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The next thing that comes in the process of change implementation for the leaders is the sense giving, in other words conveying the vision formulated after understanding the changes. The purpose of sense giving is to influence others and unify the different perspectives about the changes in accordance with the vision of the leader. While making vision involved taking into consideration the stakeholders’ priorities for the organization, sense giving involves manipulating the thinking of people affected by the changes. In this step, leaders try to make their vision, a vision of the masses.
Another phenomenon associated with sense giving is ‘sequential reciprocal cycle’ involving sense making and sense giving. (Gioia & Chittipeddi, 1991). As a leader gives sense to someone, he tends to understand and do his own sense making. There are pros as well as cons of this cyclic effect. While attaining feedback from several resources, the vision formed by the leaders can gain positive uplift. It can encompass more views and perspectives making it stringer and more acceptable. However, sometimes this might lead to dilution of the actual goal set in the vision which includes stakeholder’s main concerns. Therefore, it is up to the leader to decide how to incorporate valuable feedbacks to change his vision in the process of sense giving.
But if this step is not followed, then the sense making and vision preparation would not dispense among the people influenced by the changes and it would lead to anarchical situation of confusion and fear. Therefore, it is an essential step towards change implementation which transforms the vision into need to bring in the changes. This step also strengthens the formation of vision and leaders sometimes discover different dimensions to their initial sense making.
As we further follow the Hayes steps, we come to the step of aligning. In the process of sense giving it is a leader’s job to ensure that the communication is received by the people without changing its meaning. Miscommunication can lead to confusion and embark differences. Especially in the time of change implementation, it is important for the staff and management to remain on the same plane. By the end of this step, everyone involved or affected by the process of change are supposed to be committed towards the same direction. This further stabilizes the system and encourages positivity. The motivation of staff is also affected by healthy work environment. Therefore, to reduce any expected conflict of opinion and understanding, it is important for people involved in the change to understand and seek the same meaning of the situation. In the modern organization setup, there are no independent job roles.


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