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Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析 

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

首先,原始音乐是一种慢节奏的流行音乐,使用重复的和弦和有限的音色。没有做太多的掩蔽。在《我爱的女孩》的改版中,分数发生了彻底的变化。UJAM studio是这里用来制作一种新型干扰的软件。整首歌从流行歌曲转换成民歌。这个民族将没有人声,只有乐器。在民谣中,使用的是摇篮曲的风格。这种风格会增加一点音色的歌曲,并将有缓慢的音乐贯穿始终。

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

这里的节奏没有改变。然而,节拍是在1和2之间,不会超过这个。这个版本使用的乐器只有三角钢琴,它可以发出不同乐器的声音。这个组的和弦选择是E maj,也有其他和弦可以使用这个软件来设置。这首歌的主要变化是它将有一个很长的介绍和一个短的结尾不像原来的版本。


Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

First of all, the original music is a slow pop version that makes use of repeated chords and limited timbres. There is not much masking made. There is a total change in the score in the altered version of “The Girl that I loved”. UJAM studio is the software used here to make a new form of jamming. The entire song is converted from pop to folk. This folk will be devoid of vocals and will only have instrumentals in it. Under Folk, the style used is Lullaby style. This style will add a bit of timbre to the song and will have slow music throughout.

Assignment代写:《我爱的女孩》 的改版分析

The tempo is not altered here. However, the beat is between 1 and 2 and not more than that. The instrument used for this version is only grand piano that will give the sounds of different instruments. The chord selection for this set is E maj and there are also other chords that can be set using this software. The main variation that is done to this song is it will have a long intro and a short ending unlike the original version.
Certain chords are elongated in the remix version to make it sound more like a lullaby. Vocal chords are completely removed and they no longer form a part in the remix version. This folk style also has a contemporary touch in it. The interesting part during this transformation is that neither masking nor doubling is predominantly used. Instead, the breaking down of ensemble rhythm does justice to the song and the recording has a neat and clear sound.

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