




为了吸引更多的留学生前来咨询办理论文代写业务,各机构都会定期不定期对当地政府和学校的相关政策规定,进行深入细致的分析研究,同时不断优化自身的业务范围,提升专业水平、服务能力等。 因此,当前美国论文代写Educationren机构不断呈现出结构合理、各有侧重的良好局面,如有的机构擅长于基础知识的作业代写、有的机构擅长于某一学科方面知识的作业代写,也有些机构擅长于综合性的作业论文代写等等,对于不同留学生的不同需求,都可以在众多的代写机构中找到适合自己的。





















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一般这个situation statement是平凡的,或者一个大家都普遍认可的大道理或者现象。这个点在于,你说的这个话,是感觉很正确的话——“truth universally acknowledged的话。这样才能让老师和读者产生共鸣,给出hook,引人上钩,忍不住看。后面会有例子的。










这个问题就是你需要回答的essay question了,也就是你在这篇论文研究的主要问题。




这就是你的essay statement或者thesis statement。对于前面的问题,你是怎么回应的。



Read your main idea. Now, write a complete sentence about your main idea.


Reread your introductory sentence. Add a one or two more sentences explaining your main idea. Remember that the job of your introductory paragraph is to get your reader’s attention.



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Supplemental essay有几种写作类型?美国代写是如何写作的?

Supplemental essay有几种写作类型?美国代写是如何写作的?在众多条件几乎不相上下的申请者中,Supplemental essay可谓是相当重要了。Supplemental essay就是补充文书,对于名校来说这个补充内容是非常重要的,是学生们综合素质的展现。下面我们就来看看Supplemental essay的四种写作类型,跟着我们美国代写来学习吧。

一、 Why“This” College? Essays

不管是简单的“Why XX University”还是询问学生会如何为校园做贡献,学校都希望看到经过仔细调研,充满细节的文章。这篇文书是我们告诉招生官,这个学校是我首选的机会。

在Supplemental essay里简单地说“我想去某个学校因为她很棒”或者“某学校是我的最爱”是不够的。在评估这些文章时,学校希望看到学生真的做了功课去了解学校,并且认真思考了自己是否能融入校园文化。


二、Why “Major”? Essays

有些学校想知道学生的学术兴趣是什么,和他们为什么想在这个学校学习这个专业。就像“Why this College”这类问题的回答一样,这个题目的答案也要有关于学校项目和学生兴趣的具体信息。这些具体信息可以包括出国交换的机会,教授的研究项目,课程要求,学院新闻,最新研究等等。但要记住,所有的信息最后都必须回归我们自身,和我们的目标:职业目标,深造计划,学习目标等等相关。我们也可以结合自身相关经历阐述为什么想学一个专业。


三、“Quirky” Essay Prompts

这是一道越来越流行的Supplemental essay题目:特立独行的文书。从有关“YOLO”和蜘蛛的问题,到询问学生会如何设计课程,许多学校会询问学生一些奇怪的问题。对很多学生来说,这些文书题目让人望而生畏,常常有同学在写一篇有创意的文书和写一篇干巴巴的文书中挣扎。

面对这类奇怪的问题时,我们要牢记Supplemental essay写作首要原则:展现被隐藏的特质。这些文书关注学生和他们的思考,而不是他们对学校想听什么信息的推测。大家一定要牢记自己的兴趣!同样需要牢记的是学校在寻找适合自己的学生。这时候,可以回头去看学校的使命,了解背后的原因和过去什么样的学生被录取。

四、“Short” Supplement Questions

有些Supplemental essay只要求写一些单词或一句话。对这些问题,建议大家进行深入挖掘和思考,但记住我们的答案不需要和问题看起来一样特别,所有的回答都只需反应我们的性格和热情。


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例句:Wang et al developed a deep learning system.

降重:This group constructed a deep learning algorithm.

解释:我们不仅可以把 develop, system 换成 construct, algorithm,还可以把 Wang et al(王作者等等)换成 This group(指整个研究团队)。



例句:Wang et al developed a deep learning system.

降重:A deep learning algorithm were constructed by this group.

解释:我们不仅可以把 develop, system 换成 construct, algorithm, 还可以把 Wang et al(王作者等等)换成 This group(指整个研究团队)。


例句:we retrospectively reviewed the data of 187 patients with UC from whom biopsy samples were obtained after endocytoscopic observation.

降重:187 patients were diagnosed as UC via biopsy samples.Our group reviewed the data of them retrospectively.




例句:187 patients were diagnosed as UC via biopsy samples.Our group reviewed the data of them retrospectively.

降重:we retrospectively reviewed the data of 187 patients with UC from whom biopsy samples were obtained after endocytoscopic observation.


例句:We developed and evaluated a prompt computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system to predict persistent histologic inflammation using endocytoscopy.

降重:Persistent histologic inflammation can be predicted by CAD system constructed by our group promptly.















预测分析方法是关于利用统计模型来预测未来的方法。这种方法是关于对未来的理解。公司的作用是为未来提供可操作的见解。说明性分析是关于优化或模拟算法的使用,以建议可能的结果和结果的答案(Larose & Larose, 2014)。这说明了必须做什么。这些公司使用这些统计数据来预测未来会发生什么。

在这种情况下使用了DIKW金字塔的哲学。以“数据、信息、知识、智慧”金字塔为层次模型。金字塔中的每一步都试图回答有关数据的问题,并为数据增加价值。人们在沿着金字塔移动时回答的问题帮助他们获得对知识的洞察(George, Haas & Pentland, 2014)。最后,金字塔的顶端帮助人们接受整理后的信息。大数据利用这一点来创建有凝聚力的解决方案。数据挖掘过程是由使用三种思想的过程来进行数据挖掘的过程。


The predictive analysis methods are about the use of the statistical model to predict the future. This method is about the understanding of the future . The companies are used for providing the actionable insights into the future. The prescriptive analysis is about the use of the optimization or simulation algorithm to advice on the possible outcomes and answers for the outcomes (Larose & Larose, 2014). This explains about what must be done. The companies use these statistics to forecast as to what would occur in the future.

The philosophy of the DIKW pyramid is used in this situation. The “data, information, knowledge and wisdom” pyramid are used as a hierarchy model. Each step in the pyramid tries to answer the question about the data and adds value to the data. The questions that the people answer as they move along the pyramid help them gain insight about the knowledge (George, Haas & Pentland, 2014). Finally, the top of the pyramid helps the people to accept the information that was collated. The big data uses this to create cohesive solutions. The data mining process is used by the process of using three ideologies for the process of data mining. These three ideologies have been detailed in the following.

With the advent of sophisticated technology, the analytics tend to go beyond the three philosophies. The reason for the existence of the big data is to make proper decisions that would aid towards growth. Added to these methods, a trained analyst needs to assimilate the data using the different protocols to arrive at a solution.


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2.BESIDES/BESIDES THIS/BESIDES THAT:这几个essay连接词通常需要放在句首。它们常常在essay代写中是被用来进行额外说明某一点信息的。

3.AS WELL AS:“As well as”是另一个常常用于补充信息的essay连接词。这个连接词可以被用在句首,也可以被用在句中. “As well as”后面必须跟着另外的什么词. “As well”可以放在句末(类似于“too”的用法)。

4.IN ADDITION/ ADDITIONALLY:In addition是一个介词,而additionally是一个副词,它们都是连接词,它们将一个从句中的信息连接到下一个从句中的信息。前后词语之间用逗号隔开。值得一提的是:这两个essay连接词比较正式些。



7.MOREOVER /FURTHERMORE /FURTHER:这几个连接词通常被用在句首,用来补充另一个观点或进一步阐明前一观点的。

8.WHAT’S MORE:“What ‘s more”用在essay代写中来补充更多的信息,用来强调你想说的是什么。他们通常在非正式的时候用的较多。

9. IN OTHER WORDS:这个essay连接词一般用于换一种说法来表达某件事或者某一观点的。

10. TO PUT IT ANOTHER WAY:这个词组意思与IN OTHER WORDS近似,但是它通常用于解释复杂的观点。

11. THAT IS TO SAY:这个词组多用于更进一步解释、或表达更详细的内容。

12. TO THAT END:对于这个词组,这里that可以替换this,用法也是完全一致的。在逻辑关系上,这个词组近似于in order to / so 。

13. LIKEWISE:当你想表达的内容,与之前提过的内容相近时,就使用这个词组。

14. SIMILARLY:Similarly和likewise这两个词组在essay代写中的用法基本一致。

15. ANOTHER KEY THING TO REMEMBER:关于这个词组,我们还可以说 another key fact to remember,我们可以把它理解为also的意思,只不过换一种表达而已.

16. NOT ONLY … BUT ALSO:关于这个词组,当在同一主题下时,对于相关的信息分开表达,并且这些信息之间的过度,不会让读者感到意外。

17. COUPLED WITH:对于这个词组,当我们同时考虑2个或者2个以上观点时,最好使用它。

18. NOT TO MENTION / TO SAY NOTHING OF:在essay代写中我们通常用这个词组表达之前没提到的信息,并且带有一些强调的作用。

19. THAT SAID:该词组意思和then again很类似。



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1、标题的使用对于较长的论文的标题页,顺序依次是标题、姓名、日期,都需要居中,有的还需写上某一门课程的导师的职称、课程的编号等;打印时,如无特殊要求,每一行均需double space,即隔行打印,行距约为0.6 cm。美国代写表示若篇幅较短,可将标题页的内容做些排版调整即:打在正文第一页的左上方。其余如上顺序,左右皆为2.5 cm,打印时隔行打印即可。

2、引用处理技巧根据引用的多少:一般拟引用的文字与论文无关的要删掉,剩下的若引文不足三行,可以将引文有机地融入论文中;否则就要分开,但是引文不需加引号,末尾的句号应标在最后一个词后。 插注:一般不采用脚注和标注,因为对于多篇文章的排版这种方法容易出问题,通常采用的是在引文中直接插注,但是要直接接在被注释的词后面,并且要使用方括号。 出处:若引文出自同一作者的两篇或两篇以上的作品,除注明引文作者及页码外,还要注明作品名。若是一部多卷书,要注明卷号。美国代写表示 用日报上的英语论文必须同时注明报纸出版的年、月、日。

3、学会处理参考文献在文末的参考文献中,姓前名后,并且用逗号隔开,两个作家合著的则用and连接;三个或三个以上的,前面的用逗号隔,最后一个用and连。 美国代写表示如果文献是图书,书名用斜体;文献是期刊或期刊中的文章,文章名用正常字体,期刊或报刊名用斜体;如果文献是网页,则尽量包括作者、年份、题目、网址和检索时间。


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美国代写论文表示英文论文一般情况下有以下的格式要求,在老师没有另外指定的情况下使用:– 文章标题放在第一页(封面)居中中心位置,独立页面。– 字体:Times New Roman或者Arial,字体大小:12号(小四),行距:1.5倍。– 段与段之间空一行,每段不要求像中文写作那样空两格,而是直接顶格写。– References列表放在文章最后独立页面,不管最后一页剩多少空行,References都要另起一页按照开头字母顺序从A-Z排列。– 页码要标记好(封面页不用标记页码,从正文页开始),放在页尾居中位置。如有目录部分,则推荐在目录页使用罗马数字I、II、III标记页码,而正文页都使用阿拉伯数字。– 论文的字数需要控制好,一般可以接受总字数的-10%到+10%的偏差。– 抄袭检测到的重复部分不可超过10%,一般控制在5%以下为佳。


但有的时候,老师会在要求中写明“no sub-headings”或者“no headings”,这两种说法都是一个意思,即不要在论文中使用任何子标题,连“Introduction”和“Conclusion”这样的子标题都不必使用,直接撰写引言和结论的内容即可,此时文章的结构仅为“论文标题-正文多个段落-References(换页)-引用列表”即可。美国代写论文提醒,在写作中及遣词用句时,还需要注意如下几点:– 论文中不应出现拼写和语法错误,这在老师看来是非常不应该犯的错误。– 论文中不宜使用第一人称或第二人称,保持论证的客观性。– 避免使用缩写,例如:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t, 改成cannot,do not,did not,would not为佳。– 避免用口语词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about…等。– 避免使用太过生僻的单词,用词要专业,专业知识和词汇使用要正确。– 尽量减少使用从句套从句(这样并不显得语法功底深),句子如果过长,就改成短句,这样意思表达更清楚。– 举例非常重要,但是要符合论点。

– 在正文处,只写作者的姓和年份,不应出现任何first name 和middle name。– 文内引用项文尾必须有对应项,文尾引用项也必须有文内引用对应项,比较严格的老师,会逐条进行检查。– 文内引用“(作者的姓,时间)”若出现在句末,应该放在“.”号之前。


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Certain drastic steps had to be taken by Wal-Mart for ensuring that they do not lose shares in the market, further ensuring the way of wooing the customers perceiving difficult decisions taken up by the management. There are a number of different substitutes for the products, especially considering the short routes such as train, bus and other modes of transportation. However, this is not the case for long distance travelling, and with the advancement of technology, there are a number of different options such as video messages, video conferences, and net meetings, with substitution, but there is lack of effectiveness.
Hence, Wal-Mart needs to take significant initiative for enhancing the scope of innovation not only in its products, but with respect to the overall quality it presents for the organizations.Being highly dependent upon the nation, the rights of trademark are established typically in terms of registration or utilization. In some of the nations, specifically the ones having lawful systems on the basis of English common law, the use of mark will help in establishing rights of common law within the mark. These are inclusive of the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia.
In these nations, a registration of trademark may help in providing broader rights in comparison with the rights of common law arising simply from the use of trademark. As a significant example, rights of common law are limited typically to the geographical location within which there is actual utilization of the mark. On the contrary, the rights obtained by registration of trademark may end up extending all across the region or nation under coverage through the registration. In a significant manner, in nations not recognizing trademarks of common law, the initial registration for any mark will acquire exclusive rights.


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In all, if more pressure is put on raising fertility rates, the life expectancy rates would automatically go up naturally as the ageing population’s most basic emotional support, their immediate descendants and family are close to them and support them.Population ageing, like terrorism and financial stability, is soon to become a priority among global institutions and national governments. Its impacts are just getting ready to be reflected globally.
The primary causes of population ageing are claimed to be declining fertility rates and rise in life expectancy of the existing. Declining fertility rates are more or less of our own making, since a lifestyle based on unhealthy food and drinks, sedentariness, lack of exercise and physical fitness, and deteriorating air and water quality have contributed more to infertility than any medical reasons. The capitalist market structure promoted by the US, albeit in ignorance, promotes such unhealthy foods and drinks globally, which goes unchecked because of the capital investments they bring with them. Low marriage rates, late marriages have also somewhat contributed to less childbearing.
Life expectancy is growing slowly, thanks to accessibility to healthcare for dangerous diseases. The impacts, social, political, and economic, are severe if population ageing is not repressed. There can be financial implications, destruction of social structures, lack of motivation to continue living, etc. The government could introduce mandatory marriage counselling encouraging marriages before or during reproductive years, increase healthcare spends and innovate medications to eradicate infertility. Social spending must be increased to cover all aged population, and mandatory physical fitness and exercising policies must be introduced globally. WHO could curb the thriving of unhealthy foods and drinks with immediate effect. Overall, if the fertility rates are raised significantly, the life expectancy could automatically escalate. Political will remains the key.


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An elderly couple at a Department of Conservation Visitor Information Centre is the context and situation that is considered at this point. The form of technique that is used in one situation could not possibly be used in all situations. So what is used for the Museum situation presented above will not be applicable here. Different contexts might result in the use of different interpretive techniques based on their relative strengths and weaknesses with respect to the situation. In order to understand this, it is very critical to look at it from a visitor point of view. To the elderly couple, nature walks and leisure activities would be suggested.
The tourist guide would have planned for a tour for the couple based on their strength and stamina to visit the sites, their interests, their time for rest, break for lunch etc. The tour guide will use a mixed form of interpretation. He can directly talk and give information and in addition can present visuals regarding the cultural practices of the people and the natural element that are visible in the area. These would be the focus. The use of visuals and more are strong points of both personal and non-personal interpretation techniques with respect to this situation.
For an auditory learner, there must be sounds. The auditory learner is probably the person who picks up aural voices in the tourist van. Recordings in the tourist shuttle would appeal better to the auditory learner. Sometimes exhibitions and museums have walk through where an audible sound is played always. This is because of it aiming to create an aural based learning. Every one of us has different styles of learning. Some of us learn better when we listen to the lectures in class. Some of us can understand better when we experiment with what has been taught to us, some of us need more visuals to help us and some would need to use their hands and feel substances to learn about them, in the case of the aural learner they need data in the form of recordings supplied to them as an endless loop or in other ways. For an auditory learner to the Fiordland National Park, some form of auditory recording along with tour guide presentations would help create better interest in the visitor.

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代寫論文 價格-數字營銷

本文主要講數字營銷,數字營銷就是通過一種以上的電子媒介來推廣產品、服務或品牌的過程。數字營銷與傳統營銷完全不同。數字營銷人員觀察一切,比如用戶注意到什麼,注意多長時間和多頻繁,什麼內容有效,什麼內容無效,等等。與數字營銷緊密相連的渠道是互聯網。還有一些其他的東西,像移動即時消息最簡單的方式之一,無線短信,移動應用程序,廣播頻道和數字電視,等等。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Digital marketing in clear words is a process of promoting the product or services or brands through more than one kind of electronic media. Digital marketing is completely contrasted to that of traditional marketing. Digital marketers observe everything such as what is being noticed by the users, for how long and how frequently, what content is working and what is not, etc. The channel which has been closely connected with digital marketing is Internet. There are also some other things like mobile immediate messaging one of the easiest way, wireless text messaging, app for mobile, radio channels and digital television, etc.
The old days when the company has to message people with the intention of informing all regarding the product or the services of the company has gone now. In now day’s digital media is so persistent that the users can approach to the complete details any time and at any place wherever customers want. Digital media have become an ever-expanding way for the activity, shopping, news, social interaction even for food. Customers are now possess with complete knowledge regarding not merely what company says for their brand but also what are the perspective of other regarding the company like media, peers and other associated people.
The digital marketing must be right in process so that it is able for achieve success in its desired goals. The three basic elements for accomplishing digital marketing success have been discussed in this report.
Act in response and instigate vigorous consumer communications.
Deal with complicated consumer relationships crossways, multiplicity of channels – both digital and traditional.
Remove value from big data to formulate better decisions sooner.


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本文講的是控制變量存款和GDP,控制變量存款和GDP的作用也很有趣。 GDP對銀行盈利能力的影響是負的。這意味著,隨著經濟的增強,銀行業變得更加有利可圖,並在經濟中吸引了更多的銀行。這使得市場競爭更加激烈。雖然這可能符合客戶的利益,但銀行在佔領市場方面肯定會面臨更激烈的競爭,從而失去盈利能力。它還可能指出這樣一個事實:為了獲得更多資產,這些銀行未能進行適當的盡職調查,這導致了它們的資產回報率(ROA)和股本回報率(ROE)受到影響。本篇論文代寫行情文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The role of the control variables deposits and GDP are also interesting. The effect of GDP of the economy is negative on the profitability of the banks. This implies that as the economy strengthens, the banking industry is becoming more lucrative and is attracting more banks in the economy. This makes the market more competitive. While this might be in the interest of the customers, the banks certainly face stronger competition in capturing the markets thereby losing on the profitability. It might also point to the fact that in an attempt to get more assets, the banks are failing to perform appropriate due diligence due to which their ROA and ROE suffer.
When the banks do not perform the appropriate KYC (Know Your Customer) or due diligence on their customers, they inherently misjudge the riskiness of the customers. In these cases, the customers often become delinquent and the corresponding asset becomes non-performing. These issues lead to a decline in the profitability of the banks and often weaker balance sheets. Although this is expected to be short-term because as the competitors in the market increase, or as the banks start facing bad loans, the lucrativeness of the sector declines, thereby reducing the risk appetite of the banks. It may also happen that as the GDP increases, the banks in hope of better behaviour from the customers start lending more without appropriate due diligence which leads to sub-standard and later non-performing assets.
However, the effect of deposits turns out to be positive. As the deposits in the banks increase, their ROA and ROE are also expected to increase. This is an indicative of the faith of the customers in the banks. With higher deposits banks have more money to convert into assets. The downside here is that due to regulatory norms, the reserves that the banks have to keep aside in liquid form also increase with the deposits. Nonetheless, when banks have more deposits, only a fraction of it goes down into deposits as security either with themselves or with the central banks. Despite that, what is more important here is that with increasing deposits, banks lend more and have better opportunities to increase their profitability.

