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多与同学交流自己的论文写作,无论是否同一专业,让同学给自己的论文提建议。这一点对我自己的论文写作提高很有效,身边的同学很乐意帮助我,交流中除了得到修改意见,还学到了很多他们的写作“秘籍”,例如如何发展自己的论文结构。 不妨请英语为母语的同学提供语言修改意见,汉语中再正常不过的表述,在他们看来可能是China English。他们指出的语言要点,用词的准确,让我获益良多。



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Ecologists have long been against globalization as they firmly believe that trade liberalization takes place without taking into account key environmental issues such as pollution control and resource usage. According to World Health Organization (WHO), that unsustainable rate of consumption of natural resources in poor countries which is essentially done by the wealthier economies has farfetched environmental consequences. While it is depleting the natural resources at an exorbitant rate, the depletion of ozone layer and production of toxic waste products has also caused stern health risks and unfortunately, the risks are barely borne by the people who benefit from the resources. (OECD, 2008)
Globalization causes deforestation due to conversion of forests into agricultural fields and industrial plants. According to OECD, world lost 3 percent of its forests between 1990 and 2005. Besides, 200 square kilometre of forest land which is approximately twice the size of Paris disappears every day. As a result, UNO predicts poverty boom in the medium term mainly stemming from deforestation and water scarcity. In the next 70 years, 1.8 billion people will be deprived of water with Northern China, Central Asia and Andes being the major risk areas. (UNEP, 2007)
Financial globalization on one hand has rendered more integrated and sturdy financial and commercial markets, but on the other hand, it has also led to financial volatility and crises. The imperfection in one financial market creates bubbles, herding behaviour, speculation and crashes even in the markets with sound financial fundamentals.
Besides, if the country becomes dependent on foreign capital, any shift in capital flows can create financial difficulties and economic downturn which spread across economies. For example, between 1973 and 1997, there were 44 financial crises in developing countries and 95 in the emerging markets which led to respective output losses of 6.25 percent and 9.21 percent of GDP. (IMF, 2014)


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Apart from this, there has been an influx of different races and formation of minority groups in the population. The density of the immigrants in the city has increased in the recent times. This is because of the promise a city continues to hold to increase the income levels of the people. However, this has also caused the ethnic member of the society to interact with only with the member of their races and construct a design around them. There is the development of city design around certain groups. This leads to unequal development of the community and there is fostering of fear of the other races within each racial community. This leads to further issues apart from the issue of income levels.


People from different races live in a city but continue to be living in different areas of the society. There is an implicit bias or fear of the people. But the newer urbane cities have been found to have different problems. The people are not segregated based on their race or ethnicity so much when compared to the economic status of the people.

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In terms of the rewards system in the workplace, different forms of motivational strategies and rewards structure must be identifiable such as that of intrinsic rewards, social, developmental and financial.
Intrinsic rewards have to be such that they help employee stay self-motivated and not rely on external elements, regulations and more to stay motivated. The workplace is one where intrinsic motivational factors are lacking.


Social rewards such as that of a recognition form of reward, something based on merit, productivity etc. is also missing here.
Developmental rewards are incentives given to the employee on account of their training and development proficiency within the organization. However, the organization’s HR manager does not believe in training and development.
Financial rewards are the only form of rewards here, which would be given out as $5000 annual bonus the best performers and employees who don’t meet the necessary mark are let go.

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国际人力资源管理(IHRM)的定义是:为实现一个组织在国家和国际方面的目标而对人进行管理的活动的集合。跨国公司过去往往在人力资源管理规划职能上采取主动步骤。核心管理委员会必须确定在全球建立和运营业务的业务地点和人才队伍(Bratton 2017)。国际人力资源管理的目标是拥有全球身份和文化招聘。根据人力资源相关的活动,需要更多的员工参与,也会涉及更多的风险。人力资源管理的主动性完全取决于当地环境的调整能力、东道国企业实际工作价值的明确性、职业规划以及人力资源政策的相关知识。


人力资源团队越能适应语言和文化,人力资源计划就越能成功(Harzing and pinington 2015)。影响组织人力资源实践的因素有制度环境、组织因素、关系语境和母国因素。这些因素通常涉及东道国的人力资源经理,以确保人力资源实践将与当地的要求保持一致。标准做法是指跨国公司的经理在指导和激励员工的所有策略中实施的做法,如根据员工的表现给予奖励和惩罚(Ivancevich和Konopaske 2013)。这与其中所提到的是一致的。认为各子公司之间存在一定程度的整合,这是人力资源通过在适应与整合之间寻找平衡来应对制度二元性的方式。


