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When people talk about marriage, they often talk about how it is necessary to have understanding relationship, compassion and much more. There are so many books written on how to be understanding with one another, how to be compassionate and how to make the marriage last etc. I believe an ideal marriage is something that should be fun. We have enough problems in our daily life and when we come home to someone, it should be someone that makes us smile or laugh. One should be able to share a laugh with an ideal partner and this could be better if one’s partner is one’s friend.
An ideal marriage is about friendship because a friend is someone that we would obviously understand about and we will have fun with. People make marriage appear like a lot of work. However, when we are with friend, we do not think of doing things as work. I have done many chores for my friends and run errands for them, and they have done the same for me. We never see it as work. Therefore, when a marriage partner is treated as a friend, then it would be all the more better for the marriage.
An ideal marriage is one where fun and friendship combines. It would be a positive place for many things.
A friend of mine was conned into buying a car. He bought the care after negotiating with the buyer on Craig’s list. Now he barely knew the guy and wanted to set up a meet in order to assess and then buy the car. When he met the person, he knew he could trust him. This is what he told me. He believed that the well-dressed person, who knew everyone at Applebee’s restaurant by name, could not be a con person. My friend was neither observant enough to notice that the person called out the waiter’s name by looking at his tag, nor did my friend notice that the waiters did not recognize the con-man. He provided some credentials and the needed paper and my friend signed the deal and did not even wait to check the papers and more. The man apparently stated that he was leaving the state and wanted to make a quick sale. The car needed much work and my friend was conned into buying it.
People should take care not to get deceived by appearance. It is what a person does and not how a person appears that we should judge them. In current society, we give much importance to the external appearance of the person. This has to stop. People must be more observant. They have to be more of a listener in order to understand the person.
In conclusion, making ourselves focus on the person inside will help us from being deceived by the outside.


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