zamini et al., 2011).Some of the factors lead to the direct detriment of the company and the productivity. In the current situation, methods such as punishing or reprimanding the employees work against the productivity of the company. The personal of the company start to work against the employee in such cases. The employees of the company expect a certain level of respect from the organization where they work. Hence if the employees do not feel respected in the company the productivity of the company is expected to reduce. In cases where the employees of the company do not receive the required respect it leads to the employees to feel fatigued.
The issues of the employees and the causes of discomfort that leads to the employee burnout have been attributed to the organizational structure and function. There are many variables that are associated with the different subtypes and cause the employees to respond to the situation. Hence each case of employee burnout is based on many organizational factors. The companies need to probe into their working culture to understand the paradigms associated with the employee burnout.

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Product manufacturing costs, operational costs in manufacturing, product distribution and delivery costs are some of the costs that are tied up in the determination of the end costs for products. The technical support available for a product will be helpful in driving down the manufacturing costs, operational costs etc. This in turn will help the company to drive down their cost per handset to customer. Thus when the technical improvements reduce production costs, then the overall cost per handset could be brought down. This means that the price declines. For a normal good, when the good is desirable in the market and when the price goes down for it, consumers will tend to buy it. The customers are expected to be knowledgeable about the good they buy in a market economy . The very competitive nature of the market economy is structured around this.


Therefore when the price for a product declines, then the demand for the product would increase as customers will want to buy it. The quantity demanded will hence raise leading to a sloping demand curve. Quantity demanded at different price levels can be seen in the above diagram. The lower the price is, the higher the demands and vice versa. However, there are any exceptions to the case here. A mobile phone handset has a certain life time and consumers would probably not want to buy another handset of the same model if they already have an existing handset. Secondly, the mobile phone market is a very competitive one, and consumers have a different variety of choices to choose from. Technology support for mobile goods increases in a rather balanced way for all mobile phone manufacturers, so cost control is not just dependent on technology but other factors such as geography etc.

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一个组织可能有许多培训计划的形式。选择合适的培训项目将取决于组织的整体工作。培训方法的选择必须根据组织的具体工作要求进行。每种培训计划和方法都有其固有的优势和挑战(Noe, 2008)。在选择合适的培训项目时,必须考虑这些因素,即优势和挑战。在国内电力公司的情况下,培训方法是根据本组织的需要选择的。可以看出,由于组织的工作需要选择能够提高团队成员之间沟通和互动水平的培训方法。




Forms of training and understanding the needs of the organization
An organization is likely to have a number of options in the form of training program. The selection of the right kind of training program would depend upon the overall working of the organization. On the basis of the specific job requirements of the organization, the selection of the training methods has to be carried out. Each of the training program and method has its own inherent advantages and challenges (Noe, 2008). While considering the selection of the right kind of training program, these factors i.e. advantages and the challenges have to be considered. In the case of Domestic-Powerco, the training methods were selected on the basis of the needs of the organization. It has been seen that the working of organization made it necessary for the selection of training methods which can increase the level of communication and interaction within the team members.


Since, the training of the new and existing employees is likely to be developed more through on-the-job training, there was a need for guided and supervised training method. Such a system has been ideally served in the working of the training methods of apprenticeship training and buddy system (London, 1989). These were two of the training methods that were employed by the organization which allowed the employees to have regular interaction and learning through communication with their employees. It has been seen that the working of the organizational needs has been improved on the basis of these two methods. Further, such a system empowered the employees to have a healthy mix of on-the-job and off-the-job training methods .

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《幸福的方式》是Sonja Lyubomirsky写的一本书,书中说一个人可以决定幸福的基础。基因决定了50%的人类幸福。40%用于自我控制,剩下的10%用于上述人生活中的情况和环境。此外,这项针对哈佛大学本科生的75年资助研究还发现,幸福与人生中拥有爱的关系有关,尤其是与父母的关系。同样,根据Haybron(2011)的观点,幸福可以用两种理论来讨论。在一种理论中,幸福是一个价值术语,它再次与健康和幸福联系在一起,而另一种理论认为幸福“类似于抑郁”。在总结各自的理论之前,也进行了当代文学、最近的讨论和关于幸福的心理学概念。


Research has been carried out in order to pin point and cement happiness to be a definite concept. 1960 was the year when happiness started becoming a part of different disciplines in the field of science including social psychology, clinical and medical research, happiness economics and gerontology. These researches have helped in forming various concepts which talk about the different causes of happiness. There are no other concepts which are correlated to it, but have not validated any method which could point out the cause definitely, nor is there anything to point out what can improve long term happiness in human beings. Nor can anything definitely point out what it means to the different people of the world.


The How of Happiness is a book by Sonja Lyubomirsky, which says that one can determine things that happiness is based on. Genetics is responsible for 50% of the human happiness. 40% is given to self-control and the remaining 10% to situations and circumstances in the said person’s life. Furthermore, the 75-year Grant Study of Harvard undergraduates correlates happiness with having loving relationships in one’s life, especially the ones with parents. Also as per Haybron (2011), happiness can be discussed with the help of two theories. In one theory, happiness is a value term, which is again associated with wellness and wellbeing, and the other one suggests happiness to be something “akin to depression” . This has also undertaken the contemporary literature, recent discussions and psychological notions on happiness before concluding on the respective theories.

