

本科essay代写:流线型现代化灵感。流线型或流线型现代灵感来自装饰艺术,并被视为它的一个分支。流线型的现代运动是由光滑的表面,圆角和圆滑的边界线。装饰艺术运动与流线型分享一些特点是一个流行的设计运动。它涉及到建筑、室内和工业设计。艺术运动包括其他艺术运动的风格方面,如构成主义,立体主义,现代主义等。装饰艺术,顾名思义,是一种纯粹的装饰形式,扩展了优雅的功能形式。装饰艺术在一些国家是一种迷人的形式,比如美国,好莱坞拥抱了它(Ramirez, 2012)。在装饰艺术的后期,流线型现代主义出现了,它在设计中纳入了更多的功能方面,如曲线形式和线条与装饰方面的设计。接下来本科essay代写将为同学们分析下讨论下流线型现代化灵感。




In a latter period of the Art Deco, the Streamline Moderne came to be, which incorporated more functional aspects in design such as curving forms and lines with decorative aspects thrown in the design. In extending the Art Deco, the Streamline Moderne was a cultural movement in itself. The mid 1930s was a time period of Great Depression. This was a time when there was a necessity to promote hope within people and send a sense of optimism across society. Manufacturers, architects and designers relied on the Streamline Moderne because of how it drew from American love for speed and the automobile age. These were aspects that were slowly starting to improve the economy and in thus incorporating those design elements in architecture and other productions, a sense of optimism and hope was driven. In architectural works in particular, the design with its smooth and rounded surfaces and sleek likes sported porcelain enamel walls and glass windows (typically observed in the early 1950’s). “In an attempt to pump-prime the economy during the Great Depression, storefronts were remodelled in the new shiny, streamlined, machine aesthetic that would encourage Americans to look positively into the future and purchase the latest products. Opaque structural glass, porcelain enamel tiles, glass block, glazed brick, stainless steel, and aluminum screening all characterize the Streamline Moderne style” (University of Vermont, 2011, para. 2).

For example, the Streamline style of gas station as presented in a study of the University of Vermont (2018) is like a one-story box. It exudes simplicity and is more like a raised open façade. While the architecture was phased out for more modernistic designs, the picture clearly shows how the softened curve like structure would make the place more approachable for the people. As a response to the art deco movement, the streamline moderne made architecture more approachable and less decorative than the art deco (University of Vermont, 2018).

I find the Art movement personally appealing because of the following reasons. Firstly, the art movement of Streamlining in some ways was a continuation or a modification of an existing art movement. It was a response to the Art Deco, and it does not just stop as a response. The underlying philosophy of this art movement is even similar to minimalism art movement. These connections make it particularly interesting. Secondly, the art movement can find multiple applications in sustainable landscape architecture. Sustainability is the key word of all business formulations in current times and if an art design movement could be understood in the context of sustainability, it will have to be streamlining moderne.


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