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二六年,公司的利润约为395亿元,整体市值约为460.43亿元。这家公司继续赚大钱。2007年,公司录得创纪录的净收入约406.1亿元,总市值约4045.52亿元。与前一年相比,这是一个巨大的增长。由于石油价格的上涨,已经观察到这种增长。这家公司在未来几年里继续提高利润。2008年,该公司的净利润约为406.1亿美元,总收入约为459,575美元,但未来数年的收入略有下降。2009年,该公司总收入约为3.83亿美元,总收入为1.928亿美元。2010年的收入为383,221美元,净收入约为304.6亿美元。该公司的总营收增至约480 681美元,净收入约为44880美元。为了对财务比率进行分析,对公司的资产和负债进行全面的分析也很重要。


In the year 2005, Exxon Mobil had already surpassed Wal-Mart which was the world’s largest corporation before Exxon Mobil. This organization had become the largest organization in terms of the overall revenue. After this, the company continued to be the market leader in the coming years as well. The revenue of the company in the year 2005 had been around $340 billion which was an increase of around 25 % over their revenues in the year 2004.
In the very next year, the company continued to be the market leader with the overall revenue of around $348.7 billion. The company therefore continued to be the market leader both in terms of the profits and market value.


The profits which were earned by the company in the year 2006 were around $39.5 billion and the overall market value of the company was around $460.43 billion. The company further continued to earn in a great manner. In the year 2007, the company had observed the record net income around $ 40.61 billion and the overall market value around $404.552 billion. This was a huge increase in comparison to the previous year. The increase had been observed because of the escalation in the prices of oil. The company continued to enhance its earnings in the coming years. In 2008, the company earned a net income of around $40,610 million with the total revenue of around $459,575 though there was a slight decrease in the revenue in the coming years. In 2009, the company earned total revenue of around $383, 221 million while the overall revenue of the company was $19,280 million. The revenues in the year 2010 were $383,221 and the net income had been around $30,460 million. The overall revenue of the company rose to around $480,681 and the net revenue was around $44,880.In order to do the analysis of the financial ratios, it is also important to do the overall analysis of the assets and liabilities of the company.

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