





对于引用的内容,即使做了正确的标准也会计入重复率的,所以留学生们在引用时也最好将引用的部分用自己的语言表达陈述出来。尤其是你真的要引用的句子 一定要加引用注释,这样可以很好的帮你解除直接摘抄被判定为抄袭的一个方法 ,留学生们一要记得加引号做标注与注释。










留学生当然还是希望能够和规模较大的美国论文代写Educationren机构来合作,如果真的是能够选择到-个规模较大,又拥有各专业领域的专业写手,我们想要完成各种类型的论文都是非常容易的,也不会让我们的论文质量出现问题。但是我们一开始不知道对方的专业能力到底如何,也要从侧面来进行了解。可以简单看一下其市场口碑, 以及写手数量,这样对其作出一个简单的评判也是有必要的。














可能很多时候美国论文代写内容出现不标的情况,都是因为对方的写手不到位,能力不足引起的,这样对我们的影响是最大的, 可能我们整个论文内容需要重新来撰写。那么这个时候肯定也是要特别注意好和对方机构来联系,这样对方的工作人员就可以让我们知道如何来进行后续的一个处理,及时更换一个合适的写手,其实完成相应的论文修改也是要更加容易一些,而且也可以保证论文的一个质量。




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为了吸引更多的留学生前来咨询办理论文代写业务,各机构都会定期不定期对当地政府和学校的相关政策规定,进行深入细致的分析研究,同时不断优化自身的业务范围,提升专业水平、服务能力等。 因此,当前美国论文代写Educationren机构不断呈现出结构合理、各有侧重的良好局面,如有的机构擅长于基础知识的作业代写、有的机构擅长于某一学科方面知识的作业代写,也有些机构擅长于综合性的作业论文代写等等,对于不同留学生的不同需求,都可以在众多的代写机构中找到适合自己的。






















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MBA Essay怎么写?代写价格是多少?

MBA Essay怎么写?代写价格是多少?想要留学美国,MBA Essay写作就少不了。想要写出高质量并且别具一格的MBA Essay,除了靠自己的努力,还可以找我们论文代写机构来帮忙。下面就是MBA Essay的写作步骤及方法。另外,如果需要了解美国论文代写价格,可以来我们网站直接查询哦。

一、MBA Essay的写作步骤




每个学校的essay都有不同的topic和字数限制,不要企图用万金油去对付所有的学校,各个学校的东西有共性,但是差异化的东西更多,所以,美国留学专家认为,申请6—8所学校的同学,应该要有2篇不同方面的main essay,并且在投稿时需要一定的修改。而draft就是要从prewrite中筛选你不同的但是优秀的性格方面,有侧重学术的,有侧重社会活动的,有的可能仅仅是一个小故事,然后,形成一篇文章。这是很有必要的,因为,本科申请不光有main essay,还有形形色色的why essay,short answer,这些东西都需要提前做功课。不然的话,到需要的时候,逼不得已有时候一天就需要写出来一篇中文,然后翻译成英文,质量真的就无法保证了。

第三步:revise and format

检查字数,一定要复合要求,接近规定字数,不要超过。检查语法,拼写,用词不当的地方,要小心不要使用自己翻译的词,比如性价比这个词我们耳熟能详,但美国人表达这个意思一般用cost effective。格式上,美国大学写作一般用 8.5×11 inch的信纸,用time new roman字体,12号字,双倍行间距,首行缩进,左对齐,题目中置等一系列的小规则,提交纸质版的同学要注意。

二、MBA Essay的写作方法

1. 动笔前先头脑风暴:第一步,开一张单子,写下5—10件你想在大学里得到的最重要的东西,记住,是面向所有的大学寻求的重要东西,而不是局限于你申请的这一所。第二步,开一张单子,写下你最重要的目标和爱好。然后,展开头脑风暴,想想你申请的大学会如何达成你的愿望,满足你所有的需求。

2. 做功课:对你要申请的大学做足功课,认真研究你能得到的所有信息。如果你去这所大学参观过,进行过游学,那么回想一下你的大学旅程,快速记下那些打动你的。试着记住你和校友或学生在游园时的谈话、以及那些令你产生共鸣的校园建筑。想想游学过程哪一幕让你决定要申请这所大学。



3. 写属于你自己的话:不要写一些所有申请者都可能会写的赞美大学的话。告诉招生官为什么你提及的每一件事都和你有特殊的关联。相比“我喜欢这所大学,因为它有很强的科学研究项目”,你用“我从小就对动物学感兴趣,如有机会进入学校的灵长类动物研究中心、史密斯教授的本科研究项目工作,我将可以亲身近距离接触研究黑猩猩,”会更生动具体,会令人信服。

4. 避开大学众所周知的优点:招生官知道他们的大学有着美丽的校园环境、著名的教授专家、在usnews排名顶尖、位于繁华的大城市。你在文书中写这些只会千篇一律,引起视觉疲劳。如果你从自身出发,专注写大学与你最契合的地方,你的文书才会脱颖而出。

5. 生动具体:不要只是说“在我参观大学校园时,图书馆给我留下了很深刻的印象。”看看图书馆的名字,告诉招生官图书馆哪里令你印象深刻。(休息厅里的咖啡吧就免了)有时间,用细节说话更能打动人。举个例子,有篇精彩的Why Essay开头是这样的: “When I entered the drawing and painting studio on the third floor of Smith Hall, felt the warm sun streaming through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, and smelled the pungent aroma of fresh turpentine, I knew that I had found a place where I could not only create art, but live it.” 你有没有被打动?


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一、We(我们)这只有在指很大一个数不清的集体的时候可以用,比如:our humans 我们人类,这样的可以用。要是只是指你和你朋友我们,那样的话不行。

二、在essay里,你不能用第一人称,比如:I, me, mine, my(我),这些你要是一用,就会扣分。



五、Essay里一定不能有私人用语,比如 stuff 东西,这种说法感觉太私人。避免使用太过生僻的词语,但用词要专业。

避免用口语词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about….

六、Essay 里的语句一定要很肯定,不能含糊,比如:she is like friendly towards him.她好像对他很友好。句子用了‘好像’,这就是不肯定。

七、文章的INTRODUCTION要阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是你的THESIS STATEMENT,尽量不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句。

八、Essay里的段落一定要有顺序,sentence(一个话题),然后支撑句 support sentence,结合句 linking sentence,总结局 conclusion.


十、Essay 里不能写缩写字,比如 cause,because 的缩写,不能有。例如:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t 应该写成cannot, do not, did not, would not。


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所建立连接的数量和质量,也是你的文章优越与否的标志,就是人们常说的各种Index. 事实上,你索引的文章等级越高,你的文章也通常等级越高。这也是为什么文章中的reference如此重要,因为它们可以更加清晰的提示这些连接。











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1、ssay代写字数 一般规范的essay代写机构最先看字数,字数多的话肯定是要比字数少的essay要贵一些。留学生们要多对比几家的代写价格之后再选择。当然了,字数的话只是决定基础的价格,下面还有两个因素。

2、ssay代写难易程度 这个其实也很好理解,高中留学生的essay肯定要比本科研究生的essay要便宜,毕竟难度不在一个档次,我们完成一篇高中essay所花费的时间肯定是比本科研究生的essay短很多。这就是难易程度的区别了。同学们在联系essay代写时一定要把导师的各种要求列出来,有些是导师发的文件可以直接转发给客服,客户把资料整理完成后就可以交给写手完成了。

3、ssay代写完成时间 这个问题跟Deadline息息相关,也就是加急essay代写。有些留学生会选择在老师布置了essay作业之后开始找代写,有的留学生则会一开始把作业放一边,知道deadline前几天的时候才记得有essay作业。这样先找essay代写的价格肯定要比最后一两天才找代写的价格便宜。相信同学们能够理解“加急”的概念。因此同学们可以尽早下单,时间充裕的情况下,Essay的质量肯定要比加急的高一些,分数自然能高一些,价格还比加急便宜,何乐而不为?


1、学会批判 创新的一个非常重要的方法就是去思考现存debate和观点的合理性。很多时候我们看对于学术大咖的文章总是心怀敬畏,认为他们的分析一定比我们自己的探讨更有道理,更有深度,逻辑也更牢靠。而事实上,很多所谓的专家学者的观点也只是建立在他们的个人观点与假设之上的。想要真正做好批判的工作,就要身体力行critical thinking,在思想中完全打破“权威”这个概念,就事论事。在我个人比较擅长的英语文学领域,只要对方和你的观点不同,并且你也能提出相应证据的话,你就完全有资格去反驳他。对于旧问题的新思考,便是批判型思路的落脚点。


2、学会具体化 我们要具体化的对象不再是Essay题目本身,而是该领域现有的讨论。很多时候,对于一个问题的思考进行抽象泛泛的总结是很多理论的通病,也是为什么在实践过程中会出现很多与理论不符的情况。以Benedict Anderson关于Nationalism的思考为例,他的论述和证据多是建立在对于欧洲各国观察和历史的基础之上的,然而欧洲本身就有着自己的特性,在这片土壤上发生的事和在世界其他地方发生的事情会存在一些本质性的不同;不仅如此,在欧洲内部也有着相当大的区别。在这种情况下,就可以去研究Anderson的理论对于某一个国家是否适用,从而做出别人还没做过的创新性研究。

3、学会比较 第三个重要的能力便是比较的能力,找出相同与不同的地方。如果一个人说A理论适用于B情况,那么和B有着类似状况的C,是否也可以将A套用在上面呢?简而言之,要学会集群,学会总结特性,并同时保有研究对象的个体性。一个英语文学方面例子就是对于拥有类似经历的主人公之间的比较与分析。同样在19世纪,类似的Bildungsroman文体,相近的孤儿经历,《简爱》中的同名主人公和《远大前程》中的皮普却有着相当不同的人生轨迹。去分析这样的情况是由什么原因导致的,也就已经确定了很大一部分的思考方向。


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管理会计系统在规定的时间范围内转发的信息之间存在差距。Hopper和Armstrong(1991)指出,公司的产品性能完全依赖于各级管理人员的信息透明度。然而,一些文献指出,管理会计报告对试图在提高生产率的同时压缩生产成本的经营管理者帮助不大。许多学者评论说,管理会计信息不是生产性的,因为它需要管理者的大量参与和研究工作,以理解该会计系统所报告的差异。它不适合组织内的快速制造过程。另一方面,重要的会计文献评论说,管理人员没有及时收到详细的管理会计信息,因为这种会计系统更多地关注制造过程输入的麻烦,如直接劳动力、直接间接费用等(Ismail和King, 2014)。许多研究表明,它在当今的生产环境中不那么重要。换句话说,管理会计的概念对许多管理者来说是无关的和难以理解的,因为它分散了他们对生产过程中关键因素的观察。相比之下,Drury(2013)认为,管理会计技术可以用于衡量绩效或内部运营在任何时间点。标准成本和预算控制等技术可以确定产品的实际成本与标准成本。因此,通过使用管理会计信息和技术,组织可以很容易地量化绩效或生产优势的效率。

There is a gap identified between information forwarded by management accounting system within a stipulated timeframe. Hopper and Armstrong (1991) stated that firm’s product performance is completely depend on informational transparencies among all level of managements. However, several literatures identified that management accounting report provides little help to operation managers attempting to condense cost of the production along with improving productivity. Many scholars were commented with the fact that management accounting information is not productive because it requires a lot of involvement and research work of managers towards its understanding reported variances by this system of accounting. It is found just not suitable for fast manufacturing process within the organization. On the other hand, the critical accounting literatures commented that managers are not received detailed management accounting information on time because such system of accounting has given more focus towards the nuisance of inputs of manufacturing process such as direct labour, direct overhead and so on (Ismail and King, 2014). Many studies marked it as less relevant in today’s production environment. In other words, the concepts of management accounting found irrelevant and difficult to understand by many managers because it distracts them from observing the key factors essential for the process of production. In contrast, Drury (2013) argued with the fact that management accounting techniques can be applied for measuring the performance or operations internally at any point of time. The techniques like standard costing and budgetary control can determine the actual product costs compare to the standard cost. Thus, the organization can easily quantify the efficiency of the performance or production excellences by the use of management accounting information and techniques.


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1. 作业类型


2. 国内外写手


3. 教育阶段


4. 字数要求


5. 紧急性




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虽然我们使用transition words和linking words会让我们的论文变成更连贯的,但误用它们会导致完全相反的结果,从而使读者感到困惑,而无法理解你的观点。那么连接词和过渡词用法错误可以总结为哪几类呢?请看我们美国论文代写老师的讲解。如果需要了解论文代写价格,可以直接去网站查询哦。


如果说使用linking words的最终目的是让你的论文充满逻辑感,那么使用不合逻辑的连接词就一定会违背这个目的。每个连接词或短语都有自己微妙的含义,拥有属于自己的范畴。代写价格表示使用错误的英文作文连接词会进一步混淆你想要表达的观点或你需要展示的关系。例如:

Susan was one of the best hostesses I’ve ever met. However, she spoke with each person in the room, calling them by name, and smiling all the time.

看这个例子的时候,我们可以清楚地看到“however”这个连接词的使用造成了逻辑性的缺乏,而使读者感到困惑。为什么这样? 代写价格表示因为在第一个句话中我们强调Susan是非常好的主妇。在第二句话中,我们提出一个为什么她是好主妇的原因或例子。它们之间使用“however”这个连接词会引起混淆,因为“however”是表示对比的连接词,而不是举例子或表示因果的连接词。

这两个句子之间进行过渡的更好选择是“for example”或“to illustrate”,因为它们表示举例子、说明愿意的意思。



过度使用连接词和过渡短语的错误经常发生在试图美化自己的论文时。像“however”、“for example” 和 “in such” 这样的英文连接词,在某种程度上似乎是学术性的,而且能让你的论文看起来更专业。如果你这样认为,那就错啦!代写价格表示,过度使用linking words会造成没有中心的,语无伦次的结果,而这在一开始就不能达到连接词的目的。

如果写论文时你犯了这些错误,那你的论文不会有一个完整的顺畅的连接。结果是你的读者在阅读你的论文时很难以理解论文的组织或思路,而老师在你的论文上会写“choppy,” “jumpy,” “abrupt,” “flow,” “need signposts,” 或 “how is this related?”之类的评论。代写价格提醒,为了避免这种情况,同学们需要学会正确地运用连接词和过渡词。


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In addition to government funding, other factors also affect a university’s income. Highly ranked universities receive additional resources as enterprise grants, which are grants obtained from private companies/organizations to conduct research on their behalf. The value of enterprise grants received by Tsinghua University is 3.4 times that of Northeastern University, which is then 53 times that of Liaoning University. Being able to obtain enterprise grants means that more research can be conducted, highly skilled teaching staff will be attracted to the university, and more public funding can be redirected to improving teaching instead of spent in research. Liaoning University performed very poorly in this area and increasing its enterprise grants by building active relationships with industries will help it boost its funding and raise its profile. This is partly explained by its much lower volume of scientific journal publications, which indicates that its ability to conduct research may not be as attractive as that of Northeastern University. The correlation coefficient between enterprise grants and ranking [The ranking of what?] from analyzing 310 universities in China is 54%, indicating that these two factors are closely correlated.

Similarly, technology transfer revenue also gives universities more financial freedom. This is revenue from selling research/patents/technology to private companies. Highly ranked universities again tend to earn much higher technology transfer revenue compared to lower-ranked universities. Northeastern University, ranked higher, earns 48 times that of Liaoning University. The correlation coefficient between ranking and technology transfer is 22%, although lower but still is partially explained by differences in ranking.The factors influencing a university’s ranking are highly correlated. Higher funding leads to better ranking, and then attracts more funding in the future, enabling a virtuous circle. Higher ranking may also lead to higher entry requirements and thus higher student quality, which lead to better graduate prospects, and further build up the university’s ranking and lead to greater donations from alumni in future. Because of this, a university should always seek to improve its profile in all aspects and enable its own virtuous circle.

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Magneto transport is the transport of the electrons through that which found to occur in a semi-conductor by the utilization of the magnetic field. The giant magneto resistance forces involved in the context of magneto transport occurs mains because of the change in electrical resistance. This change in electrical resistance is quite large as well. The changes in resistance in metallic layered systems are effected by a magnetization reorientation of ferromagnetic layers. The relative order to one another changes under the external magnetization effect. Under this influence, it is observed that electronic structure is changed because of the scattering electrons resulting in the change of resistance, and the identification of GMR.

The magneto transport understanding and the discovery of the GMR is a significant one in the context of studies on electronic transport in sublayers of magnetic materials. It is in face considered as one of the most significant ones. Some of the initial understandings of the subject have been based on simple band structures such as free electron models. The models are usually transparent and although simple they were used extensively by researchers to study the GMR physics. For instance, consider how the free electron theory was used in conjunction to understanding GMR physics.

Now per the free electron theory, based on the semi classical description of electronic transport, an understanding of the thickens in dependence of the GMR in magnetic multilayers are understood. However, simple models are just efficient enough to make some simple quantitative predictions. They are rally not useful for understanding proper band structures and herein it is necessary to make use of better interlayer structures that make use of quantum-mechanical theories. In the theory of GMR as identified by researchers, it is always crucial to have a strong modelling of the band structure.

In the past, researchers have been making use of the Boltzmann theory. However, the Boltzmann theory is constrained in that it is specifically usable only in the case of such systems where defect and impurity density is very low. Sufficient low values in defect and impurity density cannot always be guaranteed however. Also the use of the Boltzmann has the additional effect of breaking down any form if magnetic multiplayers where energy splitting ratios are higher. So the life time in broadening and splitting are almost the same. The quantum-mechanical multiband in this context becomes a much better identifies for understanding GMR and the origins of GMR.


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我们为这个项目选择的泵是海沃德6060 3/4马力增压泵。这种泵非常高效节能。海沃德6060 3/4马力增压泵有一些很酷和独特的特点:它比大多数其他增压泵少用40%的电力。它很容易安装。高大的电机底座允许更多的电机通风和保护自己免受洪水。它适用于所有的情况。


There are four elements to consider in the application of the VFD in the pressure boosting system. The first element is the plumbing system. The plumbing system is designed to account for the flow, residual pressure, static height, supply pressure and losses. The second element is sequencing. The important consideration in sequencing is how to maximize our pumps efficiency. The third element of the pressure boosting system is pump selection. The pumps are selected so it provides maximum efficiency. The final element of the system is electrical utilities and billing policies. This element considers the cost compared to the efficiency of the systems to determine whether or not it is cost efficient to install the VFD pressure boosting system.
For the VFD pressure boosting system, we chose two pressure boosting systems that are built and designed by two different companies. The following is a comparison between the two pressure boosting systems. This is to show which system is the best suited to use for our project.

Allen Bradley is one of the most popular PLC brands in North America. We decided to choose this brand because it will be easily accessible to our consumers and we also have the resources to provide test runs of our design.
According to our sources the Owasina building requires a total of 377,520 litres of water daily. We decided to install 4 pressure booster pumps inside the building to compensate for the requirements. Three of the pumps are to be used daily and the last one is a backup just in case one of the primary pumps fails to operate. With that said we wanted some breathing room for the pressure pump just in case an emergency occurs so we’ve decided to select pressure booster pumps who can support 25% more than what the daily required amount is.
The pumps that we chose for this project is the Hayward 6060 3/4 HP booster pump. This pump is very efficient and energy saving.The Hayward 6060 3/4 HP booster pump has some cool and unique features:It uses up to 40% less electricity than most other booster pumps.It is very easy to install.The tall motor base allows for more motor ventilation and protects itself from flooding.It is suitable for all situations.

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首先,为什么要重视英文写作中标点符号? 留学生的考试除了有些论文也有随堂测验,那么如何在有限的时间里写出思路清晰、条理清楚,并且准确生动的文章来呢?高水准的文章除了文字要准确严谨以外,还有一个不容忽视却又常常没有引起足够重视的问题——标点符号的正确使用。如果能正确、巧妙地使用一些标点符号,不仅能使写出的句子语意清楚、表达准确、逻辑合理,而且还能使整篇文章显得更简练、更出色。

其次,如何正确、巧妙地使用一些标点符号呢? 一部分留学生在写英文的时候仍然改不了写汉语作文时的那种一逗到底的现象,或者只是简单地使用逗号句号,虽然不会犯很大的错误,但是整个文章看起来未免有些单调和缺少变化,况且逗号句号也无法完全涵盖其他标点符号的某些独特功能。

(1)冒号的最主要作用就是引出和提起注意。For example:He has only one thing on his mind: money.He has only one thing on his mind: a lot of money.He has only one thing on his mind: he wants to earn a lot of money.He has three important things on his mind: a warm family, a lot ofmoney and good health. 以上一组例句显示出冒号不仅可以引出单个的词或词组,也可以引导出一个句子或一系列的事物。 My doctor gave me one good piece of advice: to eat less and do moreexercise.从该句又可以看出,advice后的冒号能使读者不自主地将注意力集中到后面的内容,起到了强调的作用。


1、用来引出解释或概括性的词语或句子。如The sentence is poorlystructured: it lacks both unity and coherence.

2、引出同位语。如He had only one pleasure in life: reading.

3、用在有引号或没有引号的直接引语前。如Edgar Brown gave a youngwriterthisadvice:“Takeyoursuccessesseriously, yourselfnotsoseriously.”


