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本文主要讲现代汽车公司的利润分析,现代汽车的盈利能力从2011年到2015年一直在下降。毛利率和营业利润率都有所下降,这意味着这一年的利润率有所下降(Holton, 2012)。公司的开支增加了,利润却减少了。销售收入也略有下降。从2011年到2015年,公司的资本使用回报率和股本回报率也有所下降。这些比率表明组织从投入资本中获得回报的能力下降了。在此期间,权益减少了,非流动负债增加了。然而,双龙汽车公司的利润率却显示出了公司的负面表现。在此期间,公司的销售收入和盈利能力有所下降。本篇加拿大论文代写文章由美国论文人EducationRen教育网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The profitability ratios the profitability of Hyundai Motors has decreased from the year 2011 to 2015. The gross profit margin and operating margin has decreased which means the profit margin has decreased over the year (Holton, 2012). The expenses of the company have increased, and the profits have decreased. The sales revenue has also been decreased slightly. The return on capital employed and return on equity of the company has also been decreased from the year 2011 to 2015. The ratios show the ability of the organization has decreased to generate returns from the invested capital. The equity has decreased, and noncurrent liabilities have increased over the period. However, the profitability ratio of Ssangyong Motor company shows the negative performance of the company. The sales revenue and profitability of the company has decreased during the period.
The current ratio of Hyundai Motors has increased in the initial, and it has decreased in the later period. However, the current ratio is above one which means the performance of the company is good and would be able to pay the obligations. It has decreased with the increase in current liabilities and increase in current assets (Gowthorpe, 2008). The acid test ratio has also been decreased which means the company will not be able to convert its resources into liquid cash. The current ratio and acid test ratio of Ssangyong Motor Company has decreased over the period, and the values are below one. Thus, it shows that the company will face difficulties to pay its obligations.
From the year 2011 to 2015, the net asset turnover of the Hyundai Motors Company has been declined. The sales revenue of the firm has decreased slightly, and the company is not efficiently utilizing resources (Robinson, 2009). The capital investment is not appropriately utilized by the company. The net asset turnover of Ssangyong Motor has increased from the year 2011 to 2015 which shows an increase in sales revenue.


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