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越南是TPP中的农业导向型国家。缺乏熟练劳动力、研发中心和不发达工业是阻碍该国发展的主要障碍。产品和服务出口在越南经济中发挥着重要作用。在TPP成员国中,越南的出口比例仅次于新加坡。因此,预计跨太平洋伙伴关系将增加对越南经济有利的出口活动。农作物和食品对该国出口总值的贡献很大。然而,这类产品与纺织产品相比数量较少(Corben, 2015)。产品和服务主要出口欧美。


TPP的实施将增加越南产品和服务的出口。《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》(Trans-Pacific Partnership,简称tpp)将允许较富裕的成员国在成本更低的成员国升级生产和制造设施,并升级生产流程。较先进的成员国将向消费市场进口相对优质、低成本、高附加值的产品。因此,马来西亚、智利、秘鲁、越南和秘鲁等拥有低成本基地的国家将受益于使它们能够以适当价值水平加工和制造产品的投资。


Vietnam is an agriculturally oriented country within TPP. Lack of skilled labour, research and development hubs and underdeveloped industries are the major barriers for the development of the country. Exports of products and services play a significant role in the economy of Vietnam. Among the TPP members, the export percentage of Vietnam is second after Singapore. Therefore, it is expected that Tran-Pacific Partnership will increase the export activities which will benefit the economy of Vietnam. Crops and food contribute a significant amount to the total value of export of the country. However, this category is in a small amount in comparison to textile products (Corben, 2015). The products and services are mainly exported to EU and US.


The implementation of TPP will increase the exports of products and services of Vietnam. Trans-Pacific Partnership will allow the wealthier member countries to upgrade their production and manufacturing facilities and processes in cheaper cost member nations. The more advanced member countries will import relatively high-quality and low-cost value-added products into their consumer market. Therefore, the countries such as Malaysia, Chile, Peru, Vietnam and Peru with their low-cost bases will be benefited from the investment that will allow them to process and manufacture products at an appropriate value levels.

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