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员工个体的发展是领导存在的重要作用。这种个人的发展很可能被看作是员工赋权的发展。Men and stack(2013)的研究表明,变革型领导通过赋予员工权力,不仅直接而且间接地对员工对组织声誉的感知产生积极影响。因此,领导的角色就像是车轮上的关键齿轮,它形成了员工对组织的看法。在这里,领导模式的工作对于管理员工的反应和创建授权的环境变得至关重要。员工的授权过程使组织能够进步,并开发出更好的效率范围。


领导力影响个人发展的另一个领域与组织内的知识共享和沟通有关。领导者和管理团队的远见确保了员工有合适的环境来学习和分享新的想法和知识。这可以确保更大的创新空间和更多的员工参与创新(Huang et al., 2010)。人际信任产生于领导力影响的方式充分强调了企业知识共享与领导力之间的联系。


The development of individual employees is an important role for the presence of leadership. This kind of development of individuals is likely to be seen developing from the presence of empowerment of the employees. Studies conducted by Men and Stacks, 2013, show that transformational leadership positively influences employees’ perception of organizational reputation, not only directly but also indirectly, through empowering employees. Therefore, the role of leadership comes across as crucial cog in the wheel which forms the employees’ perception towards the organization. Here, the work of the leadership patterns becomes crucial to manage the responses of the employees and create an environment of empowerment. The empowering process of employees enables the organization to progress and develop better scope of efficiency.


Another area where leadership impacts development of individuals is related to knowledge sharing and communication within the organization. The outlook of the leaders and the management team ensures that the employees are provided suitable environment to learn and share new ideas and knowledge. This can ensure higher scope for innovation and greater presence of employee involvement in the creation of initiatives (Huang et al., 2010). The way in which the interpersonal trust is derived from impact of leadership amply underlines the connection between knowledge sharing in a firm and leadership.


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