留学生在参考文献的列举,或者可以说是陈列方面有比较多的标注方法,常见的有五种:Harvard referencing system哈佛文献标记系统 ;CMS: Chicago Manual of Style(CMS)芝加哥写作和文献标注系统;APA Style:American Psychological Association美国心理学会写作和文献标记办法 ;AMA:American Medical Association美国医学会文献标注系统 ;MLA:现代语言学会写作和文献标注系统。但是最常用的就是前两种,下面是哈佛文献的注释格式。




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Firstly, in the case of the longitudinal MOKE, the reading of the x components of the magnetization vector is first done. The x component as applied in the first order matrix understanding of the longitudinal MOKE is that of the applied magnetic field directionality. The applied magnetic field will be in the plane of incidence, and will be parallel to the surface of the sample. Now once again in this setup, the Kerr angle is measured. It can be identified that the Kerr angle is proportional to the magnetization vector M. The magnetization vector component is actually projected into field direction. For obtaining the complete magnetization vector at this point, the MOKE measurement is performed with the samples and with the external magnetic field, at an observed rotation of around 90 degree. Now an interesting aspect here is that of the orientation of sample and the field constant nature in plane incidence.
Distinction between the angles cos and sin are seen to exist because of the orientation sample alignment with respect to the applied field alignment. The below diagram shows how the sample rotation and the angle for M vector that would appear in the case of the longitudinal MOKE. For measuring for vector MOKE it will be necessary to rotate both the applied magnetic field and the sample by at least a degree of 90 degrees or so. This will ensure that magnetization component scattering is controlled on the bottom place. my component is in the scattering plane or the bottom panel.
A distinction is observed here. The applied field orientation is necessary for the vector MOKE technique. Here the in-plane components of magnetization vector are both calculated. It is identified that the normal MOKE calculations as understood in Kerr rotation would not be applicable here. Both components combined cannot however be applied to the entire magnetization vector because of how there is an unknown proportionality. This unknown proportionality exists between magnetization and Kerr rotation. It can also be an intensity change as well.


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The Miss Shanghai contest was performed in the year of 2000. Even though the government had provided with the permission for the conduct of pageants, the broadcast to entire nation was still not allowed over the television and this was compiled by the media due to their little interest within these pageants. For an instance, the Miss Shanghai contest was sponsored by the Shanghai Charity Foundation and the Shanghai Bidding Office World Expo 2010. Both these organizations had the background of government. The contest’s organizers showed reluctance to provide publicity to the contest.
The co-sponsor media Shanghai Evening Post and the Xinmin Evening News covered the contest moderately. It was identified by the statements and reports of the newspaper media that previously upon getting invited to the image ambassadors, the organizers had re-emphasized that the contest was not a competition of beauty. These contests were highly similar to the competitions of beauty. Making an attempt of showcasing that the pageants are harmless to the leadership that was still cautious, the Miss Shanghai contest’s organizers ensured that the charity causes are promoted.
These were promoted within the contest involving the orphanage visitation and the milk distribution to the senior citizens. The contestants were selected with utmost care to not only consider the looks but also their background of education. Out of the 20 contestants, 17 held university education. Regardless of the healthy morale tone of the contest being stressed by the organizers, the small amount of women took part within the competition which shows that less number of women were interested in it and the widespread doubts were indicated by the competition.

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Namely, even though there is no figure of substantial body in Fontana’s works, we could still figure out the effort and motion of body through the slash of canvas. It means that all the significant effects in Fontana’s work is located between the hole and the process of the cut.If the sculptor’s intension is reduced from many to a single gesture, then the character of the ‘physical act’ will be almost fully revealed.Similar to my work (fig17), the space of the hole, which is impacted by a single gesture, can be used to trace the process of acting.
However, the space of Fontana’s slashes, (each of them) only reflects the moment when the cutting hand is struck into the canvas. Also, due to the same gesture and the thin layer of surface, each slash in Fontana’s work is individualized without apparent connections. In comparison, the tool I select can be used to eject material and make impact at a distance. There is more movement capture compared to Fontana’s work. As the surface of my work is established from two to three dimension, it enables the viewersto trace the degree of arm’s angle as well as the direction of ejected material through the depth of each hole.
With the interaction between thick foundation and the ejection of material, the space of each hole in my redesigned work is linked to a successive movement, which is composed of different angles in the same gesture. In Fontana’s hands, despite the fact that the hole is presented in stillness, quiet, and mystery, it manages to evoke a dramatic association between the mechanical order and the uncontrollable violence. The first reason is because the multiplicity of the edge of the hole affects the whole canvas while the cut stands alone in a smooth field of pure colour.Secondly, light and shadow, interact at the point where the uneven curving planes at each side of the cut meet the slit of dark space(Whitfield,1999).


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代寫論文 價格-數字營銷

本文主要講數字營銷,數字營銷就是通過一種以上的電子媒介來推廣產品、服務或品牌的過程。數字營銷與傳統營銷完全不同。數字營銷人員觀察一切,比如用戶注意到什麼,注意多長時間和多頻繁,什麼內容有效,什麼內容無效,等等。與數字營銷緊密相連的渠道是互聯網。還有一些其他的東西,像移動即時消息最簡單的方式之一,無線短信,移動應用程序,廣播頻道和數字電視,等等。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Digital marketing in clear words is a process of promoting the product or services or brands through more than one kind of electronic media. Digital marketing is completely contrasted to that of traditional marketing. Digital marketers observe everything such as what is being noticed by the users, for how long and how frequently, what content is working and what is not, etc. The channel which has been closely connected with digital marketing is Internet. There are also some other things like mobile immediate messaging one of the easiest way, wireless text messaging, app for mobile, radio channels and digital television, etc.
The old days when the company has to message people with the intention of informing all regarding the product or the services of the company has gone now. In now day’s digital media is so persistent that the users can approach to the complete details any time and at any place wherever customers want. Digital media have become an ever-expanding way for the activity, shopping, news, social interaction even for food. Customers are now possess with complete knowledge regarding not merely what company says for their brand but also what are the perspective of other regarding the company like media, peers and other associated people.
The digital marketing must be right in process so that it is able for achieve success in its desired goals. The three basic elements for accomplishing digital marketing success have been discussed in this report.
Act in response and instigate vigorous consumer communications.
Deal with complicated consumer relationships crossways, multiplicity of channels – both digital and traditional.
Remove value from big data to formulate better decisions sooner.


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They are found to have a resolution of 600 nm. The actual performance of this apparatus is found to be demonstrated by the measurement that are taken from the 3D magnetization vector maps. These are found to be showing out-of-plane domains. It also encompasses the in-plane domain walls that are made of the yttrium-iron-garnet film. From this the study of the magnetization reversal in a 4-μm-wide magnetic disk is then observed. It is effective to use “Moke as a tool to investigate periodic arrays of micron and submicron elements because MOKE is more sensitive to a diminishing amount of magnetic material than SQUID is.
If MOKE is operated in the diffraction mode and combined with vector OKE, information on the magnetization distribution inside of magnetic nanostructures is gained in a vectorial form from remanence to saturation. Furthermore, combining vectorBragg-MOKE with micromagnetic simulations provides confidence in the proper interpretation of the reversal process” In the case of the longitudinal MOKE there is a magnetization vector assessed. However, the assessment is such that only a component of the longitudinal MOKE is assessed.
In this assessment, it is identified that that re-magnetization process may not be completely interpreted as will be required to set up an efficient process. So, for the purpose of understanding the re-magnetization process in a much more holistic way it is necessary to understand the other vector component too. This is the orthogonal vector component. Only when the orthogonal vector component is understood in the context of the entire magnetization process, then the re-magnetization assessment is complete. In the context of the longitudinal MOKE, a magnetometer was built and researchers subsequently made use of the same magnetometer and extended it in order to build the vector magnetometer.

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The development and organization are most important for the business organization as without development and improvement, the company can be lagging behind the competition. The business organizations require constant development in order to sustain in the industry as the entire organization is trying to improve and provide better product or services to the customers. Therefore, when a business organization misses continuous improvement, then the business organization intends to be pushed backed in this stringent competitive market. The operational efficiency is one of the most important factors that aid in doing constant improvement in the industry.
The operational strategies support in improving the operational efficiency of the business organization (Innovative Quick Response Programs in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 2010). The business organization supports in developing effective operational strategies that assist in improving the efficiency of the business organization. The undertaken business organization Z-energy is one of the most important Energy organizations. Moreover, the Energy Company has implemented effective operational strategies to improve the efficiency of the business organization. The operational strategies assist in improving the efficiency of the business organization it assists in reducing the cost or budget for the production. Moreover, it also assists in reducing the time for the production of energy of the business organization.
The business organization is indicated as an energy company that produces energy and supplies the energy among its customers. The development is most vital for the energy company as it supports the improvement of the business organization. Moreover, without the improvement in the industry, the company can reduce its sustainability quotient. In order to improve the sustainability quotient of the company, the company has to improve the operational efficiency. The operational strategies are vital in the development and improvement of the company.

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本文是對公司的主要建議,主要的建議是針對服務經理和IT員工的。考慮到2個用戶正在使用系統。人們認為,Windows 7將不適合使用的要求,因為只有系統的Windows 10可以推薦,因為高可用性和支持類似的界面為2個用戶(Lu et al., 2008)。該系統還支持高兼容性,這意味著它可以在不增加服務器成本的情況下有效地與組織的現有服務器建立連接,並將為多個系統之間的數據同步提供方便和可靠的支持。本篇代寫論文費用文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The key recommendation is intended for the service manager and IT employee. Considering 2 users are being present for the use of system. It is considered that Windows 7 will not suit the requirement of the use due to which only system of Windows 10 can be recommended due to the high usability and support for similar interface for 2 users (Lu et al., 2008). This system also support high compatibility which implies that it can establish connection with the existing servers of the organization effectively without addition cost in servers and will provide easy and reliability in synchronization of data between multiple systems.
Windows 10 will also enable the service manager will increased productivity as system is updated automatically and will always remain secure as well as fast performing. The stability along with high hardware compatibility is one of the reasons behind the recommendation (Ng, 2009). Apart from which, various support features involving multiple language, seamless connection with other devices, implementation of other hardware components and all the processes related to the system will perform with an improvised level of speed. Moreover, the architecture of windows 10 is designed in such a manner that it is able to operate even on the existing hardware.

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In the current times, the human resource strategy and the business strategy of the companies need to work in cohesion in order to meet the requirements of the situation. There is a need for the companies in the modern time to ensure that the human resource needs of the company are complimented with the business strategy. These need to work in cohesion to meet the financial requirement of the company and to ensure sustenance. To ensure that the employees are satisfied in the particular job performance, there must be ways to have a performance metrics and effective performance management systems and from this, the companies need to have cohesive employee relationships with the different stakeholders.
The companies need to comprehend about the natural and theoretical perspectives of the employment relationship (Rowe, 2003). There are different roles for each of these employees, and there must be factoring in of the changing nature of the employment relationship. However, these are found to vary based on the dynamic nature of the events.To conclude, the company hires employees, train the employees, provide remuneration for their efforts and try to keep the resource within the company. This is needed for the sustenance of the company. Many models of SHRM have been in vogue. However, the companies try to use their own model based on the theories.
This is to address the contingent factors while also addressing the universalism practices. It is advised that the company must adhere to these tenets of basic people management while ensuring that they also meet the objectives that have been set by the company. In this schema, the company needs to adhere to the ethics, conflict management, transparency and accountability of the process. These must be factored to maintain employee relationship. The performance of the employees and reward programs must be in lieu of their efforts. The remuneration that is provided to the individual depends on these factors of tangible and intangible rewards. Some of the ways in which they can be incorporated in the current schema have been detailed in this analysis.

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Violence in opposition to civil people can also constitute an aim in itself and at times it is the main objective of one of the sides involved in conflict. Suicide bombing and exterminations are the most extreme forms of such ideas. While the systematic extermination of millions of Jews as per Hitler along with various other groups perceived by Hitler as contaminated, remained the most extreme and threatening examples of genocide thoughts and implementations. Therefore, there is a requirement to strengthen the laws and make them such that they are highly respected.
Whole most IHL violations are a consequence of decisions that are deliberate and conscious, various other factors also are present that lead towards violation occurrence because of inadequate law knowledge. Even though this cannot be an accepted justification for attacks on civilians spread worldwide, it is essential for IHL to disseminate to soldiers at every level and to military trainer to include IHL implementation instructions. As previously mentioned, the IHL should not only integrated into the doctrine of military but also in engagement and order rules and effective sanctions should be positioned for failure to abide with the rules. Applicability denial and inadequate ownership of IHL rules leading to suicidal attacks under unlawful combatants
A specific challenge with regard to the armed group conduct lies in the fact that they might not accept IHL as applied or relevant to the acts. Even though, speaking legally, the IHL rules govern non-global armed conflicts to bind armed groups of non-state and these groups might not accept such a notion under practice. Global treaties, after all, can be negotiated within states and armed groups may not take into consideration that they are bound through rules in which they did not take part to negotiate.


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Incentives and rewards are very important for employee motivation and increasing their working ability. Companies may find incentives as an added cost, but incentives can bring more revenue to the business. Hospitality industry is the fastest growing industry, which requires dedicated and skilled professionals. However due to many factors employee retention and job satisfaction of employees become difficult to achieve. Incentives and rewards can result in motivating employees for providing their best and may also increase their job satisfaction. Organization also experience increased revenue with motivated and committed employees.
The main thing to be identified is the expectation of the employee and their desires. Most of the employees who start their job in the hospitality industry are enthusiastic and energetic for their job. Such employees require continuous support and encouragement from the employers and staff members. People can be kept enthusiastic and encouraged for good work, by offering them appropriate rewards for their performance. The rewards offered to the people in the organization can be based on different level. Rewards or incentives can be given on Annual performance, group incentives, individual tips, or ownership in the organization.
There are also non-financial rewards that can be offered to employees. Non-financial incentives or rewards include recognition, opportunity for personal growth, job security, praise and healthy working environment. In some cases, it has been seen that non-financial rewards can generate highest level of increased productivity and motivation in employees. The recognition of the employees can be done depending on their performance, length of service, attendance or for increasing the sales. Providing incentives to the employees in today’s workplaces is very significant to determine the success and growth of the business. Employees or people working in an organization are the asset for the organization. Hospitality industry is one of the most significant industries and also the fastest growing industries of the world. Providing benefits, rewards and incentives to the employees are significantly important for this industry to attain success. Paper reviewed and discussed all the important aspects of offering incentives to employees.


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論文 代寫 價格-營銷策略

本文主要講的是營銷策略,營銷策略是組織中最重要的概念之一,它能讓組織對如何制定決策有更深刻的理解。這是雀巢產品Milo的策略。雀巢的環境有利於雀巢的政治和經濟條件,這為組織提供了各種好處。公司的內部和外部環境也有助於雀巢在市場上獲得競爭優勢。雀巢公司的一種新產品可以給市場帶來很大的成功。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Marketing strategy comes under the most important concepts of the organisation that provides the deep understanding to the organisation about how the decisions must be taken into the organisation. Here the strategy for the Nestle product Milo is created. The environment of the Nestle is favourable to the political and economic conditions of Nestle, which provides various benefits to the organisation. The internal and external environments of the company are also help Nestle in gaining the competitive advantage in the market. A new product in the category of Nestle could bring good success into the market.
Therefore, in this way rather than focusing on the chocolate flavours only, the company must use the mango-flavoured product to increase the customer base of the company. The positioning of a product is also affected a lot by the competition in the market. There are many products, which might have some attributes of Mango Flavoured Milo. However, in the end; Nestle has to focus on one USP that would differentiate it from its competitors. For example, there are many other nutritious bands in the market like Nestle Milo but if Nestle could pay attention to sell its instantaneous nutrition benefit, it might create a separate customer base. Nestle Mango Flavoured Milo is the ideal choice for the children in the age range of 3 to 9 and also for the children in the age range of 9 to 13 who participate in sports.
Marketing is a concept that includes the set of the decisions and plans that the organisation needs to develop so that a good growth in the sale could be provided to the product of the company. An organisation needs to work on its marketing strategy and make sure that it is able to let the customers know the unique features of the product. Current assignment is the analysis of different concepts of marketing by taking the example of Milo. Milo is a product of Nestle. It is basically a chocolate and malt powder, which is mixed with the hot water and the milk, which produces the beverages. Milo is very famous in US, UK and some Asian countries.

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The degree of technology automation is the balance relation between the technological efforts and human intervention. The low automation states high direct cost and automatic process leads to the lower direct cost. Thus, the company Z-energy should implement advanced automatic technology for carrying out all the processes. The factors that should be included are the degree of support that is required, examining the flexibility of the processes and dependency to the process. Thus, it is very much important to make a choice between the physical abilities, speed and power of the automation against intuitive, analytical abilities and flexibilities of the human beings. The technologies can cope with the complex tasks which are the degree of the analytical content. The information technology department should determine and evaluate the degree of support, flexibility, dependency, capital cost, connectivity, human control and creativity.
The process technologies are combined for quality and cost benefits. The benefits can be derived from the coupling of the activities that were separated previously. The management team of the company should integrate the systems in order to increase the efficiency and provide quality products and services to the customers. The independent system allows the organization to communicate their specifications and allowing greater degree connectivity. The information technology system has access to the portal of the data for real-time information. Thus, the systems can be integrated with the use of the software and hardware which will enable the company to carry out all the process in an efficient manner. The process may require huge capital cost, security concerns, system efficiency, and flexibility and customized systems.
The dimensions of the technologies are related to each other. The higher unit of capacity means more capital is there in comparison to the labour. The company has the opportunity to integrate all the different parts. For low cost, standardized process and high products of products will require less flexibility and high efficiency. Therefore, high skilled staff members and small-scale technologies will be more flexible. The dimensions of the technologies can be related if they dot perfectly matches. The company has to implement strategies in order to integrate the technologies and generate higher returns. The information technology department plays a significant role in increasing the efficiency of the organization. The technologies should be used in an effective manner.

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The finale, among all movements of the whole sonata, borrowed the most musical and structural ideas from the works of Beethoven. It could be found out from a lot of music material that both of them are likely to adopt “Rondo: Allegretto – Presto”. Charles Rosen thought him has surpassed Beethoven, especially in the elaborated coda. According to the observations made by Charles Rosen typical Sonata forms are characterized by clearly defined independent periods. There is high dependence on the traditional baroque forms that needs to be discarded in the sonata forms. This is to essentially escape from the horror vacui.

The main theme breaks off in silence and then harmonized in unexpected keys. It was interrupted later by repeating the theme. Several virtuosic bars in the finale remind audiences of the opening movement, generating cyclical unity for the sonata.
As to the belief that some works of Schubert are unnecessarily long, D959 is one of the examples. Playing the whole D959 with all repeats, it will last for more than 35 minutes and may be too long to some ears. Many pianists chose to play the sonatas without some repeats. For example, Kempff plays the first movement of D959 without repeat at all. ‘It seems that some repeat signs were inserted by Schubert as a matter of convention and it is possible that in certain cases he may not have objected to their omission.’
To summarize the works of Schubert, it has been found that he was heavily influenced by the works of Beethoven. This was seen evident in the early works by the composer. However in the later times there has been a definitive transition from the early times to the newer times. He was able to grasp the ideologies of Beethoven and make compositions in part to that of Beethoven. This has been efficiently showcased in the three sonatas in D959. These compositions show that Andantino underlying theme that has been characterized by a melancholic middle part that starts and finishes with the fast tempo. The narrative theme elucidated by the composer has been effectively seen in all of the works of the author.


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The post-Bretton Woods era shows a tremendous explosion in the global capital mobility, financial innovation and global lending that challenges the state boundaries and promoted globalization. In this particular era several bubbles in the stock market can be observed. Moreover, each bubble has weakened the trust and beliefs of people on the stock market. The trade activities are expanded during that period and developments in the global finance rearrange relations in the state-society and shift Keynesian economic towards the neoliberal policies.
The prospects for societies and governments that get right policies are favourable, and those societies and government that manage their political economies inefficiently can face harsh disciplines. There is a shift towards an international political, economic system which increases the probability of greater differences between those who can participate in the global finance and who cannot. The following circumstances add to the uncertainty about how the national political economies are interconnected. Both bad and good effects are not understood completely, and consequently, it is difficult to manage and mitigate the situation. The government implements rules and regulations to control the situation. The fluctuations in the market depend on many factors. The main factor for the increase or decrease in the stock prices is the behaviour of the investors.
A bubble occurs in the stock market when the investors increase their demand for a particular stock. The increase in demand leads to the increase in the price of the stock above its actual value. When the investor in the market realizes that the prices of shares have increased far beyond the asset value, they start withdrawing their money. Crashes in the market can be linked to either log periodic law bubble or an external shock. The efficient market hypothesis can be affected depending on the fluctuations in the market. The prices of the stocks decrease with the decrease in the demand for the stocks in the market. The performance of stock market depends on the demand of the stock in the market (Blakey, 2008). In history, major stock markets have experienced crashes. Bubbles form in securities, economies, business sectors and stock markets because of the change in the behaviour of the investors.


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代寫論文 價格-什麼是業務關係

本文主要講什麼是業務關係,類似地,大約有150,000個鏈接用戶與一些現有的業務關係一起工作。現有的業務關係可以是組織同一部門內的人員、行業內的同一組織甚至同一國家內不同行業內的人員的業務論壇。他們可以像校友組織一樣簡單,也可以是某個組織的基層組織。 LinkedIn上的社區互動形式多種多樣。它可以簡單到在社區內以專業的方式提出問題。它也可以是更多的面向業務的問題,需要特定的答案。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Similarly, around 150,000 Linked users are seen to work with some of the existing business relations. Existing business relations could be a business forum of people within the same department of an organization, or same organization within an industry, or even different industries in the same country. They could be as simple as alumni groups or could be grassroots for some organization. The form of community interactions on LinkedIn is varied. It could be as simple as asking questions in a professional sense within the community. It could also be more of business oriented questions where specific answers are required.
Some users would be able to start newer connections in this conversation, start a project based commentary, or congratulate someone else on a new project etc. Dashboard style of working allows users to even work on projects where they want to and have an interaction space based on that project dashboard. Once again, the opportunities that are created for LinkedIn users here are seen to be limited only to the ingenuity of the users or the operators of the VC. Research studies show that when a VC offers little restrictions or constraints on how the VC can be used by operators then it would essentially be increasing the chances of tis survival (Leimeister et al., 2004). In the case of LinkedIn, there are really very less restrictions applied on how it can be used and this makes it a solidly successful virtual community.
There are many virtual communities in the Internet open environment. There are many communication tools and innovations empowering the use of these virtual communities. Some virtual communities are largely successful and some are seen to be a failure over time. What makes them a success is how they are used. LinkedIn was chosen as a specific virtual community for discussion in this research. Using the VC as a primary case study, the research assessed on what factors would help them flourish in the context of the open environment of the Internet. The factors that have led to the failure of other organizations are also discussed in context.

