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国际人力资源管理(IHRM)的定义是:为实现一个组织在国家和国际方面的目标而对人进行管理的活动的集合。跨国公司过去往往在人力资源管理规划职能上采取主动步骤。核心管理委员会必须确定在全球建立和运营业务的业务地点和人才队伍(Bratton 2017)。国际人力资源管理的目标是拥有全球身份和文化招聘。根据人力资源相关的活动,需要更多的员工参与,也会涉及更多的风险。人力资源管理的主动性完全取决于当地环境的调整能力、东道国企业实际工作价值的明确性、职业规划以及人力资源政策的相关知识。


人力资源团队越能适应语言和文化,人力资源计划就越能成功(Harzing and pinington 2015)。影响组织人力资源实践的因素有制度环境、组织因素、关系语境和母国因素。这些因素通常涉及东道国的人力资源经理,以确保人力资源实践将与当地的要求保持一致。标准做法是指跨国公司的经理在指导和激励员工的所有策略中实施的做法,如根据员工的表现给予奖励和惩罚(Ivancevich和Konopaske 2013)。这与其中所提到的是一致的。认为各子公司之间存在一定程度的整合,这是人力资源通过在适应与整合之间寻找平衡来应对制度二元性的方式。


The International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is defined as the collection of activities for managing the human to achieve the goals of an organization for national and international aspects. Multinational companies used to plan to take initiative steps on Human Resource Management planning functions. The core management committee has to identify the locations of the business and talented workforce for establishing and operating the business globally (Bratton 2017). The objectives of IHRM are to have a global identity and cultural hiring. According to the HR related activities, more involvement of the employees is required, and more risks are involved as well. The Human Resource Management initiatives totally depend on the ability of adjustment of a local environment, clarity of the practical work value of the Host Company, career planning and relevant knowledge about HR policies.


The more the HR team will adapt the language and the culture, the more the HR plan will be successful (Harzing and Pinnington 2015). The factors that influence human resource practices of the organization are institutional environment, organizational factors, relational context and home country factors. These factors commonly involve an HR manager from the host country to make sure that HR practices will be constant with the local requirements. The standard practices are those that the managers of an MNE implement in all the strategies to direct and motivate the employees such as giving rewards and punishment on the basis of the performance of the employees (Ivancevich and Konopaske 2013). This is consistent with what was mentioned in it. It is maintained that certain level of integration among the various subsidiaries and these are the ways for HR to respond to the institutional duality by finding a balance between adaptations and integration.

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