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在公司内部,薪酬等级和结构的管理被认为是非常极端的。所有非管理人员的雇员都受到同样的待遇。不同的员工可能做不同的工作,他们中的一些人可能有额外的才能,但他们得到的待遇是一样的。这并不保证实践中的公平(Borwn & Armstrong, 1999)。同样是那些拥有更多技能的非管理人员,与组织中的“巴士男孩”相比,他们仍以类似的标准被评判,他们或许会在外部市场赚得更好。这对MC来说是个大问题。


MC遵循成本防御策略和机械式组织工作。因此,它可能没有花必要的时间根据工作之间的内部公平关系来确定成本和支付做法。基本上,一个具有良好薪酬结构的组织应该有一个固定的薪酬线(Ashton, 1996)。然后,他们将使用某种形式的最低或最高工资等级,并根据工作和工人的熟练程度允许在工资等级之间重叠(Nister, 2012;爱德华兹,&埃文,1996)。


The management of pay grade and structure within MC is seen to be very extreme when the bonus is structured in. All employees who are non-managerial are treated in the same way. Different employees might do different forms of work, some of them might have extra talent and yet they are treated the same. This does not assure equity in practices (Borwn & Armstrong, 1999). The same non-managerial person with more skills, who is still judged by a similar yardstick compared to a bus boy of the organization, would perhaps earn better in the external market. This would be a major issue for MC.


MC follows a cost defender strategy and a mechanistic organizational working. Hence it might not be dedicating the necessary time for determining costs and pay practices according to internal equity relationships among jobs. Primarily an organization with a decent pay structure would have an established pay line (Ashton, 1996). They would then design for the pay grades using some form of a minimum or maximum with overlapping allowed between pay grades based on the job and proficiency of worker (Nister, 2012; Edwards, & Ewen, 1996).

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