











另一次是因为稿件质量不过关,要求售后修改时,对方很不耐烦,虽然没有被拉黑,但却置之不理。最后,该客户在同学推荐下选择了我们美国论文代写Educationren服务公司,修改后的稿件也顺利通过审核。从那以后,顾客也成了我们的老顾客。在这里推荐几个值得信赖的代写网站,它们不仅获得了服务资质,而且还拥有官方网站和企业 QQ等通讯工具。

第五,注意论文检测 不要出现抄袭或重复率过高的情况





























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Step 1:Give it a rest


Step2:Look for one type of problem at a time


Step3:Double-check facts, figures, and proper names


Step 4:Review a hard copy


Step5:Read you text aloud


Step 6:Create your own proofreading checklist


Step7:Ask for help



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美国代写论文是如何写Case Study的?下面为您解析!

美国代写论文是如何写Case Study的?下面为您解析!Case Study即案例分析,也是国外大学经常要写的作业形式之一。它需要同学们对已有的案例进行深度的解析,得出自己的观点和想法。我们在国内一般接触这种类型比较少,所以写作的时候会比较的陌生。但是不要怕,我们的美国代写论文老师为大家解析了Case Study的写作方法,都来看看吧。

、Case Study的写作方法

Case Study在写作方法上跟最常见的assignment是有很大区别的,Case Study可以得出不止一个的正确答案,当然这个结论的得出取决于问题的定义和提出假设的方法,实际上,老师更关注的是你研究的方法和过程,只要你得出的结论言之有理即可。

、Case Analysis的写作


在case study研究之初,你需要完完全全、彻彻底底地了解到一个case中所发生的内容,因此,透彻地了解整个case是极为必要的,对于case中的industry、company、people、situation,你不能只是快速地浏览一遍,而是需要做到全局把握,你需要仔仔细细、认认真真地进行深入了解,并在了解的过程中做好相关笔记。






case study之初,你还需要做出一个列表清楚地表现出相关的可选择方法,充分发挥你的主观能动性和创造性,及时在这个case中已经提到了的solutions,你也可以加以利用以提出更好的解决方法。




case study研究分析中最重要的一步就是要规划出一个可行性方案,这样才能将你的想法具体实施开来,进行有效的运行,如果缺少可行性方案,即使你的想法再好,也会危害一个企业的长远发展。


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加工:在准备和加工过程中,在食品准备过程中,将有潜在危险的食品保持在室温下,必须遵循2小时/ 4小时指南。在食品加工和准备过程中,可能会使用不同类型的砧板。加工也指实际的烹煮行为,它破坏了生食中的微生物,使之可以食用。



处理:超过2小时/ 4小时指南的危险食物,或被污染的食物,或没有保持在合适的温度下,或超过保质期的食物,必须小心处理。

Storing food: Except for food types that are naturally acidic that do not support pathogens, or food that are processed in the form of being dried, salted etc., all other foods will need to be stored appropriately by means of refrigeration. Food will be classified as cold food, hazardous food and hot food and stores appropriately. Hazardous food is either kept very cold at 5°C or higher than this temperature. Alternatively, if the hazardous food is one that is maintained at a very high temperature then it has to be kept very hot, 60°C or more than that.

Preparing food: In preparing food, it is essential to follow proper temperature control.

Processing: During preparation and processing, when keeping potentially hazardous food at room temperature during food preparation, it is necessary to follow the 2 hours/ 4-hour guide. In food processing and preparation, different types of chopping boards might be used. Processing also refers to the actual cooking action which destroys the microorganisms in raw food and makes it edible for consumption.

Displaying and/or serving: During displaying and serving food, food must be heated to 60-degree C or higher and must be kept at that temperature at all times.

Food must be transported in the refrigerated ice trucks and must be kept in the same temperature as would be kept in a facility. The journey must be planned and kept as short as possible. The vehicle must be kept clean. Foods that are to be kept cold must be packed first. It must be packed in insulted containers to support temperature above 60-degree C for hot foods and below 5 degree C for cold foods. On arrival the cold and hot food must be unloaded first and must be placed into the right temperature control storage.

Disposing: Hazardous food that has crossed the 2 hours/ 4-hour guide, or food that has been contaminated, or has not been maintained at the right temperature, or when it has crossed the use by date must be disposed of carefully.






Pension policies operate with the objective of ensuring that an adequate level of retirement income is provided for people in order to assist them in living their life comfortably after retirement. This work analyzes the at-risk of poverty in old age pensioners with respect to the factors that influence it. At-risk of poverty is studied from different perspectives in literature, and based on hypothesis formulation, a regressive analysis is done to observe correlations.

In computing at-risk levels of poverty, there are many factors that have to go into consideration. Firstly, at a statutory age of 65 and over, it could be argued that disposable income below 60 and after 60 will not match because of the country they are in. A person considered poor in Switzerland might have more disposable income than a poor person in Hungary. Poverty thresholds will differ across countries. Some countries might also have a working age population that has grown recently, and in that case the at-risk of becoming poor increases significantly for the retirees. In this background context, this research work attempts to understand the real income of the country and its effect poverty in pensioners. The real income of the country is calculated using the Solow Model. Under the Solow model, Y(t) is the rate of production of a country which is its real income. A part of the output in production will be saved or will be invested. Based on the Solow model and other related variables, this work attempts to analyze whether the real income of the country can be correlate to higher or lower levels of at-risk poverty in OECD countries. This analysis will be a way to understand how old age pension systems in OECD countries could be modified in order to reduce the at-risk of poverty of pensioners.

以上内容就是老年领取养老金者贫困风险的因素分析。同学们撰写论文需要一系列计划和技能 ,但是,由于他们对要求不了解或在研究中遇到困难,学生常常难以满足期望。问题很多,但解决方案是其中之一。事实证明,美国论文代写专家对所有努力完成论文的学生都提供了很大的帮助。而且我们所有的论文帮助解决方案都是原创的,并且100%无窃。我们的作家被指示使用来自真实来源的信息,并以必需的引用方式引用这些来源。因此,客户每次向我们下订单时都会收到原始解决方案!























6.总分类帐V / S分类帐




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在美国很多留学生都知道,在写作Essay时,参考文献Reference的格式也是非常重要的。常用的ref格式有三种,Harvard referencing system; APA; Chicago, 其中又以Harvard referencing system最为常用。下面我们美国论文代写老师就以Harvard referencing system为例,向大家介绍美国论文的Reference写作规范性及注意事项。





如:Making reference top ublished work appears to be characteristic of writing for a professional audience (Cormack 1994).

如:(Jones1946;Smith 1948)

如:Recent research has found that the majority of……(Green et al 1995)


如果正文中出现了作者的姓名,如 xxx said/ concluded/ suggests….则在姓名后面加(),()内只要标注年份即可,如(2005)。

如:Cormack (1994, p.32-33) states that ‘when writing for a professional readership, writers invariably make reference to already published works’.

如:Jones (1946) and Smith(1948)have both shown……

如:Green et al (1995) found that the majority ……


如果一个作者同年出版了两本书,如2005年,要这样标:(Author2005a) 或 (Author2005b);如果在一篇文章中引用多篇报纸文章,要表明这篇报纸文章的具体日期,如(TheGuardian, October 18, 2005)。


1、文章里禁止用缩写,例如:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t 应该写成cannot,do not,did not, would not。

2、每段之间空一行,首句不空格避免用口语词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about…. 避免使用太过生僻的赐予,但用词要专业不要从句套从句,句子如果过长,就改成短句,这样意思表达更清楚文章的INTRODUCTION要阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是你的THESIS STATEMENT,尽量不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句。专业知识和词汇使用要正确文章字数控制在规定字数内,不得多于或少于规定字数的10%


4、 行距1.5倍,Basic Font:Times New Roman或者Arial 12pt 。



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1. 足够的积淀使你在写作时有无限的话可说


2.要具体 (be specific)

你的文章要be specific,这样你的文章看起来会更清晰,也更能吸引读者。





5.使用主动语态(action voice)






那些限定词,例如very, little 和rather,并没有强调你句中想要的意思,反而会显得有些啰嗦,使你的句子失去了生命力。








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The data analysis is carried out in two subsections- the qualitative analysis focuses on the descriptive statistics of the variables whereas the quantitative analysis in turn focuses on a more in-depth analysis of the data using quantitative statistical tools.The following table gives a summary of the data used to develop the model for the analysis of the interrelation between market concentration of the banks and their performance.The variable MS corresponds to market share of the banks. The market share for the data ranges from 0.0156 to 0.2634 with the mean at 0.1039 and the standard deviation at 0.0683. The data is positively skewed with skewness at 0.875 and kurtosis equalling -0.03.
The CR3 variable ranges from 0.1142 to 0.4791. The mean value of the variable is 0.3116 with a standard deviation of 0.1206. The data is negatively skewed with skewness equalling -0.469 and kurtosis equalling -1.053.
The interaction variable of MS and CR3 labelled as MSCR has a minimum value of 0.0018 while the maximum value is 0.1194. The mean of MSCR is 0.0371 and the standard deviation is 0.032. The data is positively skewed with the coefficient of skewness being 1.134 and the kurtosis for the data is 0.6.The quantitative analysis can be carried out in three different steps- t-test, correlation analysis and model development.


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The finale, among all movements of the whole sonata, borrowed the most musical and structural ideas from the works of Beethoven. It could be found out from a lot of music material that both of them are likely to adopt “Rondo: Allegretto – Presto”. Charles Rosen thought him has surpassed Beethoven, especially in the elaborated coda. According to the observations made by Charles Rosen typical Sonata forms are characterized by clearly defined independent periods. There is high dependence on the traditional baroque forms that needs to be discarded in the sonata forms. This is to essentially escape from the horror vacui.

The main theme breaks off in silence and then harmonized in unexpected keys. It was interrupted later by repeating the theme. Several virtuosic bars in the finale remind audiences of the opening movement, generating cyclical unity for the sonata.
As to the belief that some works of Schubert are unnecessarily long, D959 is one of the examples. Playing the whole D959 with all repeats, it will last for more than 35 minutes and may be too long to some ears. Many pianists chose to play the sonatas without some repeats. For example, Kempff plays the first movement of D959 without repeat at all. ‘It seems that some repeat signs were inserted by Schubert as a matter of convention and it is possible that in certain cases he may not have objected to their omission.’
To summarize the works of Schubert, it has been found that he was heavily influenced by the works of Beethoven. This was seen evident in the early works by the composer. However in the later times there has been a definitive transition from the early times to the newer times. He was able to grasp the ideologies of Beethoven and make compositions in part to that of Beethoven. This has been efficiently showcased in the three sonatas in D959. These compositions show that Andantino underlying theme that has been characterized by a melancholic middle part that starts and finishes with the fast tempo. The narrative theme elucidated by the composer has been effectively seen in all of the works of the author.


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本文主要是关于酒店管理人员素质测量的解释,酒店管理人员素质的测量可以解释为以下几点,这些说明是围绕行业的。守时和工作质量是非常重要的,因为它体现了参与工作的员工适当的效率和热情的特点(Ivancevich和Konopaske, 2013)。如果在工作场所的员工中发现了这些个人习惯,那么管理人员就可以解决这些坏习惯。减轻这些问题是至关重要的,因为它决定了加强研究的适当职能。检查他们的态度和个人陈述将使员工以适当的专业性陈述来操作工作(Nankervis等,2016)。本篇美国大学论文文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The measurement of the quality in the staffs involved in the hospitality management can be explained illustrating the following points which are illustrated to be revolving the industry. Punctuality and the quality of the work are very much important as it shows the appropriate efficiency and the enthusiastic characteristics in the employees involved in the work (Ivancevich and Konopaske, 2013).Observing the personal habits will enable the management to resolve the bad habits if it is notified in the employees involved in the workplace. The mitigation of these issues is essential as if it is determining the appropriate function for the enhancement of the study.Checking their attitudes and the personal presentation will enable the employees to be operating the work with the appropriate presentation of professionalism (Nankervis et al., 2016).
The quality assurance is indicated as the most important measurement in the quality management, and without this, the hospitality industry will not function properly. The importance of this factor can be easily determined by illustrating the functions as it is explained in the form of the teachings and the learning provided to the employees during their training periods. The field work can be determined to be conducted with quality if the training conducted by the management of the hospitality industry is up to the top level. This will enhance the customer attraction, and the increment of the demand can be easily seen in this case (Scholz and Zentes, 2006).
Since the consistency and the customer service are essential for the management of the industry, the two keys must be appropriately involved by showing the involvement of the services as it is explained in this case (Boxall and Purcell, 2010). The caring of the customer service with the quality is determined to be illustrating the gaining of the attraction for the purpose of showing the enhancement of the study. This is simply explaining the merits and the demerits as it is explained in the form of illustrating the services provided to the customers. The satisfaction gained by the customers will explain the management of the work as it is continued by the hospitality industry (Schuler and Jackson, 2007). This will be explaining the consistency and the customer services as it is explained by illustrating the formation of the process involved in maintaining the customer satisfaction.


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本文讲的是如何提高员工的能力,对员工的培训是提高员工能力和能力的另一个重要策略。员工感到更有动力,对自己的工作有更高的承诺水平(Dhar, 2015)。例如,目标设定是另一个重要的人力资源战略,可以用来提高员工的奉献和承诺。目标设定和金钱奖励是激励员工的重要因素。组织结构也应该支持员工的目标设定和实现他们的目标。工作条件、雇主-雇员关系和支持性环境是非常有趣和激励因素,鼓励员工提高技能和提高生产力(Maroudas, Kyriakidou, & Vacharis, 2008)。本篇代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Training for the employees can be another significant strategy for increasing employee competency and ability. The employees feel more motivated and have the feeling of increased commitment level towards their job (Dhar, 2015). For example, goal-setting is another important HR strategy, which can be used to increase dedication and commitment of the employees. Goal setting and monetary incentives in return can be a great motivational factor for the employees. The organizational structure should also support the employees in goal setting and achieving their goals. Working conditions, employer-employee relationship and supportive environment are very interesting and motivational factors that encourage employees to enhance their skills and increase productivity (Maroudas, Kyriakidou, & Vacharis, 2008).
The Human Resource Strategic Planning is affected by the empowerment of the employees, or it can impact the performance of the employees. Although providing incentives to the employees can lead to more expenditure of money, on the bigger level, they can bring more revenue to the organization. This is because incentives are related to the motivation of the employees, and motivation is related to increased productivity. Incentives also help in encouraging positive attitude towards work, and also motivate employees to take challenges at workplace.
For example, Sturman, & Ford (2011) examines that providing incentives to the employees also generate the power of equity. The feeling of unjust can de-motivate employees to provide quality service. The feeling of being underpaid is linked to lower level of motivation in employees. Some employees may feel that they are being underpaid that other and may develop feeling of lack of equity (Dhar, 2015). Thus, HR strategic planning can help employees to achieve equity, increased job satisfaction and decreased level of absenteeism.


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The candidate must pay more attention to the field of research which is attractive, is trying to resolve a market demand or crisis, unique, has not been attempted earlier, and one which is progressive in all sense to benefit the industry and society as a whole. This automatically benefits the university also. Research is an integral part of the university, and it must be utilised for the better to enhance the attractiveness and credibility of the university. The candidate must understand the ethical considerations of research and avoid falling for unethical means to fulfil the research agenda.
environment of teamwork, integrity, vigorous expediency, helping him to accustom with the organisational culture of the university and the code of conduct.
The candidate must ensure that all qualities of a good teacher must be surpassed with the best ones, giving more than what is required of him.
If need be, there must be substantial site visits to the maritime and logistics companies, where the candidate is made aware of the Australian maritime sector, and learns all that is necessary to comment and teach on the domestic sector.
Above all, the candidate must be taught to be flexible in his approach toward students, faulty, management, and continue working with equipoise of contentment and superior adherence to rules. He must be consistently engaged in acquiring new knowledge by keeping informed about the latest and perceived future developments of the Australian maritime and logistics sector.
Layoffs are a sad state of organisational affairs, which are an unwelcome move both on the part of the organisation and the laid off employees. Layoffs happen when there is a dire need of cost cutting in times of recession and financial crisis, and when there is some kind of misconduct by the employees to be fired. Layoffs are not a product of the market but of the organisation which miscalculates its capabilities in different market structures and periods of bull and bear markets.


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作为一个资深的代写老师,我们经常会接到各种类型的代写文章,如essay、assignment、report和申请文书,甚至还有毕业论文和学术论文。每一篇文章的写作,除了必要的知识外,还需要大量的素材。我们需要从那里下手去写,还需要有逻辑性和真实性,这都是几号精力和时间的。所以,今天要给大家讲的是如何找申请essay 的写作灵感,快来学习吧。







你有没有试过,因为某个突然迸发的灵感让你在深夜兴奋得睡不着?(反正小编为了写文章经常会在夜里惊醒) 又或者在回忆过去时,某些决定到现在还会让你欢呼雀跃或后悔莫及?看上去似乎有些“抓马”,但这些素材往往能让Essay精彩纷呈,因为它们或许就是对你而言最为重要的人生经历。











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本文主要讲的是如何保持动力,只有在整个过程中都保持变革的势头,变革管理的过程才能成功。变化往往始于紧迫感,随着时间的推移,紧迫感可能会变得不那么重要(Francis et al, 2003)。领导者需要确保从变更管理的起始点到变更管理的完成和维持都带有紧迫感(Stagl, 2011)。转型是一个长期的过程,员工可能会失去变革的动力,在这种情况下,领导者有必要确保变革管理过程和紧迫性得到支持。本篇学术论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The process of change management can be successful only if the momentum of change is carried throughout the process. Changes often start with a sense of urgency and with time the urgency might become less important (Francis et al, 2003). It is for the leader to ensure that the sense of urgency is carried in change management from the starting point to the change management completion and sustenance (Stagl, 2011). Transformation is a long term process and employees might lose the momentum for change and in such situations it is necessary that the leader should ensure the change management process and urgency is supported.
Some of the main reasons for the loss of momentum are that a sense of urgency for that particular change might not be created at the beginning of change management (Ashmos & Duchan, 2000). When employees are initiated into a change management process with not much sense of urgency or need then it could lead to issues. It is for the leader to ensure that employees understand the urgency and not only align these business activities, but also invest in a logical and emotional understanding of the urgency. A second reason for the loss of momentum in change management is the lack of support from the management or from the leaders themselves (Ashmos & Duchan, 2000). In research on change management process failures in different companies there are indications that red tape within the organization is a productivity killer.
In the context of change management, having to go through many protocols would not be a productive process because much time would be wasted in decision making, asking for the necessary authorizations and more. The leader in this context, in order to carry the needed momentum must possess the right authority to make decisions for the employees (Appelbaum, et al, 1998; French & Raven, 1968). The leader must ensure that management responsiveness in the context of change management blocks should not take much time to resolve. The management must anticipate the form of issues that could happen in change management and must ensure that the leaders of change and the employees are equipped properly. Leaders of change must be able to negotiate with the management in order to ensure this happens.


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本文主要讲述的是营销的重要性,作为一个买家,在选择产品时是有偏好的。每一次,这个项目都让我把自己想象成一个买家和市场分析师。在涉及SOSTAC模型的部分,对营销组合、战术、营销传播工具、控制策略和质量管理计划进行了培训(Marketing91.com, 2011)。科尔布的经验学习理论确实充分地激发了我对聚合型、发散型、同化型和容纳型等风格的思考。我最初是属于收敛型的。本篇美国传媒学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As a buyer, there are preferences when choosing a product. Every time, the project let me to visualize myself as a buyer as well as a marketing analyst. In the section involving SOSTAC model, it educated on marketing mix, tactics, marketing communication tools, control strategies and quality management plans (Marketing91.com, 2011). Kolb’s theory of experiential learning did ignite me adequately on the styles such as converger, diverger, assimilator and accommodator. I fell in the category of converger initially.
In due course of time, I learnt that I could have performed better and then accommodator came into picture. I developed experimentation skills and reasoning abilities. Every activity that I did was supported with justifications. Without these strategies, it realized that it is impossible to promote a product and reach it to the target market. The most interesting part in this report is introduction of innovativeness and creativity to the marketing campaign. The choice of platforms, colours, demographics, timeline informed the possible outcomes and feasibility to achieve business objectives.
The analysis of marketing communication for Cuckoo has showed that it has not ventured into the online media platforms. This is the problem for the brand as it is yet to get recognized in the global market. Being a three year startup, the communication strategy has so far been weak. This report has identified objectives, tactics, strategies and change management plans to address the needs of customers and also introduce creativity in every plan of the firm. This can attract and retain large number of customers. The section on creativity has given further ideas on when to promote and the possible responses expected from the customers. The report has given several productive elements that can take the brand to next level.


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恰當運用過渡詞可以使文章結構緊湊,過渡自然,避免脫節現象。時間上的銜接詞有“then、as time goes by、day after day、gradually、finally”等,表因果關係的有“as a result、because of、thanks to”等……




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本文主要讲什么是基于价格的工具,以价格为基础的工具是那些基于影响的形式和影响的衡量方法等对导致环境外部性的商品施加某种形式的价格的工具(Beder, 2001)。价格不仅适用于这种导致环境外部性的情况。它也适用于生态系统服务被不加区别地使用的情况。基于价格的工具以对生态系统服务征税的形式发挥作用。在其他一些情况下,这些补贴被用来补贴那些提倡环保友好的公司。本篇美国英语语言学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Price based instruments are those that serve to impose a form of price on goods that lead to environmental externalities based on the form of impact and the measure of impact etc. (Beder, 2001). Prices are not only applied to such cases where it leads to environmental externalities. It is also applied to such cases where the ecosystem services are used quite indiscriminately. Price based instruments have worked in the form of taxation on ecosystem services. In some other cases have been implemented as subsidies for those companies that promote ecofriendly usages.
The form of pricing and taxation measure that is implemented by a government would aim at environmental protection, pollution control and reduction for a much larger area. The price is hence either the penalty that a polluter might pay for creating externalities or is the subsidy given to a company for not polluting or staying within defined pollution levels. In the case of a river environment, there are effluent charges, product based charges etc. that could be applied.
The rights based instruments are called as the quantity based instruments. These are instruments that have a strong emphasis with respect to monitoring (Beder, 2001; Preston and Shackelford, 2002). Compared to price effects in the case of price based instruments, in the case of rights based instruments the focus is on control of quantity to ensure quality (Jordan et al., 2003). Emissions control systems are usually an example of the rights based instruments.
A market friction instrument, on the other hand, is one that does not focus on just conserving or mitigating externalities but instead focused on how to create some form of stimulation for achieving environmental outcomes. Some of the more radical environmental control achievements in the market are based on the market friction instrument. Potts and Howard (2006) present ecolabeling used in marine ecosystems as a form of market friction instrument. Ecolabeling for sustainability as Jacquet and Pauly (2007) and Ward and Phillips (2008) present are both market friction instruments.


