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Apart from this, there has been an influx of different races and formation of minority groups in the population. The density of the immigrants in the city has increased in the recent times. This is because of the promise a city continues to hold to increase the income levels of the people. However, this has also caused the ethnic member of the society to interact with only with the member of their races and construct a design around them. There is the development of city design around certain groups. This leads to unequal development of the community and there is fostering of fear of the other races within each racial community. This leads to further issues apart from the issue of income levels.


People from different races live in a city but continue to be living in different areas of the society. There is an implicit bias or fear of the people. But the newer urbane cities have been found to have different problems. The people are not segregated based on their race or ethnicity so much when compared to the economic status of the people.

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