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本文主要講的是藝術組織董事會,研究發現,雖然董事會成員知識淵博,但董事會對日常運營的參與是有限的,低於Max (Hewison和Holden, 2011)。此外,澳大利亞國家藝術資助機構(national arts funding body of Australia)已經迫使藝術組織和ACCA(尤其是特許公認會計師公會)合併一個公司董事會結構,其中包括來自建築背景的個人、會計師、律師、商業代表、來自市場營銷、政府和藝術家的個人(Ibbotson, 2008)。本篇論文代寫價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The research has established while there is a knowledgeable combination of the board members, the involvement of the board across the day to day operations is limited and lower than Max (Hewison and Holden, 2011). Moreover, the national arts funding body of Australia has forced the arts organizations and ACCA in particular to incorporate a corporate board structure with inclusion of the individuals from architectural background, accountant, lawyer, business representatives, individuals from marketing, government and the artists (Ibbotson, 2008).
It has been found that this structured appointment of the arts organizational board members has limited the ability of the ACCA’s board to make decisions that are informed and artistically sound (Hewison and Holden, 2016). Hence, there are various conflicts with the artists and administrative staff that emerge on an ongoing basis. According to the researchers, another distinction that has been surfaced is that while the arts boards understand the essentiality of the corporate governance and betterment of the arts organizations, the concentration is not maintained on the arts governance (Landry, 2011). The leadership of the board of directors is limited towards the financial responsibility and ensuring that the organization operates within the legal framework of Australia. It is found that the corporate leadership style and organizational structure is followed under the boards’ leadership because of the need for risk assessment (Lim, 2016). This model is adopted as the organization is dependent on broader sources than the Australian government for the financial support. Hence, the leadership of the board of directors are limited towards the strategic planning and implementations with the Artistic Director and General Manager.
The artistic director namely Max undertakes the selection of the artists along with curating the artists and artworks. The authoritative leadership style is followed by Max Delany as he engages in primary interactions with the artists, teams for organizing the events and processes of design. He has undertaken number of curatorial projects that consist of working in collaboration with the Australian and international artists (Nisbett and Walmsley, 2016).

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Change resistance is a concept where change management is challenged because of employees might face issues during change. When a change is implemented employees face many issues and only when the leader is aware of these issues they can address it to implement successful change.
A primary issue that the employee might feel in the case of change management is that of a loss of their normal identity. In the context of change management, be it a large scale change or a small level change, there will be implications for all employees irrespective of their active participation in the change. In this context employees would feel a sense of a loss of work identity in the organization (Chia, 2001). They might resist change because of this loss of identity. Employers and leaders hence should ensure that the employee understands and embraces this change as part of their work process and identity. The employees must be given details on the change management process even before initiation and must be given some idea of how it could affect them. This form of an anticipatory communication and meet will help the employees (Chia, 2001; Charan, et al, 2001).
Secondly, the employees might feel there is really no need for a change. They might feel the change management process is just an additional burden to their daily work and hence would have concerns and resistance towards it. They might believe that such a change would actually make their daily work more tedious or that the risks of taking such a change might not be beneficial. In this context, the leader of change must work with the employees to show them why the change was initiated in the first place and how change management could impact each one of the employees in a beneficial way in opposition to an adverse way (Burke & Litwin, 1992).
Employees might face issues of insecurity when they feel the change management information is not shared with them transparently. They might feel the management does not trust them with the details or might believe that the people who are entrusted with the change management process cannot be trusted by themselves. “In an organization that has a culture of trust, transparent communication, involved, engaged employees and positive interpersonal relationships, resistance to change is easy to see – and also much less likely to occur. Employees feel free to tell their boss what they think and to have open exchanges with managers” (Rick, 2013). Therefore, it is necessary for the leaders to develop a system of trust in the organization.


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本文主要讲的是奢侈品牌战略研究探讨,在当今时代,竞争越来越多,由于全球化的冲击而产生的品牌和产品的琥珀。在这个过程中,有许多产品被开发出来。奢侈品牌是为高质量和高服务而高价出售的产品(Hennigs et al., 2013)。品牌的功能性和审美价值被认为高于正常的订单品牌。这些公司为了确保奢侈品牌的独特性,开发出了一些关键的差异。在这篇文献综述中,将会对这些方面进行分析。产品的功能性质,以及隐含的品牌个性和公司采用的品牌战略将被详细探讨。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the current times, there has been growing number of competitions and there are an amber of brands and products that have been created owing to the impacts of globalization. In this process, there are a number of products that have been developed. Luxury brands are products that are priced at a premium for high quality and services (Hennigs et al., 2013). Functionality and the aesthetical value of the brand is considered to be higher than order normal brands. There are certain key differences that have been developed by the companies to ensure that the luxury brand is unique. In this literature review, there will be analysis of these aspects. The functional nature of the product along with the implied brand persona and the branding strategies employed by the companies will be probed in detail.
For the purpose of this research, there is a combination of primary and secondary research.
In the primary research, survey has been used. Quantitative research techniques have been used to collect data owing to the fact that it is feasible. There are a number of willing participants who consume luxury brands will take part in this research. All ethical consideration such as consent, exclusion of personal bias will be followed. The survey consists of questionnaire and online survey methods. Data analysis will be done once the information has been gathered by the researcher. These will be illustrated in the form of graphs to highlight the research findings. These implied data analyses will be combined with the secondary data in order to understand the situation comprehensively. From this analysis, there will be implementations and recommendations that will be proposed to the people. Critical analysis of the findings will also be presented.
Luxury brands need to be unique from the mass market. It is price for the premium consumer. Nevertheless, the branding strategies need not be a costly affair. The companies need to elevate the performance and persona of the brand. These brands use the pull approach to draw the consumers to the exclusive circle of the brand. It is associated with the prestige. In the case of Thailand, there is very high potential for the sale of the luxury products. The economy is dependent on tourism. Hence, any strategy should encompass ways to cater to the foreign tourists. Culturally, the domestic markets also become more open to these luxury brands. This shows future promise in sales. Probable pitfalls needs to be watched as counterfeiting of the product and maintaining the exclusive brand persona of the products.


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In the part of creation and capture of key value, before the relationship establishment, the firms need to analyze the characteristics of the potential partners. The characteristics are recognized by the parties when relationship is built up once. The continuities of the relationship act as the source of interests among the customers. The key values are the set of benefits which belong to a firm coming from all resources. The acceptance and reorganization value can lead to the choice and the maintenance of a certain supplier alternatively. It can also lead the selection and continuous progress of a particular buyer as a target of the supplier.
There is a consistent characteristic of the intrinsic value. The intrinsic outcome considers all the analysis of benefits and sacrifices involved in the relationship between the buyers and suppliers. The outcome reflects the buyer’s willingness to pay and the opportunity cost of the supplier. The intrinsic outcome essentially goes in a one-way direction where the resources can generate benefits once the relationship goes ahead. The benefits may belong to the company and develop a relationship with the other business partners. Apple has entered into the strategic partnerships with other companies to expand their business operations in other countries.
It has enabled the company to increase its profitability.The buyer-supplier relationship is one of the very valuable and precious relationships in the management line. This relationship is also crucial for any organization. Through this relationship, the organization can understand the market condition. Today one of the buyer’s major tactical objectives is to attempt to decrease the number of suppliers that the buyer is dealing with. This can be accomplished by analysing systems of suppliers, with suppliers in diverse levels. The company should have the ability to supply some additional value to the buyer in order to become an efficient supplier.


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本文讲的是如何提高员工的能力,对员工的培训是提高员工能力和能力的另一个重要策略。员工感到更有动力,对自己的工作有更高的承诺水平(Dhar, 2015)。例如,目标设定是另一个重要的人力资源战略,可以用来提高员工的奉献和承诺。目标设定和金钱奖励是激励员工的重要因素。组织结构也应该支持员工的目标设定和实现他们的目标。工作条件、雇主-雇员关系和支持性环境是非常有趣和激励因素,鼓励员工提高技能和提高生产力(Maroudas, Kyriakidou, & Vacharis, 2008)。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Training for the employees can be another significant strategy for increasing employee competency and ability. The employees feel more motivated and have the feeling of increased commitment level towards their job (Dhar, 2015). For example, goal-setting is another important HR strategy, which can be used to increase dedication and commitment of the employees. Goal setting and monetary incentives in return can be a great motivational factor for the employees. The organizational structure should also support the employees in goal setting and achieving their goals. Working conditions, employer-employee relationship and supportive environment are very interesting and motivational factors that encourage employees to enhance their skills and increase productivity (Maroudas, Kyriakidou, & Vacharis, 2008).
The Human Resource Strategic Planning is affected by the empowerment of the employees, or it can impact the performance of the employees. Although providing incentives to the employees can lead to more expenditure of money, on the bigger level, they can bring more revenue to the organization. This is because incentives are related to the motivation of the employees, and motivation is related to increased productivity. Incentives also help in encouraging positive attitude towards work, and also motivate employees to take challenges at workplace.
For example, Sturman, & Ford (2011) examines that providing incentives to the employees also generate the power of equity. The feeling of unjust can de-motivate employees to provide quality service. The feeling of being underpaid is linked to lower level of motivation in employees. Some employees may feel that they are being underpaid that other and may develop feeling of lack of equity (Dhar, 2015). Thus, HR strategic planning can help employees to achieve equity, increased job satisfaction and decreased level of absenteeism.


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Bill Gates started from the scratch and envisioned world aided by technology. The skills or qualities of leadership can all be found in the character of Bill Gates. Before moving on to critically evaluate his leadership ability, it is important to perceive this theoretically. The four main theories of leadership are the trait theory, the behavioural theory, the contingency theory and the full-range theory. The trait theory believes searching the typical leadership traits such as broad-mindedness, intelligence, precision, laboriousness, self-efficiency and analytic perspective in human character.
This report will discuss the character of Bill Gates in this theoretical context. The qualities and skills discussed above are present in the Mr. Bill gates. He thought out-of-the-box and is a visionary in respect to the use of technology (Mathieu et al. 2014). The traits of leadership made him drop out from college and follow his heart. Undoubtedly, he anticipated the world and the prevalence of information and technology in that world. At the very beginning, Microsoft was developing windows and other stuff in association with IBM. Eventually, Bill Gates made Microsoft a distinct entity. He is a self-taught entrepreneur and he achieved the unbelievable success with Microsoft through his technical expertises and leadership qualities.
His visionary ideas never let Microsoft turned static among the fierce competition with Apple, Sony, Google, IBM, and others. He anticipated the future prospect of LinkedIn and in 2016 the Microsoft Corporation acquired that online portal site. The following figure aptly illustrates Bill Gates as one of the greatest business leaders in the history of mankind.Apart from being a leader, Bill Gates has been a pioneer who paved the way of digital distribution throughout the world. In fact, he is one of the key persons who made technological devices and software common and simple. Therefore, it can be said that an organization should keep the above-mentioned qualities along with self-efficiency and striking personality in mind while choosing a leader.


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本文主要讲反馈机制的作用,反馈机制是一种重要的工具,可以用来改善日常的性能,并了解反馈所报告的服务标准的不足。就像这两位员工一样,Andrew和Daryl的客户反应比较弱,他们在与客户的互动上出现了问题,并且提供了合适的服务,产生的反馈可以用来了解故障点,并据此制定整改计划。反馈机制将从所有客户、所有员工那里收集,包括他们对业务模型的想法、可能实现的更改以及员工对目标和要实现的目标的关注(Dunton, 2008)。本篇商业文章代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Feedback mechanisms are an important tool for improving the performance on a daily basis and understanding the lack of service standards that are reported by the feedbacks. Just as the two employees, Andrew and Daryl are getting weak response from customers and they seem to be having a problem with the customer interaction and providing proper services, the feedback generated can be used to understand the failure points and accordingly formulate a plan of rectification. The feedback mechanisms are to be gathered from all customers, from all employees about their thoughts on the business model, the changes that are possible to be implemented and the employees concerns about the goals and targets to be achieved (Dunton, 2008).
Feedback provides information about what is done in a good manner and what is done in a bad manner requiring change and correction. The feedback coming from all customers is to be studied properly and it must be made sure that the same mistake is not repeated by any of the employees during their next tour as a guide.
Information coming from the feedbacks must be arranged in a manner which is useful for future actions and must not create a hindrance in any progressive actions. The flow of actions must be coordinated with the use of relevant information and the feedbacks must be used properly to help support the implementation of all changes (Ford & Greer, 2005), and also sync all activities so as to have less friction between changes planned and changes realised. Consistent change needs consistent relevant information and then all actions must be linked with the organisational activities to make it last for long and deliver the expected objectives and results.
Thus, feedback mechanisms from customers, from employees, and from all third parties must be used for enhancing the adventure tour experience for all customers through appropriate investment of the information gathered.


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1、留学生学到的单词大多数消极单词。所谓Negative word意思就是看到这个单词一般可以认识,听到的话也明白是什么意思,但是在写作和运用时候就不能够正确运用。很多单词书籍往往缺少单词组词和用法,这样不利于学生更好的消化和运用单词。

2、很多学生对单词理解不对。中文和英文本来就不完全对等,很多英语单词翻译成中文看起来很笨拙,这样让学生们记住了是什么意思,但是对于单词理解不透彻,这在运用时候就不能够很好运用。因此在选择English Dictionaries时候,建议要选择英汉双解类型的English Dictionaries。只有真正理解了单词意思,阅读起来才可以理解更加透彻。

3、不要忽视单词搭配。很多学生容易忽视了Word collocation,这样在写作时候就会出现一些不太明白的单词,有些学生就顾不得这个单词搭配习惯,胡乱使用起来。

4、书本中学到的单词不如实践生活中积累的单词更让人Deep memory。在生活中要多与朋友们和陌生人进行交流,在交流中你可以记住更多单词,而且明白这个单词在什么语境下使用效果更好。

5、盲目追求单词量,忽略了基本词汇掌握程度。很多留学生Blind pursuit单词量,大量的背诵单词,对于一些难词、长词和生僻词背诵的很熟练,却忽略了一些基本词汇的掌握熟练程度,这样反而是Lose a great deal through trying to save a little。所以建议留学生们一定要抓住重点,不要忽略了基础知识的掌握程度。


1、建议使用English-Chinese dictionary。上述已经介绍了英汉双解词典在英语学习中的必要性,如果是要进行单词背诵的话,至少要将双解词典和单词书结合起来使用。如果英语基础不太好,建议使用《牛津中阶英汉双解词典》;英语水平还好的话建议使用《Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English》。

2、如果留学生的English level达到了大学4级以上,在学习时候主要目的就是阅读和写作,这个时候建议使用《牛津高阶英语词典》。平时多查阅一下英语词典可以培养自己很强的写作语感,对于Writing and speaking提升很重要。

3、如果学些英语主要为了提高个人写作能力,建议要再加上两种字典,比如:《Oxford English Synonyms Dictionary》、《Oxford Collocations Dictionary for Students of English》。在使用同义字典时候要注意,同义并不是说意思就一致,而是指词义上有一定相同,但是相互之间还有区别。英语搭配词典是告诉你如何搭配,可以让你更好掌握词语间搭配技巧。


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本文主要讲癌细胞的讨论和研究,包括某些类型的胃癌等。甲基化过程也参与到基因组印记的过程中,在这个过程中,母体或父方的基因等位基因通过甲基化过程得到修饰,然后失活(Dancey et al., 2012)。相反的过程是去甲基化的基因的印迹性质,导致表达的印迹损失发生在细胞内的肿瘤。最新数据还表明,hymmethylation in the gene results in of the, and also causes tumor to be induced on mice。这些结果进一步加强了表观遗传性质的改变直接导致肿瘤发展的观点。本篇学院论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

These are inclusive of some types of cancers in stomach, etc. The process of methylation also engages to participate within the process known as genome imprints wherein the gene allele of maternal or paternal nature get modified through the process of methylation and then its inactivation takes place (Dancey et al., 2012). The reverse procedure is demethylation of genes of imprinted nature resulting into expression of imprinting loss to occur within the cells of tumour. Latest data has also demonstrated that hymmethylation in the gene results in instability of the chromosomes and also causes tumours to be induced hen studied on mice. These have further resulted in strengthening the perspective that changes of epigenetic nature contribute directly to development of tumour.
Through the explanations and discussions laid down in this essay, it becomes apparent that the cellular basis of cancer helps in explaining the changes that cells take place resulting in becoming cancerous in nature. Scientists and other medicinal researchers have focused on finding out and developing different methods for measuring the genetic expression within normal cells and tumorous cells (Cheong et al., 2012). Among such newer methods, the RNA levels determination through analysis of micro-array is the most common one. However, such methods might prove to be useful but they need to be studied with more details to provide accuracy.
It can be concluded that cancer cells grow so fast due to their common nature. The alterations and mutations of genes and DNA make it difficult for the normal cells to sustain their properties and these results into cancer (Thangavelu et al., 2012). The cell cycle also gets distorted due to the changes that each cell goes through. The changes not only result in changing a cell but their spread causes anti-tumour genes as well to change. This further deteriorates the prospects of curing cancer in the best possible manner from human body and might even lead to death of cancer.


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代寫論文 價格-如何減少論文重複率

對於在美國留學的同學們來說,可能會面臨環境、語言等各種各樣的壓力。其中有一部分壓力也來自於學習中的論文寫作,美國國大學對於學生的學術水平要求高,自然主要體現在論文寫作方面,而且對於論文重複率、抄襲率這一塊的要求是非常嚴格的,一不小心還會面臨開除的危險。所以我們的代寫老師今天就為大家提供一些減少論文重複率的方法,一起來看看代寫論文 價格-如何減少論文重複率。


















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本文講輔助數據和統計數據,本研究的參與者為酒店員工。他們將通過社交媒體工具聯繫。酒店員工將是在國際酒店工作的人。本研究將考慮的倫理因素包括個人偏見和同意因素(Smith, 2015)。在定性研究的情況下,可能會有基於個人觀點的數據傾斜。這些對公司來說可能是困難的。他們需要有一個適當的啟發式,以解決不同的觀點和類比(史密斯,2015)。為了解決這個問題,將使用輔助數據和統計數據。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The participants for this research will be hotel employees. They will be contacted using the social media tools. The hotel employees will be the people who are working in an international hotel. Ethical considerations that will be considered for this research are addressing the personal bias and consent factor (Smith, 2015). In the case of qualitative research, there can be skewing of the data based on personal viewpoints. These can prove to be difficult for the company. They need to have a proper heuristic in place to address the different views and analogies (Smith, 2015). To address this issue, there will be the using of secondary data and statistical data.
The next factor that would be considered for the research is the consent. The anonymity of the people and the data that they shared would be maintained.
The hypothesis for this research can be the probable findings. These are based on the research that is collated from secondary sources. They are:
The working conditions have direct impact on employees’ working attitude. This becomes related to customer service
Lesser job satisfaction of the company has significantly negative impact on turnover rate. These cause worsening of the customer service
Career development of the companies is found to motivate employees within the workplace. These would cause better customer service to the people.
It can be comprehended that if the company treats the employs appropriately, there will be lower turnover rate. There is a need for the companies to focus on the ways to reduce the turnover rate. The ways are to ensure that the turnover rate is reduced and there is meeting of the employee requirement. This would invariably increase the customer service. The different ways of ensuring that the employees are satisfied in the workplace will be developed in the future research. These were the important analogies that were made.

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本文主要讲水路的生态标记,现在,考虑到这是一个水路,而先前关于MBI的讨论涉及到水路的一个示例,即生态标记,因此生态标记可能是一个合适的替代方法。首先,生态标记的例子是一个市场摩擦工具。生态标记可以应用于渔业。它也可以应用于南埃斯克盆地的一些农业支持。生态标签也可以用在该地区被砍伐的木材上,也可以用在处理污水和废水的泻湖上,然后再把它们排入大海。因此,生态标签可以用来让消费者意识到哪些产品是最环保的,以及谁采取了最可持续的做法(Ward和Phillips, 2008)。本篇美国酒店管理论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Now given that this is a waterway, and the previous discussions on MBI involves an example with waterways, ecolabeling, it would seem as if ecolabeling is perhaps a suited alternative. Now, firstly, ecolabeling example is a market friction instrument. Ecolabelling could be applied to fisheries. It could also be applied to some of the agriculture support at the South Esk basin. Ecolabeling can also be applied to the wood that is being cut down in the area and it can also be stamped on the lagoons that treat effluents and waste water before turning them out into the sea. Ecolabelling could hence be used to create awareness in the consumer about which of the products have been the most environmental friendly and also who has adopted the most sustainable practice (Ward and Phillips, 2008).
However, the ecolabelling initiative will put much of the onus of responsibility on the consumer. Not all consumers would be aware of ecolabels and not all consumers would have multiple choices to use, so they might end up choosing the best only as an alternative to the worst. On a similar note, the second MBI which is the rights or quantity based instrument can also be rejected. The rights or quantity based MBI cannot be applied properly because the measurement of water to use, or water that will be impacted exactly cannot be measured properly. If an industry is going to release some treated effluents, there will be some amount of impact on water, the quantity of water that will be impacted cannot be measured accurately (Raheem and Morenikeji, 2010).
The price based instrument would hence be the more appropriate instrument to apply here. In using the price based instrument, water tax or green tax could be applied here. Water tax based on a standard water exploitation index could be made use of here. Consider the water taxation project that was introduced in Netherlands in 1995 (Ecorys, 2011).According to the water tax as introduced, the country was able to apply taxation for ground water and tap water.