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本文讲的是员工关系处理,影响员工关系的因素包括裁员、外包、管理变更、合并、收购甚至关闭。在任何一种情况下,这些因素都会直接影响雇佣关系,因为与所有这些因素直接相关的一个共同因素是信任。因此,与员工和员工保持直接的沟通渠道变得极为重要(Kinicki and Kreitner, 2003)。本篇美国论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

A number of factors which influence employee relations include downsizing, outsourcing, management changes, mergers, acquisitions and even closures. In either of these cases, these factors directly affect the employee-employer relationship because a common factor which is directly related to all these factors is trust. Thus, it becomes extremely essential to maintain direct communication channels with staffs and employees (Kinicki and Kreitner, 2003).
The employee empowerment is an important aspect as the employees are given substantial power to lead and take control of certain situations. In recent years, the organizations are becoming informal and believe in team work for maximal output (Losey et al., 2007). The employees participate in the day to day dealings and well-being of the organization so as to achieve the short and long term goals (Beardwell and Claydon, 2007). They participate in the managerial decision making process. They point out loopholes and suggest constructive feedbacks to deal with situations effectively.
Feedback system is based from the alignment of the performance with the goals of the organization. This is a form of representative participation. The employees in the company need to work together to create cohesive and dynamic solutions. The benefits and incentives of the company are based on the seniority of the job. Using the employee performance, there must be waiting in a queue to gain the access to the accolades for the performance (Schuler and Jackson, 2008).When the company tries to motivate, the employees need to be appreciated and recognized in the society. They need to have an employee recognition program.
The simple example of the performance based reward system can be explained by the use of Football game. When the particular player takes a lot of efforts to meet the performance, there is rewarding of the people based on the particular council and the sports organization (Boxall and Purcell, 2000).The employees are able to gain patronage to meet the demands of the external environment.


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本文主要讲的是如何控制人口老龄化,允许老年人自由选择自己的退休年龄是控制人口老龄化的一步,这使得劳动力的工作寿命更长(Bloom et al., 2011)。必须不断增加卫生保健系统的供应,以便向老龄人口提供最佳的卫生保健供应和药物,使他们能够适应更长的工作寿命。本篇美国代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Allowing a freedom of choice for the aged to select their retirement age is one step toward curbing population ageing, which makes the working force to work longer life spans (Bloom et al., 2011). Provisions of healthcare systems must be consistently increased to provide the best healthcare provisions and medication to the ageing population, so as to make then fit for a longer working life. Awareness of physical fitness and regular exercise is an example that the government can follow by imposing mandatory training for the younger generation to serve a few years in military or similar areas, as for example in Malaysia, where a two year military training seems to be mandatory for every child born as a citizen (Ramraj, Hor and Roach, 2005). These are policy initiatives that the government can take for repairing the ageing population issue and revive the healthy lives of the aged.
Marriage institution is also a factor of influence in ageing population, and it must be repaired for the better. There are less and less people who marry and who marry late, declining their chances of having a child. When the younger generation do not marry during their reproductive years, it is a disservice to the ageing population. Although, subjective freedom precedes every freedom, late marrying couples or singles must understand the burden they are transferring to the ageing population with their decision. Since they live in civilisation, they have a cost to society and that must be repaid with reproducing, which also indirectly helps their ancestors and the general ageing population who have more dependents and can live on the younger one’s assurance. Marriage counselling is essential to be promoted by the government, who makes all efforts of encouraging singles to marry and reproduce before their best reproductive age surpasses (Evered and Whelan, 1988).


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本文主要讲建立图书馆,使用基准的最佳模式是建立数字委员会和图书馆,以传播认识,并在当地触及消费者的利益。联合国还发起了志愿者项目,在这些项目中,能力较强的人帮助其他人获得连接,志愿者在线帮助全球公民(Noris, 2001)。公民可以获得知识和其他回报。盖茨基金会引进了数字图书馆,在那里授权是重点,因为它被认为是推动访问以及能力。本篇美国代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The best mode to use the benchmarks is to set up digital councils and libraries that spread awareness and are at the local reach for the advantage of consumers. United Nations has also initiated volunteers programs where people with better abilities help others to gain access to the connection and volunteers online to help the citizens on a global basis (Noris, 2001). The citizens might receive knowledge as well as other returns. Gates Foundation is introduced digital libraries where empowerment is focused as it is believed to drive access as well as ability.
The aforementioned modes have perhaps developed the conditions of underdeveloped countries like Africa, Bangladesh and developing countries like India and Egypt. These modes also guarantee for an effective use of the technologies to control the digital divide and to bring communities closer through a digital connection. When people are empowered, a possibility is seen to increase the ability and access of connectivity to those groups of people. This is a way by which the digital divide can be reduced at a global level.
The identified benchmarks are known to have three major impacts:
– Social inclusion
– Economic upliftment
– Global togetherness (James, 2004)
When the countries are aware of the technologies open to them along with ease of infrastructure setup, an increased scope for usage by everyone is seen without taking their racial or economic backgrounds into consideration. This is a way to achieve social inclusion and reduce the knowledge divide. As knowledge divide is reduced, it paves way for economic upliftment. More users are advantageous from such technologies. This medium is used to achieve economic growth of the nation through platforms like e-commerce and e-learning. The ultimate result is the connectivity of people across the globe under one roof. When global togetherness happens, the disparities decrease.


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本文的主题是变化,变化是自然规律。我们周围的每一件事都经历着变化。无论是生活、事业、工作还是任何事情,变化都是一个不可忽视的组成部分。这些变化可能会对业务产生广泛的负面影响。因此,有一个有效的变更管理计划是非常重要的。旅游公司“环球冒险”(Global Adventures)也面临着类似的变化。这家公司过去一直表现良好。然而,在过去的几年里,它正在经历一些变化。人们的态度发生了变化,顾客的心态发生了变化,全球竞争水平也发生了变化。本篇案例研究代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Change is the law of nature. Each and everything around us undergoes a change. Be it the life, the business, the work or anything, change is such a constituent which can’t be neglected. The changes may affect the business widely in a negative manner. Thereby, it is very important to live up to the change and have an efficient change management plan. Travelling company ‘Global Adventures’ is under the similar pitch of change. The company has been performing well in the past. However, over the past few years, it is undergoing a number of changes. There have been changes in the attitude of the people, the change in the mindset of the customers and a change in the global competition level.
The change management plan is useful for ‘Global Adventures’ in a number of perspectives. The processes which are required to be incorporated for the purpose of change are completely planned and managed. The effective change management for the organization will assist the organization to serve in a better manner. As a travelling company, it is also very important for the company to respond to the changes in the requirements of the customers. Because of the change management plans, the customers can be judged easily. Also the organization can take steps to overcome the changes so as to ensure that the overall impact comes out to be minimum.
The analysis of the change management because of the customers is useful as the organization can give a faster and better response to the need of the consumers (Newell et al., 2003). Another important use of change management plan is to ensure that there should be a minimum impact on the overall day to day businesses of the organization by having an effective change. A yet another benefit of having a change management plan is that the timeframe which may be required for the purpose of implementation of the change gets reduced by a significant level. Without any change management plan, it may prove to be very difficult for the organization to implement the changes, in the timeframe defined.


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本文主要讲的是公私伙伴关系,作为默认的解决方案,公私伙伴关系(PPPs)对于了解政府的需求和问题具有重要意义,尤其是在基础设施方面。公私伙伴关系受到全球许多选区和政党的支持。这种特殊的趋势已经加速,因为财政赤字的经验,政府和替代方式可以考虑为融资和提供政府的服务(Coghill, 2007)。在伙伴关系迅速发展的环境中,维持问责制所需的政府工具不能被认为与机构的孤立活动一样。本篇美国代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As the default solution, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) are of huge significance to perceive the needs and issues of the government, specifically in concern with the infrastructure. PPPs are embraced by a number of constituencies and political parties all across the globe. This particular trend has been accelerating as fiscal deficits are experienced by governments and alternate ways can be considered for financing and delivering the services of government (Coghill, 2007). Across an environment with proliferation of partnerships, the required tools of government for the maintenance of accountability cannot be considered as same as for insular activities of agency.
PPPs end up changing the dynamics across public accountability by the involvement of private partners in the program delivery and decision making of government. The conditions and terms related to this involvement can be seen deserving careful understanding and scrutiny by the public officials, before making an entry into PPP (Bloomfield, 2006). This is because private partners make an entry into these types of arrangements for a number of reasons in comparison with the governments. While the governments perform for serving the public in projects of capital investment, the understandable focus of private partners is to recoup their investment and generate appropriate value of profit (Dooren, 2011).
As a thesis statement for this essay, transparency and accountability is a major requirement for creating appropriate safeguards while ensuring that there is no compromise of public services for the sake of private profits in PPPs.The aim of this essay is to conduct a critical assessment for the implications of PPPs for issues of transparency and accountability. Key points of conclusion will be drafted based on this critical assessment and the critical assessment will be conducted based on the following headings.


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很多留学生在开始写essay的时候,都是为了写作而写作,只会套用模板,让先干什么就干什么。其实写作跟吃饭一样,我可以先喝汤也可以先吃菜,所以essay写作的时候也不一定要先写开头。接下来我们的美国代写论文老师要为留学生们讲的就是 essay写作的四大误区,希望同学们阅读后对写作有重新的认识,能写出更好的essay。





这种方法不是不可行,而是效率很低,当你不知道你想写什么的情况下,你根本不能够很清楚地做Research,即使你花了很大的时间去做Research,这个Research的方向也是很模糊的,很没有针对性和目的性的。那么如何才能提高Research的针对性呢?在一个很难的Research essay上,我们比的不是时间谁用的多谁用的少,而是谁的效率更高。












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本文主要讲什么是基于价格的工具,以价格为基础的工具是那些基于影响的形式和影响的衡量方法等对导致环境外部性的商品施加某种形式的价格的工具(Beder, 2001)。价格不仅适用于这种导致环境外部性的情况。它也适用于生态系统服务被不加区别地使用的情况。基于价格的工具以对生态系统服务征税的形式发挥作用。在其他一些情况下,这些补贴被用来补贴那些提倡环保友好的公司。本篇美国英语语言学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Price based instruments are those that serve to impose a form of price on goods that lead to environmental externalities based on the form of impact and the measure of impact etc. (Beder, 2001). Prices are not only applied to such cases where it leads to environmental externalities. It is also applied to such cases where the ecosystem services are used quite indiscriminately. Price based instruments have worked in the form of taxation on ecosystem services. In some other cases have been implemented as subsidies for those companies that promote ecofriendly usages.
The form of pricing and taxation measure that is implemented by a government would aim at environmental protection, pollution control and reduction for a much larger area. The price is hence either the penalty that a polluter might pay for creating externalities or is the subsidy given to a company for not polluting or staying within defined pollution levels. In the case of a river environment, there are effluent charges, product based charges etc. that could be applied.
The rights based instruments are called as the quantity based instruments. These are instruments that have a strong emphasis with respect to monitoring (Beder, 2001; Preston and Shackelford, 2002). Compared to price effects in the case of price based instruments, in the case of rights based instruments the focus is on control of quantity to ensure quality (Jordan et al., 2003). Emissions control systems are usually an example of the rights based instruments.
A market friction instrument, on the other hand, is one that does not focus on just conserving or mitigating externalities but instead focused on how to create some form of stimulation for achieving environmental outcomes. Some of the more radical environmental control achievements in the market are based on the market friction instrument. Potts and Howard (2006) present ecolabeling used in marine ecosystems as a form of market friction instrument. Ecolabeling for sustainability as Jacquet and Pauly (2007) and Ward and Phillips (2008) present are both market friction instruments.


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Supply chain integration – the supplier relationship with the buyer is directly proportional to the frequency of involvement. This allows the supplier to develop a better understanding of its customer. Consolidation of the existing products and exploring the new area for reaping more benefits can be attained. For example, the distribution channels are utilized by the supermarket for transferring the products at appropriate place and achieving the sales objectives. The Outcome of the exchanges of Buyer-supplier always varies on three types, such as the buyer’s value, the supplier’s value and the value related to the creation and capture. In the buyer’s value part, the outcomes always depend on the relationship of buyer and supplier for the maintenance of the long-term relationship which gives safety guarantee financially.
It shows a great expectation for achieving more business profit. Aspects of non-finance relate to the value creation for suppliers, such as the knowledge access and technology access. The quality of its operation and the prestige of it can be improved by the knowledge access and technology. It admits the expansion of the base of the customer depending on the reputation market management company (Parker, 2010). The perspective of non-finance gives the offer of some aspects that have the gravity to increase the future profits for the supplier. It does not need to establish a relationship of co-operation that is not necessary to it. The first source of Buyer’s intrinsic value is learning that enables the suppliers to develop the abilities.
They can con tribute to the progress of the performance of the suppliers to buyers.The things come from the buyer- supplier relationship that can support the research progress. It can lead to generate patents and protect consequently the capitals which are intellectual. It also provides wide opportunities to launch new products and services in the market. Thus the abilities turn on the relationship of the buyer itself through knowledge transfer. It could have been influenced by the demands of the buyers for innovation. Therefore, the mechanism process of the government need to be used in such relationships to enhance learning that would assist to make progress for both the parties appropriately who are involved.

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The importance lies in that they help learner better engage with their learning materials. The students assign some fixed meanings to images or might use it assign some universal meanings. In fact, the main contribution of the research work is to classify three important cultural categories in which student interpret images. The three important cultural categories are the universal meaning, the cultural and subcultural meanings and the individual meanings. The universal meaning is that of how students interpret an event with a universal understanding. For example, when lots of people are together having fun, then it could be interpreted as an event.
Cultural and subcultural meanings are the second type which is mostly determined by the geographical location of student and their connection to a certain culture etc. Not all students will hold the same cultural or sub cultural meanings. Finally, there is what is called the individual meanings. The individual meanings are those that are most specific to the individual. These meanings are so personal and so complex that a teacher will not be able to decode themes easily. In the making of a curriculum for students either for language learning or general learning, there might not be much significance. Where researchers like Risager (2011) focused on three dimensions, Kiss & Weninger (2017) focus on dividing cultural interpretation into three categories. The categories have their roots in visual semiotics. This is the unique contribution of their research work.
The researcher has made use of a primary research participation study design. Here the researcher has collated students from different cultural backgrounds to understand the form of cultural connotations they attach to images. Given that researchers collected data for more than 147 students, the sample size appears to have been quite saturated enough for researcher to collect the required data. Researcher has also augmented the primary data with secondary research data.


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本文主要讲儿童饮料市场分析,据报道,儿童可能只喝四分之一的水来满足他们的液体需求,其余的饮料都是碳酸饮料。统计数据显示,在11 – 18岁的青少年中,大约453毫升的液体需求是由水来满足的,而另外1.8升是软饮料(Spencer, 2016)。甚至更小的孩子喝的软饮料或其他果汁也比白开水多。有了这么多的替代品来满足持续的需求,新软饮料公司有必要找到一个独特的卖点。在儿童软饮料方面,新公司可以专注于为儿童提供健康的软饮料,旨在帮助儿童满足他们的日常饮食需求。本篇美国代写论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

It is reported that children might only drink a quarter of water for their fluid needs and the rest of what they drink are fizzy drinks. Statistics reveal that of teenagers between the ages of 11 and 18, around 453 ml of fluid requirement is met with water while another 1.8 litters is soft drinks (Spencer, 2016). Even younger children are seen to be consuming more of soft drinks or other juice verities more than that of plain water. With that many substitutes catering to the need of continuous demand it is necessary for the new soft drink company to find a unique selling point. In the case of soft drinks for the children, the new company could focus on healthy soft drinks for the children that aim at helping children meet their daily dietary needs.
The company could make soft drinks that mix fruit juices and vegetable juices in it. Causton Press in the United Kingdom already makes soft drinks with vegetable and fruit juices, but the new soft drink company can aim at making vegetable-fruit juices that are more specific for school age children and their nutrition. The company can research into nutritional gaps that school age children face and based on the nutritional gaps the juice can be customized for different schools (Kumar, 2000; Menrad, 2003). For instance, some schools would be in lower socio-economic zones where nutritional gaps could be high and here the juices sold in the school areas or as part of the school lunch could aim at correcting the nutritional deficiency.
Geographic: In terms of geographic segmentation, as the new product would be sold through school connections and based on nutritional gaps, it would be critical to identify different sectors. Rural and urban classification of geographic segments could be the very least of segmentation done here. There is urban enterprise zone and social economic zones SEZ and these zones could be used for classifying product sales segments. The soft drink marketing should aim at different concerns. Primary target segment here would be 1) people with children, 2) schools who are looking for nutritional soft drinks as substitutes for their existing soft drinks, 3) families that are looking to make a switch to healthier soft drinks.


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本文讲的是人类感官与建筑的关联,感官在人类和建筑中扮演着重要的角色。五种感官的空间探索是非常有趣的。建筑空间的创造是为了在人与建筑之间建立联系。这种交互作用是通过感官和机械工具收集原始信息而产生的。在建筑中使用感官并不是一种新技术(Pallasmaa, 2011)。人类有五种感官:视觉、听觉、触觉、嗅觉和味觉。所有的感官共同作用,形成空间的形象和感知。人类对建筑的感知以不同的形式被创造出来。本篇代写被抓文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Senses play an important role in humans and architecture. The spatial exploration can be very interesting with five human senses. The interative architectural places are created in order to create connection between people and buildings. The interation is created by gathering ditial information through senses and mechanical tools. The use of senses in architecture is not a new technique (Pallasmaa, 2011). There are five kinds of human senses: vision, hearning, touch, smell and taste. All the senses work together to form the image of the space and perception of it. The human perception about the buildings is created in different forms.
The sense of vision is considered as the most vital sense. The sight or vision helps the person to understand the distance, depth and space of a place. According to Neufert, “By tracking image, eye receives its effects. Elements with similar or repeated distances are known by eyes as beats or rhythms that receiving them is similar to receiving the sound from music by ear; Architecture is frigid music.” (Neufert, Neufert, and Kister, 2012). The sense of hearning is also important in creating the three dimensional image of a building or space. While understanding the significance of silence, it would be bad to select a room designed to proide total silence. However, spending time in an anechoic chamber can create a clear perception of the sounds that are heard before.
In the same way, the sense of touch, smell and taste are also effective in creating a perception about an architectural space. The humans have the ability to remind and percept the environment through the concious and unconsious senses. The essay has explored all five sense so as to understand the role of senses for making better perceptions of the environment. For the people with sight, the sense of vision is the most important one. However, for the blind people, the sense of hearing, touch and smell are very important. Building spaces according to the sensory perception of the humans can help in making more efficient and appealing buildings. Thus, senses play an important role in spatial exploration. The architexture could be redefined with intaracive of five human senses.


