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In the recent times, there has been a growth in the rapid population in the regions of Benton County, central western Oregon. This has led to the increase in the overall demands of the freshwater supply. The quantity of freshwater which may be provided in these regions can help in the development of the cities which are situated in the Benton country. Treated wastewater is the only resources in this area which can be used for the purpose of providing the fresh water in this region. Not only the development of the freshwater plant is challenging, but the management of the same is itself a challenge. One of the major approaches for the same includes the proper treatment of the wastewater in order to obtain the freshwater in a consistent manner. It is important to do the proper construction of the plant to ensure that there is a freshwater usage. In this report the research will be conducted on the development of the design for the wetland which was previously used to treat the dairy wasters. The construction of the wetland is useful as the natural processes generally have the water which is cleansed.


The location of the dairy is in the area of Benton Country which is located in Western Oregon, United States. The wastewater treatment system has been designed in order to treat the diluted daily flush water. In the site there are 6 parallel cells and there is a strong pond. Amidst these, there are two different cells which have the depth of around 1 m. The average depth of the cell is found to be around 0.38 m. The construction and plantation of the wetland system had been done in the year 1992 and the waste water had been received in the year of 1993. The wastewater was continued to be received till the end of 1996. The treated water was pumped twice from the pond to another mixing tank in which the concentrated wastewater had been added. It was during this time of the day that the pumping of the wastewater had been controlled with the help of the mechanical timer. The concentrated wastewater had actually been loaded from the liquid waste which had been pressured by the use of the handling system and the electrical ball valve. After this the volume which consisted of the mixed waste water was later loaded to the cells over the time period of around four hours, the vegetation of the cells had been done with the help of mix of cattails, bulrush and the floating grass and water foxtail.

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