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变更管理的计划和执行需要处理关键元素,如业务流程再造、组织文化中的变更和公司组织结构的管理。这些都是关键和重要的因素,对于组织内整个变更管理过程的工作和管理都是重要的。同样需要注意的是,这些过程中的每一个都提供了方向和输入,然后将它们合并到变更管理过程中。此外,这些因素很可能随着组织内部和外部环境的需要和工作而改变(D’Aprix, 1996)。因此,本组织必须考虑到这些因素,以便对工作进行适当的管理。


在美孚石油等工作的组织变更管理的重点领域将考虑关注业务的主要目标,定义客户的需求,分析竞争力量的影响,改进人员管理系统,包括重大创新的有效的沟通策略。这就要求改变公司应对市场状况的总体方式,设计和执行高尔基(D’aprix, 1996)。苹果公司(Apple Inc.)等公司已经表明,变革管理对于重新定义公司的重点领域、确保公司随时准备好面对音乐、电脑、手机等不同行业的挑战非常重要。


The planning and execution of change management requires handling of critical elements like business process reengineering, changes in the organizational culture and management of the organizational structure of the company. These are crucial and important factors which are important for the working and the management of the overall change management process within the organization. What is also important to note is that each of these processes provides direction and inputs which are then incorporated within the change management process. Further, these factors are likely to be seen changing as per the needs and working of the organizational internal and external environment (D’Aprix, 1996). Therefore, it is necessary for the organization to take into account these factors for proper management of the working.


In the working of organizations like Mobil Oil, the main focus area of change management would take into account focussing on the main objectives of the business, defining the needs of the customers, analysing the impact of the competitive forces, revamping people management systems and including significant innovation in terms of effective communication strategies. This calls for change in the overall manner in which the company responds to the market conditions and design it’s planning and execution gaols (D’Aprix, 1996). Organizations like Apple Inc. have shown that change management is important for redefining the focus areas of the organization and ensuring that the company remains ready to face challenges in different industries like music, computers, mobile phones, etc.

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However, in the current world, the work is not what one does at his desk but it has more dimensions attached to it. The organization emphasize on the skill set, negotiation skills, dedication, innovation, openness to new ideas etc. All qualified employees can write a good email and can put forward their points efficiently using the right words but what really matters in the current world is how the business is running and which employee is bringing in what kind of business . Qualification is not limited to degrees and certificates. When an employee changes his job, the one most popular question which the HR asks him is what kind of business he has brought for the company where he currently works.

The HR is least bothered about his qualifications and certificates but is more concerned about him being instrumental in bringing in good business for the company. This is also a major driver while negotiating ones salary during the HR interview. The theories given by Frederick and Weber were best applied during the times in which it was proposed but it is not of much importance in the twenty first century .

Thus in order to conclude, it would not be wrong to mention that the definition of management has changed over the years and the companies have adopted the management style which suits them the best rather than following the classical management theories. The world has become fast paced and the old management theories are not able to keep pace with the ever changing world and hence do not hold much importance in the current world. Theories given by Frederick and Weber were with respect to the early twentieth century. However the world has advanced manifold and has moved ahead of time and at this fast pace, the theories do not hold much of importance. Each organization has its own style of working which best suits their approach towards managing employees and the work .


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There will be encouragement of trial based purchase at the rate of 20 per cent. This will be achieved by Apple in the provision of rebates to customers like discount of 50 dollars on the purchase price of product. Such rebates of price will be encouraging the consumer for believing the chance to obtain a bargain. For the encouragement of sales for iTrip/V through the retailers, Apple will focus on providing discounts on trade as funds of marketing for the encouragement of other organizations like Best Buy for advertising and promoting the complete product family of iPod .


For the purpose of evaluation, it will be ensured that the product is directly presented for the customer. In the development of this marketing mix, a number of concerts will be sponsored while participating in a number of different events. There will not only be a generation of interest in the product, but also this will involve the need for encouraging evaluation in targeting at the rate of 30 per cent. There will be facilitation of evaluation at a number of events by ensuring the availability of product for the trial of event participation. Having many cars with an iPod and iTrip/V having music enabled by speech will be encouraging the event attendees for trying the product under the scope of real use situation. In the duration of concerts, the band sponsored will be encouraging the attendees for the purpose of trying out the product.

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It is identified that the public opinion on the solar energy in India is more on the confused side since most of the public do not understand the terminologies of MW and GW that result in their opinion and preferences to become non-clear. The goals of the NDA government of India are to deliver 24 hours supply of power to the nation that is chronically short powered. Part of the governmental and corporate emphasis in related with the solar energy is to strengthen the position of India within the topic of global climate change negotiation. The focus of both government and the Indian policy makers are to reduce the reliance on the fossil fuels in order to reduce the emissions without committing to place cap on emissions .


However, India has placed the carbon tax on INR 100 to INR 200 per tonne for the greenhouse gas emitting coal. The public of India is equally concerned about the climate change because of which the focus has moved on the energy production and the impact on environment. Therefore, the public opinion about the concern of solar energy is in favour of expanding the solar power . Majority of the Indians are aware that there has been considerable growth within the solar energy sector of India and the considerable foreign direct investment has also been secured.

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领导力敏捷性面临的第一个挑战是,组织正在利用为不同时代建立的业务模型(Lewis et al., 2014)。尽管竞争对手已经转向其他模式,这些模式在与员工的互动中不那么正式、更开放,但雅虎仍在依赖几十年前建立的模式。


领导敏捷性在很大程度上依赖于工作场所的信任和文化(Derue et al., 2012)。任何时候,一个领导者都必须知道,当涉及到他们想要做出的决定时,他们可以信任其他组织的员工。因此,领导者与员工之间的联系是至关重要的(Fink and Neumann, 2007)。在梅耶尔的例子中,她是公司的新人,因此她需要首先与员工建立联系。梅耶尔的失败激怒了她的一些员工,其影响导致了许多问题。例如,雅虎对企业文化的看法发生了巨大转变。梅耶尔不了解这种文化,因此她不能真正改变或实施她的战略解决方案。由于无法与员工建立适当的关系和支持,而且没有适当的支持,她不可能为组织带来巨大的动力转变。


The first of the challenges to leadership agility was that the organization was making use of a business model that was built for a different era (Lewis et al., 2014). While competitors had moved on to other models that were less formal and more open in their interactions with employees, Yahoo was still relying on a model that was built decades back.


