


企业家精神通常被组织成一种逻辑和线性的方式,促使他们进行头脑风暴,以产生与产品相关的最佳创意,这些产品可以在商业计划的帮助下开发。企业家在创业理念方面,是在创业前寻找最佳资金来源的选择(Shane, 2000)。







The entrepreneurship is generally organized as a logical and linear way that urges them to brainstorm for producing the best idea related to products that can be developed with the help of a business plan. The entrepreneurs with respect to business idea are in search of the options with respect to the best sources of funds before the start of their business (Shane, 2000).

In the real world, there lie some constraints for the entrepreneur that often rearranges and influences the orderly approach. At the advent of the unforeseen circumstances, the entrepreneurs must learn the art to respond to opportunities as with distractions and delays, although at the same time pursues diligently to their original vision regarding the venture.

The product found by the inventor had to find a pathway to commercialize what is described in this paper. The product was founded while working in a laboratory. The product was related to the ceramic materials, which were then marketed and commercialized with business techniques and business prudence.


Overview of the context

The product to be launched had the conceiving in the laboratory because of its necessity. Some research was going on in the laboratory in the effort of producing thin ceramic material called ‘piezoceramic’. This is used commonly in different kinds of actuators and switches and buzzers. They, however, had to struggle with a problem that was recurring: when sinter was tied to the material of piezoceramic, the material was stuck on the plate often. In the furnace, the plate was resting that was named as setter plate. As it happened worse, the tapes of piezoceramics often curled or warped like a chip. The placement of another setter plate by the researchers in trying keeping it flat failed as it was getting stuck on the plate when they were trying sintering. The researchers were trying to find a way in depositing fine sand between setter plates and piezoceramic tapes during the process of sintering in trying keeping them from sticking inside the furnace. Their invention was a paper of a special kind to be placed between the thin material of piezoceramic and the setter plates. The paper that was discovered has been a fine refractory powder called zirconia. As the high temperature was created in the heated furnace, there was burning of the paper that left the zirconia powder in thin layer. It was acting like small ball bearings that were keeping the material away from the setter plates so that the material was not stuck to it. It turned out to be like the provision of adding benefits to reduce warping and cracks in the material of piezoceramic by allowing the material to be shrinking during the sintering without any constraints.

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