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本文主要讲述防火墙的属性,创建这些防火墙是为了响应不断发展的应用程序复杂性和恶意软件。恶意软件开发人员和应用程序开发人员已经智取了主要依赖于流量分类的长端口,通过开发技术将端口规避到程序中。今天的恶意软件利用这些应用程序进入网络,并日益网络化。这些防火墙作为执行网络安全政策和检查网络流量的平台。这些下一代防火墙系统是通过几个属性来确定的。一个属性是第一代防火墙的标准功能(Kaur和Rao 77)。这包括过滤数据包、检查协议的全状态性、转换网络地址和VPN的连通性。本篇美国教育学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

These firewalls had been created with regard to response to the evolving application sophistication as well as malware. Malware developers and developers for applications have outwitted majorly the long ports depending upon the traffic classification through developing techniques for port evasion into the programs. Malware today piggybacks such applications for entering the networks and has become networked increasingly. These firewalls have acted as a platform for enforcing policy on network security and inspecting network traffic. These next generation firewall systems are determined through several attributes. One attribute is first generation firewall standard capabilities (Kaur and Rao 77). This is inclusive of filtering the packet, inspecting the protocol of state-full nature, translation of network address and connectivity of VPN.
Second attribute is true integration of preventing intrusion. This is inclusive of the support for facing vulnerability and signatures facing threat. It includes rules based suggestions depending upon the activity of IPS. The total of such collaboration of functions through the next generation firewalls is higher than the parts of individual nature.
Third attribute is complete visibility stack as well as identification of application. This has the ability of enforcing policy at the layer of application in an independent nature from protocols and ports.
Another attribute is the intelligence of extra-firewall. It has the ability of taking data from externalized sources and making decisions of improved nature (Kaur and Singh 200-204). Examples are inclusive of blacklists being created and have the ability of mapping traffic to the customers and groups through use of active basis of directories.
Another attribute is modern threat landscape adaptability. It has the ability of supporting up gradation based paths for integrating newer feeds of data as well as techniques for addressing threats in the future. In-line support is a crucial attribute offering minimum degradation of performance or network operations disruptions.


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本文講輔助數據和統計數據,本研究的參與者為酒店員工。他們將通過社交媒體工具聯繫。酒店員工將是在國際酒店工作的人。本研究將考慮的倫理因素包括個人偏見和同意因素(Smith, 2015)。在定性研究的情況下,可能會有基於個人觀點的數據傾斜。這些對公司來說可能是困難的。他們需要有一個適當的啟發式,以解決不同的觀點和類比(史密斯,2015)。為了解決這個問題,將使用輔助數據和統計數據。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

The participants for this research will be hotel employees. They will be contacted using the social media tools. The hotel employees will be the people who are working in an international hotel. Ethical considerations that will be considered for this research are addressing the personal bias and consent factor (Smith, 2015). In the case of qualitative research, there can be skewing of the data based on personal viewpoints. These can prove to be difficult for the company. They need to have a proper heuristic in place to address the different views and analogies (Smith, 2015). To address this issue, there will be the using of secondary data and statistical data.
The next factor that would be considered for the research is the consent. The anonymity of the people and the data that they shared would be maintained.
The hypothesis for this research can be the probable findings. These are based on the research that is collated from secondary sources. They are:
The working conditions have direct impact on employees’ working attitude. This becomes related to customer service
Lesser job satisfaction of the company has significantly negative impact on turnover rate. These cause worsening of the customer service
Career development of the companies is found to motivate employees within the workplace. These would cause better customer service to the people.
It can be comprehended that if the company treats the employs appropriately, there will be lower turnover rate. There is a need for the companies to focus on the ways to reduce the turnover rate. The ways are to ensure that the turnover rate is reduced and there is meeting of the employee requirement. This would invariably increase the customer service. The different ways of ensuring that the employees are satisfied in the workplace will be developed in the future research. These were the important analogies that were made.

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本文主要讲的是互联网技术的使用,在所有这些变量中,授权划分是最难的。即使一个人知道如何操作互联网并拥有一台电脑,他/她也不一定能利用这项技术提供的机会。这种授权差异可以通过参与不平等这个变量来更好地解释。超过90%的互联网用户使用技术,但没有贡献。只有不到1%的用户做出了贡献,这导致了分水岭的增长(Ono和Zavodny, 2008)。查询公式、高级搜索和赞助链接是人们不具备知识的几个领域。本篇芝加哥论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Empowerment divide is the hardest of all these variables. Even if a person knows to operate internet and owns a computer, it is uncertain that he/ she can use opportunities offered by the technology. This empowerment divide is better explained through the variable called participation inequality. More than 90% of the Internet users use technologies but do not contribute. Less than 1% of users contribute which has led to the growth in the divide (Ono and Zavodny, 2008). Query formulation, advanced search and sponsored links are few areas where people do not possess the knowledge.
While there exist free web applications and plugins to fulfill their needs, many users fail to realize the opportunities and waste money by spending on unnecessary applications.Digital divide is a global issue. Without considering a country’s development stage, the issue exists. The reason is that such countries comprise of immigrants and people from varied backgrounds and preferences. In this section, two case studies are taken. The countries that are regarded are Egypt and America (a developing and a developed country) to understand and observe the situation to a better extent.
The mindsets of people in Egypt are unaware of the existence of digital divide. Egypt faces serious issues in the education of current population. Schools in Egypt do not follow root driven and practical approaches. They preach mechanisms that are unhealthy and unproductive (Warschauer, 2003). At the local level, education technology is the only solution to limit the digital divide and develop access of information to all.
The government of Egypt has not taken serious steps to develop productivity through installation of computers and internet at necessary places for the social development. Secondly, very limited human resources with ability and literacy skills to educate the remaining population are noticed. Hence, this only calls for a social inclusion/ addition of technology. In other words, education has to go digital so students develop their abilities and gain access to information that guarantee returns. This serves as a method to enhance the social relations.


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本文是关于美国对阿富汗的行为讨论,你的使命已经确定。目标是明确的。你的目标只是”(PBS在线,2001)。这是美国总统乔治•W•布什(George W Bush)在2001年“9•11”事件后发表的言论。他是在下令对基地组织的恐怖分子训练设施进行打击时说这番话的。总统概述了白宫的计划。其目的是确保阿富汗的恐怖主义行动不再扰乱美国的生活,并推翻阿富汗的恐怖主义军事政权。美国对阿富汗的政策并不总是充满敌意。曾几何时,美国对这个国家是同情的。本文运用现实主义理论论证了美国在必须保护国家利益的情况下对阿富汗采取行动的动机。讨论了事件的年表。本篇费城论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

“Your mission is defined. The objectives are clear. Your goal is just” (PBS Online, 2001). These were the words of President George W Bush in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 incident. He said this when he ordered the strikes into al Qaeda terrorist training installations. The speech was made when the President outlined the plan of the White House. The objective was to ensure that Afghanistan terrorist operations could no longer disrupt the life of the United States and to bring the terrorist military regime of Afghanistan down. The US policy towards Afghanistan was not always hostile. There was a time when the US was sympathetic to the nation. This essay argues by using the theory of realism that the United States was motivated to act against Afghanistan when it had to protect its national interests. A chronology of events is discussed.
Now considering each of the principles the United States indeed fits the category. The political actions of the United States have indeed been drawn from human nature to protect what is dear to the person. Protection of the state, families and property was important. When Afghanistan challenged all these, it was human nature to retaliate. The US used its power here. This is in accordance with the second and third principles of Morgenthau. It strived to end the Taliban rule and at the same time to impose economic sanctions, cut off diplomatic ties and more. Moral implications as defined in the fourth principles were seen to be violated. The United States was even ready to work with the war lords to fulfil their mission.
Realism states that nations act to protect their interests. The US at first had little interest in Afghanistan. The United States escalated Afghanistan to high interests when it realized Afghanistan was a threat to the country. The attack on September 11, 2001 was the final straw. This is the reason why United States decided to attack Afghanistan on 7 October 2001.


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本文是讲汽车公司的改变,现代汽车2011 – 2015年的股息收益率呈上升趋势。然而,公司的每股收益在这段时间里有所下降,这意味着税后利润的下降。公司所使用的资本回报率也降低了,这意味着投资者不会做出投资于公司的决定(Rosen, 2005)。市盈率也下降了,这意味着收益与市场表现相比要少。双龙汽车的每股收益在此期间有所下降。这些数值显示了公司的负面业绩。然而,本益比在此期间有所上升。本篇美国论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The dividend yield of Hyundai Motors shows an upward trend from the year 2011 to 2015. However, the earnings per share of the company have decreased over the period which means a decrease in the profit after tax. The return on capital employed of the company has also been decreased which means the investors will not take the decision to invest in the company (Rosen, 2005). The price-earnings ratio has also been decreased which means the earning is less in comparison to the market performance. The earnings per share of Ssangyong Motor has been decreased over the period. The values show the negative performance of the company. However, the price-earnings ratio has increased over the period.
The financial ratios show that the performance Hyundai motors are much better than Ssangyong Motor company. However, the performance of Hyundai Motors has decreased over the period, but it is much better than Ssangyong motor. The financial structure of the company has been maintained appropriately, and it shows slow progress of the company. The firm has the potential to generate returns for the shareholders (Ross, Westerfield and Jaffe, 2005). The increase in returns will increase the profitability of the company.
The JIT implementation will bring about colossal changes in plants, from the format of working environment to every employee. As for the goal to actualize JIT generation adequately, work environment ought to be overhauled and revised to accomplish “greatest proficiency” and “simplicity of assembling” (Wolf, 2008). Furthermore, JIT will likewise prompt change in labourers’ working processes. In JIT manufacturing, workers should be multi-useful. At the end of the day, workers ought to have the capacity to perform number of operations rather than just concentrate on particular works.
Such changes are probably going to involve high cost on organization, including remodel cost and preparing expense. Besides, employees may oppose such changes inside the organization as practically everybody will be. In the event that the organization cannot take some powerful measure to manage this issue, employees’ work quality will be influenced. Subsequently, before automakers apply JIT in their plants, they do need to consider deliberately.


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There are 3 distinct recommendations that can be offered to BT in order for the company to ensure long term sustainability. The first recommendation is to take into consideration economic and political aspects which provide essential analysis to support the utilization of technologies. BT, therefore, needs to keep a stronger focus on social perspectives as this has a relationship with new products qualitative and quantitative analysis that rather would locate for the preference of customers (Pitcher 2004). With other aspects, another factor of consideration is technology as it plays an essential role across the telecommunications sector wherein BT requires being updated and well-versed with all forms of technologies.
Secondly, BT is known for downsizing its employees and this can be overcome through transitioning into network for newer companys in the nearing years expected to end by 2020. The provision of service that BT delivers is lower effective and can be improvised through new IT solutions of interface and networking quality (Porter 1985). Through contracts and expansion strategies utilized, the company can pair up with international groups. This will allow the company to rejuvenate itself and reorient itself.
Another recommendation is for the company to be present in a competitive environment with other BT competitors, but excels by adding more diversified services to its product and services range. The efficiency to handle the normal complaints needs to be enhanced to higher aspects of quality. It needs to therefore develop and start newer methods of development to promote cheap voice based calling and increase the strategies in businesses (Hill et al 2014). The company further needs to properly plan and then executes systematic conditions at work for the employees along with focusing over work based standards that help in regaining active participation of employees. This would also include maintaining good relationship with political analysts and showing collaborative efforts as part of its CSR strategy.


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Since there are a number of literature and assurances from the people, there is an increase in the quality of life and there is a need to analyze the nuances to develop a more comprehensive music programs. Each literature seems to suggest that there will be an increase in certain benefits. Hence this research has been undertaken to analyze the importance of music therapy and to understand if it would really cause a difference in the quality of life of the people in advancer cancer treatments. The ambiguous findings of research have led to interest in this research. All the studies indicate that there is an emotional allusion that the music therapy can be used to improve the quality of life of the people.
It can be concluded that the research indicates that music therapy does have a positive impact to the patients in general. It is however not possible to measure tangible changes using the music therapy. Many of the research indicates that the quality of life of the people have improved as a result of the music. However, the exact nuances are not yet fully understood. Notions of pain management are a part of intangible. It is difficult to comprehend the impact of the intangibles and hence the previous research indicates that music therapy impact depends on the subjective nature of the individuals.
To conclude, there is a potential for the music to increase quality of life of the people. This can be especially useful during the end of life care or palliative care for the patients who are suffering from cancer.
It is determined that the music improves the quality of life in old age cancer patients when compared to other forms of therapy. There should be more induction of these programs into the care provided for the people.
The nurses and the doctors involved in this holistic care treatment consider the emotional state of the patients as well. This is the reason for rise in musical therapy. It is quite clear that the potential of the music has not yet been fully understood. It depends on the subjective nature of the patient owing to which the previous studies were not fully comprehended (Frohne-Hagemann et al., 2015; Bunt and Stige, 2014). The future research should be directed towards using specific metrics to make a determination as to ways in which music therapy can increase the quality of life (Baker et al., 2013). There should be more specific research to make determinations in the future.
It can be deduced from this research that the people in general have a higher quality of life when they are exposed to music. The music in general seems to increase the tolerance level of the patients and enable them to have a better sense of control over their surroundings.
There is a need for the future doctors to devise the exact impact of the patients to improve the quality of care.


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resume 代写-广告的作用

本文主要讲广告的作用,广告是连接公众和商业组织的最有价值的信息桥梁,是全球经济增长的重要引擎。到处都有广告。广告客户倾向于使用许多方法和诡计来在目标受众之间传递信息。受众倾向于通过所有的感官来感知他们的信息(Stuhlfaut and Windels, 2015)。营销人员和广告商的秘密目的是提高目标人群的意识,同时说服他们成为客户群体。在广告的过程中,告知和理解受众,同时教育受众他们的参与是至关重要的。本篇resume 代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Advertisement is a significant engine of growth for global economies as it is the most valuable bridge of information linking the public and business organization. There is the existence of advertisement all across the streets and everywhere. Advertisers tend to be using a number of methods and wiles for the delivery of message across the audience target. The audience tends to be perceiving their messages by all of the senses (Stuhlfaut and Windels, 2015). The secretive purpose of marketers and advertisers is about raising the awareness of the targeted people, while persuading them to be the customer group. Informing and understanding the audience, while educating the audience regarding their involvement is crucial in the process of advertising.
Prior to passing on the message to the audience, there will be occurrence of potential disruptions across the information while transitioning the flow of information (Hackley and Hackley, 2016). These potential misleading and misrepresentations can be considered crucial for the marketers and advertisers in terms of unwanted side-tracks. The delivery of message within advertisement can be provided on the basis of meaning and information. Advertisement based on information is generally regarding that include information for the offer of services or products, and the values of brand. It can be considered as a persuasive and sensible cause for the audiences targeted for becoming the customers (Pich and Armannsdottir, 2015). Advertising based on meaning include the messages conceptualized to enlighten the customers for thinking about the wants and needs in association with the brand.
The aim of this essay is to critically analyse and evaluate three advertisements from different perspectives. First, the advertisements will be analysed from their elements of communication. While providing reasons, these specific signs are conveying specific meanings. Based on this analysis, discussion on the meanings of these ads will be conducted. Further ahead, in reference with the three ads, this essay will be distinguishing between covert communications and ostensive communications. Elaborating the overall discussion, the three ads will analyse the utilization of polysemy, symbolism, and intertextuality. Key points of conclusion will be drafted based on this.


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学术论文是对某个科学领域中的学术问题进行研究后表述科学研究成果的理论文章。具有学术性、科学性、创造性、学理性。美国大学的学术写作通常要求学生们在第一段就阐述自己的论点(Thesis Statement),接下来的段落都要围着自己的论点去搜集信息,充实论据。下文我们美国学术论文代写的老师就为大家分享美国大学学术写作的步骤。






在这里,MONDAY ESSAY留学生论文指导专家要给大家强调另一个美国高校非常看重的学术能力,即精读(Close Reading)。不同于阅读是被动地接受书中作者的观点,精读要求读者在读完文章之后关注细节,形成对文章的自我思考,将作者的观点吸收,并内洽成自身的输入再导出。这个过程和学术写作如出一辙,这也是为什么MONDAY ESSAY留学生论文指导专家强调,学术写作和精读能力是判断一个学生能否在美国大学安身立命的重要指标。


虽然大家知道议论文里一定要在开头写出自己的中心论点,但并不是所有的学生都能理解这背后遣词造句的逻辑,以及什么样的阐述能被称作好的论点。MONDAY ESSAY留学生论文指导专家总结了两点金科玉律,一段让人记忆深刻的论点需要同时满足两个条件:







再比如,引用是论文写作中常用到的方法。当我们引用第一手资料(primary source),即关于某一主题最原始、最基本也是最权威的文件时,教授们想看到学生对资料的自我解读和运用,而不是用引号将一个句子或整段话摘抄出来。这也是“精读”能力的一种体现。


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A number of approaches are used to explain the management of human resource to achieve the maximum performance within the organization. As per theory, there are three different models of SHRM which include the universalistic approach, the contingency approach and the configurationally approach. Universalistic approach focuses on the alignment of a particular criterion on the improvement of HR practices. For instance, impact of training on organizational performance can be considered as an example which bears a generalist viewpoint. High performance based work systems have modified the universalistic approach and incorporated multiple practices simultaneously.
The contingency approach on the other hand, acknowledges the particular relationship between the practice and outcome in HR. The commonly identified contingencies include the alignment of the business strategies with those of HRM strategies. A few others include the extent of the influence of the business strategy with that of HR practice considering the external macroeconomic, labour and other competitive factors. The characteristics of organization in terms of size, technological innovation, and overall structure also have a direct role to play under such circumstances. The configurationally perspective considers varied models to obtain a synergy between the internal coherent factors and the external influences.
There are two important aspects in order to maintain competitive advantage. One is the best fit model and the other is the best practice model. While the best fit model deals with the alignment of the organisational strategies with the HR strategies, the best practice model revolves around the set of universally practiced rules and regulations which help organisations to gain competitive advantage irrespective of the sector or area they operate. In Allianz, a similar set of best practices are followed, which helps the company in diversification as well as expansion. The best practices rules are applied not only in Hong Kong but also in different Asian countries wherever they operate. This has also helped them to gain competitive advantage in diversification where they function not only in insurance sector, but also in asset management and other general insurance arena.


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The development of a local farmer’s market to increase the autonomy of the local producers or to ensure that the women members in patriarchal societies form cooperative movement are examples of these issues (Hill et al., 2004). As an organic reaction to this kind of participation, there is a complete change in the heuristically design of the people. This is based on the ideology of empowerment. This is based on the collective action that stems from fighting injustice to the people. This is considered to be transformative participation. Empowerment is the people are considered to be the action that is taken by the people to facilitate the action to create solutions (Hill et al., 2004). It is based on the process that never really comes to an end. It is the nuanced versions of how the people can transform the reality and create a sense from these issues.
There is an increase in the participation. People appear to genuinely care in the society. The increase in the awareness of the people cannot be refuted and it needs to be appreciated. This participation is often considered to be the hope for humanity (Hill et al., 2004). This increases the quality of life of the people and all those who are involved. These have been cited as the factors that would make the current times the best time to live in the world.
From analysis of these ideologies promulgated by the authors, news coverage of the issues, classroom discussions and personal retrospection, certain analogies have been made. This is detailed in the following.
Global warming, poverty, terrorism is some of the major issues that the people in the current times face. Added to this, the issues of capitalism, greed and general sense of hopelessness that is found in the society that makes the issues appear worse. It cannot be refuted that these issues can essentially end the mankind and impede all progress unless an impediment in these detrimental developments in the state. The people need to find a common ground to meet these issues. It is also a fact that more people are now aware of the issues of the people. Globally there are funding for the growth of the local communities, certain political leaders and local community individuals observed to be playing an instrumental role in the development of the communities. The oppressive regimes are kept in check by the developed nations. The people involvement has given rise to issues.


