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在国会确定最终版本之前,这些条款起草了六份草稿。1775年7月,本杰明·富兰克林首先向国会提交了这篇文章。宾夕法尼亚州的约翰·迪克森(John Dickson)撰写了第四版,但草稿对第四版的贡献并不大。1776年6月,国会委员会起草并修订了该草案。迪克森案的第三个版本是为了让国会考虑更多的规章制度。


最后的条款在1777年经过长时间的审议程序修改后,获准提交各国。除了马里兰,所有的州都在1779年之前通过了这项法案。由于西部其他各州的原因,马里兰州处于不灵活的地位。佐治亚、弗吉尼亚、马萨诸塞、康涅狄格和卡罗来纳等州根据协议宣称对密西西比河或南海拥有主权。宾夕法尼亚州、马里兰州、罗德岛州、特拉华州和新泽西州的特许状表明,这些州距离大西洋只有几百英里。在马里兰州,投机者声称西部归美国,他们主张尊重国会对西部土地的主张。这些货物也得到了马里兰州的支持,因为弗吉尼亚州会反对接受索赔。托马斯•杰斐逊(Thomas Jefferson)也认为,应该拒绝投机者的要求,并将西方分裂成新的州。弗吉尼亚的行动影响了马里兰州批准这些条款,并于1781年3月1日生效。


Six drafts were prepared of the articles before Congress established the final version. On July 1775, Benjamin Franklin presented the article first into the Congress. John Dickson of Pennsylvania wrote the fourth version, but the drafts did not contribute significantly to the fourth version. On June 1776, the draft was prepared and it was revised by a congress committee. The Dickson’s third version was printed to allow Congress to consider further rules and regulations.


The final articles were altered by a long deliberative process in the year 1777 and were approved for submission to states. Except Maryland, all the states approved it before the year 1779. Maryland was in an inflexible position as it was due to the other states in the western lands. Georgia, Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut and the Carolinas claimed by their agreements to the extent to the Mississippi River or South Sea. The Charters of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Rhode Island, Delaware and New Jersey confined that the states are few hundred miles away from the Atlantic. In Maryland, the speculators claimed that West goes to United States and the speculators advocated respecting their claims to the Western lands from Congress. The loads were also supported by Maryland as because Virginia would have opposed on accepting the claims. Thomas Jefferson also argued that demands of the speculators should be rejected and to divide west into new states. The action of Virginia influenced Maryland to approve the articles, and it went into effect on 1 March 1781.

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