Leadership agility relies so much on trust and culture in the workplace (Derue et al., 2012). A leader at any point must know that they can trust the other organizational employees when it comes to the decision they want to take. For this, it is quintessential that the leader connects with the employees (Fink and Neumann, 2007). Now in the case of Mayer, she was a new person to the company and hence it was needed for her to connect with her employees first. In failing to so Mayer antagonised some of her employees and the impact of which led to much issues. For instance, there was a huge shift in how corporate culture was perceived at Yahoo. Mayer did not understand the culture hence and she could not really change or implement her strategic solutions. In failing to establish a proper relationship and support with her employees and without the right support, it was impossible for her to bring huge shifts in momentum for the organization.

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For experiencing sustained competitive edge in the longer run as an organization, it should make investment in human resources and further consider the deployment of scarce assets across core fundamental area. These are most effective in the provision of sustained competitive edge. The competitive edge of GM with technology development mainly lies in its process. GM has been positioning itself with its process for market leadership . There is encompassing of the aspects of distribution and manufacturing in the business along with advertising and marketing . For the leadership of GRM, it ensures establishing reputation for reliable and safe vehicles that are popular and trendy. There is specific alteration of the manufacturing practices for ensuring to provide quality parts in the vehicles.


There has been an improvement in the efficiency of its plants for the reduction of costs. The company has been undergoing a number of processes for the modernization of manufacturing processes. There has been efficient manufacturing of vehicles with specific focus on the improvement of safety ratings. The company further competes with specific factors of quality such as reliability and affordability for the establishment of a popular image of brand. There can be achievement of deals of product placement with the aggressive nature of marketing. There are specific cues for the purpose of reaffirming beliefs regarding the superior quality in the products of GM and the overall attractiveness . There is extreme historic competitiveness of GM in the segmentation of market supported by the mandated improvement of infrastructure.

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高管自身利益与所有利益相关者利益的对抗:安然事件破坏了企业文化伦理。安然是一个例子,一个企业在金融行业失败了,因为它越来越多的伦理问题(Moore, 2014)。首先,考虑一下安然公司存在的傲慢文化,在这种文化中,人们被鼓励去相信冒险是正确的。安然本应承担风险,但以一种更为谨慎的方式,并应向其员工规定同样的文化,但人们认为,它是为了激励其员工从事高风险行为。例如,安然公司的告密者Sherron Watkins在陈述安然公司的行为时指出,雇员只是被要求提供他们的数字。如果他们实现了目标,那么他们如何实现目标就无关紧要了。这导致了一种文化,在这种文化中,员工们相信,如果他们没有被抓到,可以做任何他们想做的事情。


In fact, Enron had a code of ethics for its corporate culture, but it was noted in many research on the company’s failure that the company did not take any active attempt to promote it. Financial professionals and related professionals working in the industry would not have had information on what was right and wrong, and furthermore, it was also seen that the decentralization program which was going on in Enron did nothing to support these values. Decentralization in the context of ongoing ethical crises only made things worse. Employees had less information on ethics, and only followed legal measures and there was a gap between ethics and law. The way employee’s performance appraisals were conducted and the very structuring of the compensation program was built based on numbers is indicative of this .


Self Interest of Executives Versus Interests of All Stakeholders: Ethics of corporate culture was destroyed in Enron. Enron is an example of an enterprise in the finance industry which failed because of its mounting ethical concerns (Moore, 2014). Firstly, consider the culture of arrogance that was present in Enron where people were given incentive to believe it was alright to take risks. Enron should have taken risks but in a more careful way and should have prescribed the same culture to its employees, but instead it was seen to motivate its employees into high risk behaviour. For instance, the whistle blower at Enron, Sherron Watkins in presenting Enron behaviour later states that employee was just asked to make their numbers. How they made their numbers did not matter, if they were meeting targets they were productive? This led to a culture where employees believed that it was alright to do whatever they want if they did not get caught.

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根据CAPM模型,存在无摩擦市场或完美市场。然而,实际市场情况并非如此。CAPM模型还要求限制对投资者回报和证券的一些假设。投资者还应完全同意关于证券收益的统计性质和投资者偏好的有限假设。最后,假设投资者在一个共同的时间范围内对证券的可能表现和风险达成一致。在现实世界中,这些元素中有许多是不同的,该理论所假定的元素可以看作是限制性假设。模型的可扩展性以及关于如何放松这些限制的更多理论已经导致了对CAPM许多更复杂版本的理解(Mullins, 1982)。




Per the CAPM model, frictionless market or a perfect market exists. However, this is not the case in real market situations. CAPM model also requiredfor limiting some of the assumptions that were made on investor return and securities. Investors are also expected to be in complete agreement on the limiting assumptions concerning the statistical nature of securities returns and investors’ preferences. Finally, investors are assumed to agree on the likely performance and risk of securities based on a common time horizon. In the real world, much of these elements are observed to be different and elements as postulated by this theory can be considered as restrictive assumption. The extensible nature of the model and much more theories on how to relax these restrictions has led to the understanding of many more complex versions of CAPM (Mullins, 1982).


