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Artificial intelligence will increase humans understanding of Cognitive Psychology because its ability to accurately model the way that people think. This essay makes the argument that AI modeling of the human thinking and related behavior processes are indeed assistive in understanding human cognizance. The research on the subject of cognitive psychology and Artificial intelligence is used here to construct the needed arguments. The work also disucsses a significant counter argument on the subject and attempts to provide an explanation on why the counter argument cannot be accepted.


By nature, the minds of humans are programmed over centuries, with information or information processing biological makeup handed down by generations. Therefore, in this context, it could be said that humans are also programmed. Most of the reasoning that humans do is not ingrained, and some of them are socially constructed, learned from the family models that people live in etc. Now if in the broader context, it is understood that humans are programmed, then it would logically follow that AI models which are programmed also capture intelligence to a certain level, and hence the use of Artificial intelligence would indeed be a good way to model and understand cognitive psychology.

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