











美国论文代写 论文代写









另一次是因为稿件质量不过关,要求售后修改时,对方很不耐烦,虽然没有被拉黑,但却置之不理。最后,该客户在同学推荐下选择了我们美国论文代写Educationren服务公司,修改后的稿件也顺利通过审核。从那以后,顾客也成了我们的老顾客。在这里推荐几个值得信赖的代写网站,它们不仅获得了服务资质,而且还拥有官方网站和企业 QQ等通讯工具。

一定索要论文检测 注意不要出现抄袭或重复率过高的情况
























最后在支付剩下一半付款的时候,首先校对人员需要认真检查essay的质量,比如语法、拼写、抄袭率、字数等, 以确保essay内容符合您所提交的要求,然后交给同学让他再一遍检查下,如果学生还是有任疑惑的话,可以让专家按原来要求免费修改润色您的作业。当学生通知我们作业完全符合要求之后,才需要付剩下的款额。


好多留学生在寻找美国代写essay机构时,首先注意到的方面就是服务的价格。然后留学生货问三家,不同代写公司提出的价格比起来之后就选择其中最低价格的那一家。 可是这样一来那些新来的学生就由于自己这样仓促的决定就无法收到高质量的代写服务,将遭受挫折。因为这些低价的essay代写机构常常无法保证质量,更不用说作业提交的时间也无法保证。







所有我们现在所知,都是不停从各方面学习汲取信息所累积而成的,论文报告与作业也是一样的。 因此必须列出所有内含的信息出处,列出文献并不是在测试你的智商,而是想了解你是否能够找出针对题目有实际效用的信息并拥有分析或整合信息的能力。引用的信息会列在报告或论文中的两个地方,一个是每页的最下方或是整份文稿的最后一部分。




MLA ML A最常被用在艺术以及人文学科,尤其在美国更是如此。它可以说是最容易被使用的一种格式。

Harvard Harvard类APA。APA主要在美国使用,Harvard则主要在 英国及澳洲使用且主要使用在人文学科。


不管你是写哪一个主题, 都应该要按照学校及老师推荐的格式,且不可以混用。


如果引用、重写或翻译另- -位作者的作品而没有将其包含进你的参考书目,那就算是抄袭。只要使用查重工具就能轻易的抓出抄袭部分以及比例。任何提出的假设都必须有多个可靠的文献做支持。抄袭不但意味着欺骗,也代表作者不了解引用列表的意义。





美国论文代写保障论文原创 避免被导师发现












有关跑题的问题其实有两个方面,一是单纯的不懂题目导致跑题,另一个比较特殊的是在写作过程中慢慢偏离了主题的核心,首先我们先来看美国代写essay单纯的跑题,这种情况大多是由于自己对题目没有分析到位而造成的,要知道 essay的主要核心就在题目,任何内容都是围绕着你的题目来展开的,所以当你对题目不懂而想不出自己跑题的意义时,千万不要急着下笔,可以通过查阅相关的资料了解一下,也可以直接问自己的老师。



一般情况下导师都会给出essay格式要求,所以留学生如果找美国代写essay帮助完成,那么一定要把essay写作格式要求详细告知,避免出现格式的错误。至于缩写,有时也不是留学生的自愿,因为他们的习惯常常把缩写词带进他们自己的 essay里,这在论文界是很被禁止的,因为缩写会破坏他们学术上的严肃性,比如有些同学会把 do not直接写成don’t, could not,等等诸如此类,所谓为了保持学术的严肃性,一定要把 essay的习惯改一下,最好是写完之后仔细检查一下,否则不及格就像跗骨蛆一样。


留学生在拿到美国代写essay成稿时,由于怕麻烦,通常是一目十行,而且只做一次修改,你要知道,那些好的论文,好的essay,好的 assignment都是修改过、润色过的才写出来的,因此,请摒弃这种不经意的陋习,在 essay写完之后,同时也不要忘记使用 turnitin来检测 essay是否有抄袭等情况。

































尤其是你真的要引用的句子 一定要加引用注释,这样可以很好的帮你解除直接摘抄被判定为抄袭的一个方法 ,留学生们一要记得加引号做标注与注释。







































美国代写论文 美国论文代写

美国Literary Analysis写作要注意什么?Essay代写是如何对Literary Analysis进行修改润色的?

美国Literary Analysis写作要注意什么?Essay代写是如何对Literary Analysis进行修改润色的?Literary Analysis写作其实并不是很难。留学生们常常不能写的很满意,一方面是没有耐心好好的读这些作品;另一方面就是没有按要求写,写完后也不检查。今天我们Essay代写老师就为留学生们讲讲Literary Analysis写作要注意什么,以及如何对Literary Analysis进行修改润色。都学起来吧!

美国Literary Analysis写作的注意事项




美国Literary Analysis写作的修改及润色























美国论文代写 论文代写




同学们在为essay或者dissertation进行research的时候通常会一头扎进图书馆或者打开Google查找资料。然而,如果事先没有一个research plan的话往往会被海量的信息所淹没,花了大量的时间和精力却反而事倍功半。

在确定研究主题之后不妨先列一个research plan出来,包括你能分配给research阶段多少时间、你想要为哪些问题寻找答案,以及你想要如何进行论证。有了这样一个计划之后,可以帮助你更有的放矢地进行资料查找和阅读研究,并能把重点放在最为相关的内容上。


如果你通过在线数据库或者互联网查找资料的话,那么制定一个有效的搜索策略就非常重要了。具体来说,这包括找到搜索关键词、熟悉和了解你将要搜索的数据库、并使用布尔逻辑运算符(Boolean operators),来缩小搜索范围,获得最相关的资料。







美国论文代写 论文代写




1. The author… begins his argument with an anecdote illustrating … that…


2. Author exemplifies the…, setting up him to introduce the argument that…


3. To make his argument seem balanced, author moves to another point in his argument about…


4. Author uses statistics and facts, as presented by…, in order to show … in order to persuade his audience that …


5. Author begins his essay with the statistic saying that…


6. With key phrases like “…” and “… ,” author activates …


7. While one might view this as selfish, author reassures the reader that they are not alone in feeling this, further contributing to his argument.


8. Author uses his words and research to reason with the reader and explain …



1. No invention has received more praise and abuse than Internet.


2. People seem to fail to take into account the fact that education does not end with graduation.


3. Although this view is wildly held, this is little evidence that education can be obtained at any age and at any place.


4. In view of the seriousness of this problem, effective measures should be taken before things get worse.


5. No one can deny the fact that a person’s education is the most important aspect of his life.


6. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.


7. Before giving my opinion, I think it is important to look at the arguments on both sides.


8. People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.



美国代写论文 美国论文代写




国外大学的老师通常喜欢让学生进行creative thinking 和critical thinking。相比对于已经存在的观点或结论进行论证,国外大学的教学更倾向于让学生进行发散式地思考与辩证。论文的写作也是同样的道理,老师更喜欢让学生提出独特的、与众不同的观点。








虽然主动语态被认为能使论文更为清楚简洁,为了让论文语气更为非个人化,很多研究者建议使用被动语态(passive voice)。我们在提醒一下大家,学术论文需要我们去掉 “Me, myself & I” 并用第三人称的表达方式。

错:In the experiment, I heated the water…

正:In the experiment, the water was heated…

值得一提,有的著名学术期刊,像Nature同样,展示不赞同被动语态的趋势并通常使用第一人称:In this study, we looked at the examples… 写作规范像语言规范实在逐渐会经过一些变化,我们希望赶得上学术界新建的传统。不过,我们再一次强调:留学生应该按照学校的规定进行写作,大多数海外学校依然不愿意多使用被主动语态。

6、他山之石 – 引用格式



② 再插入引文的时候,我们要记得使用准确引用格式;各个学校会有不同要求,因此我们建议参考学校网站并找出学校规定的style guide(格式指南),写完之后再检查一遍。




美国代写:同步的动作和行为习惯。通常,关于与行为有关的文化编码模式的讨论集中在性格在性别、阶级、性取向和种族上的演变(Lake, 1992)。这种独特的形式嵌入在特定的惯习或常识中,这是使人们在日常生活中执行有意识和非反射行为的第二本性(Britton, 2003)。这些习惯表演是居住的符号,思想和反应转变成习惯,是例行的。接下来美国代写专家将为同学们分析下有关同步的动作和行为习惯。

一个戏剧演员被习惯于反复扮演同样的角色,以至于习惯性的行为和反射性使它成为他的第二天性,这样自我监控就不再是必要的了。同样地,长期无意识地进行习惯性表演的人可能会突然发现这些表演是一种社会建构(Beal, 2008)。在不熟悉或不受日常社会环境挑战的语境中,面对不同的文化规范和误解,往往会揭示出不同的人的不同行为。这引起了人们对那些在其他情况下似乎是由常识支持的行为的高度意识。

社会生活被认为是天生具有戏剧性的,人类参与扮演着特殊的角色。这种角色在前台的情况下是显而易见的,并受到与印象管理相关的冲动的驱动,在这种情况下,绩效是战略制定的或目标的实现(Grollman, 2017)。然而,只有在非正式的、后台的和国内的地区,人们才会倾向于摘下口罩。后台区域的概念与日常生活的生殖功能有关(Lowrie, 2013)。为了确保这样的表演具有足够的说服力并能传达所要表达的意思,个人需要获得能力并再现可识别的表演惯例。日常生活中的习惯性行为包括不同的技巧,这些技巧是共同分享的,有助于达成有关适当或不适当的行动的工作共识(Britton, 2003)。表演可以是文化假设的离散具体化。受文化限制的程序包含在服装、风格、动作、表情、交流等方面。因此,行动需要学习,这样才能达到一定的能力水平,而印象的有效性则依赖于练习和排练(Frances, 2004)。在一个特定的社会背景下,演员的表演受到监视,他们经常受到旁观者和其他参与者的注视,这些参与者在表演中阅读传达的意义和分享的价值观。

A theatrical performer being used to play the same role repeatedly is so used to it that it becomes his second nature by habitual enactions and required reflexivity such that self – monitoring is not essential any longer. Similarly, habitual performances that have been unreflexively performed for a long time may be revealed suddenly to those who perform them as being social constructions (Beal, 2008). Being confronted with diverse cultural codes and misunderstood in contexts that are not familiar or challenged by situations not within the daily community tends to reveal different actions of different people. This induces the heightened awareness about what otherwise seemed to be enactions that are supported by common – sense.

Social life is considered to be inherently dramatic and humans are involved in playing particular roles.Such roles are evident in situations that are front stage and driven by the urge related to impression management where performances are enacted strategically or achievement of goals (Grollman, 2017). However, individuals are apt in removing masks only in a region that is informal, backstage and domestic. The idea that there is a backstage region is concerned with reproductive functions of daily life (Lowrie, 2013). To ensure such performances are adequately convincing and transmit the intended meaning, individuals are needed to acquire competence and reproduce recognisable performative conventions. Habitual performances in the everyday lives include different techniques that are communally shared and help in the achievement of a working consensus pertaining to appropriate or inappropriate enactions (Britton, 2003). A performance can be a discrete concretisation of the cultural assumption. Procedures that are culturally bound are enmeshed in clothes, styles, movement, expressions, communication and so on. Enactions need to be thus learnt so that a level of competence is achieved while the efficacy of impression is reliant on practice and rehearsal (Frances, 2004). In a particular social context, performances of actors are monitored and they are often subjected to a gaze that is disciplinary of both on – lookers and co – participants who read the transmitted meaning and share values within the performance.




本科essay代写:流线型现代化灵感。流线型或流线型现代灵感来自装饰艺术,并被视为它的一个分支。流线型的现代运动是由光滑的表面,圆角和圆滑的边界线。装饰艺术运动与流线型分享一些特点是一个流行的设计运动。它涉及到建筑、室内和工业设计。艺术运动包括其他艺术运动的风格方面,如构成主义,立体主义,现代主义等。装饰艺术,顾名思义,是一种纯粹的装饰形式,扩展了优雅的功能形式。装饰艺术在一些国家是一种迷人的形式,比如美国,好莱坞拥抱了它(Ramirez, 2012)。在装饰艺术的后期,流线型现代主义出现了,它在设计中纳入了更多的功能方面,如曲线形式和线条与装饰方面的设计。接下来本科essay代写将为同学们分析下讨论下流线型现代化灵感。




In a latter period of the Art Deco, the Streamline Moderne came to be, which incorporated more functional aspects in design such as curving forms and lines with decorative aspects thrown in the design. In extending the Art Deco, the Streamline Moderne was a cultural movement in itself. The mid 1930s was a time period of Great Depression. This was a time when there was a necessity to promote hope within people and send a sense of optimism across society. Manufacturers, architects and designers relied on the Streamline Moderne because of how it drew from American love for speed and the automobile age. These were aspects that were slowly starting to improve the economy and in thus incorporating those design elements in architecture and other productions, a sense of optimism and hope was driven. In architectural works in particular, the design with its smooth and rounded surfaces and sleek likes sported porcelain enamel walls and glass windows (typically observed in the early 1950’s). “In an attempt to pump-prime the economy during the Great Depression, storefronts were remodelled in the new shiny, streamlined, machine aesthetic that would encourage Americans to look positively into the future and purchase the latest products. Opaque structural glass, porcelain enamel tiles, glass block, glazed brick, stainless steel, and aluminum screening all characterize the Streamline Moderne style” (University of Vermont, 2011, para. 2).

For example, the Streamline style of gas station as presented in a study of the University of Vermont (2018) is like a one-story box. It exudes simplicity and is more like a raised open façade. While the architecture was phased out for more modernistic designs, the picture clearly shows how the softened curve like structure would make the place more approachable for the people. As a response to the art deco movement, the streamline moderne made architecture more approachable and less decorative than the art deco (University of Vermont, 2018).

I find the Art movement personally appealing because of the following reasons. Firstly, the art movement of Streamlining in some ways was a continuation or a modification of an existing art movement. It was a response to the Art Deco, and it does not just stop as a response. The underlying philosophy of this art movement is even similar to minimalism art movement. These connections make it particularly interesting. Secondly, the art movement can find multiple applications in sustainable landscape architecture. Sustainability is the key word of all business formulations in current times and if an art design movement could be understood in the context of sustainability, it will have to be streamlining moderne.







在这个故事中,亨利遭受了严重的创伤后应激障碍(PTSD),因为他曾经是一名战俘并经历了暴力。由于患了创伤后应激障碍,亨利来这里只是为了看一天电视。此外,可以推测,这是由于电视节目的图片和故事线使他忙碌,他可以从这样可怕的过去的想法分心(Erdrich 463-469)。

在越南战争中,不同种族背景的军事人员服役(McCormack 447-458)。根据1988年的一项研究被称为全国越战退伍军人调整研究,在这场战争中服役的黑人和西班牙裔退伍军人面临着巨大的调整问题以及更严重的创伤后应激障碍,而不是白人退伍军人。

After serving Vietnam, he changed completely because he was under fear and depression. One can easily see a clear difference among the personalities of Henry from prior to going for war and after returning. Prior to the war, he is happy, carefree person who just wants to enjoy life. Following the war, he becomes extremely quiet and defensive, generally being alert like waiting for anybody to strike.

He was never seen comfortably sitting at one place, but was always moving here and there. In spite of being a calm person, Lyman always saw him moving here and there restlessly. The war had an effect on both the brothers to such an extent that whenever Henry tried to laugh, a choking sound was heard.

In this story, Henry is suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from having been a prisoner of war and experiencing the violence. Due to the PTSD, Henry was only come for table watching television for the whole day. In addition, it can be presumed that it is due to the pictures and storylines of the Television shows which kept him Busy and he could be distracted from such horrible thoughts of the past ((Erdrich 463-469).

In the Vietnam War, military personals of different ethnic Backgrounds were serving (McCormack 447-458). As per the study of 1988 known as the National Vietnam veterans’ readjustment study, the black and Hispanic veterans who had been serving in this war faced huge issues with respect to readjustment and greater extent of PTSD, rather than white veterans.






2005年,李安导演凭借《断背山》(Hsia, 2011)获得最佳导演奖,台湾电视和电影行业与其他国家直接竞争。《卧虎藏龙》(Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon)等电影也获得了类似的奥斯卡奖,而当时台湾电影制作总量只占大陆电影制作总量的很小一部分。国家的影视产业对台湾经济既有直接影响,也有间接影响。特别是,直接影响被认为是就业影响,经济贡献的形式工资等。电影制作、后期制作等活动,包括发行和展览等,更多以直接捐款的形式产生收入。对不同收入的税收估计为台湾经济赚取。间接影响来自于应用于供应链各个部分的交易。台湾影视产业的供应链是一个与许多制作公司相关联的供应链,因此在经济活动中所估计的收益会影响到每个人。

台湾影视产业对经济的贡献一直受到挑战,而这种挑战是由台湾电影市场的规模所引起的。由于台湾的电影市场规模较小,因此推动电影类型制作的因素较低。然而,有了政府的支持,以及电影获得了国际视野,电影业的发展现在要好得多。从游客数量和经济影响来看,电影引发的旅游也较少,因此电影业的贡献不高。然而,与中国大陆达成了协议,这些协议有助于电视和电影行业进行审查。2010年《海峡两岸经济合作框架协议》和《文化创意产业法》的实施,凸显了政府改善该产业前景的重要性(Oxford Economics, 2014)。

The Taiwanese television and film industry became direct competition with other countries when director Ang Lee won the Best Director aware for movie Brokeback Mountain in the year 2005 (Hsia, 2011). Movies such as Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon have won similar academy awards, and this was in a time when the total amount of movies made in the Taiwanese sector was very much a small proportion of the movies made in Mainland China. The film and television industry of the country has both direct and indirect effects of the economy within Taiwan. In particular, the direct effects are noted as the employment impact, economic contributions in the form of salary and more. Film production, post production activities, inclusive of distribution and exhibition and more generate money in the form of direct contributions. Tax estimates on the different income are earning for the Taiwanese economy. The indirect effect is from the transactions that apply across various parts of the supply chain. The supply chain of the Taiwanese film and television industry is observed to be one that is interconnected with many houses of productions and hence the earnings as estimated in the economic activity will affect everybody.

There have been challenges in the economic contribution of the television and movie industry of Taiwan, and such challenges arose from the size of the market for Taiwan movie and film industry. There was a small market in Taiwan and hence the driving factors for the production of movie genres were low. However, with government support and international perspectives gained on movies, the industry fares much better now. The numbers in terms of visitors and economic impacts, of film induced tourism was also less, and hence the contribution of the industry was not rated as high. Agreements have, however, been formed with mainland China and these have helped the television and movie industry to review. The Cross Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement and the Cultural and Creative Industry Act that were both implemented in the year 2010 highlighted the seriousness of the government to improve the prospects of this industry (Oxford Economics, 2014).





