


海外志愿活动带来了志愿者的职责,并为游客提供了一个发现新地方、体验外国文化以及获得更多关于生活在其他国家的人的知识的机会。在帮助那些需要帮助的人的过程中,度过的时间变成了一个充实和令人兴奋的假期,作为一个沉浸在另一个世界的机会(Tomazos和Cooper, 2012)。从事海外志愿工作与度假的休闲或观光性质的典型概念是非常不同的。这种旅游可以被认为是一种非常虚假的东西,因为它不让你与居住在这个国家的人接触。尤其是,如果这个国家访问的意图形成与公民的关系,这次旅行可以被视为一种长途旅行的新人们看着人们除了除了生活和与新的个人作为一个人。志愿者旅行是更可持续的,因为它不同于典型的放纵假期(Guiney和Mostafanezhad, 2015)。在公益旅游中,你要对他人的成长和变化负责,这是一种不同于其他任何一种体验。然而,必须指出的是,即使是出于爱和最好的意图,仅仅出国捐钱和给陌生人的礼物可能实际上并没有给他们带来好处。在适当的时候,在国外做志愿者可以是有益的和有价值的活动(卡彭特,2015)。勤奋和奉献能给世界带来改变。

这些计划包括社区福利活动、文化发展、环境更新和其他有关项目。然而,这种国际旅游与志愿服务之间的关系的形成也带来了一些负面影响。除此之外,在项目的开发和运行中,组织的指导意见是需要探索的。这将导致创建一种管理结构,使国际游客的贡献有利于东道国社区,国际游客参与志愿活动(Zahra和McGehee, 2013)。

Explanation of the relationship which exists between international tourism and volunteerism

The volunteering function overseas bring about the duties which the volunteer would do and provide a chance to tourists for discovering new places, experiencing a foreign culture along with achieving more knowledge regarding people who lives in other countries. The time which was spent becomes a fulfilling and an exciting vacation as an opportunity of getting immersed in another world is achieved with the process of helping out the individuals who are in need (Tomazos and Cooper, 2012). Engaging in overseas voluntary work is very dissimilar to the typical concept of relaxation or sightseeing nature of vacation. This kind of tourism can be considered as a very artificial thing as it does not let you be engaged with the people who reside in the country. Especially, if the country is visited with the intention of forming relationships with the citizens, the trip can be considered as a kind of long trip to a land of new people for looking at people in addition to things in addition to living and being with the new individuals as one people. Volunteer travel is a lot more sustainable because it deviates from the typical indulgent vacation (Guiney and Mostafanezhad, 2015). In voluntourism, you get to be responsible for the growth and change of others which is an experience that is unlike any other. However, it must be noted that simply going abroad and donating money along with gifts to strangers might actually not be benefiting them even if it is done from a perspective of love in addition to the best kinds of intentions. In due course, volunteering abroad can be rewarding and valuable activity (Carpenter, 2015). The hard work as well as dedication can bring a transformation in the world.

The programmes comprises of community welfare activities, cultural developments, environmental regeneration and other related projects. Nevertheless, this formation of a relation between international tourism and volunteering has lead to some negative impacts. In addition to that, an exploration is needed for sending guiding considerations of organisations in the development as well as operation of programs. This would result in the creation of a structure of management so that the contribution of international tourists benefits the host communities with whom the international tourist gets engaged in volunteering activity (Zahra and McGehee, 2013).


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