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代寫論文 價格-人員聘用

本文主要講的是人員聘用,應在下一個財政年度執行需要進行的改革。應立即通知這兩名導遊,為期六個月(Morrison et al., 1992)。在這段時間裡,如果沒有任何增長,他們可以被要求離開公司。此通知可於本財政年度結束後的4月份發出。一個非常重要的變化是招聘新員工。在董事會中有兩個新成員是很重要的。董事會和員工的招聘將於今年9月開始,並將持續到12月。將向被徵聘的成員提供培訓,從4月起,他們將開始工作。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The implementation of the changes which are required to be done should be implemented in the forthcoming financial year. The two tour guides should be given immediate notice which may last for six month (Morrison et al., 1992). In this time period, if no growth has been shown by them, they can be asked to leave the company. This notice can be given in the month of April, immediately after the end of the financial year. A very important change is the recruitment of new staff. It is important to have two new members in the board of directors. The recruitment process for the board and the staff will begin by September this year and will continue till December. The training will be provided to the recruited members and from April they will begin to work.
The recruitment of the board of directors should be done with great care and should be looked upon by Sharon. Though the staffing of the employees or the tour guides should be directly done by the HR and no one should interfere in the same. If it is found that the HR member has been forced to hire any of the relative of the board members, that director will be asked to retire.
Change in the tour plans is another implementation which is required to be updated. The board should meet to discuss the new tour plans which may be added to the profile. An analysis is required to be carried out on different tours which haven’t been covered by the company yet. It is important to add few more tours for this season which can attract more number of people. Further, there should be few other tours apart from the adventure tour (Kramer & Magee, 1990). Few special tour packages should be instantiated for the honeymooners, kids, youths and families. This will give the people ample of tours to select from. At present, the repeating customers also have to go to some other company if they want to go for a tour other than the adventure tour. This change can be implemented from the month of September itself (Sirkin et al, 2005).

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The broking organization management always would want to establish the way in which prospective clients have obtained organization based details whether as a consequence of networking or a promotion exercise. This will help the team members to realign with the view of the clients and help mitigate risks in communication. During the stage to collect information, management furthermore needs to ensure that technical quality is at appropriate level and is available for ensuring the clients are provided with correct suggestion and therefore to ensure the foundational relationship laid firmly. Management also needs to make sure that the insurance based carriers provide agreed service level and wide portfolio of product. At this stage, if conflicts arise, it is the responsibility of the management then to ensure that measures are kept in position for identifying whether the relationship prospectively formed offers benefit or does not.
Also, as evident from the future trends, there exists a risk that the combined influence of such 4 change sets will decrease the activity of housing. To deal with this issue it is essential to visualize the risk involved. In the previous 2 years, the markets of housing have remained to be in balance with activity for sales at levels that are moderate and generally stable prices (Fisher, 2010). Housing values growth is an essential job creation determinant with rising prices of houses that are good to customer and confidence in businesses and motivate expenditure as well as investments being made. The response towards housing values growth has a tendency to be consistently gradual with a requirement of becoming motivated. Such increased values remain to be durable prior to acting over them.
A decrease in pricing of houses, conversely, it leads towards negative reactions but an essential contrast is that there is a tendency of reacting in a rapid manner to reduce the values of houses. Here, mortgage brokers have a role to play. They redefine and revaluate the prospects and allow the clients to realign their approaches independently.


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This research thesis is responsible for elucidating the pattern as well as development required for setting up e-commerce platform for clothing business in New Zealand. The research proposal aims at providing an overview with regard to rationale, aims and objectives of the research. The key business conception here lies in setting up a web based platform for online clothing where customers get their desired products and services. The e-commerce online clothing business platform will have its basis in New Zealand. The researcher will have to focus over the involved processes for setting up an online clothing business platform for clothing in New Zealand. The budget requirements for the initiation of the business will also be needed. In addition, the business project will require a clear focus into the scope of online clothing business in New Zealand along with conducting market analysis in the domain.
First fact is that New Zealand is a country with dynamic prospects for clothing. The clothing business will be such that it offers innovation in the field. The market for clothes, accessories and basic supplies through e-commerce platforms has been flourishing in New Zealand as well. The landscape of e-commerce has been under global focus with regard to New Zealand (Turban et al., 2016). The idea of online clothing business will be executed through use of a platform for e-commerce. The aim will be on adding value through unique prospects generated. Second fact is that technological adoption has been on the rise in the nation since 2013.
The business project idea lies in setting up online clothing business or e-commerce platform in New Zealand. There is an increasingly dynamic trend of online clothing business all across the world. There are various factors behind this enhanced focus inclusive of strong currency locally within the globalized market and online clothing business unprecedented adoption by customers. The focus over related technologies has also increased. Major domestic retailers, furthermore, have been perceived generally to struggle at enhancing their region based digital presence and global retailing units have capitalized over this through aggressive operations in the marketing domain. Due to all the favorable factors, the market of ecommerce within New Zealand has shown a momentum of positive nature. As evident, there is much potential in the market and therefore the motivation of this research has come into being. Many such companies such as Wish.com and Alibaba.com have started as local online platforms and have expanded comprehensively and so this business also has the capability to expand.


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本文主要讲述树莓工具运用研究,使用树莓派的项目是伯恩语法学院的学生与工程指导合作,将一个氦气球发射到26公里高的空中。这个气球捕捉到了地球的图像(罗宾逊2015)。为了发送和接收数据,设计了两台计算机。校车是用来接收数据的。校巴装有对讲机收音机。无线电被调到麦克风的频率,麦克风用于解码无线电反馈,以了解空中距离和图像数据(Robinson 2015)。在发送GPS数据的同时,还发送了温度数据。气球放飞后,人们追了大约7小时40分钟才找到它的残骸。本篇ps代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The project using Raspberry Pi is one where the students of Bourne Grammar teamed up with engineering instruction to launch a Helium Balloon 26 km into the air. This balloon captured images of earth (Robinson 2015). Two computers were programmed for the purpose of sending data and receiving data. The school minibus was used for the purpose of receiving the data. School minibus was fitted with the walkie-talkie radios. The radios were tuned to the frequency of the microphone made use of for decoding radio feedback for understanding the aerial distance, and also the image data (Robinson 2015). Along with the GPS data, the temperature data was also sent. After release, the balloon was chased for around seven hours and 40 minutes, after which its remains were found.
The balloon had a working payload as well in it. GPS and radio technology was used to track the balloon and students were allotted tasks of programming, receiving data and tracking the final payload. A flight plan was predicted earlier on during the initial programming itself. Supportive equipment other that the school owned Raspberry Pi was provided by the “Skycademy” programme.
Figure 1: The Map showing the student chase route in the Helium Air Balloon Space Project at the Bourne Grammar School, England, (Source: The Guardian 2016)
Students completed the project as collaboration with the Raspberry Project group. They did it as both an indoor and outdoor exercise. The aim was to teach them to build a project using Raspberry Pi. Students were segregated as groups, with some assigned to the indoor tracking activity and others for the field work.
A literature study project was created. In this project, the Raspberry Kit is used by students to program and create a Minecraft world that represents their grasp and interest on the literature work -Bram Stokers Dracula (Roman 2016).
The project was initiated by the English literature teacher in the class who helped the students in the building of video games and consoles for completing their literature assignments (Lyn 2015).
Students groups worked on the project in similar Minecraft worlds so that the project became a collaborative one (Roman 2016). The project is one that is developed on Bram Stoker’s Dracula.
Learning Outcome:
Students learned how to build a unique video game making use of the Raspberry Pi, Sonic Pi, Python and Scratch. Students learned how to apply Raspberry Pi and related programming skills in creative ways. It is not common to apply programming to create a fictional world for a literature work.


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本文主要講如何做到系統彈性和健壯性的結合,設計必須具有彈性,這樣才能從根本上增加設計的簡單性、解決未預料到的問題或通過以前關於消除任意的選擇來增加整體的優雅性(condorii – fernandez et al., 2009)。如果添加一個特定的特性並不會破壞之前的特性,那麼系統必須具有健壯性。這涉及到彈性和健壯性的結合,因為在一個特定的系統中,如果沒有彈性,就不能保持100%的健壯性。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

There must be resilience of design such that key features are radically added in the fundamental causes of simplicity in the design, solving unexpected issues, or increasing the overall elegance by making choices previously regarding the elimination of arbitrary (Condori-Fernandez et al., 2009). There must be robustness of the system if adding a specific feature does not end up breaking down the prior feature. This involves the combination of resilience and robustness as 100 per cent robustness cannot be maintained in the absence of resilience within a specific system.
There must be composability of all components with each other at the whim of user. This involves the key consideration of connectedness and global consistency. The accessibility of component with each other has to be transitive as well as symmetric (Bendat & Piersol, 2011). The key implication will be the bidirectional links between hard links and mounts.
There must be obedience of each and every component towards the same syntax, while ensuring the similarity of meta- interface. The key implication will be almost complete transparency of network. It will be the choice of the user for the purpose of structuring the processes, while ensuring to monitor any operation and object (Brusilovsky & Millán, 2007).
1.4 Estimation of Assessment Effort and Cost
There will only be a need of 2 staff members to provide basic training to the users and this training will be provided for a period of two hours as the users do have knowledge about the basic Microsoft OS. There will be payment provided to the staff members at 40 dollars per hour and hence, this fee will be 160 dollars.
The following review procedure will be followed to meet the requirements of user (Burke & Noumair, 2015):
Setting up the overall stage
Ensuring the overall preparedness of the user
Leading the overall walk- through of the software as per different sections
Asking for the sign- off

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本文主要讲述的是普遍的道德观,因此,普遍存在着注重平等权利、社会进步、人的尊严、和平与自由的道德。研究表明,当全球人民意识到要对个人行为负责,要诚实,要承担照顾他人的责任,要展现真相时,存在一种普遍的道德观(Alighieri 30)。人们已经确定,实现和谐地球的持续和共同努力使普遍的道德得以发生。所有角色的道德判断都源于这个强制性的准则。本篇美国艺术与设计论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Hence, the universal morality is present that focuses on equal rights, social progress, human dignity, peace and freedom. The research surfaced that there is a universal morality as the global population is aware of being accountable for the personal actions, being honest, accepting the responsibilities of care and showcasing the truth (Alighieri 30). It has been established that the continuous and combined drive to achieve a harmonious globe enables the universal morality to take place. The moral judgments of all characters are stemmed with this mandatory code.
Therefore, individual actions are determined as moral or immoral based on their violation or conformance with the code. This piece has highlighted the tensed points of this code by reconsidering situations for the exposure of internal contraries in terms of values (Mitchell 40). There are a number of stories involved concerning divided loyalties with scenarios for which no practical guidance is offered by the code to deliver certain actions.
All across the fast moving lives of individuals, choices are made by individuals constantly as these choices shape them and the overall society. However, there are several debates regarding the ways in which moral decisions should be corrected and virtuous existence should be achievement. The literature pieces reflect the uncanny ability of Dante for precisely representing the trials of individual soul in achieving morality and locating unity with god. This has to be set forth under the horror, humor and beauty of human life (Alighieri 30).
With an increase in the magnitude of sins, Dante has condemned sinners while lessening his pity for them. This points out the contradiction of the opinions and the synthesis of information. While the universal morality is not essentially reflected by the government and ideology of a particular society, legislations and a general code of conduct for the citizens have been developed in order to prevent and prohibit the aggression (Heaney 58). The principle of non-aggression is globally applicable that prevents any individual to initiate force or violence to another individual.


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Louie has been an over-aggressive and aimless child who was brought back to a normal life. Running gave him a way of concentrating on himself. After that, the cancellation of Tokyo Olympics in 1940 shattered him emotionally. This is story of human survival from the core. Most of Louie’s life was spent in struggling for getting back the ‘normalcy’ of his life. In his childhood, he struggled to acquire an aim in life.
His elder brother Pete acted like a father and helped him in doing so. Athletics became the point of stability of his life. People started calling him “Torrance Tornado” (Hillenbrand, 2010). Then his dream shattered with the cancellation of 1940 Olympics in Tokyo, which is why he joined army and became a bombardier. It can be said that the title of the book “Unbroken” aptly justifies the story. Indeed, Hillenbrand tells her readers how Louie succeeded remaining “unbroken” in the most pain-stricken situations. The following section will analyze the character of Louie in order to conclude how his life shaped up.
New journalism is developed in the 60s as a popular style of news writing. Gradually, it was adopted in literary works as well. Hillenbrand in Unbroken not only depicted the story of people but also the story of that time as well (Smith, 2013). New journalism is an effective way of presenting truths and facts. Her clever use of verbal pyrotechnics made the whole narrative very focused.
The entire story revolves around Louie Zamperini. There is no other protagonist in this story. There are a few supporting characters who contributed to the life of Louie and influenced him explicitly and implicitly. His brother Pete and his wife Cynthia have been the support pillars of Louie’s life. They dragged him back from a downfall. Louie’s life has never been smooth at all. Watanabe or “The Bird” was the medium of all tortures and abuses when he was captured as POW. Louie showed an excellent ability of self-control during his toughest phase of life. When he was released, he married but those haunted memories directly got him into PTSD and alcoholism. He even caused domestic violence on Cynthia. However, it was the sadism he faced in the Japanese war camps led him to behave so horribly. Cynthia started to incorporate religious inclinations into him and that became therapeutic for Louie (Kirsch, 2011). Through providing service to the mankind on the basis of Christian beliefs, he finally let go his uncontrollable grudges against his torturer. The characterization of Louie is not much complicated, but he went through many complicated hurdles in his life.
Symbol of food has recurred many times in the book. In childhood, Louie stole food and money. Stealing was more of a habit than necessity then. When he was lost and floating on the sea, food became the necessity but there was no chance of stealing. Open space has been imagery in this book. He was fascinated with running but his dream of becoming an athlete and Olympic winner remained unfulfilled.


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本文主要講公允價值在財務中的弊端,其次,霍德等人(2006)、巴思等人(1996)和科羅娜等人(2013)等研究人員發現,在經濟動盪時期使用公允價值會計存在負面影響。根據這一主張,公允價值的使用嚴重降低了企業組織和金融機構抵御風險的能力。當市場活躍時,通過公允價值來衡量金融產品往往是有利可圖的,而且管理者大多持有不切實際的樂觀傾向(Power, 2010)。本篇代寫論文費用文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Second, as identified by a number of researchers such as Hodder et al. (2006), Barth et al. (1996) and Corona et al. (2013), there are negative effects of using fair value accounting during the turmoil of economy. It is stated under this claim that the utilization of fair value seriously results in reducing the ability of business organization and financial institutes for resistance of risk. When there is an activeness of market, the measurement of financial products by fair value always turns out to be lucrative and mostly, managers hold the tendency of being unrealistically optimistic (Power, 2010).
Once there is an expression of weaker tendency by the market, there is an undervaluation for the value of financial assets. As per the IAS, financial institutes have to be accruing towards impairment as per the attributes of measurement for the assets, further reducing the equity of owner. This impacts the profitability of the company followed by the level of ratio for capital adequacy (Ramanna, 2008). At the same point of time, for the evasion of any adverse impact, a number of companies consider selling their assets that further results in declining the value of each and every asset. This vicious cycle does not come to an end until or unless there is a bankruptcy of the back.
Third, the use of fair value accounting provides an unreasonable guidance to the economic behaviour of the people as identified by several researchers such as Sinnett (2007), Metzger (2010) and Power (2010). The use of fair value resulted in inducing irrational investment behaviour among the public. In the turmoil of finance, some financial rating agencies and analysts, playing a significant role in some of the business organizations, often end up changing the rating of credit in an extremely short period of time for the evasion of their responsibility (Song et al., 2010). Such a behaviour not only results in exacerbating panic across the market, but also results in enlarging the negative impact. As pointed out by Koonce et al. (2011), it becomes necessary for preventing the economy from being overheated. However, this results in the prevention of the economy from being extremely cold.

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論文 代寫 價格-企業社會責任在招聘中的作用

本文主要講企業社會責任在招聘中的作用,無論招聘方法的選擇,它不僅要幫助確保最好的技能可以被吸引在盡可能最低的成本和時間,但願景、使命、目標、道德、文化,甚至法律需要實現看,以確保他們一樣合適可以(Lozano et al ., 2016)。因此,招聘過程和戰略需要與組織的業務戰略相兼容。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Whatever the recruitment method choice, it should not only help in ensuring that the best skills available are attracted at cost and time as minimum as possible but the vision, mission, objectives, ethics, culture and even statutes need to be implemented and looked upon to ensure they are as appropriate as can be (Lozano et al., 2016). Therefore the processes to recruit and strategies need to be compatible with the business strategies of organizations.
It is imperative for organizations, for recruitment to be successful and exercise of selection is probable, to have the ability of attracting correct skills for filling the positions that are vacant. When attracting and retention of good skills is done with regard to an organization it results in offering good competitive benefit. This is due to the fact that organizations attracting more applicants of qualified nature have a major pool of applicants resulting in more utility of the selection system of organizations and a competitive benefit potentially.
As per the evidence across literature review, CSR activities of an organization influence its ability for attracting and retaining required human resources. In a research conducted by Turban et al, (2000), it was discussed that theories of signalling as well as social identity are positively related to reputation of organizations and henceforth prove to be attractive for those seeking jobs. They further conclude in their research that CSR helps in providing competitive benefit to attract applicants. They depicted that prospective applicants of job have more likeliness of pursuing jobs from firms that are socially responsible than the firms with poor records for social responsibility (Peloza, J., Ye, C. and Montford, W. J., 2015).
According to Bachhaus, et al, (2011), it is essential to acknowledge the significance of CSP through the perception of job seekers and explore the influence of CSR dimensions over attractiveness in organizations. Using the theory of signalling and the theory of social identity, the authors looked at hypothesizing differences in influence of data of CSR over employer attractiveness ratings. They further found that community relations, environment and dimensional diversity further have the major influence over ratings of attractiveness.
According to a study released in the year 2003, it was revealed that organizations that are regarded as socially responsibility have a competitive benefit when it comes to top recruits attraction. Stanford University researchers and researchers from Santa Barbara and California University surveyed students from MBA courses across 11 leading business schools of U.S and Europe. It was found by them that 94 percent are the ones accepting low salary with a 14 percent average to work for an organization that has a reputation of being friendly towards the environment, care over employees and care about external shareholders such as communities.

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本文主要講對業務的影響和時間管理計劃的重要性,業務操作是組織進步的關鍵要素。如果一個組織的任務及時完成,那麼業務就有更好的擴展機會。然而,為了抑制時間浪費的有害影響,需要一個平衡的時間管理計劃或模型。時間和任務管理效率低下的主要影響是降低了員工的士氣。當員工無法在有限的時間內應對過度工作的壓力時,他們對自己不滿意(Krishnan, Teo & Lim, 2013)。本篇代寫essay文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Business operations are crucial elements for an organization’s progress. If the tasks of an organization are completed in time then the business has better chances of expansion. However a balanced time management plan or model is required in order to inhibit the detrimental impacts of time wastage. The major impact of inefficient management of time and tasks is the degradation in morale of employees. When employees are unable to cope with the pressure of excessive work in a limited timeframe they are unsatisfied with themselves (Krishnan, Teo & Lim, 2013).
This malice can be prevented by executing a personal development plan and regular meeting sessions in which employees can convey their issues to higher management. Stress management is also another crucial process which is included as an impact of inappropriate time management (McAllister, 2014). Employees who are unable to meet deadlines can be under the consistent stress of expulsion from the company or inferiority to other members of the organization. Thus a balanced time management plan should be developed in accordance with the internal environment of an organization.
In the given case study, Mr. Kapoor, an employee in the company of Mr. Jones faces difficulties in completing tasks on time despite considerable hard work. This causes low self-esteem in the employee and frustration is inevitable in such cases. Thus the HR team must implement a precise time management model so that employees can finish their work on time without the hassles of work overload (Neupane et al., 2012). Critical analysis of the case study with respect to the facets of time management reveals that employees like Mr. Kapoor can be helpful to the organization if his efforts are diverted to the right sector. The hard work of Mr. Kapoor shall be complemented with the efforts of his colleagues in the company.
HR managers must deal with the prioritization of Mr. Kapoor’s duties. The major challenge for managers is to establish the order of preference for tasks assigned to employees. As discussed in the report above, the HR team of Mr. Jones must find out the reasons for the frustration of employees like Mr. Kapoor. Rather than staying disappointed with his performance, the HR team must identify the reason for the haphazard approach followed by Mr. Kapoor in completion of his duties (Henry, 2015). Availability of resources is also a major concern with the organization as sales executives do not receive the required factory supplies. While the HR team must focus on an accurate time management plan, it must also prepare contingency plans in event of a failure of plans.

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In the case of smart watch, the age demography is found to be very useful. College students seem too have high brand affinity and preference for this product. The people in this category are looking for entertainment and a product that helps them elevate their prestige among peers. There is a lot of entertainment and it enables the people to easily connect with each other. This is more of a fad to the younger demography and this will be ephemeral hence the company looks to continually create products that are popular among the young demography. They are primarily looking for the product to cater to their entertainment needs.
Young working professionals between the ages of 22 to 30 are looking for exploration of a product. The features of the product should be functional and unique. In this they people in this demography are looking for high-tech products that are extremely functional and unique in attributes (Rogers, & Lee,2016).. There is very little importance given to the overall aesthetical quality of the designs.
Another category is not the main category but they belong to the premium consumer range. The business professionals between the ages of 30 to 45 have the most disposable income and are attuned to buy these products. This category is the target category for whole of the Apple product hence they have been considered in this analysis. They look for data safety and functionality of the product (Perera et al., 2015). For these people it is important for any technological product to help them build contacts and develop networks. Their use of the products are different. They are looking to enhance the business contacts with newer robust range. For this category the functionality of the product is more important than the aesthetical appeal of the product. Apple iWatch has been primarily created for the age demography in the population.
Hence the age of the marketing segment are people who are aged between 18 to 35. Male gender in general seemed to have preference towards procuring the Apple brand when compared to the female population. The pricing of the product is for the premium consumers who is worried both about the prestige of owing the brand along with the price of the product.