The International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is defined as the collection of activities for managing the human to achieve the goals of an organization for national and international aspects. Multinational companies used to plan to take initiative steps on Human Resource Management planning functions. The core management committee has to identify the locations of the business and talented workforce for establishing and operating the business globally (Bratton 2017). The objectives of IHRM are to have a global identity and cultural hiring. According to the HR related activities, more involvement of the employees is required, and more risks are involved as well. The Human Resource Management initiatives totally depend on the ability of adjustment of a local environment, clarity of the practical work value of the Host Company, career planning and relevant knowledge about HR policies.


The more the HR team will adapt the language and the culture, the more the HR plan will be successful (Harzing and Pinnington 2015). The factors that influence human resource practices of the organization are institutional environment, organizational factors, relational context and home country factors. These factors commonly involve an HR manager from the host country to make sure that HR practices will be constant with the local requirements. The standard practices are those that the managers of an MNE implement in all the strategies to direct and motivate the employees such as giving rewards and punishment on the basis of the performance of the employees (Ivancevich and Konopaske 2013). This is consistent with what was mentioned in it. It is maintained that certain level of integration among the various subsidiaries and these are the ways for HR to respond to the institutional duality by finding a balance between adaptations and integration.

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Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析 

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

首先,原始音乐是一种慢节奏的流行音乐,使用重复的和弦和有限的音色。没有做太多的掩蔽。在《我爱的女孩》的改版中,分数发生了彻底的变化。UJAM studio是这里用来制作一种新型干扰的软件。整首歌从流行歌曲转换成民歌。这个民族将没有人声,只有乐器。在民谣中,使用的是摇篮曲的风格。这种风格会增加一点音色的歌曲,并将有缓慢的音乐贯穿始终。

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

这里的节奏没有改变。然而,节拍是在1和2之间,不会超过这个。这个版本使用的乐器只有三角钢琴,它可以发出不同乐器的声音。这个组的和弦选择是E maj,也有其他和弦可以使用这个软件来设置。这首歌的主要变化是它将有一个很长的介绍和一个短的结尾不像原来的版本。


Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

First of all, the original music is a slow pop version that makes use of repeated chords and limited timbres. There is not much masking made. There is a total change in the score in the altered version of “The Girl that I loved”. UJAM studio is the software used here to make a new form of jamming. The entire song is converted from pop to folk. This folk will be devoid of vocals and will only have instrumentals in it. Under Folk, the style used is Lullaby style. This style will add a bit of timbre to the song and will have slow music throughout.

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

The tempo is not altered here. However, the beat is between 1 and 2 and not more than that. The instrument used for this version is only grand piano that will give the sounds of different instruments. The chord selection for this set is E maj and there are also other chords that can be set using this software. The main variation that is done to this song is it will have a long intro and a short ending unlike the original version.
Certain chords are elongated in the remix version to make it sound more like a lullaby. Vocal chords are completely removed and they no longer form a part in the remix version. This folk style also has a contemporary touch in it. The interesting part during this transformation is that neither masking nor doubling is predominantly used. Instead, the breaking down of ensemble rhythm does justice to the song and the recording has a neat and clear sound.

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一个组织可能有许多培训计划的形式。选择合适的培训项目将取决于组织的整体工作。培训方法的选择必须根据组织的具体工作要求进行。每种培训计划和方法都有其固有的优势和挑战(Noe, 2008)。在选择合适的培训项目时,必须考虑这些因素,即优势和挑战。在国内电力公司的情况下,培训方法是根据本组织的需要选择的。可以看出,由于组织的工作需要选择能够提高团队成员之间沟通和互动水平的培训方法。




Forms of training and understanding the needs of the organization
An organization is likely to have a number of options in the form of training program. The selection of the right kind of training program would depend upon the overall working of the organization. On the basis of the specific job requirements of the organization, the selection of the training methods has to be carried out. Each of the training program and method has its own inherent advantages and challenges (Noe, 2008). While considering the selection of the right kind of training program, these factors i.e. advantages and the challenges have to be considered. In the case of Domestic-Powerco, the training methods were selected on the basis of the needs of the organization. It has been seen that the working of organization made it necessary for the selection of training methods which can increase the level of communication and interaction within the team members.


