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此外,在两起不同的召回事件中,公司损失了数十亿美元作为罚款以及经营损失。丰田品牌曾经是最高品质的代名词,这次事件破坏了公司的品牌形象和声誉。丰田事件为企业相关人员提供了许多宝贵的经验教训,企业组织也可以从丰田事件中吸取教训。丰田激进的增长战略不利于公司,公司的生产侵蚀了它的质量,忽视了客户,他们的问题没有得到及时的解决(Ishikawa & Tsujimoto, 2009)。因此,公司不得不面对严重的后果。


In this particular situation, Toyota has to face a sea of problems. Apart from the damage reputation, natural calamity and increasingly growing competitive pressure became a substantial risk for the company. The rivals companies like Volkswagen, Hyundai, General Motors and Ford are substantially growing, whereas Toyota is eroding its reputation of a global leader (Hampton, 2009). In this cutthroat competition market, a single mistake can put a giant like Toyota in a back position from the competitors. Therefore, one quality issue of Toyota has become a serious problem for the company.


Furthermore, in two distinct recalls the company losses billions of dollars as fines along with the operating losses. Once, the Toyota brand was synonymous with the top quality, and this incident spoiled the brand image and reputation of the company. The case of Toyota offers many valuable lessons for the people associated with business, and the business organizations can also learn from the incident occurred with Toyota. The aggressive growth strategy of Toyota goes against the company and production of the company eroding its quality, the customers were neglected, and their issues were not managed out on time (Ishikawa & Tsujimoto, 2009). As a result, the company has to face serious consequences.

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