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When people talk about marriage, they often talk about how it is necessary to have understanding relationship, compassion and much more. There are so many books written on how to be understanding with one another, how to be compassionate and how to make the marriage last etc. I believe an ideal marriage is something that should be fun. We have enough problems in our daily life and when we come home to someone, it should be someone that makes us smile or laugh. One should be able to share a laugh with an ideal partner and this could be better if one’s partner is one’s friend.
An ideal marriage is about friendship because a friend is someone that we would obviously understand about and we will have fun with. People make marriage appear like a lot of work. However, when we are with friend, we do not think of doing things as work. I have done many chores for my friends and run errands for them, and they have done the same for me. We never see it as work. Therefore, when a marriage partner is treated as a friend, then it would be all the more better for the marriage.
An ideal marriage is one where fun and friendship combines. It would be a positive place for many things.
A friend of mine was conned into buying a car. He bought the care after negotiating with the buyer on Craig’s list. Now he barely knew the guy and wanted to set up a meet in order to assess and then buy the car. When he met the person, he knew he could trust him. This is what he told me. He believed that the well-dressed person, who knew everyone at Applebee’s restaurant by name, could not be a con person. My friend was neither observant enough to notice that the person called out the waiter’s name by looking at his tag, nor did my friend notice that the waiters did not recognize the con-man. He provided some credentials and the needed paper and my friend signed the deal and did not even wait to check the papers and more. The man apparently stated that he was leaving the state and wanted to make a quick sale. The car needed much work and my friend was conned into buying it.
People should take care not to get deceived by appearance. It is what a person does and not how a person appears that we should judge them. In current society, we give much importance to the external appearance of the person. This has to stop. People must be more observant. They have to be more of a listener in order to understand the person.
In conclusion, making ourselves focus on the person inside will help us from being deceived by the outside.


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When understanding the concept of erga omnes, it can be inferred that in international context, a separate legal order is not required to acquire jurisdiction over the accused. In fact, the nature of the crime by itself can be understood to mean that they are a crime that the state (or any other country other than the state where the issue happened or whose citizens were affected) could punish. To ensure public order given such a context becomes the duty of any state and it is not really a belonging of a separate country, as such. The rationale was explained by F.A Mann who explained how exceptions in jurisdiction could occur but based on the nature of the crimes, erga omnes. “The second exception [to the general rule that states do not have criminal jurisdiction over crimes committed by aliens abroad] arises from the character of certain offences. This is such as to affect and, therefore, justify and perhaps even compel every member of the family of nations to punish the criminal over whom jurisdiction can in practice be exercised”.
The very nature of these crimes is such that they warrant criminal prosecution. The crimes involved here do not require a treaty or a universal jurisdiction principle in order to be suppressed and convicted. Some of them are the trafficking of women, children abuse situations, narcotics and more. These and the other inhuman acts in the form of killing and genocide do not require a separate treaty for prosecuting the accused. The accused in his actions could be said to be attacking the entire international order. In the Eichmann Case, Mann states the crime is one that has worked against humanity everywhere and not just the nation state in which it was committed.
Therefore, Israel would be entitled to exercise international jurisdiction in the case. This entitlement does not occur because Israel has invested interest in the case, but because the crime of Eichmann is of such a nature (erga omnes) then it becomes possible that the state could exercise the universal Jurisdiction principles in this case. So the erga omnes would matter. This was a case where Eichmann was charged with inhuman crimes. The crimes were acts against the Jewish people in the country. Eichmann was in Argentina and was brought to Israel without the consent of the Argentinian Government.


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本文主要讲述的是知觉与人格理论,当员工意识到他们的经理认为他们有能力表现出色时,他们的动机水平仍然很高。研究人员认为,经理可以有效地管理组织人员更好地理解知觉理论的发展中中性看法的员工和考虑方面性能、规律性,出席,贡献和创新为了建立某种感知(莫兰et al ., 2014)。此外,对感知的理解使管理者能够确定团队中需要额外支持和监督的不同成员,而不是那些能够更好地自治执行任务的人。本篇华盛顿论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The level of motivation remains high when the employees are aware that their managers perceive them to be capable of performing high. The researchers have argued that the manager can effectively manage the organizational staff with the better understanding of the perception theories by developing neutral perceptions about the employees and considering the aspects of performance, regularity, attendance, contributions and innovations in order to establish a certain perception (Moran et al., 2014). Moreover, the understanding of perception allows the manager to determine the different members of the team that requires additional support and supervision than the individuals who can perform better with autonomy.
Therefore, the accurate perception allows the organizational managers and senior management to identify the problems associated with the individual employees and can effectively resolve the conflicts across team and interpersonal nature (Mitchell, 2013). Hence, the literature review suggested that adequate perceptions of managers impact the profitability and performance levels of the organization. The Gestalt theory of perception implies that the individuals view the world on the basis of the external surroundings and environment. According to the literature review, the perception forms place through the experiences for the situational interpretation (Mischel, 2013). It implies that the eventual outcome is anticipated when part of the other’s behaviour is viewed.
For an instance, when an employee shows a productive behaviour, the manager views them as a substantial human capital of organization, but when an unproductive behaviour is viewed, then a perception of an unproductive employee is developed (Miner, 2015). However, this biased perception often leads to selective attention given to some employees and other team members are neglected and not equally supported. Therefore, the overall understanding of this theory suggests assessing the overall behaviour, actions and skillset of the employees before forming a perception (Landy and Cante, 2016). The right perception development enables encouragement and support towards knowledge sharing and high productivity across the organization. This takes place from the motivation generated from the positive interpersonal relations.
Theory of personality is equally essential to be understood by the managers of global organizations (Fast et al., 2014). The literature review on personality has identified that personality is a set of characteristics held by an individual, which significantly influences the individual’s emotions, cognitions, environment, behaviours and motivations across wide range of organizational situations.


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Every organization worry about their image to the people. This brings in investors, creates consumer satisfaction and enables the employees to feel passionate about working for the particular brand. An effective brand is based on how the employer makes the place available to the public. The employer branding can be defined as the effectively communication about the organizational values that reflect upon the personality and culture of the people to reflect the desired perceptions. The employer branding is about how each organization has a relationship with the employee.
These are found to commence from the ways in which there is training and development to aide towards the career paths. These branding techniques by the employers are found to be dynamic based on the requirements of the situation. From this, it can be alluded that employers use a variety of tools to communicate with the different stakeholder. It is imperative to have the employer branding as an important process as it ensures the sustenance of the company in the modern times. These branding techniques for the case of Solvay will present the history of the company, their connections in employee empowerment and the way the company takes care of its employees etc. The branding for Solvay will hence revolve around the brand message for the company and the unique stories around Solvay etc. For instance, with respect to sustainability in the context of its employees, Solvay presents this message.
“We are committed to offering our employees a safe working environment and promoting their professional development. We are particularly vigilant about respecting fundamental social rights and the fair treatment of everyone, everywhere. We also strive to maintain a regular dialogue with our employees, in an atmosphere of trust. These exchanges are particularly important, employees being the primary players of our responsible performance. Solvay was one of the first companies to offer benefits to employees and this fundamental belief in valuing the people that work with us continues today” (Solvay, 2017, para.
The message is a brand message. It states the following information about the brand to a potential employee, such as:
Solvay’s commitment to sustainability
Solvay’s commitment to treat its employees in a fair and professional way
Solvay’s commitment for fair treatment of employee, protection of their rights
Solvay’s commitment to providing a mutual atmosphere of trust with their employees
Company’s promise to make exchanges with employees which become a part of the overall performance considerations of company
The message highlights upon the fundamental belief and values of Solvay
The message presents how Solvay was a pioneer when it comes to valuing employees in a professional manner


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Despite the original assessment that could have been made probable if the Fall of Jerusalem had not happened, some facts are still clearly established when it comes to the language. Firstly, it is established that Hebrew is indeed from the Canaanite language. There are many peculiar elements identified with the language and some of them are observed in the case of Hebrew. There are some allusions made to Aramaean ancestors and some researchers have even introspected the language for understanding how Hebrew roots can be useful for distinguishing the linguistics of the language from the genera Canaanite languages.
However, what made it difficult to understand Hebrew in its evolution of linguistic usages was that it was not a homogeneous linguistic system. In a homogeneous linguistic system, it would have been possible to segregate the language into different layers. For Hebrew, the Canaanite layer would have been at the top. The Akkadian influences and the Aramaic and Semitic influences would have been seen as lesser layers. Hebrew, on the other hand, is what is called a Mischsprache or a hybrid form of language. In the hybrid form, the layers cannot be easily distinguished. However, the mischsprache has also been challenged because it was possible to identify some traces of ancient Aramaic in Hebrew.
Aramaic components are indeed identified in the phonology, morphology and lexicon of biblical Hebrew. A geography and time based influence on Hebrew has hence been identified. Despite these affects, it is contended that Biblical Hebrew which saw its decline after the fall of Jerusalem might have revived in the other form called as Rabbinic Hebrew. Later over the years, other foreign languages started to have a strong impact on the language. The language is spoken predominantly in Israel and it was estimated that about 9 million Hebrew speakers are present worldwide. In the US, much globalization effects are noticed in the Hebrew language as the English language use and Hebrew use mix. It observed a mix of language elements because of the young adults choosing to use English words interspersed with Hebrew. As of 2011, around 216,343 speakers of Hebrew were identified in the country and of this number, around 0.4 percent spoke a language other than English in the home.


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Leadership alignment in the case of change management is a multifaceted element. Primarily the leadership of the organization must be aligned towards change management. Organizational preparedness must exist at the top notch levels in order for the change management process to be successful. The leadership should have clarity on what is wanted from the change management process and also what could be the right purpose, the right message to deliver to the involved employees and more. A strategic alignment is required in that, the leader is aware of the philosophy and culture of the company (Gill, 2003).
Sometimes it could so happen that the leadership itself would be lacking when it comes to strategic alignment. This is because of the presence of internal politics in the company. Alignment here might not exist because the company consensus might be difficult to reach. In such cases companies might not be able to change fast enough, the leader would have to change based on situational politics and would neither be aligned to objectives nor would they be able to align the employees with respect to the objectives. Where the employees are all not aligned to change then the change momentum is lost.
Resources applied towards change are lost and time and money too. In the context of leadership alignment, it is also imperative that the leadership share such knowledge and capital resources as is needed for the company to sustain. Leadership teams within the organization must be aligned such that they are jointed and not disparate. A convergence of intelligence will be possible hence. A Forbes report on why change management alignment can be headed by a leadership where intelligence is shared as capital states that,
“Change management is a challenge when leaders across the organization are not willing to share their intellectual capital for the betterment of a healthier whole. In order words, leaders hold-on to the intelligence that has defined their success – perhaps indicating a hidden agenda – rather than share their success and insights with others to strengthen the intellectual capital foothold of the organization – so that it can more effectively grow and compete” (Llopis, 2014).


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The main benefit of the HR Scorecard is that it allows the senior management to debate and reach consensual agreement as to exactly what are the key relationships and capabilities that the company must master. The company has to focus on the internal processes of learning and growth, non financial perspectives of the customers, if the company aims towards strategic success and high financial results.
The other benefit of the HR Scorecard is that it forces the HR managers to and their leadership team to debate and agree on the elements that what values must be delivered to the organization. The values include management, leadership, and compensation and employee development. It must also be seen that how organization will deliver these elements, with the question that do HR function require special skills to do so, if not then how this will be achieved and delivered (Becker, Huselid,. & Ulrich, 2001).
The HR Scorecard can not only help in creating a common purpose among the team, but also Powerful and sustainable outcomes can be achieved if the HR leaders spend time with business leaders with one-to-one interviews or within focus groups. The HR might think that they are able to deliver the value to the organization, but the business leaders might think on other way.
First of all it is very important to concentrate on the key drivers of the company’s performance. In most of the companies, the customer value generated through the products is the result of cumulative and complex processes, which is referred to as the value chain according to Michael Porter.
In the business performance management system, the HR mangers have to identify the elements to intersect with organization’s strategy plans. On the other hand it is seen that performance drivers of HR such as competency, motivation and availability are very fundamental, thus the process of locating them on the map could be difficult.
HR is accountable for the financial performance in an organization. The financial perspectives should be at the top of the Hr scorecard at least in the publicly traded organizations. The HR leaders should be able to describe to the other employees that how their target is being accomplished with cost control and revenue growth.


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1. Questioning to Understand,通過發問來理解

我們總說批判式閱讀(critical reading),但批判性思維不是一朝一夕就能擁有的,而是需要持續不斷長期的訓練,訓練的最佳手段莫過於鼓勵學生髮問的蘇格拉底教學法(Socratic method ):一種基於提問的辯證法,不斷質詢找出矛盾之處,引導啟發學生通過自己的思考得出結論。

2. Making Connections,建立聯繫


Text to text,從文本到文本,“這本書讓我想到了那本書”

Text to self,從文本到自己,“這本書讓我想到自己的經歷”

Text to world,從文本到世界,“這本書讓我想到某個社會現像或事件”

3. Inferring,推論


4. Visualizing,圖像化


常見的思維導圖有維恩圖Venn Diagram,概念地圖Concept Map,順序鏈Sequence Chain,故事地圖Story Map,主要觀點導圖Main Idea Graphic等。

5. Synthesizing,整合


6. Determining the Importance,抓住重點信息




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代寫論文 價格-地域爭端

本文的主要內容講的是地域爭端,東盟奉行不干涉和不強制執行原則。因此,為了貫徹上述原則,東盟必須按照TAC的要求,就任何可能的實施達成成員國的共識。但東盟要想讓所有成員國都達成共識,卻面臨著艱難的時刻。為了加強東盟並利用其在區域事務上的援助,所有國家都需要相互理解與合作(Broinowski, 1982)。本篇代寫論文 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

ASEAN works on non-intervention and unforceful implementation principle. Therefore to carry out the above mentioned principles, as per TAC, ASEAN is bound to get consensus of the member countries for any potential implementation. But ASEAN encounters tough time in getting all the members to a point. To strengthen ASEAN and to avail its assistance on regional matters, all countries need to work with mutual understanding and cooperation (Broinowski, 1982).
If ASEAN continually fails in resolving the dispute its credibility will be affected for future concerns. Therefore ASEAN is engaged in untiring efforts in every region of Southeast Asia to assure peace and mutual respect towards each other. ASEAN is trying to create mutual understanding among the members so that a peaceful and sustainable economic and political regionalism may be achieved.
The Southeast Asia is a significant region in Asia Pacific. This region holds great importance economically and politically. Apparently, Southeast Asia is a quiet region of the world however it contributes largely in the world’s economy. Southeast Asian countries are rich in various resources which makes it potential member in world’s trade. However it is under persistent intra-region conflicts since ages. There are political and economic tensions among the countries of the region which includePreahViheartemple dispute, water dispute between Malaysia and Singapore, Myanmar and Thailand refugees’ dispute, South China Sea dispute, hydropower plant dispute, Ambalat block dispute and certain other small scale intra-region disputes.
The peace processes in order to counter the existing conflicts are under consideration and implementation by governing authorities (Secretariat, A.S.E.A.N., 2009). However armed groups intervention differing preferences of the countries in the region make the peace process more complex and hard to achieve. The major reasons behind these conflicts apart from political biasness are; ethnic, religious and cultural discrimination, poor development rate and colonial domination. The weaken position of ASEAN, as its principles lie on consensus policy, and make the situation more difficult for peace-building in the region. Because the countries are busy in their conflicts rather gathering at some point of mutual interest. However, the recent positive advancements in Myanmar and Philippines peace-building process bring a hope for the regional sustainability and peace.

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本文主要探討嬰幼兒的父母與其服務提供者之間的關係,這個系統的另一個重要方面是,系統中沒有與父母溝通的真正空間(Martin, 2006)。傳統的認為只有老師才參與孩子的學習過程的想法在社區中受到了質疑(Tijus et al, 1997)。本研究旨在探討有嬰幼兒的父母與其服務提供者之間的關係。這項研究的參與者是住在都柏林的全職父母。本篇論文代筆價錢文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Another important facet of this system is that there was no real space in the systems to communicate with the parents (Martin, 2006). Conventional thought that only the teacher is involved in the learning process of the child has been questioned in the communities (Tijus et al, 1997). A study was conducted with the aim to probe into the relationship between the parents of children who had infants and toddler and their service providers. The participants of this study were full time parents who lived in Dublin.
For the purposes of this study, Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory was used as the academic model (Martin, 2006). It was found that there was both positive and negative attributes that is found to develop from this partnership. It was assumed by the majority that in this process the parents and personnel experienced parents, staff and children i.e. all the stakeholder who participated in teaching to the child and the child benefited from partnership. In spite of this, it was found that there was no real interaction between the parents and the teachers. This could be the lack of opportunity existing in the system (Martin, 2006). The parents may not advocate for the child and they do not understand the heuristics of the system. There should be a better system in place to ensure that the parent and the teacher interaction should be facilitated to improve the learning for the child (Martin, 2006). This study proved that the teachers and the parents did not have any opportunity to interact with each other to form effective liaisons with each other.
In this situation, it is quite clear that the parents and the teachers should interact with each other to develop the modals of communication and to ensure that there is holistic progress in the children (Hedges, 2010). Every stakeholder involved in this process should strive to create a situation, where children are benefitted the most in this approach. Teachers can develop a number of modes to interact with the parents in the community. It has been found that the teachers should be involved in creating a pedagogical framework to instil teaching in the parents along with the children (Hedges, 2010).
Parents should also take efforts to interact with the teachers (Hedges, 2010). There should be a number of innovative and unique efforts that can be taken by the parents and teachers to address this issue. To build this liaisons and effective communication, it would take time. It takes time to interact and react with the members and then devise plans to help the child. It is important to have a system of trust and implicit respect to the other stakeholder in the process. For this, it would take time. To initiate communication, the parents and the teachers need not physically visit and enhance the home-school partnership (Bull, et al, 2008).


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The food retail market in UK has developed considerably and the competition in the market is highly cut-throat. However, the food retail sector has faced the brunt of negative inflation. Domestic markets have become disoriented and the chances of entrepreneurial ventures, mergers, franchising and acquisitions have increased twofold due to the demand for overseas expansion. Issues with land resources have been aggravated further by the government regulations which impose restrictions on planning of shopping facilities outside the town. This factor stands as a major hurdle for expansion of supermarkets (Morley et al.., 2016). Furthermore, a trend can be observed which indicates setting up small stores in prominent urban locations and capitalize on the convenience of shopping provided to consumers through these stores.
The higher percentage of older population, fewer housewives and higher inclination towards eating outside are some of the demographic changes which have changed the nature of the UK food retail market. Customers are focusing on additional value provided to them for their money on products and services. Some other demographic trends which impact grocery retailers like Tesco Plc in UK are the cost reduction efforts; share in business as personal label, changes in the supply chain and the prevailing silence on hiring new suppliers among national retailers. Most prominently, the tendency of consumers in UK for hygienic food and environment friendly food packaging can impact the plans of existing and emerging food retail outlets in the UK. The experiments of consumers in UK with food have resulted in demand for exotic food materials and consumption of better quality products. These changes have resulted both quantitatively as well as qualitatively.
Tesco Plc is currently the largest food retailer in UK. The prospects for development in emerging markets are surrounded by the doubts of competition. The company’s intentions to expand within domestic markets have been stalled by the government’s decisions to appease the requirements of local communities. Infringement laws and patent claims have haunted Tesco’s expansion plans in foreign markets. However, the organization has sufficient opportunities to reach international markets. The retailing sales in the Euro Zone have shown a considerable growth rate of 33% while the sales in Asia jumped by 11%. The growth rate in Asia climbed despite first half interference due to setup and operations cost in China. Around 80% of Tesco Plc’s capital has been directed towards growth in international markets.


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At present there might not be much of threat of new entrants, given that the grocery market is strongly competitive. Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury and Morrisons are fighting out for market share at a level higher than Aldi and Lidl. Since the grocery market is already dominated there would be barriers to new entry. However, in terms of the capital requirement needs for entry, the entry and exit costs into the UK market might not deter other major competitors across Europe. There are also not much legislation prohibiting new entrants.
In terms of bargaining power of suppliers, stores that tie up with local suppliers might reap better benefits. Aldi would have to source completely from within the country in order to have supplier support. However, this could reduce its competitive advantage of the price differential.
Customer bargaining power is what has led to customer loyalty programs and customer based marketing in the grocery sector. Aldi does meet customer bargaining in terms of cost and quality (Brandes, 2005).
Aldi does face a threat of substitute, because Lidl is offering similar product and process advantage to customers.
Aldi will face threat of substitute with respect to the national brand it sells, however with respect to its store brand Aldi would be able to bring some more unique standard.
Aldi does not have a good market share, the big players such as Tesco, Sainsbury are seen to occupy the majority share. However, Aldi still occupies a niche in the UK market, but even this niche is now being threatened by companies such as Lidl.
While there are many issue for Aldi, the primary issue is that of losing out to competition. Aldi is able to differentiate itself from other major brands. It loses customers to them because these brands carry elite products and more national brands. Additionally, the very propaganda that Aldi makes assuring customers of reduce prices might not bode well with customers who might see grocery shopping as reflective of their social standing. Aldi could incorporate high value brands and also more national brands and reduce its store value brands. The second major issue for the company is that of losing out in competition to Lidl. If implementing the first solution of increasing elite brands and national brands it would take its competition to another level and would leave Lidl behind. However, there is a chance that loyal customers of Tesco, Sainsbury and others might not make the switch to Aldi’s even after Aldi switches strategy.