首先,有必要区分什么是深层国家犯罪政府联盟,什么不是深层国家。例如,迈克尔·弗林(Michael Flynn)将军的泄密被认为破坏了特朗普的总统任期。一方面,人们认为这是为了遏制特朗普的行动,但另一些人则认为这是一种深层的国家联盟。如此深度的国家联盟削弱了总统的作用和他的政策。这会导致人们对总统失去信心。然而,这不能称为深层状态。深层国家犯罪政府联盟所造成的伤害远比泄露机密破坏某人的权威大得多。例如,在一些国家,腐败在一些部门没有得到遏制。这本身就是犯罪行为。这可能会导致某些服务被拒绝(世界银行,2017年)。高级犯罪或非法资金流动形式的损失将造成税收问题,给国家带来问题。腐败会阻碍国家和跨国公司的投资,因此成为一种关键的抑制因素。透明国际2017年的调查显示,在美国政府中,有一些关键的权力机构腐败到了一定程度,可能会对社会产生重大的不利影响(透明国际,2017)。调查结果显示,约44%的美国人认为白宫的腐败现象有所增加。约70%的受访者认为,政府在工作中打击腐败的力度不大。具体来说,非裔美国人认为警察是社会上最腐败的部门。更糟糕的是,人们接受腐败,这在社会上是正常的,这显示了一种接受政府犯罪的心态。大约55%的人认为他们害怕报复,因此不愿举报犯罪。现任总统唐纳德·特朗普警告说,“一些人看不见,但波兰人却很熟悉的危险是:政府官僚主义的持续蔓延耗尽了人民的活力和财富”(Clark, 2009, p.4)。然而,正是在这个政府官僚机构中存在着腐败的因素和联系,这对被边缘化的民众产生了不利影响。

First, it is necessary to differentiate what can be called a deep state criminal government alliance and what is not deep state. For instance, the leak made by General Michael Flynn has been argued as undermining the Presidency of Trump. At one end, people believe that this is needed to check the actions of Trump, but then some others believe this is like a deep state alliance. Such a deep state alliance undermines the role of the President and his policies. It leads to loss of confidence in the President. However, this cannot be called deep state. Deep state criminal government alliances would do far more damage than a leak that undermines someone’s authority. For instance, in some countries corruption is not checked in some departments. This is a criminal act in itself. This could result in some service being denied (The World Bank, 2017). Money lost in the form of higher order crimes or illicit financial flows will create issues of taxation resulting in problems for the state. Corruption becomes a critical dis-incentive as it would stop countries and global corporations from investing. The survey conducted in 2017 by Transparency International shows that in the US government, there are some key institutions in power which are seen to be corrupted to such a degree that they could have a major detrimental effect on society (Transparency International, 2017). The results highlight that around 44 percent of Americans believed that corruption in the White House had increased. Around 7 in 10 people believed that the government was not doing much to fight corruption in its working. Specifically, African-Americans felt that the police were the highly corrupt in society. The worse aspect here was that people were accepting corruption ad being normal in society which shows a mentality of acceptance of crime in government. Around 55 percent believed they were afraid of retaliation and hence did not want to report crime. The current President Donald Trump warns of a danger in the deep state that is “invisible to some but familiar to the Poles: the steady creep of government bureaucracy drains the vitality and wealth of the people” (Clark, 2009, p.4). However, it is in this very government bureaucracy that elements and connections to corruption exists, which has a detrimental effect for the marginalized populace.





海外志愿活动带来了志愿者的职责,并为游客提供了一个发现新地方、体验外国文化以及获得更多关于生活在其他国家的人的知识的机会。在帮助那些需要帮助的人的过程中,度过的时间变成了一个充实和令人兴奋的假期,作为一个沉浸在另一个世界的机会(Tomazos和Cooper, 2012)。从事海外志愿工作与度假的休闲或观光性质的典型概念是非常不同的。这种旅游可以被认为是一种非常虚假的东西,因为它不让你与居住在这个国家的人接触。尤其是,如果这个国家访问的意图形成与公民的关系,这次旅行可以被视为一种长途旅行的新人们看着人们除了除了生活和与新的个人作为一个人。志愿者旅行是更可持续的,因为它不同于典型的放纵假期(Guiney和Mostafanezhad, 2015)。在公益旅游中,你要对他人的成长和变化负责,这是一种不同于其他任何一种体验。然而,必须指出的是,即使是出于爱和最好的意图,仅仅出国捐钱和给陌生人的礼物可能实际上并没有给他们带来好处。在适当的时候,在国外做志愿者可以是有益的和有价值的活动(卡彭特,2015)。勤奋和奉献能给世界带来改变。

这些计划包括社区福利活动、文化发展、环境更新和其他有关项目。然而,这种国际旅游与志愿服务之间的关系的形成也带来了一些负面影响。除此之外,在项目的开发和运行中,组织的指导意见是需要探索的。这将导致创建一种管理结构,使国际游客的贡献有利于东道国社区,国际游客参与志愿活动(Zahra和McGehee, 2013)。

Explanation of the relationship which exists between international tourism and volunteerism

The volunteering function overseas bring about the duties which the volunteer would do and provide a chance to tourists for discovering new places, experiencing a foreign culture along with achieving more knowledge regarding people who lives in other countries. The time which was spent becomes a fulfilling and an exciting vacation as an opportunity of getting immersed in another world is achieved with the process of helping out the individuals who are in need (Tomazos and Cooper, 2012). Engaging in overseas voluntary work is very dissimilar to the typical concept of relaxation or sightseeing nature of vacation. This kind of tourism can be considered as a very artificial thing as it does not let you be engaged with the people who reside in the country. Especially, if the country is visited with the intention of forming relationships with the citizens, the trip can be considered as a kind of long trip to a land of new people for looking at people in addition to things in addition to living and being with the new individuals as one people. Volunteer travel is a lot more sustainable because it deviates from the typical indulgent vacation (Guiney and Mostafanezhad, 2015). In voluntourism, you get to be responsible for the growth and change of others which is an experience that is unlike any other. However, it must be noted that simply going abroad and donating money along with gifts to strangers might actually not be benefiting them even if it is done from a perspective of love in addition to the best kinds of intentions. In due course, volunteering abroad can be rewarding and valuable activity (Carpenter, 2015). The hard work as well as dedication can bring a transformation in the world.

The programmes comprises of community welfare activities, cultural developments, environmental regeneration and other related projects. Nevertheless, this formation of a relation between international tourism and volunteering has lead to some negative impacts. In addition to that, an exploration is needed for sending guiding considerations of organisations in the development as well as operation of programs. This would result in the creation of a structure of management so that the contribution of international tourists benefits the host communities with whom the international tourist gets engaged in volunteering activity (Zahra and McGehee, 2013).






Research is used to seek the truth in anything humankind, which feels it to be useful to its collective progression. Scientific and non-scientific research methods are large contribution to the area of research. Research records the information received through human intervention, human perception, intuition, judgement, and application of common sense. Because the involvement of human perception and human application reigns are supreme in analysing the recorded information, there is an element of doubt. For example, in a research to find out the social ramifications of legalising marijuana on juvenile and pregnant women, how can there be a universal and definitive conclusion that applies to all subjects? Will there be no conflict in interpreting the subject conditions and response among different research? Bowditch, Buono & Stewart (2008) asserted that the practice and research findings in sports vary to a significant extent, citing the different motivation levels of players and the coach. Thus, when the faculty of human interpretation is to be relied upon, there can be continuous conflicts in research findings of similar interest.

Perception is another factor that destroys the stability and conclusiveness of both scientific and non-scientific research. Human perception works through innumerable influences of socio-economic backgrounds, personal experiences, variety of intuitions, and numerous different abilities of understanding a situation. Gummesson (2000) affirmed the incomprehensible difficulties incurred in studying management research cases, where the studying of human behaviour is only limited to the broad sense of reasonable human behaviour, not beyond the obvious and the accepted. Some research would conclude the lack of motivation to be the reason for low commitment, while others have found that reason to be low recognition. Scherer (2001) seconded this view by terming such research as incompetent in identifying the issues responsible for managerial inefficiency. In both cases, the findings are legitimate, but the course of remedial action becomes ambiguous, leading to inaccuracy in resolving the issue identified. Gosling (2011) while discussing online survey as a mode of research agreed to anomalies in the recorded findings and the subsequent impossibility in arriving at a conclusive theory. The answers given by participants have no validity, as it remains largely self-validating, which can never be relied upon as a legitimate opinion.




本科essay代写:苹果公司的使命和营销计划。苹果公司的使命是“通过为人类的思维创造工具,为世界做出贡献”。苹果公司在2017年的报告中重申了自己的使命:“苹果设计的是世界上最好的个人电脑mac,以及OS X、iLife、iWork和专业软件。”苹果通过ipod和iTunes在线商店引领了数字音乐革命。苹果(Apple)革命性的iPhone和应用程序商店(App store)重塑了手机,并正用iPad定义移动媒体和计算设备的未来。”该公司从一开始就被认为是奢侈品。接下来本科essay代写专家将为同学们分析下苹果公司的使命和营销计划。

苹果在印度智能手机行业的销量仅占2.8%左右(辛格,2018)。印度人口非常多,仅次于中国。按理说,会有更多的人愿意购买苹果品牌。然而,苹果仍未能获得更好的市场份额,这是一个明确的担忧。虽然苹果公司致力于印度市场,但该公司的手机制造成本是iPhone未能在印度取得成功的主要原因之一。此外,当只是零售时,该产品并不是真正为印度地形定制的。苹果地图和Siri等很多核心服务都不如其他产品好用(Iyengar, 2017)。苹果在2006年以零售服务为基础进入印度市场时,有一个早期优势。然而,大部分的注意力转移到了其他市场,直到2012年苹果的整体销售额开始下降,苹果的首席执行官库克才开始关注印度市场。该公司现在想进入印度的制造计划。由于零售业务在该公司的市场份额非常低,苹果公司希望探索如何重新进入印度市场,既可以选择在当地生产,又可以支持针对印度市场定制的软件开发。目前,苹果公司正在考虑“印度制造”的选项。“苹果计划在印度主要的科技中心建立一个iPhone生产厂[……]该工厂将与台湾制造商纬创资通(Wistron)合作建设”(Iyengar, 2017, para)。5)制造中心的建立将有助于提高该公司在印度的全球影响力。首席执行官蒂姆·库克希望新的进入/价格/地点/产品策略会比之前的零售策略更成功地获得市场份额。

Apple sells only around 2.8 percent in the smartphone industry of India (Singh, 2018). India has a very high population next only to China. It should logically follow that more people would be willing to buy the Apple brand. However, Apple still has not been able to acquire a better share of the market place is a definitive concern. While the Apple company is committed to India, the company’s phone manufacturing costs are one of the main reasons that the iPhone has not made it big in the country. Furthermore, when only being sold retail, the product is not really customized for the Indian terrain. Much of the core services like Apple maps and Siri do not work well as other products (Iyengar, 2017). Apple in its initial retail service-based entry into India in 2006 had an early advantage. However, much of the focus shifted to other markets and it was only after 2012 when the overall sales of Apple started to fall that the CEO of Apple, Cook, started to focus on India. The company now wants to enter India with a manufacturing initiative. With retail churning a very low market share for the company, Apple wants to explore how it could re-enter India with either a local manufacturing option, and/or supported software development that is customized for the Indian market. A “make in India” option for Apple is considered at this point. “Apple’s plans to set up an iPhone production plant in India’s main tech hub […] The factory would be built in partnership with Taiwan-based manufacturer Wistron” (Iyengar, 2017, para. 5). This setting up of the manufacturing hub would help in improving the global presence of the company in India. The CEO Tim Cook hopes that the newer entry/price/place/product strategy will be more successful in acquiring market share as compared to its previous retail strategy








24 * 7可用



美国代写essay:农业可持续集约化。农业可持续集约化的第一个实践是有机农业。有机农业包括使用生物、农艺和机械方法来控制农药的使用,以使土壤肥力增强(Moris, Dhar和Agwe, 2006)。此外,这有助于消除用于提高作物产量的合成化学品。这可以通过对农民实施严格的政策来实现,包括对使用农药的处罚和对减少农药使用的生物和自然方法的奖励。虽然有机农业在许多国家正获得比杀虫剂农业更优先的地位,但主要的政策支持、价格支持和观念改变是推动有机农业升级为首选农业方式的主要因素。接下来美国代写essay专家将为同学们分析下农业可持续集约化。



As per the Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), if current trends of population continue to increase, world food demand could increase to 60% of what it is today (“Sustainable Intensification of Agriculture”, 2017). This calls for serious measure and global policy intervention to arrest the pace of increasing demand and reign in the continuance of wastage of water, food, and natural resources necessary for food production. Excessive agriculture can negatively impact natural resources, and when this is coupled with increase in food wastage, there could be an exponential decline in food production and conservation of natural resources. Hence, sustainable intensification of agriculture is necessary and inevitable to be adapted at the earliest before food demand overtakes supply.

The first practice of sustainable intensification of agriculture is organic farming. Organic farming involves using biological, agronomic, and mechanical ways of controlling pesticide usage to enable soil fertility (Moris, Dhar & Agwe, 2006). Moreover, this promotes elimination of synthetic chemicals for crop yield enhancement. This can come about by enforcing strict policies for farmers, involving penalties for using pesticides and incentives for biological and natural ways of decreasing pesticide usage. Although organic farming is gaining precedence over pesticide farming in many countries, major policy support, price support and perception change are primary to push for its escalation to a preferred way of farming.

The second practice of sustainable intensification of agriculture is precision agriculture, in which all input resources are used after thorough assessment of their productivity benefits, utilising minimum amount of input resources and learning precision techniques for maximising crop yield. These can be enhanced by technology inputs, research of crop behaviour, soil quality, and seasonal changes. These require a lot of researches, but when once achieved, it can generate similar or more amount of crop output with fewer resources as used before.







Since Thailand was a major exporter of canned tuna products to the EC and EC represented a significant share of Thailand’s tuna exports, a preferential tariff imposition on tuna products would hurt Thailand’s economic interests. In addition, Philippines joined Thailand in seeking a negotiation with EC, since it was a tuna exporter and had other interests that would be pre-resolved through this dialogue with the EC.

Thailand argued that imposing a 24% preferential tariff on its canned tuna exports to the EC was uncalled for and undemocratic, at least in the sense of fair trade under WTO guidelines. It argued the removal of the tariff imposed since the same products exported from ACP countries enjoyed zero tariff and therefore seemed unfairly competitive. Thailand sought the EC to remove the tariff because it was discriminatory to impose tariff on a single product being exported from two different nations. Thailand’s quality of tuna products was never compromised, which manifested in the increasing tuna exports to the EC.










The consumer tech industry over the years has become way saturated with new companies penetrating the market every now and then. However, Samsung has stood against the sands of time since its inception in 1938 because it gives a lot of emphasis to its research and development centers and it is a leader in product innovation. There are companies that cater to satisfy the needs of the consumers and there are companies that actually create the need itself. Samsung undoubtedly belongs to the latter category. With its excellent product portfolio and constant and persistent innovation, Samsung makes sure that it is always in the minds of its target customers .

The Marketing mix of Samsung:

Pricing:Samsung unlike Apple is built for both masses and classes. They have expensive flag ship models that certainly cater to high end people and trend conscious people. Whereas, they have cheaper inexpensive models that resonate well with price conscious people. Samsung has always built its empire around the concept of delivering feature rich products with reasonable quality and attractive prices.

Network:Samsung does not rely on any one particular marketing and distribution strategy and it has created an entire ecosystem of service dealers and vendors to ensure that Samsung is available at remotest of the region they operate in. For instance, a great supplementary example is Mumbai, India where Samsung has a contract with a single distribution company that channelizes all its services and products.

Promotion: Samsung uses unique advertising strategies with great fan fare and uses diverse ideas and concepts even vivid campaigns to promote its products. Samsung is also known to introduce an array of discounts, freebies, incentives from time to time to attract new consumers and retain the existing ones

Sponsorship:Sponsorship is a great way of promotion as many events are televised and attended by millions of people each day. Hence Samsung actively takes part in sponsorship commitments to enhance their overall visibility in all the aspects of life be it a sport or music program and functions.







白光消除了对可识别物体的可能参考。这些线条有着各种纹理的漩涡和宽度,底层的黄色与橙色混合,黑色和白色纵横交错(Gervais 77)。白色占据主导地位,从而强化了光贯穿始终的事实。波洛克有修剪整幅油画的习惯,从而增强了作品质量的动态性。几乎有一种韵律存在的线条,不受框架或边缘的束缚。



Contrary to other classical artists, Pollock used enamel, house painter’s paint and aluminum. Even the painting was done with floor brush, knives and wood stick rather than an easel and brush. The unique choice of tools helped to accentuate the texture of the painting to express a feeling that was different. Pollock mixed grass, wood and sand in the paint to extend a raw relief texture.

The painting includes white streaks cut and score across a unique blend of different colors that are visible in the background.Hence, the effect mimicked the movement of white light. Though it has been described as a painting, it is a common believe among art critics that it is more of a sculpture due to the way it has been painted (Buchanan 11). The painter used aluminum paint, tubes of different oil paint and enamel to squeeze the same directly onto the canvas. The use of the tubes gave a sculpting effect as the paint stiffened in shapes.

White Light has eliminated possible references to objects that are recognizable. The lines are of various texture swirls and widths with an underlying chromatic association of yellow blending with orange which is crisscrossed by black and white (Gervais 77). The white is predominant thus intensifying the fact that light is present all through. Pollock had a habit of trimming the complete canvases thus enhancing the dynamic nature of their quality.There is almost a rhythmic existence of the lines that are unbound by either frame or edge.

Jackson Pollock was renowned as a pioneer of Abstract Expressionism, a term used in 1929 for addressing paintings that are non-representational and non-figurative in nature (Butler 82). It is an effect of unconsciousness on the creativity where the expression is through the qualities of the paint. There is a wide possibility that White Light is a way of expression of the artist’s hope, frustration, excitement and optimism. The piece includes the effect of white light coming from the black on the white horizon. Black includes a small portion which is accentuated by the white and other bright colors. The colorful mood of the painting expresses optimism as well as excitement. The signature style of Pollock which is splash and drip is clearly identified in the painting.

Pollock was renowned as the painter who threw paint across the canvas with a stick, hurled and poured it for creating the roiling vortexes of line and color. His skill has been endured and cemented by the legend of his alcoholic habits and early death. The drip painting method that he produced in the late period of 1940s is a representation of an original body of work of the said century (“Jackson Pollock: 100 Famous Paintings Analysis And Biography”).




