


宝缇嘉(Bottega Veneta)崇尚并集中体现了品质、工艺、独家和奢华。他们销售高品质的奢侈品和精美的皮具和鞋子制造。古驰公司成立于1921年。它成功地树立了巨大的品牌形象,并在充满挑战的时期保持了下去。古驰于2001年收购了宝缇嘉。现在它们都属于开云集团(Kering),这是一家由法国跨国公司组成的集团。



2. 品牌描述(使命-愿景-情绪板)



在为奢侈品牌制定目标定位时,需要考虑两个因素:时尚宣言和高端战略。溢价策略是付出更多,获得更多的质量(Atsmon, Dixit, and Wu, 2011)。它还应该关注独特的因素

上图是通过观察分析和公司品牌资产分析得出的。这是基于对该地区几家经营公司的分析(Chevalier, and Mazzalovo, 2008)。新的高级定制系列应该把重点放在流行的排他性因素上,使产品对公司当前的市场基础更具吸引力


Quality, craftsmanship, exclusivity and luxury are espoused and epitomized in the brand Bottega Veneta. They sell high quality luxury goods and fine leather goods and shoes manufacturing. Gucci Company was founded in the year 1921. It has managed to garner immense brand image and has sustained through challenging times. Gucci acquired Bottega Veneta in the year 2001. Now they all belong to the Kering a French Multinational group of companies.

For this particular research there has been analysis of the market and analysis is drawn after a mixture of primary and secondary research. A combination of primary and secondary data is used to deliberate about the product launch. Initially there is discussion about the new product, market analysis of the product, strategic marketing plan, campaign and financial analysis of the promotional has also been divulged in detail. Risk factors for the product has also been factored in after the analysis. From this the conclusions has been drawn for the product.

1.1About New Product in the proposed market.

2. Brand Description (Mission –Vision – Moodboard)

2.1 Target position

The target position for the brand will be a mix of luxury strategy, fashion strategy and premium strategy.

Two factors need to be considered while developing a target position for the luxury brand it is the fashion statement and the premium strategy. Premium strategy is pay more and get more quality (Atsmon, Dixit, and Wu, 2011). It should also focus on the unique factor

The figure above was drawn based on the observational analysis and the brand equity analysis of the company. This is based on analysis of a few companies operating the region (Chevalier, and Mazzalovo, 2008). The new couture line should focus on building on the prevalent exclusivity factors to make the product more appealing to the current market base of the company

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