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本文的主要内容是关于知识共享,Ford et.(2001)的研究表明,知识共享是在多文化的框架下,在组织内从个人到他人的知识传播过程(Caganova et al., 2015)。这尤其受到语言障碍的影响。虽然他们描述了一些知识在被调查的两组之间以直接的方式或双语者的方式转移,但由于不能清晰地表达第二语言知识,在翻译时没有发现很多知识。事实上,问题不在于语言类型的不同,而在于流利程度的不同。本篇洛杉矶论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

According to research conducted by Ford et. (2001), it has been revealed that sharing knowledge is the process of knowledge dissemination from an individual to other within the organization with multicultural framework (Caganova et al., 2015). This is especially affected through barriers of language. While they depicted that certain knowledge was transferred between 2 groups under investigation either in direct manner or by a bilingual person, much knowledge was not found when translating because of the incapability for articulating the second language knowledge. The problem actually is not the presence of distinct types of languages but the distinct fluency levels.
Such a situation can be improvised through emphasis being put over active skills of listening, being patient and acknowledging employees support as well as understanding when trying to learn some other language within workplaces. Apart from this, differences of cross culture nature will influence the way in which knowledge flows across suggestion and solution for a problem (Stewart, 2015). A nation which has higher power distance where the superiors are of the expectation to act in an autocratic manner without their subordinates consultation have more likeliness of having instruction of top-down nature and flow of knowledge. On the contrary, a nation with low power distance in tur embraces higher knowledge diversity flow from the bottom to top, top to bottom and in lateral basis as well.
There further exists a subtle difference existing between flow of knowledge across and in between the groups of cross culture. In the study by Ford and Chan, flow of knowledge between groups of cross cultural nature have a tendency of falling along lies of formality and were related to business. In brief, as individuals have a dependence over knowledge of cross cultural nature for doing their tasks, appropriate flows of knowledge are developed for satisfying such a requirement. Cultural differentiations, however have more evidence within the groups and in between groups of cross-culture nature which had an informal outlook.
In order to be able to motivate sharing of knowledge according to Jana (2011), organizations need to start facilitating an environment of friendly work and offers much opportunities for communicating and getting to acknowledge each other external to the workplace such as events of sporting (Seymen, 2015). Internal to the workplace, it is also essential according to Peter (2010), to create an environment wherein boundaries are broken down literally between the staff of cultural diversity (Silverman, 2012). An example can be quoted here that there should be any doors within offices. It should, architecturally provide a place that motivates forms of communication such as presence of central work space circular lounges. This in turn results in creating an atmosphere where it is possible physically and easy to go up to a supervisor and collage for talking over issues.


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本文主要讲述的是银行经济危机,截至2016年12月,意大利已批准2000万欧元的救助计划。意大利议会已经批准了这项计划。国家银行将利用这一救助计划。Monte dei Paschi将是第一家接受纾困的银行,也是该州历史最悠久的银行之一,它的资金只能维持11个月(BBC, 2016)。救助计划提出向银行业注入必要的流动性,从而帮助银行摆脱不断加深的经济形势。本篇美国艺术与设计论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

As of December, 2016, a 20 million bailout plan has been approved for Italy. The Italian parliament has approved this plan. Country banks will make use of this Bailout. Monte dei Paschi would be the first bank to be bailed and it is one of the oldest banks in the state and could have funds to stay afloat for 11 months only (BBC, 2016). The Bailout plan proposes to put the needed liquidity into the banking sector, thus helping pull the banks from the deepening economic situation.
Bailout plans have been successful in other countries and hence a bailout plan for Italy could very well work. At present, the banks are in the precipice of collapsing, and hence, a bailout plan is a critical need for the country. The failure of the bank could threaten everybody in the country as banks, housing and personal investments are with the national banks.
Secondly, with the bailout, it would be possible to put more liquidity into the market. In the context of any economic recession, a main problem is how money liquidity goes down. People do not want to spend as they believe the market is fragile. This leads to more deepening of the negative effects, on the other hand when the bailout is made available, then it would improve liquidity (BBC, 2016).
The bailing out is also risky and because of this risk, there is a possibility that the baiout plan could be a failure. “The risk of bailing in retail bondholders is that the domestic bond market, which is important for funding Italian banks, could potentially shut down,” was the opinion of JP Morgan’s Roberto Henriques at JP Morgan (Wallace & Chan, 2016, para. 20).
Italy’s recovery policy is aimed at rebalancing public accounts and initiating the bailout. Leverages in EU regulation are also made use of at this point. In terms of economic policy, the country wants to focus on more budget flexibility too.
Italy’s recovery is slow because much Italian banking is seen to draw from a system that has been in use for so long, it is almost directly connected to individual investors. Therefore, when planning, it is necessary to prep for a budget that is flexible enough. However, too much flexibility in policy making would challenge the recovery.
In applying a stress test, it was identified that most of the Italian banks were seen to have deferred tax assets. Usually, these assets should not be counted and it is risky to do so. “By 2019, they will not be allowed to have those assets on their balance sheets thanks to the European and Basel rules, but for the moment they do. In the case of the Italian banks, it accounts for 2pc to 2.5pc or so of their underlying equity. That is an asset which will go away with time, so quality of capital is a bit of an issue” (Wallace & Chan, 2016, para. 35).


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本文是一篇蒸汽朋克和包豪斯的介绍,蒸汽朋克被称为科幻小说的一个分支。它也是推理小说和幻想小说的一个分支。它也被称为包含历史元素的设计和时尚。蒸汽朋克也可以被认为是设定在一个时代的作品或设计。这个词在19世纪非常流行。蒸汽朋克作品通常以19世纪维多利亚时代或美国西部蛮荒时期为背景(Rozmus, 2011)。这是因为这样的工作与后世界末日的未来有关,在那里蒸汽动力是非常重要的。本篇论文代写价格文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Steampunk is called as subgenre of the science fiction. It is also the subgenre of the speculative fiction and fantasy. It is also referred to as the design and fashion that includes the historical elements. Steampunk can also be considered as the work or design that is set in an era. This term became very popular in the 19th century. The steampunk works are often set in the 19th century Victorian era or the American Wild West (Rozmus, 2011). This is because such work is associated with the post-apocalyptic future where the steam power was of great significance.
The fantasy world set in steampunk mainly employs the steam power. The term Steampunk was originated in 1980s by an author of science fiction, K. W. Jeter. The main reason behind the origination of this term was that Jeter was trying to find appropriate term about his work. While Jeter was responsible for the origination of the term, William Gibson and Bruce Sterling introduced the term in a genre through their book The Difference Engine (Rozmus, 2011). Steampunk was the genre of science fiction that mainly displayed the steam powered machineries instead of the advanced technology (Tanenbaum, Tanenbaum & Wakkary, 2012). There are many authors, who have created the steampunk setting in this book. Steampunk can be mainly associated with the technology that was displayed in 80’s. Some of the early steampunk science fictions were written by Jules Verne and HG Wells (Tanenbaum, Tanenbaum & Wakkary, 2012).
The Bauhaus was the famous German Art School that was operational between the period of 1919 and 1933. This art school was founded in the city of Weimar in Germany, by the German architect called Walter Gropius (Droste, 2002). The main objective of this school of arts was a radical concept. This radical concept was to re-imagine the entire material world and display the unity of all kinds of arts. The school was set up to reunite art and design that included the combination of art, architecture, sculpture, and painting in the single creative form. According to Droste (2002), “seventy years after the foundation in Weimar, the Bauhaus has become a concept and has indeed a catchphrase all over the world” (p. 6). The curriculum of the school was craft based that was for artisans as well as for the designers so that they could become the efficient artisans and designers and would be able to create beautiful and useful objects. This curriculum developed as new “style” that was later called as the “Bauhaus Style” (Bergdoll & Dickerman, 2009). The teacher working the Bauhas received great fame and many leading artists of those times were associated with school. Some of the significant teaching strategies used in the Bauhaus by Johannes Itten, Lazlo Moholynagy and Josef Albers were internationally adapted in the curriculum of art and design institutes and these strategies are still flourishing all over the world (Bergdoll & Dickerman, 2009).


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論文 代寫 價格-戰略合作類型

本文主要講述的是戰略合作類型,使用BCG growth share矩陣,可以根據市場增長率和相對市場份額,對公司的業務組合及其維持策略的形式進行分類和了解。在企業創新管理中,市場增長率越低,企業就越注重創新,從而更好地推動市場擴張。然而,如果中國國內市場動盪,而該公司正在考慮的市場份額較低,那麼推出更新的創新將是有風險的。現金流程的創新將在這裡受到挑戰。在市場份額更為有限的國際環境中,企業有可能測試小規模創新,然後在國內模仿這種模式。本篇論文 代寫 價格文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

Using the BCG growth share matrix, it will be possible to classify and understand the business portfolio of the company and the form of strategy they use to sustain based on the market growth rate and the relative market share. In innovative management of corporations, where market growth rate is less, then companies will focus on more innovations to drive market expansions better. However, if the market is turbulent domestically and the market share of the company under consideration is less, then it would be risky to launch newer innovations. The innovation to cash process would be challenged here. In international environments, where market share is more contained, it would be possible for the business to test small level innovations and later have the model emulated domestically.
When a company acquires a newer business, it needs an acquisition strategy in order to methodologically integrate with the business. Where acquisition strategy is not present business acquisitions can fail, because of the differences in products sold, differences in work culture, differences in end outcomes etc. Acquisition strategy is hence a necessity. Even in the context of applying an acquisition strategy, the business could still fail. The lack of strategic alignment with the company being acquired is often the reason for low success rate. This should be addressed by working out a proper strategy, proper communication procedures, a proper layout plan for employees, etc.
A cooperative strategy as its very name indicates is basically how firms work with one another, in cooperation to achieve their final objectives. The cooperative strategy ensures that firms are able to help one another. In the modern competitive landscape, there are not enough consumers for firms, and sometimes they have to work together in strategic alliances to sell their products. Also where there are old firms that offer strong competition, smaller firms might come together in order to have better competitive advantage.
A strategic alliance is where one or more companies will come together to agree upon common objectives that would help them strengthen their competitive advantage. Three types of strategic alliances are common in developing competitive advantages. The non-equity strategic alliance is where businesses will work with close working relationships. here the industries would be more based on clusters of working. Informal alliances are common here. On the other hand, the equity strategic alliance is one where the parties have made investments. In joint ventures alliances a separate legal entity is formed.

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The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) expects the company director to act in a way that respects the due diligence requirements of section 180. This duty is applicable at all times in the decision-making process. Under common law duties, the first is the duty of acting in honest and good faith when representing the company interests. Here there is a subjective test in order to understand what compliance in good faith means. Given a certain situation the directors should not fail in their own minds.
If they do so then they are considered to have breached the faith. Company interests and own interests should not be mixed and the director at all points should ensure that company interests are put forward first. An objective standard of whose interests are given importance as perceived by a rational bystander would be considered when assessing a breach test. In considering the interests of company, the complete set of shareholders as a collective group and their interests should have been considered according to Whitehouse v Carlton Hotel Pty Ltd (1987) 162 CLR 285 and Walker v Wimborne (1976) 137 CLR 1.
Under common loan duties, the director should in no way act in an improper way. Acting in an improper way would mean that the director was trying to coerce action that was favourable for him but for not others. The action should further the interests of the company. Where the director does not act in the prescribed way then they are acting improperly. This is a breach of the common law and the statutory sections that require director to behave properly.
Under common law duties, the director was to exercise duties of care and diligence as well. They cannot be ignorant of company’s affairs and when necessary they should question or answer for some of their actions. This is observed in the Statewide Tobacco Services Ltd v Morley (1990) 2 ACSR 405. Where such an issue of lack of due diligence is brought to the directors notice then they should attempt to correct it in an informed way. When they don’t take corrective action even after understanding the situation, they have breached their duty. Finally, the duty to avoid conflicts of interest is one of their main duties. The director must act in such a way that they fulfil their fiduciary duties towards the company. In doing so may not have any form of direct or indirect conflict of interest.


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Now in considering if the product must be changed in any way, two important elements must be considered. Firstly, depending on the needs of UK market, the product might have to be changed (adaptation). Secondly, there are some external aspects of products such as product packaging which needs to be changed. In terms of socio cultural analysis, there are some common factors and there are some differences that must be understood when selling Wu Dalang biscuits.
Firstly, it is the taste of the biscuits. Now the Wu Dalang biscuits are sold in China as a separate biscuit, and no tea is served with it. In the United Kingdom, it is recommended that the Wu Dalang biscuits are sold as part of the tea tradition of the British. Now, the biscuit has to be modified such that its taste blends well with the tea. As of 2012, the sweet and savoury biscuit consumption was marked at a value of 2.2 billion pounds. It is increasing slowly, and the consumption is quite steady among some market segments. For instance, in the case of 25 and 54 year olds, the sweet biscuit consumption is quite high and in the case of 45 and older, the savoury biscuit consumption is high. Therefore, the sweet and savoury taste are two specific tastes that the market must cater. The umami taste, bitter, spicy and strong flavours would not suite the refined palate and would not be a tea time snack, so product changes must be made accordingly.
Lifestyle changes for more healthy eating have propelled many of the global consumers for biscuits to search for better alternatives. Some prefer gluten free varieties and others prefer the original wheat biscuits but with reduced sugar. Almost all consumers seem to prefer biscuits that have the original nutrient listing on the label of the product.
Product packaging is an important part of the product. The product packaging is how consumers will see the product in fact, so it could be said that the better the product packaging suits the socio-cultural aspects of the United Kingdom or standardized expectations of the global market, the better the chances that consumers in the United Kingdom will be willing to buy the product.
Now Wu Dalang biscuits are sold on the streets in China. The process of production is very easy and the manufacturing equipment is quite easy to assemble and move along. There are many forms of street carts available in the United Kingdom, so Wu Dalang carts could be easily incorporated as part of the street culture. However, given the weather conditions of the country that could turn from fog to rain through different seasons for continual sales of the Wu Dalang biscuits, it is recommended that the company sells their product by means of retail. When selling retail, an important product related change that would get added on is the packaging.


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Soka Gakkai is a form of new religion. The Soka Gakkai was a Japanese Buddhist movement. The movement has its origins in Nichiren. The Lotus Sutra that was given by Nichiren was something that has solved the issues for mankind according to the Soka Gakkai. In every step, the follower of this religion would be able to handle the problems if they understand the value of the soka. The soka is basically called the creation. The creation is based out of the interdependences in one’s life. The Soka Gakkai furthermore understands that life in itself has an inherent element of dignity associated with it.
This dignity also called the Buddhahood exists in every person. Sokka Gakkai in its initial years of inception and later was seen to face some struggles because of how its beliefs threatened the then political rulers. Tenrikyo is another Japanese new religion which was seen to derive from struggle, but the struggle was personal.
Where Soka Gakkai derives from the teaching of a teacher from the 13th century, Tenrikyo derives from the teachings of a teacher from the 19th century called Nakayama Miki. Nakayama Miki is the God of truth. The way Nayakama Miki came to be recognized as a goddess is a unique one. She was a housewife who sought religious and spiritual guidance by contacting a person who talked through a medium. Later she became a medium and came to be understood as a person of God. From many shunning her, she soon came to be understood as a strong spiritual entity.
When one cultivates Tenrikyo, then the person supposedly becomes a part of the promotion of many joys in life. When comparing the two faiths, it is the Soka Gakkai that personally appeals to me, as the way to handle and understand social problems is an appealing trait.
The four noble truths in Buddhism are classified as follows. Firstly, there is the suffering or the dhukha. Secondly, there is the cause of such suffering or the samudaya. Thirdly, there is an end to the suffering that one has gone through, which is also called the nirodha, and finally the truth that lies in the path which could alleviate the suffering of a person which is also called as the magga.
The four noble truths understood in the case of Tendai Buddhism are being observed through the perspective of a dual truth which is associated with the perspective of arising and perishing. Life and death as understood in arising and perishing are the two main perspectives. When there is a death or a loss, then there is a dukkha created. There is sadness as there is a personal loss because of the death. Similarly, alleviation of the dukkha or some form of happiness is created because of a birth or an arising. However, this understanding of the dukkha and the alleviation of the suffering of a person are not quite complete. This is because the person tends to see suffering and the alleviation of suffering from the lens of a birth and death perspective.


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本文的话题是血糖,在摄入含有碳水化合物的食物时,最好同时考虑食物的数量和种类。这是因为这两种因素都会影响体内的血糖水平。像所有的营养物质一样,碳水化合物也需要有规律地摄入。任何食物中的碳水化合物都含有淀粉和糖。血糖指数显示食物中碳水化合物的种类。考虑到食物的血糖指数可以帮助降低体内的血糖水平。在这方面,摄入低血糖指数的食物会有很大的帮助(Shrapnel and Noakes, 2012)。本篇亚特兰大论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

During intake of food containing carbohydrates, it is ideal to take into consideration both the quantity and the type of food consumed. This is because both the factors affect the level of blood glucose in the body. Like all nutrients, carbohydrates also need to be consumed in a regulated manner. The carbohydrate present in any food item has starch as well as sugars. The glycemic index tells the type of carbohydrate in the food. Taking into consideration, the glycemic index of the food can help to reduce the blood glucose levels in the body. Intake of foods with low glycemic index can be of much help in this regard (Shrapnel and Noakes, 2012).
Thus, switching to foods with low glycemic index in the meal would definitely lessen the impact of lifestyle-related diseases such as diabetes. For instance, switching to grainy bread with low GI from a white one with a high GI level can bring substantial difference in a person’s health and fitness levels. Among the daily foods had by any person, there are several choices having lower GI levels. Among the cereals for breakfast, Kellogg’s, Vogels while grains with lower GI include pasta, rice noodles, barley, etc. The vegetables with lower GI include sweet corn, Nicola potatoes whereas instances of fruits with lower GI include apples and apricots.
To ensure that foods with lower GI levels are included in the diet, several ideas can be used for planning the meals accordingly. Fruits and vegetables with low GI levels and milk products having low-fat levels along with the meal can reduce glucose levels by a substantial amount. Plan the meal accordingly to ensure that you have these carbohydrate-rich foods, with low glycemic indexes (Wolever, 2010). Foods like barley, lentils or bulgar having a lower GI can act as great choices in this regard. Sweet corn and pasta can be used to make delicious yet healthy recipes which would serve to satisfy demands of health as well as taste.


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Behaviourism is often being debated between two ideologies, one growing from the philosophical conceptions of the mind and the other from psychological analysis of the brain. The mind is quite different to the brain, as against the psychologists’ claim of them being similar. Mental states are experienced and brain is simply a function of material body, quite aloof from the mental conceptions of one’s thought process.
Dualism is being built upon behaviourism that the mind and body are different matters and mind is simply immaterial in existence, but holds the material in it. Philosophers are in strong denial of the behaviourism, simply because behaviourists equate feelings, experiences, and qualities with the mind and its intrinsic nature reflected extrinsically. Philosophers argue that the intrinsic mind is the repository of all that is extrinsic and therefore there is always a conflict in agreeing to the behaviourists claims that studying behaviours can unfold the mystery of the mind.
In contrast, stands the psychological behaviourists who tend to study mind by studying the language it employs for expression, the social structure and the predictable behaviours it generates. Eventually, behaviourism stands defeated on account of its inability of resolving complex behaviours of multiple types originating from similar stimuli. As Descartes points out, the distinction between the existence of the mind and the body, studying the mental conditions of a mind is argued, would not be able to bring out the simultaneous impact on the conditions of the body. And hence, the mental condition of the mind would not manifest itself in the condition of the brain. It is pointed out that identification of the exact nature of the feelings felt by one is impossible, even in a condition where the other infers exactly the other’s behaviours, gestures, and actions.
This proposal denies itself the right of being approved because the inference of one’s feelings of the mind can never be identical in sense. Thus, behaviour does not equate with one’s inner feelings, because appearances can be deceiving. However, continuous investigations into the workings of the brain uncover the correlation between the neurological goings-on and mental states and stances. This attracts philosophers to think that mind is material, but further does of investigation reverses this trend. In addition, when Leibniz’s law is applied, which states that two entities having identical properties are said to be identical in all its properties, the mind is found to be different from the brain as they lack in many of the properties they carry.


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本篇文章解释了桥梁破坏的原因,FWA的结论是,由于塔科马窄桥的极轻、极窄和极柔,随机强迫风最终导致扭转振动,导致桥梁被破坏。然而,FWA理论不能作为唯一的解释。许多人认为,具体地说,这种解释往往忽略了风如何导致周期性基脉冲产生的重大疑问(Hendley, 1998)。本篇美国英语语言学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

It was concluded by the FWA that due to the extreme lightness, narrowness and flexibility of Tacoma Narrow, the randomly forcible wind ended up causing torsional oscillations as a result of which the bridge got destroyed. The theory of FWA, however, cannot be considered as the sole explanation. A number of individuals hold the belief that specifically this explanation tends to be overlooking the significant doubt as to how wind could result in the production of periodic based impulse (Hendley, 1998).

The proposal of explanation was characterized with the movement of bridge across the periodically shedded air vortices. This resulted in the creation of a wake referred to as a street of von Karman. This specific wake resulted in the reinforcement of structure based oscillation that eventually caused the destruction of the bridge. The key issue of this theory is the calculation of frequency regarding the cause of vortex at the wind velocity of 42 mph (Kardon, 2005). The key resonance among the bridge along with these vortices resulted in the cause of excessive motion that destructed the bridge. While these explanations tend to be differing in terms of opinions, this surely resulted in causing the torsional oscillations across the bridge.
There is an agreement of extreme lightness, slenderness and flexibility across the bridge allowing the growth of oscillation until their destruction (Nissenbaum, 1994). The collapse of this bridge provided evidence to the world and the engineer about the significance of torsional resistance, vertical rigidity, and dampening in each and every suspension bridge. Once there is realization of the threat to twist, there are a number of ways due to which the bridge collapsed.
The appearance was so significant to the designer of the bridge, Leon Moisseiff, that it was designed in the lack of using stiffened trusses that left the bridge with 1/3rd stiffened in comparison with the George Washington and Golden Gate Bridges (Puri and Delatte, 1998). In context with the overall advancements of technology, there has to be critical consideration of the factors to balance public welfare in accordance with the progress made. If there had been a designing of the bridge as per other designs to ensure stability, the bridge would never have been destructed. However, the bridge did provide scope for a number of inventions in the field of engineering, but by endangering a number of lives and costing a number of dollars (Haberland et al., 2012). It is the core responsibility of the engineers for eliminating situations that may cause harm to the public. This requires immensely considered ethics. Several different ethical dilemmas are further faced by the engineers. The oscillations of wind destroyed the bridge only in a period of three months. There has been an establishment of innovations for suspension bridges in the current era to counter the impacts imposed by wind, succumbing to normalize the overall deviance (Billington, 2006). There has to be a gradual acceptance of failures and errors of sequential minority. This provided a significant scope for the accumulation and culmination of a certain catastrophic event.


