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在考虑传统的以教师为中心的模型时,教师是信息获取的重要来源(Siegle, 2014)。与此相反,翻转学习的模式是从以教学为基础,以学习者为中心的学习方式的转变。翻转课堂中投入大量的课堂时间,探索更深层次的理解主题,创造丰富的学习机会。因此,学生能够在参与的同时,积极参与到知识的建构中去,能够以一种建立个人意义的方式来评价自己的学习。





When considering the traditional teacher-centralized model, the teacher can be identified as a crucial source from whom information is obtained (Siegle, 2014). In contrast to the same, the model of flipped learning is a shift from instruction based approach that focuses on learner centric approach. There is dedication of in-class time within flipped classroom in order to explore topics with deeper understanding and to create rich opportunities of learning . Due to this, students are able to have an active involvement in the construction of knowledge as they have participation and are able to evaluate their learning in a way that there is establishment of personal meaning .


Educators in flipped learning continuously think about the utilization of flipped learning model for assisting the students in the development of conceptual understanding along with procedural fluency . They are able to determine the key requirement for teaching and the materials that need to be explored by the students themselves.
Educators have been seen using intentional content for maximizing time in the classroom in order to consider adopting methods that can help engage students better such as active, student-centered strategies of active learning which is highly dependent on the subject matter and the grade level.


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