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本文是讲巴宝莉在营销上的创新,博柏利集团(Burberry group PLC)是高端奢侈品的领先制造商之一。他们专门销售户外服装、配饰、香水、女装、男装和童装。巴宝莉标志性的格子图案是该公司采用的独特风格。它最初成立于1856年,1955年被Great Universal stores PLC收购(Phan, Thomas and Heine, 2011)。公司得以维持和发展。2006年,安吉拉·阿伦茨从罗斯·布拉沃手中接管了公司。她为公司带来了许多创新的营销策略。本篇加拿大代写被抓文章由美国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

Burberry group PLC is one of the leading manufacturers of high-end luxury goods. They specialize in selling outwear, accessories, fragrance, clothing for women, men and children. The iconic checkered or tartan pattern of Burberry is a distinctive style adopted by the company. It was originally founded in 1856 and was bought by Great Universal stores PLC in 1955 (Phan, Thomas and Heine, 2011). Company has managed to sustain and thrive. In 2006, Angela Ahrendts took over the company from Rose Bravo. She brought in a number of innovative marketing strategies of the company. During Angela Ahrendts a “Multi Dimensional strategy” was adopted in order to make sales. According to a 2013 report, the net asset value of Burberry was estimated to be 4.34 Billion (Johansson, 2014). In 2014 Christopher Bailey took over the company and has been presiding over the company as CEO (Ward, and Dahl, 2014). The thorough marketing and brand strategy made by Burberry is explained in detail in the following.
Burberry traditionally extend product life cycle by continuity products. By using the core objective of “Functional Luxury”, the company tries to extend the product life cycle of the brand (Ahrendts, 2013). Being a premium luxury brand, it is recommended to increase personal selling and reduce ads. There can be a few teaser ads that the company can use to create awareness of the products (Restuccia et al., 2015). It is important for the company to ensure that they maintain the current standards of exclusivity for the brand. Even though Macro environmental factors suggest that there are a number of new threats and competitors that enter the global markets (Sung et al., 2015). They can affect the selling of the products. But Burberry is more towards selling of a persona (Stark, 2011). Hence, it is recommended that the company should retain its current product life cycle methods.
Traditionally, it has been thought that the product life cycle follows a bell shape curve. This need not be the case. There can be increase in sales by changing key marketing strategies. Burberry is about selling the brand image. The company should focus on adding intangible value, celebrity endorsement to increase brand image. This would result in overall growth of the products.
To conclude, Burberry is a global market player. It has done a lot of innovative strategies in the past. This has enabled the company to sustain in the modern era. Nevertheless, by changing some of the key aspects discussed in this essay, it is expected that the company will grow manifold in the future.


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