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After reading through the feedback forms it was found that the employees feel a little apprehensive. There was one specific question in the feedback form that simply asked the employees how they felt about the new changes. This helped in understanding about the importance of feedback forms and devising plans based on the reality of the situation. There are several facets that were understood from this activity. Feedback will be given more importance. It is to be noted that in the next session there will be analysis conducted about how people felt. It was found that the majority of the employees preferred the way things were. They did not like newer people joining the group and felt it would threaten their current sustenance in the company.
From analysis of the qualitative results it was found that there is fear and some levels of resistance to change.
From this it was formulated that the next level of training will be based on change management. Importance of change and the need for change will be expressed in detail in this analysis.
Operational plans are integral for any company. It is found to be esp. useful when the company is bringing in changes. There should be first analysis of the competitors and understand the market potential of the place. The market potential will determine how the people should react. In the case of Office Assistant, it has been found that there is rising competition for this industry. In this situation there is a need to ensure that the company is needs to hire people and also coach the people. Specific agenda for the different training plans and the mandates for the interviews had been discussed in detail in this analysis. Feedback was needs to be obtained from the staff. Based on feedback, performance appraisal and financial statement companies should formulate operational plan. To conclude operational plan reflects on the current situation and future action plans for the company.

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