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A visit by the prime minister is seen as a glorification of war-time actions, raising a question about the PM’s right over his personal and political life. Is a visit by the PM to the shrine makes Japan less responsible in areas of war and its occurrence and does such a visit glorify wars? The answer to this lies in the ethical consideration of the act and the intent behind, because interpretations have no end and must align to the close intent of the visitor and his actions thereafter.


However, out of all of the shrines, only 1000 are said to be convicted war criminals after the World War 2 court verdicts. The visit by common citizens and government officials cannot be seen as an act that is embracing a war mongering attitude, but the prime reason to consider is to pay homage to the thousands of real fighters who fought for their nation (Breen, 2008). The visits cannot be seen as such that the visitors are war lovers and they glorify the act of war. However, it is a solidarity means by visiting and remembering the real fighters of the nation who died so that the future generation could have a better life. The controversy can also end if the shrines of the war criminals are separated from the real fighters of wars. This can do away with the controversy surrounding the visit and lessen the friction between protestors and the supporters.

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