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I think China’s game market in the future will be inundated with all types of games. Esports will also have huge potential development. The data from Newzoo showed that China and South Korea had the world’s leading Esports markets in terms of the number of users, and the proportion of electric fans reached 45%. According to the agency, it speculated that China will surpass South Korea to become Asia’s first gaming power (“Global Esports market report: revenues to jump to $ 463 M in 2016 as US leads the way”). The development of China’s Esports is the same with that of China’s games.
It came out of a very different way in the stumbling. At first, it tried to learn Korean Esports business model, which was to combine TV, electronic Sports, and League tournament, but was suppressed because of the restrictions of policies and regulations. In 2003, State Sports General Administration announced that e-sports will be the 99th official sports program, which attracted a lot of attention from the mainstream media. Television stations began to establish relevant television programs, which was really a good start. However, in 2004, under the great audience rating of Esports programs, the State Administration of Radio Film and Television issued a notification, which banned the broadcast of computer game programs on television.
As a result, the game programs had to leave from the TV screen. Secondly, China’s Esports were developing rapidly with the support of China’s rich second generations, but encountered a setback in the volatile markets. In 2004, when Esports encountered the difficulties from policy, the investment from the rich second generations made it alive.Most big game clubs were supported by the rich second generations, which meant that most of these clubs were supported by tons of money. Therefore, the weakness showed up in the financial crisis in the year of 2008. Investors had disinvestment and the Esports people who worked in the game clubs realized that they need to find a new business model to live on their own. The rise of network channels provides new opportunities for them.


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