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本篇文章讲述的是披萨生产系统的应用,新西兰市场对披萨的需求在很大程度上依赖于需求规律。根据这一规律,需求曲线与需求量和价格呈反比关系(Murphy & Pazzani, 2014)。价格上升时,需求量因子下降。价格下降时,对产品的需求就会增加。本篇美国代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Demand of pizza in New Zealand market is greatly dependent on the law of demand. According to this law, the demand graph shows an inverse relationship with the quantity demanded and price (Murphy & Pazzani, 2014). When, price goes upward, the quantity demanded factor goes downward. When the price gets decreased, there is increase in quality demanded.
The location of the production system of pizza will be at the city council of Wellington which is an urban area. It is the third-largest city in New Zealand on population basis and therefore, the place is absolutely perfect (Murphy & Pazzani, 2014). Here the production team aims towards the major ethnic groups that cover the 72.8% of the total population here. European ethnicity is at the top here with Maori and Asia as well as pacific people. The New Zealanders only cover a 1.7% in the Wellington region.
Work flow planning of the early production system at Wellington consists of team work. The production team’s responsibility is to explain all the roles and responsibilities to the conducting team that is on training because human resource is the most imperative one here. A guideline has to be followed here for the design development so that the day-to-day production activities can be managed as well as monitored. Apart from this, the employees also want to stay motivated for which their basic, psychological and self-actualization needs are fulfilled by the executives (Fahey-Burke et al., 2013). Apart from this, the tangible and intangible resources, like- equipment, production system and finance have to be analysed here.
The employees are hired under the strict policies of recruitment and selection process developed by the pizza production management. Here, self-managed learning is everything and the executives mainly look forward to the communication skills, technological abilities, and problem-solving abilities of the candidates mainly.
The early work system has to be managed by the general manager of the production unit as the technical knowledge of the staff means a lot here. Flexibility in the workflow is very much necessary for which the top companies follow new models of collaboration.


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