美国代写论文:美国对自由观念的改变。自文化文明诞生以来,美国人一直在不懈地争取自由和身份的力量,这种力量在20世纪二三十年代的文化政治中得到了体现。一些人寻求宗教自由,而另一些人寻求新生活的机会。各种各样的人及其对自由的看法被同化,从而赋予了美国目前的独立地位。在宪法方面,1921年为争取公民自由而进行的斗争在对一些权利的修正案中得到了体现。成立于20世纪20年代的美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)参与了大多数民事案件,并促成了美国的“权利革命”(rights revolution)。它将传统的公民自由如言论自由赋予了新的意义,并设计了新的权利如“隐私权”。接下来美国代写论文专家将为同学们分析下美国对自由观念的改变。


在宪法方面,1921年为争取公民自由而进行的斗争在对一些权利的修正案中得到了体现。成立于20世纪20年代的美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)参与了大多数民事案件,并促成了美国的“权利革命”(rights revolution)。它将传统的公民自由如言论自由赋予了新的意义,并设计了新的权利如“隐私权”。在后来的几年里,美国公民自由联盟继续定义了美国宪法中所规定的权利和自由。因此,他们认为,只有不受限制地表达个人意见的自由才能保证社会进步,而压制这一权利可能导致流血和暴力。因此,对现行美国宪法中仍然适用的自由权进行修改,是美国公民自由联盟的倡议。这些权利是言论自由,允许个人表达而不受压制和评判。集会自由不会抵制任何形式的公开集会和集会,这些集会是在管理框架内事先通知的。


It has been contended that ever since the turn of the 19th Century and the tumultuous era of the civil war, America had undergone a poignant experience and a cultural reformation that would go on to the shape the collective consciousness of the nation. Over the following decades, America would witness, economic, political, and social and class segregation that weighed heavy in the form of cultural divide in the 1920s and the 30s. The social-political and the cultural conflict for ascertaining the national identity and the individual identity and went on to shape the modern ‘American dream’. It is important to take into account the political parameters and the changing dynamics were experienced by America in the 1920s.

On the constitutional front, the Fight for Civil Liberties in 1921 had manifested itself in the amendment of a number of rights. The American Civil Liberties Union formed in 1920s, participated in most of the civil cases and they helped bring about the ‘rights revolution’ in America. It rendered a new level of significance to the traditional civil liberties like the freedom of speech and designed the new rights like the ‘Right to Privacy’. In the later years, ACLU went on to define the rights and freedom, as they stood in the American constitution. Accordingly, they believed that a social progress could be warranted only by the unrestricted liberty for expression of the individual opinion and that suppression of this right could lead to bloodshed and violence. Therefore, it was the initiative of the ACLU that had amended the current right to liberty which still holds true to the current American constitution. The rights are Freedom to Speech that will allow individual expression without being suppressed and being judged. The Freedom of Assemblage would not resist any kind of public meeting and gathering that has been organized within the regulatory framework and with prior notification.

Similarly, the Freedom of Press would not intervene or violate the activities of the media censor their movements. These rights were guaranteed with the plethora of other rights which were known as the right to strike, the right to education, the right to a fair trial, the right to search and seizure, the right to passport, immigrate and deport, and the right to racial equality. The Supreme Court of Nebraska had, however, had laid down their definition of liberty in the course of the Robert Meyer trial (American Civil Liberties Union, 1921). With regard to the Fourteenth Amendment law of liberty, it was noted that the state did not have the right to interfere with the individual choice of life, education, upbringing, religion and movement and the state will not violate the right to intervening with the individual freedom in the name of protecting public interest or the state safety, so long as the individual activity does not jeopardize the individual or national security. Therefore, it could be ascertained that the individual right to life and liberty was constitutionally guaranteed and the citizens’ right to exercise their liberty were realized across all social and the cultural borders of America. It is also to be noted that the rights guaranteed protection to the marginalized sections of the society and the immigrants.








In the case of Canada, the trade represents that the economic growth has increased by 0.5%. The role of the protections is to reduce the trade agreements and to improve the local businesses. In the cases of free trade, there are fewer barriers to trade agreements. These will aide countries such as the isolated countries to develop their economic infrastructure. Global companies have more expertise which is seen in their local companies where they operate on the domestically regional level. The local companies are seen to learn from the global companies to improve their best practices by the process of direct observation. However, the global companies bring in more expertise and the better practices to the local industry. The role of the tariff and the taxation policies is used for the reduction of the labour outsourcing. Intellectual property rights are not considered as important by the foreign governments or competitors. This increases the issues of the companies.

The rise of the free trade is seen to increase the urban land and development. The factory farm received fewer subsidies. The working conditions where there is production done is usually deemed to have hazardous working conditions. Some of the markets allow the children to be hired for lesser costs. Hence, the free trade becomes a detriment for all the parties who are involved in the process.

In this schema, the fair-trade cooperatives do not really do a lot of good for the community. They are seen to create divides in the community. There are higher fees which are associated with this model. Owing to this, for ensuring equity, the cost of the process will rise. In addition, this reduces the levels of produce which is required by the people. The demand for these markets is lesser. These cause the Fair-Trade products to have a premium price attached to this schema. The higher prices weigh on consumers and they are forced to pay these higher inflated rates. The product choice becomes reduced. Furthermore, the Fair-Trade costs are high based on the higher administration costs which are seen in the retail level. These additional costs are passed to the suppliers. Ultimately, these impact the local community and the financial bottom lines of the local businesses. From this, it can be alluded a balance is needed to ensure between the fair trade and free trade.








24 * 7可用
















如果您目前对一个复杂的MBA学位论文主题感到困惑,并且正在寻求美国代写 专家来帮助您解决该论文,那么与美国论文代写服务公司在线支持者取得联系,我们的论文代写专家团队都对如何处理大量主题有丰富的知识。与我们公司有联系的每位作家都是经过一轮严格的面试并仔细审查与MBA资格相关的各种事实和数据后才被招募的。






1. 写批注或做标记法。

所谓批注,即在文献参考资料处写上自己的见解,或者评论,或者解释、质疑.而记号是读者在重点、难点、精彩之 处或自己感兴趣之处画上自己可识别的一些标记符号,如直线、曲线、红线、圆圈、括号等等。美国论文代写专家要提醒一点,此方法仅限于在书籍上使用。

2. 摘录法


3. 提要法










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1. 所引材料后面直接点上括号,在括号内标明作家的姓名和页码,但姓名和页码之间不需要点上任何符号。括号后为指出中顿或停顿点上符号。美国代写表示直接引用别人原话时,或该引用是以 “? “ 或 “!” 结尾的, 则后引号、问号或感叹号应置于小括号之前。但括号后还是需加一句号。如:

Mueller also writes:“…The question is how many poets—who are not asyousay, creatures of popculture will continue to reflect this.”

“How do you know it was nothing?” (Hemingway 142).

2. 如果直接引用的部分超过四行, 就所引部分应采用缩进形式, 即左右各缩进五个字母的空间,此时不需要使用引号。美国代写提醒,括号夹注信息应放在引文最终标点符号的后面,而括号后面则无需再用句号。如:

The same problem troubles another Hemingway couplein Catin the Rain.

At the beginning of it, Hemingway overuses repetitions: The war monument glistened the rain. The rain dropped from the palm trees. Water stood in pools on the gravel paths.

The see broke in a long line in the rain and slipped back down the bench to came up and break again in the rain. (129)


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你的知识总会有空白,如果你不知道问题的答案并不重要 — 你仍然可以以审查员满意的方式作出回应。


有时候你回答“我不知道”虽然可以,但更好的回答应该是“I don’t know, but I would think that […] because of xand y, but you would need to do […] in order to find out”,这表明你有能力思考。










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选择出国留学是为了梦想拼搏迈出的第一步。只是在这之前,留学申请文书Personal Statement是你必须要跨过的第一关,否则留学梦可能就此终结,所以留学申请文书的重要性不言而喻。PS中除了个人基本信息外,在短短的一篇文章中,你必须让你所选择的大学相信你就是那个最好的候选人。下面我们就跟着美国代写论文老师来看看PS的写作内容及重要性。




  •    想学这个专业的原因;
  •    大学应该录取你的原因;
  •    你当前的专业跟想学的怎么相关;
  •    你的爱好和兴趣跟该专业有什么关;
  •    你的技能和成就怎么合适该专业;



美国代写论文提醒,每一所大学有自己的规定与标准,但按照国际标准,你的Personal Statement不要超过4000字符,就是等于500单词。


1.WHY YOU?意思是你为什么要选择这所院校,你的目的是什么?在阐述这部分内容时,可以从学校的各种优势来佐证,比如排名、口碑、资源、科研状况等。美国代写论文表示需要注意的是,在写这部分内容时最好客观一些,不要有太多浮夸的言语。

2.WHY ME?意思是该院校为什么选择你?为什么要录取你?在这部分内容中,美国代写论文建议可以写一写自己对所报专业的理解程度、兴趣来源、学习成绩,比如自己所掌握的知识适度及为什么你觉得自己更适合这个专业,以此得到该校的认可。




1. 国外的这些名校在招生时,不仅看重GPA、GMAT这样的学术成绩,同时也会十分看重个人能力,所以会通过学生提交的PS来审查其软实力。

2. 学术成绩相当笔试,而PS就相当于一次面试,只有两者相结合才能成功迈进名校的大门,所以留学申请文书PS的重要性就不言而喻了。



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误区1 – 单词背的越多,写作水平越高?


误区2 – 有的同学写作的时候喜欢各种花式秀“词汇”,生怕老师不知道自己的“本事”


误区3 – 缺乏整体逻辑,天马行空的写作风格

不可否认很多native speaker在写作时都有很强烈的个人风格,但前提是他们的文章能够自圆其说,make sense,还有充分的论据,而并非不是我们的“天马行空”:想到什么写什么,缺乏必要连接词,导致逻辑关系混乱。

误区4 – 想不出观点和思路,憋不出字

拿到老师布置的作业,不论是essay,dissertation还是research report,想了一天也憋不出几个字,这种情况在留学生圈子里也是很普遍的现象。能够通过语言考试顺利申请进大学证明大家的基本语言能力是过关的,但很多时候缺乏思路和观点,因此在写作时无从下笔。因此,培养发散性思维和批判性思维比单纯学语言更有必要。

误区5 – 口语&学术用语混淆


误区6 – 字数越多越好



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② Introduction的分重很低,只要简单明了,让老师知道大概的论述方向,就达到了目标和效果。


先做research再动笔这个习惯有个很大的弊端:你所看到的一些文章,里面的观点可能是不重要的观点,或者是老师不强调的观点。这些观点写上去,老师不欣赏,只会给你很糟糕的分数。我看到很多学生辛辛苦苦做了research,老师却大笔一划,写上“irrelevant”。老师非常希望学生的作业出现 他/她所希望看到的东西。否则,他/她怎么会给出一个好的分数? ?

误区三:英文好,才能够完成好的作业 世界上最畅销的产品,不一定是最好的产品。同样的道理,最高分的作业,不一定是最博学的学生写出来的。 诚然,语言能力好的同学阅读速度更快,表达能力更高,因此完成作业的效率比较高。






该写的大书特书,不该写的能省则省,才是高分的关键。 ?

误区五:语法不重要 写作业就象举办奥运会,七分靠本事,三分靠门面。语法对两者都有大用。





误区六:TURNITIN法力无边 写作业要学金融大鳄索罗斯,将投机合法化。

“天下文章一大抄”。优秀的作业都是抄出来的,如果不抄,就只能用自己的观点去写,后果就是写不出老师需要的内容。随便打开任何作业的要求,不难发现有这么一 句话——“you should refer to academic journals, textbooks and other sources for relevant theories”(“你需要参考学术报刊,课本和其他资源获得相关理论”)。仔细阅读这句话,不难发现,大学鼓励学生拾人牙慧。引用和抄袭是同义词。抄得好,就是引用,抄不好,就是抄袭。

因此,“抄”是一门艺术。大家不要以为只有本科生才“抄”,随便打开任何硕士或者博士生的毕业论文,里 面都有一个可爱的部分叫“literature review”。这个冠冕堂皇的“review”,就是抄袭前人文章的集中营。既然博士的文章可以上大雅之堂,本科生的文章就绝对不是下三滥,更不可能命丧Turnitin.


事实上,引用书本的话有很多技巧。在语法上,我们可以通过修改语法结构,使用近义词等方式,让原话改头换面。如果我们还有忧虑,大可以通过增加例子、深入阐述的方式,让原话彻底收归己有。在人类的智慧面前,Turnitin这种呆板的软件,是束手无策的。 ?

误区七:慢工出细活 做作业不能象广东人煲老火汤,慢火出好汤;做作业要象涮羊肉,涮得快,才有感觉。 很多学生写作业总是写写停停,停停写写,今天安排写两段,明天安排写三段,以为这样推敲斟酌,才能够写出好作业。

这种思维最大的问题,就是作业会失去连续性。句子之间缺乏连贯性,而段落衔接不好,会给老师留下一个敷衍作业的印象。此外,作业贵在一气呵成,否则第二天重新再写,往往需要很长的时间去回想昨天写过的内容和思考遗忘的观点,影响作业完成的效率。如此一来,很多学生就情愿花钱找人写,认为自己没有时间去完成 作业。这种依赖的心理一旦形成,学生就不会相信自己的实力和能力。

误区八:APA Reference很重要 很多同学总要花一个钟头检查自己的APA Reference格式,是否斜体,是否漏了句号等等。APA Reference固然重要;然而,除非明显的错误,否则老师不会眯着眼睛,对照你的Reference是否有丝毫错误。 在考虑reference的质量过程中,老师会参考两个因素:


②参考资料是否来自学术报刊和书籍。 只要满足这两个要求,APA reference就能让老师心满意足。我们的作业培训,如何提高APA Reference的质量是一个重要的技巧。一个漂亮的APA Reference List,让老师觉得学生付出了莫大的努力,是获得高分的关键。 ?

误区九:越复杂越好 很多同学以为用复杂的句子,或者单词,就会得到老师的好感。这是一个错误的观念。大学作业不是语言考试,不需要使用复杂的从句,也不需要使用鲜见的单词。用简单的句子,和恰当的单词,展示对某个论题的理解和知识,就足以获得很好的分数。

误区十:找中文资料,用英文翻译 我不久前知道这个古老的方法。这种方法非常拙劣,效果非常低。


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在美国, essay写作质量是和学分考核挂钩的, essay写作不达标往往会直接对自己整体学习成绩的考核造成影响的。所以,掌握 essay写作的写作要点还是非常避免的。 essay写作格式是影响 essay写作整体质量的关键,格式不对首先就会让老师觉得你态度不端正,一旦给导师留下这种不好的印象,后果也就可想而知啦。















1.字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调节,会造成不必要的麻烦。


3.合理布局。essay通常只包括三个部分,绪论(Introduction),主体(Main Body),结论(Conclusion)。绪论(Introduction)包括选题(topic)的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题,通常占总字数的10%左右。主体(Main Body)占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写。但要求有逻辑性。结论(Conclusion)也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。

4.注意事项。第一,每段之间空一行,首句不空格。第二,按照文章要求写,没有要求Abstract或者标题的就不用写。第三,文章的INTRODUCTION要阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是你的THESIS STATEMENT,尽量不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句。


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1. 选题为提高毕业论文质量提供了保证



2. 选题有利于充分发挥学生的特长


3. 选题有助于学生研究能力的提高


4. 选题可使毕业论文写作顺利地完成




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本文主要讲的是艺术形式的不断改变,从流行文化中借用艺术形式的过程和一些艺术形式的混合可以与古典和规范的艺术形式相对照,后者一直被认为是最受欢迎的艺术形式之一。这些当代壁画对当代艺术的发展提出了非常重要的问题。这明确规定,艺术形式需要映射一些领域的灵感来自规范的艺术形式(Sathish, 2014)。当代寺庙壁画也暗示着材料技术的发展。本篇essay代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The process of borrowing of the art forms from the popular culture and the intermixing of some of the art forms can be held against the classical and the canonical art forms which have been consistently acknowledged as one of the most popular forms of art. These contemporary murals in the temple raise the very important question with respect to the development of the contemporary art. This clearly specifies that the art forms require the mapping of some of the areas inspired from the canonical art forms (Sathish, 2014). The contemporary murals in the temples are also implied for the development of the material technology. These Indian murals represent the canonical art forms though these are created during the contemporary period. It has been praised by the people for the years.
The contemporary art forms use the canonical art forms for the purpose of reference. When the artists are using the computers for the purpose of creation of the design for the art, the contemporary artists are still using a lot of canonical arts in the creation of the different models of the art. In this report, the discussion has been focused on the different contemporary art forms. Other than this, there is a discussion on the canonical art forms (Zolberg & Cherbo, 1997). In order to ease the understanding, four different models of canonical art have been discussed in this report. Further, there has been an analysis of how the contemporary artists of the present worf are using the canonical models as the reference art form. Thus, the report gives the clear judgment of the canonical art forms and the importance of the same in the contemporary period. There has been an analysis of the different art forms of the present world and the manner in which they have been inspired from the contemporary arts. There are a lot of artists who are using canonical art forms in the contemporary arts.


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本文主要讲的是巴伦西亚游客来源调查,经确认国籍后发现,大多数来巴伦西亚的游客来自拉脱维亚、法国和比利时。分析结果显示,25%的游客来自拉脱维亚,其次是20%的法国游客和15%的比利时游客。其余的国家,包括保加利亚和德国,被确定占总数的40%。根据顾客满意度理论,瓦伦西亚的人文景观、烹饪、文化、天气和活动体验为来自欧洲的游客树立了积极的形象(Oviedo-Garcia et al., 2016)。本篇美国代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The identification of the nationality has revealed that most of the visitors to Valencia are from Latvia, France and Belgium. The analysis of the responses identified that 25 percent visitors were from Latvia, followed by 20 percent visitors from France and 15 percent visitors from Belgium. The remaining nations of Bulgaria and Germany among other nations were identified to make total of 40 percent. According to the customer satisfaction theory, the human landscape, culinary, culture, weather, and events experience of Valencia has developed a positive image due to which the individuals visited from Europe (Oviedo-García et al., 2016).
The 60 percent of participants responded with human landscape, culinary and culture to be the factors and primary motivators behind their visit. It was found that the 40 percent of the remaining participants were in favour of event, natural weather and view along with the business related dealings to be the motivators behind their travel to Valencia.
70 percent of the respondents answered with value 5 for the cultural and dinning experiences of the city to be the motivator behind their visit to Valencia (Molina et al., 2015). It has been identified that there are more than 30,000 students out of which 5000 students are of foreign origin. The innovativeness promoted by the city makes it a preferred destination among the young individuals and entrepreneurs. The 30 percent of the respondents placed value 4 on this question marking it as secondary to the motivation behind the visit.


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They also often perceive these rules as bias and in favour of the interest of state. Additional armed group disincentive for complying with law in these situations, is the fact that IHL should not permit these groups “the status of combatant” as it does with the armed forces of state. This implies that armed group members can be punished and prosecuted when they are found to participate in hostile acts under the domestic law, disregard whether their act is complying with IHL or it is not.
Since 2001, 11st September, increasing number of armed groups have been included on the list of terrorists of inter-governmental or state bodies. Therefore, they have now become subjected to wide sanctions.
The criteria, however, for such lists are always not apparent and might, in certain situations, appear to be highly motivated politically rather than depending upon terrorist activity hard evidence. Such a practice can help in presenting extra challenges to encourage IHL compliance by making it problematic for organizations and states to indulge with such groups so as to support compliance.
A number of armed groups, at the same time, have also depicted a will of making explicit commitments for implementing the obligations of IHL, inclusive through declaring unilaterally or conduct code adoption. There are various legal and political reasons behind the decision of armed conflicts that it is in their benefit if they do this. Accepting these commitments, however, does not provide any guarantee that IHL will be respected by them in practical situations.

