


战略管理包括对公司进行分析,确定其竞争优势,整合资源,确保可交付成果得到满足。根据公司在市场中的表现,对管理政策进行变更(Rothaermel, 2015)。为此,有必要分析资源、能力、核心竞争力和可持续竞争优势的概念。竞争优势、资源、能力和核心竞争力之间存在着复杂的动态关系(Epstein and Buhovac, 2014)。这些已经通过三星与苹果的案例分析进行了详细的探讨。






为了创造一个有竞争力的可持续优势,公司应该有一个不可复制的战略。另一家公司不应该轻易开发它们。他们应该拥有良好的、服务或流程,以确保他们能够满足消费者的需求(McGrath, 2013)。公司应该通过确保满足所有要求的四个标准,来发展长期的可持续优势。

在三星公司,他们相信自己有垂直整合的能力,能够为消费者生产大量的产品。产品设计、品牌形象以及各种产品之间的整合是苹果公司的可持续竞争优势(Menzel, 2014)。苹果拥有相当大的封闭网络和品牌形象,被认为是一款精英级的高端产品。三星的产品多样化程度更高,而且数量也更多。

这两家公司都为自己的产品建立了强大的战略市场。这些公司所形成的竞争优势是其战略管理的副产品(Menzel, 2014)。


Strategic management involves conducting analysis of a company, identifying its competitive advantage, aligning resources and ensuring that the deliverables are met. Based on the performance of the company in the markets, changes are enacted into the management policy (Rothaermel, 2015). For this, there is a need to analyze the resources, capabilities, core competencies and a concept for sustainable competitive advantage. There is an intricate dynamics that exist between the competitive advantage, resource, capabilities and core competencies (Epstein and Buhovac, 2014). These have been explored in detail with the case study analysis of Samsung vs. Apple.

Purpose of this analysis is to identify the specific criteria that the manager uses to decide the organization’s competences and derive an action plan that makes the company gain competitive advantage.

Elements of sustainable competitive advantage

Four criteria for sustainable competitive advantages

Analysis sustainable competitive advantage of Samsung vs. Apple

Based on these four criteria, companies develop sustainable competitive advantage.

To create a competitive sustainable advantage, companies should have a strategy that cannot be duplicated. Another firm should not easily develop them. They should have the good, services or processes to ensure that they are able to cater towards the requirements of the consumers (McGrath, 2013) Companies should develop sustainable advantage for a long period of time by ensuring that all the four criteria required has been met.

In Samsung Corporation, they believe that they have the vertical integration and capability to produce large volumes of products for the consumers. Product design, brand image and integration between the various products are the sustainable competitive advantage of Apple (Menzel, 2014). Apple has a considerable closed network and brand image that is considered to be an elite premium product. Product diversification is more in Samsung and the sheer volume of numbers is higher for Samsung.

Both these companies have established a strong strategic market for their products. The competitive advantage that has been developed by these companies is a by-product of their strategic management (Menzel, 2014).

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