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essay 代寫-使用數據分析方法

本文主要講的是使用數據分析方法,所使用的數據分析方法是定性的和解釋的。解釋是根據問卷中提供的基於李克特量表的回答所收集的數據進行的。調查以問卷的形式進行,以李克特量表為基礎的價值觀要求回答,以呈現他們的回答根據提出的問題(Della Corte et al., 2015)。瓦倫西亞的來訪者給出了他們的答案,從1到5。值1表示對問題的一致程度最低,而值5表示對問題的一致程度最高。本篇essay 代寫文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The data analysed method used was qualitative and interpretation. The interpretation was performed on the data collected from the Likert scale based responses that were provided within the questionnaire. The survey was conducted in a form of questionnaire and the responses were asked in terms of the Likert Scale based values in order to present their responses as per the questions that were asked (Della Corte et al., 2015). The visitors of Valencia provided their responses from value 1 to 5. The value 1 implies the lowest level of agreement to the question whereas the value 5 indicates the highest extent of agreeability for the questions.
Furthermore, the closed ended questions can improve the magnitude of the findings as the emphasis remains on the limited choices that are most relevant for this study. Therefore, the interpretation method was useful to gain insight within the responses of the participants (Del Chiappa et al., 2014). The data has been analysed in a manner that a consolidated view of the responses is provided. For an instance, when 40 out of 70 participants indicate same factor, then it is presented as 57.14 per cent of the total participants. Hence, instead of listing the responses of each participant, the overview of the responses are presented.
This provides the research project with a more dynamic approach to identify the motivation behind visitors to Valencia and address each objective of the research (Cohen and Cohen, 2015). Therefore, the data analysis of the collected information establishes empirically evidenced identification behind the motivators for visit to Valencia and allowed the integration of literature to support the reason behind their actions. This provided with the complete outlook on the factors that function as motivators to encourage the visitors for choosing Valencia over any other destination and enable the visit.

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