The simple version of CAPM being the first postulated versionalong with regression and time-linear and Beta testing and other versions that came much later have made CAPM quite suitablefor developing other models. Various interpretations of those test results as identified for the different empirical models were discussed earlier. The early cross section test or the regression test was useful for identifying the average risk-free interest rate. In the case of investments, the risk-free rate is defined as the theoretical rate of return in an investment in zero risk. There are implications for the investor in this work. Firstly, the investor would be able to consider this risk-free state to assess the form of investment and the period over which he could select the interest .

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An organization can face various types of risk that prevent the growth and development of the organizations. According to originated area, the risk can be divided as operational risk, financial risk, market risk and strategic risk. The operational risk comprised with the operational related hazards. The financial risk implies the monetary losses and insufficient financial resources of the organization . The market risk associated with the reputation, brand image and brand value of the organization. The strategic risk arises from the failure of the strategic action.


The risk can be categorized by the nature of the risk such as the hazards or the real threats, control risk and opportunity or speculative risk . The hazards are the real risks associated with the business activities of the organization, which are permanent risks. The examples of hazards are the operational risk, performance risk, financial risk, etc. Moreover, for these types of risks, the companies use to deploy various risk management techniques to minimize the risks. Control risks are management risk, which can also be minimized by appropriate measurements .
In addition to this, the opportunity or speculative risks are the uncertain risks, which can arise from the natural calamity, massive technical failure from the political instability and from the downfall of the financial market. The companies have to be prepared for the opportunity risks, and appropriate risks measurement can support in reducing the effect of these risks .

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The emotions are used for the rational thinking for a human being and are not a hindrance for the artificial thinkers in the society. The robots are used to not take the emotional side and do not make right decisions. The sentiments are used to affect the human efficiency . The artificial intelligence chances of error are found to be almost nil and greater accuracy is achieved in the process.
With artificial intelligence, the chances of error are almost nil and greater precision and accuracy is achieved. The intelligence machines are used to make dangerous tasks and are not affected by the factors that affect humans.
The maintenance and repair of the artificial intelligence is the costs that are involved in the process. There are many procedures used to restore the lost code or data. This can be a time consuming and costly process.


The important concern regarding the application of the artificial intelligence is the factoring in the moral values of the situation. The intelligence is considered to be a gift. However, it cannot work for the benefit of the people.
The machines are used to store vast amounts of data. However, the storage of the data is not as effective as the humans. They are used to perform repetitive tasks for longer times. The artificial intelligence is found to cause detrimental impact on common sense. It also impacts the creative process.
Hence, the robots cannot address some of the human emotions and the rationality. They need to factor in these technologies in the future. Plausible future trends have been elucidated in the following.

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It is observed that both Blackberry and Apple have indeed focused on many types of innovations and strategies. Blackberry has relied on a chronology of breakthrough innovations, core innovations and slightly incremental innovations (in that order). On the other hand, Apple has focused on a chronology starting with formal and breakthrough innovations, and then the classic incremental innovations and finally are at the periphery of radical innovations. The competitive innovations strategy of apple is indeed more successful than Blackberry as has been observed in the current market situation.


Blackberry in innovation management has not considered many strategic options or alternatives, and have focused on being lesser pragmatists with lesser vision of what consumer need and this has led them to a market downfall. The future of mobile solutions and innovations is presented above. Somewhere in the expectation end, the smart workforce, the use of smart robots, bio-printing services, IoT services and more come into the picture. These are innovation triggers and it is based on how mobile solution providers deal with these innovation triggers that they can successes.

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The pricing is a process where a business is able to set a price to the products. The pricing is based on the manufacturing cost, labour costs, competition, current demands of the product, brand image of the product and the intrinsic quality of the products . The theory of pricing is an important variable in the microeconomic price allocation theory. Pricing is a fundamental factor in financial modelling. Many theories such as pricing elasticity of the products are derived.


Companies make price determination based on the manufacturing costs, supply-demand and competitors. However, they also need to factor in the need of employee worker hours and utilization of natural resources. Many companies discount this in their manufacturing costs. These need to be factored in as well. From this, it can be concluded that in general the companies in the modern times need to factor in all these variables in their price determination process. These factors would enable the companies to be socially conscious, ensure ethics in the process and also maintain a healthy cash flow. This process would benefit all the stakeholders in the process as well as preserve the environment. To conclude, these factors must be taken into context during the price determination process of commodity.

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Moving ahead with the discussion, the policy of free trade considers many strong nations as a result of which there is delivery of substantial growth in the economy of China. These strong nations include the United States and Mexico. The GDP of Canada has started to grow at a very fast pace in comparison with the GDP growth rate of USA and Mexico. With the rising population of Canada, this reflects that a large population will have the ability to add value to the economy of Canada. The policy of free trade is fulfilling the purpose that it had to perceive.


The key focus was on promoting growth of economy by spurred intensity of competition across domestic market platforms. There has been specific promotion of investment out of both foreign and domestic sources and somewhat has been effective. The firms of North America have maximum efficiency and productivity. The restructuring has been done to seek benefits from economies of scale in intra- industry specialization and production. Since the last decade, Canada has been successful in selling manufactured goods worth 2.6 trillion dollars to USA with a surplus of 600 billion dollars.