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本文主要探討嬰幼兒的父母與其服務提供者之間的關係,這個系統的另一個重要方面是,系統中沒有與父母溝通的真正空間(Martin, 2006)。傳統的認為只有老師才參與孩子的學習過程的想法在社區中受到了質疑(Tijus et al, 1997)。本研究旨在探討有嬰幼兒的父母與其服務提供者之間的關係。這項研究的參與者是住在都柏林的全職父母。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Another important facet of this system is that there was no real space in the systems to communicate with the parents (Martin, 2006). Conventional thought that only the teacher is involved in the learning process of the child has been questioned in the communities (Tijus et al, 1997). A study was conducted with the aim to probe into the relationship between the parents of children who had infants and toddler and their service providers. The participants of this study were full time parents who lived in Dublin.
For the purposes of this study, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory was used as the academic model (Martin, 2006). It was found that there was both positive and negative attributes that is found to develop from this partnership. It was assumed by the majority that in this process the parents and personnel experienced parents, staff and children i.e. all the stakeholder who participated in teaching to the child and the child benefited from partnership. In spite of this, it was found that there was no real interaction between the parents and the teachers. This could be the lack of opportunity existing in the system (Martin, 2006). The parents may not advocate for the child and they do not understand the heuristics of the system. There should be a better system in place to ensure that the parent and the teacher interaction should be facilitated to improve the learning for the child (Martin, 2006). This study proved that the teachers and the parents did not have any opportunity to interact with each other to form effective liaisons with each other.
In this situation, it is quite clear that the parents and the teachers should interact with each other to develop the modals of communication and to ensure that there is holistic progress in the children (Hedges, 2010). Every stakeholder involved in this process should strive to create a situation, where children are benefitted the most in this approach. Teachers can develop a number of modes to interact with the parents in the community. It has been found that the teachers should be involved in creating a pedagogical framework to instil teaching in the parents along with the children (Hedges, 2010).
Parents should also take efforts to interact with the teachers (Hedges, 2010). There should be a number of innovative and unique efforts that can be taken by the parents and teachers to address this issue. To build this liaisons and effective communication, it would take time. It takes time to interact and react with the members and then devise plans to help the child. It is important to have a system of trust and implicit respect to the other stakeholder in the process. For this, it would take time. To initiate communication, the parents and the teachers need not physically visit and enhance the home-school partnership (Bull, et al, 2008).


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本文主要讲述探险类旅游的兴起,此外,旅游项目的类型也应该有所改变。目前,这家公司只提供探险旅游。虽然有很多人对其他可能不是很冒险的旅游很感兴趣,但他们都很喜欢。这样可以更好地接触客户。他们也将有多种选择,他们可以轻松地选择他们的计划容易(Aladwani, 2001)。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There should be a change in the type of tours offered as well. At present, the company offers only the adventure tours. Though there are many people who are interested in other tours which may not be very much adventures, they are loved by all. This will give a better reach to the customer. Also they will have a variety of options which they can easily select their plan easily (Aladwani, 2001).
There should be few interesting packages such as the honeymoon packages offering added privacy to the customers, a youth package offering a great adventure and too much entertainment for the youth. By the diversification of the business among different units, the organization will get more and more customers and will be much more successful. It is important that the packages should be modified from time to time.
A yet another change is to initiate few budget packages. These packages may consist of a budget stay which is available to the customers at very low price. This will help to seek the customers from lower middle classes as well (Todnem, 2005).
The board of directors should ensure that there is a proper marketing of the company. Few months prior to the onset of every season, a significant amount should be invested on the marketing of the different tours. There should be a recruitment of a marketing manager in the company. He will not only look for an efficient marketing of the company and its plans but will also make sure that the name of the company is in buzz throughout the year (Anderson, 2010). An experienced person should be hired as a marketing manager who should try to connect different people at different levels and work for the overall growth of the organization.
The decision of Tina and Joanne to leave the organization may prove to be harmful for the business. Considering the same, they should be requested not to leave the company. They should be provided with a rise in their salaries which is at par with the one which is offered by the best travel companies (Paton et al., 2008). A moderate motivation and request may have an impact over them.
Sharon may be requested to stay connected with the company as she is a person who was the founding member (Hayes et al., 2014). It is because of her efforts that the company has been running in such an efficient manner and is growing consistently.


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The picture element in Rogue nations is unique and easy to create. There is a sense of nostalgia that has been associated with this gaming structure. It allows the people to connect with the users because of its minimalistic deigns. There is a sense of nostalgia that is associated with these games. Hence it makes it interesting game play.
Colour palette used for this gaming creation is minimal. There is effective use of gradient and texture that combines it with the sophisticated game design. This paradox that is involved in this game makes it particularly interesting (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013).
The gaming concept has been aided by the addition of this design. There are a number of elements that make this ideology behind the game to be easily accessible to the people.
The elements of the game had traditional isometric projection. It was found to be favoured than the modern day perspective-viewing element. This has aided in the graphics to be interesting.
The graphic designers had wantonly tried to connect with the image of the game to be nostalgic in some respects. This is seen in their use of traditional 80s style of pixel art. Retro design making costs is very low when compared to alternative 3d imaging. However this game was not designed in order to reduce costs. The primary reason was to create a sense of nostalgia in order to ensure that the people felt a sense of connection and reacted positively to the nostalgic representation. But it has been observed that creation of a number of other video games using 8 Bit technologies is favoured because of lower costs involved in the process (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013). It has been observed that economical implications are also major reasons for sustenance of the art forms. This reduced costs and space to create innovative designs make this concept of video games particularly interesting. It is because of this attribute pixel art will be prevalent in the future gaming designs as well.
The visual elements of the game design have been made simplistic. This is to ensure that the people feel the need to add more dimensions to the presented imageries. There is a lot of in depth perception and elements that can be added by the individuals in order to make this gaming design unique (Reale, Liu, Yin & Canavan, 2013).


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Sensory perception is those elements that an individual can relate to by means of their senses. Sensory requirements are the most basic essentials for individual functioning. Sensory elements combine with physical and mental requirements in order to conduct day to day to activities of the individual. There are five recognized senses in the human body which are that of look, listen, touch, feel and taste. In the perception of art and aesthetics, the sense of looking, listening, touching and feeling are more often brought into context compared to the sense of taste.
In more recent times, the sense of taste has been associated with art and aesthetics. This is a curious standpoint (University of North Texas UNT, 2016). Taste starts with the cells of the human tongue. So the cells of the human tongue are what send a perception of the taste to the person. However, how does the perception of the taste lead people to feel a certain way about some tastes and not others? Also, how can taste connect with art? Art is usually felt with the four senses of look, listen, touch and feel only. This is the norm. However, feeling art with the five senses is fast becoming a discipline called the food aesthetics. Feeling art and aesthetics with the five senses is a new theory.
This essay discusses practices involving food aesthetics. Is the sensory perception which is caused by the taste of a food the only contributing factor to appreciating its aesthetics? Does good or likable taste of a food translate into food aesthetics or food art? This essay argues that the practice of food aesthetics is a mix of tasting real food combined with a cultural or social practice that creates the sensory perception. Food may appear aesthetic on its own. However, in being combined with a socio cultural practice or some secular or sacred ritual, it is elevated to a more artistic and aesthetic experience. To support this argument, this essay creates two main blocks of discussion. The first set of discussions asserts that taste is not a stand-alone sensory experience. Taste has to combine with other senses like that of feel with the tongue, smelling with the nose and seeing with eyes in order to make the sensory experience complete. The second set of assertions is that the sensory experience is elevated to art and aesthetic level when it is associated with cultural practices.
Food does have a transformative effect on the individual. It can change people’s perceptions. Unlike what Telfer presents (that food might not evoke emotions), it can be said that food does create emotions of satisfaction, fulfillment and more. However, as Telfer argues, it can be said that food by itself can at best be accepted as a minor art, and something not refined. There are many ambiguities when it comes to accepting the tasting of food as an art. Tasting of food is not seen to be the only way a person senses it. The person feels the texture of the food, smells it and tastes it. Similarly, all food is not art. Tasting a real peach and tasting a peach flavoured gum are not the same. There seems to be an absence of an assignment of permanent value to food as one would assign to an art. The value would change. Hence, given this status of food, it can have an art or aesthetic embellishment only when it is connected to a ritual or a socio cultural experience.


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At present there might not be much of threat of new entrants, given that the grocery market is strongly competitive. Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Morrisons are fighting out for market share at a level higher than Aldi and Lidl. Since the grocery market is already dominated there would be barriers to new entry. However, in terms of the capital requirement needs for entry, the entry and exit costs into the UK market might not deter other major competitors across Europe. There are also not much legislation prohibiting new entrants.
In terms of bargaining power of suppliers, stores that tie up with local suppliers might reap better benefits. Aldi would have to source completely from within the country in order to have supplier support. However, this could reduce its competitive advantage of the price differential.
Customer bargaining power is what has led to customer loyalty programs and customer based marketing in the grocery sector. Aldi does meet customer bargaining in terms of cost and quality (Brandes, 2005).
Aldi does face a threat of substitute, because Lidl is offering similar product and process advantage to customers.
Aldi will face threat of substitute with respect to the national brand it sells, however with respect to its store brand Aldi would be able to bring some more unique standard.
Aldi does not have a good market share, the big players such as Tesco, Sainsbury are seen to occupy the majority share. However, Aldi still occupies a niche in the UK market, but even this niche is now being threatened by companies such as Lidl.
While there are many issue for Aldi, the primary issue is that of losing out to competition. Aldi is able to differentiate itself from other major brands. It loses customers to them because these brands carry elite products and more national brands. Additionally, the very propaganda that Aldi makes assuring customers of reduce prices might not bode well with customers who might see grocery shopping as reflective of their social standing. Aldi could incorporate high value brands and also more national brands and reduce its store value brands. The second major issue for the company is that of losing out in competition to Lidl. If implementing the first solution of increasing elite brands and national brands it would take its competition to another level and would leave Lidl behind. However, there is a chance that loyal customers of Tesco, Sainsbury and others might not make the switch to Aldi’s even after Aldi switches strategy.


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本文主要讲印度的发展战略,印度的发展战略可以用结构发展理论来很好地追溯。这个国家过去依赖于大力发展农业,并制定了可持续增长的五年计划(Chakravarty, 1990)。然而,20世纪90年代以后,中国的贸易政策变得更加开放,这显著改善了经济,但也产生了一些矛盾。本篇assignment代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The Indian strategy of development can be traced well with the structural development theory. The country in the past relied heaving on agriculture and created five year plans where the growth was sustained (Chakravarty, 1990). However, after the 1990s the country has become more open in its trading policies and this have significantly improved the economy, yet it has created some contradictions.
Given that the country was heavily reliant on agriculture in the past, the transition has created issues in the form of intensifying the capital intensive sector while the labor force is growing at a rate that could be met only if there was a balance between capital intensive sectors and agribusinesses. The unskilled jobs that increased with industrialization led to much of the agricultural workers moving to the cities leading to unemployment issues in the city. Women who were unskilled laborers in agricultural units find it hard to find employment. “In recent years’ agriculture had depended heavily on the increased provision of industrial and infrastructural inputs.
It is quite clear that the benefits have accrued to large farmers to a disproportionate extent” (Katiyar, 2011). This is an issue even though most of the benefits are presented at well subsidized costs, because of the policy and infrastructure of the country. Although plans are made to efficiently aid development, the delivery model still needs work. In the industrial sector, concessions have been made with respect to taxation. However, the home demand in the country is very less leading to cutbacks within the industries which adds to the problem of un-employment. Agricultural production demands exist, but combined with the industrial development, most productions would be exported, an internal demand would help the country better.
An increased internal demand will also lead to cost reduction of the machinery that is used in agricultural sector (Banerjee, and Duflo, 2005). The demand could be used to provide training to currently undeveloped women who are working as unskilled workers in the agricultural sector. Furthermore, according to the Lewis model (two sector model) which is a structural approach itself, an underdeveloped economy would have two sectors, an overpopulated rural subsistence sector and an under or moderately populated urban industrial sector (Smith, and Todari, 2003).


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本文主要内容是如何建立一个强大的和弹性的供应链,建立一个强大的和有弹性的供应链来自于这样一个事实:全球采购正在增加,企业变得更加渗透和依赖于其他企业、供应商和合作伙伴。这使得弹性更加相关,并且是最优先考虑的,因为供应链中发生的任何中断都表明业务进展的中断(Christopher and Peck, 2004)。这一基本观点使得弹性供应链的重要性几乎不可避免,甚至变得不那么重要。本篇华盛顿论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Building a robust and resilient supply chain comes from the fact that global sourcing is increasing and businesses become more penetrated and interdependent on other businesses, suppliers and partners. This makes the resiliency more relevant and of utmost priority, as any disruption occurring in the supply chain indicates a disruption in the business advancement (Christopher and Peck, 2004). This is a fundamental view that makes the importance of resilient supply chain almost unavoidable or even less important.
Sourcing from different countries, assembling in another and selling and distributing in yet other countries require a resilient supply chain which remains so even after the worst perceived disruption. Sheffi (2001) makes an argument for the worst ever disruption in the supply chains posted the 9/11 attacks in the US, which was considered as a merciless and dastard attack disturbing the entire business worldwide and their respective supply chains. The focus shifted immediately to such extreme possibilities of disruption that hits business abruptly. Since then, terrorism is considered to be an important disruptor when supply chain establishments takes place, and most businesses assess the cost of such events and start planning the supply chain movement in a manner that avoids terrorism to the least.
In addition, Christopher and Holweg (2011) assert the turbulence with which the global supply chains are developed. Even if they are developed well with full ability to be resilient, it is not fit enough for any uncertain incidence that disrupts the flow of goods. For this to counter, the authors argue that the supply chain must have structural flexibility first, following which the flexibility in the supply chain becomes more clear and applicable. Structural flexibility comes from flexible management accounting principles and the decisions taken to implement them on a regular basis. With increased assessment and inquiry with supply chain managers, it is found that the perception of the world becoming more uncertain is the most common denominator that unites all managers. This indicates the importance of being alert on all kinds of perception, if not completely resilient.
Besides these issues, the difficulty that the suppliers face in matching the commitment of the business in terms of faster delivery and timely flow of goods through the chain is another concern that managers face (Christopher et al., 2007). Resilience comes when suppliers and the businesses are aligned in their intentions and commitment in doing justice to the flow of goods through the supply chain. This particular disruption is natural in almost all supply chains, especially consumer goods where the sales and delivery deadlines are more stringent and market driven.


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本文的内容是关于歧视的,歧视的定义是基于种族、移民身份、年龄、性别等类别对人的不公平待遇。通常歧视是在更广泛的背景下理解的,就7- 11公司而言,歧视是在就业方面考虑的。澳大利亚有非常具体的法律来保护澳大利亚境内的人的权利,其中一些权利适用于临时访客,例如持学生签证的人。本篇美国会计学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Discrimination is defined as the unjust treatment of people based on some category such as that of race, immigration status, age, sex etc. Usually discrimination is understood on a broader context and in the case of the 7-eleven company, it is considered with respect to employment. There are very specific laws in Australia that serves to protect the right of people within Australia and some of these rights are applicable for temporary visitors, such as people on student visas.
Some of the laws are the Age Discrimination Act 2004, the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986, the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, and the Sex Discrimination Act 1984. In addition, there are specific legislatures with respect to the state and territory level, such as Queensland’s Anti-Discrimination Act 1991, and Victoria Equal Opportunity Act 2010.
Companies have the legal requirement to follow anti-discrimination policies in the workplace, and they also have to ensure equality is assured in the work place practices, payment procedures etc. An unjust treatment of people based on some fixed element would be called as discrimination. Now it is to consider the case of 7-eleven, it is identified that international student community is not only paid less, but also their work with 7-eleven itself is seen to lie outside the accepted contract and hence they do not get the benefits that others working with the company would get. This is a form of discrimination done based on their visa. Even as international students, there are specific rights assured to the students and it is critical for those rules to be followed.
The reasoning presented behind why 7-eleven might exercising, this form of discrimination is because they could make an easy profit by withholding benefits which they usually would have given full time employees. Where the immigrant workers of the student population are already threatened by visa issues and others, it becomes much easier to discriminate against them. The employees also are seen to accept this discrimination in what is being called as “culture of acceptance”
The issue has to be handled by 7-eleven. Unjust and prejudicial treatment based on visa status is also a form of discrimination. It is necessary for 7-eleven to show strict compliance with the anti-discrimination laws.
It must commit to collaborative working and to ensure a non-discriminative work force. Currently, it is breaching antidiscrimination laws, and by adopting the standpoint to be non-discriminative, it could be regulated better.
Secondly, it must also empower employees such that employees would be able to raise issues with discrimination directly to the management.
Thirdly, the company should make an oath that it will not victimize the person who is raising the complaint, and
Finally, the company will act honestly; ensuring proper legislative processes are followed in resolving the issue.


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Observations: In the grocery shop, it was found that elderly people faced difficulty in handling some of the facilities, such as the trolleys and the big baskets. Some of the elderly people also faced difficulty in reading the price and labels. They also had problem in reaching to high and low shelves. They had the dilemma in using the deep freezers, so either they did not buy that products or asked for help from the staff members.
However, youth found everything handier. They were not very concerned about the price of the products, but they had specific choices about their food items. They were also more influenced by the advertisements and they were shopping for the products that they have seen in advertisements. Carrying the basket or the trolley was not a problem for them.
Findings: The findings accepted the hypothesis because I was able to find what I required. I could identify the difference between the shopping behaviour of the elderly and youth. Identifying these differences helped me to establish my hypothesis.
Research Process: The research process will involve the qualitative study and the semi structured interview of the participants. The participants will be divided into two groups (elderly and youth). And semi structured interview will be conducted through open ended question. Research will also include the literature reviewed from the selected study to support the given hypothesis.
Ethical Issues: The ethical issue may arise about the concern of the participants. Therefore, his research will follow the ethical process and written consent will be received from the participants. Consent to conduct the research will also be received from the authorities of the mall and the grocery shop.
Interesting Observations: Something very interesting has been found during this study was the choice of brands among the elderly and youth. Youth were e more inclined towards celebrity endorsement, while elderly people focused on buying their well established and old brands. The choice of brands was also observed to display gender difference. Cultural difference was not significantly identified.

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論文 代寫-認識論的病理學

本文的主要內容是認識論的病理學,人類和人類社會被認為植根於世界的系統結構之中。在這方面,英國著名的人類學家格雷戈里·貝特森認為,這種普遍的系統結構是自組織的、自我超越的。貝特森創造了“認識論的病理學”一詞,它闡明了個體的思維和認知方式從根本上是錯誤的。然而,在倫敦會議上的“有意識的目標與自然”演講背後的主要思想,可以與英國搖滾樂隊的著名歌曲“不會再被愚弄了”聯繫起來。本文對貝特森的演講進行了有效的總結,並與搖滾樂隊the Who的歌曲在抒情、音樂和視覺方面進行了比較。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Human beings and human society are considered to be rooted in the systemic structure of the world. In this regards, Gregory Bateson was a popular English anthropologist, who argued that this general systematic structure is self-organizing and self-transcending. Bateson had coined the phrase “pathologies of epistemology” which elucidates that the ways individuals think and know are fundamentally amiss. However, the main idea behind the Conscious Purpose versus Nature lecture at the London Conference can be associated with the famous song by English rock band Won’t Get Fooled Again. This paper has effectively summarized the lecture delivered by Bateson and elucidated a comparison with the lyrical, musical and visual aspects of the song by the rock band the Who.
Conscious Purpose versus Nature is basically considered to be one of the lectures that were delivered by Gregory Bateson in the year 1968 in London. In this lecture of Conscious Purpose versus Nature, the main aim of Gregory Bateson was to focus on highlighting and evaluating the roots of our civilization. It has been seen that Gregory analyzed three different major ancient civilizations which have significantly affected human origin in the past such as Roman, Hebrew and Greek. Moreover, another major reason that has been identified behind the deliverance of this lecture by Gregory Bateson is that through this discussion, Gregory was looking to fight out the conflict that has been prevailing between the Romans and the Palestinians. In the lecture of Bateson, it was identified that he has aimed at discussing the advantages and problems which have been faced by people of Romanians and Palestinians in the past. The most important aspect of Bateson in his lecture is that he has remained neutral in the opinions about the pathologies and peculiarities that prevailed in the ancient Romano-Palestinian system (Bateson 432-445).
Similarly, in the lecture, Gregory Bateson focused on discussing the essay which was developed by Robert Wallace that incidentally coincided with the thought of Darwin on complexity and prevalence of natural selection. Bateson also went on to provide an in-depth knowledge of the essay of Robert Wallace to the audience by discussing the quotation:
“The action of this principle [the struggle for existence] is exactly like that of the steam engine, which checks and corrects any irregularities almost before they become evident; and in like manner no unbalanced deficiency in the animal kingdom can ever reach any conspicuous magnitude, because it would make itself felt at the very first step, by rendering existence difficult and extinction almost sure to follow.” (Bateson 433-434)

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本文主要讲述人工耳蜗,人工耳蜗的操作活动表现为开展人工耳蜗系统形式所涉及的活动的高级形式。先进系统的形成使本组织能够建立适当的听力机器,使聋人能够清楚地听到世界。先进的生物经济学正被植入耳蜗,使该组织能够通过移除人们的助听器来有效地提供服务。这也显示了适当的电活动的刺激,这些电活动是通过生物经济学的过程中去除受损的部分来实现的(Arnold, 2012)。本篇美国传媒学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The operational activities of the Cochlear Implant show the advanced form of carrying out the activities which are depicted to be involved in the form of the system of the cochlear implant. The formation of the advanced systems enabled the organization in the establishment of the appropriate hearing machines which would enable the deaf people to hear the world in a clear way. The advanced bionomics is being implanted by the cochlear that enables the organization to carry out the effective provision of the service by removing the hearing aids of the people. This also shows the appropriate stimulation of the electrical activities which are carried out by enabling the removal of the damaged parts by the process of Bionomics (Arnold, 2012).
The operational activities which are carried out by the Medtech are showing the various development of the therapies that will be provided in the cost effective form and it will enable the formation of the cost in the form of the operating capabilities which are depicted to be critical in nature. It shows the adoption of the physician adoption cycle which is being used for developing the various types of the products with lessening the costs (Bacon, 2010). These are the operational activities which are being carried out by the Medtech which is involved in showing the development of the services.
The impact of the financial position which is being shown by Cochlear Implant is depicted by the involvement of the innovations which are creating a barrier in the financial position of the company. The rapid and innovative environment depicted is showing the stability in the market and is lowering the growth of the financial position. The impact on the financial position is depicted to be showing the minimal impact as considered for the Medtech. The market captured by the Medtech is showing the rapid growth and the enhancement of the financial position is depicted to be rapid in nature (Besley, 2016). Therefore, the market financial position of the Medtech is depicted to be in the better position than Cochlear Implants.
The significant achievement of the cochlear is depicted to be reflected by the form of increasing the remunerations which are showing the increment in the salary base of the employees and the promotional activities are increased which are indicated as the significant achievement of the Cochlear Implants (Correia, 2005). Therefore, the increment of the allowances is reflecting the significant achievement that is made by the company with showing the appropriate contribution of the superannuation plan for all the employees.