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美国论文代写之In-Class Essay的应对方法

In-Class Essay也就是要求在一个课时内完成的随堂Essay,In-Class Essay特别考验一个学生平时的积累,也很能够反映学生真实的写作水平和临场发挥能力,所以Essay的评分会被计入总成绩中。虽然随堂Essay字数要求不高,写作难度也不大,但是由于缺少了查找资料与准备的时间,而且会被教授重点关注,所以对于大多数留学生来说都是一个噩梦,其实只要提前做一些积累,掌握好临场写作的技巧,我们都能够轻松的应对随堂Essay。下面美国论文代写小编就来带大家看看该怎么样准备去应对这种In-Class Essay。

如果你事先知道了将会有一个随堂Essay,通常会有两种情况: 第一,你的教授就是简单地通知你,下一节课会有一个随堂Essay,但是没有通知你其他任何的信息;第二种情况,你的教授可能会给你们一个话题或者问题列表,来帮助你们准备这个随堂Essay。无论你遇到了哪种情况,都有相应的准备策略。

预测In-Class Essay主题



复习课堂材料,应对In-Class Essay

在准备In-Class Essay的时候,需要回顾一下课堂上最近讨论的内容,复习每个章节或者Module的学习目标,如果你一时记不起来,可以参考Syllabus,往往教授都会在Syllabus上明确的给出每一节课的学习目标。另外,一定要抽时间复习课堂笔记、课程资料、PPT以及课本,所有的这些材料,都有助于你更好地应对随堂Essay。

如果你的教授允许你们写Essay的时候参考课本或者笔记,那你一定要好好利用这个机会,一定要提前在课本的每个章节划出重点,记录好哪些内容是你需要包含在In-Class Essay里面的。

即使教授规定在写In-Class Essay的时候不能使用笔记,那么在你整理笔记的过程中也可以帮助你记忆课堂重点,当你真正写Essay的时候,也会更容易运用这些重要的内容。


假如你的教授给出了两三个不同的问题,在当堂测试的时候会从中挑选一个题目,那么小编建议你最好提前把所有问题都写一遍,还有在你准备draft的时候,一定要提前设置好时间,因为In-Class Essay不仅测试你的写作水平,更会测试你能否合理的安排时间并且在规定时间内完成文章。假如你的教授给出一个题目的列表,那么,小编建议你提前构思一下每一个问题的思路,把这些问题的outline写出来,这样一来,在当堂写作的时候,会帮你大大地节省时间,提高效率。


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本品文章主要讲的是奖励与员工问题,在解决工作场所的问题方面,奖励是非常肤浅的。经理可以利用奖励来满足员工的需要。这包括不断的反馈、控制个人工作环境的机会、社会支持和利用他们的创造力和技能。人们可能会认为,对表现优异的员工授予绩效奖,将使他们成为员工中的榜样,这是合乎逻辑的(Tavassoli et al., 2014)。本篇美国传播学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Rewards are highly superficial in regards to resolution of issues within the workplace. Rewards might be utilized by the managers as an alternative for the wants and needs of the employees. This consists of ongoing feedback, opportunity of controlling individual environment of work, social support and utilization of their creativity and skills. It might be viewed logical to consider that recognition of top performing employees with an award for performance will make them as role models amid workforce (Tavassoli et al., 2014).
However, the workers that are resentful for not obtaining an award might model their behavior on the resentment objectivity. Hence, the managers should not idly hope for the underperformers to start depicting top performer behavior and it will have to address as an issue by the manager. It is considered that there is evidence of common reluctance in dealing with poor performance that cannot be addressed by performance based pay.
Executive pay setting has to be determined through appropriate challenges and influences that come forward from performance pay based plans. When performance based pay is included within an organizational system, it leads towards demands of higher performance by the executives. Already, it is evident that the executive’s pay is highly set. Executive compensation high levels outcry particularly within organizations whose stakeholders haven’t fared well, has led towards increased utilization of several kinds of compensations based on performance (Murphy, 2003). This has happened even though several challenges in relation to performance based pay exist. Board of directors in the corporate provide increasingly the packages of compensation within which major part of the pay of executives combine to form arrangements with contingent compensation (Jensen & Murphy, 2011).
This occurs rather than a base salary guarantee. At least, theoretically, contingent compensation and compensation with performance as basis indulges to introduce a risk based elements for executives. In cases where executives obtain all salary in fixed base salary form, they get the pay disregard whether they are performing or not for the organization. In cases when essential pay portion becomes compensation based on performance, then such executive compensation portion is also at disadvantage based over organization or performance of individual. These portions are inclusive, for example of plans with annual bonus involved, options for stock etc, Those supporting the utilization of compensation based on performance have a belief that this compensation has contingency. It also motivates the top employees by rewarding them (Leonard, 2010).


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Table 2 shows the correlation between different variables considered in the model. The correlation between ROA and ROE is significant at 1% level of significance. They are positively correlated with the correlation coefficient being 0.959. The positive correlation is understandable because as the ROA will increase, ROE will also increase as equity is defined as the difference between assets and liabilities.
The most critical aspect of correlation is its impact on multicollinearity in the model. Variables which are correlated often lead to multicollinearity in the model. Market share and concentration are correlated and the coefficient is statistically significant. The coefficient of correlation is 0.6. Although the correlation is intuitive, this can cause multicollinearity in the model. The correlation between market share and GDP is also statistically significant at -0.577. A negative correlation implies that as the GDP increases, the market share of the banks tend to decline. The market share and deposits are also correlated, albeit negatively.
The market concentration is very strongly correlated with the GDP and Total deposits. Both these correlations are at -0.98 and -0.93. This again points towards strong chances of correlation. The GDP and total deposits are also very strongly correlated with the coefficient at 0.93. These strong correlations can cause multicollinearity in the model. However, it is worth noting here that mere existence of collinearity among the variables does not guarantee multicollinearity in the model. Multicollinearity exists in the model when one or more of the explanatory variables are explaining the other dependent variables in the model. This is checked by the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF). A typical sign of multicollinearity is that the model has a very high explanatory power but most (or all) of the variables are statistically not significant.
However, it is worth noting here that these are correlations only and they do not guarantee causation. To check causality between the variables, it is important to check if the model developed using these variables explain the incidence of dependent variable.


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本篇是一篇關於解決方案的文章,為了克服這些問題,Amazon fresh專注於建立現有的品牌形象。品牌形像是與品牌相關聯的內在的無形的東西。公司利用品牌形象的概念來擴大他們的目標市場。品牌應該與公司的價值觀和目標產生共鳴。該品牌能夠為其他行業的消費者提供優質的服務。該公司的網上銷售總體上很好。本篇幫寫論文文章由美國論文人EducationRen教育網整理,供大家參考閱讀。
To overcome these issues Amazon fresh focused on building of the existing brand image. Brand image is the intrinsic intangible that is associated with the brand. Companies use this notion of brand image to expand their target markets. The brand should resonate with the values and objectives of the company. The brand was able to provide quality services for the consumers in the other sectors. The online sales of the company were in general very good.
Amazon fresh offered services in the limited range. They were able to cater to the people that they had initially sent invitation. Then they built a stronger brand image. There was greater understanding of the consumer preferences and the taste of the consumers. The target market demography was analyzed in detail by the company. They then decided to expand operation based on the consumer preference and gaining the resources to maintain the service quality standards.
Online grocery companies face more challenges, they need to ensure that the service delivery is prompt and the aesthetical view of the products are similar to the ones found in the retail store shelves. There should be superior supply chain operations that the companies should develop in the case of online grocery stores. Amazon had managed to form strategic alliances with the local companies to cater towards the needs. There should be local community membership and alliances that the company should form. This would increase the stakeholder relationship and improve the persona and the brand image of the company. An online grocery shop should have the supply chain distribution where they work with the local vendors. There should be better liaisons formed with the local companies. The online grocery store should build on the existing brand image of the companies and develop slowly. Rapid expansion should be avoided. There should be slow expansion of the services provided.
To conclude, maintaining proper supply chain distribution, strategic alliances with the local companies, slow expansion and building on brand image are some of the ways in which the Amazon was able to gain customers. The online grocery companies should also focus on the intangible elements such as brand image and consumer patronage to gain a strong foothold in the markets. The companies should analyze the requirement of the target market demography.

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本篇是讲混泥土材料实验,在材料选择中,很少使用爆炸试验。使用混凝土和其他材料尤其如此。然而,保险商实验室提出了一种严格的测试形式。根据UL标准,爆炸测试将包括准备测试样品的材料,混凝土,适当的添加剂或TL 15。一旦样品准备好了,那么测试炉打开,然后加热到华氏2000度样本插入在这一点上,约30分钟或更多样本与炉设置左内继续存在2000度f .然后检查爆炸材料。本篇洛杉矶论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In material selection, it might be rare to make use of an explosion test. This is particularly the case with using concrete and other materials. However, the underwriter laboratories suggest a rigorous form of testing. According to UL standards, the explosion test will include preparing a test sample of the materials to be used, concrete, propriety mix with additives or the TL 15. Once the sample is prepared, then the test furnace is opened and is then heated to around 2000 degrees F. The sample is inserted at this point and for around 30 minutes or more the sample is left inside with the furnace setting continuing to be around 2000 degrees F. The material is then checked for explosion.
If it is explosion resistant, then the material is still checked for heat or moisture related damages which show that material is slowly deteriorating. Sometimes, it might be necessary to combine the heat, and impact test along with the explosion test, too.
In material selection, it is to be noted that some manufacturers offer fire protection cladding. The fire protection cladding process ensures that the safe walls or sometimes just the safe door is fire retardant or resistance. The entire door might be encased with PSI concrete amalgamate. The PSI concrete mix ensures that the interior contents of the safe are still safe to around 90 minutes in 1700 degree Fahrenheit.
In material selection with respect to the concrete used or the concrete mixes used, aggregates play an important role. Aggregates are a major constituent when it comes to concrete utility constructions and is around 75 percent of more of the precast used. In safe wall building, it might be necessary to use a mix of coarse and fine aggregates and hence the selection of aggregates becomes an important concern here. Some of the aggregate selection criteria are considered as how clean the aggregates are. Some of the aggregates are very clean and hard but might lack in durability and furthermore they also might not have proper gradations. Now since the concrete to be used is usually exposed to some form of corrosive environment, it is critical that the aggregate is able to meet these wear and tear conditions. Aggregate’s expansive properties play a critical role here. When exposed to moisture and porosity, the aggregate must be able to strengthen the overall structure. Some of the aggregates might need to be eliminated based on where they are received from.


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Goleman (1998) argues that emotional intelligence in the workplace would take precedence over even technical intelligence and IQ. In fact, Goleman states that IQ and technical intelligence would in fact be considered only as a threshold capability. It is emotional intelligence that would actually help a person soar in their leadership role. I write about emotional intelligence because I believe this is the most critical thing for me to work on for leadership development at present. Some of the key aspects that researcher defines as necessary in the context of emotional intelligence are as follows.
Primarily there is self-awareness, the leader who is emotionally intelligent is able to understand their emotions at a specific time, their motivations, their drive and effect on the people around them (Avolio and Gardner, 2005; Ashkanasy and Dasborough, 2003). This makes them self-confident and they have a clear realistic assessment. They might even possess a self-deprecating sense of humor that makes others comfortable around them. I believe that as an individual I have to learn to forgive myself for little things and not be too critical and analytical at all times. Secondly, people with high emotional intelligence are self-regulated and have the ability to control their moods, and can allot time before acting without judging the situation. This makes them very trustworthy. They are considered more open to change and ambiguous as well.
Thirdly, such an emotionally intelligent leader is considered as being self-motivated (Cooper and Sawaf, 1998; Kerr et al., 2006). They have a reason to work beyond the immediate necessity of money and this makes them be strongly driven and optimistic even when it looks like they have failed to the external world. Fourthly, these people are highly empathetically and are able to understand people’s emotional makeup. They are skilled in reading people’s emotions and hence are more cross culturally sensitive and experts in dealing with clients or customers. Finally, the social skills of such a person make them very proficient when it comes to building relationships and managing them on common ground. They are highly persuasive when it comes to social teams (Day, 2001; Walumbwa, et al., 2008). I believe in helping my friend and working on the other two goals, my sense of self, awareness and more are what would aid me to be a better leader.


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本篇文章是讲交通工具中情感互动属性的重要性,以Uber为例,情感互动属性非常重要(Gawalt, 2010)。甚至当用户联系人司机兜风时,如果用户体验是喜欢的,他一定会再次使用这个应用程序,推荐朋友和家人也一样,与一个不可取的经验包括司机不能理解方向或不能理解用户的问题。概括性地理解交互设计的概念,现在我们需要了解它所涉及的内容。基本包括四个活动——建立需求、设计替代方案、原型和评估。Uber采用用户慢跑的方式,包括关注用户和迭代设计的演进。本篇华盛顿论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Considering the example of Uber, emotional interaction attribute is important (Gawalt, 2010). Even when a user contacts the driver for a ride, if the experience is liked by the user, he will definitely use the app again and recommend the same to friends and family, in contrast to an undesirable experience which involves a driver who is not able to understand the directions or is not able to comprehend the problem of the user.Broadly understanding the concept of interactive design, now we need to understand what is involved in it. There are basically four activities involved-establishing requirements, designing alternatives, prototyping and evaluating. Uber follows a user-cantered approach, which involves focus on the user and evolution of iterative design.
To review the app, it starts with picking your location, from where the interface picks up your location and suggests the possible cars available for the ride for a specific destination (Michael, 2014). This pick up location and car suggestion can become more accurate and prompt in order to save the user’s time and energy. Once the user confirms the ride, a screen pops up for conformation which requires some trivial details to be filled up, which is a little cluttering in case of emergencies, so these details can either be prefilled or post filled after the cab arrives (Smith, 2011). Knowing your driver, knowing the driver on route, the expected time of his arrival and the ways to contacts him is pretty responsive. Last but not the least, it is the receipt screen UI, which tells a brief about the ride and driver and the amount payable, which is again very prompt and flexible. A new development for the same is the ride request button, which combines all of the above features in one. The users get visual indicator of their rides.
It is clear that if the interface of an application is not clear, then the users will not use it again. It is important for the companies to understand the importance of interface along with the services they are offering. What started to serve the people of New York with a handful of black cabs is now changing the urban fabrics. This is mainly due to the quality services and state-of-the-art interface developed by the engineers of Uber. Whether the user wants a ride or not, it is just about delivering a package. Uber does it all. For the people who drive with it, the application always comes up with new and interesting ways to earn money (Taylor, 2015). For individual cities, this strengthens economy, generates employment, and makes transportation easier and safer.


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本篇文章是关于噪音改革计划,1930年的时间段与1900年完全不同(Grueneisen, 2003)。“挑战不仅仅是由噪音本身激发的,而且是由美国城市中起作用的社会和文化力量激发的”(Grueneisen, 2003)。上面的图片被称为“城市噪音”,来自纽约市的噪音控制委员会从1930年的报告。它展示了不可抗拒的声音披肩与机械技术。噪音改革计划是为了避免爆发疾病,以改善拥挤的地区和消除工业污染(Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004)。本篇美国会计学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The time period of 1930 was totally different than in 1900 (Grueneisen, 2003). “The challenge was stimulated not simply by the noise itself, but also by social and cultural forces at work in urban America” (Grueneisen, 2003).The above image is called as “City Noise” form the report of Noise Abatement Commission of New York City from the year 1930. It displays the irresistible sounds cape with mechanical technology. The noise reform program was conducted in order to avoid the outbreak disease to improve the overcrowded areas and remove the industrial pollution (Bright, Cook, and Harris, 2004).
The scientists in 1920’s had the capability to determine noise with electro acoustical instruments (Grueneisen, 2003). Thus, with the invention of this tool, the expectations to reduce noise disturbances have increased. Thus this problem is resolved by adding acoustical application in the interiors. Thus, sound and hearing have been very important element in architecture. One of the exiting auditory experiences could be “tranquillity”(Grueneisen, 2003).
Silence is also used in forming great atmosphere in architecture (Grueneisen, 2003). For example, the design of Jewish Museum by Daniel Libeskind is working on the same experience. He had designed several rooms in the museum, which are installed with different equipments. In one room, the copper plates are placed on the grounds that have shapes of faces. The voice, which is echoed by the high walls, fills the complete room. This installation is also a memoire in the memory of the holocaust. The echo of the sound is created in such a way to create experience of the individuals who had to suffer. This also creates a creepy environment with simple dramatic procedure (Grueneisen, 2003).
The eyes are the organ that creates senses about distance while touch is the sense of closeness, affection and intimacy. Vision is meant to observe and investigate the environment, while touch is meant to understand the feel. When light creates shadow, the other senses are enhanced and sharpened including the touch sensitivity (Levin, 1988). Hazelwood School situated in Glasgow was specially designed for children who are “dual sensory impaired” such children are deaf as well as blind, which means that the sense of touch was considerably more essential to develop the sense of independence in them.


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Strengths: Currently, BT dominates the U.K telecom market with its services for broadband internet, network for fixed line telephone and phone booths publically for 28 Million subscribers. The company owns UKs widest communication coverage. As a highly capitalized company from FTSE 100, BT is reputed highly and has been listed in the London Stock exchange as well as NYSE (Uner et al 2015). Globally, BT is responsible for holding businesses across 170 nations which allows the company with availability across the world. An expansion strategy is followed by the company by acquiring and merging external to UK.
Furthermore, the company makes use of efficient state-of-art technology for allowing the company to attain market based competitive advantage (Chen et al 2015). The most appropriate example for this is the Public Switched Telephone network movement by BT for web system protocol of telephone on which 10 billion Euros were spend.
Weaknesses: BT does not have mobile communication networks coverage and development. The company has gained a negative picture of itself in the customer’s eyes (Weinstein 2015). As the network and subscribers started growing in number, the company lost track over management of customer relationship. Inadequate promotion is done by BT for new products and there is inadequacy in advertisement over newer inventions prior to being released in the market.
Opportunities: Web based telecommunication services make use of new 21st century networks that in turn help in bringing forward cost advantages and a competitive benefit because of differentiation. This in turn allows cheaper transaction of voice. New technologies are rapidly emerging and trends in the industry indicate that the improvements will keep happening leading towards performing consistent innovativeness (CIMA Paper 2 study system 2005). This is a good opportunity for businesses such as BT which has properly established. Latest innovation of BT, the BT Trade scape traditional platform, is a radical conception that brings businesses as well as their customers into similar platform for social media. This in turn leads towards generating closer relationships throughout the supply chains (Bekkers et al 2011). BT vision expansion for digital TV is presently made available for the customers of BT. Across the world, company availability and partners have made BT serve across the globe.


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Another implication for social and cultural effects are that modern globalization as created in the case of the post WW2 epoch was seen to have its roots in capitalism as well. In modern societies globalization was understood to be the logic behind accumulation of reserves, money and in the power play of hegemony. All forms of globalization initiatives in modern society were hence seen to be driven by capital accumulation. The appropriation and production of spaces, social structures that were alienated from some productions and more were seen to be direct results here.
The positive implications for society and their culture exist and so do the negatives. For instance, consider the arguments presented by Tomlinson, in the ‘Globalization and Culture’. The author argues for Globalization being a form of complex connectivity process in which there are transnational networks created as a social movement. Interconnections, networks and flows are some of the terms also being used in the context of cultural and anthropological accounts. So globalization studies merge with cultural and social studies here having implications for both.
Primarily, globalization would result in the connectivity and proximity. People come to live in a shrinking world where the global modernity makes everybody’s world more connected than ever. In the case of the post war period, the shrinking world effect was achieved by means of technologies in the form of support for economic production. Factories that were working for producing goods necessary for war were able to switch back to producing consumer goods after WW2. Soldiers were returning after the war, which meant more manpower for the country and also increased the economic prosperity of the countries. Automobiles came to be in high demand as soldiers returning to take up their place in society could afford them now and automobile technology grew to support this consumer section.
Technology associated with housing and housing development was perhaps one of the most used as most of the soldiers returned after the world war to rebuild their home or move into new houses. The land in suburbs and more came to be utilized; most of these tracts were divided and were built in similar models for the people to live in. Radios, movies and television came to be consumed as cultural and social products and countries such as the United States in particular were seen to rely on motivating a consumerist culture in other countries. Long distance telephony and the television based national and international connections ensured that countries such as the United States were able to take advantage of market based propaganda for goods. However, this post world war era, the use of technology and more was not only about the super powers.


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I think China’s game market in the future will be inundated with all types of games. Esports will also have huge potential development. The data from Newzoo showed that China and South Korea had the world’s leading Esports markets in terms of the number of users, and the proportion of electric fans reached 45%. According to the agency, it speculated that China will surpass South Korea to become Asia’s first gaming power (“Global Esports market report: revenues to jump to $ 463 M in 2016 as US leads the way”). The development of China’s Esports is the same with that of China’s games.
It came out of a very different way in the stumbling. At first, it tried to learn Korean Esports business model, which was to combine TV, electronic Sports, and League tournament, but was suppressed because of the restrictions of policies and regulations. In 2003, State Sports General Administration announced that e-sports will be the 99th official sports program, which attracted a lot of attention from the mainstream media. Television stations began to establish relevant television programs, which was really a good start. However, in 2004, under the great audience rating of Esports programs, the State Administration of Radio Film and Television issued a notification, which banned the broadcast of computer game programs on television.
As a result, the game programs had to leave from the TV screen. Secondly, China’s Esports were developing rapidly with the support of China’s rich second generations, but encountered a setback in the volatile markets. In 2004, when Esports encountered the difficulties from policy, the investment from the rich second generations made it alive.Most big game clubs were supported by the rich second generations, which meant that most of these clubs were supported by tons of money. Therefore, the weakness showed up in the financial crisis in the year of 2008. Investors had disinvestment and the Esports people who worked in the game clubs realized that they need to find a new business model to live on their own. The rise of network channels provides new opportunities for them.