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漫威电影《死侍》因审查问题未能在中国上映,但并不限制其在中国的受欢迎程度。电影制作者用一种独特的方式来宣传他们的电影,他们利用数字营销或者网络平台来进行这种宣传。该组织发布了一段视频,很快在中国漫威粉丝中传播开来。在视频中,粉丝或观众可以看到瑞安·雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)穿着其中一个角色的服装。瑞安·雷诺兹对中国新年的到来表示了良好的祝愿。因此,它帮助电影和电影中的人物接触到它的粉丝,即使有一个禁令,或一种禁止或审查有关观看电影。可以说,漫威通过数字媒体在英国和中国都取得了巨大的成功




The Marvel movie Deadpool was not allowed to release in China because some kind of censorship issue, but it does not restrict the popularity of this movie in China . The moviemakers used a unique way to promote their film, and they used the digital marketing or the online platform to make this promotion . The organization came with a video, which was soon viral among the fans of Marvel in China. In the video the fans or the audience, could see Ryan Reynolds in the costume of one of the characters. Ryan Reynolds provided his best wishes on the onset of the Chinese New Year . Thus, it helped the movie and the characters of the movie to reach out to its fan, even if there is a ban or a kind of prohibition or censorship related to viewing the movie. As a result, it can be said that Marvel has gained huge success through digital media, both in UK and China.


Thus, it can be concluded that in the present world of digital media, online marketing is an important platform that could be used by the film industry. History and even facts have shown that the digital media platforms could turn out to be very fruitful for the companies, especially for the independent filmmakers. The example of Marvel and the digital media marketing that is being used by this company in UK and China is an important example, which could show that digital and the online media marketing could actually help the companies to gain success.

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What employees understand as their work and what they actually do could be different . There is a role conflict here induced because of conflicting job demands, multiple supervisors/managers, etc and this results in issues for the employees.
Role ambiguity might exist. There could be a lack of clarity about responsibilities, expectations, etc and while some employees handle such ambiguities well, others might not.
The level of responsibility that an employee handles could differ in causing stress, especially when an employee is mismatched in skills to the workplace activity .


Job security is seen to be a constant issue. Job security is further exacerbated by some conditions, such as declining economic security etc. There are fear of redundancy either from economy, or in some situations the lack of work pressure which would make employee believe they are expendable .
Career development opportunities might be lacking for the employee in his industry and this could be an issue.
Overall satisfaction in the form of work that employee does would change based on whether employee covets the job or whether they are doing the job just for the sake of monetary compensation.


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Barry and Glantz have worked on the similar lines to educate the readers about the need to support a policy that only brings positive social transformation and not worsen the situation. The findings in the article have proved that the proposal of the country towards legalization is wrong as it increases demand and develops access of people to the drugs. It will prove that the war on drugs is baseless. As marijuana is considered as illegal in other US states according to jurisdiction, the authors have highlighted the importance to prioritize the public health over economic advantages.


As the media campaign is in progress, it is evident that people have voted in support due to the addiction and business reasons. Large corporations tend to largely benefit because the sales increase and the regulatory environment turns out to be in favour of them. The internet has been used as a tool by them to create highly potent products and advertise them by 2016. This shows the lack of effectiveness in the controls. The evidence based research carried out by Barry and Glantz (2016) shows that several public health agencies around the world such as California Environmental Protection Agency have marked marijuana as a killer of respiratory systems and can increase the healthcare costs of the state.

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对实验测试,实验是利用这2台电脑已被证明的有直接连接防火墙。这些电脑没有电脑但笔记本与离散性质的规范。网卡的规范包括CPU、模型和系统操作。CPU与2.24 GHz Intel core I5处理器。与千兆网卡的模式真正tek RTL的家庭。Ubuntu操作系统是Windows 7和Ubuntu 11.04升级。




For the experimental testing, testbed was utilized and this has been shown by the 2 computers that have a direct connection with a firewall. These computers were not PCs but notebooks with specifications of discrete nature. The specifications were inclusive of CPU, Model of NIC and a system for operations. The CPU had Intel core I5 with 2.24 GHz processor. The model of NIC had real tek with Gigabit family of RTL. The system of operations was Ubuntu with 7 Windows and 11.04 Ubuntu upgrade was present.


In order to conduct the experiment, firewalls based on the network were used (2 in number). These were inclusive of Cisco ASA and the firewalls packet filter. The ASA 5510 Cisco is known as an appliance for adaptive security which helps in providing higher firewall performance and services of VPN. It is generally suitable for businesses which are small and medium in size and branch offices from remote enterprises are easily deployed with appliances of cost effective nature. When it comes to the packet filter, 2811 router of Cisco was used with ACL of extended nature being present. Even though the setting of testbed implemented is simplified in nature with a computer for generating traffic but still the traffic generated helps in mimicking the traffic which might be generated from a complicated network present within major sized organizations.

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In this current competitive world, the increasing level of global economy and the question of evolving global technologies lead to the construction of strict laws in valuing durable equipment and production. This technology could be signified as the burning question in this contemporary globalization of the United States. In the year 1974, Edward argued on the topic of agricultural trade that the cause of overvalued dollar could lead the agricultural exports harmful in so many countries. The depressed price of the cause was the prime issue causing undervaluation of farm resources and the output of oversupply in agricultural markets . He argued that there were so many important variables in exchange rate policies, which were going down in all aspects of agriculture filed.


The exchange rate policies may alter the income distribution between the countries and the procedures in the United States from a long time. He claimed that most of the agricultural export commodities had been subsidized positively by maintaining the degree of overvaluation, which affected the country very much. In the year 1984, he blamed the changes of import and export of dollar, and the result of shifting the exchange rates was one of the immense significance of well-integrated international capital markets. These changes had turned the picture of the United States by the changing view of the dollar, and for this very reason, the impacts of imports and exports movements found out by some researchers. The majority of the burden was totally depended on the exchanging rate of the dollar in that time. As per the export-oriented industries, the burden caused was impacted by the fiscal policies and the monetary policies.

