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It is identified that the public opinion on the solar energy in India is more on the confused side since most of the public do not understand the terminologies of MW and GW that result in their opinion and preferences to become non-clear. The goals of the NDA government of India are to deliver 24 hours supply of power to the nation that is chronically short powered. Part of the governmental and corporate emphasis in related with the solar energy is to strengthen the position of India within the topic of global climate change negotiation. The focus of both government and the Indian policy makers are to reduce the reliance on the fossil fuels in order to reduce the emissions without committing to place cap on emissions .


However, India has placed the carbon tax on INR 100 to INR 200 per tonne for the greenhouse gas emitting coal. The public of India is equally concerned about the climate change because of which the focus has moved on the energy production and the impact on environment. Therefore, the public opinion about the concern of solar energy is in favour of expanding the solar power . Majority of the Indians are aware that there has been considerable growth within the solar energy sector of India and the considerable foreign direct investment has also been secured.

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