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美国 essay 代 写-问卷调查的结果

本文主要讲述的是美国 essay 代 写,根据90%的受访者,更重要的是支付存在预付罚款,支付时间和费用。相反,人寿保险显然不那么重要,这意味着一个事实,即缺乏通过客户对未来的考虑,因为在大多数情况下,年度保险费用被视为较高的成本(Marshall, 2014)。客户最终对其它机构提供的条款似乎更优惠的银行产品不那么感兴趣了。本篇美国 essay 代 写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

According to 90 percent respondents, more significance is paid over the presence of a prepayment penalty, the time of disbursement and the charged expenses. On the contrary, life insurance is apparent as less significant which implies a fact that there is a lack of consideration for future through the customers as in most situations annual expenses for insurance are regarded as a higher cost (Marshall, 2014). The customers finally are less interested on banking products offered by other institutes with terms that appear to be more favouring.
Another essential result of the questionnaire was regarding the perception of the customers as per mortgage brokers as participants within this study. 71 percent of the participants indicated that their banking relationship with the customer should be transactional rather than driven on advice while the other 29 percent revealed that advice is of more importance. However as per the analysis conducted by Accenture Digital banking Survey, 2014, it was evident that customers and the banking personnel are slowly favouring relationship of banking as transactional instead of something that is completely focused on offering advice (McNabb, 2010). This revealed a general trend among credit corporations.
Also, borrowers have a tendency for selecting an originator of mortgage depending upon the price of the product and the expectations. This indicates another trend that customers focus on speed and ease when looking for mortgage services (Roos et al, 2006). This was also apparent from the research under discussion wherein 82 percent of the participants were in agreement to the notion that the customers had a preference for loan process that offers them ease and speed. In the light of customer’s view of their mortgage institute relationship, mortgage brokers are of utmost importance to the customers as they prefer them to understand the preference of the customers. 90 percent mortgage brokers were in agreement to this perspective.


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