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The world is changing and so is the way people look at entertainment. By people, one refers to both adults and kids. Earlier the adults had various ways of recreational activities, which were different from the time spent on the internet. The kids were asked to play outdoors. Outdoor games were important and so was physical activity. The kids indulged in outdoor activities. With the advent of computer and later, the internet, the way people looked at entertainment changed. The adults have taken to spending more time on the internet which includes watching motion pictures and serials, playing games and connecting with other people on the internet. At the same time, it is seen that the kids are introduced to gaming techniques available online.


It needs to be understood that with the changing patterns of recreational activities, the behavioral pattern of people is also changing. People on a general note are becoming irritable and violent. The question that arises at the given point of time is that is the online gaming habit responsible for creation of violence in kids and people who play regularly, or it’s just the social media which is responsible for the same.In order to answer the given question, it becomes important to understand the usage pattern of social media by people and how it has been changing the behavioral pattern of people. At the same time if online gaming has also lead to a change in behavioral pattern. Besides, if either of it is responsible for creating violence in children or in adults (Bock).

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