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An important counter argument which is presented in the case of using AI for understanding cognitive psychology is that AI models are programmed and hence cannot be the right models of understanding human cognizance. Human cognizance is the creation of many elements and not just information input and output from some paradigms or domains. A consortium on Cognitive Science sponsored project using a program called Larry, and programmers Anderson et al. (2006) can be used to answer for this counter argument.


The Larry program is an intelligent program because it makes the right decisions to win the game. Unlike other AI modules such as say a controller being used in a washing machine, the Larry program was one that was able to make intelligent guesses and store these guesses as part of training and improving its cognitive network. Now, consider the counter argument that anything that is programmed cannot be intelligent and hence consequentially cannot assist humans in understanding cognitive psychology. Now it could be said that the Larry is not intelligent. This assumption or argument which anything that is programmed cannot be intelligent can be accepted on one condition. The condition is that humans cannot have been programmed in any way. However, the fact remains that it cannot really be established that humans are not programmed. In a sense, it can be argued that they are not programmed the same way as computers are, but they are still being programmed in some ways. Their ways of thinking as society has taught them is a form of programming.

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