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考虑到英国艺术界的情况,可以观察到这种斗争。很长一段时间,规范艺术对社会来说非常重要。一些规范艺术家包括Dan Flavin和Alighiero e Boetti等艺术家。在他们的艺术形式中,这些规范艺术家试图向社会传递一些或其他信息。





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There are theories in social thinking that show people are used to thinking of other people based on social constructivism. People view others in a specific stereotype or would be biased towards them based on their race or their culture. Now critical marketing is just one of many steps towards resolving many ethical issues in marketing, but it cannot alleviate the effects as understood from other theories, which meaning that it cannot take the place of those theories, and this could be stated to be the weakness of critical marketing. Researchers such as Moraes et al. stated that there is an advent in critical marketing and related thinking. However, the humanist and axiological change is still overshadowed by business and related aspects . Similar to the social theories, the critical marketing challenges an also be discussed in the context of economic theories.


A second major weakness in critical marketing is that it challenges the theories and ways of working in other aspects. Critical marketing as presented by researchers increases the possessive individualism. The individual is stated to be possessive of his things. In this situation, the individual wants to consume more of the unique products and marketers make use of this chance. Where critical marketing comes into place, then a more communal understanding is forged per thinkers. Social relationships are increased.

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In the fashion industry, there is a business strategy that focusses on making certain products obsolete. This is known as the technique of obsolescence. In this, paradigm companies create a situation where they state that the older product is obsolete and they must bring in replacement for the older ones. This is a form of theory where the requirements of the current products are made to seem obsolete. This has lot of prominence in the fashion industry. It is evident that the people prefer to have newer product range and the fashion industry nudges the people towards this system . This is a form of capitalistic system that has its advantages. It is imperative to have this system to ensure that the companies sustain in the current system .


Every product has a product life cycle. It is initially introduced into the markets, and there are the early adopters towards the trend. Subsequent to this, the product reaches its peak and the sales start to dwindle after the stipulated time period. Then the need for the product in the market slowly vanishes. This is the end of the product requirement. The companies plan for the end of the requirement of any product. In other words, the companies plan for their products to become obsolete. The question of when the product becomes obsolete is an important notion that is covered in the obsolescence notion of the products. The planned obsolescence of the product varies between companies and the different sectors. This theory has special significance to the fashion industry.

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美国大学论文 :货币主义启发的经济政策

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美国大学论文 :货币主义启发的经济政策

The labour government had initially understood the need to control the money supply and factors that contribute to inflation. On March 2014, the bank has approved monetarism inspired policy approach admitting that it lost the control to money supply (Bank of England, 2016). The control is now forwarded to expenditure and investment decisions. This form of control tightened the economic circulation.
The need for an economic policy emerged when monetarism inspired the authorities. The central bank then realized that several failed economic ideas have attributed to the failure of government.

美国大学论文 :货币主义启发的经济政策

The monetarist content was observed in three major areas – overall performance of economy, development of employment rate and management of inflation. Monetarism helped the country to overcome wage suppression. It was identified that wage suppression has let people to engage in excessive borrowing and high degrees of debts that became unmanageable after certain point of time. The initial approach taken to apply monetarism did not yield benefits due to insufficient expertise and experience in the field.
The Bank of England realized its lack of competency and then looked back to its failed economic policies to apply monetarism wherever possible. With a combination of innovative economics and monetarism, the country survives today and manages all its tax policies and social responses towards development. Most importantly, the competency of human resources has proliferated after the right mix of economic theories. Monetarism inspired policy approach was meant to regulate the economy in terms of money flow.

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Education is one of the most important aspects of human being, as it plays a vital role in human life to make an individual eligible for the society. Education is basic human right, and the national government is responsible for ensuring basic education for the all the citizen of the country. Moreover, for this specific purpose of providing better education, the National Institute for Education Policy Research (NIER) was started as the National Institute for Education Research in 1949. The institute is responsible for conducting empirical and basic research in the field of educationdy。


The NIER (National Institute for Educational Policy Research) was started in the year 1949 as an institute of the conduct based on the practical and the basic researches. The revision of the policy is made in the year 2001, and the mission and the responsibilities are also revised for the enhancement of the research and the study policies. It has also launched the Practical Social Education Research Center with focusing on the enhancement of the practical social research projects and also focused on enabling the educational facilities. In order to carry out reforms, education promotion is being carried out in an appropriate manner.

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There is an inextricable intertwining of establishments in technology and the evolving state of marketing. Technology has significantly contributed to underpinning major milestones across the historical setting of marketing since it incepted. Digital marketing is referred to as the process of endorsing company brands, services and goods by online channels of media. In the current era, customers have multiple channels and multiple devices. As per the present scenario, buyers tend to experience more empowerment in comparison with ever before. Certain facts can be discovered with respect to the value, availability and quality of product. There can be application of digital elements towards engagement marketing. Engagement marketing can be considered as the art to create sensible interactions with individual, on the basis of what is done by them and who does this.


Business organizations can consider applying such campaigns at each and every stage in the lifecycle of customers. This is a term used for describing a number of stages experienced by customer to come in interaction with the brands. Since the past, marketers have had key reliability upon the consistent chronological order in the lifecycle of customers. This is inclusive of initial purchases, brand awareness and eventual loyalty towards the brand. From the perceptive of engagement marketing, the techniques of digital marketing are not just about ensuring the connection of customers on the basis of predictable and past behaviours. Digital marketing involves the creation of sensible relationships between customers and businesses irrespective of interaction across customer with a specific brand. This involves the application of digital elements to the overall scope of engagement marketing.

