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Product manufacturing costs, operational costs in manufacturing, product distribution and delivery costs are some of the costs that are tied up in the determination of the end costs for products. The technical support available for a product will be helpful in driving down the manufacturing costs, operational costs etc. This in turn will help the company to drive down their cost per handset to customer. Thus when the technical improvements reduce production costs, then the overall cost per handset could be brought down. This means that the price declines. For a normal good, when the good is desirable in the market and when the price goes down for it, consumers will tend to buy it. The customers are expected to be knowledgeable about the good they buy in a market economy . The very competitive nature of the market economy is structured around this.


Therefore when the price for a product declines, then the demand for the product would increase as customers will want to buy it. The quantity demanded will hence raise leading to a sloping demand curve. Quantity demanded at different price levels can be seen in the above diagram. The lower the price is, the higher the demands and vice versa. However, there are any exceptions to the case here. A mobile phone handset has a certain life time and consumers would probably not want to buy another handset of the same model if they already have an existing handset. Secondly, the mobile phone market is a very competitive one, and consumers have a different variety of choices to choose from. Technology support for mobile goods increases in a rather balanced way for all mobile phone manufacturers, so cost control is not just dependent on technology but other factors such as geography etc.

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