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本文主要讲的是碳排放与旅游业的关系,碳排放计划是当今所有航空公司企业社会责任政策中最具影响力的部分之一,其主要原因是环境中二氧化碳的增加。本研究重点关注了维珍航空等航空公司,以及阿联酋航空、联合航空、布鲁塞尔航空和捷蓝航空等航空公司如何通过让客户参与到项目中来制定自己的碳减排计划(Zhang and Li, 2014)。同样,关于碳排放的可持续旅游发展的概念也将被讨论,看看它如何能解决环境和旅游业发展的不和谐。本篇essay代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Carbon emission program is one of the most influential parts of the CSR policies of all airlines companies nowadays mainly due to the increase in the CO2 in the environment. This study focuses on the highlighting how airline companies like Virgin Atlantic and others such as Emirates, United Airlines, Brussels Airlines and JetBlue have developed their own carbon reduction programs by involving their customers within the project (Zhang and Li, 2014). Similarly, the concept of sustainable tourism development in respect to carbon emission would also be discussed to see how it can solve the disharmony that can develop within environment and tourism.
Finally, the limitations and critiques of marketing of sustainable tourism development would also be highlighted to see how it can be improved in the future. It can be concluded by saying that the concept of carbon emission is becoming very popular mainly due to its constant effect in the degradation process of the environment. It has been noted that airlines play an effective role in generating carbon through their air flights, so it has become important for these companies to develop sustainable and ethical strategies in order to successfully operate their business in the UK.
In this paper, the concept of the development of sustainable tourism has been discussed in brief with an aim to provide its readers with the knowledge on how sustainable tourism can help to build greenhouse projects in order to minimize the effects of carbon emission in the environment. The carbon reduction projects developed by various competitors of Virgin Atlantic have been discussed to see how these companies are able to contribute towards the development of the environment. Similarly, the ethical principles and the possible disharmony between tourism, sustainable development and the environment have also been highlighted to see how Virgin Atlantic is utilizing their carbon reduction project effectively. Finally, the critique to the marketing of sustainable tourism development has been analyzed to see how it can be improved in the near future.


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One of the newest trends in the hotel industry is viral advertising. It is an advertising technique with which the services of the hotel are promoted with the use of social media. The social media marketing techniques help in increasing brand awareness with which marketing objectives are achieved. The application of such advanced e- marketing techniques will act as an organized approach for targeting, measuring and regular optimization of the related campaigns that are based on the viral marketing maps and metrics of the campaign etc.
The viral marketing maps helps in the mapping of the worldwide customers in the new sales channel. A channel that helps in the generation of the new leads channel and a channel that helps in spreading awareness about the brand image of the hotel.The social media marketing techniques in the hotel industry are acting as revolutionary agents in form of social networking sites. In the life cycle of consumers, a vital role is played by the social networking sites nowadays. Hotel Holiday Inn uses two major players of social networking sites i.e. Face book and Twitter for reducing the gap between the company brand and the worldwide customers.
Direct branding of hotel property is done through social media medium with which maximum number of audiences spread worldwide can be reached easily. The e-marketing strategies of the company helps in the assessment of the exact idea about the mind-set of the customers and customers are also provided with a platform through which the feelings, demands and suggestions for the betterment of the brand image and services of the company can be used.


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本文讲的是中国工人的特质,中国工人有一种规避风险的意识。他们不喜欢在不考虑其影响的情况下接受新的挑战。中国工人通常希望避免任何可能使他们在短期或长期面临问题的风险。他们宁愿避免风险。在不确定的情况下,他们试图采取安全的选择(Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov, 2015)。这在某些情况下也是有利的。必须承担决策过程中涉及的风险(Minkov和Hofstede, 2011)。本篇essay代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There is a sense of risk avoidance for the Chinese workers. They do not like to take on newer challenges without wondering about the implications. Chinese workers in general want to avoid any risk that would make them face issues in the short term or in the long term. They prefer to avoid risk. In uncertain situation, they try to take the safe option (Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov, 2015). This is also advantageous in certain circumstances. It is imperative to assume the risks involved in the decision making processes (Minkov and Hofstede, 2011).
The British managers should weigh in the options before embarking on unwanted risks. This is also beneficial for the British companies. Chinese employees expect their managers to explain about newer technology and their long term implications while making a decision. Generally, they do not like to embark on a new technology or venture that could fail. Chinese employees try to make decisions based on the long term vision. This does not mean that the Chinese employee do not change with the society. They expect that their individual managers would explain about the nuances of the solution before making a decision.
The level of participation in the decision making is found to be greatly varied. Chinese employees like to make a decision that would benefit all the team members. The power distance index in the culture is observed in every operational procedure of the company. There is a general non-participatory approach that is observed in the Chinese culture where they implicitly follow the rule of the state-owned enterprise (Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov, 2015). This however has been changing the current times, nevertheless, they continue to exist. They prefer to leave the decision making authority to the management.


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hange management is an intrinsic process which is enforced by the external circumstances of the market where the company is required to match its performance with the expectations of the market. Social structures of society change. With it, their choices change, and when there is a shift in demand or a development of a new awareness, the choices again changes and demands new services from the provider. These factors consistently require the organisation to be more creative and keep its innovative side fresh as it may require adopting new and uncomfortable changes in order to meet the new and the rising demand of the market and consumers. Global Adventures, as an international travel company, is trying to adopt and implement the change management principles and gets its business on track to become profitable and acquire new customers along with retaining the old ones. The company is at a juncture which has to develop multiple change processes to ensure that all the strategies of change when clubbed together and implemented collectively will give the desired results for the company. The company has multiple loopholes which make its performance weaker and tend to deviate from the path of consistent profit and enhance the business value. This report will undergo a thorough analysis of the company and diagnose the gaps which keep the performance weak and business really out of focus from its core area of practice. The company must do a recce of the repeat customers they have, the new market that is available for capturing, the satisfaction level of the customers, and the likelihood of them repeating their association with Global Adventures. They have a very good customer base and proper strategy can sustain them and also acquire new ones. The cost factor is immediately needed to be assessed because the cost is increasing, while profits are declining. Sales are also increasing but the company seems to be investing more as the cost of doing business is increasing every year. It needs to control the cost and manage innovative investment to keep the marketing costs low, though effective in producing sales (Conway, Jones, & Steward, 2001).


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essay 代寫-使用數據分析方法

本文主要講的是使用數據分析方法,所使用的數據分析方法是定性的和解釋的。解釋是根據問卷中提供的基於李克特量表的回答所收集的數據進行的。調查以問卷的形式進行,以李克特量表為基礎的價值觀要求回答,以呈現他們的回答根據提出的問題(Della Corte et al., 2015)。瓦倫西亞的來訪者給出了他們的答案,從1到5。值1表示對問題的一致程度最低,而值5表示對問題的一致程度最高。本篇essay 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The data analysed method used was qualitative and interpretation. The interpretation was performed on the data collected from the Likert scale based responses that were provided within the questionnaire. The survey was conducted in a form of questionnaire and the responses were asked in terms of the Likert Scale based values in order to present their responses as per the questions that were asked (Della Corte et al., 2015). The visitors of Valencia provided their responses from value 1 to 5. The value 1 implies the lowest level of agreement to the question whereas the value 5 indicates the highest extent of agreeability for the questions.
Furthermore, the closed ended questions can improve the magnitude of the findings as the emphasis remains on the limited choices that are most relevant for this study. Therefore, the interpretation method was useful to gain insight within the responses of the participants (Del Chiappa et al., 2014). The data has been analysed in a manner that a consolidated view of the responses is provided. For an instance, when 40 out of 70 participants indicate same factor, then it is presented as 57.14 per cent of the total participants. Hence, instead of listing the responses of each participant, the overview of the responses are presented.
This provides the research project with a more dynamic approach to identify the motivation behind visitors to Valencia and address each objective of the research (Cohen and Cohen, 2015). Therefore, the data analysis of the collected information establishes empirically evidenced identification behind the motivators for visit to Valencia and allowed the integration of literature to support the reason behind their actions. This provided with the complete outlook on the factors that function as motivators to encourage the visitors for choosing Valencia over any other destination and enable the visit.

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首先,综合写作组成部分包括阅读材料Reading Material+写作。这种考试形式,其实充分参照了留学生在国外的学习模式与状态:开始是按照professor列的书单,先去读(reading),并筛选重要信息;接下来是日常的课程,通过听课(listening),目的同样是获得信息;最后的essay或者期末的作业部分,就是将reading的内容相结合,以writing的方式呈现出最终的结果。所以,与其将综合写作看作是一场语言考试的一部分,不如将它看作是对于国外学术环境的适应性准备与成果检验。下面,我们就来看看综合类essay代写的高分技巧和步骤。















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Entrepreneur is defined as a person who has the ability to organize and manage an enterprise in the areas of business. The individual who undertakes this role undertakes considerable initiative and risk. Entrepreneurs are the people who are found to promote the capital development within the economy. They are used for the industrial and the economic development of the country. They are found to create employment development and opportunities for the nations. These entrepreneurs aid in the development of the people and the local economies. These entrepreneurs and smaller business leads to the positive development of the economy. It cannot be refuted that entrepreneurship leads to the development of the economy. It is imperative to understand the notion of entrepreneurship is an integrated concept. It is found that the notion of entrepreneurship have many variables that are embedded into its design. It can be deciphered that the people need to understand gender nuances in the culture to understand the impact of entrepreneurship.
Reflection on the societal construction reveals that there is significant correlation between gender and economics of a place. One of the most obvious assumptions that are made in this construct is that the men in the society are more ambitious and hence they tend to develop more aggressive and ambitious business innovations. There is a gendered construct that is found to exist in the societies. Moore and Buttner (1997) state that up until the 1980s there was nothing known about the female entrepreneurs and all the studies were exclusively maneuvered in the male gender. It was only in the early 1980 there was more importance given to the female entrepreneurship and the women-run organizations.
Foucault (1972) states that ‘practices which systematically form the object of which they speak’. It can be symbolized that the notion of gender plays integral role in the understanding of the gendering of the entrepreneurial practices. There is a need to understand the impact of gender in the role of entrepreneurship address the vulnerabilities


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美国 essay 代 写-产品价值的参考来源

本文是讲产品价值的参考来源,购买者内在价值的另一个来源是参考,它的使用可以影响组织中消费者的决定,因为它为供应商产生了一定的市场资产价值,如声誉和公司的品牌地位。提供者使用等措施去引导客户,处理一系列活跃客户和成功案例(那̈nberger,考夫曼和韦伯,2013)。它既可以提高可信度,也可以降低买方实现潜在目标的风险意识。内部关系被视为声誉的来源。它们具有某些特征,这些特征可能导致不同利益相关者以各种形式的积极行为。本篇美国 essay 代 写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The other source of the buyer’s intrinsic value is references, and the use of it can influence the decision of consumers in an organization as it generates a certain value of market assets for its suppliers, such as reputation and company brand position. The providers use many steps such as the visit to lead customers, processing a list of active customers and successful cases (Schönberger, Kaufmann and Weber, 2013). It can either enhance the credibility or reduce the awareness of the risk of a buyer to achieve a potential target. The internal relationships are made to observe as the sources of reputation. They have certain features which may lead the positive behaviour in various forms on the part of different stakeholders.
Different types of stakeholders are such as loyalty, advocacy, also plays a significant part in the supplier’s value, and making decision in the procurement processes that could be the good indicator of the fundamental value of the supplier. The buyer recognizes the tangible or intangible features as differentiators. Hence, a supplier should compare its analysis and scope in the market. These features influence the customer’s choice. The four identified characteristics of the value are, reliability and technological features, reliability in the dimension of distribution, expertise in the aspect of supporting services and the status and status of the supplier’s profile.
As the buyer require new product development, the characteristics will be successfully utilizable that still have been experimented. The benefits of it are economic, resources, behaviour and potential of the relationships.The economic aspects are such as cost and delivery; the behaviour parts are such as common history and trust, communication, etc. The resources parts are such as product portfolio and innovation capabilities (Sharma and Joshi, 2008). The potential parts are to lead to a larger value network –bridging such as geographical presence and the position in the value network.


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美国 代写研究生ps指导

美国研究生留学ps对申请结果来说至关重要。也许学霸可以用高分GT、paper、牛推来吸引眼球,但对于普通人来讲,PS是真正将你跟同等硬件条件的人拉开距离的地方。所以在ps写作上留学生们要格外的注意。下面和我们的美国 代写老师一起来看看美国研究生留学PS写作指导。




PS其实并不是简单地把经历和兴趣意向堆上去,而是应该有明确导向性的,用你在某方面的经历和强项(甚至你本科这个专业的特点和强项、课程设置)瞄准申请的program的某个concentration、某个特点或强项,或者某个导师,让教授觉得你是made for the program,你就成功了。这要求你对自己读的专业以及这个专业在美国的发展方向有比较深的了解,记得一个朋友说过,DIY申请能让你更了解自己和自己的专业,绝对是这样的。


虽然PS的格式里没有小标题,但是最好有清晰的几大部分结构。我的结构是:1)引子;2)学术背景:跨学科学术背景概述,交换经历(具体经历1个),研究经历(具体项目1个),参加学术会议及其他活动(简述);3)实习经历:罗列几次实习经历,重点介绍其中一次做了什么,收获什么;4)目标program及concentration:感兴趣的研究方向,为什么选择申请这个program,为什么这所学校,我的背景能为这个program 带来什么。





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美国 essay 代 写-问卷调查的结果

本文主要讲述的是美国 essay 代 写,根据90%的受访者,更重要的是支付存在预付罚款,支付时间和费用。相反,人寿保险显然不那么重要,这意味着一个事实,即缺乏通过客户对未来的考虑,因为在大多数情况下,年度保险费用被视为较高的成本(Marshall, 2014)。客户最终对其它机构提供的条款似乎更优惠的银行产品不那么感兴趣了。本篇美国 essay 代 写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

According to 90 percent respondents, more significance is paid over the presence of a prepayment penalty, the time of disbursement and the charged expenses. On the contrary, life insurance is apparent as less significant which implies a fact that there is a lack of consideration for future through the customers as in most situations annual expenses for insurance are regarded as a higher cost (Marshall, 2014). The customers finally are less interested on banking products offered by other institutes with terms that appear to be more favouring.
Another essential result of the questionnaire was regarding the perception of the customers as per mortgage brokers as participants within this study. 71 percent of the participants indicated that their banking relationship with the customer should be transactional rather than driven on advice while the other 29 percent revealed that advice is of more importance. However as per the analysis conducted by Accenture Digital banking Survey, 2014, it was evident that customers and the banking personnel are slowly favouring relationship of banking as transactional instead of something that is completely focused on offering advice (McNabb, 2010). This revealed a general trend among credit corporations.
Also, borrowers have a tendency for selecting an originator of mortgage depending upon the price of the product and the expectations. This indicates another trend that customers focus on speed and ease when looking for mortgage services (Roos et al, 2006). This was also apparent from the research under discussion wherein 82 percent of the participants were in agreement to the notion that the customers had a preference for loan process that offers them ease and speed. In the light of customer’s view of their mortgage institute relationship, mortgage brokers are of utmost importance to the customers as they prefer them to understand the preference of the customers. 90 percent mortgage brokers were in agreement to this perspective.


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The shareholders of the company are benefitted as with improve quality of the service, the business receives more success, bring more money and benefits for the company. The benefit of the business depends on the capacity, caliber and skills of the employees. The employee’s skills and working capacity depend upon their positive attitude and motivation towards work. The shareholders receive more profit when the business generates more revenue. The revenue of the business can be increased by increasing the working ability of the employees. Work satisfaction and employees retention make the business successful. If the employees are satisfied with their job and receive appropriate incentives and benefits from their employers, they feel motivated to provide quality services.
The management of the organization is also responsible for bringing more benefits for the share holders. The empowerment of the employees and task management must be done in such a manner, where employees find opportunity for personal growth, promotion, recognition, and challenges (Silva, 2007). The organizations, where employees are allowed for decision making, are more tend to receive organizational success (Silva, 2007).
The motivational spirit and employee satisfaction in the hospitality industry, as it is significantly connected to satisfaction of guests, satisfaction of employees and benefits of the shareholders. Providing incentives in different form will motivate employees to complete their job with quality and commitment. If the employees will be satisfied, happy and content, they will have the internal encouragement to complete this job with dedication. Satisfaction and happiness of the guests is equally important in the Hospitality industry. Guest, who receives quality services, feels more happy and satisfied.
Financial rewards work as great motivation for employees. In the hospitality industry employee retention is a major problem for the HR professionals. Shareholders can receive more revenue and benefits, by spending some amount of finances on offering direct and indirect incentives to employees. Incentives can be provided in the form of money, promotion, insurance, rewards or other benefits. The effective incentive plans can be made for the encouragement, motivation and empowerment of the employees in hospitality industry.


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When people talk about marriage, they often talk about how it is necessary to have understanding relationship, compassion and much more. There are so many books written on how to be understanding with one another, how to be compassionate and how to make the marriage last etc. I believe an ideal marriage is something that should be fun. We have enough problems in our daily life and when we come home to someone, it should be someone that makes us smile or laugh. One should be able to share a laugh with an ideal partner and this could be better if one’s partner is one’s friend.
An ideal marriage is about friendship because a friend is someone that we would obviously understand about and we will have fun with. People make marriage appear like a lot of work. However, when we are with friend, we do not think of doing things as work. I have done many chores for my friends and run errands for them, and they have done the same for me. We never see it as work. Therefore, when a marriage partner is treated as a friend, then it would be all the more better for the marriage.
An ideal marriage is one where fun and friendship combines. It would be a positive place for many things.
A friend of mine was conned into buying a car. He bought the care after negotiating with the buyer on Craig’s list. Now he barely knew the guy and wanted to set up a meet in order to assess and then buy the car. When he met the person, he knew he could trust him. This is what he told me. He believed that the well-dressed person, who knew everyone at Applebee’s restaurant by name, could not be a con person. My friend was neither observant enough to notice that the person called out the waiter’s name by looking at his tag, nor did my friend notice that the waiters did not recognize the con-man. He provided some credentials and the needed paper and my friend signed the deal and did not even wait to check the papers and more. The man apparently stated that he was leaving the state and wanted to make a quick sale. The car needed much work and my friend was conned into buying it.
People should take care not to get deceived by appearance. It is what a person does and not how a person appears that we should judge them. In current society, we give much importance to the external appearance of the person. This has to stop. People must be more observant. They have to be more of a listener in order to understand the person.
In conclusion, making ourselves focus on the person inside will help us from being deceived by the outside.


