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《幸福的方式》是Sonja Lyubomirsky写的一本书,书中说一个人可以决定幸福的基础。基因决定了50%的人类幸福。40%用于自我控制,剩下的10%用于上述人生活中的情况和环境。此外,这项针对哈佛大学本科生的75年资助研究还发现,幸福与人生中拥有爱的关系有关,尤其是与父母的关系。同样,根据Haybron(2011)的观点,幸福可以用两种理论来讨论。在一种理论中,幸福是一个价值术语,它再次与健康和幸福联系在一起,而另一种理论认为幸福“类似于抑郁”。在总结各自的理论之前,也进行了当代文学、最近的讨论和关于幸福的心理学概念。


Research has been carried out in order to pin point and cement happiness to be a definite concept. 1960 was the year when happiness started becoming a part of different disciplines in the field of science including social psychology, clinical and medical research, happiness economics and gerontology. These researches have helped in forming various concepts which talk about the different causes of happiness. There are no other concepts which are correlated to it, but have not validated any method which could point out the cause definitely, nor is there anything to point out what can improve long term happiness in human beings. Nor can anything definitely point out what it means to the different people of the world.


The How of Happiness is a book by Sonja Lyubomirsky, which says that one can determine things that happiness is based on. Genetics is responsible for 50% of the human happiness. 40% is given to self-control and the remaining 10% to situations and circumstances in the said person’s life. Furthermore, the 75-year Grant Study of Harvard undergraduates correlates happiness with having loving relationships in one’s life, especially the ones with parents. Also as per Haybron (2011), happiness can be discussed with the help of two theories. In one theory, happiness is a value term, which is again associated with wellness and wellbeing, and the other one suggests happiness to be something “akin to depression” . This has also undertaken the contemporary literature, recent discussions and psychological notions on happiness before concluding on the respective theories.

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