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弹跳健身公司为公司在各大城市的员工提供创新的健身项目。公司希望确保工作场所的多样性,所有员工都得到平等对待。它想要确保员工工作以满足他们的内在潜力(Precision Group, 2012)。Bounce fitness公司的基础是一个简单的商业事实,即让员工参加健身项目将降低公司的成本。公司的目标是每年增加注册人数,并将收购成本降低4%。它想要确保员工、客户和公司的目标通过这个过程得以实现。


Bounce Fitness为消费者提供可定制的服务。他们专注于为消费者提供便捷的服务。所观察到的总的市场趋势是人们对健康日益关注。人们想要确保他们是健康的,这一比例已经从19%上升(Precision Group, 2012)。在各组织中,重新承诺确保雇员的健康。这里有很多健康套餐。自2000年以来,劳动大军中的女性人数大幅增加(Shields et al., 2015)。1600万个新的工作岗位将被增加到劳动力中,而没有足够的熟练工人来满足这些需求。因此,公司需要确保现有的熟练劳动力是健康的,以满足他们自己的需求。妇女工人人数的增加、该区域工人人数的增加和对更多熟练工人的需要以及人民对保健的重视程度的提高是所观察到的一般市场趋势。


Bounce Fitness Company is used to serve the corporation in the metropolitan areas by providing the staff with the innovative wellness programs. The company wants to ensure that there is diversity in the workplace and all the employees are treated equally. It wants to ensure that the employees are made to work to meet their innate potential (Precision Group, 2012 ). The Bounce fitness company is based on the simple business fact that it would cost a company reduction in cost by enrolling the employees in a fitness programs. The target and goals of the company are to increase the number of enrollments per year and reduce the costs of acquisition by four percent. It wants to ensure that the employees, customers and the objective of the company are reached by the process.


Bounce Fitness is providing customizable services for the consumers. They are focused on providing with ease and convenience in service for the consumers. The general market trends that are observed are the increasing concerns of the people over fitness. The people want to ensure that they are healthy and this ratio has increased from 19% (Precision Group, 2012). In the organizations, there is renewed commitment towards ensuring health of the employees. There are a number of wellness packages that have been included. The number of women in the workforce has increased considerably from 2000 (Shields et al., 2015). Sixteen million new jobs are going to added into the workforce and there are not enough skilled workers to meet these needs. Hence, the companies need to ensure that that current skilled workforce is healthy for them to meet their own requirements. Increase in women workers, increase in the number of workers and the need for more skilled workers in the region, and increase importance towards health by the people in general are the general market trends that are observed.

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