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The key objective of management accountant is profit maximization. The identification of present value ensures the future of maximizing shareholder’s assets. The secondary objective of management accountant may include several factors. The sales revenue maximization or achieving a specific target of sales is one of them The accountant who manages the management has the objective of a long term survival and growth for the organization.


The management accounting provides the required data for management planning. The data analysed by the management accountant help in an effective planning. Management accounting helps the management to use that information in attaining objectives. The cost accounting and revaluation accounting is related in the real terms of profit . It includes the framing of the budget, the comparison of actual performance and variances computation.

All segments of the management that responsible for the action are coordinated by the management accountant. Anything that concerns the operation of business requires consultation. The management considers all possible segments before implying any policies. He administers fiscal protection for the business assets through internal control and adequate internal control .

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The underlying causes of stress cause and are impact on the people needs to analyse both from a macroscopic and microscopic perspective. Individuals more often than not are not productive when they assume that the people do not meet their needs. They start to develop resentment towards the management of the companies and these causes the management a range of issues that they need to deal with. These need to be analysed in order to determine the appropriate solutions.


When the job is a stressful environment there is a need that would automatically rise based on the stresses of the situation. The frameworks for the occupational stress are based around the same principle as the P­E fit theory. They are found to have two similar basic premises. The first factor is that the stress arises owing to the disconcert between person and environment. The second factor is the subjective perceptions of work environments and the individual ability to handle such issues. These two differences are found to cause strain between the people and the environment. There is a considerable gap and these are then amplified when the people sense that the management do not care for their well-being. These create a system of hostility and resentment. These would create a range of issues for the companies. These would ultimately cause the company to face failure and the company will not meet the objectives of the situation .

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resume 代写:通过教育可以实现男女平等权利吗

resume 代写:通过教育可以实现男女平等权利吗


resume 代写:通过教育可以实现男女平等权利吗


resume 代写:通过教育可以实现男女平等权利吗

It is universally acknowledged that education is beneficial for individuals and ensures the promotion of national development. The educational development of males and females similarly ends up increasing subsequent expansion and earning with future choices and opportunities for girls and boys. As identified in this research, education has specific dimensions of parity and access that close the gap of enrolment between boys and girls (Walby, 2005). Less attention is paid to achievement and retention, or the relevance and quality of education. There has to be provision of relevant education with good quality for improvement of retention and enrolment. Achievement, retention and quality are crucial components in the designed education strategy for the maximized potential of girls and boys.


resume 代写:通过教育可以实现男女平等权利吗

A major challenge is presented in the achievement of gender equality by the provision of education. This is because it has a significant negative impact on girls’ retention and participation in schools. Further ahead, ineffective reproductive and sexual health education ends up inhibiting accessibility of adolescents to details while contributing in dropouts of girls from schools, specifically on reaching puberty . With education, a number of benefits of women and girls are enhanced with the improvement of maternal health, reduction of infant mortality and rates of fertility. Gender discrimination in the field of education is a consequence and cause for deeply rooted variations across the society. Disparities with respect to traditional attitudes, disability, ethnic background or poverty related to their role and status end up undermining the ability of girls and women for the purpose of exercising key rights.


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he dynamic capabilities as identified in the study revolves around its marketing capabilities. Similar to strategic and procedural implications, implications for the organization exists too. Dynamic marketing capabilities improve the overall performance of the organization.
Marketing capability is a specialized process that draws from inter-functional knowledge of internal competencies and their interaction with external elements in order to create transformations in value offers for a target market. These marketing capabilities are developed by organizations over time. They are developed on the knowledge of the firm’s previous interaction with their target market and hence such capabilities would be unique and difficult to copy for competitors.


Hence, marketing capabilities are assets for the organization that cannot be simply replicated. Imitation is a form of replication of organization’s marketing capabilities. It is performed by a competitor. Where the marketing strategies of a firm are easily replicated or imitated then the competitive advantage in terms of sustainability goes down. Easy imitation will mean that not much value is added to the organization and the organizational performance as such has not been improved through its marketing attempts. On the other hand, when the firm develops its marketing as marketing dynamic capabilities, then it reduces the risks of easy imitation or replication by a competitor. A sustainable competitive advantage exists for the firm.


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国际化不是一项简单的任务,进行国际投资是一项极具挑战性的责任。一些中国跨国企业面临着一系列问题。改革开放20年来,中国大型企业的竞争能力与国际巨头相比是极其薄弱的。与发达国家的跨国公司相比,中国企业有其特有的弱点。为了应对这些困难和风险,中国企业应该通过品牌优势和差异化来建立新的能力(Xu and Meyer, 2013)。






Internationalizing is not a simple task and making international investment is an extremely challenging responsibility. Some international Chinese businesses have faced a number of issues. The competitive ability of the large businesses of China since the reform of two decades is extremely weak when compared to international giants. In comparison with multinationals from well-developed nation, there are specific weaknesses among firms of China. For dealing with these difficulties and risks, the companies of China should establish new capabilities by brand advantages and differentiation (Xu and Meyer, 2013).
Differentiation depicts the demonstration of strengths and differences in comparison with other product range. An advantage of brand will assist in establishing a well-recognized brand. The customers must have the willingness of paying high price for product ranges even though the product range has similar functions and quality as others. The recognition of brand has specific significance in customer market platform, like the ones for mobile phones, household products, customer electronics, clothing, beverages and automobiles . It is worth noting that there can be no overnight achievement of a well-recognized brand as there is a crucial need for continuous investment. By the liability of internationalization reduced appropriately, the management of global company should overcome the variations involved in styles of management and organizational culture.
China can be identified as the biggest recipient for inward flows of direct investment. There is also an active interest of government policy in inward transfer of technology. The success of China to attract the inflowing FDI has been documented extremely well. However, there is less knowledge about initially developing the going-out strategy of China This contributes in encouraging domestic businesses for participating across the global capital market and for making direct international investment. Even though the outgoing globalization of Chinese businesses is small scale and recent, there is less doubt about the continuous future growth of China.


