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漫威电影《死侍》因审查问题未能在中国上映,但并不限制其在中国的受欢迎程度。电影制作者用一种独特的方式来宣传他们的电影,他们利用数字营销或者网络平台来进行这种宣传。该组织发布了一段视频,很快在中国漫威粉丝中传播开来。在视频中,粉丝或观众可以看到瑞安·雷诺兹(Ryan Reynolds)穿着其中一个角色的服装。瑞安·雷诺兹对中国新年的到来表示了良好的祝愿。因此,它帮助电影和电影中的人物接触到它的粉丝,即使有一个禁令,或一种禁止或审查有关观看电影。可以说,漫威通过数字媒体在英国和中国都取得了巨大的成功




The Marvel movie Deadpool was not allowed to release in China because some kind of censorship issue, but it does not restrict the popularity of this movie in China . The moviemakers used a unique way to promote their film, and they used the digital marketing or the online platform to make this promotion . The organization came with a video, which was soon viral among the fans of Marvel in China. In the video the fans or the audience, could see Ryan Reynolds in the costume of one of the characters. Ryan Reynolds provided his best wishes on the onset of the Chinese New Year . Thus, it helped the movie and the characters of the movie to reach out to its fan, even if there is a ban or a kind of prohibition or censorship related to viewing the movie. As a result, it can be said that Marvel has gained huge success through digital media, both in UK and China.


Thus, it can be concluded that in the present world of digital media, online marketing is an important platform that could be used by the film industry. History and even facts have shown that the digital media platforms could turn out to be very fruitful for the companies, especially for the independent filmmakers. The example of Marvel and the digital media marketing that is being used by this company in UK and China is an important example, which could show that digital and the online media marketing could actually help the companies to gain success.

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