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Point duty interpretation is required when the person helping the tourist must stay at a spot. For example, a person could be asked to stand at the entrance of the Museum to point out different galleries for people which they would be interested in. An architectural student will want to visit the gallery for architecture first and point duty interpreter will help him or her. The person would be focal to everybody that enters either the exhibit setting or would be entering a spa or a museum etc.
Visitors will not need a guide at all times. Sometimes, they like to have a private experience. They would like to have the option to call on an interpreter or guide if needed. Here Roving interpretation is handy. The roving interpreter will rove with the group and will present information only when he approached. People sometimes know more about the tourist experience than the tourist guide themselves. They could be experts in the tourist situation they are having and will not require the services of the tourist guide. In such a case it so happens that a tourist guide would only probably get in the way of the tourist experience.
Presentations, form of interpretation, will be suitable for guest who would like to have some information on the tourist experience that they are about to have. This could be for children where interactive presentations could be made, or it could be for adults. It could be an optional choice for a tourist.
Demonstrations done with props or other settings would be useful interpretation in the context where young children or an easily bored audience is involved. Demonstrations can be simple enactments. For instance, where the tourists are going to visit a boating place, the guide can show how to latch lifejackets.
Living history, form of interpretation, is like a demonstration. The interpreters might dress up to present something. For instance, in the presentation of early settlers, the interpreters will dress up like the early settlers. They may talk languages with accent like early settlers. They might not use current slangs.
Interactive interpretation is where 3D, 4D and immersive technologies will be made use of for tourists. Tourists would be able to feel and comment on their experiences. For instance, the tourists’ experience created in Disneyland is interactive interpretation.


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本篇文章是讲雀巢公司和其它公司的文化介绍,正如麦肯锡所描述的,雀巢关注的是进步的人力资源和社会政策。这样,雀巢的管理风格是基于人的参与和管理的承诺,这使得公司对员工和英国社会负责,从而履行政府,利益相关者,社区和客户的义务。保护环境的不公平的做法也在雀巢的政策。雀巢的战略使组织更致力于环境,所有这些做法有助于组织获得良好的市场地位,因为这些听起来保存自然资源和节省能源(Rust, Lemon和Zeithaml, 2014)。本篇论文代写靠谱吗文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As described in the McKinsey, Nestle focuses on the progressive human resource and the social policy. In this way, the management style of Nestle is based on the people involvement and the management commitment, which makes the company responsible toward the employees and the society of UK so that the obligation of the government, stakeholders, communities and the customer could be fulfilled. Protect the environment form the unfair practises of Nestle are also in the policies. The strategies of Nestle that makes the organisation more committed toward the environment and all these practises helps the organisation in gaining the good position into the market because these sounds preserve the natural resources and save the energy (Rust, Lemon and Zeithaml, 2014).
According to the researches and the data, currently the company is focusing on the branding strategy by taking the help of the human resource and the social policies. Under this, Nestle has its own plan for the product other than the other products offered by Nestle. With the help of the brand strategy, Nestle has been able to grow the market share and the market growth simultaneously as the business of Nestle has been crossed the national boundaries (Doyle and Stern, 2016). The branding of Nestle is on the fact that product must be come under the local eating and the social habits. In this way, Nestle always focuses on respecting the culture and the beliefs of the society and the communities.
Hershey’s company: It is an American company, which has spread the branches all over world. It gives the huge competition to Nestle when it comes to beverages. The main products of Hershey’s are Twizzler’s, Reese’s, Milk Duds, and Jolly Ranchers. Approx 29% market is captured by Hershey’s brand in the beverage industry.
Kraft foods: Although the main competitor of Nestle is Hershey’s company, the Kraft foods is giving the tough competition to the Nestle in every segment. There are different products that Kraft foods has launched in UK such as Crystal light drink blackberry, Crystal light liquid drink mix mango passi etc. (Ruekert, 2012). These two products of Kraft foods are big competitors to Nestle by capturing almost 20-23 % market share.
Horlicks: Horlicks is manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline Company that also provides the malted milk hot drinks to the population of UK. Although the market share of Horlicks is not so much in UK, the market growth of the company is increasing with a good pace that could stand the company in the front of Nestle in the coming years.


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The Food and Grocery Code of Conduct still operates as a voluntary code. There could be numerous reasons on why it is still a voluntary code. Firstly, voluntary code moves the onus of responsibility on the organizations themselves. Now organizations such as Cole and Tesco are seen to have created ethical breach scenarios in their working. Now when they adopt voluntary codes to guide their future working, it would serve to help them be more accountable for their actions. Self-regulation is as important as enforcement. Organizations would be more efficient as well and would be able to minimize negative impact and image issues.
Consider how Cole has treated its suppliers. This would have created some amount of reputational damage for Cole. Now if Cole was to adopt self-regulation like the one offered by a voluntary code, get signed up for the code and work on improving the code, then it would be possible for it to regain its reputation to a certain extent. In addition, the organization would also be able to work hand in hand with the existing government regulatory agencies as well. Regulatory burdens would reduce (ACCC, 2017). They can invite public participation in the attempt and this would help them regain their reputation with their consumers. In fact, this would motivate the company to be an industry leader of some sort, as they would be able to work across jurisdictional and constitutional obstacles to solve such ethical issues for the company (Hughes, 2005).
In addition to these, one more reason that ACC might not have moved for the code to be turned into the law is because of the grey zone. A regulation would be more of a best practice, or an ethical endeavour. It need not necessarily be mapped into a law properly; the ACC could simply wait to understand the more optimal way by which it can map it into a law and then might elect to do it.


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引用的論據局限於自己或朋友的例子極易缺乏客觀性及說服力,且會給人一種雞毛蒜皮的小事的感覺。所以,在Essay寫作中一定要切記個人不代表整體。例如:I keep my dog to avoid my loneliness and I find a lot of fun.這樣的論據往往會給人一種看記敘文的感覺。


過多的引用數據極易給人造成一種虛假的感覺,讓大家懷疑數據的出處,從而影響論據的說服力。例如,A survey indicates that the number of people smoking has increased to as high as 65 percent in China.(一項調查顯示…)



很多留學生在Essay寫作過程中往往會受自己寫作習慣的影響,無形中以中文表達方式去趨勢,或者過多的例舉中國的案列作為論據。但是,在國外,大家有自己的生活習慣與習俗,尤其是導師對中國文化等的了解相對較少,所以,過多使用中國式例子極易給導師造成一種心理不適感。例如,Many children in China like to play computer games for a long time, leading to their poor eyesight.



2.要客觀表達。雖然來源於身邊社會,但不可讓描述方式變的太雞毛蒜皮,拿不上檯面。其實這點非常容易辦到,只需要把事件中某一個具體的你,我,他,變成是客觀群體,比如說people across the globe, students, they之類的人稱即可。


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論文 代寫 價格-分形維數

本文主要講分形維數,分形維數的概念可以應用於許多地球科學應用,其中可能包括遙感圖像複雜性表徵(DeCola, 1989)。雖然同樣的問題是,儘管有許多的應用,可能會有問題不一致的結果可能來自不同的分形計算,算法和遺骸(Lam et al., 2002)。 Clarke(1986)提出基本的三角棱鏡主要利用由圖像構造的三維棱鏡。他還指出,棱鏡的表面積進一步與總步長相比,後者可用於推導雙對數回歸棱鏡的目的。因此,三角棱鏡也是通過連接四種不同的像素來構造的。每個像素的高度值具有像素強度值(Ju et al, 2009)。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The concept of fractal dimension can be applied in a number of geosciences applications which may include the remote sensing image complexity characterization (DeCola, 1989). Though the same problem is that in spite of a number of applications, there may be the problem related to the inconsistent results which may be derived from different fractal calculations, the algorithms and remains (Lam et al., 2002). Clarke (1986) proposed that the basic triangular prism mainly makes the use of the three dimensional prisms which may be constructed from the image. He also stated that the prism surface area is further compared with the total step size which may be used for the purpose of derivation of prisms in a double logarithmic regression. Thus, the triangular prism is constructed with the help of connecting four different kinds of pixel also. The value of the height of every pixel has the pixel intensity value (Ju et al, 2009).
In the recent times, there has been a high increase in the spatial data in different systems. It is widely used in the earth observation systems. Thus, it is important to develop some of the effective and efficient tools which can be helpful in handling and analysis of the data to access and monitor the environmental conditions.
The four articles which has been discussed for the research includes the environmental assessment and monitoring with the characterization of the image and the modeling system by the use of multi scale remote sensing data, the description and the measurement of the lands are TN images by the use of fractals, the improved algorithm for the computation of the local fractal dimension by the use of triangular prism methods by Wenxue Ju and the evaluation of fractal methods for the characterization of the image complexity by nina siu ngam lam.

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本文主要講如何做到系統彈性和健壯性的結合,設計必須具有彈性,這樣才能從根本上增加設計的簡單性、解決未預料到的問題或通過以前關於消除任意的選擇來增加整體的優雅性(condorii – fernandez et al., 2009)。如果添加一個特定的特性並不會破壞之前的特性,那麼系統必須具有健壯性。這涉及到彈性和健壯性的結合,因為在一個特定的系統中,如果沒有彈性,就不能保持100%的健壯性。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

There must be resilience of design such that key features are radically added in the fundamental causes of simplicity in the design, solving unexpected issues, or increasing the overall elegance by making choices previously regarding the elimination of arbitrary (Condori-Fernandez et al., 2009). There must be robustness of the system if adding a specific feature does not end up breaking down the prior feature. This involves the combination of resilience and robustness as 100 per cent robustness cannot be maintained in the absence of resilience within a specific system.
There must be composability of all components with each other at the whim of user. This involves the key consideration of connectedness and global consistency. The accessibility of component with each other has to be transitive as well as symmetric (Bendat & Piersol, 2011). The key implication will be the bidirectional links between hard links and mounts.
There must be obedience of each and every component towards the same syntax, while ensuring the similarity of meta- interface. The key implication will be almost complete transparency of network. It will be the choice of the user for the purpose of structuring the processes, while ensuring to monitor any operation and object (Brusilovsky & Millán, 2007).
1.4 Estimation of Assessment Effort and Cost
There will only be a need of 2 staff members to provide basic training to the users and this training will be provided for a period of two hours as the users do have knowledge about the basic Microsoft OS. There will be payment provided to the staff members at 40 dollars per hour and hence, this fee will be 160 dollars.
The following review procedure will be followed to meet the requirements of user (Burke & Noumair, 2015):
Setting up the overall stage
Ensuring the overall preparedness of the user
Leading the overall walk- through of the software as per different sections
Asking for the sign- off

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本文主要讲述的是7-11便利店的盗窃事件,一场系统性的工资盗窃正在发生。“这项调查中发现的工资盗窃的程度:雇主们肯定是在做这样的计算,并意识到被抓住的可能性不大。”调查显示,酒店业和建筑业这两个行业的工资盗窃都必须作为标准反腐程序的一部分进行审计。据媒体报道,7- 11便利店被卷入了工资盗窃事件。在这种情况下,至少要做到以下几点。本篇peaking代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

A systemic wage theft was happening. “The extent of wage theft found in this survey: employers must be making that calculation and realizing there is not much chance of being caught”. Surveys conducted showed that the hospitality and construction industry were two such industries were wage theft has to be audited as part of standard anti-corruption procedure. 7-eleven units as reported in the media have been involved in wage theft. Now in this context, at a minimum the following has to be done,
Financial controls and internal audit controls have to be planned by 7-Eleven to check corruption
A policy of anti-corruption has to be handed out to all franchisee units and this must be followed strictly.
Dishonesty or fraudulent practices of working are where the employer is involved in fraudulent practices to deceive. A Brisbane 7-Eleven was audited and it was found that Mr Lo, the owner underpaid his employees, but then “provided inspectors with false records to cover up the underpayments, and showed inspectors selective bank records as evidence that his employees had received back-pay” (Paty, 2016, para. 7). He attempted to deceive the Fair Work Ombudsmen personnel by showing them deceptive document. Of the 7-Eleven wage scandal with falsification of employee records at the heart of the breaches, the cash back scheme was yet another fraudulent practice where employees were paid first, and then made to return the money, giving a false image of regulation enforcement (Tham, 2016).
Acts of dishonesty and fraudulent practices are not tolerated under the fair work act and it is essential the 7-Eleven apply these to its employees as well as itself
Provide an honest culture of working to its employees
Improve long term relationship by being honest with employees


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In a similar way, there are automated sentry guns that take aim and fire at targets. They can be used in those military contexts where loss of life is imminent. This automatic detect and destroy style of guns would help save many lives from danger as it can detect short range missiles and enemy aircrafts and gun them down. Unmanned aerial vehicles called as BAE systems Taranis are being used extensively at this time. The BAE systems Taranis are a drone that has been developed with the purpose of increasing aerial surveillance in quality and quantitative.
Pilots need not take the risk of flying over enemy countries for taking footage in the enemy territory. They might get gunned down. Here AI and trained human operators both go hand in hand for sustained surveillance. While there are many developments to be completed with the Taranis, the stealth drone is anticipated to fly with a wingspan of near 10 meters and a speed of 700 mphs. This flies pilotless but still AI is not given complete autonomy as there is an operator controlling it at the same time. Similarly, consider the Google Alpha Dog. This was developed as a quadrupled soldier that would be able to carry around 400 pounds of food or more as supplies for soldiers. It follows the troops and walks with them relieving them of their burden. However, it is automated such that it has to respond to the commands of the troops. It has to follow them and responds to their command change.
In each of these cases, the AI system has been used in existing weaponry such as the radar guns, homing missiles, the Alpha Dog and the Taranis drone. In each of the uses, it can be identified that the weaponry system by itself is separate, and the AI is only used as guidance or an intelligent sensor tracker, voice recognition or some other. This form of use gives direct benefits for the users and the users are benefitted by protection from enemy threats. The working furthermore is controlled by the humans so there are no ethical issues associated with the AI working here.


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Every organization worry about their image to the people. This brings in investors, creates consumer satisfaction and enables the employees to feel passionate about working for the particular brand. An effective brand is based on how the employer makes the place available to the public. The employer branding can be defined as the effectively communication about the organizational values that reflect upon the personality and culture of the people to reflect the desired perceptions. The employer branding is about how each organization has a relationship with the employee.
These are found to commence from the ways in which there is training and development to aide towards the career paths. These branding techniques by the employers are found to be dynamic based on the requirements of the situation. From this, it can be alluded that employers use a variety of tools to communicate with the different stakeholder. It is imperative to have the employer branding as an important process as it ensures the sustenance of the company in the modern times. These branding techniques for the case of Solvay will present the history of the company, their connections in employee empowerment and the way the company takes care of its employees etc. The branding for Solvay will hence revolve around the brand message for the company and the unique stories around Solvay etc. For instance, with respect to sustainability in the context of its employees, Solvay presents this message.
“We are committed to offering our employees a safe working environment and promoting their professional development. We are particularly vigilant about respecting fundamental social rights and the fair treatment of everyone, everywhere. We also strive to maintain a regular dialogue with our employees, in an atmosphere of trust. These exchanges are particularly important, employees being the primary players of our responsible performance. Solvay was one of the first companies to offer benefits to employees and this fundamental belief in valuing the people that work with us continues today” (Solvay, 2017, para.
The message is a brand message. It states the following information about the brand to a potential employee, such as:
Solvay’s commitment to sustainability
Solvay’s commitment to treat its employees in a fair and professional way
Solvay’s commitment for fair treatment of employee, protection of their rights
Solvay’s commitment to providing a mutual atmosphere of trust with their employees
Company’s promise to make exchanges with employees which become a part of the overall performance considerations of company
The message highlights upon the fundamental belief and values of Solvay
The message presents how Solvay was a pioneer when it comes to valuing employees in a professional manner


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An evolutionary pattern of internationalization might start from on and off exports to more periodic exports. Later, there will be formal contract agreements, multiple partners, cooperation with foreign office setting, a domestic branch and internationalization with multiple branches. In internationalization, exports would probably be the less challenging form; setting up international branches would be fraught with more challenges such as issues of understanding the macro environment, etc.
In the diffusion of innovations, Rogers argues that the diffusion process is one in which innovation being done is communicated to the stakeholders but the communication is also released to stakeholders over time, and not simply at the end of an innovation. In considering the rate of adoption of the innovation, there is a critical mass stage in the adoption curve where it can be said that there are so many individual adopters that innovation will become self-sustaining at that point. Incremental, breakthrough or radical and transformational innovation are the three types of innovation. The form of innovation that Arthur was aiming at was somewhere between radical and transformational.
Incremental innovation in the context of new product in an existing market aims at slowly getting consumers acquainted to the new idea, product and process. In the product life cycle, introduction of a product, growth and then maturity stage will ultimately lead to decline. Incremental innovation will keep the product growth stage more sustained in keeping the demand for the product.
Innovation of product, or process or service is three ways to have radical innovation. Arthur can be called a radical innovator because he was aiming for a form of newer form of service and product pricing strategy.
The marketing strategist always needs a whole picture to work with. In this context, the Very Big Diagram will contribute to a holistic understanding and hence the strategist would be able to plan better. Secondly, marketing is a set process involving many perspectives and attributes. In the past, marketing was developed conventionally in a more linear development process. However, in current times, marketing activities are recognized as part of an iterative fast moving environment and emergent process. Therefore, the Big Diagram would be able to assist in their more dynamic undertaking as well.

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本文主要是讲产品进入市场的流程,建议的定价策略是运用市场渗透的概念进入目标市场,然后慢慢推广品牌(McDonald & Dunbar, 2004)。因此,重点在于以可负担得起的价格建立关系。由于产品容易被大家理解,所以采用多渠道推广是合适的。介绍产品的正确地点是选择一个物理位置,并介绍社区建设计划(Hoyer & Macinnis, 2008)。与此同时,广播和电视广告也应该给予,使人们意识到品牌和他们参与的节目。本篇美国代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The proposed pricing strategy is to apply market penetration concept to enter the target market and then slowly promote the brand (McDonald & Dunbar, 2004). Hence, the focus is to build relationships at affordable prices. As the product is easily understandable by everyone, it is appropriate to use multichannel promotion. The right place to introduce the product is to choose a physical location and introduce community building program (Hoyer & Macinnis, 2008). Along with it, radio and TV ads should also be given so that people are aware of the brand and they participate in the program.
At the brand introduction stage, it is appropriate to ahead with selective intensity level where the communication channels are under control and intermediaries have closer associations with the product. As the brand penetrates, intensive intensity will be applied (Kimmel, 2005). The places of retailers are ideally supermarkets, sports store, gyms, health physicians and other restaurants. These are the locations where the target audience frequently visit and look for products like Boost Juice. The internal stakeholders (employees) would be responsible for reaching the external stakeholders (intermediaries, retailers, customers) about Boost Juice.
To gain competitive advantages of the product, it is appropriate to introduce convenient process that will ease the relationship between the brand and other external stakeholders (Jansson, 2010). At any instance, the producer of Boost Juice will offer product delivery services to fulfil the desires of the users and also to achieve service differentiation in the competitive market. This is also a method to establish long term relationship with customers.
It is a good idea as the product has a lot of scope in the local market. With selective intensity, the product can turn into a definite hit. The pricing strategy has clearly stated that it initially focus on brand penetration which implies that there is a possibility for affordable pricing of each product. People who look for nutritional drink can seek Boost Juice at an affordable price. This is also a method to enhance brand loyalty.
The proposed product is a good idea due to three important reasons:
– Simple to understand
– More intermediaries who are on the lookout for such a product
– Large consumer base (target audience)


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本文主要内容是讲造成数字鸿沟的原因,造成数字鸿沟的原因是巨大的。虽然数字鸿沟不会导致社会排斥,但有一种可能性是,这些人可能会因为缺乏能力或无法获得ICT而错过优势。影响数字鸿沟的一些社会因素包括性别、动机、种族、教育和家庭结构。在办公室里,男孩比女孩更喜欢网络(James, 2004)。女孩的工作性质并不要求高使用技术。本篇波士顿论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The reasons for digital divide are enormous. Though digital divide does not result in social exclusion, a probability exists that such people might miss the advantages due to poor ability or access to ICT. Some of the social factors that influence digital divide include gender, motivation, ethnicity, education and family structure. Boys prefer internet over girls at offices (James, 2004). The nature of job for girls does not insist high usage of the technologies.
Some people have phobia towards computers. When a person does not have ICT skills, the phobia develops and ruins the development in the rest of the life. This poor motivation also results in digital divide. Such technophobes will require empowerment in order to overcome the issue. Moreover, they can be a part of what the rest of the community does. Ethnicity is an untouched but widely prevalent factor. For instance, a person from a minority group has poor wealth and knowledge but is interested to utilize the information technologies. When the technology uses primary language as English and the person is unaware of this language, problem begins at that point. Even in developed countries like United States, ethnicity stands out as an important factor that deteriorates the development scale of backward/ minority groups.
Literacy skills are highly demanded to traverse between the web pages and to understand usage of technologies. With ICT dominating several spaces like shopping, education and lifestyle, it is transformed into a subject of learning at many countries but those with poor literacy skills still exist and do not get productive (James, 2004). This is a case of difference when one group empowers while the other does not. It is also a serious issue on a global scale. Social inclusion has to be discussed as a topic to highlight the importance of ICT. Further, it can urge need for civic engagement to limit the digital divide.