Since, the training of the new and existing employees is likely to be developed more through on-the-job training, there was a need for guided and supervised training method. Such a system has been ideally served in the working of the training methods of apprenticeship training and buddy system (London, 1989). These were two of the training methods that were employed by the organization which allowed the employees to have regular interaction and learning through communication with their employees. It has been seen that the working of the organizational needs has been improved on the basis of these two methods. Further, such a system empowered the employees to have a healthy mix of on-the-job and off-the-job training methods .

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高管自身利益与所有利益相关者利益的对抗:安然事件破坏了企业文化伦理。安然是一个例子,一个企业在金融行业失败了,因为它越来越多的伦理问题(Moore, 2014)。首先,考虑一下安然公司存在的傲慢文化,在这种文化中,人们被鼓励去相信冒险是正确的。安然本应承担风险,但以一种更为谨慎的方式,并应向其员工规定同样的文化,但人们认为,它是为了激励其员工从事高风险行为。例如,安然公司的告密者Sherron Watkins在陈述安然公司的行为时指出,雇员只是被要求提供他们的数字。如果他们实现了目标,那么他们如何实现目标就无关紧要了。这导致了一种文化,在这种文化中,员工们相信,如果他们没有被抓到,可以做任何他们想做的事情。


In fact, Enron had a code of ethics for its corporate culture, but it was noted in many research on the company’s failure that the company did not take any active attempt to promote it. Financial professionals and related professionals working in the industry would not have had information on what was right and wrong, and furthermore, it was also seen that the decentralization program which was going on in Enron did nothing to support these values. Decentralization in the context of ongoing ethical crises only made things worse. Employees had less information on ethics, and only followed legal measures and there was a gap between ethics and law. The way employee’s performance appraisals were conducted and the very structuring of the compensation program was built based on numbers is indicative of this .


Self Interest of Executives Versus Interests of All Stakeholders: Ethics of corporate culture was destroyed in Enron. Enron is an example of an enterprise in the finance industry which failed because of its mounting ethical concerns (Moore, 2014). Firstly, consider the culture of arrogance that was present in Enron where people were given incentive to believe it was alright to take risks. Enron should have taken risks but in a more careful way and should have prescribed the same culture to its employees, but instead it was seen to motivate its employees into high risk behaviour. For instance, the whistle blower at Enron, Sherron Watkins in presenting Enron behaviour later states that employee was just asked to make their numbers. How they made their numbers did not matter, if they were meeting targets they were productive? This led to a culture where employees believed that it was alright to do whatever they want if they did not get caught.

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Artificial intelligence will increase humans understanding of Cognitive Psychology because its ability to accurately model the way that people think. This essay makes the argument that AI modeling of the human thinking and related behavior processes are indeed assistive in understanding human cognizance. The research on the subject of cognitive psychology and Artificial intelligence is used here to construct the needed arguments. The work also disucsses a significant counter argument on the subject and attempts to provide an explanation on why the counter argument cannot be accepted.


By nature, the minds of humans are programmed over centuries, with information or information processing biological makeup handed down by generations. Therefore, in this context, it could be said that humans are also programmed. Most of the reasoning that humans do is not ingrained, and some of them are socially constructed, learned from the family models that people live in etc. Now if in the broader context, it is understood that humans are programmed, then it would logically follow that AI models which are programmed also capture intelligence to a certain level, and hence the use of Artificial intelligence would indeed be a good way to model and understand cognitive psychology.

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The emotions are used for the rational thinking for a human being and are not a hindrance for the artificial thinkers in the society. The robots are used to not take the emotional side and do not make right decisions. The sentiments are used to affect the human efficiency . The artificial intelligence chances of error are found to be almost nil and greater accuracy is achieved in the process.
With artificial intelligence, the chances of error are almost nil and greater precision and accuracy is achieved. The intelligence machines are used to make dangerous tasks and are not affected by the factors that affect humans.
The maintenance and repair of the artificial intelligence is the costs that are involved in the process. There are many procedures used to restore the lost code or data. This can be a time consuming and costly process.