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有几种不同的理由来解释为什么中国企业决定走向全球。这些因素在一定程度上与推动西方企业进行国际投资的因素相同。然而,就中国企业而言,存在一些独特的属性。一个关键原因是国际市场的安全(Child and Rodrigues, 2005)。中国服装制造业的一些企业为了获得工业化国家的市场准入,在毛里求斯等欠发达国家进行了重点投资。这些国家在欧美市场享有贸易优惠。这对于获得优秀品牌、管理知识和技术的可及性至关重要。到2020年,中国将成为一个原材料和自然资源净进口的国家(Chhokar and House, 2013)。虽然降低成本是促使跨国公司离开发达国家的关键因素之一,但发达国家的企业对成本的考虑较少。


There are several different rationales for explaining why Chinese enterprises decide to go global. These are somewhat the same with those factors that drive western businesses for international investment. However, in the case of Chinese business, there is an involvement of some unique attributes. One key reason is the security of international markets (Child and Rodrigues, 2005). For gaining the accessibility of industrialized national marketing, some companies of garment manufacturing from China make key investment in less developed nations like Mauritius. Such nations are enjoying preferential privileges of trade in the markets of Europe and USA. This is crucial for gaining the accessibility of superior brands, management knowledge and technology. China will be a nation of net importing across raw materials and natural resource until the year 2020 (Chhokar and House, 2013). While reduction of cost is among the key factors motivating MNCs out of developed nations, businesses from developed nations are driven less by the considerations of cost.




Internationalization can be referred to as the process to cross national borders in proceeding with growth. Currently, China is the most active economy internationalized across the developing nations. The companies of China have adopted specific different strategic aspects and models to go international. Exporting is among the most adopted strategy for companies of China as a result of the implementation of open door policy. This particular strategy does not have specific involvement in any international active business presence or direct investment. China is among the third biggest exporter of the world after Germany, ranked second and United Stated, ranked first (Deng, 2014).


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在2012年,中国考虑从国际贸易中进口近三分之二的大豆(Rosegrant & Cline, 2013)。中国国内供需的变化趋势集中在确定国际贸易格局上。贸易决策对全球市场平台产生重大影响,进而影响全球价格。这些因素导致各国国内价格及其净贸易头寸发生调整。自从加入世贸组织以来,中国的食品进出口大幅度增加。与出口相比,中国的食品进口增长速度更快,中国已成为食品净进口国。




China considered importing almost two- third of stock of soybean under international trading in the year 2012 (Rosegrant & Cline, 2013). Trends across the domestic supply and demand of China focus on determining the international patterns of trade. Decisions of trade have a major impact on global market platform that consequently influence global price. These lead towards adjustments across the domestic prices of countries along with their positions of net trade. Since membership is achieved with the WTO, there has been a significant increase in the food imports and exports of China. The food imports of China have grown at a faster rate in comparison with exports and China has become a net importer of food.


In the broader sense, it is expected that China holds the tendency of exporting labor intensive foods like import foods and horticultural product. These are highly intensive in the utilization of water and land (Godfray et al., 2015). The key perception is to frame discussion in context with the recently growing exports of vegetables and fruit, and imports of beef and feed grains in China. However, there is an involvement of key disruptions at work that impact the patterns of trade like schemes of domestic floor price. These allow in exceeding the global price such that there is a simultaneous increase in the stocks of imports and China. Additional factors include the absence of customer confidence in specific domestic value chains. These tend to accelerate rapid growth in the import of dairy products.

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粮食安全问题对我国广大人口、农民收入和农村发展产生了重大影响。中国国家和特定行业的主要目标缺乏必要的一致性。食品安全指的是可获得的食品资源及其使用、可获得性和价格波动程度(Rosegrant & Cline, 2013)。随着中国移民人口的不断增加,专门的研究人员开始关注人类学、地理学、经济学、人口学和社会学等学科。食品安全问题的总体范围随着消费模式的变化而变化。作为全球人口最多的国家,中国对食品需求的不断增长影响着相互关联的国际经济。


在中国,传统的重点是确保收益的可及性,以保持直接消费。然而,中国消费者一直要求更多的加工食品和动物产品。关键问题在于食品供应的质量和安全。因此,对粮食安全政策和研究的传统目标进行某些调整是至关重要的要求(Mansourian, 2011)。在类似的情况下,劳动力生产中提供的劳动力成本开始上升。


The issue of food security has a significant impact on the general population of China, on the income of farmer and rural development. The key objectives for the country and specific industries of China lack necessary alignment. Food security is referred as the food resources available along with their use, accessibility, and level of volatility in prices (Rosegrant & Cline, 2013). With the rising population of migrants across China, specific researchers have focused on the disciplines of anthropology, geography, economics, demography and sociology. The overall scope of issues in food security change with changes in the patterns of consumption. Being the most populous country across the globe, the increasing demand for food across China impacts the interconnected international economy.


In China, the key traditional focus is on ensuring the accessibility of gains in order to maintain direct consumption. However, the customers of China have been demanding more processed food and animal based product. The key concern lies in the quality and safety of the food supply. As a consequence, certain adjustments in the traditional objective of policy and research in food security are crucial requirements (Mansourian, 2011). In the similar setting, the costs provided to labor in production of labor have started to rise.

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