加拿大代写论文 美国代写论文


本文主要讲述的是调查研究和分析,调查研究采用问卷调查、抽样调查和精确的访谈来获得某种行为的感觉。它允许研究人员判断模式,然后以正确的方式显示研究工作。这通常用百分比来表示。调查研究可以集中在一个群体中进行,也可以用来对众多群体进行比较。在进行调查研究时,被调查的人群必须基于随机抽样(Lucey, 2002)。本篇美国代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Survey research utilizes questionnaires, sampling polls and interviews with intense precision to attain some sense of behaviour. It permits researchers to adjudge pattern and then show the research works in a correct manner. This is often given in terms of percentage. Survey research can be carried out across a group centrally or utilized to make a comparison between numerous groups. While conducting survey research, it is essential that the population to be questioned is on the basis of random sampling (Lucey, 2002).
This permits for better accuracy in findings through a better range of respondents. It is very essential while conducting survey analysis that one has to work with statisticians and reputed field service agents. Due to greater personal interaction level in survey situations and also a larger chance for unexpected situations to occur, there is a possibility that the data gets affected. This can greatly affect the survey outcome. There are a large number ways for conducting a survey research. The research can be carried in person, over the phone, or via email or mail. In the final instance, there is a sense of self-administration.
Co-relational research examinations are carried out for the relation between two variants. Co-relational research is performed to introduce the effect one variant has on the other and their casual effect on each other. Correlational research is carried out in order to explain a noticed occurrence. For survey in a co-relational research, a minimum of two groups are required. In many co-relational researches depending upon specific variables to be researched, a level of manipulation is involved. The info is then compiled and then evaluated mathematically to reach various inferences about the effect on each other so as to establish relationship between them (Miles et al., 1994).


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