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After reading through the feedback forms it was found that the employees feel a little apprehensive. There was one specific question in the feedback form that simply asked the employees how they felt about the new changes. This helped in understanding about the importance of feedback forms and devising plans based on the reality of the situation. There are several facets that were understood from this activity. Feedback will be given more importance. It is to be noted that in the next session there will be analysis conducted about how people felt. It was found that the majority of the employees preferred the way things were. They did not like newer people joining the group and felt it would threaten their current sustenance in the company.
From analysis of the qualitative results it was found that there is fear and some levels of resistance to change.
From this it was formulated that the next level of training will be based on change management. Importance of change and the need for change will be expressed in detail in this analysis.
Operational plans are integral for any company. It is found to be esp. useful when the company is bringing in changes. There should be first analysis of the competitors and understand the market potential of the place. The market potential will determine how the people should react. In the case of Office Assistant, it has been found that there is rising competition for this industry. In this situation there is a need to ensure that the company is needs to hire people and also coach the people. Specific agenda for the different training plans and the mandates for the interviews had been discussed in detail in this analysis. Feedback was needs to be obtained from the staff. Based on feedback, performance appraisal and financial statement companies should formulate operational plan. To conclude operational plan reflects on the current situation and future action plans for the company.

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The next thing that comes in the process of change implementation for the leaders is the sense giving, in other words conveying the vision formulated after understanding the changes. The purpose of sense giving is to influence others and unify the different perspectives about the changes in accordance with the vision of the leader. While making vision involved taking into consideration the stakeholders’ priorities for the organization, sense giving involves manipulating the thinking of people affected by the changes. In this step, leaders try to make their vision, a vision of the masses.
Another phenomenon associated with sense giving is ‘sequential reciprocal cycle’ involving sense making and sense giving. (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991). As a leader gives sense to someone, he tends to understand and do his own sense making. There are pros as well as cons of this cyclic effect. While attaining feedback from several resources, the vision formed by the leaders can gain positive uplift. It can encompass more views and perspectives making it stringer and more acceptable. However, sometimes this might lead to dilution of the actual goal set in the vision which includes stakeholder’s main concerns. Therefore, it is up to the leader to decide how to incorporate valuable feedbacks to change his vision in the process of sense giving.
But if this step is not followed, then the sense making and vision preparation would not dispense among the people influenced by the changes and it would lead to anarchical situation of confusion and fear. Therefore, it is an essential step towards change implementation which transforms the vision into need to bring in the changes. This step also strengthens the formation of vision and leaders sometimes discover different dimensions to their initial sense making.
As we further follow the Hayes steps, we come to the step of aligning. In the process of sense giving it is a leader’s job to ensure that the communication is received by the people without changing its meaning. Miscommunication can lead to confusion and embark differences. Especially in the time of change implementation, it is important for the staff and management to remain on the same plane. By the end of this step, everyone involved or affected by the process of change are supposed to be committed towards the same direction. This further stabilizes the system and encourages positivity. The motivation of staff is also affected by healthy work environment. Therefore, to reduce any expected conflict of opinion and understanding, it is important for people involved in the change to understand and seek the same meaning of the situation. In the modern organization setup, there are no independent job roles.


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Essay的写作要注意的最重要的一点是要be academic. Be academic中比较重要的几点是要让文章formal,objective,explicit,precise and responsible. Formal 是指用词正规正式,不同于平常的日常用语。Objective是指论点的阐述要客观,不能从自身观点出发,用事实和证据支持论点,不能想当然,不能以作者的身份随意发表观点。Explicit是指文字表达要准确清晰,不能出现模棱两可的句子。Precise是指论点论据得是精确的,例如,你想说wikipedia is a large-scale information sharing website, 不能单单止于此,起帆论文老师提醒广大留学生们为了使文字precise,你得说明为什么wikipedia就是 large-scale的,所以应该这样:wikipedia is a large-scale information sharing website, because it attracts 78 million visitors per month and has more than 91000 active contributors (Tillotsen, 2010). Responsible 是指对essay的论点论据都要负责任,不能信口开河,也不能写出没有根据的语句。并且作者必须要指明哪些信息是从哪里的信息源得来的,哪些是他们自己的。

要写一篇好的essay,必须要清晰的回答出题目的问题,准确了解题目的要求,自己确认好答案,或者选择好自己的论点,做到心中有方向。然后需要收集evidence及一切有可能帮助你写作的材料,包括你的论点和你相反的论点(可以进行适当的比较,加深文章的深度)。Evidence和其它材料也要注意必须是从可信的,有权威的信息源寻找,像百度这种网站的信息源就不够academic,不能直接引用在文章中。所有相关的材料准备好后,可以开始规划文章的organization and structure了。要保证读者在读你的文章是能清晰的理解你的思路,不会lost. 另外,文章的introduction 和conclusion 也是十分重要的。Introduction要说明这篇文章的内容已经要讨论的issues,点明文章的中心。Conclusion得总结文章中主要的观点,并且有一个strong的总结观点。最后,要注意所有在文章中出现引用的信息源都必须归纳在文章最后的reference list里面。


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本文主要讲述的是调查研究和分析,调查研究采用问卷调查、抽样调查和精确的访谈来获得某种行为的感觉。它允许研究人员判断模式,然后以正确的方式显示研究工作。这通常用百分比来表示。调查研究可以集中在一个群体中进行,也可以用来对众多群体进行比较。在进行调查研究时,被调查的人群必须基于随机抽样(Lucey, 2002)。本篇美国代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Survey research utilizes questionnaires, sampling polls and interviews with intense precision to attain some sense of behaviour. It permits researchers to adjudge pattern and then show the research works in a correct manner. This is often given in terms of percentage. Survey research can be carried out across a group centrally or utilized to make a comparison between numerous groups. While conducting survey research, it is essential that the population to be questioned is on the basis of random sampling (Lucey, 2002).
This permits for better accuracy in findings through a better range of respondents. It is very essential while conducting survey analysis that one has to work with statisticians and reputed field service agents. Due to greater personal interaction level in survey situations and also a larger chance for unexpected situations to occur, there is a possibility that the data gets affected. This can greatly affect the survey outcome. There are a large number ways for conducting a survey research. The research can be carried in person, over the phone, or via email or mail. In the final instance, there is a sense of self-administration.
Co-relational research examinations are carried out for the relation between two variants. Co-relational research is performed to introduce the effect one variant has on the other and their casual effect on each other. Correlational research is carried out in order to explain a noticed occurrence. For survey in a co-relational research, a minimum of two groups are required. In many co-relational researches depending upon specific variables to be researched, a level of manipulation is involved. The info is then compiled and then evaluated mathematically to reach various inferences about the effect on each other so as to establish relationship between them (Miles et al., 1994).


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本篇文章讲述的是披萨生产系统的应用,新西兰市场对披萨的需求在很大程度上依赖于需求规律。根据这一规律,需求曲线与需求量和价格呈反比关系(Murphy & Pazzani, 2014)。价格上升时,需求量因子下降。价格下降时,对产品的需求就会增加。本篇美国代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Demand of pizza in New Zealand market is greatly dependent on the law of demand. According to this law, the demand graph shows an inverse relationship with the quantity demanded and price (Murphy & Pazzani, 2014). When, price goes upward, the quantity demanded factor goes downward. When the price gets decreased, there is increase in quality demanded.
The location of the production system of pizza will be at the city council of Wellington which is an urban area. It is the third-largest city in New Zealand on population basis and therefore, the place is absolutely perfect (Murphy & Pazzani, 2014). Here the production team aims towards the major ethnic groups that cover the 72.8% of the total population here. European ethnicity is at the top here with Maori and Asia as well as pacific people. The New Zealanders only cover a 1.7% in the Wellington region.
Work flow planning of the early production system at Wellington consists of team work. The production team’s responsibility is to explain all the roles and responsibilities to the conducting team that is on training because human resource is the most imperative one here. A guideline has to be followed here for the design development so that the day-to-day production activities can be managed as well as monitored. Apart from this, the employees also want to stay motivated for which their basic, psychological and self-actualization needs are fulfilled by the executives (Fahey-Burke et al., 2013). Apart from this, the tangible and intangible resources, like- equipment, production system and finance have to be analysed here.
The employees are hired under the strict policies of recruitment and selection process developed by the pizza production management. Here, self-managed learning is everything and the executives mainly look forward to the communication skills, technological abilities, and problem-solving abilities of the candidates mainly.
The early work system has to be managed by the general manager of the production unit as the technical knowledge of the staff means a lot here. Flexibility in the workflow is very much necessary for which the top companies follow new models of collaboration.





b) Sue是Bling Bling with Good Luck Ltd公司的独家贸易商,为该公司承保了5,000,000美元的偷窃、火灾等险。然而,很快苏成立了一个独立的法律实体Bling Bling Pty有限公司,她与该公司签订了一份商业销售合同。这表明风险转移的唯一贸易公司。与此同时,保险索赔和保险权利也转移到Bling Bling Pty Ltd。然而,这里并没有提及是否将与独家经营者所投保的保险转让给注册公司。

当宝灵宝利有限公司(Bling Bling Pty Ltd .)发生盗窃时,保险金额低于实际盗窃价值。这起盗窃案据称价值50万美元,但当Bling Bling Pty Ltd.提出索赔时,好运有限公司拒绝支付这笔钱。独资企业有一个最大的缺点,那就是作为一个无限责任公司,业主必须先支付所有的债权人,然后再考虑利润,如果清算。在本例中,独家经营者被视为一家私人有限公司,盗窃发生在该公司成立后。该保险由好运有限公司承保,在盗窃发生时是合法有效的。很明显,Bling Bling Pty有限公司有权向好运有限公司索偿保险金额,因为这是一份有效的保险金额协议,而且由于窃贼偷走了价值50万美元的股票,该公司可以而且必须向索赔人支付索赔金额。

本研究的结论是,虽然公司正处于清盘阶段,并由清盘人负责清盘,但债权人仍会继续要求发还贷款,其中一种方法是向好运有限公司追讨被盗款项,并向优先债权人偿还欠款。因此,Sue伪装成Bling Bling Pty Ltd有权向Good Luck Ltd提出保险索赔,并可以向Good Luck Ltd强制执行索赔。


b) Sue, as a sole trader insured the company Bling Bling with Good Luck Ltd for an amount of $5,000,000 against theft, fire and the like. However, soon Sue formed a separate legal entity Bling Bling Pty Ltd with whom she entered into a business sale contract. This indicates the transfer of risk of the sole trader to the company. Along with it the insurance claim and the rights over the insurance also gets transferred to Bling Bling Pty Ltd. It is however not mentioned here whether the insurance done with the sole trader is transferred to the incorporated company.

When there is a burglary in the premises of Bling Bling Pty Ltd, the sum insured was below the actual burglary value. The burglary was claimed to be of the value $500,000 which Good Luck Ltd is refusing to pay when claimed by Bling Bling Pty Ltd. A sole trader has one of the worst disadvantage and that is of being an unlimited liability company and the owner having to pay all the creditors first and then lastly consider the profits in case if liquidation. Here in this case, the sole trader is seen to be converted into a private limited company and the burglary took place after the company is already incorporated. The insurance is done with Good Luck Ltd and is legitimate and in force when the burglary took place. This is evident that Bling Bling Pty Ltd is entitled to claim the insurance amount from Good Luck Ltd as it is a valid agreement for the insured amount and since the burglars stole stocks valued as $500,000 it can and must pay its claimant the claimed amount.

It is concluded here that though the company is under liquidation and under the care of a liquidator, the creditors will keep demanding their credit payments, and one of the ways is to recover the burglary amount from Good Luck Ltd and repay the priority creditors their due. Thus, Sue in disguise of Bling Bling Pty Ltd has the right to claim the insurance claim from Good Luck Ltd and can enforce the claim on Good Luck Ltd.










There is no doubt the fact that the graphic depicts my various faces. There are times my mood is sad while at other times I am in a happy mood. It all depends upon either internal factors or external factors. Sometimes my internal feelings are disoriented and this is due to the external surroundings. For example, on the way to school I have experienced that there are many poor people in the world and seeing them makes me feel sad. There are also times when I feel that even though diversity of cultures needs to be embraced, some cultures are empowered while others are neglected or considered unessential. Such perspectives in the external environment make me unhappy. This makes me angry as well many times. There are some things that make me happy as well, such as watching the rain or watching children play.

The expectations in the society are bound to the perspective person’s needs and maintain an ideal behaviour. Such notions have shaped me into a different person than I used to be. I was naïve at first and had a lot of innocence. Now seeing the world around me and focusing on the expectations that the external environment has with me, I have become a changed person. For example, my mother expects me to be a person who is disciplined and has the ability to take the responsibilities of the household. While at school, my teachers expect me to be sincere, disciplined and well-oriented towards my studies. I am a human being and I wish to be a good one. Looking at all these expectations, I try to mould myself and try to make others feel that I am on the road what they have aspired me to be. This is because the society to me, matters. As the society matters to me, I try to redefine myself as per the external environment expectations. Another expectation that I take into consideration is my father. My father considers that I still have a lot to develop. He also thinks that I haven’t done a lot in life to prove myself yet. His expectations are sometimes beyond my understanding. However, each year, as I develop I acknowledge the way in which my father’s notions are shaping me into a good man.


The culture has helped to define me as a person along with defining my values and beliefs. This is because in the external environment, diverse cultural activities persist. The environment consists of various factors which impinge over development ranging from competitive stress and bonds to the learning based social facilitation. These, in turn, can influence the functioning of the brain in various ways. Generally they do not have a direct impact over the architecture of functional brain. Symbolizing cultures result in owning a direct path into the brain and influence the manner in which main executive brain parts are connected together throughout development. Effectively, it is culture that supports in wiring up systems of function within the brain which do not exist otherwise. I wouldn’t say that culture has the responsibility for everything that I do but in many ways it helps me to explore the way of my feelings and behaviours persist.

The world psychologically impacts me positively and negatively. I face tremendous pressure due to the reforms and psychological influences. It is difficult for me to say specifically how I feel. This is because the society does not accept people’s replying in a blunt manner. There are times when I have to remain quiet while at other times I have to significantly focus on the words that I am about to speak. I feel like I am mostly influenced by what others will feel about me. Living in this complex world where all types of advancements are taking place, I am in a constant pressure of trying to advance myself in accordance to these advancements. The needs and necessities of the external environment of society with the many cultures in it results in throwing pressure over my entire emergence. Even when I talk to my peer groups for example, I am often fearful that I might lack in some terms with which they are well-acquainted with. I also fear that they might have a better provision over findings and influences which I will not. I believe that I am deeply impacted by the society and culture on the whole. These requirements are making me develop but at the same time, I am also being demotivated constantly. The demotivation is due to the constant pressure I face.



美国大学申请essay:医学论文选题的依据 写作论文和写作文一样,首先是要选题,而医学论文更是如此。选择一个恰当的医学论文题目将会让我们事半功倍,而在选题之后我们需要大量的文献阅读。




















英國脫歐是近年來的一個現象,由於與世界上許多國家的聯繫和影響,英國脫歐在短時間內動搖了世界。一位駐中英兩國的外國記者對此次事件以及事件對兩國的影響有兩種不同的解讀。這是一個重要的現象,當涉及到英國和中國相互的金融影響。英國已經投票決定退出歐盟,這一進程將於2017年完成。在英國的記者將更接近政府的公告,並可能獲得來自政府當局的第一手信息。本記者將介紹所有的影響,並補充他的流行解釋,往往從與同事的討論和觀看其他電視媒體。新聞報道將呈現英國脫歐對英國公民的正面和負面影響,中國及其政府可能會對此進行清晰的分析。中國政府將通過了解英中兩國的互聯時代來研究英國脫歐對兩國的影響,並首先通過保護中國人民來展示他們的報道。這些新聞和事件將使中國在與英國進行雙邊或國際貿易時考慮下一步的行動,即使這樣,英國在與中國打交道時也會考慮到它的理想安全。英國退歐的原因必須分析,兩位記者也將分析,他們的原因也將不同。這是因爲英國記者將通過考慮英國公民的安全,發生了什麼如果英國與歐盟一直在中國記者將嘗試和深入挖掘等英國的行爲如果尋找一個虛假的宣傳,退出歐盟。這些不同解釋的原因是全球媒體仍然具有傳播的力量(Castells, 2007)。這一政治決定通過全球媒體變得更加詳盡,其解釋甚至更加崇高和累人。英國通過一些媒體渠道做出的退出決定解釋了一場危機,而另一些媒體則解釋了英國國內市場的內在力量,足以讓英國獨立生存下去,並從中獲得更多價值。這些更有價值和內在危機的概念是媒體給予的更廣泛的解讀,對成千上萬的地區媒體和中英兩國都產生了重大影響。


第二個可以用來分析英國脫歐對中英記者的影響及其對國際關係的影響的概念是大國主導的媒體帝國主義。自從BBC和CNN出現以來,美國和英國一直主導着國際媒體,世界已經準備好把這些媒體頻道看得比生命更大(Chadha和Kavoori, 2000)。英國脫歐問題已經在這些渠道上進行了大量討論,在中英兩國的記者們將會對英國脫歐對中英關係的影響有一個清晰的認識。考慮到媒體帝國主義,聲稱CNN效應徹底改變了國際關係的發展方式是值得懷疑的;就目前而言,當全球媒體變得司空見慣,每個人都知道重要事件的進出,對同一故事的相關性就會降低(Robinson, 2001)。因此,CNN效應,如果堅持它的主張是不正確的,並可能適用於早期媒體出現的時候,但不是現在,當媒體是一個專業機構,本身是一個競爭高質量的新聞和信息傳遞更簡單比容易。當每個人都知道英國退歐事件,並且每個人都大致瞭解它對國際關係的更廣泛影響時,媒體的角色就被縮短爲一個早期的或有特權的旁觀者。


Brexit is a recent phenomenon which for a short time had shaken the world of its owing to be connected to and impacting many countries worldwide. A foreign correspondent stationed in China and UK has two different interpretations about the event and the impact of the events on their countries. The phenomenon is an important one, when it comes to financial impact of UK and China in each other. UK has voted to exit the European Union, and the process shall be completed by 2017. The correspondent in UK will be closer to the government’s announcements and may have access to first-hand information coming from the government authorities. This correspondent will present all the impacts as it is and also add his popular interpretation, often gained from discussions with colleagues and by watching other television media. The news reportage will present the good and bad impacts of Brexit on the citizens of UK, and this may be clearly analysed by China and its government. The Chinese government will study the impact of Brexit on UK and China by understanding the interlink age of the two countries and present their reportage by safeguarding the people of China first. These news and events will make China think about its next move when it intends to deal with UK in terms of bilateral or international trade, and even so UK will think about its ideal safety when dealing with China. The reason why UK exited as a reason must be analysed and will be analysed by the two correspondents and their reasons will also be differing. This is because the UK correspondent will present it by considering the safety of UK citizens and what could have happened if UK has stayed with the EU, while the Chinese correspondent will try and dig deeper into such an act of UK as if searching for a false propaganda that it exited EU. The reason for these differing interpretations is the power of communication that remains with the global media (Castells, 2007). The political decision has become more elaborated through global media, and the interpretation is even more sublime and exhausting. UK exiting decisions through some media channels interpret a crisis, whereas some other interprets the inherent strength of the domestic UK market to be sufficient to survive on its own and derive more value. These concepts of more value and inherent crisis are broader interpretations given by media and they have had a significant impact on thousands of regional media and the two countries of UK and China concerned.