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Water pollution also causes a number of diseases. Because of drinking contaminated water, the people can be affected from a number of diseases such as hepatitis. Because of the consumption of polluted water, people can also suffer from the diseases such as diarrhea and cholera. Water pollution also leads to the destruction of ecosystems. Because of the water pollution, the ecosystem can be severely damaged. There are a large number of areas which have been observed to be severely affected in Pakistan because of the water pollution and its harms.
Water pollution is very harmful for the environment and has a number of harmful effects. Thus, it is very important to prevent water pollution. Water pollution can be prevented by implementing a number of measures.
One of the most important methods which can be implemented for the prevention of water pollution is sewage treatments. The water in the household should be treated in a proper manner so as to ensure that they are safer for the environment. It is important to take the adequate care in order to ensure that the sewage treatment plans should be effective and are environmentally safe. It is also important to take the adequate care of these plans in order to ensure that the treatment plans are carried out in an effective manner and the contaminated water does not mixes with the environment. In order to prevent the water pollution, sewage should be prevented from mixing from the water sources.
It is also important to prevent the river water before discharging the same. It is observed that many factories in Pakistan are directly draining the water in the rivers which leads to an increase in pollution (Feenberg et al, 2012). This is something which may prove to be very harmful for the water bodies. It is also important to treat toxic material in a careful manner so that it does not get discharged into the rivers. Also, there should be laws employed by the government of Pakistan which prevents people from contaminating the river water.


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本篇文章讲述的是影子银行,加拿大的影子银行体系不同于美国、英国或其他欧洲国家。相比之下,美国或英国的影子银行体系规模较小。除此之外,约60%的贷款由国家住房管理局抵押贷款支持证券(NHA mortgage backed securities)持有。因此,在加拿大观察到的影子银行负债据计算约为2790亿美元。本篇美国传媒学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The shadow banking system which is followed in Canada is different from the one in US, UK or other European nations. The shadow banking system in US or UK is smaller in comparison. In addition to this, around 60 % of the same is accounted by the NHA mortgage backed securities. Thus, the shadow banking liabilities which have been observed in Canada have been calculated to be around $279 billion.
From this, it can be clearly analyzed that this can also represent a majority of risks involved. In Canada, the related risk is on the basis of short term and long basis. In case there is a risk, it lies in the NHA MBS market which can be tied to the broader (Gravelle et al, 2013).
That the involved magnitude of type of risk varies across the globe may be because of the varying degrees of the market size, the sophistication and integration of the shadow banking into the broader financial markets. The shadow banking system in Canada depends on the risk which is directly tied to the problems related to the household debt. In contrast of the US, UK and Europe, it appeared that the shadow banks are a system which consists of a large cross border capital flows and exposure to the counterparty which makes them inextricable from each other ( Adrian, 2010).
In Canada, there are different entities which are partially included in the funding markets on which shadow banks depends on. With regards to some of the major components, they represent a majority of risks. The markets which may be related asset based securities are the one in which there are asset based commercial paper.
This was the case which is most important for the origination and securitization of the poor-quality assets. In general, there are repos and short term papers which were the critical instruments that are used by the companies for different types of reasons such as overnight meeting and cash deficits. It was important that the non-depository credit based intermediaries must be equivalent to the non-bank finance companies.


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本篇文章说明了CIDA 的优势,在许多国家,国际开发协会积极参与现代化和建立管理制度,以确保以环境和技术方式管理自然资源。国际开发协会始终如一地帮助支持双边和多边倡议,从而提高发展中国家管理自然资源开发的能力。这些国家把这种支持理解为发展援助的优先事项。从长期来看,这种努力有助于改善发展中国家利用其个人的自然资源禀赋和实现经济繁荣的前景。本篇essay代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

In various nations, CIDA has been involved actively in modernizing and building the regimes of governance for ensuring that resources that are natural are managed in an environmental and technical way. On a consistent manner, CIDA helps in supporting initiatives bilaterally and multilaterally resulting in enhancing the developing nation’s capacities to manage the development of natural resources. These nations have understood such support as a development assistance priority. In the longer run, such efforts have helped in improving the prospects for developing nations to advantage from their individual endowments of natural resources and achieve prosperity economically.
For example, in Peru, extensive work has been one by CIDA with the government, the organizations from mining sector and influenced communities to promote and develop regulatory needs for management of the environment and society (McMahon et al 2001, 32-49). The support of CIDA has included the tools provision and mining expertise along with supporting society, environment and multiple dialogues for stakeholders. The authority has also supported other regions such as Bolivia to establish a unit for tax collection which is responsible for administering the taxes of hydrocarbon generated over 1 billion dollars in terms of yearly revenues.
With the help of CIDA, the institutions for Canadian legal judiciary within developing nations are inclusive of the association of Canadian Bar, the Criminal law reform international law and justice. In the future, CIDA will continue building over experiences. As the initial step, the author has established an internal point of focus with extractive sector issues for development. The authority in the future, according to proponents will continue providing support to developing nations for enhancing their ability of managing their sectors of extractive. The authority has always worked in collaboration with donors of like-minded nature for advancing more sustainable and responsible approaches for the development of mining sector (Sagebien et al 2008, 103-128). This in turn will allow CIDA to identify in an effective manner and support the initiatives targeted strategically to enhance developing nation’s capacities. With such strengths, the proponents of CIDA have supported the view that mining industries are supported rightfully by the authority.


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The first principle of ‘Reciprocation’ can be employed in trust based sales. As the survey of Randy Garner shows, people who got a hand written sticky note or a sticky note responded to the marketer better than the ones that did not get the sticky note. In that, the people who got the handwritten sticky noted show an even higher response than the ones that got only a sticky note. The handwritten sticky note has helped the consumer understand the effort the marketer has put in. A form of trust bond is formed here, as the marketer shared a note.
His efforts in writing it and the consideration of even sending the sticky note would help in creating this bond. In similar ways, trust based reciprocation style relationships can be formed with the consumers for the company (Cialdini, 2001). When making a sale, some form of consumer advantage must be given to the buyer. The buyer will then be able to appreciate the work put in by the marketing team.
According to the second principle in the case of trust based relationships, there will be more chances for the seller to inform the buyer that previous buyers made a choice on purchasing a product. The buyer could also have queries on a product, such as how popular a sale the company was making on a product etc. This would inform the buyer that they are making a good purchase. In establishing trust based communication with the buyer, there will be more chances for the seller to encourage them to make a commitment. The commitment could be as simple as a ‘yes’ (Schaefer, 2012).
The principle of ‘liking’ as presented by Cialdini can be integrated with trust based selling. In trust based selling sales, people should become more active listeners in order to understand the preferences of the customer. In a traditional personal selling scenario this chance is denied to the customer. In the case of trust based selling there are better chances to collaborate and establish a two-way communication. So now the seller would be able to make a sale on the product by using these preferences to make the customer like them better. Using the principle of authority for ‘trust based selling’, people who are not certain about a decision might look for authority figures to help guide them. Hence, in establishing a trust based relationship, it is necessary for the marketers to acquire as much information as possible on the products they would be discussing with customers. They should be the authority experts on the product they are presenting, and they should use this authoritative stance to convince the customers (Schaefer, 2012). When collaborating with the customer, creating a picture of ‘scarcity’ would be possible because of the two-way communication. The customer would believe that they are getting an internal update on how the scarcity would be created and hence they would be willing to try it.


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There was a direct correlation found to exist between those who are overweight and their Basal metabolic index. The pattern was same for females and males revealing a higher blood pressure for those with raised circumference of their waist (Health survey for England 2012). Also the statistics revealed that there was a correlation between environment and the measurement of BMI, age, weight at birth, gender as well as level of education .Bases on the purchase of food and drink, the total intake of energy per individual was 4.1 percent low in 2012 when compared with that of 2008. This was a significant statistical downward correlation throughout a period of 4 years confirming the long term downward correlation apparent (Social science research methods, 2014). Total intake of energy was considered at an average of 2209 kcal per individual each day in the year 2012.
Health Outcomes as per the correlational analysis indicated that there is a strong positive correlation between scores of obesity and negative health outcomes.
The following graph has been taken from health statistics database. It depicts Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients inclusive of “a” being the correlation that exists between physical activity of habitual nature and energy density on an average along with dietary fat percent saturated through visiting year and b is the correlation between habitual fibre intake and physical activity (Lichtenstein et al 2006).
The following is canonical correlational analysis to evaluate health attitudes and obesity correlated with composition of body taken from the statistics (Lichtenstein et al 2006) (Social science research methods, 2014). The variance percent is explained through initial indices and initial indices with standardization for canonical co-efficiency.
Here significance is given at P is lesser than 0.1 and significance at P is less than 0.05 for dependant significance variates evaluation with univariate association test along with initial correlation analysis (Health at a glance 2013). It was evident that the relationship existing between variables in the groups was different from an year to the other but the correlation existing between the population groups that is obesity correlates as well as composition of body decreased with every visit to the health care with decrease in correlation with regard to linear trends for combined data wherein R2 =0.72 (Health survey for England 2013). This revealed a reduction related to age in relationship lying between correlates of obesity and composition of body.


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The reason the three different law systems have been selected for comparative review is to understand how the reward legal interpretation came to be understood from different legal contexts. For instance, consider the nature of the UK common law system which in essence is an element that is unique to English development. Only some countries influenced by the Anglo Saxon traditions follow the common law system, such as Australia, United States, and India etc. This is a system that derives from statutes and case law. On the other hand, in the case of countries like Germany the civil law system is enforced.
This is also followed in countries such as Austria, Switzerland etc. In terms of contracts legislation China employs the principles of “most closely connected” as is applied in the case of the EU nations. So hence it makes it better to compare it with nations of the EU. UK common law has been the basis for the rise of many national level (commonwealth) legislations and hence UK has been selected as one of the country and Germany has been selected on account of its using the unilateral promise doctrine which is differentiated from the UK’s unilateral contract system. Comparing and understanding the reward system from these two legal contexts is hence interesting. Secondly, while German law, and UK law are developed and established over years, Chinese law system is still in development. The influence of some aspects of German and the Anglo-Saxon law system can be observed in the Chinese legislation and it is for this purpose that the reward system is analyzed from three perspectives.
The research significance and motivation for discussing the nature of the reward advertisement under Chinese legislation lies in the fact that Chinese legislation is ambiguous when considering rewards in the legal standpoint. The selection of rewards advertisement is because ambiguity with respect to the rewards advertisement and critical discussions of it have also been seen in other nations legislation. Hence the research has undertaken a comparative study. Only when studying the legal nature of the reward from a multinational perspective one can fully appreciate how rewards are situated. With countries like the United Kingdom leaning towards considering rewards as a form of offer and countries like German adopting the unilateral doctrine, China seems to adopt a very unsettled standpoint. The manifestation of intention is given importance and based on that the cases are decided. The motivation for this paper is to hence understand how China could adopt a more fixed stance when it comes to considering reward advertisements.

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本篇文章主要讲述互联网促进沟通,互联网使得与政府官员的沟通更加紧密:政府与公民之间的沟通发挥着至关重要的作用。要建立和发展民主,就必须同有关政府及其人民保持健康的沟通。这已经通过互联网实现了。互联网在民主中的使用越来越多,使得公民能够与政府官员建立更密切的沟通,这在过去被认为是一件罕见的事情(Layne and Lee, 2001)。它也被称为电子民主或电子民主,是一种提高选举投票率的手段,也影响年轻人参加政府活动。本篇美国市场营销论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The Internet allows closer communication with the government officials: The communication between government and citizens plays a vital role. For a democracy to be established and growing, it is vital that the communication with the respective government and its people be healthy. This has been made reality by internet. The rising use of internet in democracy has enabled the citizens to establish a closer communication with government officials which was considered a rare thing once (Layne and Lee, 2001). It is also known as e-democracy or electronic democracy which is a means to increase the voter turnout in elections and also influencing the youth to take part in the government activities.
As a result of low voter turnout, e-democracy and e-voting can help improve the condition. It enables the government to share critical information about democracy in unlimited quantities on demand. It also facilitates the citizens to bring their issues of concern in front of local, regional and national governments. Also, the internet updates the citizens regarding the environmental, policy, legal and cultural initiatives taken by the government (Litan and Rivlin, 2001). Overall, internet has reshaped the decision making process of government at all levels. The government officials can conduct virtual meetings with citizens and members to take critical decisions.
The Internet spreads democracy around the globe: The last benefit of internet for democracy is that it helps to strengthen the democracy around the globe. Since it establishes a strong relationship between government and people, it ultimately strengthens the democracy. With internet, people are able to know the latest news and happenings in their country which enables them to react on it accordingly. Internet has helped maximising the opportunities for people to become active participants in public policies and debates. Education crisis and illiteracy are a few challenges faced by the communities across globe. However, internet has enabled everyone, irrespective of being educated or non-educated to be active in democracy and be updated about the happenings occurring around (Laswad, Fisher and Oyelere, 2005). Therefore, it has strengthened the democracy across globe and helped citizens to closely communicate with government.
These are some of the potential benefits provided by internet to democracies across globe. Due to all these factors, internet is considered as a boon for democracy across globe.


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本篇文章主要讲的是医疗价格,与这一特定门槛相比,任何规模较小的基金都将缺乏效率,最终会屈服于更高效、更大的竞争。这要么导致为恢复规模经济而吸收更大的基金,要么导致对绿色牧场表现出兴趣的成员流失(Powell et al., 2013)。最重要的是,外部方应该普遍地处理某些服务,而其他方则跨一系列的外部第三方和内部提供者。同样重要的是,虽然大多数费用与基金的成员数目有正的关系,但存在着减少帐户平均规模的倾向。本篇达拉斯论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Any funds smaller in comparison of that specific threshold will lack efficiency, while succumbing eventually towards the more efficient and larger competition. This either results in the absorption of a larger fund for the purpose of restoring the economies of scale or results in the loss of members showing interest in green pastures (Powell et al., 2013). Most significant of all, external parties should be universally handling certain services while others move across a spectrum of external third-party and in-house providers. Having equal significance, while majority of the costs have positive relations with the membership of fund, there lies propensity for declining the average size of account.
The price of free market stands for Q1, and price stands for P1. However, the level of social efficiency stands for Q2, under the scope of which Social Marginal Cost is equal to Social Marginal Benefit. One key reason that the government has not been allowing Medicare for the negotiation of prices for the prescribed drugs. The cost of several medicines is significantly less across other developed nations such as Britain and Canada, which have not been negotiating with the manufacturers of drug.In terms of equivalence, it is the base price which should not be reduced for the sale of labour. Though it results in the deadweight loss for the society, it has been identified that this policy is helpful in increasing the standard of living among employees, reducing poverty, reducing inequality, boosting morality and forcing organizations for maintaining more efficiency (Bloom, 2014).
It has been recommended by the World Health Organization that increased tax on sugary beverages is crucial for the reduction of obesity during childhood. Some of the emergency services in the medical field making direct purchases from the companies of medical supply make even more payment and hence, the issue has to be resolved on urgent basis. It had been depicted by a research of British Medical Journal that the consumption of fizzy drinks across Mexico dropped in the initial year of taxation. Jobs of low wage across these cities only make slightly more payment in comparison with cheaper market platforms. Yet in small places, there is still a significant scope of high end jobs (Powell et al., 2013). This depicts that there are sufficiently healthy people for absorbing the increment in price before they end up becoming an issue. In the case of rising wages, business organizations may consider hiring less and investing more in automation and equipment.


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亚特兰大论文代写- Arduino的优点

本篇文章讲述的是Arduino的优点,覆盆子派在学校有不同的应用,覆盆子派mini就是其中之一。研究表明,覆盆子派微型计算机的使用提高了学校使用这些计算机的潜力(Ali等,2013年)。Pi微型计算机的低成本使其成为许多发展中国家大学课程的可行解决方案,在这些国家,成本是一个挑战(Tucker et al. 2004;Seviora 2005)。在社会经济地位较低的国家(Ali等,2013年;Grout & Houlden 2014)。本篇亚特兰大论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There are different applications of Raspberry Pi in school, the Raspberry Pi mini is one of them. Research has shown that the use of the Raspberry Pi mini-computer improves potential for schools to use those (Ali et al. 2013). Low cost of the Pi mini computers makes it a feasible solution for many university curriculums in developing nations where cost is a challenge (Tucker et al. 2004; Seviora 2005). Prototype solutions have been developed for schools like in Uganda viable modular systems are being considered in countries with a lower socio-economic status (Ali et al. 2013; Grout & Houlden 2014).
The second benefit of using the raspberry Pi is its modular and yet interconnected structure that enables the students to understand how an integrated application could be developed, it hence helps students to be innovative in projects (Lyn 2015).
Arduino is an open source extensible platform for microcontroller programming’s. Similar to the Raspberry, the Arduino comes with a detail set of pre-interfacings which solves much of the issues with microcontroller programming that was faced by embedded specialists in the past.
The Arduino boards are considered inexpensive which makes it a good choice for its use in schools and universities where budget allocations for newer curriculums could be very expensive. The least expensive version of the Arduino board is one that could be easily assembled by hand and even a pre-assembled board would not cost much more than fifty dollars (Caspi et al. 2015). However, research on curriculum incorporation of these Arduino boards seem to indicate that there are issues in costs when individual allocations to students are considered (Marwedl 2007; Lozano and Lozano 2014)
The second major benefit of the Arduino board which makes it a good choice for Universities and schools are that the Arduino software makes use of operating systems such as the Windows, Macintosh OSX, and Linux operating systems which operating systems are already used by students (Koopman et al. 2005; Henzinger and Sifakis 2007). They are familiar with these operating systems and hence are able to adapt faster. The Arduino is a very clean programming environment for students (Paraskevas & Zarouchas 2013). It ensures that students are able to be flexible in their understanding and usage and at the same time can also be used for students with experience.


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In the story, Voltaire has stated the setting where the Tartars are invaded. The theme of love that was missing in the original version is added into this storyline. Genghis Khan seems to develop a passion for Idamé, who is the wife of Zamti. She rejects the advances of Genghis Khan and stands true to her moral values. In the European version, there are certain gaps that Voltaire fills to make it interesting for the people in Europe. This made it even more appealing to the French audience who became enamored with the culture of China. There was development of healthy respect towards the Chinese culture owing to this efforts.
The changes that were observed were the addition of love theme into the revenge plot. There was more exemplification of the Chinese virtues in the Volatile edition. The play was restructured to make it appealing for the French audience.
From this the literary factors of the story are understood. The cultural perspective of the west and the east were found to be similar in the epitomizing of the story. These factors have been probed in detail in the following. The cultural nuances are explored in the storyline.
Cultural Perspective
“The Orphan of Zhao” is one the initial Chinese play that has been translated into the European languages. 900 years ago this story was translated into French language and it was played in many of the theaters in France. In 1753, French writer Voltaire revised the work “Orphan of Zhao” and termed it “L’Orphelin de la Chine: la morale de Confucius en cinq actes”. The main theme found in this version was the principles of love, forgiveness and the importance of ethical morality. It was shown in this version that the ignorance and violence can be eventually replaced by ideologies of virtues. It was shown that the virtue of the people can eventually handle any ominous threat of the people.
The universal theme found in this story line was the notion of forgiveness and love. The ultimate sacrifice and altruistic attitude was a symbolization of the European and the Chinese portrayal.


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The research has assumed certain specifics about skills, using human capability as an alternative, and then uses an approach which is positivist ontologically and epistemologically which underpins the method of interpreting the outcome and results. This is the most positive interpretation that is used and also compared with multiple past research which also agree to the contention taken by the author.
In the research, the author found out that the first four attributes in ranking that the participants liked were work that they liked doing, a secure job, working with friendly people, and access to opportunities for using their abilities. The author was surprised to find out that the job attributes that were used in the research were more similar to the capabilities list that was used and designed by the author. The author agrees that the complex interplay between the institutions, organisations, workers, employees, presents the list of job attributes which are not preferred or examined properly. These could be the opportunity freedom of workers, and the agency used in achieving the job attributes. The author is sure that the use of capability approach of individual has helped the question a lot as merely listing some capabilities would not have solved the purpose.
Bryson uses interpretivist approach in understanding the results when he associates the use of skill for a better life, a totalitarian life of quality and balance, which fortunately is a social construct (Mertens, 1998) and is exactly interpreted here by Bryson, he speaks:
“This article has further highlighted some important gaps in high skills policies: the formulation of these visions has begged the question of overall purpose, skills for what end?”
“In addition, policies have been vocationally focused at the expense of preparing for any alternative mode of life and social existence.”


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本篇文章讲述的是文化维度的分析,文化的这一属性指的是一个社会的人们在满足社会、情感和经济需求方面的延迟程度(Gesteland, 2002)。时间方向是通过称为LTO(长期方向指数)的度量来评估的。低LTO的社会相信坚定的行动,他们的实施和结果。这些人通常承受着工作压力,在偶然的情况下更容易感到焦虑,而这些人擅长在截止日期前完成任务。另一方面,高LTO社会相信长期的计划和实施。他们不期望他们的计划和实施会有稳定的结果。这些人可能会承受社会、经济和工作压力。高LTO社会通常通过稳定和持续的努力来实现长期目标,从而在计划中取得成功。本篇洛杉矶论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

This attribute of a culture refers to the extent to which people of a society are programmed to tolerate delays in their satisfaction of social, emotional and economic needs (Gesteland, 2002). Time-wise orientation is evaluated through metric called LTO (Long term orientation index). Societies with lower LTO believes in steadfast actions, their implementations and results. These people are usually take job stress and are more likely to be anxious in haphazard situations, while these people are good at meeting the deadline. On the other hand, higher LTO societies believe in long term planning and implementations. They do not expect steadfast results of their planning and implementations. These people are likely to absorb social, economic and job pressures. Higher LTO societies usually succeed in their planning through steady and continual efforts towards a long- term goal.
This is the sixth element of Hofstede’s cross cultural dimension. This dimension divides the societies into two types: indulgent and restraint. An indulgent society is known for free provision of basic human needs and allows its members to live freely and enjoy their life. Indulgent societies promote leisure activities, fun, sports, social norms, having friends and taking out time for social life. Happiness is considered very important in indulgent society. Indulgent societies have very loose principles on sexual mores and ethical disciplines. On the other hand, restraint societies are focused on ethics, cynicism, and pessimism. Social relations, and family and friends do not hold much importance in restraint societies. It has been observed that people in indulgent societies are happier and healthier than the people in restraint societies. Indulgence or restrain of a culture is measured through a metric IND (Indulgence index).
After examining the Hofstede’s cultural dimension, a real life case is studied in order to critically analyze and understand the Hofstede’s dimensions. There are several cases which deal with cross- cultural environments. In some cases, examiners learn from success of the organization while in other cases, examiner learns from failure stories and the reasons of failure thereof. Here a failure case has been selected to review, as the failure case opens more aspects of the case than a success story. The selected case is the Iridium Project.


