








There is no doubt the fact that the graphic depicts my various faces. There are times my mood is sad while at other times I am in a happy mood. It all depends upon either internal factors or external factors. Sometimes my internal feelings are disoriented and this is due to the external surroundings. For example, on the way to school I have experienced that there are many poor people in the world and seeing them makes me feel sad. There are also times when I feel that even though diversity of cultures needs to be embraced, some cultures are empowered while others are neglected or considered unessential. Such perspectives in the external environment make me unhappy. This makes me angry as well many times. There are some things that make me happy as well, such as watching the rain or watching children play.

The expectations in the society are bound to the perspective person’s needs and maintain an ideal behaviour. Such notions have shaped me into a different person than I used to be. I was naïve at first and had a lot of innocence. Now seeing the world around me and focusing on the expectations that the external environment has with me, I have become a changed person. For example, my mother expects me to be a person who is disciplined and has the ability to take the responsibilities of the household. While at school, my teachers expect me to be sincere, disciplined and well-oriented towards my studies. I am a human being and I wish to be a good one. Looking at all these expectations, I try to mould myself and try to make others feel that I am on the road what they have aspired me to be. This is because the society to me, matters. As the society matters to me, I try to redefine myself as per the external environment expectations. Another expectation that I take into consideration is my father. My father considers that I still have a lot to develop. He also thinks that I haven’t done a lot in life to prove myself yet. His expectations are sometimes beyond my understanding. However, each year, as I develop I acknowledge the way in which my father’s notions are shaping me into a good man.


The culture has helped to define me as a person along with defining my values and beliefs. This is because in the external environment, diverse cultural activities persist. The environment consists of various factors which impinge over development ranging from competitive stress and bonds to the learning based social facilitation. These, in turn, can influence the functioning of the brain in various ways. Generally they do not have a direct impact over the architecture of functional brain. Symbolizing cultures result in owning a direct path into the brain and influence the manner in which main executive brain parts are connected together throughout development. Effectively, it is culture that supports in wiring up systems of function within the brain which do not exist otherwise. I wouldn’t say that culture has the responsibility for everything that I do but in many ways it helps me to explore the way of my feelings and behaviours persist.

The world psychologically impacts me positively and negatively. I face tremendous pressure due to the reforms and psychological influences. It is difficult for me to say specifically how I feel. This is because the society does not accept people’s replying in a blunt manner. There are times when I have to remain quiet while at other times I have to significantly focus on the words that I am about to speak. I feel like I am mostly influenced by what others will feel about me. Living in this complex world where all types of advancements are taking place, I am in a constant pressure of trying to advance myself in accordance to these advancements. The needs and necessities of the external environment of society with the many cultures in it results in throwing pressure over my entire emergence. Even when I talk to my peer groups for example, I am often fearful that I might lack in some terms with which they are well-acquainted with. I also fear that they might have a better provision over findings and influences which I will not. I believe that I am deeply impacted by the society and culture on the whole. These requirements are making me develop but at the same time, I am also being demotivated constantly. The demotivation is due to the constant pressure I face.

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