The second concept after power that can be used to analyse the impact of Brexit on UK and China correspondent and their corresponding impact on international relations is that is media imperialism dominated by the larger nations. The US and UK have been dominating international media ever since BBC and CNN have come into existence, the world has set stage to view these media channels as larger than life (Chadha and Kavoori, 2000). Brexit has discussed heavily on these channels and the correspondents in UK and China will have a clear view about the relevant impacts on the relations between UK and China. Considering media imperialism, the claim of CNN effect that it has overhauled the way international relations take place is questionable; for now when global media has become commonplace and everyone knows about important events in and out, there is less relevance about the same story (Robinson, 2001). Hence CNN effect, if sticks to its claims is incorrect and may have been applicable in earlier times when media was emerging, but not now when media is a professional body and is itself a competitor for good quality news and information passage is more simple than easier. When everyone knows about the Brexit event and everyone has a rough idea of broader impacts on international relations, the role of media is shortened to be an early or a privileged spectator.




公司的优势在于为高级定制品牌消费者提供定制化的体验。他们能够通过了解目标市场人口结构的核心需求而获得赞助。这些公司面临的外部威胁是来自其他品牌的竞争和新产品的进入。此外,该品牌还面临着先天不足。有一个品牌名称扩散的问题,这是由于多元化而产生的,是公司当前应该解决的问题(Kotler et al., 2015)。该公司的机会领域是开发一个能够满足当前需求的品牌,并开发一个能够增加公司消费者基础的战略。该公司的主要竞争优势是其高级时装系列。公司应该使用这种技术,在不降低服务质量和可交付成果的前提下,扩大消费者群体。


公司目前的营销策略已确定处于成熟阶段。ES品牌在过去很大程度上依赖于产品线的专业知识。尽管目前产品的销售状态已经接近饱和,但是ready to wear产品线的产品生命周期似乎处于公司的成长阶段(Kotler et al., 2015)。据估计,这种产品的销量在未来将会增加。



Strength of the company is the customized experience it provides to the Haute Couture brand consumers. They have been able to garner patronage by understanding the core requirements of this target market demography. The external threats that the companies face are competition from the other brands and new entry of products. There is also the innate weakness that the brand faces. There is the issue of the brand name diffusion that arises from diversification that the company should address in the current time (Kotler et al., 2015). The areas of opportunities for the company are to develop a brand that would suffice the needs of the current requirements and develop a strategy which would increase the consumer base of the company. The main competitive advantage of the company is its Haute Couture line. The company should use this technique to reach out to a larger consumer base without lowering the quality of services and the deliverables.


The current marketing strategy of the company is determined to be in its maturity stage. ES brand in the past greatly relied on the expertise in the product line. Nevertheless the sales state that the current product is reaching its saturation point, the product life cycle of the ready to wear lines seems to be in the growth stage of the company (Kotler et al., 2015). It is estimated that the sales for this product category will increase in the future.

The company has developed an eclectic consumer base owing to its differentiation strategy. It had initially focused on delivering Haute Couture lines to the wealthy consumers in the society. It has then increased the customer base by launching the affordable line. Strategic orientation behind this design is to gain more consumer patronage and increase sales of the product. It was estimated that there would be greater turnover and higher return on the investments.








大型活动是大型的,并且独特地结合了管理、设置、时间和人们需求的实践。它们以具有适当限制的参数而著称,例如环境方面、各种利益相关者、竞争规则和固定的截止日期,这些参数进一步允许进行比较(Muller 2015)。在大型活动如此广泛的情况下,大型活动的管理和组织至关重要,需要投入和胜任的专业任务,才能保证可观的利润和迅速的成功。



由于不同的地方在执行和建立处理这些挑战的框架方面具有极大的影响,因此基本有必要协调全球、国家和地方为提高生活质量所作的努力。作为对这一特殊新角色的负责人,活动领导人必须协调并找到关键资源,如公众支持、资金可用性和人才,以确保整体协调工作(Misener 2015)。然后在关键目标、策略和管理中实现必要的更改。


This essay analyses the article of “Hosting Mega-Events: Managing Innovation in Infrastructure”, treating it as a case study in reference with three main questions. The essay first focuses on determining the success factors of an event while providing an explanation of their significance. Second, the essay focuses on considering how facilities of healthcare can be a fact to run an event successfully, providing two examples to support the same. Third, the essay focuses on discussing the benefits and drawbacks of massive investment in infrastructure for mega- events, as evident for the local community. Based on the illustrations provided in the case study mentioned, these aspects will be answered while drafting key points of conclusion.

Factors of Success for Mega-Event and their Importance

There are various factors that contribute is successfully completing a specific mega- event. The factors to be discussed in this paper are as follows:

Appropriate Management and Organization of Event

Mega-events are large and uniquely combined with practices of management, setting, time and the needs of people. They are known for having appropriately confined parameters, such as environmental aspects, various stakeholders, competition rules and fixed deadline that have been further allowing comparison(Müller 2015). With such broadness of mega-events, the management and organization of mega- events is crucial, requiring committed and competent profession task for the assurance of considerable profits and quick success.


Coordination between Global, National and Local Efforts

As different places have turned out to be extremely influential in the implementation and creation of frameworks for addressing such challenges, there lies a basic necessity of coordinating global, national and local efforts for the enhancement of quality of life. As a responsible to this specifically new role played, event leaders have to align and find crucial resources like public support, availability of funds, and talent for ensuring the overall coordination of efforts (Misener 2015). Necessary changes are then implemented in the key objectives, policies and management.

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在考虑传统的以教师为中心的模型时,教师是信息获取的重要来源(Siegle, 2014)。与此相反,翻转学习的模式是从以教学为基础,以学习者为中心的学习方式的转变。翻转课堂中投入大量的课堂时间,探索更深层次的理解主题,创造丰富的学习机会。因此,学生能够在参与的同时,积极参与到知识的建构中去,能够以一种建立个人意义的方式来评价自己的学习。





When considering the traditional teacher-centralized model, the teacher can be identified as a crucial source from whom information is obtained (Siegle, 2014). In contrast to the same, the model of flipped learning is a shift from instruction based approach that focuses on learner centric approach. There is dedication of in-class time within flipped classroom in order to explore topics with deeper understanding and to create rich opportunities of learning . Due to this, students are able to have an active involvement in the construction of knowledge as they have participation and are able to evaluate their learning in a way that there is establishment of personal meaning .


Educators in flipped learning continuously think about the utilization of flipped learning model for assisting the students in the development of conceptual understanding along with procedural fluency . They are able to determine the key requirement for teaching and the materials that need to be explored by the students themselves.
Educators have been seen using intentional content for maximizing time in the classroom in order to consider adopting methods that can help engage students better such as active, student-centered strategies of active learning which is highly dependent on the subject matter and the grade level.


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由于这些困难和危险的方法,从事垃圾处理行业的人会受到生理上的影响,这反过来又会影响环境。电子垃圾产生量非常大,由于这些活动,新西兰的动植物在长期将受到负面影响(Robinson, 2009)。



One of the fastest growing kinds of waste is E-waste when viewed from the perspective of New Zealand.
It is not only a growing concern, but also raises several environmental alarms such as ensuring that such waste is not accumulated.
The laws of environment for recovering and recycling from e-waste are quiet strict and intensive with regard to capital within developed nations such as New Zealand. Even after the existence of the convention of Basel system, the country has dispatched the electronic waste to developing nations under charity or recycling name.


Because of such difficult and dangerous methods, individuals who are engaged within the disposal profession are affected physiologically and this in turn is influencing the ambience. The e-waste quantity generation is very large and because of such activities, New Zealand’s flora and fauna in the long run will be influenced negatively (Robinson, 2009).
There is a clear need for further stringent practices and authorities that could ensure that the process of disposal of most appropriate nature is put into place for all the categories and types of E-waste.

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二六年,公司的利润约为395亿元,整体市值约为460.43亿元。这家公司继续赚大钱。2007年,公司录得创纪录的净收入约406.1亿元,总市值约4045.52亿元。与前一年相比,这是一个巨大的增长。由于石油价格的上涨,已经观察到这种增长。这家公司在未来几年里继续提高利润。2008年,该公司的净利润约为406.1亿美元,总收入约为459,575美元,但未来数年的收入略有下降。2009年,该公司总收入约为3.83亿美元,总收入为1.928亿美元。2010年的收入为383,221美元,净收入约为304.6亿美元。该公司的总营收增至约480 681美元,净收入约为44880美元。为了对财务比率进行分析,对公司的资产和负债进行全面的分析也很重要。


In the year 2005, Exxon Mobil had already surpassed Wal-Mart which was the world’s largest corporation before Exxon Mobil. This organization had become the largest organization in terms of the overall revenue. After this, the company continued to be the market leader in the coming years as well. The revenue of the company in the year 2005 had been around $340 billion which was an increase of around 25 % over their revenues in the year 2004.
In the very next year, the company continued to be the market leader with the overall revenue of around $348.7 billion. The company therefore continued to be the market leader both in terms of the profits and market value.


The profits which were earned by the company in the year 2006 were around $39.5 billion and the overall market value of the company was around $460.43 billion. The company further continued to earn in a great manner. In the year 2007, the company had observed the record net income around $ 40.61 billion and the overall market value around $404.552 billion. This was a huge increase in comparison to the previous year. The increase had been observed because of the escalation in the prices of oil. The company continued to enhance its earnings in the coming years. In 2008, the company earned a net income of around $40,610 million with the total revenue of around $459,575 though there was a slight decrease in the revenue in the coming years. In 2009, the company earned total revenue of around $383, 221 million while the overall revenue of the company was $19,280 million. The revenues in the year 2010 were $383,221 and the net income had been around $30,460 million. The overall revenue of the company rose to around $480,681 and the net revenue was around $44,880.In order to do the analysis of the financial ratios, it is also important to do the overall analysis of the assets and liabilities of the company.

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员工个体的发展是领导存在的重要作用。这种个人的发展很可能被看作是员工赋权的发展。Men and stack(2013)的研究表明,变革型领导通过赋予员工权力,不仅直接而且间接地对员工对组织声誉的感知产生积极影响。因此,领导的角色就像是车轮上的关键齿轮,它形成了员工对组织的看法。在这里,领导模式的工作对于管理员工的反应和创建授权的环境变得至关重要。员工的授权过程使组织能够进步,并开发出更好的效率范围。


领导力影响个人发展的另一个领域与组织内的知识共享和沟通有关。领导者和管理团队的远见确保了员工有合适的环境来学习和分享新的想法和知识。这可以确保更大的创新空间和更多的员工参与创新(Huang et al., 2010)。人际信任产生于领导力影响的方式充分强调了企业知识共享与领导力之间的联系。


The development of individual employees is an important role for the presence of leadership. This kind of development of individuals is likely to be seen developing from the presence of empowerment of the employees. Studies conducted by Men and Stacks, 2013, show that transformational leadership positively influences employees’ perception of organizational reputation, not only directly but also indirectly, through empowering employees. Therefore, the role of leadership comes across as crucial cog in the wheel which forms the employees’ perception towards the organization. Here, the work of the leadership patterns becomes crucial to manage the responses of the employees and create an environment of empowerment. The empowering process of employees enables the organization to progress and develop better scope of efficiency.


Another area where leadership impacts development of individuals is related to knowledge sharing and communication within the organization. The outlook of the leaders and the management team ensures that the employees are provided suitable environment to learn and share new ideas and knowledge. This can ensure higher scope for innovation and greater presence of employee involvement in the creation of initiatives (Huang et al., 2010). The way in which the interpersonal trust is derived from impact of leadership amply underlines the connection between knowledge sharing in a firm and leadership.


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A visit by the prime minister is seen as a glorification of war-time actions, raising a question about the PM’s right over his personal and political life. Is a visit by the PM to the shrine makes Japan less responsible in areas of war and its occurrence and does such a visit glorify wars? The answer to this lies in the ethical consideration of the act and the intent behind, because interpretations have no end and must align to the close intent of the visitor and his actions thereafter.


However, out of all of the shrines, only 1000 are said to be convicted war criminals after the World War 2 court verdicts. The visit by common citizens and government officials cannot be seen as an act that is embracing a war mongering attitude, but the prime reason to consider is to pay homage to the thousands of real fighters who fought for their nation (Breen, 2008). The visits cannot be seen as such that the visitors are war lovers and they glorify the act of war. However, it is a solidarity means by visiting and remembering the real fighters of the nation who died so that the future generation could have a better life. The controversy can also end if the shrines of the war criminals are separated from the real fighters of wars. This can do away with the controversy surrounding the visit and lessen the friction between protestors and the supporters.

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这位摄影记者对这张关于儿童和秃鹫的特殊照片进行了广泛而多样的批评。很多人认为卡特是一个掠夺者,而其他人则认为他是一个受害者。佛罗里达州的《圣彼得堡时报》(St. Petersburg Times)发表声明称,卡特调整了相机镜头,以便能够准确地捕捉到孩子所遭受的痛苦。这种行为可以被认为是食肉动物的行为,除了秃鹰已经出现在孩子附近(Kim & Kelly, 2013)。这就意味着摄影师专注于捕捉如此脆弱的对象本身就是不道德的,因为他应该试图赶走秃鹰,而不是与孩子一起拍摄(Kim & Kelly, 2013)。这被认为是由于儿童本身的状况严重恶化。在拍照时不需要任何额外的元素,比如秃鹰,或者可能被排除在外,而拍照仍然会描绘出孩子面临的资源匮乏。


对电影制作人丹·克劳斯(Dan Krauss)的另一种批评认为,在这张著名的照片中,他可以看到卡特内心的不安,并相信摄影记者也看到了。除此之外,他在饥饿的孩子身上看到了非洲的苦难,在猎食的秃鹰身上看到了自己的脸(Sey, 2015)。然而,与此同时,卡特的女儿梅根回应说,她认为她的父亲,也就是卡特,是一个受苦受难的孩子,她认为这个世界是贪婪的。


Wide and diverse forms of criticisms were experienced by this photojournalist in regards to this specific photo of child and vulture. Various people saw Carter as a predator while other viewed him as a sufferer. It was the statement of St. Petersburg Times of Florida that Carter adjusted the camera lens to be able to take the right frame of the child’s suffering. This action can be considered as an action of a predator apart from the vulture present already near the child (Kim & Kelly, 2013). This implied that the photographer’s focus on capturing such a vulnerable subject was immoral in itself as he should have attempted to chase away the vulture instead of photographing it together with child (Kim & Kelly, 2013). This is considered as the condition of child was highly deteriorated itself. Any additional element such as a vulture was not required while taking the picture or could have been excluded and photograph would have still depicted the scarcity of resources faced by the child.


Another criticism of a Filmmaker Dan Krauss suggests that in this famous picture, he could see the troubled psyche of Carter and had a belief that the photojournalist saw it too. Apart from this, he saw the suffering of Africa in the starving child and saw his own face within the preying vulture (Sey, 2015). However, at the same time, Megan, daughter of Carter responded with the belief that she viewed her father namely Carter as the child that was suffering and viewed the world as vulture.

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Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析 

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

首先,原始音乐是一种慢节奏的流行音乐,使用重复的和弦和有限的音色。没有做太多的掩蔽。在《我爱的女孩》的改版中,分数发生了彻底的变化。UJAM studio是这里用来制作一种新型干扰的软件。整首歌从流行歌曲转换成民歌。这个民族将没有人声,只有乐器。在民谣中,使用的是摇篮曲的风格。这种风格会增加一点音色的歌曲,并将有缓慢的音乐贯穿始终。

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

这里的节奏没有改变。然而,节拍是在1和2之间,不会超过这个。这个版本使用的乐器只有三角钢琴,它可以发出不同乐器的声音。这个组的和弦选择是E maj,也有其他和弦可以使用这个软件来设置。这首歌的主要变化是它将有一个很长的介绍和一个短的结尾不像原来的版本。


Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

First of all, the original music is a slow pop version that makes use of repeated chords and limited timbres. There is not much masking made. There is a total change in the score in the altered version of “The Girl that I loved”. UJAM studio is the software used here to make a new form of jamming. The entire song is converted from pop to folk. This folk will be devoid of vocals and will only have instrumentals in it. Under Folk, the style used is Lullaby style. This style will add a bit of timbre to the song and will have slow music throughout.

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

The tempo is not altered here. However, the beat is between 1 and 2 and not more than that. The instrument used for this version is only grand piano that will give the sounds of different instruments. The chord selection for this set is E maj and there are also other chords that can be set using this software. The main variation that is done to this song is it will have a long intro and a short ending unlike the original version.
Certain chords are elongated in the remix version to make it sound more like a lullaby. Vocal chords are completely removed and they no longer form a part in the remix version. This folk style also has a contemporary touch in it. The interesting part during this transformation is that neither masking nor doubling is predominantly used. Instead, the breaking down of ensemble rhythm does justice to the song and the recording has a neat and clear sound.

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In the modern times, there are complex processes and layers involved in the creation of the brand image of a product. The product is not simply based on its physical taste, the emotional connect with the product also plays an important role . The people associate with the brand based on peer reviews, past experiences and judgment calls if the particular product is worth for consumption.
In the current times, the market competition is from the local and the global competitors. There is the brand competition and even collision. The brand is a combination of the objectives of the company, significance of the culture of the company and history of the company .


In the case of beverages, it is got to deal with a host of factors. In the modern times, it is simply not only about the taste of the drink but it is about the visual appeal of the packaging, the emotional connect with the drink and other intangible factors. In the past few years, owing to the development of the digital communication there is a complete transformation of the balance of control. In this paradigm the consumer wishes have gained popularity. The consumers are found to give continual updating about the product and the product quality. The consumers also have a host of other reviews to make a judgment call about a product.

The brand should have the ability to respond to the ways in which they are perceived. The company should be able to work on its areas of strength and address the vulnerabilities of the brand. They should listen to the requirements of the consumers and be open to change. There are a number of online portals such as social media tools and websites that are dedicated to posting opinions about a brand. This peer reviewed brand image is also an important factor that needs to be contended while creation of the brand management.

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在上述情况下,加权平均资本成本是通过使用总债务、股本和Wesfarmers的总价值的市场价值来计算的。市场价值在其计算中被优先考虑,因为它更接近于利益相关者的期望。他们发现依靠市场价值更方便,从而有助于提高公司在外部市场的资本价值(Hofmann, 2014)。


股权的市场价值是从外部市场上Wesfarmers股份的市场价格中获得的。债务价值也代表公司的负债。采用考虑无风险利率、贝塔系数和市场收益率的资本资产定价模型计算权益成本。优于股利增长模型。然而,股利增长模型考虑了增长因素,但对利益相关者来说并不十分可靠(Hull, 2014)。贝塔系数是根据公司在网上的股价计算出来的。在计算权益成本时,使用的是市场收益率,而不是市场收益率与无风险利率之间的利差。


Weighted average cost of capital is termed as the rate which the stakeholders of the company expect from the company in terms of their return on the investments. The outside stakeholders determine it for the calculation of their average returns rather than management.
In the above case, the weighted average cost of capital is calculated by using the market value of the total debt, equity and the overall value of the Wesfarmers. Market value is preferred in its calculation, as it is closer to the expectations of the stakeholders. They find it more convenient to rely on the market values, which thereby help in raising the capital value of the company in the external market (Hofmann, 2014).