The important concern regarding the application of the artificial intelligence is the factoring in the moral values of the situation. The intelligence is considered to be a gift. However, it cannot work for the benefit of the people.
The machines are used to store vast amounts of data. However, the storage of the data is not as effective as the humans. They are used to perform repetitive tasks for longer times. The artificial intelligence is found to cause detrimental impact on common sense. It also impacts the creative process.
Hence, the robots cannot address some of the human emotions and the rationality. They need to factor in these technologies in the future. Plausible future trends have been elucidated in the following.

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The crucial role that lies in the leadership is the appropriate management of the organization with motivating the employees to provide their best performance to the organization. In this case, as undertaken for the study, shows the de-motivation in the employees with providing with the basic facilities for which they are not able to provide their best performance.
Therefore, the plan for the present and the future perspectives are provided which would enable the organization to have the appropriate views for the growth. The following points indicate the growth which is as follows:
The employees must be facilitated with advanced technologies for the betterment of their knowledge, and thereby, the best output can be drawn out by the organization.
The other basic needs of the workers must be fulfilled for the betterment of the organizational growth .
The work structure and the organizational culture must be replaced by the new framework for the growth of the organization, and thereby, the future stability of the organization can be ensured with the enhancement of the framework.
The root causes of the downfall of the organization depict the past framework and the processes adopted by the organization. With making the mitigation path for these issues, the enhancement of the organization can be depicted to be fruitful.


These are appropriate present and the future recommendation for the mitigation of the issues and the other risk factors. These factors can be achieved by undertaking modifications in the organizational framework. Therefore, the achievement of the long-term and the short term stability can be gained by the organization regarding the depicted action plan in this case . This process enables the organization to create an appropriate workplace environment by the aid of leadership, power/influence, motivation and the diversity with the cognitive differences. The factors guide the organization for undertaking various changes and making the decision for the betterment of the workplace productivity in the employees.

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The underlying causes of stress cause and are impact on the people needs to analyse both from a macroscopic and microscopic perspective. Individuals more often than not are not productive when they assume that the people do not meet their needs. They start to develop resentment towards the management of the companies and these causes the management a range of issues that they need to deal with. These need to be analysed in order to determine the appropriate solutions.


When the job is a stressful environment there is a need that would automatically rise based on the stresses of the situation. The frameworks for the occupational stress are based around the same principle as the P­E fit theory. They are found to have two similar basic premises. The first factor is that the stress arises owing to the disconcert between person and environment. The second factor is the subjective perceptions of work environments and the individual ability to handle such issues. These two differences are found to cause strain between the people and the environment. There is a considerable gap and these are then amplified when the people sense that the management do not care for their well-being. These create a system of hostility and resentment. These would create a range of issues for the companies. These would ultimately cause the company to face failure and the company will not meet the objectives of the situation .

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随着农业劳动力的转移,关键的预期是农场规模的扩大。在土地缺乏市场的情况下,就像中国和其他几个经济体一样,可以通过租用土地使用权或提供更普遍使用的服务来达到这种效果。土地整理有明确的限度,不能否认土地流转是由于农民对补贴可及性和社会保障可及性的关注而产生的。关键的结果将包括在兼职农民中增加优势。这些方法包括使用肥料和水等投入物或采用新技术的管理方法(Mansourian, 2011)。




As there is a shift in labor across agriculture, the key expectation is in increased sizes of farms. In the lack of market across land, as in the case of China and other several economies, there can be achievement of this effect either by renting the right for utilizing land or by providing services that are used more commonly. With a specific limit of land consolidation set, there is no denial that land transitions are impeded to rise out of farmer concern regarding the accessibility of subsidies and accessibility of social security. The key consequences will be inclusive of increased preponderance across the farmers working on part time basis. These include methods of management implying to apply inputs like fertilizer and water, or for adopting the new technology (Mansourian, 2011).


In addition, several producers will not have the ability of leaving agriculture as there is either a lack of human capital or financial capital. There will be a need for transitioning towards new industries and across urban areas. Contrasting the general international trends in expenses on agriculture related development and research, the cost of research and development in China has risen. Such spending makes key contribution for increasing productivity in agriculture, albeit with certain lags. However, there are several queries in context with managing the respective outcomes and investments with the involvement of several supportive stages of establishment.



