


幾十年來,由於實現高度支持和一致的過程面臨着無數的挑戰,許多組織都將績效管理視爲一種不可避免的罪惡。執行工作的大約一半最終產生消極或有限的結果。因此,戰略一致性方法對於組織中績效管理系統的成功至關重要(Platts 2000)。在麥當勞的商業環境中,也有一個重要的需要採取全面的方法來管理績效,如開發、跟蹤和利用人類的績效。許多因素阻礙或促成了這種戰略一致性,這是實施和開發強大的績效管理系統的關鍵要求(Ferreira和Otley 2009)。





因此,這個系統不能像插曲一樣運行,而是必須保持連續性。在每個過程和管理策略與績效管理系統之間必須有有機的、清晰的一致性。這可能包括但不限於溝通、團隊合作、能力、進步和進步、學習和發展。如果沒有戰略上的協調,績效管理系統將無法支持已建立和現有的業務規劃和業務組織的流程(Kaplan和Norton 2001)。通過跨組織的有效溝通,管理者和員工將尋求、審查並同意爲組織設定的目標。


For a number of decades, performance management has been identified as a necessary evil across a number of organizations because of the myriad of challenges to implement a highly supported and consistent process. Approximately half of the efforts of implementation end up producing negative or limited results. Hence, a strategic alignment approach becomes crucial for the success of performance management system in an organization (Platts 2000). In the business setting of McDonalds, there is also a significant need to take a comprehensive approach to the management of performance such as developing, tracking and leveraging performance of human. A number of factors hinder or contribute to such strategic alignment that is a crucial requirement for implementing and developing strong systems of performance management (Ferreira and Otley 2009).

With key focus on the business organization of McDonalds that consists of a highly diversified work force, this essay will argue that in designing a remuneration and performance management system, there must be a consideration of strategic alignment approach to be successful.

Factors affecting Performance Management System

Recommending Strategic Alignment Approach for Performance Management System

Benefits of Strategic Alignment Approach

Therefore, the system must not move as episodes, rather it has to maintain continuity. There must be organic and clear alignments between every process and the management strategy with the performance management system. This may include but is not restricted to communication, team work, competencies, advancement and progression, learning and development. Without the strategic alignment, the system of performance management will fail in supporting the well- established and existing operational planning and the processes of business organization (Kaplan and Norton 2001). By effectively communicating across the organization, managers and the work force will seek, review and agree to the objectives set for the organization.

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