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受访者表示,95%的人是苹果公司的品牌追随者。受访者一致认为,该产品的电池续航时间差、机身弯曲度不够等缺陷都很容易被忽略。95%的受访者表示强烈赞同这一观点(Bell and Graham, 2011)。顾客们一致认为,每个人都需要使用I-phone来提高他们在社会中的地位。其次,消费者强烈认为他们的品牌形象得到了很大的提升。员工们的同意度提高了90%。

100%的参与者一致认为,他们渴望购买苹果公司在市场上推出的每一款与苹果I-phone变种相关的next手机(Ellis et al., 2012)。100%的I-phone价格并没有让他们感到困扰,因为他们所关心的只是通过这个产品来增加自己的社会地位,让自己看起来更有钱、更有能力。


The disadvantages are many in number, but these can be compensated with the advantages. The interviewee has limitation as to the solutions which can be given. The first issue is the interview influence. The interviewer personality might result in influencing the answers that the interviewee provides. This might make results to have unreliability. The interview influence furthermore might imply that interviewee might misrepresent the correct version for making his own self to appear more acceptable socially. The procedure also has several complications, more consuming of time, but the key advantage is that it does not require much money. There is likeliness of targeting a large sample in one goes, and this will help in making a key difference . The process will become much more reliability when checking the data availability. This is possible only through the provision of structured interview. Unstructured interviews are problematic for repeating when one requires testing the data reliability.


The interview respondents depicted that 95 percent of them are brand followers of the I-phone Inc. company. There was a strong agreement among the interview respondents that the flaws of the product such as poor battery life and inadequate bend of the body of the phone are all such that they can be ignored easily. 95 percent depicted strong agreement to this (Bell and Graham, 2011). There was strong agreement in the customers for the fact that everyone needs to be using I-phone in order to enhance their status in the society. Next, the customers strongly agreed that their brand image becomes enhanced considerably. There was 90 percent stronger agreement from the employees.
There was strong agreement in 100 percent of the participants that they were eager to purchase every next phone that was launched by Apple in the market with regard to its Apple I-phone variant (Ellis et al., 2012). The price as agreed by 100 percent of the I-phone did not bother them because all they cared about was looking rich and empowered through the brand with enhanced societal status through this product.

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