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本文主要講公允價值在財務中的弊端,其次,霍德等人(2006)、巴思等人(1996)和科羅娜等人(2013)等研究人員發現,在經濟動盪時期使用公允價值會計存在負面影響。根據這一主張,公允價值的使用嚴重降低了企業組織和金融機構抵御風險的能力。當市場活躍時,通過公允價值來衡量金融產品往往是有利可圖的,而且管理者大多持有不切實際的樂觀傾向(Power, 2010)。本篇代寫論文費用文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Second, as identified by a number of researchers such as Hodder et al. (2006), Barth et al. (1996) and Corona et al. (2013), there are negative effects of using fair value accounting during the turmoil of economy. It is stated under this claim that the utilization of fair value seriously results in reducing the ability of business organization and financial institutes for resistance of risk. When there is an activeness of market, the measurement of financial products by fair value always turns out to be lucrative and mostly, managers hold the tendency of being unrealistically optimistic (Power, 2010).
Once there is an expression of weaker tendency by the market, there is an undervaluation for the value of financial assets. As per the IAS, financial institutes have to be accruing towards impairment as per the attributes of measurement for the assets, further reducing the equity of owner. This impacts the profitability of the company followed by the level of ratio for capital adequacy (Ramanna, 2008). At the same point of time, for the evasion of any adverse impact, a number of companies consider selling their assets that further results in declining the value of each and every asset. This vicious cycle does not come to an end until or unless there is a bankruptcy of the back.
Third, the use of fair value accounting provides an unreasonable guidance to the economic behaviour of the people as identified by several researchers such as Sinnett (2007), Metzger (2010) and Power (2010). The use of fair value resulted in inducing irrational investment behaviour among the public. In the turmoil of finance, some financial rating agencies and analysts, playing a significant role in some of the business organizations, often end up changing the rating of credit in an extremely short period of time for the evasion of their responsibility (Song et al., 2010). Such a behaviour not only results in exacerbating panic across the market, but also results in enlarging the negative impact. As pointed out by Koonce et al. (2011), it becomes necessary for preventing the economy from being overheated. However, this results in the prevention of the economy from being extremely cold.

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本文主要内容是战略和策略受品牌、目标和定位的影响,与此同时,公司必须即兴创作他们的产品,必须尝试一些新的口味在他们的比萨饼,可以吸引顾客,同时可以创造更多的兴趣比萨饼。必胜客还应注意产品质量,确保产品质量始终保持新鲜(Evans, 2013, p.318)。公司必须把重点放在以消费者为导向的战略上,为此他们还必须从消费者的角度来考虑问题。所有这些策略将帮助公司影响他们的品牌概念,并在其他竞争对手之间取得良好的关系。本篇亚特兰大论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Along with this, the company must improvise their product and must try some new taste in their pizza which can attract the customers as well as can create more interest towards pizza. Pizza Hut should also pay attention to its product quality and should make sure that the quality of the product remains fresh all the time (Evans, 2013, p.318). The company must focus that their strategy should be consumer oriented and for that they also have to go through with the consumer’s perspective. All these strategies will help the company to influence their brand concept and to obtain good rapport among the other competitors.
Furthermore, strategies for influencing the targeted audience must have to be formulated and implemented appropriately. Valuable marketing relies on recognizing a profitable target audience and then finding approach to retrieve and manipulate it. Pizza Hut is a restaurant and all age of people does go to restaurant for having some good food and spending some quality times with their close ones. So, in this case Pizza Hut must keep take not of the fact that their ambiences must make comfortable for all age of people. Along with this, the company should also provide food of every range that can attract different ages and gender of people. There must be some combos or Pizzas that may appeal the children, some varieties for youngsters and some other for all age group.
Social media marketing can influence majority of the people belonging to any age group. Now-a-days people of all age are engaged in socializing. Another important strategy can be standard strategies. In this case, influencing people by convincing that the food of the company is preferred by the people for its good taste will help to obtain the targeted audience (Stibel, 2015, p.149).
Now, the strategy for positioning is the other essential factor. After targeting consumer and enhanced digital marketing strategies, it becomes easier to establish the position and to compete with competitors with good positions. Innovation in menu of Pizza Hut and its services will definitely help to obtain a successful position in the market.


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本文主要讲述的是银行经济危机,截至2016年12月,意大利已批准2000万欧元的救助计划。意大利议会已经批准了这项计划。国家银行将利用这一救助计划。Monte dei Paschi将是第一家接受纾困的银行,也是该州历史最悠久的银行之一,它的资金只能维持11个月(BBC, 2016)。救助计划提出向银行业注入必要的流动性,从而帮助银行摆脱不断加深的经济形势。本篇美国艺术与设计论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As of December, 2016, a 20 million bailout plan has been approved for Italy. The Italian parliament has approved this plan. Country banks will make use of this Bailout. Monte dei Paschi would be the first bank to be bailed and it is one of the oldest banks in the state and could have funds to stay afloat for 11 months only (BBC, 2016). The Bailout plan proposes to put the needed liquidity into the banking sector, thus helping pull the banks from the deepening economic situation.
Bailout plans have been successful in other countries and hence a bailout plan for Italy could very well work. At present, the banks are in the precipice of collapsing, and hence, a bailout plan is a critical need for the country. The failure of the bank could threaten everybody in the country as banks, housing and personal investments are with the national banks.
Secondly, with the bailout, it would be possible to put more liquidity into the market. In the context of any economic recession, a main problem is how money liquidity goes down. People do not want to spend as they believe the market is fragile. This leads to more deepening of the negative effects, on the other hand when the bailout is made available, then it would improve liquidity (BBC, 2016).
The bailing out is also risky and because of this risk, there is a possibility that the baiout plan could be a failure. “The risk of bailing in retail bondholders is that the domestic bond market, which is important for funding Italian banks, could potentially shut down,” was the opinion of JP Morgan’s Roberto Henriques at JP Morgan (Wallace & Chan, 2016, para. 20).
Italy’s recovery policy is aimed at rebalancing public accounts and initiating the bailout. Leverages in EU regulation are also made use of at this point. In terms of economic policy, the country wants to focus on more budget flexibility too.
Italy’s recovery is slow because much Italian banking is seen to draw from a system that has been in use for so long, it is almost directly connected to individual investors. Therefore, when planning, it is necessary to prep for a budget that is flexible enough. However, too much flexibility in policy making would challenge the recovery.
In applying a stress test, it was identified that most of the Italian banks were seen to have deferred tax assets. Usually, these assets should not be counted and it is risky to do so. “By 2019, they will not be allowed to have those assets on their balance sheets thanks to the European and Basel rules, but for the moment they do. In the case of the Italian banks, it accounts for 2pc to 2.5pc or so of their underlying equity. That is an asset which will go away with time, so quality of capital is a bit of an issue” (Wallace & Chan, 2016, para. 35).


加拿大论文代写 美国代写论文


本文的主要内容是旅游目的地繁荣的原因,近年来,人们花费了大量的时间、资源、专业知识和投资来理解商业成功的最终关键是“客户满意度”(Del Chiappa et al., 2014)。顾客满意,顾名思义,是一个人在使用已购买的产品或服务后对该产品/服务产生的一种感觉。对于其他行业,客户满意度对于旅游业来说是至关重要的(Cohen and Cohen, 2015)。本篇美国管理学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In the recent years, a substantial amount of time, resources, expertise and investment have been spent to understand the ultimate key to business success which is “Customer Satisfaction” (Del Chiappa et al., 2014). Customer satisfaction, as the word suggests, is a feeling developed by an individual about a product/ service after the use of the product or service that has been purchased. As for the other industries, customer satisfaction is of paramount importance for the tourism industry (Cohen and Cohen, 2015).
Positive experiences garnered by tourists in terms of services, products and other resources at the visited destination can result in customer retention, developing a strong reputation and ensuring multiplication of footfall through positive recommendations. The 6 A’s Model can be applied to better comprehend the reasons for a flourishing tourist destination.
Access includes readily available transportation services, quality of roads and signs, availability of information about destination online as well on arrival.
Amenities include entertainment and other engaging activities, public security, restaurants and public conveniences.
Accommodation includes the availability of all categories of lodging.
Attractions include the main highlights of the destination, its landmarks, heritage, lifestyle, nightlife and food.
Assemblage includes infrastructure that is disabled friendly, value of local currency, price of local crafts and products specific to the destination.
Ancillary services include cleanliness of the destination, hospitality of the residents and the local culture.
Valencia seems to be fitting satisfactorily on most of the parameters explained in the 6 A’s model. It is one of the few known destinations in the world that is growing its popularity among masses as a city of natural beauty and cultural offerings (Cebrián and Sánchez, 2016). Valencia is the third largest city of Spain and the 15th largest city in the European Union. The city life of Valencia is upbeat and modern. One can enjoy a walk through the River Gardens, sit at a cafe or explore the mountains and the beaches which are very close to the city. Valencia has sunshine almost throughout the year and is known for its beautiful heritage monuments and churches, extravagant cuisine and beautiful beaches.
The Almoina Archaeological Centre (Valencia, Spain) has guarded the archaeological excavations performed since 1985 in Valencia. Several monumental heritage buildings, inscriptions, 1,000 plus coins and 500 beautiful ceramic pieces have been discovered since 1985 (Artigas et al., 2015). The monumental masterpieces including the Islamic Alcazar, the first city (the Republican) of the thermals, the leftovers of the Roman Empire and martyrdom and Episcopal area from the Vizigothic stages are among the major attractions of city. The foundation of Cathedral of Valencia dates back to October 9, 1238 upon consecration of the Cathedral of St. Mary from a Mosque (Artal-Tur and Kozak, 2015).


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本文的主要內容是道德恐慌信息的性質,道德恐慌信息的性質在過去和現在都沒有改變。在過去,他們比任何時候都更關注像兒童問題這樣的敏感問題,而現在,情況仍然是一樣的。 “大多數關於道德恐慌的研究都圍繞著兒童的安全展開,無論是肥胖、毒品、壞母親、邪惡的日託中心、青少年犯罪還是兒童使用電腦遊戲”(Petley et al., 2013, p.185 )。兒童是社會中脆弱的一部分,過去有人觀察到,許多道德恐慌的產生和緊急解決都是圍繞著兒童。本篇代寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The nature of moral panic messages in the past and in current times has not changed. In the past, they used to surround delicate issues like child concerns more than any other and in current times, the situation is still the same. “Most moral panic studies revolve around the safety of children, whether it be obesity, drugs, bad mothers, satanic day-care centers, juvenile delinquency or children’s use of computer games” (Petley et al., 2013, p.185). The children are a vulnerable part of society and it has been observed in the past that many of the moral panics created and resolved with urgency were those surrounding children.
Consider the work of Marsh & Melville (2011) which focused on understanding them both in historic and contemporary situations in assessing moral panics. In historic situations, authors identified more moral panics with respect to children. Pedophilia as a social issue, could be better addressed as moral panics kept up a sense of urgency, despite an exaggerated sense of fear in some situations. Now this form of urgency creation could still be the same in historic media and in contemporary technologies. The internet is as much an open public space like a physical space (Cohen, 2002). Therefore, the nature of moral panic messages with respect to vulnerable populations still carries a meaning. As Clapton et al. (2013) argue, the connected space raised many panics on child protection. The internet was an open public space. Here the traditional forms of protection did not exist and this raised moral panics. However, the nature for what the panic was created and was handled is protection of a vulnerable population and hence they are similar.
The nature of moral panics with respect to the vulnerable population can also be different given that there is the element of media panic. Contemporary communication technologies create what is called the media panic associated with the moral panic. In the media panic, the medium itself makes the discussion on good or bad polarized. As an example, consider the situation of the technopanics (Marwick, 2008). The technopanic is a form of moral panic in the connected world. The technopanic surrounds such discussions like how text messaging introduces vulnerable populations to harm. Similarly, there are concerns of how children might be introduced to violent video games.
Social technologies that might appeal to teenagers resulting in adverse behavior traits would also be considered as part of the technopanic situation. Now it has been argued that technopanics take new media forms and tend to pathologize young children’s use of these tools in order to control or regulate their behavior. While technopanics do result in anxiety, it has indeed been considered as a needed aspect, as it helps regulate children and steers them away from real trouble (Marwick, 2008). Hence, even in the context of media, moral panics like technopanics, it could be said that the nature of panic and the intent to protect the vulnerable section of society still remains the same.

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本篇文章讲述的是影子银行,加拿大的影子银行体系不同于美国、英国或其他欧洲国家。相比之下,美国或英国的影子银行体系规模较小。除此之外,约60%的贷款由国家住房管理局抵押贷款支持证券(NHA mortgage backed securities)持有。因此,在加拿大观察到的影子银行负债据计算约为2790亿美元。本篇美国传媒学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The shadow banking system which is followed in Canada is different from the one in US, UK or other European nations. The shadow banking system in US or UK is smaller in comparison. In addition to this, around 60 % of the same is accounted by the NHA mortgage backed securities. Thus, the shadow banking liabilities which have been observed in Canada have been calculated to be around $279 billion.
From this, it can be clearly analyzed that this can also represent a majority of risks involved. In Canada, the related risk is on the basis of short term and long basis. In case there is a risk, it lies in the NHA MBS market which can be tied to the broader (Gravelle et al, 2013).
That the involved magnitude of type of risk varies across the globe may be because of the varying degrees of the market size, the sophistication and integration of the shadow banking into the broader financial markets. The shadow banking system in Canada depends on the risk which is directly tied to the problems related to the household debt. In contrast of the US, UK and Europe, it appeared that the shadow banks are a system which consists of a large cross border capital flows and exposure to the counterparty which makes them inextricable from each other ( Adrian, 2010).
In Canada, there are different entities which are partially included in the funding markets on which shadow banks depends on. With regards to some of the major components, they represent a majority of risks. The markets which may be related asset based securities are the one in which there are asset based commercial paper.
This was the case which is most important for the origination and securitization of the poor-quality assets. In general, there are repos and short term papers which were the critical instruments that are used by the companies for different types of reasons such as overnight meeting and cash deficits. It was important that the non-depository credit based intermediaries must be equivalent to the non-bank finance companies.


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論文 代寫 價格-論文摘要的組成

本篇文章主要講述論文摘要的組成對於很多的美國留學生們來說,論文的摘要是最難下手也是最難寫好的一個部分。因為它需要你的語言簡練並且概括全文,讓導師簡單明了的了解你論文的內容。為了幫助同學們更好的把握摘要的寫作,小編下面總結了一些英文論文摘要組成部分。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。


概述(30詞左右):用最簡潔的語言概括論文內容。例如:This paper is… 或 This study focuses on…

目的(30詞左右):用To…就可以了,沒有必要使用 in order to 或者 for the purpose of 等較長的表述。

方法(50詞左右):盡可能具體地說明操作的步驟,其中註意時態的使用。常用的詞彙有:test, study, investigate, examine, analyze, measure, application 等。

結果(50詞左右):直入主題地擺出結果,如 This paper shows… 或 The results are…

結論(60詞左右):刪去類似於“The result of the study showed that…” 的贅語,逐條羅列出結論。

展望(20詞左右):指出研究對未來的意義,如 This paper is of great significance in… 或指出不足。


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In the story, Voltaire has stated the setting where the Tartars are invaded. The theme of love that was missing in the original version is added into this storyline. Genghis Khan seems to develop a passion for Idamé, who is the wife of Zamti. She rejects the advances of Genghis Khan and stands true to her moral values. In the European version, there are certain gaps that Voltaire fills to make it interesting for the people in Europe. This made it even more appealing to the French audience who became enamored with the culture of China. There was development of healthy respect towards the Chinese culture owing to this efforts.
The changes that were observed were the addition of love theme into the revenge plot. There was more exemplification of the Chinese virtues in the Volatile edition. The play was restructured to make it appealing for the French audience.
From this the literary factors of the story are understood. The cultural perspective of the west and the east were found to be similar in the epitomizing of the story. These factors have been probed in detail in the following. The cultural nuances are explored in the storyline.
Cultural Perspective
“The Orphan of Zhao” is one the initial Chinese play that has been translated into the European languages. 900 years ago this story was translated into French language and it was played in many of the theaters in France. In 1753, French writer Voltaire revised the work “Orphan of Zhao” and termed it “L’Orphelin de la Chine: la morale de Confucius en cinq actes”. The main theme found in this version was the principles of love, forgiveness and the importance of ethical morality. It was shown in this version that the ignorance and violence can be eventually replaced by ideologies of virtues. It was shown that the virtue of the people can eventually handle any ominous threat of the people.
The universal theme found in this story line was the notion of forgiveness and love. The ultimate sacrifice and altruistic attitude was a symbolization of the European and the Chinese portrayal.


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本篇文章主要讲的是麦当劳对消费者的不当期望分析,麦当劳的消费者营销方法的一个关键问题是,它没有通过消费者营销正确地分析和满足顾客的真实期望。这家餐厅的消费者似乎对麦当劳在消费者营销方面采取的方法感到不满。这是因为它缺乏创新性。麦当劳偶尔会进行市场调查和研究,以正确理解和实现消费者的期望。调查由专家进行、分析和评估。因此,很明显,组织能够根据市场调查和调查的结果有效地跟踪消费者的期望。然而,专家认为,市场研究确实有助于跟踪消费者的期望,但它们不应该被视为绝对的真理(Trentmann, 2016)。本篇美国会计学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

One of the key problems of the consumer marketing approach of McDonald’s is that it does not properly analyze and address the real expectations of the customers through the consumer marketing. The consumers at the restaurant seemed to be unhappy about the approaches McDonald’s adopt for consumer marketing. This is because it lacked innovativeness. McDonald’s occasionally conduct market surveys and research to properly understand and realize the expectations of the consumers. The surveys are conducted, analyzed, and evaluated by the experts. Therefore, it is pretty obvious that the organization is able to efficiently track the consumer expectations according to the findings of the market research and surveys. However, experts suggest that market research is really helpful to track the consumer expectations but they should never be taken as absolute gospel truth (Trentmann, 2016).
The outcomes and the findings of the market research should be analyzed in accordance with the competence and deficiencies, strengths and weaknesses of the organization. But McDonald’s has always made this mistake. They place the utmost emphasis on the market research outcomes. It gives them a glimpse of the market condition and the consumer research. According to most of the consumers, McDonald’s never take innovative decisions and analyze the outcomes in relation to the possible market position in the future. It gets reflected in their consumer marketing. There is no sign of innovative solutions for consumer expectations in advance. The consumers expect the organization to give importance to the market research but also mix it with innovative decisions in the real life. But when it comes to consumer marketing, McDonald’s fail to meet this specific expectation. As a result, their marketing strategy seems to be outdated, invalid, and ineffective.
There are multiple problems in the consumer marketing strategy of McDonald’s. Another great problem in this section is that McDonald’s fail to attract people from diverse groups who have diverse taste, different expectations, and varied approaches. Even if the marketing research proves to be absolutely helpful and true, McDonald’s fail to reflect the results in their consumer marketing strategy. Creating specific kinds of food and drinks for different kind of people is a part of the consumer marketing. But McDonald’s has historically failed to produce such products that can meet the varied requirements of different kinds of people (Tuttle, 2015).

