美国代写论文 美国论文代写


本文讲的是中国工人的特质,中国工人有一种规避风险的意识。他们不喜欢在不考虑其影响的情况下接受新的挑战。中国工人通常希望避免任何可能使他们在短期或长期面临问题的风险。他们宁愿避免风险。在不确定的情况下,他们试图采取安全的选择(Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov, 2015)。这在某些情况下也是有利的。必须承担决策过程中涉及的风险(Minkov和Hofstede, 2011)。本篇essay代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

There is a sense of risk avoidance for the Chinese workers. They do not like to take on newer challenges without wondering about the implications. Chinese workers in general want to avoid any risk that would make them face issues in the short term or in the long term. They prefer to avoid risk. In uncertain situation, they try to take the safe option (Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov, 2015). This is also advantageous in certain circumstances. It is imperative to assume the risks involved in the decision making processes (Minkov and Hofstede, 2011).
The British managers should weigh in the options before embarking on unwanted risks. This is also beneficial for the British companies. Chinese employees expect their managers to explain about newer technology and their long term implications while making a decision. Generally, they do not like to embark on a new technology or venture that could fail. Chinese employees try to make decisions based on the long term vision. This does not mean that the Chinese employee do not change with the society. They expect that their individual managers would explain about the nuances of the solution before making a decision.
The level of participation in the decision making is found to be greatly varied. Chinese employees like to make a decision that would benefit all the team members. The power distance index in the culture is observed in every operational procedure of the company. There is a general non-participatory approach that is observed in the Chinese culture where they implicitly follow the rule of the state-owned enterprise (Hofstede, Hofstede, and Minkov, 2015). This however has been changing the current times, nevertheless, they continue to exist. They prefer to leave the decision making authority to the management.


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