


二十国集团峰会机制是在2008年全球金融危机加剧时建立的,体现了二十国集团成员构建全球经济平台的决心。二十国集团成为国际经济合作的主要论坛。重新考虑同样的问题,很明显,这一过程创造了密切的关系,在困难时期形成了联合的潮流(Baldwin和Simon, 2009)。这表明,在经济全球化深入发展的时代,各国合作是应对挑战、实现共同发展的关键。发展中国家的增长对国际增长极为重要。


但是,全球再平衡的需要不能被认为是一个零和游戏,需求在彼此之间轮转(Ngone, 2008)。主要目标是提振增长,促进全球增长更加平衡。作为一个重要的例子,20国集团增长地图/框架下的首尔行动计划应该反映出全球发展与增长的双赢关系(Aslund, 2009)。



The summit mechanism of G20 was set up during the hike of global financial crisis in the year 2008 that demonstrated the determination of G20 members for building up the platform of global economy. Thus, the G20 turned out to be premier forum for the cooperation of international economy. Reconsidering the same, it is well evident that this process has created a close relation forging a joint tide during difficult times (Baldwin and Simon, 2009). This proves that in an era of deepened globalization across the economy, cooperation across nations is crucial for meeting challenges and achieving mutual development. Growth across developing nations is extremely important for international growth.

Led by the emerging markets triggered by fast growth, developing nations have started to make key contribution in the global growth. They can be seen as leading players for recovering global trade, with increased demand for import, matching up that of advanced economies (Yongding, 2004). The links of developing nations have started to grow and expanding, perceiving the notion that there is potential for contributing to global growth that is not restricted to the emerging poles of market growth. In the G20, currently the key focus is on reducing large imbalances at external level.

But the need to rebalance global cannot be considered as a game of zero sum, with the rotation of demand across one another (Ngone, 2008). The key objective is focused on lifting growth and bringing more balance in global growth. As a significant example, the Action Plan of Seoul, emerging out of G20 Growth MAP/ Framework should be reflecting the win- win interconnections of global development and growth (Åslund, 2009).

In the current era, international economic cooperation and global economy have ended up reaching a crucial juncture point. This juncture seeks questions like: Is there a possibility of strengthening the fundamental base for global growth and recovery while changing the scenario of crisis? Is there a possibility of seizing the past opportunity presented by breakthroughs of technology followed by a new industrial usher and revolution in a new era of global growth? This can be answered by the consideration of common action. This research will focus on understanding the effectiveness of IGOs in general, while further specifying the research to a case study that is of G20 mechanisms. The research question set for this report is:“How G20 helps in providing an effective process to maintain a cooperative link between emerging nations and developing nations?” As mentioned, for conducting this research, the methodology of case study will be used based on which key findings will be interpreted and analyzed, moving ahead to draft key conclusion.

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