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Confucianism does not have a foundation of their belief in the virtues that it considers to be valuable. This is evident when it does not have a definition of what is right and wrong conduct in a family, but is proposing a system where one must perform right deeds and avoid wrong ones. Hinduism, has a different viewpoint which encourages more intellectual discourses because it believes that most of the decisions are contextual in life and there may not be a universal solution of defining an act as right or wrong. Thus, virtues in Confucianism are external, measured by the conduct of an individual, and also carried forward by way of teaching to the future generations. In contrast, virtues in Hinduism are both external, seen in the daily practices of worshipping the respective Gods, performing rituals, and internal, seen in the practices such as self-restraint of the senses, being silent, being celibate, being austere, meditating regularly on the Brahman, and acquiring wisdom by self-contemplation.
Confucianism’s Tian is equivalent to the Brahman of the Hinduism. Tian relates to the ‘sky’, ‘heaven’, or the ‘Great One’, and ‘Brahman’ relates to the Supreme Reality which pervades all, and is changeless. This is the most common similarity between the two religions. They are more similar in the underlying intent of maintaining universal harmony among all species, but have different beliefs and customs to achieve the same. Confucianism and Hinduism consider the acquisition of virtues as the prime goal of an individual since they will lead them to a divine afterlife and make one emancipate. The non-virtuous are considered as opponents and are subject to self-destruction according to both religions. Thus, there are more similarities in their intent of sustaining pious lives and destroying unethical and anti-virtuous forces.
The importance of acquiring virtues is the central theme of both religions, and they consider it as the primary goal of an individual, without which life would be self-destructive. Humaneness, benevolence, loyalty, righteousness, and integrity forms the primary virtues of Confucianism, whereas self-restraint, non-violence, tolerance, patience, self-control, controlling anger, cleanliness, and celibacy forms the virtues essential in Hinduism. Confucianism has virtues which are measured externally and visibly, whereas the virtues of Hinduism are also measured visually by observation and also in the inaction and internal processes of the individual. Both religions are pure and have a noble intent to harmonize the world and maintain peace, but displays different ways of attaining them.






标准化教学实践的任务可分为专业知识、专业实践和专业参与三个方面。有效的教师能引导学生吸收所学知识,加快知识的学习实践。他们还可以灌输信心,让学生积极面对公众(AITSL, 2011)。澳大利亚的教师职业标准在很大程度上是以国家教师职业标准为基础的,国家教师职业标准重视专业知识。他们为教师提供了许多教学工具,以扩大学生获得的知识(AITSL, 2011)。国家标准实践也要求有一个完整的教学计划。强大的知识和动态的课程计划将极大地帮助学生(AITSL, 2011)。

基本上AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership)的条件是,专业教学应该包括专业知识和对学生学习方式的理解。熟练的教师必须具有广泛和多方面的认证知识。这是他们需要考虑的基本因素。然后制定教学计划和传授知识的方法(AITSL, 2011)。

通过观察分析发现,教师应该给学生提供信息,等待他们的反应,澄清任何疑问。为了进一步举例说明,历史教师应该了解历史事件的事实。教师可以传播事件意识,灌输学生对事件的探究和拓展。学生应该从这些观点发展批判性分析(AITSL, 2011)。学生应以学生提供的知识为重点,扩大知识(Reys, 2012, pp.47)。


Reflection of teacher’s attributes to the National Professional standards

The mandates developed for standardized teaching practice can be classified into three aspects, which are professional knowledge, professional practice and professional engagement. Effective teacher can lead student to absorb the subject and accelerate the knowledge learning practice. They can also instill confidence in students to face the public positively (AITSL, 2011). The Professional Standards for Teachers in Australia are largely based on the National Professional Standards for teachers, which give importance to professional knowledge. They provide the teachers with a number of teaching tools to expand the knowledge obtained by students (AITSL, 2011).National standard practice also mandates having a lesson plan an integral aspect for teaching. Strong knowledge and a dynamic lesson plan would help the students immensely (AITSL, 2011).

Basically AITSL (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership) conditions that, the professional teaching should include professional knowledge and understanding of how students learn. Proficient teachers must have wide and multifaceted certified knowledge. This is the basic elemental factor that they need to factor in. Then they should develop lesson plan and method to impart knowledge (AITSL, 2011).

From observational analysis, it has been found that teachers should give information to students, wait for their response, and clarify any doubts. To elucidate further with an example, a history teacher should know the facts of the historical events. Teacher can spread awareness of the event and instil students to probe and expand on the event. Students should develop critical analysis from the points (AITSL, 2011). Students should use the knowledge given by students as a focal point and expand the knowledge (Reys, 2012, pp.47).













Characteristics that make it Legitimate

The various characteristics that make accountancy profession legitimate in present scenario are as follows:-

Safeguarding Public and Investors interest

There are some duties that these professional accountants do for public interest and one such role is safeguarding the interest of investors. This role of accountancy is very privileged and has a greater impact on the lives of people. High standard of professionalism should be maintained by the accountants in a company. They play a major role in maintaining the ethics of the company. In short they are making their requirements of accountancy legitimate as the protection of the public interest of the company is main aim of a professional accountant. The profession of accountancy has a great reach in global capital markets and society. The public should have confidence on the financial data and this can only be obtained by maintaining a certain level of ethics in a company. Hence, this is one of the important characteristics that make their professions more important and legitimate in present world.

Evolving Role in complex business scenario

The tasks to represent, promote as well as enhance the global accountancy line of work are carried out by the professional accounting groups. The country’s professional accountants, which include both of accountants who are in practice as well as business, are represented by the professional accounting firm at the national level. Due to the variation in their roles in the society, both the types of professional accountants, in practice and in business, should be well perceived by the society to support the position of accountancy profession.

The professional accounting body helps the accountants in carrying out their work effectively, who are often the most trained and skilled staff in an organization for the accounting work. The body also provides them the resources and the updated skills needed in their daily work. As an instance, the accountants need the support of the experts of subject in the accounting body to advise them on their work. The body should also carry out continuous professional development training programs to update the skills as well as knowledge of the accountants.

As in every other profession, the professional accountants are expected to show their expertise in the capital market along with their skill to progress and accept new challenges. The expectations from the public are quite high, therefore the professional accountants are expected to not only meet up the expectations of their respective organizations but also of the public. The professional accountants who are in business are very important to their organizations in creating and sustaining values and its growth. Their relevance to the organization is tested when their ability to cope up with the changes in the environment is analysed.


申请大学的personal statement:优惠贸易安排(pta)

申请大学的personal statement:优惠贸易安排(pta)

自第二次世界大战以来,由于优惠贸易安排(pta)数目的增加引起了大量的兴趣,这种安排对经济和政治产生了影响。对于pta的成长,虽然研究的不多,但是影响pta成长的因素很多。本文的主要目的是评估导致PTAs增长的原因(Mansfield and Pevehouse, 2013)。本文分析的PTA扩张最关键的因素是,当PTAs所呈现的成员表现出较高的贸易开放程度时,其次是PTA成员的分布是均匀的,这是非常高的。一篇文章指出,PTA增加了许多新成员,并将继续在全球体系中增加更多的新成员。PTA的目标是群体扩张(Missios, Saggi和Yildiz, 2016)。PTA市场有充分的发展机会,这是有原因的,也是有保证的。本文调查了有多少个国家将成为PTA成员(Missios, Saggi and Yildiz, 2016)。还有一件事,本文调查了PTA只给予那些在政治和社会上与PTA现有成员相匹配的国家优惠,然后这些国家就可以成为PTA成员(Karacaovali and Limao, 2008)。


通过分析一些pta扩张失败的原因,解决这一问题是本文的主要目的。本文共分为三个部分。首先,要找出是否有任何pta形成和膨胀的轮廓。PTA成员进入其他成员市场,以发展经济为目标(Missios, Saggi和Yildiz, 2016)。

其次,本文分析了影响多边贸易协定发展的因素,分析了多边贸易协定发展的动因。扩大多边贸易协定规模的主要原因是,现有成员贸易开放程度高,各成员分布标准化。已经发现新成员不断加入PTAs (Missios, Saggi和Yildiz, 2016)。此外,pta的目标之一是在大群体中发展。pta市场有扩张的可能,但目前还没有多少迹象表明这一点。一篇关于哪些国家成为pta成员的论文最终对其进行了研究。一篇论文指出,PTA通过只加入那些在政治和经济上与现有成员国相当的国家来扩张,也发现了这一点(Ghosh and Yamarik, 2004)。

申请大学的personal statement:优惠贸易安排(pta)

There has been effect on the economic and politics since World War II because of substantial interest generated by the growing number of Preferential trading arrangements (PTAs). For the growth of PTAs, not much research has been conducted but still there are many factors, which give rise for the growth of PTAs. The main aim of this paper is to evaluate what are the reasons, which help in the growth of PTAs (Mansfield and Pevehouse, 2013). The most crucial factor analysed by this paper for the expansion of PTA is that when high degree of trade openness is displayed by the PTAs presented member and second is that the distribution of the members of PTA, which is very high, is uniform. A paper that PTA has added many new members and it will keep adding more new members throughout the global system has found it out. The aim of PTA is to expand in groups (Missios, Saggi and Yildiz, 2016). There are full chances for the expansion of the market of PTA because there are some reasons, which give surety for it to happen. It has been investigated by this paper that how many states are going to be the member of PTA (Missios, Saggi and Yildiz, 2016). One more thing, which this paper has investigated that PTA gives preference to only those countries that are politically and socially matches with the existing members of PTA and after that, they can be the members of PTA (Karacaovali and Limão, 2008).

Summary and Critique

By analysing the factors that what is the reason for some PTAs to expand and other fails to do it, to solve this problem is the main aim of this paper. This paper has been divided into three parts. First, to find, was there any outline PTAs formation and expansion. Members of PTA access with the market of other members with the aim to develop the economy (Missios, Saggi and Yildiz, 2016).

Secondly, it was analysed by this paper that what are the factors, which helped for the growth of multilateral PTAs, and what was their motive in doing so. For the magnification of the multilateral PTAs, the main reason is that, the existing members show a high degree of trade openness and there is standardization in the distribution of all the members. It has been found out that new members keep joining PTAs (Missios, Saggi and Yildiz, 2016). In addition, one of the objectives of PTAs is to develop in large groups. There is probability for the expansion of the market for PTAs and for it, few indications have been shown. A paper that which countries becomes the member of PTAs has finally investigated it. A paper that PTA expands by joining only those states, which are politically and economically comparable with the existing members, has also found it out (Ghosh and Yamarik, 2004).




正如案例研究中所述,Myer Holdings是Premier公司的客户,这说明两家公司是垂直依赖的。Myer公司在与Premier公司结成战略联盟时,无论如何都会节省大量的资金(Lucas & McDonald, 1990)。通过与对方建立伙伴关系,两家公司都能确保自己走在正确的方向上。除此之外,这次合并可以为两家公司的最大利益工作,因为两家公司都以最专业的工作而闻名(德州公共政策,2014)。Myer是一家澳大利亚本土公司,多年来一直在这个市场上运作。因此,他们在这个领域有很多经验。伍尔沃斯是南非著名的公司,所以他们需要一些澳大利亚公司的经验,以确保他们能够在这个地区做得很好。因此,从战略上讲,这次合并对两家公司都是有利的,对Myer和Woolworth的良好稳定运行都是必不可少的。伍尔沃斯可以带来与增加投资相关的一些好处,Myer公司也可以从中获利(Stulz, 2005)。目前,公司陷入了困境,因为公司有大量的门店经营不善。除此之外,很多钱都花在了一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事上,从而影响了公司的整体预算。除此之外,公司的一些产品也面临一些问题,所以它的产品也需要良好的评价(Lucas & McDonald, 1990)。所有这些问题都需要立即进行一些金融投资,而伍尔沃斯可以做到这一点。两家公司在向世界其他地区扩张以及缺乏金融投资方面所面临的问题可以通过两家公司的合并立即得到解决。

当涉及到ACCC或澳大利亚竞争与消费者委员会时,它会检查拟议的收购或合并是否会显著降低相关市场的整体竞争水平(Helleiner, 2008)。换句话说,ACCC无权拒绝一项降低竞争水平的收购,除非影响是广泛的。同样地,它在社区偏好的收购过程中也没有任何效力。同样,premier和Myer公司的合并也可以在没有太多阻碍的情况下进行(Lucas & McDonald, 1990)。这两家公司将无法给当地企业一个非常激烈的竞争,都不会带来任何巨大的变化在经济领域,这两家公司合并将卓越的答案,就没有法律界限,会导致违反任何此类合并。


As it is stated in the case study, Myer Holdings is the customer of Premier Company, which suggests that both companies are vertically dependent on each other. Myer company is to skimp and save massive amount of money as and when they strategic alliance with Premier company by all means (Lucas & McDonald, 1990). By forming a partnership with each other, both the companies could ensure that they are going in the right direction. Apart from that, this merger could work for the best interests of both companies since both firms are known for working most professionally (Public policy in Texas, 2014). Myer is a local company of Australia which has been working in this market for ages. Therefore, they have a lot of experience in this particular field. Woolworth is a renowned company of South Africa, so they need some experiences companies of Australia in order to make sure that they are able to do well in this region as well. Therefore, strategically speaking, the merger could be beneficial for both companies and would be essential for good and stable working of Myer as well as Woolworth. Woolworth could bring in some benefits related to increased investments due to which Myer Company could also profit (Stulz, 2005). Currently, company is in trouble since there are a large number of stores of company which are not running well at all. Other than that, a large amount of money is spent on small and petty issues due to which the overall budget of company gets disturbed. Other than that, the company is also facing some issues with some of its products, so its products need good reviews as well(Lucas & McDonald, 1990). All of these issues require some financial investment immediately which could be done by Woolworth. The problems faced by both the companies in terms of expansion to other regions around the world as well as lack of financial investments could be resolved immediately by the merger of both the companies.

When it comes to ACCC or Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, it examines if a proposed acquisition or merger tends to considerably lessen the level of competition amidst the pertinent market as a whole (Helleiner, 2008). In other words, ACCC has no authority to resist an acquisition that diminishes the level of competition except that the impact is extensive. By the same token, it has no efficacy in the midst of acquisitions under the preferences of community by any means. Similarly, the merger of premier and Myer Company can take place without much put or hindrance (Lucas & McDonald, 1990). Both the companies would not be able to give a very tough competition to local companies and both would not bring any huge change in the economic field, so this merger would be the preeminent answer for both companies and there would be no legal boundaries at all which would get violated as a result of any such merger.









A global communication strategy is a needed element for businesses given that businesses have to globalize or internationalize their business units in order to achieve competitive advantage in the international market. Communication strategies are key to business structures big or small. Also intercultural implications exist for communication strategies big or small. Businesses usually launch of as local units and then with time would expand nationally or globally. In this context it is necessary for businesses to upgrade their business strategies into a more global context in order to meet the challenges.

Problem Background

In a global environment, it becomes more than critical for businesses to communicate successfully. Language would be a very big difficulty but most times in current situation language ceases to be a difficulty because languages such as English serve as the lingua franca of the modern world. However, even when languages cease to be a problem, there are other problems in the form of misunderstandings based on ethics and culture. This research essay focuses on culture as the prime issue. Poor communication would lead to poor organizational performance and this is basically created because of the lack of internal communication controls and procedures.

It is imperative for businesses to connect at a global level. Businesses must be able to communicate effectively with employees from different parts of the world and ensure their needs are met properly. Businesses also have to ensure that they are able to connect with their customers in a much better way albeit the differences culture. With advancements in technology, improvement in the form of communication strategy must not be an issue and yet there could still be obstacles. Companies have to realize that they might not have to study cultural elements as applicable to every nuance but must ensure that the relationship of managers and subordinates are sturdy. Research studies indicate that lack of such solidarity is more often created by the absence of a proper global communication strategy.




中國的建築有着悠久的歷史。這個國家的建築和中國文明一樣古老。許多文學資料提供了關於中國建築風格的本土體系的信息,從史前時代到今天,這一直是中國建築的主要元素。中國建築的歷史可以追溯到石器時代。中國建築是世界上最著名的建築設計之一。鴉片戰爭後,西方文化入侵中國,影響了中國的政治經濟體制(Steinhardt, and Fu, 2002)。建築的發展也受到了西方侵略的影響。20世紀80年代以後,中國開始將傳統建築設計與現代建築設計相結合。在西方文化的影響下,中國的傳統和現代建築哲學仍然被建築師們所使用。然而,隨着改革和西方文化的衝擊,建築業變得更加糟糕。隨着經濟的不斷髮展和西方建築風格的結合,中國盲目地追隨西方建築風格,模仿他們的設計、技術和形式(Steinhardt, and Fu, 2002)。這導致了中國傳統建築文化的弱化。本文旨在探討中國傳統建築與西方建築的交叉。


它具有一定的特色,是中國傳統建築的主要元素。主要的重點是水平軸。重型平臺的建造和大型屋頂漂浮在上面,與垂直的牆壁相結合。這種建築與西方建築完全相反,西方建築是基於建築的高度和深度(Atkin et al., 2015)。在中國建築中,重點是創造寬度的視覺衝擊。財富可以通過建築來體現,建築的寬度大於高度,而在西方文化中,主要強調建築的高度。故宮的宮殿和大廳是這種建築的最好例子,因爲它們有低矮的屋頂。這個概念被應用到寶塔上,寶塔是宗教建築綜合體(Steinhardt, Glahn, Thorp, and Juliano, 1984)。


The architecture of China had a great history. The architecture of this country is as old as Chinese civilization. Many literary sources provide the information about the indigenous system of Chinese construction styles, which has been the major element of construction in China since pre-historic time till present day. The history of Chinese architecture can date back to Stone Age. Chinese architecture is one within the world’s most famous architectural designs. After Opium War, China was invaded by the Western Culture which impacted its politics and economic system (Steinhardt, and Fu, 2002). Development of architecture was also affected by the Western invasion. After the time period of 1980’s, the traditional and modern architecture designs began to be combined in China. With the impact of Western culture, the traditional and modern architectural philosophy of China was still used by the architects. Though, with reform and western cultural impact, the construction industry had become worse. With continuous economic development and the combination of the western style of architecture, China blindly followed the style of western architecture and imitated their designs, techniques and forms (Steinhardt, and Fu, 2002). This resulted in weakening the traditional architectural culture of China. This essay aims to explore the intersection of traditional Chinese architecture with Western architecture.

Traditional Chinese Architecture

There are certain features, which were the main elements in the traditional Chinese architecture. The main emphasis was given to the horizontal axis. The construction of the heavy platforms was made and large roofs float over them, combined with the vertical walls. This kind of construction is in complete contrast with the western architecture, which was based on height and depth of the buildings (Atkin et al., 2015). In Chinese architecture, the emphasis was given on creating the visual impact of the width. The wealth can be shown through making the building, which is more in breadth than in height, while in western culture, the major emphasis is given on the height of the building. The palaces and halls in the Forbidden City are the best example of such kind of architecture as they have low roofs. This concept is applied to pagodas, which are religious building complexes (Steinhardt, Glahn, Thorp, and Juliano, 1984).




