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However, in the current world, the work is not what one does at his desk but it has more dimensions attached to it. The organization emphasize on the skill set, negotiation skills, dedication, innovation, openness to new ideas etc. All qualified employees can write a good email and can put forward their points efficiently using the right words but what really matters in the current world is how the business is running and which employee is bringing in what kind of business . Qualification is not limited to degrees and certificates. When an employee changes his job, the one most popular question which the HR asks him is what kind of business he has brought for the company where he currently works.

The HR is least bothered about his qualifications and certificates but is more concerned about him being instrumental in bringing in good business for the company. This is also a major driver while negotiating ones salary during the HR interview. The theories given by Frederick and Weber were best applied during the times in which it was proposed but it is not of much importance in the twenty first century .

Thus in order to conclude, it would not be wrong to mention that the definition of management has changed over the years and the companies have adopted the management style which suits them the best rather than following the classical management theories. The world has become fast paced and the old management theories are not able to keep pace with the ever changing world and hence do not hold much importance in the current world. Theories given by Frederick and Weber were with respect to the early twentieth century. However the world has advanced manifold and has moved ahead of time and at this fast pace, the theories do not hold much of importance. Each organization has its own style of working which best suits their approach towards managing employees and the work .


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