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本文主要讲述的是关于公司治理的问题,对公司治理问题的关注和对公司治理的回应反映了公司治理的地方性问题。这解释了公司治理的财务方面,组织结构的存在说明了这一点。例如,吉百利委员会正在支付主要角色,这可以通过确定工作的扩展来说明(Mallin, 2016)。组织中所有者与管理者之间的关系的描述,必须在消除组织原有绩效之间存在的冲突的帮助下变得健康,这些冲突是通过提供实际的标准化绩效来实现的。本篇美国酒店管理论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The issues focus on the corporate governance and responses signify the corporate responses which are illustrating the endemic issues consisting of the corporate governance. This explains the financial aspects of the corporate governance which is illustrated by the existence of the structure of the organisation. For example, Cadbury committee is paying the major role which is illustrated by identifying the expansion of the work (Mallin, 2016). The description of the relationship between the owners and the managers in the organization must be made healthy with the help of removing the conflicts that are present between the organizational original performances, which are made by providing the actual standardized performance.
It enhances the ultimate provision of the financial guarantees and the enhancement of the study are made by illustrating the financial guarantees that themselves getting a fair return which is on the investments. It is illustrated with the help of corporate governance framework and also the explanation is made by the explicit forms of the corporate governance. As per the modern considerations are undertaken, the addition of the values to the stakeholders becomes the crucial part which enables the development of the structure of the corporate governance and the safeguarding facilities to be appropriately safeguarded (Martin, 2006). Moreover, this enables the establishment of the broad scope and helps in encouraging the trust.
The expectation of the shareholders is depicted to be focusing on the social and the environmental impacts that are involved in the corporate activities. The shareholders are involved in the structural approximation which is made by explaining the reformation of the governance. The companies are involved in identifying the identities that are responsible for the creation of the issues. The enhancement of the identities is made by framing the mitigation processes with involving the corporate strategies (Kim, Nofsinger and Mohr, 2010). The construction is made by explaining the responsibility of the concerns which are illustrating the CSR concerns. The responsibilities are made by explaining the appropriate construction of the framework which is illustrating the ways for mitigating the issues.
The explicit responsibility undertaken for the CSR concerns explains the work with the help of proxy statements used in the annual meetings of the stockholders. An effective corporate governance structure allows the companies to create their own value through development, exploration, and innovation and provide control systems and accountability. Apart from this, an effective corporate governance structure should be leaning straightforward and simple. The corporate governance increases the accountability of the organization and avoids the massive adversities before they occur (Campling, 2008). The company can implement appropriate rules and regulations with the help of corporate governance structure. The company will be able to work as per the needs of the customers and for the welfare of the society.


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The aim of this essay is to discuss if there is or not a universal morality. In order to present this discussion, two literature pieces will be critically analyzed to investigate the concept of universal morality. The two literature pieces selected for this purpose are Dante’s Inferno and Beowulf. While discussing the two stories, this essay will provide evidence if there is or not a universal morality. Further ahead, the essay will provide evidence for code of ethics in the two stories. These evidences will help in understanding the value of moral truth in Beowulf and Inferno. Hence, the universal morality depends on the construct of the individual values, beliefs and notions developed by the people.
In the earlier parts of Inferno, Dante has established significant tension across the human sympathy of its characters and objective impersonality for justice of God. However, with the progress of this story, there is less inclination of the character towards pity (De Monticelli 183). In addition, the repetitive feedback by Virgil ends up encouraging the overall development (Kennedy 62). Therefore, the text of Inferno has asserted infinite wisdom of God’s justice. Punishment is imposed on sinners in perfect proportionality with the sin. Anyone who pities their suffering will be reflecting less understanding (Armour, 2).
The universal relativism not accepted as the theory. The theory suggested that the action that is good for majority of people is acceptable. Hence, the good for many habitual actions is not necessarily moral due to the theory of universal relativism does not address the morality (Mitchell 40). The consideration that the concepts of slavery and racism cannot be moral establishes that there is a universal morality. Various researchers maintained a contrasting view with the assertion that there cannot be a universal morality as the philosophy and ethics of each society are individually related to the economic situations (Beauchamp 28). This perspective suggested that different culture and societies develop their own morality standards based on their history and economic status. Beowulf is among the most essential records of heroic deed. The major themes of Beowulf reflect the motivations and values of the characters. The main theme of Beowulf is loyalty, which has a strong embodiment in its title character. Furthermore, the concept of identity is clearly centralized in this literature piece with two different components of individual reputation and ancestral heritage. In this poem, the characters cannot introduce themselves or express their identity in the absence of reference of family lineage (Mitchell 35). There is huge prominence of family history in the entire piece due to its emphasis upon kinship bonds.

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論文 代寫 價格-戰略合作類型

本文主要講述的是戰略合作類型,使用BCG growth share矩陣,可以根據市場增長率和相對市場份額,對公司的業務組合及其維持策略的形式進行分類和了解。在企業創新管理中,市場增長率越低,企業就越注重創新,從而更好地推動市場擴張。然而,如果中國國內市場動盪,而該公司正在考慮的市場份額較低,那麼推出更新的創新將是有風險的。現金流程的創新將在這裡受到挑戰。在市場份額更為有限的國際環境中,企業有可能測試小規模創新,然後在國內模仿這種模式。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Using the BCG growth share matrix, it will be possible to classify and understand the business portfolio of the company and the form of strategy they use to sustain based on the market growth rate and the relative market share. In innovative management of corporations, where market growth rate is less, then companies will focus on more innovations to drive market expansions better. However, if the market is turbulent domestically and the market share of the company under consideration is less, then it would be risky to launch newer innovations. The innovation to cash process would be challenged here. In international environments, where market share is more contained, it would be possible for the business to test small level innovations and later have the model emulated domestically.
When a company acquires a newer business, it needs an acquisition strategy in order to methodologically integrate with the business. Where acquisition strategy is not present business acquisitions can fail, because of the differences in products sold, differences in work culture, differences in end outcomes etc. Acquisition strategy is hence a necessity. Even in the context of applying an acquisition strategy, the business could still fail. The lack of strategic alignment with the company being acquired is often the reason for low success rate. This should be addressed by working out a proper strategy, proper communication procedures, a proper layout plan for employees, etc.
A cooperative strategy as its very name indicates is basically how firms work with one another, in cooperation to achieve their final objectives. The cooperative strategy ensures that firms are able to help one another. In the modern competitive landscape, there are not enough consumers for firms, and sometimes they have to work together in strategic alliances to sell their products. Also where there are old firms that offer strong competition, smaller firms might come together in order to have better competitive advantage.
A strategic alliance is where one or more companies will come together to agree upon common objectives that would help them strengthen their competitive advantage. Three types of strategic alliances are common in developing competitive advantages. The non-equity strategic alliance is where businesses will work with close working relationships. here the industries would be more based on clusters of working. Informal alliances are common here. On the other hand, the equity strategic alliance is one where the parties have made investments. In joint ventures alliances a separate legal entity is formed.

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本文是惠灵顿中央图书馆设计介绍,惠灵顿中央图书馆始建于1893年,当时它位于韦克菲尔德和默瑟街的一个角落。它被称为惠灵顿城市画廊。翻新和扩建发生在98年后(WCL, 2015)。1991年,一个位于城市广场边缘的分馆成立。这个图书馆的特色是收藏可用的物品。中央图书馆有三层,扩展到涵盖所有领域的书籍(Maclean, 1994)。它包括60多万册图书和45万本杂志。不仅限于印刷媒体,它还有超过85000张dvd,各种多媒体格式的cd。这座中央图书馆历史悠久,至今仍为人们所认识。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Wellington Central library dates back to 1893 when it was started on a corner of Wakefield and Mercer streets. It was termed as city gallery Wellington. The refurbishment and expansion happened after 98 years (WCL, 2015). In 1991, a branch library was started which lied on edge of Civic square. The specialty of the library is the collection of articles available. With three floors, the central library expands to cover books from all the domains (Maclean, 1994). It comprises of more than 6 lakh books and 450,000 magazines. Not restricting to the print media, it also has more than 85000 DVDs, CDs in varied multimedia formats. This central library has a rich history that is recognized till date.
Sir Ian Athfield is the person to have designed this central library that stands as a landmark building till date. The specialty of this architecture has brought in several awards. As the collections and services increased, the city art gallery (old library) had to be modified. The new architecture of the building makes a clear usage of water and glass features. Sir Ian Athfield has played a vital role in enhancing the accessibility and making the industrial design attractive and appropriate to all. The historical significance also denotes its presence as Wellington’s first public library.

The picture obtained from the website of Wellington’s Central Library shows the exterior dome shaped structure where people arrive and park to access the public library. It looks majestic and has accessibility to the city. The lighting and glass arrangements were closely worked out by Sir Ian Athfield, as mentioned earlier (WCL, 2016). It is a masterpiece according to him due to the high accuracy of architecture.
The picture shows the top view of the Wellington’s Central Library. Currently, it is located in a block that connects Victoria, Mercer and Harris streets. The curves on glass and industrial designs are evident in all the adjoining areas. One can also notice heraldic nikau palms located in the area and this is its natural vegetation. This is also the trademark of library (NZLA Futures Group, 1990). Reusing the city to sea concept, the architect has worked on floor to ceiling windows so public can enjoy reading and also it allows ventilation that makes readers to sustain and concentrate better.
With a car parking space available at a floor, every person can notice the cultural elements such as decaying steel, waka desk and bird gate at Maori area (Szekely, 2002). All these are further worked to improve better.


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There are certain propositions for cloud computing security that can be deployed. These novel approaches in security might be used when deploying cloud computing. The key issue is that with cloud advent, the providers of cloud have had certain cloud users information control. This control is possible and probable only with the help of certain propositions.
The first aspect is security centric on information. For enterprises to extend data control within cloud, it might be worth to take the data protection approach from internal end. Such an approach is called as security with data centricity. This technique of self-protection needs intelligence to be positioned within data. Information requires to have self-description and defence disregard the environment (Subashini and Kavitha, 2011). On being accessed, information takes into regard consultation of policy and attempts at recreating an environment of security that has verification as honest through use of trusted computing framework.
Another aspect is use of remote attestation of servers using higher assurance. Currently, transparency inadequacy has discouraged businesses to move their information over cloud. An essential approach to address this issue is based over computing on trusted framework. Within such an environment, a monitory of trusted nature is installed within the server of cloud that can indulge in monitoring or auditing the cloud server operations (Pasupuleti et al., 2016). The monitor of trusted nature can indulge in providing compliance proof to the owners of data. This guarantees that specific policies of access have not been crossed. For ensuring monitoring integrity, computing in a trusted environment allows bootstrapping with security of such monitor for running beside the system of operation and its applications.
Another key segment is the domain of business intelligence integration where privacy is enhanced (Islam et al., 2016). A distinct process to retain data control is to need all the cloud information encryption. The issue within this process is that encryption results in limiting use of data. In specific, information indexing and search becomes an issue. New tools however might be offered through cryptographic mechanisms (state of the art nature) for solving such issues. Versatile schemes of encryption have been invented through cryptographers allowing for computation and operation over the text of cipher (Hashem et al., 2015). This allows to prevent threat of privacy of any nature and allows for capabilities to foster in the best possible manner.
While in several situations, more research is required to side-line privacy and security issues but still the recommendations will offer some benefits.


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本篇文章論述的是日本戰後的奇蹟,國家銀行這樣做是為了避免破產,而該銀行的主要擔憂是提高該國的出口利率。個人儲蓄開始下降,沒有人願意互相幫助。戰後,福利社會通過向窮人和小公司捐款,幫助改善了這種狀況(Singh, 1998)。小企業貸款增多,就業機會增多。人們開始研究增加公司和行業的數量,從而增加就業機會的理念(Menton, 2003)。本篇論文代寫價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

State Bank did this to avoid the bankruptcy and major concern of the bank was to increase the export rate in the country. Personal savings started to decline and nobody was willing to help each other. After the war, the welfare society helped in enhancing the situation by giving away money to needy and small companies (Singh, 1998). More loans were given to small companies and employment opportunities increased. People started to work on the philosophy of increasing the number of companies and industries so they can increase the employment opportunities (Menton, 2003).
According to the findings from 1970s, it was observed that more and more small sized companies came up and gained pace in the market. These companies helped in creating new markets and with the passage of time gained international access. As mentioned above, automobile companies like Nissan and Toyota came up after the war and now they are among the top automobile companies of the world. Change in policies also leads to the development of various industries because the main aim of company was not to change the situation of one single company but overall industry (Dunning, 2014). After looking at the post war situation in Japan, it can be concluded that will power, determination and courage to change the current situation and state can bring various changes.
Citizens at that time worked on the philosophy of “If people won’t change their situation no one can help them in changing their situation”. Miracles are normally observed in the form of nature’s miracles but miracles changed their dimension when they came to Japan. People designed their own miracles so they can write their destination. Japan has some of the top brands of the world today and is among the most power full companies and second largest economy of the world. For reaching this position, Japan had to go through various stages and people sacrificed their money, lives and energy for increasing the power of their country. Usually in economies people work individually for individual gain and development but this situation was opposite in Japan. After the war, people combine together for increasing the development of their country. No one was working individually; everyone was working for increasing the economy of the country. This essay discussed about three main miracles after the war in Japan and the traces of these miracles can be observed in 20th century.

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本篇文章講的是商業實踐對利益相關者的影響是,隨著公司規模的不斷擴大,員工受到了壓力。這可以通過發展更好的物流管理來實現。 CSR減少環境足蹟的努力導致了產品的延遲。即使這對公司是一個積極的屬性,也應該有更好的CSR政策來迎合員工。應該有其他形式的庫存管理。需要找到更好的庫存管理解決方案,以獲得競爭優勢。本篇代寫論文費用文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Impact of the business practices on stakeholders is that the employees are stressed by the growing expansions of the company. This can be achieved by developing better logistics management. CSR efforts of reducing the environmental footprint lead to delays in the product. Even though this is a positive attribute for the company there should be better CSR policies that cater to the employee. There should be other forms of inventory management. Need to find out better solutions for inventory management to gain competitive advantage.
To conclude, Lush cosmetics have a unique perspective on the issues. They are found to be have an innovative business strategy and have establish good employee relations. But unless there is proper inventory it adds to the pressure of the company. It was quite clear to me that the main issue faced by the company was inventory and production management. This has also lead to the quality of certain products being different from others. There should be better practices instilled to create a better functioning system. This would lead to quality issues
Another important factor was to allow the employee to wear clothes that resonated with the brand rather than giving them standard uniforms. Employee of the company seems to be working in cohorts with one another and it is a learning environment. Labelling of the products having the face of the employee allows the people to connect with the brand and understand that there was a hard working employee involved in creation of their products. These are some of the positive factors of the company.
Overall the company has a number of positive traits. If they only make small corrections in their infrastructure they would be able to meet demands.

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代寫論文 價格-英國國情分析

本篇文章講英國國情分析,英國的政治形勢是穩定的,目前的政治焦點是最近幾次的經濟增長,以及滿足老年人和學生群體不斷增長的醫療保健需求。 Aldi將能夠以就業的形式為學生帶來優勢,定價將對所有部門都很方便。英國2013年和2014年的經濟因素一直在復蘇,比2009年和2010年更加穩定。阿爾迪將特別關注經濟因素,因為這些因素將決定人民的消費。這些都是公司無法控制的因素,但阿爾迪可以為這些影響做好戰略準備。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The political situation of the United Kingdom is stable and the political focus at present is both on the economic rises of recent times and also on meeting demands in terms of health care for the growing populous of senior citizens and student community. Aldi would be able to bring advantage for students in the form of employment and pricing would be convenient for all segments. UK’s economic factors over the years of 2013 and 2014 has been in recovery and has been much more stable than 2009 and 2010. The economic factors will be of special concern to Aldi as these would deice the consumption of the people. These are factors that are outside the control of the company and yet Aldi can prepare strategically for the effects.
In terms of the social and cultural factors, the United Kingdom has an aging population which could very well lead to issues for the country in terms of labor needs especially in skilled labor. Aldi has a training and recruitment program that could handle this issue very well. In terms of buying behavioral trends, Aldi is seen to have a customer who might prefer high end brands over store brands even if it means cost effectiveness. However, with an aging demographic who want value for money it can be said that Aldi would be able to see potential market share increase.
In terms of technological factors, Aldi has reduced tagging and implements bar codes that makes it easier for check out. It also makes use of wireless inventory and self-check out strategy at some stores (Wortmann, 2004). Both convenience for customer and cost reduction is at the core of this technology integration (Wortmann, 2004). In terms of environmental factors, the United Kingdom is highly invested in environmental safety programs. Aldi attempts to invest in sustainable practices such as the use of environmentally friendly paper bags encouraging customers to bring their own bags etc.

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本篇文章的內容是人力資源權力下放的好處,這也意味著不願合作的部門經理可能會阻礙組織的發展。由於他們不願意介入hr相關的職責,這可能導致員工在現場失去興趣和士氣(Whitaker, Whitaker, & Lumpa, 2013)。如前所述,人力資源管理不僅包括招聘員工,還包括評估員工的氣質和工作態度。快樂的員工可能比壓力大的員工表現得更好。由於一線和樓層經理都在這裡觀察員工並確定他們的情緒,他們必須有效地履行自己的職責。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

This also means the line managers that are unwilling to co-operate may hamper the organization’s growth. As they are not willing to intervene in HR-related responsibilities, this could result in the staff losing interest and morale while on the floor (Whitaker, Whitaker, & Lumpa, 2013). As mentioned earlier, Human resource management does not only imply on hiring staff but also assessing the staff’s temperament and attitude towards work. Staff members who are happy are likely to perform better than those who are stressed. As the line and floor managers are here to observe the staff and determine their mood, they must fulfil their duties efficiently
It’s not possible for the HR manager to interact with every staff member each day but the line managers do have this capacity. Line managers should directly report to the HR department regarding staff concerns. This makes it imperative that the line managers to be associated and work alongside the HR department (Wilton, 2016). Their failure to show open interest in assisting the HR department clearly demonstrates their inability to cater to their team member’s needs. This is essential for those uncooperative line managers to be gradually replaced by more willing and flexible staff over time. Managers must also contribute towards promoting a positive working environment where all team members support each other thus making the company more productive.
The SNOW Mountain Resort HR department may be facing certain complications managing their administrative responsibilities and paperwork but the problem can be resolved. Administrative processes should be resolved by hiring additional associates and uncooperative line managers require to be gradually wiped out. The entire line and floor managers require restructuring and new members should focus towards working as a single unit. New and open minded staff required to be hired, which focus on multitasking and willingness to learn and adopt new responsibilities. Multitasking has become a necessity for many managerial positions. It also demonstrates the manager’s flexibility towards promoting their organizations growth and prosperity. Snow Mountain Resorts must adopt these approaches to ensure the continued growth, expansion and smooth operation of the company in future.


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本篇是一篇关于技术的文章,归化理论认为,技术特别是互联网已经成为每个人生活和工作的基本要素。互联网已经被社会所采用和整合,现在已经不可能将互联网从社会中移除。技术用户在这种发展中发挥了至关重要的作用,点对点计算和通信已经在技术发展方面得到了回报(Harwood, 2011)。技术的发展导致了计算机和许多其他类型软件的发展。这些软件作为企业的经营管理,在家庭层面上作为娱乐资源。技术虽然没有外表,但它的存在却能被世界所感知。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Domestication theory suggests that technology especially internet has became essential element of everyone’s life and work. Internet has been adopted and integrated by society in such a manner that now it is impossible to remove internet from society. User of technology has played vital role in such development peer-to-peer computing and communication has paid off in terms of technology development (Harwood, 2011). Technological development has resulted in development of computing and many other types of software. These softwares serve as business operation management to businesses, and at household level, it has served as source of entertainment source. Although technology does not have physical appearance, but its presence can be felt by the world.
Along with technological development, there are some social evils also exist which are by-product of technology. Domestication theory also account for these threats like online fraud, hacking, tampering, cyber crimes and many other threats. Communication and information technologies have also emerged with the overall development and have contributed in nation’s development. These are another important aspect of domestication theory.
At last, it can be said that, domestication theory is a qualitative approach in which figures do not get relevance but feelings does. Domestication theory is based on detailed collection of information and interview with user of technology artefacts (Richardson, 2005). Information collection process became critique for this theory as it is more of qualitative nature theory.
It can be concluded that technology has became deciding factor in terms of success or failure. Technological development is most critical concern for every nation and individual in order to achieve success. Many theories have been evolved on the integration and achievement of technology artefacts. Sociology of Technology & Work is another school of thought that brings importance of technology artefacts in our daily life. Among many theories, social construction of technology and domestication theory are two theories that have provided information for user. After analysis of these theories it can be concluded that both the theories has important role to play in everyone’s life. Social construction of technology defines relationship and interdependence of society on technology. There are some critiques of social construction of technology theory which needs to be overcome. It suggested that human or society has involved technology. On the other hand, domestication theory has defined control aspect of technology from both sides. It suggests that technology has become very important which it can drive society.