研究发现,在即将上学的同性恋学生中,自杀是主要的死亡原因。据推测,上学的同性恋学生自杀的可能性是正常人的2到6倍。另一项研究表明,超过30%的青少年自杀是同性恋学生所为。与毒品滥用相比,上学的同性恋者也有更高的风险。据观察,大约有28%的同性恋者因为在学校环境中受到的暴力而不得不从高中辍学。这种暴力包括口头和身体虐待。也有人观察到,这些同性恋者每天都要面对来自学校老师的歧视。除此之外,还有许多学校官员更喜欢异性恋学生而不是同性恋。cole(2007)的研究表明,学校对同性恋学生的虐待、忽视和歧视的发生率更高(Hong &Garbarino 2012, p.271)。甚至父母也希望他们的孩子不是同性恋。同性恋者在学校里必须面对许多评论。他们必须面对的一些口头暴力包括人们说他们恨他们,他们不能和他们呆在一起或和他们交谈。人权观察(2001)也报道过,学校里的年轻人一旦知道自己是同性恋,就会不断受到同龄人的骚扰。对于这种歧视和暴力,同性恋者几乎没有选择。他们没有得到管理层、同学甚至父母的支持。因此,他们没有出路,似乎没有任何积极的东西出现在他们面前。除此之外,人权观察(2001)也担心他们在学校里必须面对身体或性侵犯。因为同样的原因,他们不得不面对更高的学业失败的风险。此外,他们不太参与大部分的学生活动。根据最近进行的一项研究,已经发现超过42%的学校同性恋学生被迫违背自己的意愿进行性行为(Olsen et al . 2009, p.432)。


It has been found that the leading cause of death among the homosexual students who are going to school is suicide. It has been assumed that homosexual students going to school are 2 to 6 times more likely to conduct suicide than the normal individuals. A yet another research states that over 30 % suicides done by the teens are actually committed by homosexual students. The homosexuals who go to schools are at a higher risk in comparison to drug abuse as well. It has also been observed that around 28 % of the homosexuals have to drop out from their high schools because of the violence done against them in the school environment.This violence includes both verbal and physical abuse. It has also been observed that these homosexuals have to face the discrimination from school teachers on a day to day basis. In addition to this, there are many school officials who have a higher preference to straight students over the homosexuals.According to the study conducted byCole (2007), it has been mentioned that there have been a higher rate of abuse, neglect and discrimination in schools against the homosexual students (Hong &Garbarino 2012, p.271). Even the parents prefer that their child is not a homosexual. Homosexuals have to face a number of comments while they are in schools. Some of the verbal violence which they have to face includes the people saying that they hate them, and they cannot stay with them or talk to them. It has also been reported by Human Rights Watch (2001), who stated that the youths who are in schools are continuously harassed by their peers once they get to know that they are homosexuals. For this discrimination and violence, the homosexuals have very few options. They arenot supported by the management, by fellow students and even by their parents. Therefore, they are left with no way out and there is nothing positive which may seem to appear for them. In addition to this, the Human Rights Watch (2001) also fears that they have to face physical or sexual assault while being in school. Because of the same, they have to face a higher risk of academic failure. Moreover, they arenot very much involved in most of the student activities. According to the recent study conducted, it has been found that more than 42 % of the homosexual students going to the schools are being forced to involve in sex against their own will (Olsen et al 2009, p.432).

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The characteristics of a weak organisational culture includes isolated thinkers, resistance to change, politics and favouritism. If the organisation has a weak culture, the above mentioned scenarios would be visible. Organisations with weak culture can never bring together its employees and hence all the employees work in their zone and do not consider the people sharing the same work space as their well wishers. They do not welcome suggestions and are happy to work in their own way. This creates a hostile culture within the firm and hence the performance suffers. The organisation with weak culture cannot embrace any kind of change with open arms. They want all things to be status quo. This results in a monotonous working environment which is not good for the organisation as a whole. Motivation, rewards, and recognition, etc. are not appreciated in the organisations with weak culture and the promotions are all decided on the basis of the supervisors will. This results in favouritism and such events translate to an extremely unhealthy working space within the organisation.

Three Types of Organizations and Their Differences

There are mainly three types of organisations. They are dynamic, static and adaptive. The dynamic organisation has fixed practices and procedures within the organisation but varies in size. These types of organisations have a set of procedures and processes which need to be followed as per the tasks assigned. Though these types of organisation are quite competitive and are ready to change as per the market, these organisations would never compromise with their rules and regulations. Thus changing the way these types of organisations work is very difficult since they rely on their procedures profoundly.

Considering the static organisations, they are never prone to changes and do not embrace changes with open arms. Such organisations are of fixed size and fixed practices. It keeps on working in the same manner year on year without paying heed to what its competitor is doing. These organisations are happy in their own space and are not overly ambitious. They believe in completing the job in hand rather than making plans for future expansion.

Adaptive organisations manifest the present day organisations which love to change as per the changes in the market. They are quite adaptive and are looking forward to bettering their current standing in the market. These organisations stress on continuous learning, send employees for trainings and exchange programs so as to make them aware of the conditions prevailing in the market. These organisations are highly competitive and value the achievers and high performers. Companies like Facebook, Google etc. fall in this category as they are always looking forward to do something new and amaze the market.




英國脫歐是近年來的一個現象,由於與世界上許多國家的聯繫和影響,英國脫歐在短時間內動搖了世界。一位駐中英兩國的外國記者對此次事件以及事件對兩國的影響有兩種不同的解讀。這是一個重要的現象,當涉及到英國和中國相互的金融影響。英國已經投票決定退出歐盟,這一進程將於2017年完成。在英國的記者將更接近政府的公告,並可能獲得來自政府當局的第一手信息。本記者將介紹所有的影響,並補充他的流行解釋,往往從與同事的討論和觀看其他電視媒體。新聞報道將呈現英國脫歐對英國公民的正面和負面影響,中國及其政府可能會對此進行清晰的分析。中國政府將通過了解英中兩國的互聯時代來研究英國脫歐對兩國的影響,並首先通過保護中國人民來展示他們的報道。這些新聞和事件將使中國在與英國進行雙邊或國際貿易時考慮下一步的行動,即使這樣,英國在與中國打交道時也會考慮到它的理想安全。英國退歐的原因必須分析,兩位記者也將分析,他們的原因也將不同。這是因爲英國記者將通過考慮英國公民的安全,發生了什麼如果英國與歐盟一直在中國記者將嘗試和深入挖掘等英國的行爲如果尋找一個虛假的宣傳,退出歐盟。這些不同解釋的原因是全球媒體仍然具有傳播的力量(Castells, 2007)。這一政治決定通過全球媒體變得更加詳盡,其解釋甚至更加崇高和累人。英國通過一些媒體渠道做出的退出決定解釋了一場危機,而另一些媒體則解釋了英國國內市場的內在力量,足以讓英國獨立生存下去,並從中獲得更多價值。這些更有價值和內在危機的概念是媒體給予的更廣泛的解讀,對成千上萬的地區媒體和中英兩國都產生了重大影響。


第二個可以用來分析英國脫歐對中英記者的影響及其對國際關係的影響的概念是大國主導的媒體帝國主義。自從BBC和CNN出現以來,美國和英國一直主導着國際媒體,世界已經準備好把這些媒體頻道看得比生命更大(Chadha和Kavoori, 2000)。英國脫歐問題已經在這些渠道上進行了大量討論,在中英兩國的記者們將會對英國脫歐對中英關係的影響有一個清晰的認識。考慮到媒體帝國主義,聲稱CNN效應徹底改變了國際關係的發展方式是值得懷疑的;就目前而言,當全球媒體變得司空見慣,每個人都知道重要事件的進出,對同一故事的相關性就會降低(Robinson, 2001)。因此,CNN效應,如果堅持它的主張是不正確的,並可能適用於早期媒體出現的時候,但不是現在,當媒體是一個專業機構,本身是一個競爭高質量的新聞和信息傳遞更簡單比容易。當每個人都知道英國退歐事件,並且每個人都大致瞭解它對國際關係的更廣泛影響時,媒體的角色就被縮短爲一個早期的或有特權的旁觀者。


Brexit is a recent phenomenon which for a short time had shaken the world of its owing to be connected to and impacting many countries worldwide. A foreign correspondent stationed in China and UK has two different interpretations about the event and the impact of the events on their countries. The phenomenon is an important one, when it comes to financial impact of UK and China in each other. UK has voted to exit the European Union, and the process shall be completed by 2017. The correspondent in UK will be closer to the government’s announcements and may have access to first-hand information coming from the government authorities. This correspondent will present all the impacts as it is and also add his popular interpretation, often gained from discussions with colleagues and by watching other television media. The news reportage will present the good and bad impacts of Brexit on the citizens of UK, and this may be clearly analysed by China and its government. The Chinese government will study the impact of Brexit on UK and China by understanding the interlink age of the two countries and present their reportage by safeguarding the people of China first. These news and events will make China think about its next move when it intends to deal with UK in terms of bilateral or international trade, and even so UK will think about its ideal safety when dealing with China. The reason why UK exited as a reason must be analysed and will be analysed by the two correspondents and their reasons will also be differing. This is because the UK correspondent will present it by considering the safety of UK citizens and what could have happened if UK has stayed with the EU, while the Chinese correspondent will try and dig deeper into such an act of UK as if searching for a false propaganda that it exited EU. The reason for these differing interpretations is the power of communication that remains with the global media (Castells, 2007). The political decision has become more elaborated through global media, and the interpretation is even more sublime and exhausting. UK exiting decisions through some media channels interpret a crisis, whereas some other interprets the inherent strength of the domestic UK market to be sufficient to survive on its own and derive more value. These concepts of more value and inherent crisis are broader interpretations given by media and they have had a significant impact on thousands of regional media and the two countries of UK and China concerned.


The second concept after power that can be used to analyse the impact of Brexit on UK and China correspondent and their corresponding impact on international relations is that is media imperialism dominated by the larger nations. The US and UK have been dominating international media ever since BBC and CNN have come into existence, the world has set stage to view these media channels as larger than life (Chadha and Kavoori, 2000). Brexit has discussed heavily on these channels and the correspondents in UK and China will have a clear view about the relevant impacts on the relations between UK and China. Considering media imperialism, the claim of CNN effect that it has overhauled the way international relations take place is questionable; for now when global media has become commonplace and everyone knows about important events in and out, there is less relevance about the same story (Robinson, 2001). Hence CNN effect, if sticks to its claims is incorrect and may have been applicable in earlier times when media was emerging, but not now when media is a professional body and is itself a competitor for good quality news and information passage is more simple than easier. When everyone knows about the Brexit event and everyone has a rough idea of broader impacts on international relations, the role of media is shortened to be an early or a privileged spectator.







关于有机农业是否足以养活世界上所有的人,一直存在着争论。有大量的人包括企业高管,许多农业和生态农业研究科学家和其他一些相关的国际专家,相信在不久的将来,可能会有一个伟大的转变农业从传统农业向有机农业实践。这可能是因为有机农业的增长(Mader et al., 2002)。它不仅将有助于为人民提供粮食,而且还将有助于消除与贫困有关的问题。

然而,这种想法很难被很多人接受。这是因为有机农业是免费的每一种农药,合成肥料和其他工具,这是为了获得更高的农业产量(Reisch et al., 2013)。相反,有机农民依靠饲养越来越多的动物来达到不同的目的,包括准备肥料、种植豆类、三叶草或其他固氮豆类(Hole et al., 2005)。除此之外,它可以通过使用不同来源的肥料来完成,这些肥料不是在化工厂生产的,而是从土地、水和许多其他资源中获得的。由于有机耕作中缺乏使用合成肥料,可以假定作物也可能遭受一些疾病,为了控制这些与虫害有关的问题,有机农民在很大程度上依赖于轮作作物(Reganold et al., 1987)。这也是一个问题,因为一种主食无法在已经种植了玉米和小麦的土地上生长(Marsden and Morley, 2014)。


In the present times, the need for healthy food products has been increasing to a large extent. In has also led to the rise in the demand for organic farming. Organic culture can be defined as the farming which does not relies on the use of the synthetic inputs. These synthetic inputs include some of the synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, veterinary drugs, genetically modified seeds, preservatives and additives. These are also replaced by some of the site specific practices related to management which help in maintenance of the fertility of the soil for a longer time period. So, in the present world, the organic farming is one of such farming methods that can be effectively and efficiently used in the different farming practises which are being practised all over the world. In this report, the discussion will be focussed on the question if the organic farmers can produce enough food which may be enough for the purpose of feeding all the people of the world. In addition to this, there will be a discussion on the role of organic farming in sustainable food systems.

Can organic farmers produce enough food to feed the world?


There has been an ever going debate on the, topic if organic farming may be enough to feed all the people in the world. There are a large number of people including the business executives, many of the agricultural and ecological scientists and some other international experts related to agricultural research who believe that in the near future, there may be a great shift in the farming practices from the traditional farming to the organic farming. This would be possible because of the increase in the organic farming (Mäder et al., 2002). It will help not only to provide food for the people, but also to eradicate the problems related to poverty.

Though, this kind of thought is difficult to absorb by many. This is because organic farming is free from each and every pesticide, synthetic fertilizers and other tools which are used in order to get the higher yields of agriculture (Reisch et al., 2013). Organic farmers, instead of this depends on the raising of more and more number of animals for the different purpose which may include the preparation of manure, growing of the beans, clover or other nitrogen fixing legumes (Hole et al., 2005). In addition to this, it can be done by using the different sources of fertilizers which cannot be produced in the chemical plant, but it is obtained from the sources such as land, water and many other resources. Because of the lack of the use of synthetic fertilizers in organic farming, it can be assumed that the crops may also suffer from a number of diseases In order to control these problems related to pests, the organic farmers largely depend on the rotating crops (Reganold et al., 1987). This is also a problem as a staple cannot grow on the field on which already corn of wheat has grown (Marsden and Morley, 2014).

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亚当·哈特有两种收入来源。第一份收入是他的工作收入,第二份收入是租金收入。已经登记的每月费用有好几个。根据所提供的估计数,亚当·哈特每月可以节省2 255美元。

由于亚当的收入目前是固定的,亚当可以通过减少一些开支来提高他的储蓄。除招待费和杂费外,他的大部分开支都是基本开支。亚当可以减少娱乐或杂项开支。他每月650美元的招待费与其他费用相比太高了。他的杂项费用有减少的余地。他每月在汽车上的花费可能还有减少的余地。Adam Hart可以通过减少这些开支,至少每月减少300美元的开支。





Adam Hart has two sources of income. First income is through his job and the other income is the rental income. There are many multiple monthly expenses which have been enlisted. Adam Hart is able to save $2,255 monthly based on the estimates provided.
Since the income of Adam is currently fixed, Adam can look to improve his savings by reducing some expenses. Most of his expenses are essential expenses except for entertainment and miscellaneous expenses. Adam can look to cut down its entertainment or miscellaneous expenses. His entertainment expense of $650 is too high as compared to other monthly expenses. His miscellaneous expense has scope of reduction. His monthly expense on cars might have scope of reduction. Adam Hart can look to reduce at least reduce the expenses by $300 per month by reducing these expenses.
Adam has high car expenses. Adam needs to look into that whether there is scope of reduction in the car expenses.


The net savings of Adam sits in the bank. Bank gives a minimal return and thus the money is sitting idle. Adam should look to increase grow his wealth through systematically investing in other assets. Since Adam is 31 years and has plenty of work life left he can look to invest in stocks for long term gains. Adam should invest part of his savings in equities. If Adam wants to risk averse then he can have a mix between debt and equity but that will reduce his returns. Thus instead of keeping all of his savings in the bank Adam should look to invest in other asset classes.

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在公司内部,薪酬等级和结构的管理被认为是非常极端的。所有非管理人员的雇员都受到同样的待遇。不同的员工可能做不同的工作,他们中的一些人可能有额外的才能,但他们得到的待遇是一样的。这并不保证实践中的公平(Borwn & Armstrong, 1999)。同样是那些拥有更多技能的非管理人员,与组织中的“巴士男孩”相比,他们仍以类似的标准被评判,他们或许会在外部市场赚得更好。这对MC来说是个大问题。


MC遵循成本防御策略和机械式组织工作。因此,它可能没有花必要的时间根据工作之间的内部公平关系来确定成本和支付做法。基本上,一个具有良好薪酬结构的组织应该有一个固定的薪酬线(Ashton, 1996)。然后,他们将使用某种形式的最低或最高工资等级,并根据工作和工人的熟练程度允许在工资等级之间重叠(Nister, 2012;爱德华兹,&埃文,1996)。


The management of pay grade and structure within MC is seen to be very extreme when the bonus is structured in. All employees who are non-managerial are treated in the same way. Different employees might do different forms of work, some of them might have extra talent and yet they are treated the same. This does not assure equity in practices (Borwn & Armstrong, 1999). The same non-managerial person with more skills, who is still judged by a similar yardstick compared to a bus boy of the organization, would perhaps earn better in the external market. This would be a major issue for MC.


MC follows a cost defender strategy and a mechanistic organizational working. Hence it might not be dedicating the necessary time for determining costs and pay practices according to internal equity relationships among jobs. Primarily an organization with a decent pay structure would have an established pay line (Ashton, 1996). They would then design for the pay grades using some form of a minimum or maximum with overlapping allowed between pay grades based on the job and proficiency of worker (Nister, 2012; Edwards, & Ewen, 1996).

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美国代写论文价格 : 成本核算的技术因素

美国代写论文价格 : 成本核算的技术因素

成本核算是在企业组织中用来衡量和记录成本要素的过程或程序。成本是决定企业成败的首要因素。企业组织中的成本管理是主要考虑的问题。有不同类型的成本计算技术可以用来记录和呈现不同组织的成本(Upadhye, 2014)。成本计算技术是用来计算或计算产品成本的。采用成本计算技术取决于许多因素,这些因素如下:





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美国代写论文价格 : 成本核算的技术因素

Costing is the process or procedure that is used measure and record cost element in the business organisation. Cost is the prime factor that decides success and failure of the business organisation. Cost management in the business organisation is major consideration. There are different types of costing techniques that can be used to record and present cost of different organisation (Upadhye, 2014). Costing techniques are used to calculate or work out their product cost. Adoption of costing technique depends on many factors these factors are as follows:
Nature of business (manufacturing, service industry, retail, wholesale, etc)
Business operations that it undertakes during the year
Volume of transaction that business has during the reporting period
Size of business organisation also influence selection of costing technique

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Batch Costing: When goods or products are produced in single run of manufacturing unit then it is known as production in batch. In order to calculate per unit cost of units or products, total cost incurred on batch is divided by no of units manufactured. Mal ltd can use this costing technique since they has one single unit where they grow flowers and then calculate per flower cost by dividing cost incurred on production unit by no of flowers grown.


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Government is another stakeholder which is the assessor of the planning, execution, management, and administration of the manpower and resources that goes in to preparing the project. For it, the project is of national importance and an instrument of pride that can be showcased to the world (Lawton, 2016). The government is rendered successful when it securely finishes the project and offers it to its citizens. Government has the duty of allowing its use to all who are entitled to it, and to enforce stringent risk management and quality adherence principles on the contractor employed. The government risks its global reputation of handling such a large project, numerous oppositions, and natural hurdles. Therefore the government is exposed to a giant risk, to the extent of outright rejection by the citizens.


Environment, being a non-expressive stakeholder is a spectator and witness to the project. It is the most affected in embracing and accommodating such projects spanning a large area. The project must ensure it takes care of the environment and its sustenance, progression, natural existence, non-diversion, and co-existence with humankind, in as much as the way it treats it as the most affected and contributing entity. For if environment is harmed, anticipated long term benefits converts into short term natural disasters that may be irreparable to an extent. Environment poses a great risk when it is used, exploited, so measures of its natural coherence must be maintained. The existence of environment includes the sustenance of all animal species, endangered, who must be carefully handled without disturbing their primary right of existence.

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一个组织可能有许多培训计划的形式。选择合适的培训项目将取决于组织的整体工作。培训方法的选择必须根据组织的具体工作要求进行。每种培训计划和方法都有其固有的优势和挑战(Noe, 2008)。在选择合适的培训项目时,必须考虑这些因素,即优势和挑战。在国内电力公司的情况下,培训方法是根据本组织的需要选择的。可以看出,由于组织的工作需要选择能够提高团队成员之间沟通和互动水平的培训方法。




Forms of training and understanding the needs of the organization
An organization is likely to have a number of options in the form of training program. The selection of the right kind of training program would depend upon the overall working of the organization. On the basis of the specific job requirements of the organization, the selection of the training methods has to be carried out. Each of the training program and method has its own inherent advantages and challenges (Noe, 2008). While considering the selection of the right kind of training program, these factors i.e. advantages and the challenges have to be considered. In the case of Domestic-Powerco, the training methods were selected on the basis of the needs of the organization. It has been seen that the working of organization made it necessary for the selection of training methods which can increase the level of communication and interaction within the team members.