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Sell:A well thought-out digital marketing campaign can be carried on over the internet. This may include discounts or free toys for babies with 3 purchases of BabyRun products.Serve:A membership program can be crafted for the consumers. The membership programs can enable the members’ free passes for the events BabyRun sponsors. Additionally, detailed information about the product features are provided to the parents of the babies. E-mails are sent to them regularly regarding the upcoming plans for the company, the new products to be launched, the events that are coming up, etc.
Speak:BabyRun should establish personal rapport with its customers. The members who are regular buyer of BabyRun products can be given Privilege Membership, where they can interact directly with the sales and production team either through internet driven text messages or through phone calls. All of their queries will be answered by the specialized team of BabyRun.
Save:BabyRun can reduce its overheads with technology use making the system more efficient. Back office integration can be implemented, where the members can update online their profiles.
Sizzle:The online presence of BabyRun can be made more attractive with special benefits offered to the premium members. They can given freebies occasionally, or special discounts, or may be called by the company executives for a family dinner and so on.
Target segments
The target segments are divided as follows:
Demographic segment:
Age: 25-35 years
Generation: Parents of young toddlers
Income: Middle income, upper middle, and high income groups
Gender; both genders
Geographic segments:
All regions of Ireland should be covered, where sufficient number of people and young people reside.
Psychographic segments:
Innovators: Sophisticated, successful with high esteem and taking charge of their lives
Thinkers: Reflective, matured and satisfied people
Achievers: Goal oriented successful people
Experiences: people seeking excitements, who are young, impulsive, and enthusiastic.
Behavioural segments:
Attitude: people with positive and enthusiastic attitude (McCarthy 1964)
User rate: medium and heavy product users
Loyalty status: hardcore loyals, split loyals, and shifting loyals
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本文是关于贫富差距的社会问题,在各个领域,人民的机会在扩大,失业率也在上升。在这种情况下,发展中国家的劳动力被雇佣得更多,他们能够为当地经济获取利益。他们也有一组利基投资者,使公司获得全面发展。本文以菲律宾巴瑶市为例进行分析。这表明,跨国公司被发现雇佣具有特定才能的人(Oikelome, and Healy, 2007)。这项研究表明,员工应该发展技能,以确保他们所发展的人才应该是可雇用的,因此应该更多地关注发展一般技能。本篇美国艺术与设计论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There has been expansion of opportunities for the people and also rising unemployment in several areas across the spectrum. The developing countries workforces are hired more in this situation and they are able to procure benefits for their local economy. They also have a set of niche investors that enable the company to gain holistic development. The case study analysis of the city of Baguio city in Philippines has been probed for this analysis. It shows that the MNC companies are found to hire people with specific talents (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). This research states that the employee should develop the skills to ensure that their talent that they develop should be employable and hence more focus should be given to developing the generic skills.
This would increase the employment factor among the individuals. This would lead to holistic growth of all the stakeholders involved in the process (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). The research suggests that to remain employed, there should be understanding of the importance of continual process development (Oikelome, and Healy, 2007). Employees who continue to develop themselves are found to gain better jobs and sustain in the current environment.
In many countries across the spectrum, there is monopoly of the rich and there is more control of the people. This has been found in the case of “Zapatista” rebellion in Mexico (Bradley et al., 2000). Reasons for this rebellion are the difference in power and the disproportionate asset distribution between the people (Bradley et al., 2000). There has been more importance given to the positive and the inherent gaps in the system and the vulnerable areas in the system are not appreciated. There are intense ideologies of capitalism in the societies and they have chosen to ignore the issues underpinning the system. People in power and the capitalistic owners control the people in the society. North East England hiring practice was observed. It was found from these results that the people in general had a positive view towards globalization but also did not like to deviate from their original culture. This homogenization of the process was not appreciates by the people. People have been forced to think of the positive effects and are told not to worry about the ramifications it entails (Bradley et al., 2000). This showcases the issue in this system.


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被骗文章主要讲述的是动机与利益,很多时候,采购经理的动机围绕着机会主义。人们相信,机遇将被抓住,以促进自身利益。机会主义可能有三个层次:在你的脸上,自然和微妙。外部供应链:外部供应链对组织有直接和间接的影响。外部供应链受到运输失败、交付链中断、关税增加、客户需求变化、技术变化、原材料价格上涨的影响(Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001)。另一方面,内部供应链更容易受到组织问题的影响,比如机器故障或信息流问题。本篇华盛顿论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Many times the motivation for purchase managers revolves around Opportunism. It is believed that opportunity would be seized to further self-interest. It is possible that opportunism could be possible in three levels: in your face, natural as well as subtle.External supply chain: An external supply chain has direct and indirect influence on an organization to. External supply chains are influenced by transportation failure, delivery chain disruptions, increasing customs duty, change in customer demand, technological change, increasing raw material prices (Frohlich and Westbrook, 2001). On the other hand an internal supply chain is influenced more by organizational issues like faulty machines or issues with information flow.
It is often found that the internal functions of an organization are in opposition to each other, creating any number of instances of ‘self-inflicted wounds’ (Porter, 1980). There are often subtle, sub-group centralized activities which result in poor performance and inefficient management of the purchase process.
Though there are structured lines and processes created in an organization, an increasing ‘cross-functional’ approach often results in converse decisions, influencing the overall quality of the process. There are a number of stakeholders involved in this structure of internal management for purchase processes (Feldmann and Müller, 2003). This includes the corporate itself, procurement departments, as well as internal consumers or clients and the end user. The multiple stakeholder structure gives ample opportunity for conflict of interests. One of the key problem or issue faced is that of ‘Demand Management Problems.’
These problems are caused due to various influences. One of the first issues which look to achieve short-term goals is the ‘off-contract’ issue. This type of buying is often called Maverick Buying. Similarly, spending could be distributed among several numbers of suppliers, due to their availability. Other problems include specification fumbles that assist suppliers. Sometimes an early requirement which offers better scope for Supplier A is likely to trigger similar problems. One has to accept that another supplier-specific issue is that of corrupt suppliers influencing purchasers. This leads to favouritism. Sometimes, there is negotiation which is largely sub-optimal in nature. Internal management issues also lead to over-specification of a requirement, or even blurred specifications. At times, there is a distinct lack of demand information which will bundle into bigger issues. However, the general issue behind demand management problem is poor relationship governance.


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本篇文章主要讲的是麦当劳对消费者的不当期望分析,麦当劳的消费者营销方法的一个关键问题是,它没有通过消费者营销正确地分析和满足顾客的真实期望。这家餐厅的消费者似乎对麦当劳在消费者营销方面采取的方法感到不满。这是因为它缺乏创新性。麦当劳偶尔会进行市场调查和研究,以正确理解和实现消费者的期望。调查由专家进行、分析和评估。因此,很明显,组织能够根据市场调查和调查的结果有效地跟踪消费者的期望。然而,专家认为,市场研究确实有助于跟踪消费者的期望,但它们不应该被视为绝对的真理(Trentmann, 2016)。本篇美国会计学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

One of the key problems of the consumer marketing approach of McDonald’s is that it does not properly analyze and address the real expectations of the customers through the consumer marketing. The consumers at the restaurant seemed to be unhappy about the approaches McDonald’s adopt for consumer marketing. This is because it lacked innovativeness. McDonald’s occasionally conduct market surveys and research to properly understand and realize the expectations of the consumers. The surveys are conducted, analyzed, and evaluated by the experts. Therefore, it is pretty obvious that the organization is able to efficiently track the consumer expectations according to the findings of the market research and surveys. However, experts suggest that market research is really helpful to track the consumer expectations but they should never be taken as absolute gospel truth (Trentmann, 2016).
The outcomes and the findings of the market research should be analyzed in accordance with the competence and deficiencies, strengths and weaknesses of the organization. But McDonald’s has always made this mistake. They place the utmost emphasis on the market research outcomes. It gives them a glimpse of the market condition and the consumer research. According to most of the consumers, McDonald’s never take innovative decisions and analyze the outcomes in relation to the possible market position in the future. It gets reflected in their consumer marketing. There is no sign of innovative solutions for consumer expectations in advance. The consumers expect the organization to give importance to the market research but also mix it with innovative decisions in the real life. But when it comes to consumer marketing, McDonald’s fail to meet this specific expectation. As a result, their marketing strategy seems to be outdated, invalid, and ineffective.
There are multiple problems in the consumer marketing strategy of McDonald’s. Another great problem in this section is that McDonald’s fail to attract people from diverse groups who have diverse taste, different expectations, and varied approaches. Even if the marketing research proves to be absolutely helpful and true, McDonald’s fail to reflect the results in their consumer marketing strategy. Creating specific kinds of food and drinks for different kind of people is a part of the consumer marketing. But McDonald’s has historically failed to produce such products that can meet the varied requirements of different kinds of people (Tuttle, 2015).

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本篇文章主要表述文化旅游的经济效应不稳定,旅游目的地的当地设施分为两类——自然资源和文化资源(Richards, 1996)。海滩、山脉和景观可以被认为是自然资源。纪念碑、博物馆和建筑被认为是重要的文化资源。这些资源的影响进一步分为两种模式。第一种模式对旅游业和经济的增长有着巨大的影响,但它不会导致任何形式的移民流动。它也与劳动力的不流动有关。第二个模型分析了劳动力流动和移民流动的因素(Adams & Parmenter, 1995)。借助现有的文学资源,可以对这些方面进行有效的分析。本篇美国管理学论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The local amenities of the tourist destinations have two different classes — natural resources and cultural resources (Richards, 1996). Beaches, mountains, and landscapes can be considered as the natural resources. Monuments, museums, and architecture are regarded as the significant cultural resources. The impact of these resources is further divided into two models. The first model has a huge impact on the growth of tourism and economy but it does not lead to any kind of migration flows. It is also related to labor immobility. The second model analyzes the factor of labor mobility and migration flows (Adams & Parmenter, 1995). With the help of the existing literary sources, these aspects can be effectively analyzed.
We can clearly and efficiently analyze the effect of labor immobility by assessing the economic effect and distributional welfare of the cultural tourism. This model tries to establish the aspect in which local amenities plays a huge role in the growth of tourism and economy but does not induce any kind of labor immobility.
When tourists cross the national boundaries and visit a foreign country, they get the opportunity to consume the local amenities of the destination places at its original and basic location. This is why cultural tourism is often considered as an export industry in an invisible form (Urry, 1988). This mechanism has a direct effect on the non-tradable industries like the accommodating hotels and restaurants. The tourists do not pay much concern to the price of the export goods in their own homelands, but they concentrate more on the products and services that can provide them cultural benefit and joy. It has a direct impact on the economic growth. The non-tradable goods play the vital role. Whereas the prices of the tradable goods are almost fixed in the global markets, the prices of the non-tradable amenities like cultural goods and services are determined by the locals depending on various factors like land, labor, and capital (Dioko, 2016). The flow of cultural tourism depends on the prices of these non-tradable amenities. The local authorities know that they have to set the prices intelligently and in a balanced manner. If the prices are increased heavily, then the tourists will try to choose other destinations or other alternative goods and services (Kislali, Kavaratzis, & Saren, 2016).


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本节是一篇人物分析的文章,第二个候选人是露辛达·施密特,她在BB食品公司工作了15年。最高的智商和不同的国际任务显示了她的忠诚。该候选人表现出了应对挑战的能力,并且表现出色,迅速获得跨级别晋升(Densten & Sarros, 2012)。她更有权威,能把事情做好,但缺乏团队合作精神。然而,她能够通过双方同意的回购来管理这些策略。哈佛大学(Harvard)工商管理硕士(MBA)和加州大学洛杉矶分校(CA)的双学位,以及三一学院(Trinity College)的语言学学位,使她成为BB Foods的宝贵财富。积极的一面是,相关经验显示了在法国、英国和德国处理战略决策处理组合的能力(Kim et al. 2009)。本篇旧金山论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The second candidate is Lucinda Schmidt who with her 15 years BB Foods stint. The highest IQ score and different international assignments show her loyalty. The candidate has shown ability to deal with challenges, and has performed that led to quick promotions across ranks (Densten & Sarros, 2012). She is more authoritative and have been able to get thing done, but not a team player. However, she has been able to manage the strategies with consensual buyins. Dual degree of MBA (Harvard) and CA with linguistics from (Trinity College) makes her an asset to BB Foods. The positives are that relevant experience shows the ability to handle strategic decision making handling portfolio in France, UK, Germany (Kim et al. 2009).
This gives her the edge; while as a leader, she is more self-oriented in decision making. This shows her ability to synthesize experience and education together with the situational demands. Strong in Finance, her capabilities range from R&D to do NPD (costing), handling new projects, products and its market development in new places. The personality test shows candidate as intelligent, who is an ‘activist’ performing as a doer (Tsui et al. 2006). The employee orientation mixed with initiation and consideration reflects in experience however, leadership decisions are strictly taken alone shown authoritarian traits (Waldman et al. 2001). Her mental disposition is ‘adult’ state in which knowledge and experience assimilation is helping to win loyal subordinates. Leadership decisions are more of pathfinding types, but her capabilities speak in her annual performance each year.
The last candidate is Rhonda Nicholson, who is an entrepreneur and owner/ marketing director of Luscious Foods. The candidate has built the firm from scratch starting with manufacturing, distribution and specialist retailing (Ng et al. 2012). This shows how as a marketing director she has been able to focus and diverse things to penetrate new market segments. As a leader she is more self-confident and determined that reflects her entrepreneurship skills and placing her in the board of BB Foods. Accounting (ACCA) and MBA (Ulster) are her education skills; she is a reflector in her start-up that also includes her husband. She is active physically making her high on being initiator and alert about business environment. Her capabilities and handling of the companies have led to her securing herself as board member in CBI and shows predominance of logical decision making in that position. Peterson et al. (2012) added that being a number cruncher that makes more insightful in approach with respect to the tasks depicting the fact that the candidate is a problem solver with ability to create tactical strategies at the right moment. Entrepreneurship experience makes the candidate more of crisis solver, along with the ability to delegate tasks, manage people to eliminate the risks (Ling et al. 2008). This makes her more production orientated to encounter the risks in entrepreneurship experience. Her planning is meticulous as she is driven in vision to drive her company.


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这是一篇关于大众文化的文章,欧根·韦伯把农民中流行文化的各种例子写进了《法国人》。他展示了农村人口如何理解他们自己的流行文化的特点。他还强调,“真实”与“人为”的生活方式一直纠缠在一起。这是由于工业革命和城市化引起的。一些研究也提到,英国早期的工业变革导致自然和有机文化的恶化,取而代之的是大众文化(McRobbie, 1994)。本篇波士顿论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Eugen Weber wrote various examples of popular culture in Peasants into Frenchmen. He demonstrated how the rural population understood the characteristics of their own popular culture. He also stressed upon the “authentic” and “artificial” way of lives have been tangled together. This was aroused due to the industrial revolution and urbanization. Some of the studies have also mentioned that the early Industrial changes in Britain led to deterioration of natural and organic culture and replaced it by a mass culture (McRobbie, 1994).
Thus popular culture is thus associated with vulgar and masses. The term is more and more associated with synonyms of leisure pursuits, with sea side trips, mass circulation newspapers, with soccer, and pop music (Mukerji, and Schudson, 1991). It was the reactive consumption of what was produced, rather than being done by people. The popular culture is not just the shadow of the reality, but it is much more than that. Thus, it has become the favorite topic of philosophical and political debates. The debate is over the life and culture of people in modern and post modern societies. According to Storey, “the field of popular culture is structured by the attempt of the ruling class to win hegemony and by forms of opposition to the Endeavour” (Storey, 2006).
The term popular culture was coined in the nineteenth century. Traditionally, the term was associated with the education and culture of the poor or lower class people, and believed that popular culture was against the higher culture of elite class people. Popular culture is the lifestyle that is accepted by the majority of the people of a society. Popular culture can be defined as the different form of identity and the expression of a society. The societies may include national, regional, local, racial, ethnic, etc. The term was made popular in the middle of 20th century. It includes the perspective of people in the early 20th century that how they used to spend their time, which was influenced by the advent of new technologies, and the rise of consumer society. Popular culture itself has numerous sources in the current society. Mass media is considered as the primary source of the popular culture, which includes films, television, video games, radio, books and internet. News, media, and scholarly publications are also source of popular culture as they provide information to the masses.














Characteristics that make it Legitimate

The various characteristics that make accountancy profession legitimate in present scenario are as follows:-

Safeguarding Public and Investors interest

There are some duties that these professional accountants do for public interest and one such role is safeguarding the interest of investors. This role of accountancy is very privileged and has a greater impact on the lives of people. High standard of professionalism should be maintained by the accountants in a company. They play a major role in maintaining the ethics of the company. In short they are making their requirements of accountancy legitimate as the protection of the public interest of the company is main aim of a professional accountant. The profession of accountancy has a great reach in global capital markets and society. The public should have confidence on the financial data and this can only be obtained by maintaining a certain level of ethics in a company. Hence, this is one of the important characteristics that make their professions more important and legitimate in present world.

Evolving Role in complex business scenario

The tasks to represent, promote as well as enhance the global accountancy line of work are carried out by the professional accounting groups. The country’s professional accountants, which include both of accountants who are in practice as well as business, are represented by the professional accounting firm at the national level. Due to the variation in their roles in the society, both the types of professional accountants, in practice and in business, should be well perceived by the society to support the position of accountancy profession.

The professional accounting body helps the accountants in carrying out their work effectively, who are often the most trained and skilled staff in an organization for the accounting work. The body also provides them the resources and the updated skills needed in their daily work. As an instance, the accountants need the support of the experts of subject in the accounting body to advise them on their work. The body should also carry out continuous professional development training programs to update the skills as well as knowledge of the accountants.

As in every other profession, the professional accountants are expected to show their expertise in the capital market along with their skill to progress and accept new challenges. The expectations from the public are quite high, therefore the professional accountants are expected to not only meet up the expectations of their respective organizations but also of the public. The professional accountants who are in business are very important to their organizations in creating and sustaining values and its growth. Their relevance to the organization is tested when their ability to cope up with the changes in the environment is analysed.



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2, Introduction的分重很低,只要简单明了,让老师知道大概的论述方向,就达到了目标和效果。


譬如说,在一个很难的research essay上,看到作业的题目,首先是自己去想,按照常识和上课的内容,去思考大致的观点。每当想到一个观点,就写下来,并且解释这个观点。且思考且动笔,先做research再动笔这个习惯有个很大的弊端:你所看到的一些文章,里面的观点可能是不重要的观点,或者是老师不强调的观点。这些观点写上去,老师不欣赏,只会给你很糟糕的分数。










二十国集团峰会机制是在2008年全球金融危机加剧时建立的,体现了二十国集团成员构建全球经济平台的决心。二十国集团成为国际经济合作的主要论坛。重新考虑同样的问题,很明显,这一过程创造了密切的关系,在困难时期形成了联合的潮流(Baldwin和Simon, 2009)。这表明,在经济全球化深入发展的时代,各国合作是应对挑战、实现共同发展的关键。发展中国家的增长对国际增长极为重要。


但是,全球再平衡的需要不能被认为是一个零和游戏,需求在彼此之间轮转(Ngone, 2008)。主要目标是提振增长,促进全球增长更加平衡。作为一个重要的例子,20国集团增长地图/框架下的首尔行动计划应该反映出全球发展与增长的双赢关系(Aslund, 2009)。



The summit mechanism of G20 was set up during the hike of global financial crisis in the year 2008 that demonstrated the determination of G20 members for building up the platform of global economy. Thus, the G20 turned out to be premier forum for the cooperation of international economy. Reconsidering the same, it is well evident that this process has created a close relation forging a joint tide during difficult times (Baldwin and Simon, 2009). This proves that in an era of deepened globalization across the economy, cooperation across nations is crucial for meeting challenges and achieving mutual development. Growth across developing nations is extremely important for international growth.

Led by the emerging markets triggered by fast growth, developing nations have started to make key contribution in the global growth. They can be seen as leading players for recovering global trade, with increased demand for import, matching up that of advanced economies (Yongding, 2004). The links of developing nations have started to grow and expanding, perceiving the notion that there is potential for contributing to global growth that is not restricted to the emerging poles of market growth. In the G20, currently the key focus is on reducing large imbalances at external level.

But the need to rebalance global cannot be considered as a game of zero sum, with the rotation of demand across one another (Ngone, 2008). The key objective is focused on lifting growth and bringing more balance in global growth. As a significant example, the Action Plan of Seoul, emerging out of G20 Growth MAP/ Framework should be reflecting the win- win interconnections of global development and growth (Åslund, 2009).

