

美国代写论文:美国对自由观念的改变。自文化文明诞生以来,美国人一直在不懈地争取自由和身份的力量,这种力量在20世纪二三十年代的文化政治中得到了体现。一些人寻求宗教自由,而另一些人寻求新生活的机会。各种各样的人及其对自由的看法被同化,从而赋予了美国目前的独立地位。在宪法方面,1921年为争取公民自由而进行的斗争在对一些权利的修正案中得到了体现。成立于20世纪20年代的美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)参与了大多数民事案件,并促成了美国的“权利革命”(rights revolution)。它将传统的公民自由如言论自由赋予了新的意义,并设计了新的权利如“隐私权”。接下来美国代写论文专家将为同学们分析下美国对自由观念的改变。


在宪法方面,1921年为争取公民自由而进行的斗争在对一些权利的修正案中得到了体现。成立于20世纪20年代的美国公民自由联盟(American Civil Liberties Union)参与了大多数民事案件,并促成了美国的“权利革命”(rights revolution)。它将传统的公民自由如言论自由赋予了新的意义,并设计了新的权利如“隐私权”。在后来的几年里,美国公民自由联盟继续定义了美国宪法中所规定的权利和自由。因此,他们认为,只有不受限制地表达个人意见的自由才能保证社会进步,而压制这一权利可能导致流血和暴力。因此,对现行美国宪法中仍然适用的自由权进行修改,是美国公民自由联盟的倡议。这些权利是言论自由,允许个人表达而不受压制和评判。集会自由不会抵制任何形式的公开集会和集会,这些集会是在管理框架内事先通知的。


It has been contended that ever since the turn of the 19th Century and the tumultuous era of the civil war, America had undergone a poignant experience and a cultural reformation that would go on to the shape the collective consciousness of the nation. Over the following decades, America would witness, economic, political, and social and class segregation that weighed heavy in the form of cultural divide in the 1920s and the 30s. The social-political and the cultural conflict for ascertaining the national identity and the individual identity and went on to shape the modern ‘American dream’. It is important to take into account the political parameters and the changing dynamics were experienced by America in the 1920s.

On the constitutional front, the Fight for Civil Liberties in 1921 had manifested itself in the amendment of a number of rights. The American Civil Liberties Union formed in 1920s, participated in most of the civil cases and they helped bring about the ‘rights revolution’ in America. It rendered a new level of significance to the traditional civil liberties like the freedom of speech and designed the new rights like the ‘Right to Privacy’. In the later years, ACLU went on to define the rights and freedom, as they stood in the American constitution. Accordingly, they believed that a social progress could be warranted only by the unrestricted liberty for expression of the individual opinion and that suppression of this right could lead to bloodshed and violence. Therefore, it was the initiative of the ACLU that had amended the current right to liberty which still holds true to the current American constitution. The rights are Freedom to Speech that will allow individual expression without being suppressed and being judged. The Freedom of Assemblage would not resist any kind of public meeting and gathering that has been organized within the regulatory framework and with prior notification.

Similarly, the Freedom of Press would not intervene or violate the activities of the media censor their movements. These rights were guaranteed with the plethora of other rights which were known as the right to strike, the right to education, the right to a fair trial, the right to search and seizure, the right to passport, immigrate and deport, and the right to racial equality. The Supreme Court of Nebraska had, however, had laid down their definition of liberty in the course of the Robert Meyer trial (American Civil Liberties Union, 1921). With regard to the Fourteenth Amendment law of liberty, it was noted that the state did not have the right to interfere with the individual choice of life, education, upbringing, religion and movement and the state will not violate the right to intervening with the individual freedom in the name of protecting public interest or the state safety, so long as the individual activity does not jeopardize the individual or national security. Therefore, it could be ascertained that the individual right to life and liberty was constitutionally guaranteed and the citizens’ right to exercise their liberty were realized across all social and the cultural borders of America. It is also to be noted that the rights guaranteed protection to the marginalized sections of the society and the immigrants.


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