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本篇文章的主要内容是SEM的介绍及应用,SEM无疑是社会科学定量领域最著名的方法论之一。它的流行归功于复杂的社会理论基础。关键的潜力在于解决重大的实质性问题,以及致力于SEM的软件的简单性和可用性。然而,尽管该方法如此流行和有用,关键的论点是在传统实践中嵌入了第一代方法的使用(Bro & Smilde, 2014)。这些倾向于排除额外的实质性进展以及统计上的进展。第一代扫描电镜的关键问题是如何得到一个拟合良好的模型。此外,通常会发现对不合适的模型发起的许多修改,以确保数据的对齐。本篇美国论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Without any doubt, SEM is among the most famous methodologies in the quantitative field of social science. There is attribution of its popularity with the sophisticated underlying social theory. The key potential is to address significant substantive doubts, and the simplicity and availability of software dedicating towards SEM. However, irrespective of the method being so popular and useful, the key argument is that there is embedding of first generation utilization of method within the conventional practice (Bro & Smilde, 2014). These tend to be precluding additional substantive as well as statistical advancements. The key issue in practicing first generation SEM is the attempt of attaining a well- fitted model. In addition, it is common for finding a number of modifications initiated to an ill fitted model ensuring alignment of data.
Mostly, there is supplementing of justification as post hoc for how there is alignment of the modification with the actual theoretical framework. Further ahead, the issue lies in obsessing the testing of null hypothesis, surely an issue receiving significant focus (Bandalos, 2002). There is embedment of practicing first generation SEM perceiving the view that there is worthy interpretation of a well-fitting model. Therefore, it can be stated that this method has both, advantages and disadvantages.There are a number of reasons for using SEM. SEM is inclusive of latent growth modeling, LISREL, partial least squares path analysis, path analysis and confirmatory factory analysis. These are used more often for the assessment of latent unobservable constructs. More often, they tend to be invoking a model of measurement defining latent variables by the use of several observed variables (Bowen & Guo, 2011).
It is a structural model imputing the relationships between variables that are latent. The links in constructing SEM can be considered with independent equations of regression or by approaches involved more, like the ones employing LISREL. The most common justification for using SEM in the field of social science is its ability for imputing relations between observable variables and unobserved constructs. A number of methods in SEM have been applied in the fields of education, business, sciences and other field (O’Rourke & Hatcher, 2013). The utilization of SEM method with respect to analysis does face some criticism. This is because there is lack of goodness of fit statistic with wider acceptance, and majority of the respective software tend to be offering less latitude for the analysis of error. This creates a disadvantage for SEM in context with systems for methods of regression equation, though there is limitation of the latter within the ability of fitting latent, unobserved constructs.


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本篇文章主要表述文化旅游的经济效应不稳定,旅游目的地的当地设施分为两类——自然资源和文化资源(Richards, 1996)。海滩、山脉和景观可以被认为是自然资源。纪念碑、博物馆和建筑被认为是重要的文化资源。这些资源的影响进一步分为两种模式。第一种模式对旅游业和经济的增长有着巨大的影响,但它不会导致任何形式的移民流动。它也与劳动力的不流动有关。第二个模型分析了劳动力流动和移民流动的因素(Adams & Parmenter, 1995)。借助现有的文学资源,可以对这些方面进行有效的分析。本篇美国管理学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The local amenities of the tourist destinations have two different classes — natural resources and cultural resources (Richards, 1996). Beaches, mountains, and landscapes can be considered as the natural resources. Monuments, museums, and architecture are regarded as the significant cultural resources. The impact of these resources is further divided into two models. The first model has a huge impact on the growth of tourism and economy but it does not lead to any kind of migration flows. It is also related to labor immobility. The second model analyzes the factor of labor mobility and migration flows (Adams & Parmenter, 1995). With the help of the existing literary sources, these aspects can be effectively analyzed.
We can clearly and efficiently analyze the effect of labor immobility by assessing the economic effect and distributional welfare of the cultural tourism. This model tries to establish the aspect in which local amenities plays a huge role in the growth of tourism and economy but does not induce any kind of labor immobility.
When tourists cross the national boundaries and visit a foreign country, they get the opportunity to consume the local amenities of the destination places at its original and basic location. This is why cultural tourism is often considered as an export industry in an invisible form (Urry, 1988). This mechanism has a direct effect on the non-tradable industries like the accommodating hotels and restaurants. The tourists do not pay much concern to the price of the export goods in their own homelands, but they concentrate more on the products and services that can provide them cultural benefit and joy. It has a direct impact on the economic growth. The non-tradable goods play the vital role. Whereas the prices of the tradable goods are almost fixed in the global markets, the prices of the non-tradable amenities like cultural goods and services are determined by the locals depending on various factors like land, labor, and capital (Dioko, 2016). The flow of cultural tourism depends on the prices of these non-tradable amenities. The local authorities know that they have to set the prices intelligently and in a balanced manner. If the prices are increased heavily, then the tourists will try to choose other destinations or other alternative goods and services (Kislali, Kavaratzis, & Saren, 2016).


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When considering the proponents regarding conventional theory towards the pricing of asset, there can be an identification of the puzzle behind value premium. This can be stated as growth stocks within which values have more dependency on the stages of business and it may involve risk within which there is low dependency of values considering the scenarios of economy. Therefore, it can be stated that growth stocks are known to be dealing with the involvement of higher betas as well as higher returns. However, none of the arguments have been placed by empirical evidences to consider the accuracy of this statement. On the other hand, value stock can be considered to have high returns when comparing it with growth stock but there is an involvement of low betas.
Considering a famous example, the HML of Fama- French ended up returning 0.45 per cent as per month within the period of 1963 and 2006. Even when considering the risk systematically, the estimated value of Alpha had been identified as 0.58 per cent and is said to involve high significance. Since recent time, Chen et al. (2006) mentioned about less evidence in order to claim that the impact of value premium has weakened significance. Hence, it can be considered as an anomaly persistent scenario. There can be a calculation of HML by “high book-to-market portfolio returns minus low book-to-market portfolio returns”. An argument had been placed by Fama (1993) and French (1995) that there can be a consideration of HML as a risk factor for the representation of distress related to finance among weak business organizations where there is an involvement of low earnings. There is an underlying tendency to have higher ratios when considering book value to market value. From the other perception, there was an underlying suggestion by Lakonishok et al. (1994) that if investors incorrectly extrapolated, the past growth of earning value ends up becoming a source to generate value premium.
When considering the principle of accountancy, in the duration of uncertainty, the underlying deference is to recognize earnings from the future until or unless uncertainty is resolved. This is the principle of realization that is known to be commanding the accountants to consider book earning while there is a need of largely resolving risk within the actual earnings as per what is expected. In accordance with the asset pricing theory, an accountant may not have the abilityto recognize the value of earning until the business organization will consider booking an asset when comparing low beta. Most of the time is cash receivable or near- cash receivable.






数据提供了一个选择,通过分析运动最大化效益(LePage, 2015)。零售品牌的数字营销就是一个例子。当消费者搜索特定的信息时,它为零售商提供了了解消费者偏好的机会,并通过可能的选项实现相同的要求。获取数据的主要原因是即时性。数据是基于特定标准连接零售商和消费者的一个因素。例如,一个需要一台机器的买家寻找最近的和高质量的零售商来交易这台机器。这种即时性可以是1小时,也可以是2天,也可以是1周,但不同客户的情况有所不同(Gustafsson, 2009)。







众所周知,数据聚合在几个方面有利于零售商。Morris在第13次POS标杆调查中得出的结论,根据零售商对技术的采用程度对其进行了分类(Fiorletta, 2012)。那些利用信息技术的零售商被称为早期采用者,他们有更多的机会与最终用户进行互动,并在较长时间内保持这种兴趣。有了智能手机,零售商就更容易收集实时信息和购买历史。这是一个尚未开发的机会,通过这个机会,零售商可以提供店内体验,并与购物者保持最新的联系。


Retailing is one such segment that directly faces the customers and witnesses their interests towards products. With the technological advancements already in place, retail sector has undergone a transformation. The transformation has driven customers around the world to gain personalized experiences. It has enabled retailers to gain advantage in marketing and technology practices. This report explains the impact of data and technology on retailer’s businesses and the experiences of retailers to achieve focused marketing strategies. Further, two cases are taken to explain the shopper benefits and retailer benefits. The insights are then used to estimate the experiences and future of retailing upon integration with data and technology.

Role of data in retailing

Data gives an option to maximize the benefits through the analytical campaigns (LePage, 2015). An example is the digital marketing of a retail brand. When consumers search for specific information, it gives the retail owners the opportunity to understand consumer preferences and fulfil the same with possible options. The main reason to obtain data is immediacy. Data stands as a factor to connect the retailer and consumer based on specific criteria. For example, a buyer who needs a machine looks for the nearest and quality retailer who trades the machine. This immediacy could be either 1 hour or 2 days or 1 week but it differs from one customer to the other (Gustafsson, 2009).

Upon collecting the consumer centric data, the retailers get benefited in the following ways:

– Retailers can understand consumer buying patterns.

– Long term success is feasible as retailer is keen to fulfil the needs.

– Assures a better return than desired as interested customers do not hesitate more than what is demanded to fulfil their immediate need.

– It gives an opportunity to leverage knowledge base and do business without any issues on the margins.

Yet another strategy that needs to be noted is the cross channel shopping. This strategy has boomed the retail industry and changed their perceptions towards consumer requirements. With the web technologies, consumers turn to be internet savvy and find the best deals based on reviews and insights from others. This informs the retailers about the competitiveness which needs to go ahead with the pace. Fiorletta (2012) says that the retail industry has a direct relationship with the customers. The market is volatile such that data intensive retail brands sustain and establish interactive relationships with the consumers that are beyond the inflection point.

Data aggregation is known to benefit retailers in several ways. The findings by Morris from the 13th POS Benchmarking Survey state the classification of retailers based on their adoption to technologies (Fiorletta, 2012). Those retailers who utilize information technologies are known as early adopters and have more opportunities to interact with the end users and sustain the interest on a longer run. With smartphones in hand, it becomes easier for the retailers to aggregate the real time insights and buying history. This is an untapped opportunity through which retailers can give the in-store experience as well as stay in touch with the shoppers on latest updates.




每个组织执行各自的任务所需的基本资源很少。这些是劳动力、货币、材料和新发明。然而,在所有这些资源中,主要资源始终是劳动力,因为该资源利用所有其他资源来获得产出。然而,人力资源是很难管理的,因为人的行为和良知是无法预测的,因为它们因人而异。这两个人都没有相似的行为特征,在能力方面也没有。这就是为什么有必要管理个人的表现。认为组织中的会计师只专注于会计、审计和税务相关工作是理所当然的,这是一种误解。它们还在管理个人或整个组织的绩效方面发挥着关键作用。许多组织接受这种新的绩效管理体系,因为他们已经看到,这只会通过改进管理、执行有纪律的操作和熟练的攻击线来服务于组织的改进(Aguinis, 2014)。这个系统需要员工一致的投入,才能更好的开发这个系统。在实施这一战略的过程中,获得相关员工的信任是非常必要的。员工对组织的这种信任将有助于实施更好的绩效管理策略。随着员工的发展,团队的工作可以得到发展,这有助于整个组织的发展。只有在组织和员工中正确实施绩效管理体系,才能实现这一目标。简而言之,可以这样说,绩效管理是管理组织管理的过程。然而,单个人很难处理整个组织的绩效管理,这就是为什么有必要使用有助于实现这一目标的会计软件。


Every organization needs few basic resources for performing their respective tasks. These are labour, currency, material, and contraption. However, within all of these resources, the primary resource will always be labour, because this resource utilizes all of the others to procure an output. Nevertheless, human resource is very difficult to manage as human behaviour and conscience are very unpredictable, as they differ from person to person. None of the two individual have similar behavioural traits, neither in capabilities. That is why it is necessary to manage the performances of an individual. It is a misconception to take this for granted that an accountant in an organization is only dedicated to accounting, audit, and tax related works. They also serve a key role in managing the performance of an individual or the entire organization. A large number of organizations accept this new system of Performance Management, since they have witnessed that this only serves for the betterment of the organization by improving management, carrying out a disciplined operation and skilled line of attack (Aguinis, 2014). This system requires a consistent input of the employees for a better development of the system. With the ongoing process of implementing this stratagem, it is very necessary to gain the confidence of the employees concerned. This trust of the employees to their organization will assist to implement a better performance management strategy. With the development of an employee, the work of a team can be developed, and this helps in the development of an entire organization. This can only be achieved with the proper implementation of performance management system in the organization and for the employees. Briefly, it can be stated that Performance Management is the process by which the management of an organization is managed. However, it is difficult for a single individual to handle the performance management of the entire organization, which is why it is necessary to use accounting software that aids in this purpose.





科罗拉多河漂流的体验和消费者行为方式在很大程度上受到消费者理解和过程因素的影响。商业组织应该依赖于把员工描述成友好的、值得交往的人。这有效地影响了反应行为。第二个主要因素是服务接触阶段所呈现的叙事理解。理想的享乐体验是基于对服务的每个领域所特有的一些熟悉的和文化规范的评估。非凡的经历和仪式有着复杂而复杂的关系。服务的目标应该是提高不同时代的文化和仪式中所包含的特定水平。这三个要素对于实现白水漂流中独特的服务体验水平至关重要(Bagozzi, Canli, & Priester, 2002)。


It is extremely difficult to provide an extraordinary experience to the consumers that can lead to potential consumer behavioural approaches. This topic is closely related to service delivery literature. The background information, the process of service delivery, and the provider-consumer relationships are the major factors in this case. The service quality literature mainly has its focus on the key elements that relate to technicality and functionality. In the case of this river rafting, the primary focus is given to various elements like water quality, client days, assumed and calculated crowding, and safety issues. If these elements are taken care of, then the river rafting experiences can surely produce an extraordinary experience like the River Magic. But, service literature demands the discussion of other various process elements and understandings like affect, narrative, and ritual.

The experience and consumer behavioural approaches of the river rafting in Colorado are influenced heavily by the consumer understandings and process elements. Business organizations should rely on the presentation of the employees as friendly and desirable persons to interact with. This effectively affects the responsive behaviour. The second major factor is the narrative understanding presented during the service encounter stage. Desirable hedonic experience is based on the evaluation of some familiar and cultural norms that are unique to each area of the service. Extraordinary experience and rituals have a complicated and complex relationship. The services should target to enhance a specific level that is embedded within the culture and ritual practiced through various generations. These three elements are vital in order to realize the level of experience offered by the unique service encounters in the white water rafting (Bagozzi, Canli, & Priester, 2002).





农村流动人口从事的职业与城市居民完全不同,如农业、灌溉、节水、农业、为城市居民提供生计、食品生产、尊重自然的召唤等。农村居民和城市居民之间的联系发生在他们需要拥有更多的东西,并与城市居民在地位上平等的时候(Knox and McCarthy, 2012)。农村居民愿望的根本原因也可以追溯到各种公开的不平等的表现,这种不平等使农村人口寻求更好的机会,从而导致他们把基础转移到城市。此外,城市的成功是极其重要的,因为它与外汇的流入和创造就业的投资联系在一起。对人民需求的持续服务反过来又使国内企业得以生存并继续生产。国内业务的连续性来自于它们为现有人口和外来人口提供服务。在这个过程中,这些公司变得擅长他们的业务,并尝试创新服务。随着工业化的发展,对熟练劳动力和人力的需求也在增长。与此同时,个人和组织的收入也在增长。这进而创造了零售市场的需求,从而投资的周期跟上了来自国内外公司的持续投资(Cai, 2010)。

随着农村城市移民的增加,人们越来越担心稳定不平等并抓住其上升趋势的迫切需求。Henderson(2009)谈到了限制性政策中的故意隔离,农村和城市生活空间的隔离。这主要是为了将两个社区分开,以保持有组织发展的相关性。尽管随着教育投资意识的提高和学习能力的提高,农村人口的技能水平也在不断提高。许多经济学家和分析人士认为,为了减少城乡人口之间的不平等,提高收入平等和机会平等的标准,将城乡人口融合在一起是绝对必要的(Miller, 2012)。


The unanswered question of the rural-urban migration and the addressment of its rising issues

Rural migrants are involved into completely different occupation than urban dwellers such as agriculture, irrigation, water conservation, farming, providing livelihood to urban dwellers, food products making, and respecting the calls of nature which supports them to earn their livelihood through agriculture and selling the produce. The connection between the rural and urban dwellers happen when there is the identification of the need to possess more and be equal in status with the urban (Knox and McCarthy, 2012). The root cause of the desire of rural dwellers can also be traced back to the display of open inequality of all kinds which make the rural population seek better opportunities which can lead them to shift their base to urban cities. In addition, the success of urban cities is extremely important as it is linked with the influx of foreign exchange, and investments which create employment. The consistent serviceforthe population’s demands in turn makes the domestic companies survive and keep up their production. The continuity of the domestic business comes from their servicing the existent and the incoming population. In the process these companies become good at their business and try and innovate the services. As industrialization grows, the demand for skilled labour and manpower grows. Along with it, the individual and organisational income also rises. This in turn creates demand in the retail market and thus the cycle of investments keeps up with the continuous investment coming from domestic and international companies (Cai, 2010).

With the rise in rural urban migration, there has been a rising concern about the compelling demand of stabilising inequality and capturing its upward trend. Henderson (2009) talked about the intentional segregation in restrictive policies, the separation of rural and urban living spaces. This is primarily done to separate the two communities in order to sustain the relevance of keeping organised development. Though with rising awareness and learning with the investment in education, the rural population are getting more skilled. Many economists and analysts observe that it is absolutely necessary to integrate the rural and urban population and fuse them together in order to reduce inequality between the two and raise the standards of income equality and the equality of opportunity for all (Miller, 2012).




现在考虑到钙钛矿的这种背景,以及它为市场提供的效率保证,它应该被认为是一种更商业化和更节能的产品,用于开发进一步的太阳能电池技术。然而,事实并非如此。在当代的研究分析中,经常有人指出钙钛矿可能存在的问题可能导致大规模的技术发展障碍。被引用的主要问题是钙钛矿细胞的稳定性(Snaith et al, 2014)。钙钛矿细胞可能不稳定,这可能影响其薄膜层的长期使用。此外,HTM的形式也存在一些问题。由于沉积真空过程的复杂性,薄膜层均匀性的发展也对稳定因素提出了挑战。这也将在文献综述中讨论。



Now given this background on Perovskite, and the efficiencies that it guarantees for the market, it should be considered such that it is a more commercially and energy wise efficient product for developing further solar cell technologies. However, this is not the case. In contemporary research analysis it has often been pointed out that there might be issues with Perovskite that might result in large scale technology development impediments. Mainly the issue that is being cited is that of the stability of the Perovskite cell (Snaith et al, 2014). Perovskite cell may not be stable and this could affect long term use of its thin film layers. In addition, there are also issues in the form of HTM. Stability factors are also challenged because of the intricate process of depositing vacuum for development of the thin film layer uniformity. This will also be addressed in the literature review.

Added to the above factors there are issues in the form of corrosion of Perovskite cells that erodes and corrodes them. Thermal stability is also an issue. As long as the issues of stability can be addressed for the Perovskite structure cells then mass production is a possibility.




资助是为特定目的向个人或组织提供资金的行为。风险资本是为初创公司提供的资金,被认为具有长期增长和未来(Gompers和Lerner 2004)。创业公司利用这种风险资本融资,尤其是在他们无法进入资本市场的情况下(Cochrane, 2005)。迈达斯触摸科技有限公司(MTT)使用优质材料和第三方软件生产高端智能手表。MTT计划向VCI (Victoria Capital Investment Ltd)投资1000万英镑。市场研究显示,2015年全球智能手表销量将达到17.4亿英镑。该行业预计将在2019年迅速增长至9830万英镑。MTT的发展潜力是巨大的。MTT正面临一个难题,即是否最好从VCI寻求投资。迫切需要分析这个过程中涉及的所有内在因素,以确保MTT在这个过程中受益。本分析的目的是为Midas Touch Technologies (MMT)提供一份咨询报告。他们正在考虑是否向风险投资公司寻求资金,并要求提供一份报告,以告知他们的决定。下面将详细讨论对这一贸易涉及的各个方面的关键分析。

1. MTT和VCI风险投资批判性分析




Funding is an action of providing money to an individual or organization for a particular purpose. Venture capital is the money provided for Startup Company that is perceived to have long-term growth and future (Gompers and Lerner 2004). Start up companies utilize this venture capital funding esp. in cases where they do not have access to capital markets (Cochrane, 2005). Midas Touch Technology Ltd (MTT) produces high-end smart watches using premium materials and third party software. MTT intends to approach VCI (Victoria Capital Investment Ltd) for an investment of £10 million. Market research suggests that global smart watch sales would be £1,740 million in 2015. The industry is expected to grow rapidly to £9,830 million in 2019. It is touted that there will be immense potential for growth of MTT. MTT is in a conundrum if it is best to seek investment from VCI. There is an imperative need to analyze all the inherent factors involved in this process to ensure that MTT is benefitted in the process. Purpose of this analysis is to produce a consultancy report for Midas Touch Technologies (MMT). They are deliberating whether to approach a venture capital firm for funding and have asked for a report that will inform their decision. Critical analysis of the various facets involved in this trade is discussed in detail in the following.