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Explain why you chose this city to use in your example:Hobart is located in the city of Tasmania, Australia. The population as per UN data in 2012 is 205,557 and has a huge number of visitors due to the backdrop Mt. Wellington and it is also located along the coast. There are several exclusive markets held on different days when the accommodation is full as people visit Mt. Wellington to hike and cycle regularly. This city is chosen because it is regarded as a travel destination and it is also good percentage of population that can remain helpful for the analysis. This is one city that appeals to all sorts of people including families, individuals, business classes, etc. Due to this reason, it is chosen over the other cities in Australia.

Explain why you chose those hotels to be part of your competitor set, what do they have in common with your hotel?3 hotels have been chosen for the analysis in this paper and these include The Henry Jones Art Hotel, Islington Hotel and Salamanca Wharf Hotel. Following things are common with my hotel:Rated as 5 stars.Amenities are almost the same.Situated in the same locality..Serves the same set of customers as that of mine.These helped me to finalize the hotels as my competitors. The price competitiveness is extremely high in each of the hotels, which would help me to compare with mine to understand the market better.

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加拿大论文代写被抓 :合作伙伴关系

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管理层必须优先考虑所有供应商的问题,以保持生产线的不受影响,并保持产品的及时交付。此外,管理层认为,大多数直接供应商可以在战略销售期间发挥重要作用。这是可能的,同时生产一种特定性别的产品,这也见于世界服装专家,Zara。Zara在全球范围内以其新产品的快速周转时间闻名于世,当其竞争对手开始设计其服装生产线时(Choi, 2014)。Zara使用的是紧密的供应商网络,它总是接近于它的运营,并且是战略合作伙伴,而不仅仅是基于合同的供应商。“基于合同的供应商”和“特定时期的战略合作伙伴”之间的这种意见分歧是区别管理与竞争对手的区别。Zara的管理包含了对合作供应商未来的洞察力和远见。

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The management must undertake all supplier concerns in its priority to keep its production line unaffected and maintain timely delivery of the product. Moreover, the management is of the view that most direct suppliers can play a significant role in strategic periods of sales. This is possible while producing a product for a specific gender, which is also seen in the case of the world clothing specialist, Zara. Zara is known worldwide for its quick turnaround time for new products to hit their stores when its competitors have only started to design its clothing line (Choi, 2014). Zara uses close supplier network, who is always close to its operations and are strategic partners than just contract based suppliers. This difference of opinion between “contract based supplier” and a “strategic partner for specific period” is what differentiates the management from its competitors. The Zara management contains insight and vision for its future in partnering suppliers.

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Adapting to the environment and the demand of the market, which hint partnership to give more benefits faster than competing, is more sensible for the current generation organisations that are competing globally. When competitors increase, partnership is natural, and the market identifies with partnership much easier when one or more competitors becomes weak and are is longer able to compete.


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对气泡和碰撞特征的分离可以通过以下几点来说明: 股价急剧上涨。利用大量的股份购买。资本市场的部分低效率。利益相关方的结盟。




The characteristics of the bubble and the crashes are shown with generating the slow accumulation of the long-time interval correlation. The collapse of the stock is being indicated for this reason, and the success of the income trust in the retail market has become the major concern for the creation of complexity in the income trust.
The segregation of the characteristics of the bubbles and the crashes can be illustrated by the aid of the following points mentioned below:
Steep rise in the stock prices: Leverage, High volume of the share purchase, Partial inefficiency in the capital market, and Alignment of the interested parties


Bubbles are indicated to be beginning with the rise of the stock prices, and if the rise persists, then the people tend to have more investment with raising the alarm of the naïve investors. The investors believe that the recent performance of the stock market could be used for making the future forecast and thereby, the future returns were expected to be more which were made by the investors . The rationale investors used to monitor the trading and the performance going on in the stock market. The decisions regarding selling and buying of the shares can be easily made to gain the huge profit. The attitude of most of the investors indicates the risk regarding the buying and the selling of the shares where they face many losses with gaining the chance to earn more profit. The fall in demand creates lowering the prices of the stocks and the crash is being created. The crash is very much essential since it creates awareness regarding the buying and the selling of the shares. This also creates an unwillingness in the minds of the investors to buy their shares and the unwilling acquire of the shares leads to the cause of the crash. The efficient market hypothesis is undertaken for the study which clearly explains the contributing factor for the asset bubble and the backing of the efficient market hypothesis is being imposed on the association. The changing of the market price is illustrated to be the main reason where the investor cannot expect to earn above the required returns. The combination of the two inside notions establishes an appropriate and efficient market which is being enhanced for the creation of the competition in the current market. Hence, the balance in the market must be maintained to avoid the downfall of the market.