Market value of equity is taken from the market price of the shares of the Wesfarmers in the external market. Debt value also represents the indebtedness of the company. Cost of equity is calculated by the capital asset pricing model, which considers the risk free rate, beta and market return. It is better than the dividend growth model. However, the dividend growth model considers the growth factor, but it is not very reliable for the stakeholders (Hull, 2014). Beta is calculated with the help of the share prices of the company available on the web. Return on market is used rather than the spread between the return on market and risk free rate for calculation of cost of equity.

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作业成本法:这种成本法是指生产过程在连续基础上不间断地进行的组织所采用的一种成本计算方法。成本表由组织的管理会计编制,计算单位成本(Upadhye, 2014)。本技术不适用于Mal有限公司,因其生产工艺或花卉栽培工艺因季节性因素不能全年进行。


Process costing: This costing technique is used when product is manufactured or complete in different stages or in different processes. In this case, in order to calculate product cost, cost incurred in each process is summed up and then divided by no of finished units produced at last process. This costing technique can also employed by Mal ltd in terms; cost incurred in all process of flower grown shall be summed up and then divided by no of flowers grown.


Operation costing: This costing technique is used by that organization in which production process takes place son continues basis which means without any halt. Cost sheet is prepared by management accountant of the organization so as to calculate cost per unit (Upadhye, 2014). This technique is not suitable for Mal ltd as their production process or flower grown process does not goes throughout the year because of seasonality factor.

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业务增长的基本战略应该是适当的广告、对潜在客户的透明度和有竞争力的定价。因为容易负担的产品会吸引更多的客户,带来较大的年营业额,所以要特别注意保持价格的高可承受性(Chang, 2016)。这将带来更大的结果,有助于建立公司的声誉。




The basic strategy for the growth of business should be proper advertising, transparency towards potential customers and competitive pricing. Since a product which is easily affordable will attract more customers and bring a large annual turnover, special attention should be paid towards keeping the price highly affordable (Chang, 2016). This will bring greater results and help establish reputation of the company.


The potential customers for this business plan are all the people irrespective of their age as cookies and breads are enjoyed by everyone. The aim of the business should be a wide and open approach as the easier it is to find the product, the more popular and reliable it becomes. Hence, the cookies and breads should be available readily at all the leading grocery stores and even in smaller shops. This results in end user trust and reliability. The consumer will always try to buy a product that is easily available.

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1827年,Anyos Jedlik开始制造电动马达。这包括提供通信器、转子和定子,一年之后,这项创新被用于驱动一辆小车(Dijk et al., 2013)。二十年来经过一系列的发展,创新达到了主要的高度,是最早发展的汽车之一。直到20世纪,铁路运输和电动汽车都被认为是很常见的交通工具,其中商用电动汽车占据了很大的市场份额。随着时间的推移,其商业用途的一般用途减少到专业的角色,如城市配送车辆,牵引车,救护车,叉车,平台卡车(Bakker et al., 2012)。在20世纪的大部分时间里,英国是全球道路上使用电动汽车最多的国家。人们使用电气化火车来运输煤炭,因为在煤矿的另一端,电动机没有使用宝贵的氧气。由于瑞士缺乏天然化石燃料,他们不得不迅速将铁路网络通电。最早的可充电电池似乎有利于电动汽车的使用。


电动汽车领域的一些发展导致了电动汽车的衰落。与电动汽车相比,道路基础设施的改善满足了里程增加的要求。此外,加州、俄克拉何马州和德克萨斯州发现了大量的石油储量,这进一步导致了可广泛获得的廉价汽油,使得以汽油为动力的汽车行驶更远的距离更便宜(Sierzchula et al., 2012b)。此外,以汽油为动力的汽车最终变得更容易操作,进一步导致了1912年查尔斯·凯特林发明了电动起动器。这就消除了用手摇曲柄发动汽油发动机的需要。由于消声器的使用,这些汽车所产生的噪音是完全可以忍受的。1897年,海勒姆·珀西·马克西姆发明了这种消声器。


The power of electric motive started in the year 1827 by Anyos Jedlik who built the initially viable and crude electric motor. This involved the provision of communicator, rotor and stator, and after a year, this innovation was used for powering a small car (Dijk et al., 2013). With a series of development since two decades, the innovation reached major heights, being among the earliest development of automobiles. Until the twentieth century, rail transport and electric cars were identified as commonplaces, with the market covered in major shares by commercial electric automobiles. With the passage of time, their commercial use of general purpose reduced down to the roles of specialists as urban delivery vehicles, tow tractors, ambulances, forklift trucks, and platform trucks (Bakker et al., 2012). For majority of the years of the 20th century, UK turned out to be the biggest user of electric vehicles on road all across the globe. There was use of electrified trains for the transportation of coal, as the motors had not been using precious oxygen across the mines. The absence of natural fossil fuels in Switzerland forced them for rapidly electrifying their network on rail. The earliest batteries that were rechargeable appeared to be favourable for being used in electric cars.


Several developments in the field of electric vehicles resulted in declining electric cars. Improved infrastructure of road held the requirement of increased ranges in comparison with the offer of electric cars. Also, major reserves of petroleum were discovered in California, Oklahoma, and Texas that further resulted in the broadly available affordable gasoline that made cars powered by gas cheaper for being operated to cover longer distances (Sierzchula et al., 2012b). Also, cars powered by gasoline ended up becoming easier for their operations further resulting in inventing electric starter in the year 1912 by Charles Kettering. This resulted in the elimination of need over a hand crank to start an engine by gasoline. The emission of noise by these cars turned out to be extremely bearable with the utilization of the muffler. This muffler was invented by Hiram Percy Maxim in the year 1897.

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To start with, leadership is basically a procedure through which an individual could direct, assist and impact the behaviour as well as effort of others towards achievement of particular objectives in a particular situation . Leadership refers to the capability of a manager for inducing the followers to function with zeal and confidence . Moreover, it impacts the behaviour of others. It holds the capability of influencing a team towards the achievement of objective. Leaders need to build future visions, and encourage the team members to achieve that vision . Moving ahead, as the civilization came into existence, management and leadership became necessity nearly in all fields oh human beings such as in commercial, manufacturing and companies. Administration is liable to make the task complete via labours, for this the manager in charge should have the capability then only he can receive the favourable and successful outcome .


Leadership involves the blend of capability of performing task, merits, professionalism and aptitude owned by the workforce . Moreover, leadership includes creating an unambiguous perception; discussing such perception with more people such that the workforce will pursue it with enthusiasm; furnishing of processed data, facts, experience, figures and procedure to understand such perception and lastly, correlation and consideration of the incompatibility between associates and stakeholders . A leader is a person who comes into action when unavoidable and un-expectable circumstances arise .

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《幸福的方式》是Sonja Lyubomirsky写的一本书,书中说一个人可以决定幸福的基础。基因决定了50%的人类幸福。40%用于自我控制,剩下的10%用于上述人生活中的情况和环境。此外,这项针对哈佛大学本科生的75年资助研究还发现,幸福与人生中拥有爱的关系有关,尤其是与父母的关系。同样,根据Haybron(2011)的观点,幸福可以用两种理论来讨论。在一种理论中,幸福是一个价值术语,它再次与健康和幸福联系在一起,而另一种理论认为幸福“类似于抑郁”。在总结各自的理论之前,也进行了当代文学、最近的讨论和关于幸福的心理学概念。


Research has been carried out in order to pin point and cement happiness to be a definite concept. 1960 was the year when happiness started becoming a part of different disciplines in the field of science including social psychology, clinical and medical research, happiness economics and gerontology. These researches have helped in forming various concepts which talk about the different causes of happiness. There are no other concepts which are correlated to it, but have not validated any method which could point out the cause definitely, nor is there anything to point out what can improve long term happiness in human beings. Nor can anything definitely point out what it means to the different people of the world.


The How of Happiness is a book by Sonja Lyubomirsky, which says that one can determine things that happiness is based on. Genetics is responsible for 50% of the human happiness. 40% is given to self-control and the remaining 10% to situations and circumstances in the said person’s life. Furthermore, the 75-year Grant Study of Harvard undergraduates correlates happiness with having loving relationships in one’s life, especially the ones with parents. Also as per Haybron (2011), happiness can be discussed with the help of two theories. In one theory, happiness is a value term, which is again associated with wellness and wellbeing, and the other one suggests happiness to be something “akin to depression” . This has also undertaken the contemporary literature, recent discussions and psychological notions on happiness before concluding on the respective theories.

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变更管理的计划和执行需要处理关键元素,如业务流程再造、组织文化中的变更和公司组织结构的管理。这些都是关键和重要的因素,对于组织内整个变更管理过程的工作和管理都是重要的。同样需要注意的是,这些过程中的每一个都提供了方向和输入,然后将它们合并到变更管理过程中。此外,这些因素很可能随着组织内部和外部环境的需要和工作而改变(D’Aprix, 1996)。因此,本组织必须考虑到这些因素,以便对工作进行适当的管理。


在美孚石油等工作的组织变更管理的重点领域将考虑关注业务的主要目标,定义客户的需求,分析竞争力量的影响,改进人员管理系统,包括重大创新的有效的沟通策略。这就要求改变公司应对市场状况的总体方式,设计和执行高尔基(D’aprix, 1996)。苹果公司(Apple Inc.)等公司已经表明,变革管理对于重新定义公司的重点领域、确保公司随时准备好面对音乐、电脑、手机等不同行业的挑战非常重要。


The planning and execution of change management requires handling of critical elements like business process reengineering, changes in the organizational culture and management of the organizational structure of the company. These are crucial and important factors which are important for the working and the management of the overall change management process within the organization. What is also important to note is that each of these processes provides direction and inputs which are then incorporated within the change management process. Further, these factors are likely to be seen changing as per the needs and working of the organizational internal and external environment (D’Aprix, 1996). Therefore, it is necessary for the organization to take into account these factors for proper management of the working.


In the working of organizations like Mobil Oil, the main focus area of change management would take into account focussing on the main objectives of the business, defining the needs of the customers, analysing the impact of the competitive forces, revamping people management systems and including significant innovation in terms of effective communication strategies. This calls for change in the overall manner in which the company responds to the market conditions and design it’s planning and execution gaols (D’Aprix, 1996). Organizations like Apple Inc. have shown that change management is important for redefining the focus areas of the organization and ensuring that the company remains ready to face challenges in different industries like music, computers, mobile phones, etc.

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受访者表示,95%的人是苹果公司的品牌追随者。受访者一致认为,该产品的电池续航时间差、机身弯曲度不够等缺陷都很容易被忽略。95%的受访者表示强烈赞同这一观点(Bell and Graham, 2011)。顾客们一致认为,每个人都需要使用I-phone来提高他们在社会中的地位。其次,消费者强烈认为他们的品牌形象得到了很大的提升。员工们的同意度提高了90%。

100%的参与者一致认为,他们渴望购买苹果公司在市场上推出的每一款与苹果I-phone变种相关的next手机(Ellis et al., 2012)。100%的I-phone价格并没有让他们感到困扰,因为他们所关心的只是通过这个产品来增加自己的社会地位,让自己看起来更有钱、更有能力。


The disadvantages are many in number, but these can be compensated with the advantages. The interviewee has limitation as to the solutions which can be given. The first issue is the interview influence. The interviewer personality might result in influencing the answers that the interviewee provides. This might make results to have unreliability. The interview influence furthermore might imply that interviewee might misrepresent the correct version for making his own self to appear more acceptable socially. The procedure also has several complications, more consuming of time, but the key advantage is that it does not require much money. There is likeliness of targeting a large sample in one goes, and this will help in making a key difference . The process will become much more reliability when checking the data availability. This is possible only through the provision of structured interview. Unstructured interviews are problematic for repeating when one requires testing the data reliability.


The interview respondents depicted that 95 percent of them are brand followers of the I-phone Inc. company. There was a strong agreement among the interview respondents that the flaws of the product such as poor battery life and inadequate bend of the body of the phone are all such that they can be ignored easily. 95 percent depicted strong agreement to this (Bell and Graham, 2011). There was strong agreement in the customers for the fact that everyone needs to be using I-phone in order to enhance their status in the society. Next, the customers strongly agreed that their brand image becomes enhanced considerably. There was 90 percent stronger agreement from the employees.
There was strong agreement in 100 percent of the participants that they were eager to purchase every next phone that was launched by Apple in the market with regard to its Apple I-phone variant (Ellis et al., 2012). The price as agreed by 100 percent of the I-phone did not bother them because all they cared about was looking rich and empowered through the brand with enhanced societal status through this product.

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In the recent times, there has been a growth in the rapid population in the regions of Benton County, central western Oregon. This has led to the increase in the overall demands of the freshwater supply. The quantity of freshwater which may be provided in these regions can help in the development of the cities which are situated in the Benton country. Treated wastewater is the only resources in this area which can be used for the purpose of providing the fresh water in this region. Not only the development of the freshwater plant is challenging, but the management of the same is itself a challenge. One of the major approaches for the same includes the proper treatment of the wastewater in order to obtain the freshwater in a consistent manner. It is important to do the proper construction of the plant to ensure that there is a freshwater usage. In this report the research will be conducted on the development of the design for the wetland which was previously used to treat the dairy wasters. The construction of the wetland is useful as the natural processes generally have the water which is cleansed.


The location of the dairy is in the area of Benton Country which is located in Western Oregon, United States. The wastewater treatment system has been designed in order to treat the diluted daily flush water. In the site there are 6 parallel cells and there is a strong pond. Amidst these, there are two different cells which have the depth of around 1 m. The average depth of the cell is found to be around 0.38 m. The construction and plantation of the wetland system had been done in the year 1992 and the waste water had been received in the year of 1993. The wastewater was continued to be received till the end of 1996. The treated water was pumped twice from the pond to another mixing tank in which the concentrated wastewater had been added. It was during this time of the day that the pumping of the wastewater had been controlled with the help of the mechanical timer. The concentrated wastewater had actually been loaded from the liquid waste which had been pressured by the use of the handling system and the electrical ball valve. After this the volume which consisted of the mixed waste water was later loaded to the cells over the time period of around four hours, the vegetation of the cells had been done with the help of mix of cattails, bulrush and the floating grass and water foxtail.

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在那个时代,这座建筑的建造和发展被认为是革命性的。该设计采用了8根钢柱,减轻了建筑立面的承重。这使得房子可以用玻璃包裹起来。住宅的定位是一个与周围茂密的森林隔绝的地方。从所有可能的方向向外都有一个开放的视野,这导致了内部对外部的暴露。这使得设计与材料的互动成为一种可持续的设计。许多这样的设计师已经导致了类似的创新设计的创作,例如密斯凡德罗和莉莉赖希(Emmons, 2014)已经讨论过的一个例子。



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审计中的重要性水平是选择可以忽略或不需要强调的事项的基础。重要性是审计师确定可以忽略且不会导致财务报表错报的最大交易金额的标准(Budescu et al., 2012)。重要性是指利益相关者的决策不受影响的程度。在Soundworld中,它们的业务操作是大级别的,因此可以将重要性级别设置为交易金额的4%。这意味着如果任何费用交易涉及的金额少于总费用的4%,那么该交易可以被视为不那么重要。



由于Soundworld ltd的业务运作在其交易金额上处于中等水平,因此4%的实质性水平是合理的。





Materiality level in the audit is the base for selecting transaction that can be neglected or emphasis need not to given. Materiality is the standard for the auditor that decides maximum amount of transaction that can be neglected and which does not lead to misstatement of financial statements (Budescu et al., 2012). Materiality is that level up to which decisions of stakeholders cannot be affected. In case of Soundworld, their business operation is at large level therefore materiality level can be set at 4 % of transaction amount. That means if any expense transaction involve amount which is less than 4 % of total expenses then that transaction can be treated as less important.


4 % of transaction amount has been decided as materiality level because of following reasons:
Since business operation of Soundworld ltd has moderate level of amount in its transaction, therefore 4 % material level is justified.
Since risk assessment suggests that there is high risk of misstatement since some thefts of merchandise had taken place.
Management is concern about cash handling by staff therefore there shall be no materiality when it comes to cash management and detail evidences shall be collected while auditing cash balance.
Since internal control process of Soundworld suggests weakness because of incidences that had taken place during the year. Therefore materiality level shall be kept at low level i.e. 4 %.

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塔食品公司几年前就开始营业了。但目前,随着市场竞争的加剧,公司面临着严峻的问题。此外,即将上市的公司会为顾客提供更加多样化的价格,以吸引塔食落后的顾客。公司具有良好的管理和民主的领导风格,注重员工的工作与生活平衡。除此之外,公司员工的薪酬计划是好的。然而,公司在对员工进行适当的培训和技能发展计划方面存在滞后(Campling, 2008)。因此,年龄较大的员工缺乏应对当前工作环境或当前情景的能力。年长的员工在使用现代工具和技术以及他们在当前环境中分配的任务所需的技能方面处于落后状态。这家公司为顾客提供食品服务和设施管理。




The Tower Foods is carrying out its business from several years. However, at present, the company faces severe issues as the competition is growing in the market. Furthermore, the upcoming companies offer more diversified price to the customers to attract the customers where the Tower Foods is lagging. The company has good management and democratic leadership style and the company provides great emphasis on the work-life balance of its employees. Besides this, the compensation plan for the employees of the company is good. However, the company is lagging in proper training and skill development programs for their employees (Campling, 2008).Therefore, the older employees are deficient to cope with the present work environment or present scenarios. The older employees are lagging in the use of modern tools and techniques along with the required skills for the tasks they assigned in the present context. The company provides food services and facility management to its customers.


The company is serving for many years, and the employees are working with the organization from several years with effectiveness and efficiency. However, with the time, the situation has been changed considerably, and the company does not take any initiatives to handles the changing scenarios. The service and facilities offered by the company are rapidly becoming out steps . Therefore, the new companies, which have started later, beat the company in professional front. In the undertaken case, it is observed that the Tower Foods facilities are older and not maintained properly. The organization behaviour study provides a systematic approach to analyze the procedures of acting of the individuals and groups within an organization to fulfill the roles and duties assigned to them.

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设计报告包括为发展有效发电所作的燃料成分变化,以及为发展平均成分所作的适当变化。本文以热效率为40%的200MW机组为例进行了研究。燃料产生系统的改变是为了创造一个有效的环境,并为减少燃料排放的发展描绘适当的环境。燃料减量过程的变化,提供了与采用脱硫工艺的装置和采用SCR工艺的NOx燃烧器建立新装置有关的变化(Arghya Sardar, 2015)。这将完全为该小组建立一个适当的环境,以减少燃料排放,并确定有效的发电。




The design report consists of the fuel composition changes made for the development of efficient electricity generation, and it also includes the appropriate changes that have been made for the development of the average composition. The case study provided focuses on the electricity generation of 200MW whose thermal efficiency is 40%. The changes in the fuel generation system are made for the purpose of creating an efficient environment with depicting the appropriate environment for the development of the fuel emission reduction. The changes in the process for the fuel reduction which provide the changes regarding the establishment of the new unit with the unit which employs the desulphurization process and the NOx burner with the SCR process (Arghya Sardar, 2015). This will entirely provide the team to establish an appropriate environment with the reduction of the fuel emission with determining efficient electricity generation.


