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这位摄影记者对这张关于儿童和秃鹫的特殊照片进行了广泛而多样的批评。很多人认为卡特是一个掠夺者,而其他人则认为他是一个受害者。佛罗里达州的《圣彼得堡时报》(St. Petersburg Times)发表声明称,卡特调整了相机镜头,以便能够准确地捕捉到孩子所遭受的痛苦。这种行为可以被认为是食肉动物的行为,除了秃鹰已经出现在孩子附近(Kim & Kelly, 2013)。这就意味着摄影师专注于捕捉如此脆弱的对象本身就是不道德的,因为他应该试图赶走秃鹰,而不是与孩子一起拍摄(Kim & Kelly, 2013)。这被认为是由于儿童本身的状况严重恶化。在拍照时不需要任何额外的元素,比如秃鹰,或者可能被排除在外,而拍照仍然会描绘出孩子面临的资源匮乏。


对电影制作人丹·克劳斯(Dan Krauss)的另一种批评认为,在这张著名的照片中,他可以看到卡特内心的不安,并相信摄影记者也看到了。除此之外,他在饥饿的孩子身上看到了非洲的苦难,在猎食的秃鹰身上看到了自己的脸(Sey, 2015)。然而,与此同时,卡特的女儿梅根回应说,她认为她的父亲,也就是卡特,是一个受苦受难的孩子,她认为这个世界是贪婪的。


Wide and diverse forms of criticisms were experienced by this photojournalist in regards to this specific photo of child and vulture. Various people saw Carter as a predator while other viewed him as a sufferer. It was the statement of St. Petersburg Times of Florida that Carter adjusted the camera lens to be able to take the right frame of the child’s suffering. This action can be considered as an action of a predator apart from the vulture present already near the child (Kim & Kelly, 2013). This implied that the photographer’s focus on capturing such a vulnerable subject was immoral in itself as he should have attempted to chase away the vulture instead of photographing it together with child (Kim & Kelly, 2013). This is considered as the condition of child was highly deteriorated itself. Any additional element such as a vulture was not required while taking the picture or could have been excluded and photograph would have still depicted the scarcity of resources faced by the child.


Another criticism of a Filmmaker Dan Krauss suggests that in this famous picture, he could see the troubled psyche of Carter and had a belief that the photojournalist saw it too. Apart from this, he saw the suffering of Africa in the starving child and saw his own face within the preying vulture (Sey, 2015). However, at the same time, Megan, daughter of Carter responded with the belief that she viewed her father namely Carter as the child that was suffering and viewed the world as vulture.

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