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Moving ahead with the discussion, the policy of free trade considers many strong nations as a result of which there is delivery of substantial growth in the economy of China. These strong nations include the United States and Mexico. The GDP of Canada has started to grow at a very fast pace in comparison with the GDP growth rate of USA and Mexico. With the rising population of Canada, this reflects that a large population will have the ability to add value to the economy of Canada. The policy of free trade is fulfilling the purpose that it had to perceive.


The key focus was on promoting growth of economy by spurred intensity of competition across domestic market platforms. There has been specific promotion of investment out of both foreign and domestic sources and somewhat has been effective. The firms of North America have maximum efficiency and productivity. The restructuring has been done to seek benefits from economies of scale in intra- industry specialization and production. Since the last decade, Canada has been successful in selling manufactured goods worth 2.6 trillion dollars to USA with a surplus of 600 billion dollars.


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