Since, the training of the new and existing employees is likely to be developed more through on-the-job training, there was a need for guided and supervised training method. Such a system has been ideally served in the working of the training methods of apprenticeship training and buddy system (London, 1989). These were two of the training methods that were employed by the organization which allowed the employees to have regular interaction and learning through communication with their employees. It has been seen that the working of the organizational needs has been improved on the basis of these two methods. Further, such a system empowered the employees to have a healthy mix of on-the-job and off-the-job training methods .

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Meta-Analysis may be defined as the subset which includes the set of systematic reviews. This includes the method which includes the combination of the qualitative and the quantitative study which is observed from a large number of studies. This helps in the development of the better conclusion. An ASP in the meta analysis which has been done for this report has been defined as a program which offers one or more number of activities which occurred as an Out of School Programs. The age group of the children involved is from 5 years to 18 years. The major goal of the search related procedure is to ensure that there should be no biasing in the sample of the studies.


In order to the same some of the local researches have been used. This includes the use of the multiple databases including the different variants having the search items such as after school, out of school, social skills, youth development etc. Other than this it also includes the study from some of the studies such as American Journal of Psychology. There has also been an inspection of the after school research program which had been maintained by the Harvard Family research project. The literature which had been used for the purpose of the research was ranging from 1980 to 2015.

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The investment strategy in this portfolio is very passive. The chosen strategy in this is index basis. This investment was done based on the thesis of the performance of portfolio for last year’s index. This strategy is best in the current portfolio because it has its primary advantage to lower the expense ratio and keep the return as non-risky. The rate of return with this strategy is always similar as an underlying market index.


This strategy and asset allocation method are suitable in the current capital market conditions because the achieve target is quite average with minimum risks and short period of time. The benchmark return in this portfolio is 6.2% on an average and the level of risk is low with short term investment period. In this portfolio, the monitoring will be done on monthly basis and also all the individual portfolio will be tracked on monthly basis as most of the investment is done based on the pre-defined certain return forecast.

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There will be encouragement of trial based purchase at the rate of 20 per cent. This will be achieved by Apple in the provision of rebates to customers like discount of 50 dollars on the purchase price of product. Such rebates of price will be encouraging the consumer for believing the chance to obtain a bargain. For the encouragement of sales for iTrip/V through the retailers, Apple will focus on providing discounts on trade as funds of marketing for the encouragement of other organizations like Best Buy for advertising and promoting the complete product family of iPod .


For the purpose of evaluation, it will be ensured that the product is directly presented for the customer. In the development of this marketing mix, a number of concerts will be sponsored while participating in a number of different events. There will not only be a generation of interest in the product, but also this will involve the need for encouraging evaluation in targeting at the rate of 30 per cent. There will be facilitation of evaluation at a number of events by ensuring the availability of product for the trial of event participation. Having many cars with an iPod and iTrip/V having music enabled by speech will be encouraging the event attendees for trying the product under the scope of real use situation. In the duration of concerts, the band sponsored will be encouraging the attendees for the purpose of trying out the product.

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外国直接投资的最大接受国是加拿大、马来西亚、日本和美国,外国直接投资的最大来源是日本、欧洲联盟和美国。TPP国家吸引的内向型股票投资大于外向型股票投资,说明投资净收益。日本的加入增加了TPP的经济意义。2014年,美国市场第四大货物进出口国是日本。越南和马来西亚也支持美国的贸易活动(Petri & Plummer, 2017)。越南和马来西亚对进口产品征收的关税分别为9.5%和6.1%,是TPP成员国中最高的两个水平。新的贸易规则和条例将影响这些国家。据预测,由于产品和服务贸易非关税壁垒的减少,美国每年将获得1310亿美元的收入。




The largest recipients of the inward foreign direct investment are the Canada, Malaysia, Japan and the United States and the largest sources of the outward FDI are Japan, European Union and the United States. The TPP nations attract more inward stock investment than they spend on the outward stock investment which shows that net benefits from the investment. The entry of Japan into the negotiation increased the economic significance of the TPP. In 2014, the fourth largest goods import and export country from the United States market was Japan. Vietnam and Malaysia also supported the trade activities of the United States (Petri & Plummer, 2017). The applied tariffs by Vietnam and Malaysia on imports are 9.5% and 6.1%, two of the highest levels among the TPP members. The new trade rules and regulations will affect the countries. It has been forecasted that the United States will gain an annual income of $131 billion due to the reduction in the non-tariff barriers to products and services trade.


The annual income gains will be $493 billion by 2030 for the world. The United States would be the largest beneficiary, and the agreement would generate substantial gains for Malaysia, Vietnam and Japan. The other country members of TPP will also be benefited in future. In 2011, the GDP of the TPP countries was $17.9 trillion of which almost 86% comprised the United States economy. In 2011, the export value of United States was $105 billion, and the import value was $91 billion which means that the trade surplus of the country was $14 billion ). In 2014, the members of TPP had combined GDP of $29 trillion or 37% of the world GDP; exports accounted for $5.3 trillion or 23% of the world total. In 2014, the US investment was $2.9 trillion. The inward investment in all TPP nation members expands by $447 billion or 3.6% over the 2030 baseline and the outward investment by $306 billion or 2%.

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论文代写靠谱吗: 三星的市场经营策略

论文代写靠谱吗: 三星的市场经营策略

根据Chaston(2014)的声明,三星已经在全球智能手机市场占据了第一的位置。三星在全球市场占据22.8%的份额。随着三星销量增长7.7%,这一地位得以保持。值得注意的是,三星的主要目标是品牌定位,同时也是产品创新。因此,这将组织带到了顶峰(Proctor, 2014)。在经历了低迷和繁荣之后,三星提出了更新的想法。这些创意都是高度以消费者为中心的创意,有助于在国际市场上树立强大的品牌形象。De Mooij(2013)补充说,三星过去生产和销售智能手机是为了赶上竞争对手,而不是为了生产通常的设备。三星的主要经营策略是提供更高质量的产品,满足消费者的期望。

论文代写靠谱吗: 三星的市场经营策略


论文代写靠谱吗: 三星的市场经营策略

As per the statement of Chaston (2014), Samsung has achieved number one position in the global smartphone market. Samsung has occupied 22.8 per cent share in the global market. This position has retained as the growth of the sales of Samsung has increased by 7.7 per cent. It is noted that Samsung mainly aimed to the brand positioning and also on the product innovation. Hence, this has taken the organisation to its zenith (Proctor, 2014). Samsung has come up with updated ideas after having the segment of slumps and booms. These ideas are highly consumer focused and also creative, which would be helpful to develop a strong brand image in the international market. De Mooij (2013) added that Samsung used to manufacture and market smartphones in order to catch up their competitors rather than the production of usual gadgets. The main business strategy of Samsung is to provide greater quality of products, which would meet the expectations of the consumers.

论文代写靠谱吗: 三星的市场经营策略

On the other hand, Samsung have been continuously focused on the redesigning new series of products such as the Galaxy series. Presently, they have started to produce the lightest and the slimmest phone of the world and also focused on the powerful performance to achieve an edge over Apple. However, Samsung does not follow any particular tag line, rather they have the same tag line for all of the products while they launch and promote a product in the market. According to Blankson et al. (2013), Samsung does not manufacture their products not for any specific segment of the market, but mostly target to serve the high end consumers of the society.

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In the traditional times, financial analysis was utilized and this was most prevalent in the 20th century when Kotter and Heskett quoted that financial analysis of several companies supports in evaluating the cultural strength. Nowadays, research only requires viewing resource by the financial year review of companies for seeing the culture performance in comparison to its efficiency. From the point of view of symbolic-interpretivist, organizational culture has been recognized as far as it is understood in a reasonable manner. This perspective required validating and interpreting meaning from the culture of organizations.


For example, as per this perspective, stories across a company that is what others have to say over the same allows towards gaining an understanding on the general notions and beliefs of a company. However, this might at times be false and this has now been understood through 21st century organizations. It is difficult now in comparison to the symbolic interpretivist perspective, to make people believe and be energized through story telling. Success is difficult to be created through simply story telling. Post-modernist organizational perspective, much evident in the world and among the organizations today stresses on the other hand, that culture of an organization is not real. It is actually an opinion of ideological nature.

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Artificial intelligence will increase humans understanding of Cognitive Psychology because its ability to accurately model the way that people think. This essay makes the argument that AI modeling of the human thinking and related behavior processes are indeed assistive in understanding human cognizance. The research on the subject of cognitive psychology and Artificial intelligence is used here to construct the needed arguments. The work also disucsses a significant counter argument on the subject and attempts to provide an explanation on why the counter argument cannot be accepted.


By nature, the minds of humans are programmed over centuries, with information or information processing biological makeup handed down by generations. Therefore, in this context, it could be said that humans are also programmed. Most of the reasoning that humans do is not ingrained, and some of them are socially constructed, learned from the family models that people live in etc. Now if in the broader context, it is understood that humans are programmed, then it would logically follow that AI models which are programmed also capture intelligence to a certain level, and hence the use of Artificial intelligence would indeed be a good way to model and understand cognitive psychology.

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An important counter argument which is presented in the case of using AI for understanding cognitive psychology is that AI models are programmed and hence cannot be the right models of understanding human cognizance. Human cognizance is the creation of many elements and not just information input and output from some paradigms or domains. A consortium on Cognitive Science sponsored project using a program called Larry, and programmers Anderson et al. (2006) can be used to answer for this counter argument.


The Larry program is an intelligent program because it makes the right decisions to win the game. Unlike other AI modules such as say a controller being used in a washing machine, the Larry program was one that was able to make intelligent guesses and store these guesses as part of training and improving its cognitive network. Now, consider the counter argument that anything that is programmed cannot be intelligent and hence consequentially cannot assist humans in understanding cognitive psychology. Now it could be said that the Larry is not intelligent. This assumption or argument which anything that is programmed cannot be intelligent can be accepted on one condition. The condition is that humans cannot have been programmed in any way. However, the fact remains that it cannot really be established that humans are not programmed. In a sense, it can be argued that they are not programmed the same way as computers are, but they are still being programmed in some ways. Their ways of thinking as society has taught them is a form of programming.

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上述引言暗示,便士报界对丑闻的揭露导致马修斯被贴上骗子的标签,削弱了他的追随者的信仰。这场革命在19世纪引发了与马修斯利益相冲突的重大变革,其结果是邪教被视为真理,并证明马修斯是一个错误的先知。最重要的变化是观念的变化以及性别角色的变化。不仅要求男性在社会中以公平的方式发挥作用,而且要求他们不自私(Johnson and Wilentz, 2012)。重点已转移到妇女的自由和权利上。妇女工作所得的工价和家务劳动所得的工价,都是给她们的,使她们有馀剩的。因此,出现了与定型的性别角色有关的激进思想,因为每个成员都能对王国的行为形成自己的真正意见。我们发现,当追随者们意识到马提亚的错误行为时,他已经成为了媒体的轰动人物,被认定为假先知和国家丑闻。


“In 1834 and 1835 Matthias was one of the first penny-press sensations in American history—the main protagonist in a deeply disturbing scandal that received unprecedented national attention.”

One of the religious alternations made by Matthias can be viewed in the following quote. “Matthew bellowed that she didn’t understand him, that she was faithless. All she wanted was a new stove, or some new clothes, or a better apartment, or some other worldly comfort. She stood in the way of all he was destined to accomplish, especially in his religious work. A bad spirit had entered the woman, he said, a spirit that traveled out from her to others and opposed him at every turn. The whippings, supposedly, drove the sprit out”.


The above quote implies that the uncovering of the scandal by the penny press resulted in Mathews being labeled as impostor which diluted the belief of his followers. The revolution had triggered substantial changes in the 19th century that conflicted with the interests of Matthews as a result of which the cult was seen for what it is and showcased the Matthews to be a false prophet. The primary change that was of importance was the changes within the outlook as well as roles on gender. It was required that not only male functions in society in a fair manner, but also it was required that they are not selfish (Johnson and Wilentz, 2012). The focus had shifted on the freedom and rights of the women. It provided with the wages for the work that were done by the women and wages for the household work was provided to them in order to bring the balance. Therefore, the radical thinking had emerged related to the stereotypical gender roles because of which each member were able to form their true opinion on the conduct of the Kingdom. It has been found that by the time the followers realized about the wrong doings of the Matthias, he had already became the sensation of media and was recognized as the false prophet as well as national scandal.

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It is observed that both Blackberry and Apple have indeed focused on many types of innovations and strategies. Blackberry has relied on a chronology of breakthrough innovations, core innovations and slightly incremental innovations (in that order). On the other hand, Apple has focused on a chronology starting with formal and breakthrough innovations, and then the classic incremental innovations and finally are at the periphery of radical innovations. The competitive innovations strategy of apple is indeed more successful than Blackberry as has been observed in the current market situation.


Blackberry in innovation management has not considered many strategic options or alternatives, and have focused on being lesser pragmatists with lesser vision of what consumer need and this has led them to a market downfall. The future of mobile solutions and innovations is presented above. Somewhere in the expectation end, the smart workforce, the use of smart robots, bio-printing services, IoT services and more come into the picture. These are innovation triggers and it is based on how mobile solution providers deal with these innovation triggers that they can successes.

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中国幼儿组织对社交媒体渠道的研究兴趣背后有着多方面的深层次原因。如Bakshy et al.(2015)所断言的,社交媒体提供的内容是用户生成的,因此可以认为内容是由组织通过专门的内容团队或单个内容设计师生成的。此外,随着公民新闻的实时信息是由社会媒体推动的,因为它也使导航和绕过媒体渠道的垄断,并使经营,尽管有各种限制。儿童保健组织的经营者必须通过解决政治和立法方面的挑战来组成这些公司,并提供必要的即时信息。




There are varieties of underlying reasons behind the interest towards the social media outlets of the child care organizations in China for the research. As asserted by Bakshy et al. (2015), the social media outlets offers content that is user generated due to which it can be assumed that the content was generated by the organization through either a dedicated content team or through an individual content designer. Furthermore, the real time information along with the citizen journalism is facilitated by the social media as it also enables navigating and bypassing the monopolies of the media channels and enables operating despite of various limitations . It is essential for the operators of the child care organizations in forming the firms through resolving the political and legislative challenges and provides with the instant access to the information required.


This research is focused on examining the Chinese child care organizations’ websites, Facebook groups and pages. It is considered that various other communication methods such as newsletters, press releases and general informative texts can be undertaken. However, the press releases and newsletters in majority of the child care organizations were not present due to which undertaking the analysis of the social media content and websites will provide with the latest results with increased accuracy . The method of content analysis further provides easy access to the international researches as the online content of the organizations can be evaluated regardless of the organizational locations.


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There are non-tariff barriers that are seen to exist in the national industries. These barriers are introduced for the purpose of meeting investment issues that China is facing. However, the claims made are that these barriers themselves are a hindrance in trade propagation. China has a naïve approach when it comes to handling investments. The large size of the market and the quick gains that could be possible in the market led businesses to form relationships are profitable in short runs. However, a deeper understanding of the business investment structure, the forms of working and more are necessary which some SMEs seem to be lacking.


In terms of economic impact, the China’s Indigenous Innovation Policy is yet another problem area. This innovation policy makes it difficult for non-Chinese SMEs to avail themselves of the Public Procurement contracts. For this purpose, they end up in ventures with Chinese SMEs. This not only increases risks in the form of joint ventures, but in the long run could mean the partners of national SMEs which might take their trade elsewhere. The OBOR is seen to have resulted in a surge in opportunities for SMEs, nations and internationally, the choices are plenty and the sooner China gets its economic act together better for the national SMEs.


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The crucial role that lies in the leadership is the appropriate management of the organization with motivating the employees to provide their best performance to the organization. In this case, as undertaken for the study, shows the de-motivation in the employees with providing with the basic facilities for which they are not able to provide their best performance.
Therefore, the plan for the present and the future perspectives are provided which would enable the organization to have the appropriate views for the growth. The following points indicate the growth which is as follows:
The employees must be facilitated with advanced technologies for the betterment of their knowledge, and thereby, the best output can be drawn out by the organization.
The other basic needs of the workers must be fulfilled for the betterment of the organizational growth .
The work structure and the organizational culture must be replaced by the new framework for the growth of the organization, and thereby, the future stability of the organization can be ensured with the enhancement of the framework.
The root causes of the downfall of the organization depict the past framework and the processes adopted by the organization. With making the mitigation path for these issues, the enhancement of the organization can be depicted to be fruitful.


These are appropriate present and the future recommendation for the mitigation of the issues and the other risk factors. These factors can be achieved by undertaking modifications in the organizational framework. Therefore, the achievement of the long-term and the short term stability can be gained by the organization regarding the depicted action plan in this case . This process enables the organization to create an appropriate workplace environment by the aid of leadership, power/influence, motivation and the diversity with the cognitive differences. The factors guide the organization for undertaking various changes and making the decision for the betterment of the workplace productivity in the employees.

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This paper discussed three different studies The Media: Shaping Our Understanding of Crime, Missing Children, Misleading Statistics by Joel Best and Rhetoric in Claims-Making by Joel Best. The studies explain that moral panic is the situation created by the claim makers by exaggerating the situation and creating a perceived social problem. Paper further discusses that “missing children” problem is socially constructed by the claim makers, media and crusaders. The social reaction towards such problem makes it moral panic among the public.


However, the claims made have little to do with reality. Missing children is associated with children abduction and displayed in a very complex social situation. Paper discusses the problem of missing children and its social reaction in context to elite engineered theory. The moral panic is engineered by media and claim makers and often the parents of those children who are abducted or killed. However, the concept of moral panic lacks theoretical grounding in terms of “missing children” problem.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss that how the problem of missing children has led to moral panic and how the missing children statistics are mainly socially constructed by mass media.

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另一方面,女性倾向于从大局出发,试图找到其他解决办法。男人倾向于关注习惯,而女人则试图处理情感问题。这会导致女性患上更多的健康疾病。年龄可以影响工作压力的类型,但它往往是具体的工作的某些方面。例如,加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)进行的一项研究显示,与年龄在15岁至24岁之间的员工相比,年龄在45岁以上的员工由于不得不学习计算机技能而感到压力更大。这些导致人们死于事故或发展成健康疾病。


Gender can affect the form of stress impact that an individual would feel. There may be differences in the coping mechanisms that men and women use to deal with stress. For instance, in some research works, it is established by primary data collection that women would tend towards using more of social and emotional strategies when it comes to coping with stress in the workplace . This is not the case with men. Men try different methods of behavioural strategies o to disengage from their current issues. Men tend to focus on the problems.


Women on the other hand tend to look at the bigger picture and try to find other solutions. Men tend to focus on habits and women try to deal with emotionally. This causes the women to develop more health ailments and conditions . Age can influence the type of workplace stress experienced, but it tends to be specific to certain aspects of the job. For example, in a study conducted by Statistics Canada, more workers over the age of 45 felt stress as a result of having to learn computer skills, as compared to workers between the ages of 15 and 24 . These causes the people to succumb to accidents or develop health ailments 。

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在英国退欧后的环境下,为了服务欧洲客户,需要在欧盟建立一个独立的子公司。根据BCG (Monger, 2016),资本市场运营一年的运营成本可能会增加8%到22%。


Equity derivatives have benefitted from increased volatility and gains arising out of hedging activities. Foreign exchange trade revenues are likely to benefit from increased volatility in the exchange rates. All these factors are taken into consideration.
What happens to a non-European bank that has corporate banking, investment banking or asset Management Operations and is located in UK and provides services to EU (and does not have any branches elsewhere in the EU)?


This problem is with non-EU banks rather than banks based out of UK. The study concludes that the corporate, investment banking and asset management performance would be affected. The losses of passporting rights are likely to affect the non-European banks more than the European banks.
In the post Brexit environment, an independent subsidiary needs to be set up in the EU in order to serve European clients. The operating costs for a year for capital market operations are likely to increase by 8% to 22% according to BCG (Monger, 2016).