1. MTT and VCI venture capital critical analysis

Apart from this the investors are bearing the inherent risks involved in the process. In this scenario repayment is not really expected. Business expertise can be gained in this process. MTT is a relatively new company they can gain a lot of insights about how businesses are run if they have form association with VCI. This can also lead to formation of a number of new contacts and business opportunities for the companies. There is a clear exit strategy that is defined and the financial risks for MTT are minimal in this situation.

However this does not mean that venture capital are fully advantageous for all the stakeholders involved in the process. There are also a number of key disadvantages for the company if they are not careful in this process.




在合同签订前阶段,有关方面进行了许多谈判。通常,在合同中一方向另一方提出报价。这是一方提出的一套条款和条件,用以代替项目的要求。要约的另一方应仔细审查要约条款的细微差别。他们应该理解合同条款的意图和考虑。在初始方案的基础上,另一方接受合同条款(Vogenauer, 2013)。一旦对方作出承诺,合同即具有法律约束力。如果接受方提出了新的条款和条件,有关方的首次报价将不具有约束力。这是新报盘的建议。

对于IT公司,应该注意确保软件开发标题和合同权利是如何开发的。IT的合同经理应该有一个适当的框架,以确保对所开发软件的合同条款和所有权共享有适当的协议(Vogenauer, 2013)。除了这个软件公司的合同经理需要确保在合同前阶段有适当的合同条款(Vogenauer, 2013)。他们应该能够估计出合同延期后的潜在负债。验收应根据合同条款进行。


意向书是指一方当事人订立具有法律约束力的协议的意向。然而,这些意向书只是一方提供的要约的一种形式(Vogenauer, 2013)。它不具有任何法律价值,而是表达了合同一方当事人订立具有法律约束力合同的意愿。

一旦提出报价,合同经理需要了解合同条款。在构建合同时,需要在供应商、供应商或员工之间制定单独的合同(Vogenauer, 2013)。每家公司的合同经理都有一定的自由裁量权。合同管理者应充分了解情况,谨慎运用这种权力。



In the pre contractual phase, there are a lot of negotiations that goes on between the concerned parties. Typically, in a contract one party extends an offer to the other. This is a set of terms and conditions proposed by one party in lieu of the requirements of the project. The other receiving party of the offer should carefully scrutinize the nuances of the offer terms. They should understand the intent and consideration of the contractual terms. Based on the initial proposal, the other party accepts the contractual terms (Vogenauer, 2013). Once the other party makes the acceptance, it is understood that the contract becomes legally binding. In cases where the receiving party makes new set terms and conditions initial offer made by the concerned parties will not be binding. This is proposal of new offer.

In the case of IT companies there should be care taken to ensure how the software development title and contractual rights are developed. Contract manager of IT should have a proper framework in place to ensure proper agreement of the terms of the contract and title sharing for the software developed is in place (Vogenauer, 2013). Apart from this contract manager for software company needs to ensure that there are proper contractual terms proposed in the pre contractual phase (Vogenauer, 2013). They should be able to estimate the potential liabilities of a contract when an offer is extended. Acceptance should be made based on the terms of the contract.

Letters of intent

Letters of Intent is defined as the intent of one party to enter into a legally binding agreement. Nevertheless, these letters of intent are only a form of offer extended by one party (Vogenauer, 2013). It does not hold any legal value rather expresses the intent of one party of the contract to enter into legally binding contract.

Once an offer is made, the contract manager needs to understand the terms of the contract. While framing contracts separate contracts needs to be drawn between suppliers, vendors or employee (Vogenauer, 2013). Contract managers of each company have certain discretionary powers that have been allowed. Contract managers should fully comprehend the situation and utilize this power carefully.

Terms proposed in the contract should be direct, tangible and standard code of conduct followed by similar counterparts.



論文代寫費用:如何避免抄襲 大家都知道,國外的大學對於學術論文更加嚴謹。一旦發現有學生的論文抄襲,付出的代價也是慘重的。而如果你有抄襲論文的污點,辦理簽證和找工作也會受到影響。那麼,如何避免論文抄襲呢?



1. 剽竊原著作的主要觀點、整體構思和框架。

2. 直接整段、整頁地複製,同時爲了隱蔽或誤導,照搬原著中的引文和註釋,或只將極少數的文字作注。

3. 使用原著的表述,或將原著的資料、用詞直接進行修改,或更換表述方式,而未註明來源出處。

4. 從同一文章中抄襲,並對文章的順序及邏輯進行修改。

5. 摘湊不同文章的語句或段落,把它們粘貼爲一篇文章。

6. 與同學論文中出現部分段落或語句雷同。


1. 不少學校開學時會有專門的一節學術寫作培訓課,強調禁止抄襲及如何規範引用,學校網站上一般也有相關規定,而一些教授會在佈置作業時再次強調。

2. 去大學圖書館借一些關於規範寫作的書,這類書很多。

3. 學校Writing Center裏的老師會幫助你校正語法、思路等,但學生要去主動尋求幫助。









伊恩·麦查格(Ian McHarg, 1969)在他的著作《设计与自然》(Design with Nature, McHarg, 1969)中展示并重新发现了隐藏在大自然中的瑰宝,以及人与自然是如何很好地结合在一起的。在书中发现,大自然有它自己的问题,人们会去解决它们。他举了一个例子,说明了潮汐是如何被拯救的,不是通过建造更强大的反海浪力量,而是通过轻柔地做出反应,建造沙丘和堤坝,让水保持平静和满足,而不是像敌人一样行动。Ingold(2000)谈到了人类感知周围环境的不同方式,并倾向于做出相应的反应。这创造了一个重叠的自然设计网络,当考虑到设计时就会出现。建筑空间的设计无非是人类第一次看到的画面,他努力证明它的执行和实施是合理的。Turner和Penn(2002)确定了所有人类是如何对他们所生活的世界和他们所走的道路有一个视觉模型的,以及对于建筑代理人来说,要真正证明更广泛地执行这个视觉是多么昂贵。Cottenie(2005)在他的研究中发现,50%的社区组成的空间变化是由于环境和空间组成,表明一半的设计师或社区倾向于使用环境为参照点来构建他们的社区,而另一半屈从于质量压力的人? s认为,调整生活的特定需求的种类和类型的栖息地。



The environmental relationship with human movement is absolutely natural and spontaneous. It is to be studied attentively in order to get the real message for reverting to the issues that it will pose in the future. Philosophy is ingrained in all kinds of environmental relationship as the very origin of environment comes from the philosophical discourses of the past and how philosophy constructs the importance and survival of environment for humans. Spatial composition of using all the natural space available is inherently connected to the environment. This is because within the environment, the use of spatial composition takes place and it emerges out of the unnoticed and disrespects pockets of location. These unnoticed locations are meticulously used in building and complementing the exact picture that the designer visualises in their mind.

Ian McHarg in his book ‘Design with Nature’ (McHarg, 1969) has shown and rediscovered the hidden gems of nature and how man and nature fit together very well. It was discovered in the book that nature has its own problems and people are going to solve them. He considers an example of how sea tides are to be saved by not constructing more powerful opposition to the sea waves, but by responding softly and building dunes and dikes that allows water to just be calm and content and not behave as an enemy. Ingold (2000) speaks about the different ways in which human perceive environments surrounding them and they tend to respond accordingly. This creates an overlapping web of natural designs which comes into existence when considered for design. The designs of constructed space are nothing else than the picture first viewed in man, and he making an effort to justify its execution and implementation. Turner and Penn (2002) identified how all humans have a visual model of the world they live in and the roads they walk on, and how expensive it becomes for agents of construction to really justify the broader execution of this vision. Cottenie (2005) in his research found that 50% of the variation in community composition of the space was due to the environmental and spatial composition, indicating that half of the designers or communities tend to use environment as the reference point for building their communities, while the other half succumbed to mass pressure of people’s thought, and adjust the livelihood with the specific requirements of the species and types of habitats.

The data collection was more interesting in terms of the different varieties of views that are gathered and proposed by authors and designers. The designers were more creative in their outlay of their own justification of the designs imagined, and authors have been finding ways of putting everything in proper place to get the message across to the audience. The data was easier to find, but harder to bifurcate and segregate according to the subject topic of spatial composition, the philosophy behind the design and the environmental relationship with the human movement and its surrounding.




今天的互聯網已經成爲現代生活方式中不可避免的罪惡。如今,社交媒體的浪潮已經席捲了每一個人。最近,教皇方濟各(Pope Francis)加入了Instagram,這是一個社交媒體網站,讓他的追隨者隨時更新。一方面,互聯網是保持聯繫、獲取信息和更新信息的好方法,但另一方面,它實際上已經成爲自我放逐。我們花在互聯網上的時間越多,我們在現實世界中失去的就越多。慢慢地,人類開始忘記欣賞大自然、大地、友誼和社交聚會的美麗。互聯網已經改變了今天的思維方式。我們花在互聯網上的時間取決於我們對科技的上癮程度。網絡成癮是一個非常新的領域,我希望藉此機會深入研究這個問題,瞭解我們是如何深受這一現象的影響。本文討論了網絡成癮診斷的併發症、不良後果、正確評估的規則、引起病態網絡開始的誘因的識別以及可能的康復策略。



然而,精神病學領域的作者和學者認爲網絡成癮是人類面臨的一個迫在眉睫的威脅。根據一些研究者的研究,網絡成癮很可能是一種藥物和酒精成癮(Shaw & Black, 2008, pp. 354)。網絡成癮是一種潛在疾病的表現形式,還是一種單獨的疾病實體,這仍然是一個有爭議的問題。但是由於網絡成癮案例的增加,有必要進行具體的研究。

它也可以被認爲是一種心理依賴,就像強迫性暴飲暴食和賭博一樣(Young, 1998,第9頁)。一些研究人員還認爲,過度使用互聯網是一種人格障礙,與抑鬱症有關。它被認爲是抑鬱症的次要表現。沉迷於網絡的人很可能會將此作爲一種“自我安慰”的措施。這樣的人試圖避免與這些核心障礙相關的人際不適(Pies, 2009)。


The internet today has become an unavoidable evil of modern lifestyle. The wave of social media has encompassed everyone today. Recently Pope Francis joined the Instagram, a social media website to keep his followers updated. On one hand the internet is a great way to stay connected, informed and updated, while on the other hand it has become a virtual self-imposed exile. The more time we spend on internet the more we lose on the real world surroundings. Slowly human beings are forgetting to appreciate the beauty of nature, earth, friendship and social gatherings. Internet has changed the very way of thinking today. The time we spend on internet depends on our addiction level with the technology. The field of Internet Addiction is very new and I seek this as an opportunity to delve into the subject and understand how deeply we are affected by this phenomenon. In this essay I have discussed the Complications of diagnosis of Internet addiction is discussed, its negative consequences, rules of proper assess, identification of triggers causing beginning of pathological Internet and possible recovery strategies.

Is Internet actually addictive

To understand whether excessive use of the internet is a form of addiction, we must first know the meaning of addiction. Simply stating, addiction is a strong and detrimental need to repeatedly do something like gambling or consume something, like food, drug or alcohol. Generally an addicted person clearly knows that he is doing harm to himself but is not able to control the urge of doing or eating what he is addicted to. Addictions are mental disorders and beyond the simple habitual behavior. To cope with these kinds of mental diseases there are several therapies, medicines as well as counseling available all across the world. However, when we talk about internet addiction, the practitioners of addiction counseling are not confident to categorize it as a mental disorder. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, an update to the American Psychiatric Association’s Manual, has not made included the internet addiction as mental disorder.

Nevertheless, the authors and scholars in the field of psychiatry are considering the internet addiction as a looming threat on the mankind. According to some investigators, the Internet addiction is likely to be the disorder in the category of addiction to drugs and alcohol (Shaw & Black, 2008, pp. 354). It is still a matter of debate, whether internet addiction is a representation of manifestation of an underlying disorder or whether it is an individual disease entity. But due to increase in number of cases of internet addiction, it is imperative that concrete studies should be done.

It can also be acknowledged as psychological dependency, much like compulsive overeating and gambling (Young, 1998, pp.9). Some researchers also argue that excessive use of internet is a personality disorder and related to depression. It is believed to be secondary manifestation of depression. Person addicted to internet is likely to adapt this as a “self soothing” measure. Such a person attempts to avoid interpersonal discomfort linked with these core disorders (Pies, 2009).




該公司在分析中考慮的只是能源。Simply Energy從2005年開始運營,旨在爲澳大利亞的家庭和企業提供能源。從一個能源公司,簡單的能源現在已經成爲一個更可持續的能源生產部門在該國,因爲該公司的方式納入了技術和其他支持系統。該公司由全球能源公司ENGIE和三井物產株式會社(Mitsui & Co.)共同擁有。這使得該公司在國際技術方面也得到了很多支持。該公司還與該領域的其他公司合作,爲其能源客戶和直接消費者提供最優的質量體驗。


Fettweis和Zimmermann(2008)等人的研究報告《ICT能源消費趨勢與挑戰》(ICT energy消耗率-trends and challenges)表明,在過去幾十年裏,這些社會的石油儲量正在枯竭。世界各地的經濟越來越依賴石油。正因爲如此,有必要尋找能夠有效地解決這些問題的新能源,有必要把重點放在能源上,以滿足社會人民的需要。這不能通過使用石油儲備來實現。不同形式的能源有太陽能、風能和地熱能。這些有助於減少依賴性。這使得這些國家擁有更高的能源儲備,能夠以更低的成本向人民提供能源。從這個過程中可以獲得許多切實的好處。隨後,可以更好地發展其他領域的技術。在社會上,遠離化石燃料可以減少環境污染。由於所有這些因素,人們喜歡有不同形式的能源來滿足他們的需要。由於這些原因,人們甚至可能更喜歡那些既能提供可持續服務又價格合理的選擇。



The company considered in the analysis is Simply Energy. Simply Energy has been operation from 2005 and works with the purpose of providing energy to homes and businesses in Australia. From just an energy company, Simply Energy has now become one of the more sustainable sectors of energy production in the country because of the way the company has incorporated technology and other support systems. The company is co-owned by a global energy company ENGIE and Mitsui & Co. This enables the company to have much support in the form of international technologies as well. The company also partners up with other companies in the sector to present the most optimal quality experience for its energy clients and direct consumers.

1.1. Research Background

Research studies such as that of Fettweis, and Zimmermann, (2008) titled ‘ICT energy consumption-trends and challenges’, indicates that in the past few decades, there is depletion of oil reserves in the societies. There has been more and more dependent on oil in the economies around the world. Owing to this, there is a need for newer energy sources that can effectively combat these issues There is a need to focus on energy sources to the quench the needs of the people in the societies. This cannot be achieved by using oil reserves. The different forms of energy are solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy. These help in reducing of dependencies. This enables the countries to have higher energy reserves and can supply to the people at a lower cost. There are many tangible benefits that can be garnered from this process. Subsequently, there can be better development of other areas in technology. There is reduction of environmental pollution from shutting away from the fossil fuels in the society. Owing to all these factors, people like to have different forms of energy resources to cater to their needs. Because of these reasons, people might even prefer those options which offer both sustainable service and also reasonable pricing.

In this context, studies on different energy providers (gas electricity) in Australia, as conducted by Vine, (2005) in the study ‘An international survey of the energy service company (ESCO) industry’ shows that the energy providers a very broad category and this encompasses production and sale of energy, which includes the extraction of fuel, manufacturing, refining of the raw material, supply chain systems and distribution of the products. In the modern societies, there is a requirement for large volumes of energy in this scenario and there is a need for the companies to be classified based on sector. Petroleum industry, gas industry, power industry, coal industry, nuclear power industry. Again this can be classified in to conventional energy sources and renewable energy sources. There are many energy companies in Australia. These can be classified into electric power company distributors, hydro power centres, renewable energy resources and electric power transmission system centres of Australia. There are a number of companies that have been developed in accordance with these energy systems and technologies in the country. Some of the companies in Australia are Simply Energy, Australian Gas and Light company, Delta electricity, Pacific Power, pacific hydro, Tarong energy, Horizon power, etc. Given this context of multiple energy providers and the problem of energy costs and sustainability, the research will focus on how Simply Energy will meet the needs of customers.






在这个过程中所讨论的事实和问题与斯泰西的案例相符合。在这篇文章中,StaCeYY的一个竞争对手抄袭了她的商标和她设计的餐桌的设计。这影响了公司的业务,因为他们有自己的独特的设计(壳牌,1987)。餐桌设计的复制是从网上的宣传册和斯黛西的朋友斯曼萨制作的视频中完成的,并被放到了斯黛西的facebook页面上。迈克尔是家具制造公司,复制了斯泰西的东西。但他不同意事实和问题,他复制了斯泰西的标志。对于这个问题,StaCeYY正在寻求专业人士的帮助,他们可以指导她使用知识产权和法律(Selvadurai, 2008)。



在制造产品的知识产权设计中,任何制造商都没有权利指责其他公司使用类似的设计,除非或者直到他们没有根据知识产权向澳大利亚政府注册(Shell, 1987)。


StaCeYY has come to you seeking your advice as to the nature of her intellectual property rights arising from the facts above, including any she may have in respect of Samantha’s films, and how best to protect them at law. Advise her. Comment on how those rights may be different if she had taken steps to protect her rights earlier.

Identify the relevant facts and issues, i.e, what are the parties disagreeing about?

Facts and the issues that are discussed in the process were appropriate with the StaCeYY’s case. In it, one of the rivals of StaCeYY has copied her logo as well as the design of the dining table which she has designed. This affects the business of the company as they have their uniqueness in the designs (Shell, 1987). The copying of the dining table design was done from the online brochure and also a video which was made by Smantha, a friend of staceyy and was put it on the facebook page of StaCeYY. MiChaeL was the furniture manufacturing company which has copied the stuff of StaCeYY. But he was disagreeing about the facts and issues that he had copied the logo of StaCeYY. For this issue, StaCeYY is seeking help from the professional who can guide her to use the intellectual property rights and laws (Selvadurai, 2008).

Identify the relevant law (case law or legislation) to resolving the problem?

The relevant law which can be used for the protection of intellectual property trade mark is Trade Mark Act 1995. This law will help StaCeYY to protect the trademark of the furniture manufacturing company. However, firstly, they need to apply for making the trademark as the intellectual property. She has not applied for the intellectual property law. Therefore, she can’t stop anyone from using the kind of trade which she used for her marketing purpose in the market. On the other hand, the same is with the designs of the dining table. The protection can be taken from the intellectual property rights because StaCeYY is 7 years older than that of the MiCheaL. She can apply against the trademark copyrights and also the marketing of the dining table of similar designs.

In the intellectual designs of the manufacturing goods, no manufacturers have the right that they can blame other companies to use similar kind of designs unless or until they would not register with the Australian government under the intellectual property rights(Shell, 1987).






圣约翰浸信会教徒的见证是一幅描绘约翰和耶稣之间联系的画作。他们之间的联系已经有很好的记录,可以在福音书中读到。米开朗基罗的这幅画出自弗朗切斯科·格拉纳奇之手。曾任大都会艺术博物馆欧洲绘画系主任的埃弗里特·费希(Everett Fahy)表示,这幅作品属于文艺复兴时期的天才之作。所发现的证据表明这幅画是米开朗基罗于1506年创作的。

这幅画是用油、蛋彩画和金在木头上画的。这幅画包含了岩石景观中的许多人物,一些门徒和其他施洗约翰和耶稣(德鲁里,78)。专家们还断言,绘画比格拉纳奇的其他作品要好得多。从画的底图可以看出,帷幔下人物的体积和结构也得到了描述。阴影显示的区域是通过孵化显示的(Laing, 154)。这种孵化是圆屋顶与不同的画笔笔触从非常细到宽。这幅画大胆地勾勒出阴影,通过减少笔画来表现面部特征,通过书法处理来展示窗帘的褶皱,使这幅作品与众不同(Britton, 159)。


The essay aims to provide the comparison of two famous paintings. The first is the St. John the Baptist Bearing Witness and the second is Poussin: Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun. The former is made by the famous Italian renaissance painter Michelangelo. According to some experts of Renaissance art have stated that originally made by Michelangelo; this painting is attributed to Francesco Granacci. This painting displays John the Baptist, who is preaching his pupils. John the Baptist came before Jesus, and some of the followers of Jesus were earlier the disciples of John. The second painting is of Blind Orion made by a French artist Nicolas Poussin. In the painting Orion is searching for the rising sun and a figure on his back is showing him the way towards sun. He is searching for the sun to get healed from his blindness. The easy will explore different aspects of both the painting to provide their visual analysis and comparison.

Visual Analysis of Paintings

Saint John the Baptists bearing witnesses is the painting that revels the connection between John and Jesus. Their connections have been well documented and can be read in the gospels. The painting made by Michelangelo is attributed by Francesco Granacci. Everett Fahy, who was the former head of the European Paintings department of the Metropolitan, has stated that this work belongs to the genius of Renaissance. The evidences which have been found suggest that this painting was made by Michelangelo in the year 1506.

The painting is made with oil, tempera and gold on wood. The painting includes many figures, some of the disciples and other of John Baptist and Jesus in the rocky landscape (Drury, 78). The experts have also asserted that painting is much more superior then the other works of Granacci. The underdrawings of the paintings have shown that volume and structure of the figures under the draperies are also described. The areas where the shadows are shown are indicated through hatching (Laing, 154). This kind of hatching is dome with different brush strokes from very fine to broad brushes. The shadows being boldly hatched in the painting, indication of facial features through reduced strokes and demonstrating the folds of drapes through calligraphic handling makes this work extraordinary (Britton, 159).