The report provides the overview of the monitoring levels with the justifications and the limitations of the design process used for the modification of the techniques. The design process, which is being implemented for the purpose of operating the electricity generation unit, is included for the maintaining the daily average levels and also the inclusion of the regulatory requirements are implemented for the maintenance of the daily average emission levels of the fuel gasses. Therefore, the design is being provided in the design part which will provide the proper review of the construction system. Henceforth, the successful design can be constructed by the assumptions which are provided for monitoring the various regulatory levels.

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领导力敏捷性面临的第一个挑战是,组织正在利用为不同时代建立的业务模型(Lewis et al., 2014)。尽管竞争对手已经转向其他模式,这些模式在与员工的互动中不那么正式、更开放,但雅虎仍在依赖几十年前建立的模式。


领导敏捷性在很大程度上依赖于工作场所的信任和文化(Derue et al., 2012)。任何时候,一个领导者都必须知道,当涉及到他们想要做出的决定时,他们可以信任其他组织的员工。因此,领导者与员工之间的联系是至关重要的(Fink and Neumann, 2007)。在梅耶尔的例子中,她是公司的新人,因此她需要首先与员工建立联系。梅耶尔的失败激怒了她的一些员工,其影响导致了许多问题。例如,雅虎对企业文化的看法发生了巨大转变。梅耶尔不了解这种文化,因此她不能真正改变或实施她的战略解决方案。由于无法与员工建立适当的关系和支持,而且没有适当的支持,她不可能为组织带来巨大的动力转变。


The first of the challenges to leadership agility was that the organization was making use of a business model that was built for a different era (Lewis et al., 2014). While competitors had moved on to other models that were less formal and more open in their interactions with employees, Yahoo was still relying on a model that was built decades back.


Leadership agility relies so much on trust and culture in the workplace (Derue et al., 2012). A leader at any point must know that they can trust the other organizational employees when it comes to the decision they want to take. For this, it is quintessential that the leader connects with the employees (Fink and Neumann, 2007). Now in the case of Mayer, she was a new person to the company and hence it was needed for her to connect with her employees first. In failing to so Mayer antagonised some of her employees and the impact of which led to much issues. For instance, there was a huge shift in how corporate culture was perceived at Yahoo. Mayer did not understand the culture hence and she could not really change or implement her strategic solutions. In failing to establish a proper relationship and support with her employees and without the right support, it was impossible for her to bring huge shifts in momentum for the organization.

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本案法院的判决是,奥利弗·柯蒂斯(Oliver Curtis)被判有罪,犯有与内幕交易有关的共谋罪。根据违反的分节和当时可以适用的刑罚,可以确定柯蒂斯先生被判处大约5年监禁,并因违反分节而必须支付大约22万美元的罚金。在柯蒂斯的背景下,法院还规定了对同谋者的必要惩罚,他就是约翰哈特曼(John Hartman, R v Curtis,第3号)[2016]NSWSC 866, 2016)。本案的背景是,拥有公司股票买卖信息的哈特曼先生为了自己的利益使用了这些信息。每当哈特曼先生看到这些信息时,他就利用这些信息帮助柯蒂斯先生获得合同或帮助他处理合同。这两种形式的个人利益信息共享被视为直接违反内幕交易法(R v Curtis (No . 3) [2016] NSWSC 866, 2016)。




The decision of the court in this case was that Oliver Curtis who was found guilty had committed an offense of conspiracy with respect to insider trading. Based on the subsections contravened and the penalty that could be applied at that time it was identified that Mr. Curtis was subject to a penalty of around 5 years in imprisonment and had to pay a fine of around $220,000 in pecuniary damages for the contravention of the subsections. The Court also laid down needed penalty for the co-conspirator in the context of Mr. Curtis, who was Mr. John Hartman (R v Curtis (No 3) [2016] NSWSC 866, 2016). The case context held was that Mr. Hartman who has the information for purchase and selling of the shares of the company had used that knowledge for the his own good. Whenever Mr. Hartman came across such information he had made use of the information to help Mr. Curtis in acquiring contracts or had assisted him in the disposal of contracts. Both forms of information sharing for personal benefits was seen to be a direct breach of the insider trading laws (R v Curtis (No 3) [2016] NSWSC 866, 2016).


The breach was directly tied to the agreement shared by Hartman and Curtis. The agreement was clear and the intention was also clear. Hartman procured information for Curtis that helped him to acquire and dispose of financial products to his advantage. Orion Asset Management Limited’s inside information was used in this case. The person who divulged the information John Hartman knew that such information was only available because of his capacity. Any person who was outside the office would not have the capacity or the access to information that Hartman had. Even if such information that Hartman had could be reasonably available, it could be said that any other person in the situation would know it will have a significant financial and material effect on sales and purchases.

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For experiencing sustained competitive edge in the longer run as an organization, it should make investment in human resources and further consider the deployment of scarce assets across core fundamental area. These are most effective in the provision of sustained competitive edge. The competitive edge of GM with technology development mainly lies in its process. GM has been positioning itself with its process for market leadership . There is encompassing of the aspects of distribution and manufacturing in the business along with advertising and marketing . For the leadership of GRM, it ensures establishing reputation for reliable and safe vehicles that are popular and trendy. There is specific alteration of the manufacturing practices for ensuring to provide quality parts in the vehicles.


There has been an improvement in the efficiency of its plants for the reduction of costs. The company has been undergoing a number of processes for the modernization of manufacturing processes. There has been efficient manufacturing of vehicles with specific focus on the improvement of safety ratings. The company further competes with specific factors of quality such as reliability and affordability for the establishment of a popular image of brand. There can be achievement of deals of product placement with the aggressive nature of marketing. There are specific cues for the purpose of reaffirming beliefs regarding the superior quality in the products of GM and the overall attractiveness . There is extreme historic competitiveness of GM in the segmentation of market supported by the mandated improvement of infrastructure.

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根据CAPM模型,存在无摩擦市场或完美市场。然而,实际市场情况并非如此。CAPM模型还要求限制对投资者回报和证券的一些假设。投资者还应完全同意关于证券收益的统计性质和投资者偏好的有限假设。最后,假设投资者在一个共同的时间范围内对证券的可能表现和风险达成一致。在现实世界中,这些元素中有许多是不同的,该理论所假定的元素可以看作是限制性假设。模型的可扩展性以及关于如何放松这些限制的更多理论已经导致了对CAPM许多更复杂版本的理解(Mullins, 1982)。




Per the CAPM model, frictionless market or a perfect market exists. However, this is not the case in real market situations. CAPM model also requiredfor limiting some of the assumptions that were made on investor return and securities. Investors are also expected to be in complete agreement on the limiting assumptions concerning the statistical nature of securities returns and investors’ preferences. Finally, investors are assumed to agree on the likely performance and risk of securities based on a common time horizon. In the real world, much of these elements are observed to be different and elements as postulated by this theory can be considered as restrictive assumption. The extensible nature of the model and much more theories on how to relax these restrictions has led to the understanding of many more complex versions of CAPM (Mullins, 1982).


The simple version of CAPM being the first postulated versionalong with regression and time-linear and Beta testing and other versions that came much later have made CAPM quite suitablefor developing other models. Various interpretations of those test results as identified for the different empirical models were discussed earlier. The early cross section test or the regression test was useful for identifying the average risk-free interest rate. In the case of investments, the risk-free rate is defined as the theoretical rate of return in an investment in zero risk. There are implications for the investor in this work. Firstly, the investor would be able to consider this risk-free state to assess the form of investment and the period over which he could select the interest .

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Artificial intelligence will increase humans understanding of Cognitive Psychology because its ability to accurately model the way that people think. This essay makes the argument that AI modeling of the human thinking and related behavior processes are indeed assistive in understanding human cognizance. The research on the subject of cognitive psychology and Artificial intelligence is used here to construct the needed arguments. The work also disucsses a significant counter argument on the subject and attempts to provide an explanation on why the counter argument cannot be accepted.


By nature, the minds of humans are programmed over centuries, with information or information processing biological makeup handed down by generations. Therefore, in this context, it could be said that humans are also programmed. Most of the reasoning that humans do is not ingrained, and some of them are socially constructed, learned from the family models that people live in etc. Now if in the broader context, it is understood that humans are programmed, then it would logically follow that AI models which are programmed also capture intelligence to a certain level, and hence the use of Artificial intelligence would indeed be a good way to model and understand cognitive psychology.

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越南是TPP中的农业导向型国家。缺乏熟练劳动力、研发中心和不发达工业是阻碍该国发展的主要障碍。产品和服务出口在越南经济中发挥着重要作用。在TPP成员国中,越南的出口比例仅次于新加坡。因此,预计跨太平洋伙伴关系将增加对越南经济有利的出口活动。农作物和食品对该国出口总值的贡献很大。然而,这类产品与纺织产品相比数量较少(Corben, 2015)。产品和服务主要出口欧美。


TPP的实施将增加越南产品和服务的出口。《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称tpp)将允许较富裕的成员国在成本更低的成员国升级生产和制造设施,并升级生产流程。较先进的成员国将向消费市场进口相对优质、低成本、高附加值的产品。因此,马来西亚、智利、秘鲁、越南和秘鲁等拥有低成本基地的国家将受益于使它们能够以适当价值水平加工和制造产品的投资。


Vietnam is an agriculturally oriented country within TPP. Lack of skilled labour, research and development hubs and underdeveloped industries are the major barriers for the development of the country. Exports of products and services play a significant role in the economy of Vietnam. Among the TPP members, the export percentage of Vietnam is second after Singapore. Therefore, it is expected that Tran-Pacific Partnership will increase the export activities which will benefit the economy of Vietnam. Crops and food contribute a significant amount to the total value of export of the country. However, this category is in a small amount in comparison to textile products (Corben, 2015). The products and services are mainly exported to EU and US.


The implementation of TPP will increase the exports of products and services of Vietnam. Trans-Pacific Partnership will allow the wealthier member countries to upgrade their production and manufacturing facilities and processes in cheaper cost member nations. The more advanced member countries will import relatively high-quality and low-cost value-added products into their consumer market. Therefore, the countries such as Malaysia, Chile, Peru, Vietnam and Peru with their low-cost bases will be benefited from the investment that will allow them to process and manufacture products at an appropriate value levels.

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It is observed that both Blackberry and Apple have indeed focused on many types of innovations and strategies. Blackberry has relied on a chronology of breakthrough innovations, core innovations and slightly incremental innovations (in that order). On the other hand, Apple has focused on a chronology starting with formal and breakthrough innovations, and then the classic incremental innovations and finally are at the periphery of radical innovations. The competitive innovations strategy of apple is indeed more successful than Blackberry as has been observed in the current market situation.


Blackberry in innovation management has not considered many strategic options or alternatives, and have focused on being lesser pragmatists with lesser vision of what consumer need and this has led them to a market downfall. The future of mobile solutions and innovations is presented above. Somewhere in the expectation end, the smart workforce, the use of smart robots, bio-printing services, IoT services and more come into the picture. These are innovation triggers and it is based on how mobile solution providers deal with these innovation triggers that they can successes.

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据报道,史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在《新闻周刊》(Newsweek)的一篇文章中引述道,“人们不知道自己想要什么,除非你把它展示给他们”(Levin, 2014, para)。6)在另一篇文章中,苹果员工曾说过,“我们不会浪费时间去问用户,我们通过创造人们会喜欢的伟大产品来建立我们的品牌”(Levin, 2014, para)。这表明,苹果依赖于向客户展示他们会喜欢的有意义的创新。



On the other hand, Apple operator is able to innovate in both the meaning and technology axis. Firstly, Apple introduces many products and services over the years that have a transformative effect on people as they relate to technologies. The Macintosh, the iPad, the iPhone and the iTunes change the way people connected. The classic user centered approach is traded off and instead users are presented newer ways of using products and services. This could have been a threat to development or a positive point, fortunately for Apple, its years of research on users and technology development help it formulate a plan. It is able to present technology to users in newer ways that they are even not aware of.


Steve Jobs reportedly quotes in a Newsweek article that “People don’t know what they want until you show it to them” (Levin, 2014, para. 6). In yet another article, Apple employees are quoted as saying, “we don’t waste our time asking users, we build our brand through creating great products people will love” (Levin, 2014, para. 7). This shows Apple relies on showing introducing its customers to meaningful innovation that they would enjoy.
It has worked on improving RAM screen, processor speed, the use of the NFC chip etc. It is in fact the use of the NFC chip which suggests that Apple has moved on towards an incremental innovation from formal innovation management. NFC is present in many phones, and the technology had an early adoption rate of 13.2 percent. Now the adoption rate is in the ‘majority pragmatists’ phase and the percentage adoption is thirty-four. This adaption of Apple indicates Apple is improving its products and hence is in incremental innovation.

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中国幼儿组织对社交媒体渠道的研究兴趣背后有着多方面的深层次原因。如Bakshy et al.(2015)所断言的,社交媒体提供的内容是用户生成的,因此可以认为内容是由组织通过专门的内容团队或单个内容设计师生成的。此外,随着公民新闻的实时信息是由社会媒体推动的,因为它也使导航和绕过媒体渠道的垄断,并使经营,尽管有各种限制。儿童保健组织的经营者必须通过解决政治和立法方面的挑战来组成这些公司,并提供必要的即时信息。




There are varieties of underlying reasons behind the interest towards the social media outlets of the child care organizations in China for the research. As asserted by Bakshy et al. (2015), the social media outlets offers content that is user generated due to which it can be assumed that the content was generated by the organization through either a dedicated content team or through an individual content designer. Furthermore, the real time information along with the citizen journalism is facilitated by the social media as it also enables navigating and bypassing the monopolies of the media channels and enables operating despite of various limitations . It is essential for the operators of the child care organizations in forming the firms through resolving the political and legislative challenges and provides with the instant access to the information required.


This research is focused on examining the Chinese child care organizations’ websites, Facebook groups and pages. It is considered that various other communication methods such as newsletters, press releases and general informative texts can be undertaken. However, the press releases and newsletters in majority of the child care organizations were not present due to which undertaking the analysis of the social media content and websites will provide with the latest results with increased accuracy . The method of content analysis further provides easy access to the international researches as the online content of the organizations can be evaluated regardless of the organizational locations.


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The pricing is a process where a business is able to set a price to the products. The pricing is based on the manufacturing cost, labour costs, competition, current demands of the product, brand image of the product and the intrinsic quality of the products . The theory of pricing is an important variable in the microeconomic price allocation theory. Pricing is a fundamental factor in financial modelling. Many theories such as pricing elasticity of the products are derived.


Companies make price determination based on the manufacturing costs, supply-demand and competitors. However, they also need to factor in the need of employee worker hours and utilization of natural resources. Many companies discount this in their manufacturing costs. These need to be factored in as well. From this, it can be concluded that in general the companies in the modern times need to factor in all these variables in their price determination process. These factors would enable the companies to be socially conscious, ensure ethics in the process and also maintain a healthy cash flow. This process would benefit all the stakeholders in the process as well as preserve the environment. To conclude, these factors must be taken into context during the price determination process of commodity.

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The league had a Congress as a central government institution and had one delegate with vote elected by the state legislatures. Each state retained its freedom, independence and sovereignty under the articles. The new rules and regulation of the states of Congress does not include levy taxes and also cannot regulate the trade and commerce. The revenue was earned from different states and contributing to the privately owned value land within the borders. The Congress was provided with limited powers that included jurisdiction over the foreign relations with the authorities to make alliances and treaties, maintain a navy and army, which can make peace or war, money circulation, can establish admiral courts and can serve as the last resort on dispute appeals between the states. Congress can also make decisions on certain specified matters such as entering treaties, making war and regulating coinage.


There were disagreements over the actions of the tax forecast the divisions over the slavery in Constitutional Convention. A draft of Dickson was required to provide funds to Congress as per the number of inhabitants, white and black, expect the Indians were not paying the taxes. The southern states opposed the requirements with having a large number of slaves, arguing that the taxes should be based on the white inhabitants in the country. Congress stated that contribution of each state should rest on the value of its improvements and land.

Congress had less desire and little time to take action in the middle of the war on such matters as fugitive slaves and slave trade issues were receiving much attention in a constitutional convention. The confederation was described in the Article III as the firm league of friendship for the security of their liberties, general and mutual welfare and their common defense.

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在国会确定最终版本之前,这些条款起草了六份草稿。1775年7月,本杰明·富兰克林首先向国会提交了这篇文章。宾夕法尼亚州的约翰·迪克森(John Dickson)撰写了第四版,但草稿对第四版的贡献并不大。1776年6月,国会委员会起草并修订了该草案。迪克森案的第三个版本是为了让国会考虑更多的规章制度。


最后的条款在1777年经过长时间的审议程序修改后,获准提交各国。除了马里兰,所有的州都在1779年之前通过了这项法案。由于西部其他各州的原因,马里兰州处于不灵活的地位。佐治亚、弗吉尼亚、马萨诸塞、康涅狄格和卡罗来纳等州根据协议宣称对密西西比河或南海拥有主权。宾夕法尼亚州、马里兰州、罗德岛州、特拉华州和新泽西州的特许状表明,这些州距离大西洋只有几百英里。在马里兰州,投机者声称西部归美国,他们主张尊重国会对西部土地的主张。这些货物也得到了马里兰州的支持,因为弗吉尼亚州会反对接受索赔。托马斯•杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)也认为,应该拒绝投机者的要求,并将西方分裂成新的州。弗吉尼亚的行动影响了马里兰州批准这些条款,并于1781年3月1日生效。


Six drafts were prepared of the articles before Congress established the final version. On July 1775, Benjamin Franklin presented the article first into the Congress. John Dickson of Pennsylvania wrote the fourth version, but the drafts did not contribute significantly to the fourth version. On June 1776, the draft was prepared and it was revised by a congress committee. The Dickson’s third version was printed to allow Congress to consider further rules and regulations.


The final articles were altered by a long deliberative process in the year 1777 and were approved for submission to states. Except Maryland, all the states approved it before the year 1779. Maryland was in an inflexible position as it was due to the other states in the western lands. Georgia, Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut and the Carolinas claimed by their agreements to the extent to the Mississippi River or South Sea. The Charters of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Rhode Island, Delaware and New Jersey confined that the states are few hundred miles away from the Atlantic. In Maryland, the speculators claimed that West goes to United States and the speculators advocated respecting their claims to the Western lands from Congress. The loads were also supported by Maryland as because Virginia would have opposed on accepting the claims. Thomas Jefferson also argued that demands of the speculators should be rejected and to divide west into new states. The action of Virginia influenced Maryland to approve the articles, and it went into effect on 1 March 1781.