In the current era, international economic cooperation and global economy have ended up reaching a crucial juncture point. This juncture seeks questions like: Is there a possibility of strengthening the fundamental base for global growth and recovery while changing the scenario of crisis? Is there a possibility of seizing the past opportunity presented by breakthroughs of technology followed by a new industrial usher and revolution in a new era of global growth? This can be answered by the consideration of common action. This research will focus on understanding the effectiveness of IGOs in general, while further specifying the research to a case study that is of G20 mechanisms. The research question set for this report is:“How G20 helps in providing an effective process to maintain a cooperative link between emerging nations and developing nations?” As mentioned, for conducting this research, the methodology of case study will be used based on which key findings will be interpreted and analyzed, moving ahead to draft key conclusion.



ps代写:MBA学位论文选题的方式 MBA,想必不少人都不陌生,可是MBA论文是比较难写的。MBA学位论文强调务实和真实性,同时要求很严格,还要突出专业学位特色。那么,MBA学位论文选题的方式是什么呢?


(1) MBA学生在论文选题中处于主体地位。我们认为MBA学生在论文选题中的作用不仅仅体现为“在几个备选方案中如何选择”,更重要的作用体现在“如何提出这些备选方案”,因此我们将其作用称为“决策”而不是“选择”。










essay 評判:論文摘要的寫作方法

essay 評判:論文摘要的寫作方法 摘要在論文寫作中是一個重要的單元,通常分爲中文摘要和英文摘要兩部分。兩者常出現在論文題目之後、主體段落之前,但也有置於文後者,順序是中文摘要在前,英文摘要在後。

essay 評判:論文摘要的寫作方法

摘要是整篇文章的縮影,其內容應能反應整篇文章的精髓。有許多人蔘考到本文時,首先 接觸到的應爲摘要部份,計算機之搜尋最終之內容仍爲摘要之內容,故摘要所能傳達的信息 相當重要。





材料與方法:說明研究中所用之材料及品系資料,簡短地說明實驗設計的模式,必要 時敘述實驗的方法、所用條件及所加之限制等。

essay 評判:論文摘要的寫作方法







對於essay 評判:論文摘要的寫作方法先給大家介紹到這裏,如果您有任何需要我們幫助的請聯繫我們網站客服,我們會24小時在線爲您服務。














Every attitude is composed of three core components which are showcased in the attitudes model of ABC. Within this model A represents affective component, B suggests behavioural component and C implies the component of cognitive. Even though all attitudes possess all the three components within it, any attitude in specific can consist one component in majority more than other two. These are attitudes that are affectively based, behaviourally based or cognitively based.

It is found by various researchers that high paying positions have reported high levels of job satisfaction. However, pay is not the sole major factor that results in job satisfaction. There are factors like culture implying high job satisfaction wherein the workforce find commonalities among their co-workers and leaders as their relationship with reporting supervisors are linked with the job satisfaction. Rewards is considered to be another major factor this can not only involve monetary benefits, but also vacations, insurance and other advantages offered to the employees by organizations, job security and promotional opportunities are also considerable factors.


The five key traits within the big five personality model represent the base structure underlying in all the personality traits. These five traits are highlighted following:

Openness: Individual’s extent of intellect curiosity, creativeness and variety/novelty preference.

Conscientiousness: This is an individual tendency to showcase dutiful actions, self-discipline, and achievement aim along with reference to dependability, organization and planning.

Extraversion: Describing the positive energy, emotions, sociability, assertiveness, talkativeness and seeking stimulation in other’s company.

Agreeability: Being compassionate and cooperative for others

Neuroticism: Describing the vulnerability to emotions that are unpleasant such as anxiety, anger, vulnerability and depression. This refers to stability of emotion and control over impulse within an individual.


論文代寫:study plan寫作指導

論文代寫:study plan寫作指導 我們在留學申請及簽證的時候,都會要求寫study plan,即留學計劃書。這是很重要的一部分,可是很多同學不知道什麼是study plan,更不知道如何去寫。

論文代寫:study plan寫作指導

一般而言,study plan可以按照提交目的分成兩類,給大使館申請簽證用或給學校申請錄取用。可以說,給學校申請錄取用的study plan與personal statement是同一類型的文書,本文這裏就不介紹了,接下來要介紹的主要是提交大使館簽證用的study plan。

對於很多歐美國家,特別澳大利亞、新西蘭、加拿大等移民國家,study plan是留學生簽證過程中很重要的組成部分,通過study plan,你可以讓簽證官瞭解你的background,選擇留學major的動機和出發點,選擇該國留學的reason,未來留學timing plan,career goal,以及回國理由,通過study plan中所體現的內容才能最終決定是否給你發放留學簽證,study plan的重要性可見一斑。

論文代寫:study plan寫作指導

In generally,study plan主要包括以下幾方面內容:

1. 簡明扼要地說明自己的study experience,major background 和 work experience;

2. 簡要說明自己進一步求學的念頭及選擇該國該大學該專業的reasons;

3. 留學的timing plan,specificlly;

4. 留學money和其來源;

5. 闡述未來career goal,以及留學後回國的reason。

study plan的行文風格和文章結構與personal statement有很大不同,study plan重在plan,不需要太多個性化和感性的表達描述,堅持清楚簡潔的結構,嚴密無間的邏輯,明確闡述的事實明確,有力可託的相關論點,充分可信的回國理由,並且所申請的留學文書要保持一致,不能自相矛盾。

此外,study plan不可太長,說明一個題目只用一個段落好,並且段落之前需要加上標題,如 My Choice of University of Toronto in Canada,My career objective 等,這樣有助於使館工作職員在最快的時間內把握你study plan的整體脈絡,對你的中心一目瞭然,你在闡述你的觀點的時候一定要保持文章的通俗易懂,晦澀難懂的文字是study plan寫作中的一大忌諱。

論文代寫:study plan寫作指導先給大家介紹到這裏,如果您有任何需要我們幫助的請聯繫我們網站客服,我們會24小時在線爲您服務。









Autoaccess Company needs to have a robust hiring process that would lead to an efficient performance system. The first step would be hiring the right person for the job. To address the issue faced by the, company should consider is hiring the right people for the job. This recruitment process of the company should be a transparent process and can be achieved by using the competency based model of the company. Detailed explanations and the process that the company needs to follow to achieve their requirements have been discussed in detail in this report. It is expected that by following this transparent and dynamic model towards the shared objectives, there will be growth and sustenance of the company.


AutoAccess Company is a manufacturing company that specializes in automotive accessories. These accessories are primarily created to enhance the comfort of the customer. The primary objective of the company is to increase the comfort of the drivers while driving. Based on their successful product design and utility, there is plans of expansion to meet consumer requirements. The company had hired Georgia to identify and recruit talent for the company. She was hired because of the recommendation from Rhonda an existing employee. Georgia had previously worked for a different sector. She was involved in the hiring of talent for a call centre company. She was able to recruit 70 people to meet current requirement. Nevertheless, there were a number of employees who had now moved on to another company. The company is now facing 15% employee turnover rates. The newly hired people are not aligned with the company culture according to the supervisors.

The purpose of this report is to identify root issues in hiring practices, prevent employee turnover. This report will highlight the issues and propose recommendations for the same.



文书代写:阅读外文文献的方法 阅读外文文献对于每一位学者来说都是很重要的,这是因为外文文献对科研工作方面来说更加权威,也能够帮助自己对某个领域进行全面的了解。可是不少人也面临着一些问题,比如外文水平不高,阅读起来比较困难。那么,阅读外文文献的方法是什么呢?



















在参观期间,霍勒斯·韦尔内创作的《与日出作战的海盗》(1818)被发现很有趣。从艺术品中可以了解到很多维度。结果发现,其原油含量为72.0×103.2 cm。与展出的其他画作相比,这些画作的尺寸似乎要小一些。艺术家们错综复杂的细节似乎集中在许多方面和观点上。这幅作品吸引了我的注意力,因为艺术家们非常注重提供真实的细节。书中生动地描绘了海盗们所面临的压力。历史的复杂性似乎在这幅画中产生了共鸣。这幅画的核心目标似乎是在现存的复杂性中有某种途径。这很有趣,因为没有人真正知道这条路通向哪里。然而,这似乎很有趣,因为与生活相似,我们不知道这条路会把观众引向何方。




During the visit to the art gallery, it was found that the artwork in European paintings were wide ranging. It was from Renaissance era to mid 1990s. There were more than 1000s of work of arts of art from Europe. It was found that they had Dutch Paintings from 1600, Italian sculptures from 1600 French Salon, impressionist painting from the 1800 were also found. The most interesting to me was the art created by Horace Vernet.

During the visit, the Pirates Fighting Sunrise (1818) created by Horace Vernet was found to be interesting. There were multiple dimensions that could be understood from the artwork. It was found to have 72.0 x 103.2 cm crude. The paintings seemed to be smaller in size when compared to the other mated pieces that were on display. The intricate detailing of the artists seemed to focus on many dimensions and views. This artwork captured my attention owing to the attention the artists has given to providing the realistic details. There were vivid colors that portrayed the stresses encountered by the pirates. The complicated nature of the history seemed to resonate in the painting. The core objective of the painting seemed that it had some sort pathway in the complexity that was existing. It was interesting because no one really knows where the path leads. However, it seems interesting because similar to life we do not know where the path would lead the viewers.


The scene setting was during the sunrise. There was a chance which was the variation between night and day. The painting seemed to capture the difference between the two. There was the representation of a wet frame that had captured the rapaciousness and also the energy potential of the tides. These tides seemed to help the boats forge ahead. The high tides show that the people were in the middle of the sea and were nowhere near the shores. The people in the picture seemed to have no control over the boat. It seemed that the situation was not under anyone’s control except maybe the tides. There is an argon speck that seems to portray the inner travails of the mind. There is some sort of mourning in the situation. There was something unsettling in the picture and at the same seem to draw in the viewer with its detailing. To conclude, it was an interesting artwork that made me retrospect about life.




菲尔·罗杰斯先生,55岁,已婚,有3个孩子。他一直患有胃肠道疾病。他最近做了结肠镜检查。既往病史包括溃疡性结肠炎、憩室炎、气管炎。他把医生推荐给他的结肠镜检查推迟了两年。他在过去的十年里没有做过结肠镜检查。如果推迟结肠镜检查,发生癌症等并发症的风险很高(Yamada, Alpers, & Owyang, 2009)。这可能是由于卫生保健系统的后勤保障。他没有私人保险来支付他的费用。



溃疡性结肠炎是指结肠和直肠发炎的长期情况。结肠是大肠(Jones et al., 2009)。它也被称为肠道。直肠是肠的末端。溃疡在结肠内壁发展,可出血导致不适(Barclay, 2015)。

菲尔已经改变了一些生活方式,比如口服布地奈德。布地奈德是一种用于治疗炎症的类固醇。除了使用益生菌,菲尔还有高胆固醇。他过去的吸烟习惯和现在的饮酒习惯都是溃疡形成的原因。然而,当结肠出血时,建议紧急手术。结肠出血通常等同于立即手术(Christensen & Kockrow, 2014)。这是菲尔去医院的主要原因。他需要立即接受治疗和手术。如果手术是在所有其他方法都不能控制疾病的情况下进行的,术后Phil需要进行一些维护。


Mr Phil Rogers, is a 55-year-old man who is married with 3 children. He has been suffering from gastrointestinal disorders. He has recently undergone colonoscopy. His past history includes having ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis and GORD. He has postponed the colonoscopy exam that was recommended to him by the doctor for 2 years. He has not had colonoscopy in the past ten years. The risks of developing complications such as Cancer are high when colonoscopy exam is delayed (Yamada, Alpers, & Owyang, 2009). This could be due to the logistics of the health care system. He does not have private insurance to cover his costs.

Recently, he has been experiencing pain due to his ulcerative colitis and also has rectal bleeding this had prompted him to consult a doctor during which the colonoscopy was performed. Now there should be management of his past conditions along with management of the post-operative monitoring. In this case, there should be management of the ulcerative colitis condition through the right nutrition and lifestyle, immediate post-operative monitoring is required along with past management of the GORD conditions. These factors have been discussed in the following.


Ulcerative colitis is the term for long-term condition where the colon and the rectum inflame. The colon is the large intestine (Jones et al., 2009). It is also known as the bowel. The rectum is the end of the bowel. The ulcers develop in the colon lining and can bleed leading to discomfort (Barclay, 2015).

Phil has taken some lifestyle changes such as being on a diet taken in oral budesonide. The budesonide is a steroid used to treat inflammation. Apart from Phil also uses probiotics, Phil has high levels of cholesterol. His past smoking habits and the current drinking habit contribute towards the development of ulcers. However, urgent surgery is recommended when there is colon bleeding. Colon bleeding is usually tantamount to immediate surgery (Christensen & Kockrow, 2014). This is the main reason for Phil to visit the hospital. He needs immediate care and surgery to treat the condition. If surgery is performed when all other methods fail to manage the disease some maintenances are required by Phil post the surgery.

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亚当·哈特有两种收入来源。第一份收入是他的工作收入,第二份收入是租金收入。已经登记的每月费用有好几个。根据所提供的估计数,亚当·哈特每月可以节省2 255美元。

由于亚当的收入目前是固定的,亚当可以通过减少一些开支来提高他的储蓄。除招待费和杂费外,他的大部分开支都是基本开支。亚当可以减少娱乐或杂项开支。他每月650美元的招待费与其他费用相比太高了。他的杂项费用有减少的余地。他每月在汽车上的花费可能还有减少的余地。Adam Hart可以通过减少这些开支,至少每月减少300美元的开支。





Adam Hart has two sources of income. First income is through his job and the other income is the rental income. There are many multiple monthly expenses which have been enlisted. Adam Hart is able to save $2,255 monthly based on the estimates provided.
Since the income of Adam is currently fixed, Adam can look to improve his savings by reducing some expenses. Most of his expenses are essential expenses except for entertainment and miscellaneous expenses. Adam can look to cut down its entertainment or miscellaneous expenses. His entertainment expense of $650 is too high as compared to other monthly expenses. His miscellaneous expense has scope of reduction. His monthly expense on cars might have scope of reduction. Adam Hart can look to reduce at least reduce the expenses by $300 per month by reducing these expenses.
Adam has high car expenses. Adam needs to look into that whether there is scope of reduction in the car expenses.


The net savings of Adam sits in the bank. Bank gives a minimal return and thus the money is sitting idle. Adam should look to increase grow his wealth through systematically investing in other assets. Since Adam is 31 years and has plenty of work life left he can look to invest in stocks for long term gains. Adam should invest part of his savings in equities. If Adam wants to risk averse then he can have a mix between debt and equity but that will reduce his returns. Thus instead of keeping all of his savings in the bank Adam should look to invest in other asset classes.

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在这些活动驱动程序上产生的成本应通过活动成本法分配给其产品(花卉)。由于作业成本法是以产品特定成本为基础的,因此Mal有限公司的管理层能够对每个成本动因进行分析。Mal ltd可以根据作业成本法的结果,在淡季对任何成本动因做出关于降低成本的决策。Mal ltd的业务也受到价格的影响,他们向客户收取费用,ABC定义了产品的真实成本(没有任何定义的计算)。在淡季期间,Mal有限公司需要削减成本,因此基于成本动因或资源利用,ABC是最适合该决策的成本计算技术。Mal有限公司的管理层将能够处理生产和管理过程中产生的成本因素。作业成本法提供了成本及其分配方面的决策信息。


Activity based costing technique is termed as most realistic costing technique as it directly assignment or changer cost incurred on usage of resources. In this manner activity based costing assigns cost directly to its products. Activity based costing technique is totally different from all other costing techniques in terms of its cost allocation capabilities . Activity based costing technique is the techniques that uses information related to cost drivers or cost elements or resources that is used in producing product. Since under activity based costing technique, cost are directly assigned or charged to product, therefore it became easier for management to identify unprofitable product among different product line.


Cost incurred on these activity drivers shall be allocated to its product (flowers) by using activity based costing. Since activity based costing is based on product specific costing therefore management of Mal ltd will be able to make analyses of each cost driver. Mal ltd can make decisions related to reducing cost of any cost driver at the time of off season on the basis of results presented by activity based costing . Mal ltd business is affected by its price also that they charge from customers and ABC defines true cost of product (without any defined calculation). At the time of off season period, Mal ltd is required to cut-off its cost therefore ABC is most suitable costing technique for this decision as ABC is based on cost drivers or resources utilization. Management of Mal ltd will be able to handle its cost elements incurred on production and administration process. Activity based costing provides decision making information in terms of cost and its allocation.

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1917年的俄国革命取得了巨大的成功,其中包括一些很有前途的权利,如离婚和妇女堕胎的合法化。它给予妇女投票和成为政治职务一部分的权利(恩格斯,1972)。它还结束了将同性恋性行为和卖淫定为犯罪的法律。然而,它并没有挑战妇女的自然命运,它被认为是妇女的社会责任。同样,家务劳动也被认为是女性的社会责任(Riddell, 2013)。



在许多情况下,这种压迫是她们的母亲强加给她们的,她们自己就是妇女。女性被期望照顾孩子,保持家里整洁,而男性被赋予了保持家里整洁的自由,可能不会对自己的孩子表现出任何责任(Riddell, 2013)。另一个趋势是,在当今社会,女性被要求接受高等教育,这样她们就能照顾自己孩子的教育,并能在社会上由她们的丈夫适当地代表。然而,他们不允许自己做决定。


The Russian Revolution in the year 1917 was a huge success and it included some promising rights like legalization of divorce and abortion for women. It gave women the right to cast their votes and become part of political offices (Engels, 1972). It also put an end to the laws that criminalized gay sexuality and prostitution. However, it failed to challenge the natural destiny of women’s maternity and it was considered as her social responsibility. Similarly, domestic work has also been considered as social responsibility of the women (Riddell, 2013).


From time immemorial, it has been observed that women have been considered as the weaker section of the society. There are examples of powerful Queens, Goddess in the history and mythologies, they are still considered as weak individuals who are only meant for exploitation and oppression. There are societies in several developing countries where till date, women are considered as burden to a family and they are not allowed to pursue their own career interests. From the very childhood, little girls are forced to learn how to manage home, cook food, and take care of their younger brothers and sisters so that they can manage their own home properly after marriage.

In many cases, this oppression are forced to them by their mothers who are women by themselves. Women are expected to take care of the children and also keep their home neat and tidy whereas the men are given the freedom of keeping their home untidy and may not show any responsibility towards their own children (Riddell, 2013). Another trend has been observed in the present days where women are expected to be highly educated so that they can take care of their own child’s education and can be properly represented in the society by their husbands. However, they are not allowed to take decisions of their own.

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Jeffrey W. Stewart等人(2008)认为,针对特定行业进行研究的呼声再次高涨。他们建议加强边境联系,以增加美国和加拿大的旅游收入。他们还建议通过加强服务来提高国内的认识。因此,我们大力推广我们的葡萄酒和烹饪旅游综合开发方式。此外,安大略省旅游、文化和娱乐部(MTCR)表示,葡萄酒旅游和烹饪旅游已被确定为该省旅游业增长的推动因素,这两方面包括吸引更多游客以及延长目前游客的停留时间和消费。


Shenoy(2005)的报告指出,美食旅游包括五个维度或类别的活动,如地方美食、购买当地食品、当地饮料、在熟悉的连锁餐厅和特许经营餐厅用餐。烹饪旅游的增长被视为一种趋势的结果,人们花更少的时间做饭,但选择追求他们的兴趣,作为休闲体验的一部分,如观看节目,外出就餐等(Sharples, 2003)。Richards(2002)指出,旅游者寻求的是日常生活中无法获得的体验。


According to Jeffrey W. Stewart et al. (2008), there was a renewed call for industry specific research. They suggested enhancing linkages across the border to increase tourism revenue in USA and Canada. They have also suggested enhancing domestic awareness by enhancing services. Therefore, we strongly promote our integrated approach for development of wine and culinary tourism. Moreover, The Ministry of tourism, culture and recreation (MTCR), Ontario stated that wine tourism and culinary tourism have been identified as sectors that could be drivers for increased tourism in the province, both in attracting more visitors and extending the length of stay and spending of current visitors.


Shenoy (2005) reported that food tourism is composed of five dimensions or classes of activities like local cuisines, purchasing local food products, local beverages, dining at familiar chain restaurants and franchises. The growth of culinary tourism is seen as an outcome of a trend where people spend much less time cooking, but choose to pursue their interest in food as a part of a leisure experience such as watching shows, dining out and the like (Sharples, 2003). Richards (2002) stated that tourists seek experiences not available in daily life.


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Greentick审计公司受委托审计Soundworld Ltd的财务记录,Soundworld Ltd是一家从事dvd和其他音乐存储设备销售的组织。格林蒂克的审计主任被要求为这个组织准备一份审计计划。本审计计划是在评估Soundworld Ltd的业务和审计风险后,在一份报告中提出的。审计员已对上述机构的财务预测进行了评估,并确定了审计工作的主要范围。报告建议特别收集和分析与公司的销售、存货和现金交易有关的审计证据。公司内部控制亟待加强。


An audit of an organization is done to find out whether the accounting records of the enterprise show its true financial position and the financial statements make disclosures required by the regulating authority. The auditor is expected to use the individual’s knowledge of the industry and business of its client to make a fair assessment whether there are material misstatements in the financial statements or not. In the given case an audit plan is prepared for conducting audit of Soundworld Ltd.


The audit firm Greentick is entrusted with auditing the financial records of Soundworld Ltd, an organization engaged in sale of DVDs and other music storage devices. The audit senior of Greentick had been asked to prepare an audit plan for this organization. This audit plan has been given in a report after assessing the business and audit risks related to Soundworld Ltd. The financial projections for the above organization have been assessed by the auditors and major areas to be covered in the audit have been identified. It has been recommended in the report that audit evidence relating to sales, inventory and cash transactions of the company should be collected and analyzed in particular. There is an urgent need to strengthen the internal controls in Soundworld Ltd.