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目前公司2013年占比为1.68,2014年占比为1.08,2015年占比为1.11,2016年占比为1.35。公司2013年的速动比率为1.4,2014年为0.26,2015年为0.45,2016年为0.59。Smart, Megginson and Gitman(2007)认为,流动比率在1以上,说明公司财务状况良好,速效比率表明公司能够管理好所有的义务。2013年公司负债权益比为0.14,2014年为0.26,2015年为0.45,2016年为0.59。公司的债转股率不高,债务可控。流动性比率表明公司财务状况良好。


According to Sharma (2010), current ratio and quick ratio shows the capability of the entity to pay the debt amounts. The current ratio of the company in the year 2012 is 0.75, in the year 2013 is 0.98, in the year 2014 is 1.32 and in the year 2015 is 1.38. The quick ratio of the organization in the year 2012 is 0.79, in the year 2013 is 0.84, in the year 2014 is 0.88 and in the year 2015 is 0.92. The current ratio and quick ratio shows the entity will be able to pay all the debt amounts. The debt-equity ratio of the organization in the year 2012 is 0.36, in the year 2013 is 0.38, in the year 2014 is 0.4 and in the year 2015 is 0.42. The debt-equity ratio shows the debt level in comparison to equity is not so high which means a low level of risk. The liquidity ratios show good financial health of the organization.


The current ratio of the company in the year 2013 is 1.68, in the year 2014 is 1.08, in the year 2015 is 1.11 and in the year 2016 is 1.35. The quick ratio of the company in the year 2013 is 1.4, in the year 2014 is 0.26, in the year 2015 is 0.45 and in the year 2016 is 0.59. According to Smart, Megginson and Gitman (2007), current ratio is above one which means the financial health of the company is good and quick ratio shows the entity would be able to manage all its obligations. The debt-equity ratio of the company in the year 2013 is 0.14, in the year 2014 is 0.26, in the year 2015 is 0.45 and in the year 2016 is 0.59. The debt-equity ratio of the company is not so high which means the debts are manageable. The liquidity ratio shows the financial health of the company is good.

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The pound was traded with $1.36 which is lowest level in three decades. Nifty falls 3.70 percent and BSE lowered by 3.57 percent. The Singapore dollar fell down to lower of last four years. All such incidents will impact on business operations of England based activities and thereby negative financial implications reflect on financial sector. The investments will be slow down due to uncertainty outcome which was happened Scottish Independence referendum in 2014. Britain will not accept free movement of people from Europe and consequently immigration problems arise and these will impact on the income of financial sector. The Status of financial centre would be diminished and Britain could reinvent like Singapore style.


Though the current volatility is bearable, yet Britain’s financial industry will face severe difficulties. At present, the financial institutions serve their customers in 27 member countries without setting up local operations. Not only that Americans able to do business through the Europe with the London Base. It means the non-EU banks like Swiss operate business from London. With Brexit result, all such facilities will be withdrawn by the EU and every financial institution needs to set their branch in every area which will increase the costs in all angles and suppress the profits. The complete exit from the EU narrates that UK would lose the single market brand. Therefore, Britain renegotiate with the EU to access single market.


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萨班斯-奥克斯利法》的可行替代方案是COSO (Treadway委员会赞助组织委员会)。在此,对公司的治理、伦理、内部控制和财务报告进行了讨论。这些COSO关注于五个主要组成部分。它们是控制活动、监控、风险评估、信息共享和控制环境。这些组成部分都是相互关联的,并依赖于人类活动。这种方法的局限性是人为误差的可能性较大。




Viable alternative for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act is COSO (Committee of Sponsoring Organization of the Treadway Commission). In this, there is discussion for the governance, ethics, internal control and financial reporting of the company. These COSO focuses on five major components. They are the control activities, monitoring, risk assessment, information sharing and control environment. These components are all interrelated and depend on the human activities . The limitation of this method is that there is higher possibility of human error.


The advantage of this method is that it focuses on the restructuring of the workplace and more on the optimization of the resources. Resource optimization and development of resources require a set of protocols and methodology that matches the available resources with the need of the organization to meet its fundamental objectives. The company needs to mix the systemic vision and its global effectiveness of resource allocation. It is imperative that the company structures according to the network of projects that are required to recognize precise patterns and rules for the interdependencies . Kapoor and Talwar are also focussing on the restructuring of the employee hierarchy. This is the viable alternative for the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.


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代写Assignment :规范的艺术形式

代写Assignment :规范的艺术形式




代写Assignment :规范的艺术形式

The artist who has created this picture has used the canonical art form. The horse is there at the center along with the man. Therefore, the maximum concentration of the art is present at the centre. Contemporary artists have shown a shift which is away from general and the most common anthropocentric model. If the environmental thought is considered, it can be understood that the existing humans are required to take up the responsibilities which are there with some of the other specifies. In the canonical art form there should be a grant to the animals and plants and their rights to exist without any damage.

代写Assignment :规范的艺术形式

It has been expressed by Denis Krakovic that there is an outrage in the human treatment of animals from the photographs of the ostriches which are kept in the confined and the cruel conditions. The concept and the existence of the canonical forms have been central to the study and teaching of the art for the centuries. It is still under the hub of the large number of traditions and the teachings of the art history which are there in the European nations. This can still shape the perception of the art. Canonical form of art is referred to an art form which doesn’t seem to lose any aura in the cult of the genius in the canonical status.


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Another very popular technique of the Canonical art form is the Sfumato. This includes the possibilities to hear about the Chiaroscuro. It is defined as the intense representation of the light and the dark parts. The repetition of the lighter and the dark part one after another makes the art form make enchanting to the eyes. In this case there is only one of the light sources which can help in keeping the balance between the light and the dark parts. The dark parts of the paintings are reflected in completely black colour. The bright parts are represented in the bright form. The use of dark background and the dark picture has made the painting more attractive.


Thus it can be considered that the dark parts of the paintings represent in black while the bright parts are represented in the bright form. Thus the same can be framed by giving the dark parts to the brighter parts in the painting and can automatically focus on some of the brighter parts. This is what the artist is trying to deliver . The artist wish to focus on the scene which actually happens in the above picture, the entire attention stays on the kids and the adults while doing some of the tasks. This is when there is no consideration on some of the other things. In these kinds of paintings, the viewer not is actually distracted because of the other kind of background ornaments, unnecessary characters, elements or other objects. This style is used highly by the artists in the modern art form. This is the kind of art form which is used in a great manner. It had much more contrast and there was a higher prominence to the darkness.


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代写 英文:仓库管理系统的实施

代写 英文:仓库管理系统的实施


代写 英文:仓库管理系统的实施


代写 英文:仓库管理系统的实施

The implementation of warehouse management system requires huge investment and time. The management of warehouse is very much important for an organization as it shows the inventory level and quality of services. Warehouse management scrutinizes the progress of the items through the warehouse. It deals with the most significant process of the organization which includes receipt, movement, and storage of products usually finished products.

代写 英文:仓库管理系统的实施

It also deals with other functions such as recording all the transactions, safety stock, transfer process and analysing different locations for picking products. The manager of the warehouse needs to perform important functions such as recording and to oversee pickups and deliveries, unloading and loading supplies and materials, maintaining tracking system and inventory records, rotating stocks, identifying places for storage and adjusting the inventory levels. Therefore the enhancement in the process indicates the sacrifice of accuracy which becomes a major factor for undertaking the productivity. After all the researchers and the managers are trying their level best to set a measure that collectively captures the performance dimension for the short and the long-term horizons.


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接收 : 影响被流程很好地定义为关注仓库经理,他们参与管理挑选和包装流程。接受的不足表明,为了在整个过程中创造流利性,需要克服高的和重大的后果。

路径 : 当接收到的库存被开槽时,KPI度量似乎在描述主要用户的输出时创建了一个困难的位置,并且这个困难似乎在路径问题中被指出。为了使系统更加流畅,必须考虑到准确率方面的因素,同时还要考虑到在适当的时间放置物品的成本,而且还必须确定接收位置。






The specific methods that are included in the measurement of the performance are provided in the following points:
Receiving: The impact is being well defined by the process creating a focus on the warehouse managers who are involved in managing the picking and the packing processes. The receiving inadequacies indicate a high and the significant consequence which needs to be overcome for the creation of fluency in the entire process.
Pathway: As received inventory is being slotted the KPI measurement seems to be creating a difficult position with depicting the primary user’s output and the difficulty seems to be indicated in the pathway issues. The factors regarding the accuracy rate must be considered with the cost of putting the items in the appropriate time and also receiving location must be fixed for the creation of fluency in the system.


Storage: The storage must consist of the automated systems that become the key indicator for the measurement of the performance of the storage.
Order packing and picking: The order picking and the packing process must be appropriately handled for the betterment of the services with consuming the labors.
Shipping: The on time shipping is the most important factor as recognized for the enhancement of the process and thereby the appropriate process can be easily depicted with on-time shipping of the goods.

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When the plug cannot be used in its functional state as required, then it could be said to have failed. The function of the plug is to connect an electrical appliance to the electrical path in a way that prevents the electrical path formed between user and mains at all state, except when enabled. The plug comes with a set of pins which connect with the socket and are usually so formed that they are tough enough to resist failure, when the plug is dropped or when there are high temperatures, or moisture loss etc. In addition to functionality, they are also supposed to be aesthetic and easy to use and must meet the necessary standards in safety.


Photographic records of the product have to be attached
In this context of manufacturing and functional uses, some of the reasons why the plugs fail are as follows.
Firstly, there could be bad contact heat failure. A plug and its pins must make the necessary connection to the electric socket properly. When the connection is poor, then the plug could get overheated and could fail.
Pugs might be dropped or because of other stress applied on the plug could break.
The plus might be exposed to environmental damage
The materials, such as plastics or other casings used could break.
The plug wiring could be faulty
The material uses in the plugs might show strain of material decomposition over years, etc.

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从2014年上映的电影《分手伙伴》(breaking Buddies)和投资这个项目的巨头阿里巴巴(Alibaba)的例子就可以理解。这部电影是通过附属机构毛岩共同发行的。此外,这部电影还在中国版Twitter——新浪微博上进行了推广。因此,通过这些在线或数字网站,阿里巴巴持有的股份总额约为32%。




It could be understand with the example of the movie, Breakup Buddies, which was released in the year 2014, and the giant, which invested in this project, was Alibaba . The movie was co-distributed by using the subsidiary organization, namely, Maoyan. Moreover, the film was also pushed in the San Weibo, which is the Chinese version of Twitter. Thus, through these online or the digital sites, the total amount of stake that is being hold by Alibaba was around 32% .


According to various official and newspaper report, the total amount of ticket that has been sold through the online site Maoyan is around 40% of the total box office collection . Thus, the partnership and the use of the digital media for marketing the Marvel movies turned out to be effective and at the same time, showed the Chinese filmmaking market a new arena. It could be used to promote a film, and it could even help the investor to gain as much as revenue possible .

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“Conservation of resources theory” states that the individuals who are in working in a place where the demands are higher would tend to dissipate the valuable resources for coping in the company. They rely on several sources to protect themselves. In this process, there could be negative consequences for the employees. The individuals face multiple demands around the same time and there could be additional resource depletion that causes the trigger for situations. The excessive stressful conditions would cause the people to experience negative consequences.


JD-R model states that the employees face mile negative issues when they are made to work in conditions where there could be higher demands with lesser resources. This causes several stresses for the people. On the other hand, the effort-recovery model states that individuals need to recover from their stress full conditions. This kind of recovery is found to be in focused when the individual attempt to continually move away from the negative reactions. It is a known fact that certain demands can deplete the individual resources for coping with certain issues. However, certain issues force the people to handle certain issues that are not part of the work. These result in uncivil acts that are found to result in detrimental effects.
Hence, a simple equation can be stated as the root cause of stress. The stress factor is having high demands and low resources. This causes the people to develop stress.

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The artwork also faces object risks, the risks a specific art object may face that the change of the buyers’ taste of art and their preference of the artwork. The price of the art can be varied due to the individual artist as the demand for any individual artist can be hiked as well as can fall dramatically that provides substantial risks for the artwork investment. Apart from this, the endorsement risks have great influence on the price .


undertaken in the form of the risk analysis and the market analysis. The trend of the market is included for the enhancement of the work and thereby the pattern of the artwork is described as including the views points of the work. The appropriate structure is depicted in the form of the essay and thereby the specific risks with the quantitative and the qualitative methods of the risk analysis are conducted in an appropriate way. The formation of the work is undertaken for the enhancement of the work and thereby the appropriate analysis is depicted by the formation of the work carried out by the artist . The object specific and the artist specific information are included in this essay which will help in the enhancement of the work as indicated in the form of the analysis in work. The value appraisal is also included in this essay which shows the analysis of the value of the artist in the art form selected.

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According to Berk and DeMarzo (2007), financial statements of an organization show the financial performance during a specific period of time. The income statement estimates the expense, income, profit or loss during a period of time. The balance sheet shows the liabilities, assets, and equity and cash flows show the flow of cash during a period of time. The merger and acquisition have a significant impact on the financial performance of the organization.


Oracle acquired Textura, one of the leading providers of cloud services and construction contracts for $26 per share in cash. The total value of the transaction is $663 million. Moreover, Textura and Oracle Primavera have formed a construction and engineering global business unit offering cloud-based project execution and control platform that manages all stages of construction and engineering projects.

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The advantages of this research are that it points to the important variables that need to be considered in the teaching processes. From this, the gaps in the current teaching processes and the methodologies can be understood. There is a need for practice based learning that is fostered in this research. Apart from this, innate teacher beliefs are found to be an important factor that determined the teaching process. This could lead to the formation of the gaps. However, this is a qualitative research with limited number of participants.


In this process, there can be overlooking of the overall trends. The results can be skewed or the bias of the participants could be reflected in the research data that has been collated. Nevertheless, the research can be used as a focal point to generate trends and more research can be undertaken to determine the variables. Hence this research can be used as a focal point to develop future research variables. The specifics and quantitative analysis with the research data can be used in the future research. It explores the importance of the teaching methods and reiterates the importance of practice based learning methodologies.

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Networking is the opportunity that the social media platforms offer to add friends and followers. It enables a portal where the people can acknowledge the sentiments or the views of the others. They can then respond to the particular ideology that the people have developed. The interaction between the fans and followers create a system where the people are increasingly connected in the modern times. The actors of the portals then start to form the relationship by sharing the content newsfeed and also create heuristics for voter contact. The people have the option of being visible. The social media is considered to be a pull media. This is based on the interaction in which the actors are found to be interacting with each other. This is based on the people interaction.


The media news outlets can use this factor to add friends, create Facebook profile or create newer forms of communication with the people. There is increasingly nuanced communication that can be formed from the social media networking. Connectivity on the other hand is the option that is provided to the people to connect with each other. The citizens are all connected with the media actors. The people are more likely to follow or friend a media actor based on their ideology. There are increasing forms of communication that can be personal that stems between the voters and the politicians. The liking content is the first form of relationship that stems between the audience and the political actors. The people use their twitter feed or the Facebook posts to also reminiscence about the different ideologies. They also provide a forum where there can be critiquing the ways in which the people choose to interact with each other.

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对实验测试,实验是利用这2台电脑已被证明的有直接连接防火墙。这些电脑没有电脑但笔记本与离散性质的规范。网卡的规范包括CPU、模型和系统操作。CPU与2.24 GHz Intel core I5处理器。与千兆网卡的模式真正tek RTL的家庭。Ubuntu操作系统是Windows 7和Ubuntu 11.04升级。




For the experimental testing, testbed was utilized and this has been shown by the 2 computers that have a direct connection with a firewall. These computers were not PCs but notebooks with specifications of discrete nature. The specifications were inclusive of CPU, Model of NIC and a system for operations. The CPU had Intel core I5 with 2.24 GHz processor. The model of NIC had real tek with Gigabit family of RTL. The system of operations was Ubuntu with 7 Windows and 11.04 Ubuntu upgrade was present.


In order to conduct the experiment, firewalls based on the network were used (2 in number). These were inclusive of Cisco ASA and the firewalls packet filter. The ASA 5510 Cisco is known as an appliance for adaptive security which helps in providing higher firewall performance and services of VPN. It is generally suitable for businesses which are small and medium in size and branch offices from remote enterprises are easily deployed with appliances of cost effective nature. When it comes to the packet filter, 2811 router of Cisco was used with ACL of extended nature being present. Even though the setting of testbed implemented is simplified in nature with a computer for generating traffic but still the traffic generated helps in mimicking the traffic which might be generated from a complicated network present within major sized organizations.

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The overall vulnerability can be increased by the inadequate consideration of issues related to privacy and confidentiality. Some possible harm that can be caused to the interviewee includes the following : Violation of privacy of participants by the accessibility of files or records with private details without the consent of interviewee 。
Secret observation of participant in terms of their behaviour
Failure in respecting cultural values and traditions.
While these are desirable for knowing the rules of confidentiality and privacy prior to agreement among the interview, the issue of privacy suggests that no entire assurance is provided. Therefore, some of the researchers have recommended a model of process consent or continuous consent where consent is reaffirmed in the entire research process .


As interviews can end up involving a dual end of therapy and information, and hence, a dual role is played by the research. The researcher should ensure the protection of participants from experience any harm. In a more ambiguous way, the research will show willingness in obtaining material of good quality. In order to ensure maximum effective, specific approaches of counselling can be used for drawing upon the key participants.

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The management of buyer-supplier relation and quality are the main issues that have attracted attentions of managers and academics. From the theoretical perspective, development of theory in the management of the quality is recent vintage, while in the area of buyer-supplier relationship; it is a subject of painstaking theory, particularly in the industrial marketing. The interaction between buyer suppliers provides a fertile ground for the growth of the company. Thus it can be concluded that there is a great importance of buyer-supplier to the management. It determines the stability and profitability of the firm in the long run.


A supply chain, in contrast to the supply chain management, consists of a group of organizations, linked directly with one or more flows of products, finances, and information from one source to customer. In the event of increased turbulent markets, the need for inter-firm cooperation has been felt by most of the organizations. Efficient buyer-supplier relationship helps in exchanging and managing uncertainty and improving the efficiency of supply chain . Cooperation within partners is essential to get better supply regarding increasing the sales, using fewer inventories in the system, as the absence of collaboration leads to delays and inferior quality of goods.

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Earthworms have the ability to improve mineralization of the organic matter. They enabled in the promotion of soil quality and aide towards the terrestrial food webs. There are appropriate conditions that enable in the restoration of soil ecosystem after the events of mining in the region. The recolonization efforts of the earthworms’ overall effect stem from conservation of the population. Earthworm biomass and diversity can enable 4 different kinds of habitats. Soil stockpiling must be addressed in this process.


Soil stockpiling is another technique that is found to have a number of benefits. It is observed that they induce anaerobic conditions making it impossible for the earthworm to love. There must be replanting to enable the growth of the earthworms. Hence by increasing the number of earthworms in the soil, there can be a certain level of increase in the soil fertility. This can be one of the remedial measures taken to address the issues of soil restoration. This would address the soil toxicity and aide towards the growth of vegetation. This can bring expedite the process of soil vegetation .

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The author has made use of a deductive theory here. A hypothesis or argument is usually presented first and in the deductive approach, the theory is used to support the argument or prove the hypothesis. Here the author places both his arguments in the forefront and then presents the reasoning on why the images are actually serving an economic enrichment purpose for the government. While economically enriching government based industries, it could at another end be belittling the Inuit people.


The evidence, logic and rhetoric for the given work is persuasive. For instance, consider the argument the author makes about how the pictures are paternalistic. The Inuit people are presented in a much more depersonalized way. It is as if they lack something and are primitive. Even in an era where everybody is connected to technology and learning technology, they are presented in a way that makes the reader think they are primitive. The author also provides the corresponding images. Looking at these images the reader is able to relate to what the author presents. Here the credibility of the author goes up as the reader is able to authenticate what the author says by their own cognizance. Secondly, by making use of time tested theory such as the photographic gaze, Foucauldian regime of truth etc, and the author invites the audience to explore what he argues for with their own perception on theory. For instance, in considering the photographic gaze, one would be able to better appreciate the author’s viewpoints on how non-native viewers are given a text and image presented to belittle the Inuit.