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The structure seems to be ruptured with the increment of vegetation and due to this reason, the imbalance in the slope stability is easily determined. The function of the local soil condition is important for the enhancement of the factors regarding the imbalance of the slope stability and the structure easily illustrated the apparent soil cohesion which is being well represented in the form of draining the soils from the steep slopes. The steep forested planes can be easily indicated in the form of developing the reasons for the generalizing the unsaturated conditions which are estimated for the soil erosion and the effect is determined to be the geo-mechanical effect. During the rainy seasons, the imbalance of the slope stability is becoming twice which is determined by comparing the state of the present slope stability. The erosion thus leads to be unstable situation of the slope and can be easily explained by the form undertaken for the study.


Excessive loading: When there is excessive loading on the slope, it will lead to increase of the shear stress. When the protection facilities exceed the provide resistance, it will be easy to form slope damage. A large number of digging and filling: In the development of slope, the back-fill ditch is used to facilitate the excavation. If the area of filling is not rolling compact and there is the loose soil within the slope, it is fairly easy to produce uneven subsidence or deformation. When there is a building above the filling area, it will cause disasters such as cracking, displacement, skew or dumping.


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What are the pre-requisites for setting up a travel company, and after forming it, how is it to be maintained in terms of marketing, human resource, and culture mix of the company’s workforce, along with relevant comparisons with similar companies in the UK and China?
For successfully reaching to provide inputs for this aim, there are certain objectives which will have to be considered, and they are some of the following:
1. What are the starts to end processes that are needed in setting up a travel company?
2. What are the pre-formation strategies that are required for a successful start of the company?
3. What are the approximate costs that will go in setting up a full-fledged travel company offering all services presently offered by existing companies?
4. After its formation, how is it to be maintained in terms of marketing and what skills will be required to keep the company growing on the basis of marketing power?
5. How is the cultural management of a varied workforce, either in the home or host countries is to be managed and kept growing?
6. What will be the role of human resource in managing a large and a multi-cultural and multi-lingual organisation?
7. What are some of the comparisons between the new formed travel company and the travel companies of the UK and China, and how do they manage the same in all kinds of internal and external environments?
8. What internal and external factors will have to be considered before forming a travel company?
These objectives will lead us to a good enough conclusion and research results to have substantial information about forming a travel company from scratch. Besides, comparing the company with those in the UK and China will also give a suitable explanation about the management of such companies in two countries of different culture and language.

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无线个域网技术已成为不同的无线技术之间的选择,通过克服在不同的无线商业自动化技术的速度限制,并允许在一个网络上的额外设备的质量。无线个域网技术普遍使用有一对。4GHZ频段提供低速率无线应用领域发布的规范组的高层通信协议设计使用小;低功耗数字收音机支持IEEE 802.15.4无线个人网络空间的习惯。802.15.4无线技术的设备之间的即时通信无线个域网接近允许使用,而在不需要网络同步延迟的蓝牙和Wi-Fi。这使得照明系统利用无线管理与ZigBee。IEEE 802.15.4窝点一个坚固的无线PHY(物理层)和MAC(介质访问控制)层。无线个域网网络安全相关的密集,对IEEE 802.15.4系统应用框架。这些功能有助于改变一个网络在一个无线网络上拥有数千台设备的速度。网状网络帮助传感器和控制器建立可靠的无线通信网络。无线Mesh网络意味着所有设备都有通信能力,可以“与1通话”,并充当中继器,将数据传输到不同的无线电设备,这些无线电设备可能因特定设备的通信而不同。网状网络共同表明,无线个域网网络不需要一个中央管理的目的。网状网络机械与拓扑变化。节点可以增加,删除,替换或重新安置而不是古老的网络管理要求。网状网络将优化或增加能见度到动态系统,如在旧建筑物的环境条件或在一个非常薄弱的机器的条件下,没有有线网络的价值和管理。


ZigBee is the wireless technology that is used to work on the Personal Area Network standard. Moreover, this is widely used for the automation applications and to replace the existing non standard technologies. There are a number of applications which are installed and operate in the 802.15 automation. The data rate for the ZigBee has the presence of 20kbps and act upon certain band limit operation. This has to facilitate the accounts or from other complementary technologies. This is uniquely designed for lower power rate wireless data. It targets and aims to produce a lower data rate and low cost wireless networking. In fact, this has the goal to provide the physical layer and MAC layer standard for such networks.
ZigBee technology has become the quality of choice among different wireless technologies by overcoming the speed limitations found in different wireless commercial automation technologies and by permitting for additional devices on one network. ZigBee technology uses the universally out there a pair of. 4GHz band to provide low rate wireless applications and areas a published specification set of high level communication protocols designed to use tiny; low-power digital radios supported the IEEE 802.15.4 customary for wireless personal space networks. The 802.15.4 radio technology utilized by ZigBee permits for close to instant communication between devices, where there is no need for network synchronization delays by Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. This allows lighting systems to utilize wireless management with ZigBee. IEEE 802.15.4 dens a sturdy radio PHY (physical layer) and MAC (medium access control) layer. ZigBee dense the network, security associated application framework for an IEEE 802.15.4-based system. These capabilities facilitate speeds to alter a network to own thousands of devices on one wireless network. The mesh network helps sensors and controllers establish reliable wireless communication networks. Wireless mesh networks mean all devices have communication capabilities to “talk to 1 another,” and act as repeaters transferring data to different radios that may be out of communication vary of a specific device. Mesh networking conjointly suggests that ZigBee networks do not require a central management purpose. Mesh networks mechanically go with topology changes. Nodes can be additional, removed, replaced or resettled while not the requirement for ancient network administration. Mesh networks will optimize or increase the visibility into dynamic systems, like the environmental conditions within an old building or the condition of machinery in a very weak, without the value and administration of a wired network.

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我选择了“女仆的故事“Margaret Atwood写的文章,我将作为诠释本文。这个加拿大作家的作品是在投机小说的类型,并在未来设置。背景故事中设置是一个独裁的基督教神权已导致征服美国政府。这个故事的标题是从类似的标题如“牧师的故事的一个灵感,“坎特伯雷故事”等。这是一个美妙的散文,穿越在那些已经征服了女性的社会搜索。故事的中心主题是女性被社会占主导地位,他们如何寻求帮助(奇尔顿和保罗,12-19)。这个故事已经被所有人和获奖的形式获得太多的喝彩和进一步修改为其他娱乐形式的认可。

故事的地理背景是在前美国边界内的基列共和国。该地区主要是一个独裁形式的军事和讨论性别歧视,妇女在这样的社会。故事的情绪是恐怖主义和宗教保守主义和传统社会的演变,现代女性在否认存在的基本权利(Burgess &安东尼,145-154)。这些妇女的未来是与领土被原教旨主义的神权统治的不确定。除此之外,社会的个体被职业、种姓和其他形式所歧视,并在社会中服务。作者描绘了不断衰退的加拿大社会,每个社会中的人都想摆脱这种社会。Gileadan的社会是以一个政权的镇压和虐待和所有的忧郁情绪。


I have chosen ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ written by Margaret Atwood as the passage that I shall annotate in this paper. The work by this Canadian author is in the genre of speculative fiction and set in the future. The background in which the story is set is an authoritarian Christian theocracy which has been a cause of conquering of the U.S government. The title of the story is an inspiration from similar titles like ‘The Parson’s Tale’, ‘The Canterbury Tales’ and so on. It is a wonderful piece of prose that traverses through the society in search of women who have been subjugated. The central theme of the story is such women who have been socially dominated and how they seek assistance (Chilton & Paul, 12-19). This tale has been recognized by one and all and gained much acclamation in the form of awards and prizes and was further amended for other entertainment forms.

The geographical setting of the story is in the Gilead Republic within the former American borders. The region is primarily a dictatorship form of military and discusses the gender discrimination that women are subject to in such societies. The mood of the story is that of terrorism and religious conservatism and the evolution of a traditional society in the modern age where women are denied basic rights of existence (Burgess & Anthony, 145-154). The future of these women is uncertain with the territory being ruled by a fundamentalist theocracy. Apart from this, the individuals of the society are discriminated by occupation, caste and other forms and accordingly served in the society. The author portrays the Canadian society which is constantly declining and every person in that society who wants to be free of this type of a society. The Gileadan society is symbolised as a regime of repression and mistreat and in all a depressive mood.






